Reason for Zunar’s head on chopping block

By Steve Oh

While the history of political cartooning makes for a good read on a lazy afternoon over the weekend, it is easy to understand why books like ‘Cartoon-o-phobia’ and other books of political caricature by Malaysia’s contemporary Malaysiakini cartoonist, Zunar – full name, Zulkiflee Anwar Hague – are banned.

One man’s humour may be another politician’s downfall.

Until I did some research for an article on William M Tweed, the 19th century corrupt New York politician whose bête noire, Thomas Hast and his political cartoons ridiculing the political boss of New York, I had not realized the enormous power of caricature.
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Cartoons, yellow tees, now ties – what’s next?

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jul 15, 11

‘When are they going to learn that Bersih, when it’s in the rakyat’s hearts, cannot be removed from the rakyat by banning yellow ties and T-shirts?’

Police to tighten noose against Bersih neckties, too

DannyLoHH: Is there a way to file a class suit against the police and the home minister for their unconstitutional and unlawful outlawing of all things Bersih?

Wearing a Bersih shirt or shirt with the word ‘Bersih’, or even just the Bersih logo should not be illegal as we are a democratic country. Wearing a Bersih shirt does not mean we are a member of the ‘outlaw organisation’ nor does it necessarily mean we’re providing (material) support the organisation.
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Zunar gets ‘courage in editorial cartooning’ award

Malaysiakini | May 24, 11

Cartoonist Zulkiflee SM Anwar Ulhaque, popularly known as Zunar, will receive an international award for his work, featuring unyielding criticism of political follies in Malaysia.

The US-based Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI) has chosen Zunar as this year’s recipient of its Award for Courage in Editorial Cartooning at its annual gala event on July 7 in St Petersburg, Florida.
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Cartoons are no threat to public order, Utusan is

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘Cartoons can cause public disorder? Then what do you call the writings by Utusan and the two pro-Umno bloggers?’

‘Terrible accusations’ in Zunar’s cartoon books

Mt KK: Never in any country have I learnt that cartoon books created public disorder or even banned. Indeed, many people, except Malaysiakini fans, may not have heard or read about Zunar’s cartoons. This ban has made it more popular.

My copy of Zunar’s cartoon book has been circulated to more than two dozens people so far. All enjoy the candid illustrations and not one was agitated enough to cause any disorder. They only felt upset at the ways the Home Ministry arbitrarily took actions and/or made partial decision to go after any matter not in favour of Umno leaders.
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