“Malaysians want fundamental change, and they want it now!”

Statement by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
September 23, 2008

I write this as a Malaysian, as someone who, over forty seven years of political life, has had the privilege of playing some small part in the formation our country, the building of its institutions, and our achievement of a degree of economic sufficiency. I write out of deep concern about the present state of our country.

In the lives of nations as of individuals, there come moments of profound possibility, when the potential for self-transcendence and for self-destruction are simultaneously present.

As before some critical examination in our youth, we come to the daunting realization that we hold our future in our hands, when how we will fare many years hence, and whether we shall flourish or languish, will depend on how we conduct ourselves now, in this small window of time.

We are in a political impasse that threatens to metastasize into a Constitutional crisis. Political crises come and go, but the present crisis might well be the beginning of a cascade of failures leading to long-term instability and destruction. Continue reading ““Malaysians want fundamental change, and they want it now!””

Abdullah fights for his political life – will Najib “sink or swim” with him?

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has decided to fight for his political life.

The question is who will be the protagonists in the looming “battle royal” in UMNO – and what are the stakes involved.

Will the protagonists in the Umno Presidential battle be Abdullah vs Najib, or will Najib “sink or swim” with Abdullah in a Abdullah-Najib battle against the rest?

What are the stakes involved? This question would be obtuse or even stupid in the past five decades when whoever is Umno President is automatically the Prime Minister.

But this is no more the case after the two political tsunamis in the past six months – the first in the general election of March 8 and second in the Permatang Pauh by-election on August 26.

As a result, the battle to be the Umno President at the end of the year is no more automatically about who is to be the next Prime Minister but probably the next Parliamentary Opposition Leader.

Although Umno Information Chief Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib Monday yesterday slammed as “opportunists” those who leaked information on matters discussed in the party’s supreme council meeting (which includes Muhammad himself), the facts remain uncontradicted that at last Thursday’s Umno Supreme Council meeting, Abdullah was pressured to have a quicker exit plan and not wait until mid-2010 according to his earlier power transition plan with Najib. Continue reading “Abdullah fights for his political life – will Najib “sink or swim” with him?”

With seismic events afoot, who do you believe?

(1) KUALA LUMPUR: An English daily’s report that certain Umno Supreme Council members had asked Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to speed up the transition plan at their meeting on Thursday was inaccurate, Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said yesterday.

(2) In Shah Alam, Umno information chief Tan Sri Muhammad Mu-hammed Taib said members who supported the call for Abdullah to speed up the transition of power to his deputy were not supporting the Pakatan Rakyat’s moves to wrest control of the Federal Government.

One of the two Umno leaders-cum-Ministers is telling a lie. Which one?

The marvel is that these gems of contradictions appear in the same report in Star today, “Hishammuddin: English daily’s report inaccurate”.

Hishammuddin was referring to Star’s front-page report yesterday “Pak Lah under pressure to exit” by Joceline Tan, viz: Continue reading “With seismic events afoot, who do you believe?”

Abdullah – release Teresa, RPK, Tan and withdraw from precipice of new Malaysian dark age

Part 2 – LKS
Part 3 – LKS
Part 4 – Q and A
Part 5 – Teresa’s parent
Part 6 – Dr Hatta

DAP leaders, MPs and State Assembly representatives are gathered in this media conference, together with the parents of Teresa Kok, DAP National Organising Secretary, Selangor Senior Exco Member and MP for Seputeh, to condemn in the strongest possible terms the arrest under the Internal Security Act (ISA) of Teresa, Raja Petra Kamaruddin and the senior Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng.

We deplore these ISA arrest and attacks on the media and the blogosphere which also constitute a violation of the Multimedia Super Corridor Bill of Guarantees of no Internet censorship, as the ISA detention of the RPK, the live wire of Malaysia Today news portal, is as good as Internet censorship despite formal government unblocking of the news portal.

Instead of a 916 “sky change” or “political change”, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has orchestrated a 912 “sky-change” of his own, with the ISA arrests and threats to the media and the blogosphere, marking the failure of his premiership to usher in a more open, accountable and democratic administration.

It shows how little things have changed in his five years as Prime Minister – with hardly any structural and institutional reforms or changes as all the repressive laws and institutions have remained intact, just kept in abeyance awaiting to be reactivated, as has happened! Continue reading “Abdullah – release Teresa, RPK, Tan and withdraw from precipice of new Malaysian dark age”

Ahmad Ismail’s 3-year Umno suspension – “water off a duck’s back”

The Umno Supreme Council’s three-year suspension of Umno Bukit Bendera Umno division chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail of his Umno membership for his provocative, inflammatory and racist reference of the Malaysian Chinese as “penumpang” is too little, too late and too ineffective.

For Ahmad, the Umno Supreme Council decision is just like “water off a duck’s back”.

All these three attributes of the Umno Supreme Council decision being “too little, too late, too ineffective” were instantly evident from the immediate press conference held by Ahmad after the Umno Supreme Council decision yesterday, viz:

• Firstly, Ahmad remained defiant and unremorseful for his provocative, inflammatory and racist statement maintaining that he would not apologise although he accepted the Umno Supreme Council’s decision on him;

• Secondly, Ahmad declared that his “suspension” would not stop him from being active in the party, albeit unofficially, as he cannot hold posts defined in the party constitution, adding: “If my division is smart enough and creates a new post, such as division advisor, I can still be advisor.”

• Thirdly, he announced immediate plan to tour the country and explain to Umno divisions about the matter, and declared: “I promise one thing – I will make a comeback to Umno.”

• Fourthly, Ahmad’s defiance and total lack of remorse is not just individual bravado but clearly had powerful UMNO backing as indicated by the fact that he held his immediate press conference at the Umno headquarters at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur which was attended by the Umno Secretary-General Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor. Continue reading “Ahmad Ismail’s 3-year Umno suspension – “water off a duck’s back””

Racist Ahmad Ismail provocation – will 13 Penang Umno division leaders be disciplined too?

What action will the Umno Supreme Council take at its emergency meeting today to end the15-day national furore over Ahmad Ismail’s provocative, inflammatory and acist “penumpang” reference to Malaysian Chinese – a simple and straightforward issue which should have been nipped in the bud when it surfaced publicly on August 26 instead of being allowed to snowball into a “no-holds-barred” political and nation-building crisis escalating into the Bukit Bendera Umno divison chairman:

• Warning the Chinese in Malaysia not to mimic American Jews in seeking to control the country’s economy but also its political power;

• Wanting Gerakan to leave the Barisan Nasional;

• Demanding that Gerakan acting president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon should be stripped of his post as the state Barisan chairman and the post be given to the MCA; and

• Public tearing of a picture of Tsu Koon.

What would have ensued if there had been a public tearing of the picture of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi or the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuik Seri Najib Razak by a Gerakan division leader of Chinese or Indian descent? Continue reading “Racist Ahmad Ismail provocation – will 13 Penang Umno division leaders be disciplined too?”

We are all “pendatangs”

Jac Tan emailed a very interesting and timely blog from Syed Iman’s kuda ranggi.

Syed Imran is an Arab-Malaysian born in Penang, Malaysia, ex-Bernama journalist (1971-1998) and former press secretary to Minister in PM’s Department.

Syed Imran provides a Bangsa Malaysia voice in the nation-wide furore which had erupted as a result of Ahmad Ismail’s irresponsible, opportunist and racist reference of Malaysian Chinese as “pendatang” and “penumpang”.

Syed Imran blogged:

“Secara peribadi, saya tidak setuju dengan apa yang didakwa dikata oleh Ahmad Ismail atas beberapa sebab.

“Bagi saya, hampir 90 peratus rakyat Malaysia, khususnya di Semenanjung, adalah pendatang dan kita semua sebenarnya menumpang hidup di bumi Allah. Kita bukan pemilik kekal tetapi hanya menumpang…

“Kita adalah kaum pendatang yang menumpang hidup di negeri ini. Golongan yang boleh diiktiraf sebagai orang asal atau anak bumi tulen adalah mereka yang kita kenali sebagai Negrito, Jakun, Semang, Jahut, Orang Laut, Orang Darat, Senoi dan suku kaum masyarakat Asli lain yang masih menjadi penghuni belantara.

“Kita semua adalah rakyat Malaysia.”

Syed Imran’s blog touching on the lineage of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir, Home Minister, Syed Hamid Albar, Ahmad Ismail himself should be compulsory read for the agent provocateurs out to sabotage the realisation of a Bangsa Malaysia – whether by constant keris-wielding or the canard of “pendatang” and “penumpang”. Continue reading “We are all “pendatangs””

A Racist Start to Ramadhan

By Farish A. Noor

It is not often that I sermonise in my articles, and it has been a month since the OtherMalaysia.org research project was brought to a close. Yet despite everything the tone and tenor of Malaysia’s convoluted politics and the country’s slide into decline forces us to take stock of how far Malaysia has travelled over the past 50 years of its independence, or hasnt.

With the feeble administration of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi teetering on the verge of implosion and collapse, Malaysians are preparing themselves for the worst to come. Since 2004 Malaysia has in fact been running on autopilot, a point made clear to me by a European diplomat who once asked me ‘Is anyone running this country and does Badawi even know what is going on?” Coccooned from the realities of a society that has experienced large scale and even traumatic changes, the Badawi government proved itself to be totally dislocated and clueless over what was happening. Continue reading “A Racist Start to Ramadhan”

Ahmad Ismail revolt – when will Abdullah stop his flip-flops and demonstrate that he is Prime Minister for all Malaysians

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi suffered two mortal political blows within a short period of six months – the first “political tsunami” of March 8 general election which smashed UMNO’s political hegemony, ended Barisan Nasional (BN)’s unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority and drove BN into the Opposition in five states now run by Pakatan Rakyat governments and the second “political tsunami” in the August 26 Permatang Pauh by-election, where Anwar Ibrahim stormed back to Parliament with a thumping majority of 15,524 votes after an enforced absence for a decade.

Who would have thought that Abdullah’s third mortal political blow could have struck so fast and so devastatingly as to plunge his image, credibility, authority and legitimacy as Prime Minister to their lowest point since he took over from Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad as the fifth Prime Minister less than five years ago?

And this third mortal political blow to Abdullah was primarily self-inflicted, the direct result of his flip-flops over Bukit Bendera Umno division chief, Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s racist reference to Malaysian Chinese as “penumpang” in the country.

In this instance, Abdullah out-flip-flopped himself as he took at least five different positions in the past two weeks, viz: Continue reading “Ahmad Ismail revolt – when will Abdullah stop his flip-flops and demonstrate that he is Prime Minister for all Malaysians”

Pakatan Rakyat leadership council condemns racism of Ahmad Ismail and Penang Umno leaders

Kenyataan Akhbar

8 September 2008

Pakatan Rakyat Menjunjung Prinsip Perlembagaan Persekutuan

Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat yang bersidang pada hari ini 8 September 2008 dengan ini menegaskan penolakan kami terhadap usaha-usaha menyemarakkan politik perkauman yang sedang dilakukan oleh UMNO akhir-akhir ini. Kami amat bimbang isu ini sekarang digunakan untuk mengelabui pandangan rakyat yang sebenarnya merupakan usaha terdesak untuk menyelamatkan kepentingan segelintir golongan elit politik dan kroni mereka.

Kami sekali lagi mengulangi pendirian menjunjung prinsip-prinsip dasar yang termaktub di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Ini termasuk soal-soal dasar seperti kedudukan Islam sebagai Agama Persekutuan dan menjamin kebebasan mengamalkan agama-agama lain, kedaulatan Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan dan mempertahankan hak bahasa ibunda, kedudukan dan kedaulatan Institusi Raja-Raja Melayu serta kedudukan hak-hak istimewa orang Melayu dan Bumiputera serta hak-hak semua kaum yang telah dijamin oleh Perlembagaan.

Berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip Perlembagaan ini kami menolak sekeras-kerasnya pendekatan politik perkauman sempit yang menjadi dasar UMNO-BN. Pendekatan inilah yang sengaja digunakan untuk memecahbelahkan perpaduan dan keharmonian masyarakat majmuk negara ini. Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat leadership council condemns racism of Ahmad Ismail and Penang Umno leaders”

Revolt by Ahmad Ismail and 13 Penang UMNO divisions latest and probably most critical challenge to Abdullah’s power-transition plan

The revolt by UMNO Bukit Bendera chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail and 13 Penang Umno divisions backing Ahmad’s stance of no apology for his offensive, insensitive and racist reference to the Chinese as “orang tumpang” is the latest and probably the most critical challenge to Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s power transition plan.

It is even more serious than the defection of support of the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and his quitting Umno as it is a direct challenge to the political and moral authority of Abdullah as UMNO President and Prime Minister shaking the very basis of his power base in Umno.

If the Penang Umno example is emulated by Umno divisions in other states, then Abdullah’s days as Prime Minister and Umno President are numbered, forcing him into an earlier departure than the June 2010 timetable he had set for himself under his power-transition plan to hand over power to his deputy, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Continue reading “Revolt by Ahmad Ismail and 13 Penang UMNO divisions latest and probably most critical challenge to Abdullah’s power-transition plan”

Apology for mistake that Najib’s “apology” blacked out by Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian

In my media statement this morning, I had stated five reasons why Umno Deputy President Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s apology on behalf of Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail for the latter’s derogatory, offensive, insensitive and racist reference of the Chinese as “squatters” and untrustworthy Malaysians is inappropriate, inadequate and unacceptable.

For the fifth reason, I had said:

“Fifthly, the bona fide of Najib’s apology comes into question when this news is blacked out in the Malay mainstream newspapers owned and controlled by UMNO, in particular Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian. A check with Bernama online shows that Najib’s apology is reported in Bernama’s English news but blacked out in Bernama’s Bahasa Malaysia news.

“With such media manipulation of his apology, how much is one to believe Najib when he said that Ahmad’s statement did not reflect the position and attitude of Umno or the leadership of Umno?”

I now withdraw my statement with reference to Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian as I have found that it is a mistake, for Utusan Malaysia reported it in page 2 under the heading “UMNO minta maaf kenyataan Ahmad – TPM” while Berita Harian reported it in page 2 under the heading “Umno anggap kenyataan pandangan Ahmad”.

I apologise to Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian for this mistake. Continue reading “Apology for mistake that Najib’s “apology” blacked out by Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian”

5 reasons why Najib’s apology on behalf of Ahmad inappropriate, inadequate and unacceptable

There are at least five reasons why Umno Deputy President Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s apology on behalf of Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail for the latter’s derogatory, offensive, insensitive and racist reference of the Chinese as “squatters” and untrustworthy Malaysians is inappropriate, inadequate and unacceptable.

Firstly, why is there no public response from Ahmad Ismail himself, who have shown no sense of contrition or remorse whatsoever in the past nine days for his racist slurs of the Malaysian Chinese? Is Ahmad Ismail fully confident that he has the mainstream support of Umno leaders and members, encouraging him to show contempt for the nation-wide furore?

Secondly, how can Najib’s second-hand apology on behalf of Ahmad Ismail be acceptable when Ahmad continues to be defiant and unrepentant? Even if Ahmad Ismail tenders an apology, the question of its adequacy will arise, following the precedent set by the Cabinet in the Wee Meng Chee case over his “Negaraku” rap video-clip last year, when the Cabinet rejected Wee’s apology as inadequate.

Many police reports have been lodged against Ahmad for violating the Sedition Act. Is Najib’s apology meant to be a message to the Police and the Attorney-General that Ahmad should get off scot-free instead of having to face the full weight of the law?

Thirdly, Najib should apologise on behalf of himself and not on behalf of Ahmad as Najib had failed to take immediate or prompt action to reprimand Ahmad for the latter’s racist and seditious speech at a Permatang Pauh by-election ceramah on August 24 which was attended by Najib. Continue reading “5 reasons why Najib’s apology on behalf of Ahmad inappropriate, inadequate and unacceptable”

Chinese “squatters” in Malaysia – why no MCA/Gerakan ultimatum in PP by-election?

In the past three days, spokespersons and branches of MCA and Gerakan and their youth sections have been protesting in the media against the racist remark by the Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail during the Permatang Pauh by-election campaign making derogatory reference to the Malaysian Chinese as “squatters” in the country.

Daily protests are being made in the MCA and Gerakan, including calling for MCA and Gerakan to quit the Barisan Nasional, if top Umno leaders do not take strong disciplinary action against Ahmad.

Ahmad’s speech was reported in the Chinese media on Monday, 25th August 2008 – the eve of the Permatang Pauh by-election on August 26.

Why didn’t the MCA and Gerakan Ministers and leaders take a strong stand on Monday itself to issue an ultimatum that Ahmad apologise and withdraw the racist remark, failing which they would pull out of the Barisan Nasional by-election campaign in Permatang Pauh? Continue reading “Chinese “squatters” in Malaysia – why no MCA/Gerakan ultimatum in PP by-election?”

Permatang Pauh by-election – who is the silliest of them all?

1. The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi?

The loss suffered by the Barisan Nasional in the Permatang Pauh by-election should not be read as an emerging trend for other constituencies.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi stressed that while the loss was something to be concerned about, the situation had not reached a “worrying level” as Barisan Nasional still controlled 140 seats after the March 8 general election.

“We can still continue with the government. We are aware of the mandate given to us and we will work hard to deliver,” he said. (The Star 28.8.08)

“After all, the last general election gave us a strong victory. We are only eight seats short of a two-thirds majority, it is not that we lost by 20 or 30 seats, only eight seats. We have a very strong government.” (New Straits Times 28.8.08)

Comment: Barisan Nasional achieved “a strong victory” in the March 8, 2008 general election? Abdullah must be living in a completely different world, when he could console himself as having achieved “a strong victory” what had been described as a “political tsunami” with BN candidates falling like nine-pins, sending the BN into the Opposition in five states and ending the hitherto unbroken BN two-thirds parliamentary majority?

Abdullah is in double trouble – he has not woken up from his slumber and he is suffering from terminal denial syndrome. Continue reading “Permatang Pauh by-election – who is the silliest of them all?”

Gerakan somersault and Tsu Koon in sackcloth

After dropping a bombshell proposing that Gerakan quit the Barisan Nasional as UMNO had not learnt from the lessons of the March 8 “political tsunami” in continuing with its racist and communal politicking, Gerakan Wanita chief and deputy information minister Datuk Tan Lian Ho has done a somersault.

She was front-page Chinese newspaper headline banner news yesterday but within hours, she backtracked and clarified that the “quit BN’ call was not her suggestion but that of some Gerakan delegates.

Never mind that she had said yesterday that she was prepared to risk her post as deputy minister for speaking up, the question is why the somersault?

Backing her call yesterday, Gerakan national vice chairman and Perak Gerakan chief Datuk Chan Ko Youn said 80 per cent of the Gerakan delegates in Perak support the “quit BN’ call.

Gerakan Youth leaders have also told the press that at least half of the Gerakan Youth members support the party leaving the Barisan Nasional. Continue reading “Gerakan somersault and Tsu Koon in sackcloth”

Gerakan leaders – take a stand against Umno’s racist politics in the Permatang Pauh by-election and not wait until October

Both the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Gerakan acting President Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon were greatly embarrassed yesterday when they were asked questions about the call by the Gerakan Wanita chief Datuk Tan Lian Hoe that Gerakan quit the Barisan Nasional.

Speaking at the Perak Gerakan annual delegates conference in Ipoh, Tan, who is also Deputy Information Minister, said the party should pull out from the BN due to Umno’s unabated and unabashed racial politics that had hurt the sentiments of non-Malays and non-Muslims.

She whacked Umno for continuing to play racial politics and not learning from the harsh lessons meted out by voters in the recent March general election.

Another Gerakan leader, national vice chairman and Perak Gerakan chief Datuk Chan Ko Youn is quoted in the media as saying that 80% of the Gerakan delegates in Perak supported Gerakan’s pull-out from the BN.

Both Tan and Chan are right and Koh wrong – as Umno has clearly not learnt the lessons of the March 8 “political tsunami”, when Malaysian voters transcended their racial, religious and even political differences to vote as one Malaysian people for unity, freedom, justice and democracy in Malaysia. Continue reading “Gerakan leaders – take a stand against Umno’s racist politics in the Permatang Pauh by-election and not wait until October”

Storming of Bar Council forum – Had Umno plotted for the extreme reaction?

Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said yesterday that the Bar Council’s persistence in going ahead with a forum on conversion to Islam has triggered extreme reaction from certain quarters, which in turn would threaten the country’s harmony.

He added that he had expected the extreme reaction to occur as the council ignored advice to call off the forum.

Is this an admission that UMNO had plotted for the extreme reaction to the Bar Council forum on religious conversions in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday – including the deplorable and disgraceful police conduct in submitting to the ultimatum by demonstrators threatening to storm into the Bar Council auditorium to disrupt the forum if the half-day forum was not ended by 10 am?

This must be the first time in the history of the Malaysian police force where it had openly and publicly submitted to the threats of demonstrators to commit an offence, i.e. to storm into a private property to disrupt a lawful meeting!

Can the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan and the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar defend and justify the shocking failure of the police to uphold law and order on Saturday? Continue reading “Storming of Bar Council forum – Had Umno plotted for the extreme reaction?”

Permatang Pauh by-election watch – three intriguing snippets

Today is no different from the past 11 days – the media awash with news about the August 26 Permatang Pauh by-election battle royale since Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail’s resignation as Member of Parliament on July 31 to pave the way for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s return to Parliament after the lapse of a decade.

There were three intriguing snippets today.

1. UMNO Youth leader Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein’s statement that it will be a moral victory for UMNO if the Umno candidate in the Permatang Pauh by-election can keep the deposit! He was commenting on a Parti Keadilan Rakyat boast to make the Umno candidate lose his deposit in the by-election, when attending the Spell-It-Right National Challenge in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. (Sin Chew)

2. Report that Hishammuddin and his Deputy UMNO Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin may be declared “persona non grata” and banned from campaigning in the Permatang Pauh by-election so as not to drive away Chinese votes – the former because of his previous three “keris-wielding” episodes and the latter for his previous allegation that “Malays in Penang have been marginalized”. (Kwong Wah Yit Poh)

3. Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir said in a forum on current challenges faced by the Malay community in Kuala Terengganu that he would rather migrate if Anwar topples the Barisan Nasional and becomes Prime Minister.

Mahathir was confident that Anwar will not become Prime Minister by September 16 although he was sure the Pakatan Rakyat leader and Parti Keadilan Rakyat adviser would be victorious in the Permatang Pauh parliamentary by-election this Aug 26. (Mingguan Malaysia)

Continue reading “Permatang Pauh by-election watch – three intriguing snippets”

Why not BN-PR talks rather than Umno-PAS talks?

Who would have thought that the RM100 million spent last year to celebrate the 50th Merdeka anniversary celebrations proved to be so short-lived and ephemeral, making so little impact on the Malaysian psyche and nation-building process to unite all citizens with the common sentiment and vision that they are Malaysians first and Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans and Orang Asli second!

This is why one of the fundamental questions confronting Malaysians today is: –

Why not Barisan Nasional-Pakatan Rakyat talks instead of Umno-Pas talks if the top national priority is to save Malaysia from being a “failed state” and establish that on the eve of the 51st Merdeka anniversary, we are Malaysians first and Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans, Orang Asli second and not vice versa?

This is particularly pertinent as the great challenges of Malaysian nation-building today concerning justice, freedom, solidarity, integrity and progress can only be addressed in an effective and meaningful manner through BN-PR talks and not through Umno-Pas talks.

The proposal by the PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat that the implementation of Islamic hudud and qisas laws, among other things, be the basis of Umno-PAS co-operation and even merger, has raised serious concerns. Continue reading “Why not BN-PR talks rather than Umno-PAS talks?”