Stop selective prosecution and discriminatory law enforcement – haul the persons responsible for the Zahid poison pen letter calling for Najib’s ouster to court but also prosecute all who disseminate lies or lodged false police reports against Opposition leaders

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said that the police have received over 20 police reports over the poison pen letter purportedly written by him urging BN parliamentarians and senators to pressure for the ouster of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

He said he did not want to be involved (in the investigation) but he had been informed that the police were conducting a thorough investigation together with the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to find the source (of the letter).

He told reporters: “I am sure whoever this is will face the legal consequences from the government.”

I agree that Malaysia has recently descended to the abyss of the politics of lies and falsehoods to create scare, fear, disharmony and hatred among the people and this deplorable political culture should not be allowed space and room to fester, which will poison not only politics in Malaysia but also the process of nation building to build a show-case of a successful harmonious multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-lingual and multi-cultural plural nation in this troubled world.

Those responsible for the poison pen letter dated Dec. 9 which had circulated through social media and WhatsApp purported to be from Zahid and urged BN parliamentarians and senators to pressure Najib Abdul Razak to step down was delivering a very low and despicable blow.

But who was really responsible for the Zahid poison-pen letter? Continue reading “Stop selective prosecution and discriminatory law enforcement – haul the persons responsible for the Zahid poison pen letter calling for Najib’s ouster to court but also prosecute all who disseminate lies or lodged false police reports against Opposition leaders”

Zahid Hamidi should tender apology to Maria Chin and Tony Pua and take immediate action to restore their fundamental democratic right to travel freely overseas

The ban on Bersih Chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah from travel overseas confirms the age-old maxim “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” and the need for constant vigilance as well as effective checks-and-balance against abuses and excesses of power.

But what has come as a surprise is that the former PAC Chairman Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed should be afflicted by this human failing so quick and fast less than a year after his appointment as Deputy Home Minister when he said yesterday that the government need not have to give reasons for barring Maria Chin from leaving Malaysia.

The ban on Maria Chin from travelling overseas is wrong on three grounds. Continue reading “Zahid Hamidi should tender apology to Maria Chin and Tony Pua and take immediate action to restore their fundamental democratic right to travel freely overseas”

Zahid’s claim that Malaysia wants to be top 30 of some 200 countries by 2020 as non-corrupt country busted by Najib’s twin mega scandals, causing Malaysia to be ranked third among the world’s “worst corruption scandals in 2015”

Malaysia has this week achieved the dubious international dishonour of being named the third most corrupt country in the world because of Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s RM2.6 billion donation and RM55 billion 1MDB twin mega scandals.

This has busted Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi’s claim that Malaysia wants to be the top 30 by 2020 as a non-corrupt country, as with Malaysia ranked third with the world’s “worst corruption scandals in 2015”, as nobody believes that the goal of Malaysia becoming the top 30 out of some 200 countries in the world in 2020 in terms of being least corrupt is within the realm of reality or practicability.

When Najib became Prime Minister in 2009, one of his major policy initiatives was the National Transformation Programme in which anti-corruption was one of the primary agendas.

Some seven years later, Najib’s National Transformation Programme proves to be a great failure when it suffered an irreparable damage as Malaysia was named third place in the ForeignPolicy website ranking of the world’s “worst corruption scandals in 2015”. Continue reading “Zahid’s claim that Malaysia wants to be top 30 of some 200 countries by 2020 as non-corrupt country busted by Najib’s twin mega scandals, causing Malaysia to be ranked third among the world’s “worst corruption scandals in 2015””

The five government scandals this year which show that UMNO/BN Federal Government is utterly insensitive to the rights and concerns of all Malaysians regardless of race, religion or region

This is the 43rd parliamentary constituency I am visiting as part of the “Solidarity with Lim Kit Siang & Mana RM2.6 billion?” nation-wide campaign since I was suspended from Parliament on Oct. 22, 2015 for six months – – not because I had stolen, robbed or killed anyone, but because as elected representatives, we have the right and obligation to demand full accountability from the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for his RM2.6 billion “donation” and the RM50 billion 1MDB twin mega scandals.

Although it will not be possible for me to visit all the 222 Parliamentary and 576 State Assembly constituencies in the country during the period of my six-month suspension from Parliament, I will try to visit more than 50 per cent of the 222 Parliamentary constituencies in the country by the time I am allowed to return to Parliament – with a strong and unmistakable mandate from Malaysians from all over the country, embracing all races, religions and regions in the country, to demand that Najib must fully account for the twin mega scandals.

Undoubtedly today, one of the greatest concerns in everyone’s minds, even to the Malay Rulers who even issued a rare joint statement on the 1MDB scandal on Oct. 6, are the two questions: where the RM2.6 billion “donation” in Najib’s personal banking accounts came from, and where they have gone to.

For six weeks during the budget parliamentary meeting, Najib and the Ministers had taken MPs from both sides of the House for a ride, giving the promise that the government would be completely forthcoming and answer all questions relating to the RM2.6 billion “donation” scandal on the last day of Parliament, only to renege on the last sitting of Parliament on Dec. 3 with a three-minute Ministerial Non-Statement by the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi disclosing absolutely nothing at all.

Did Najib, Zahid or any government minister offer any apology or express any contrition to Members of Parliament and the nation for the government being caught so red-handed in breaking its promise and breaching its trust to Parliament and the country?

None at all. In fact, the Ministerial benches seem quite proud of such perfidy! Continue reading “The five government scandals this year which show that UMNO/BN Federal Government is utterly insensitive to the rights and concerns of all Malaysians regardless of race, religion or region”

Challenge to Deputy Prime Minister-cum-Home Minister Zahid Hamidi to public debate on the National Security Council Bill as it paves the way for a dictatorship and does not safeguard public and national security

Deputy Prime Minister-cum-Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi has denied that the National Security Council (NSC) Bill which was passed in indecent haste by Dewan Rakyat 107 to 74 votes in a late-night sitting on Thursday had any political motive or gave absolute power to the Prime Minister.

Zahid claimed that the NSC bill was to strengthen enforcement in comprehensively looking after the security of the people in the country and the full executive power is not with the Prime Minister but with the National Security Council as had been done before with Poca and Pota, namely, the crime prevention law and terrorism prevention law.
He further claims that overall, the NSC Bill is aimed at safeguarding public and national security.

I challenge all these claims by Zahid and I further challenge Zahid to a public debate on the NSC Bill as it paves the way for a dictatorship and does not safeguard public and national security.

The public debate could be held in Kuching, Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur, Penang or Johor Baru and I leave it to Zahid to decide on anyone or even at all of these five venues. Continue reading “Challenge to Deputy Prime Minister-cum-Home Minister Zahid Hamidi to public debate on the National Security Council Bill as it paves the way for a dictatorship and does not safeguard public and national security”

Zahid should make a Ministerial statement in Parliament on Monday on his role in vouching for the integrity of Paul Phua, international gambling kingpin when in US custody last year

The ghost of his unilateral and unauthorised letter to the FBI vouching for the character and integrity of Paul Phua, the international gambling kingpin when in United States custody last year, has come back to haunt the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who has since been elevated to be Deputy Prime Minister.

This follows the publication yesterday of the 18-page report by the international sports news agency, ESPN, from a year of interviews with investigators and Phua’s associates across eight countries and sifting through thousands of pages of court documents.

The ESPN report traced the humble beginnings of the “Reputedly the world’s biggest bookmaker, Sarawakian Paul Phua Wei Seng” from “a numbers runner in Borneo” and his graduation from a “ small time player to jet-setting high-stakes roller whose links to high-ranking officials in many countries and a fabulous legal team allowed him to slip the trap” laid by the US authorities and walked free form a Las Vegas court in June this year.

According to the ESPN’s investigative report, Phua made his name in the shadows of a 1997 football match-fixing incident that came to be known as the Floodlights Affair. Continue reading “Zahid should make a Ministerial statement in Parliament on Monday on his role in vouching for the integrity of Paul Phua, international gambling kingpin when in US custody last year”

Was Zahid afraid to ask FBI whether Najib is being investigated by the US Department of Justice under the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative 2010 for fear of an affirmative answer?

Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi had an interesting encounter in his current visit to the United States.

In a report from Washington earlier today, Bernama quoted Zahid as saying that the issue of 1MDB was not a major focus of a probe by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Ahmad Zahid, who is on a working visit to the administrative centre of the United States said 1MDB was not raised at all during his meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry and also in discussions with senior FBI officers.

He told Malaysian journalists in Washington:

“Nothing on 1MDB was raised by the FBI or John Kerry or any party that I met when I was in Washington.

“(1MDB) is not a big issue to them at all.

“”Maybe the issue is big as it is shouted about in the country (Malaysia) because in our country it is used as a political issue.”

Zahid had said nothing new, for he had not rebutted the New York Times report of Sept. 22 that a US federal grand jury is examining allegations of corruption involving Najib and people close to him under the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative 2010. Continue reading “Was Zahid afraid to ask FBI whether Najib is being investigated by the US Department of Justice under the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative 2010 for fear of an affirmative answer?”

Great misfortune if instead of being a national wake-up call to Malaysians to rise above personal and party interests and unite to resolve the national confidence crisis, the historic Rulers’ Statement on Oct. 6 becomes a new source of national discord and division

It will be a great misfortune for Malaysia if instead of being a national wake-up call to all Malaysians to rise above personal and party interersts and to unite as Malaysians to resolve the national crisis of confidence, the historic Rulers’ Statement of Oct. 6 becomes a new source of national discord and division.

The government has taken more than 48 hours to craft an official response in the form of the statement by the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi, who said that the probe on 1MDB must follow due process, and should not be hastened or delayed.

He said that any decree by the Conference of Rulers was viewed positively and the government had taken proactive steps to address it.

Such a statement actually says nothing, as it is the classic strategy of adopting a form of language which seems to agree with the concerns expressed by the Rulers while continuing with the directions and approaches which had given rise to the Rulers’ concerns in the first place.

The danger of the Rulers’ statement becoming a subject of national discord and division could be seen from the response of the UMNO Vice President and Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein who said it was presumptuous to say the Malay Rulers have lost trust in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s leadership when they called for transparency in investigations into 1MDB and for wrongdoers to be punished. Continue reading “Great misfortune if instead of being a national wake-up call to Malaysians to rise above personal and party interests and unite to resolve the national confidence crisis, the historic Rulers’ Statement on Oct. 6 becomes a new source of national discord and division”

Malaysia’s “riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma” – how to change a Prime Minister who has locked up support of the UMNO warlords

Some 75 years ago, a statesman spoke about a “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma”.

We in Malaysia seems to be in that position now – how do you change a Prime Minister, who has become the most unpopular Prime Minister in the nation’s history, but who seems to have locked up the support of UMNO warlords and therefore the majority of UMNO/Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament, where a vote of no confidence in Parliament against the Prime Minister seems to hold no chance of success.

In developed parliamentary democracies, which Malaysia aspires to join in five years’ time, there is no problem for a change of unpopular Prime Ministers as witnessed the smooth and quick ouster of the Prime Minister of Australia in the middle of this month.

If Australia practises Najib style of parliamentary democracy, Malcolm Turnbull would not be the Australian Prime Minister today but would be in jail defending charges of trying to “topple” Tony Abbot as Prime Minister and for “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy”!

Yesterday, former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir said that the country’s economy can only recover with the removal of Najib as Prime Minister. Continue reading “Malaysia’s “riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma” – how to change a Prime Minister who has locked up support of the UMNO warlords”

IGP Khalid’s admission that issues of no-confidence motion are neither police nor criminal matters most welcome as country faces various political possibilities before the 14th GE

I welcome the belated admission by the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar that the police should not interfere in any no-confidence vote in Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, as in the absence of criminal elements, such matters are for the political parties themselves to resolve.

Specifically, the IGP said the police will not interfere in the allegation against a senior UMNO politician that he is attempting to unseat Prime Minister Najib through a vote of no confidence in Parliament.

Khalid told Malaysiakini: “This does not involve the police. We are only concerned with attempts to topple the government or prime minister through undemocratic means.”

I had earlier in the day asked Khalid to declare whether the police have found any plot to topple the elected government by violent or unconstitutional means as it is now ten days since the new Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi had launched a rampage with his tall tale of a heinous and treacherous plot to topple the elected government in Malaysia.

I said the Police should not allow Zahid to send them on a “wild goose’s chase” under Section 124B of the Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” when changing the Prime Minister or government is a legitimate process of parliamentary democracy – provided this is carried out in a peaceful, democratic and constitutional manner without resort to violent or unconstitutional means.

In fact, the very persons who should be investigated and even prosecuted under Section 124B of the Penal Code should include people like Zahid who are illegally and unconstitutionally abusing the legal process to deny the parliamentary democratic process from carrying out one of its functions – to change the Prime Minister or government of the day through the democratic process! Continue reading “IGP Khalid’s admission that issues of no-confidence motion are neither police nor criminal matters most welcome as country faces various political possibilities before the 14th GE”

Ten days have passed, IGP Khalid should declare whether the police have found any plot to topple the elected government by violent or unconstitutional means

For ten days, the new Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi had been on a rampage with his tall tale of a heinous and treacherous plot to topple the elected government in Malaysia, aimed at sending the country into a frenzy with two objectives:

• to distract the nation from the twin scandals of 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s personal bank accounts; and

• to neutralise and flush out potential challengers to his new-found position as the heir-apparent to the highest office of the land.

He even got the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar to play second fiddle by getting the police to go on a “wild goose’s chase” to investigate police reports based on Zahid’s claim of a plot by an Umno leader to topple the government under Section 124B of the Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy”. Continue reading “Ten days have passed, IGP Khalid should declare whether the police have found any plot to topple the elected government by violent or unconstitutional means”

Zahid challenged to produce evidence to substantiate his allegation of a plot to topple the government by unconstitutional or violent means

The new Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi has talked enough nonsense about a plot to topple the Government by unconstitutional or violent means

In Kota Belud this morning, Zahid told the Kota Belud Umno division that the Government could have been toppled by undemocratic means if no steps had been taken to prevent it from happening.

He said he was compelled to reveal the plot involving the opposition and some “retired” leaders to put a stop to their plans. Continue reading “Zahid challenged to produce evidence to substantiate his allegation of a plot to topple the government by unconstitutional or violent means”

I believe three million UMNO members want UMNO to “Save Malaysia” to become United Malaysians National Organisation instead of degenerating to become Abdul Aziz Kaprawi’s United Morons National Organisation

I do not know whether to laugh or to cry when I read that the Sri Gading UMNO chief and deputy transport minister, Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi told his division’s meeting in Parit Raja, Johore yesterday that the Arabs donated RM2.6 billion to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to fight off “Jewish backed” DAP because DAP was a threat to Islam in the country.

Does Abdul Aziz think that UMNO has degenerated to become United Morons National Organisation and no more United Malays National Organisation as to believe in such trash by a power-hungry UMNO neophyte who has no political principles or scruples to concoct bald-faced lies and falsehoods?

It is shocking that Abdul Aziz’s moronic speech was made in the presence of the new Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, as if Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi has become the new chieftain of the United Morons National Organisation in Malaysia!

What a contrast between Parit Sulong and Parit Raja UMNO Divisional meetings although they are just adjacent UMNO divisions.

So near and yet so far! Continue reading “I believe three million UMNO members want UMNO to “Save Malaysia” to become United Malaysians National Organisation instead of degenerating to become Abdul Aziz Kaprawi’s United Morons National Organisation”

PAS “supports” no-confidence vote against Najib – I’ll believe it when I see it

(Scroll down for English text)

“Sokongan” PAS kepada undi tidak percaya terhadap Najib – Saya akan percaya hanya apabila ia benar-benar berlaku

Timbalan Presiden PAS Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man dan pengarah pilihanraya PAS Mustafa Ali telah menyatakan bahawa PAS akan menyokong undi tidak percaya terhadap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Tuan Ibrahim dan Mustafa Ali bukan Ahli Parlimen, dan kenyataan mereka bahawa PAS akan menyokong undi tidak percaya terhadap Najib di Parlimen itu hanya saya akan percaya setelah mereka benar-benar melakukannya.

Pakatan Rakyat berkubur setelah tujuh tahun memikul harapan dan keyakinan rakyat tidak mengira kaum, agama, atau daerah, ke arah perubahan politik kerana PAS di bawah pimpinan Presiden-nya, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang, tidak boleh dipercayai dan kata-katanya tidak boleh dipegang sebagai janji.

Berkali-kali PAS di bawah Hadi melanggar komitmen dan janji mereka, sama ada janji untuk setia terhadap Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat mahupun prinsip muafakat yang bermakna tidak ada satu parti atau seorang pemimpin mana-mana parti boleh membatalkan atau melanggar keputusan yang dicapai menerusi Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat, sama ada berkenaan ketetapan untuk bertanding satu lawan satu di semua kerusi Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri pada pilihanraya umum ke-13, keputusan untuk melantik Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor atau keputusan sebulat suara bahawa rang undang-undang hudud atau sebarang usul persendirian PAS berkenaan hudud akan dibawa ke Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat sebelum dikemukakan di Parlimen. Continue reading “PAS “supports” no-confidence vote against Najib – I’ll believe it when I see it”

IGP should ensure that police single-mindedly focus on fighting crime to make Malaysians safe instead of playing the game of their political masters like probing Zahid’s ridiculous claim of a campaign to topple the government

The Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar should ensure that the police focus single-mindedly on fighting crime to make Malaysians safe in their homes, offices and public places instead of playing the game of their political masters like probing the Deputy Prime Minister-cum-Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi’s ridiculous claim of a campaign to topple the government, when no offence has been disclosed.

Khalid was very proud to say yesterday that the police had received three reports in relation to Zahid’s calim that there is a campaign to topple the government and that the reports will be investigated under Section 124B of the Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” which carries maximum penalty of 20 years in jail.

Did Khalid sense the nation-wide gasp of disgust and disbelief that the police under his leadership are continuing to squander scarce police resources and precious police time to play the game of their political masters and go on a wild goose chase when the police priority should be an unerring agenda to slash the crime rate to make Malaysia a safe country for citizens and investors?

Firstly, can Khalid explain what offence had been disclosed by the so-called three police reports based on Zahid’s claim that there is a campaign to topple the government? Continue reading “IGP should ensure that police single-mindedly focus on fighting crime to make Malaysians safe instead of playing the game of their political masters like probing Zahid’s ridiculous claim of a campaign to topple the government”

Is Zahid referring to Muhyiddin as the UMNO leader plotting to topple the Najib government?

I am intrigued by the latest news reports online quoting the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi as saying that an Umno leader is leading an attempt to topple the Najib government “using the backdoor”.

Citing “trusted sources”, Zahid said there is an attempt to obtain statutory declarations (SD) of opposition and Barisan Nasional MPs to claim that they have the voice of the majority.

Is Zahid referring to former Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who though sacked at DPM is still the UMNO Deputy President or some other UMNO leader?

Be that as it may, “toppling” Najib as Prime Minister is no crime and cannot fall under the ambit of Section 124B of the Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” as this is part and parcel of parliamentary democracy, unless the proposed “toppling” of the Prime Minister and the government is by “violent and unconstitutional” means. Continue reading “Is Zahid referring to Muhyiddin as the UMNO leader plotting to topple the Najib government?”

Why is the newly-minted Director of Strategic Communications breathing panic and fear – is he afraid that the Najib government where he had swiftly ascended in power and influence may suddenly collapse like a house of cards?

The Housing and Local Government Minister, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, said today that Sabah and Sarawak, as the backbone of Barisan Nasional, must be consulted before the Prime Minister is changed.

Nothing exceptional in such a statement, although it had not earlier occurred to the newly-minted Barisan Nasional Director of Strategic Communications who hails from Sabah, or he would have demanded that before Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was sacked as Deputy Prime Minister and removed as the next-in-line to be Prime Minister if Datuk Seri Najib Razak has to step down or before Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi appointed as new Deputy Prime Minister, Sabah and Sarawak should be consulted first.

But Abdul Rahman would have been the first to dismiss any such suggestion at the time to consult Sabah or Sarawak before the Cabinet reshuffle on July 28 whether for the sacking of Muhyiddin as DPM or the appointment of Zahid as the new DPM, considering his “strategic” role in Najib’s “1MDB war cabinet”.

Why now, then, for the surfacing of the question of consulting Sabah and Sarawak on the appointment of Prime Minister of Malaysia? Continue reading “Why is the newly-minted Director of Strategic Communications breathing panic and fear – is he afraid that the Najib government where he had swiftly ascended in power and influence may suddenly collapse like a house of cards?”

All Malaysians must be incensed and outraged by Zahid’s contemptible justification for the immediate and punitive transfer of two MACC directors to PM’s Office

All Malaysians must be incensed and outraged by the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi’s contemptuous and contemptible justification for the immediate and punitive transfer of two Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) directors to the Prime Minister’s Office.

Zahid claimed that the transfers of the two MACC directors, special operations division director Datuk Bahri Mohamad Zin and strategic communications director Datuk Rohaizad Yaakob were not linked to a police investigation against them, and that it was ordinary for public servants to be transferred at any time and to any other agency.

He said: “It has completely nothing to do with the action by the Royal Malaysia Police against the two senior officers; in fact, I think it is only an administrative matter conducted by the Public Services Department.

“Every government officer is subject to circulars and general orders, and there is even an oath signed during their appointment.

“As such, I don’t think this issue should be politicised.” Continue reading “All Malaysians must be incensed and outraged by Zahid’s contemptible justification for the immediate and punitive transfer of two MACC directors to PM’s Office”

Zahid’s guarantee of no more arrest of MACC officers welcome but there must be full inquiry of why and whether there were “hidden hands” behind the “seven-day of madness in Putrajaya” with Police and MACC on war footing against each other

The guarantee by the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that there would be no more arrests of MACC officers by the police, only to take their statements, is welcome but this cannot be the end of the sorry story of the “seven-day of madness in Putrajaya” with Police and the MACC on war footing with each other.

There must be a full inquiry of who were responsible and whether there were “hidden hands” behind the “seven-day of madness in Putrajaya”, when there was a complete breakdown of orderly governance and the rule of law in the country.

This inquiry into the “seven-day madness in Putrajaya” of Police-MACC “warring” must be a full, independent and comprehensive one, even in the form of a Royal Commission of Inquiry or by way of a Parliamentary Inquiry, to ensure that there could be recurrence of this “seven-day madness in Putrajaya”.

Clearly, the prompt and strong protests by DAP, PKR and Gerakan Harapan Baru leaders and Members of Parliament, with the visit to the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya yesterday, as well as adverse public reactions against such gross abuses of police powers, interfering with the MACC’s role to fight corruption, had not been completely in vain.

We in the DAP, PKR and Gerakan Harapan Baru cannot stay silent to allow the MACC, which has already disappointed Malaysians in being unable to act with independence, impartiality and professionalism to combat corruption, to be further undermined and subverted by the powers-that-be. Continue reading “Zahid’s guarantee of no more arrest of MACC officers welcome but there must be full inquiry of why and whether there were “hidden hands” behind the “seven-day of madness in Putrajaya” with Police and MACC on war footing against each other”

Zahid owes Malaysians an explanation and apology for the canard that “several Malaysians” had directed Justo to tamper with the PSI emails and documents when it is not true

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report and allegation of July 3, 2015 that Malaysian government investigators have found US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) deposited into Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s personal bank accounts in AmBank in March 2013 just before the dissolution of Parliament and the holding of the 13th General Election was a stone that killed two birds – both a boon and a bane for the UMNO/BN coalition.

It was boon for the besieged MARA Chairman, Datuk Seri Annuar Musa, the Minister for Rural and Regional Development, Datuk Seri Salleh Apdal and to a lesser degree, the Prime Minister himself for it completely overshadowed the breaking story of the RM100 – 200 million MARA Inc property corruption in Melbourne.

Calls for the sacking of the MARA Chairman and Board of Directors for their gross negligence and irresponsibility over MARA Inc’s property corruption scandal in Australia were completely drowned by the tidal waves created by the WSJ report. (Has Annuar, whose tenure as MARA Chairman ended yesterday, been rewarded with re-appointment as MARA Chairman?)

But it was more of a bane for the powers-that-be in the UMNO/BN coalition for it virtually killed the painstakingly-orchestrated campaign to turn the tables after some five years of being under attack on the 1MDB scandal and to go on the offensive by fully exploiting the arrest in Thailand of the Swiss national and former IT executive of PetroSaudi International (PSI), Xavier Andre Justo on June 22. Continue reading “Zahid owes Malaysians an explanation and apology for the canard that “several Malaysians” had directed Justo to tamper with the PSI emails and documents when it is not true”