Why, why, why?

By KJ John | May 18, 11

Why would the ‘naughty boy of Malaysian journalism’ Utusan Malaysia carry such a headline as Kristian agama rasmi? (Christianity as the official religion?), when it is probably not the truth, not reality either, and not possible, and never in the minds or hearts of any Christian.

Christians are generally rational and not merely emotional but we also seek to love every neighbour at the end of the day. And yet the recalcitrant publication accused all Christians with one sweep of their ink-spill. And, most terribly, even the government of Malaysia’s initial reactions were also ‘idiocratic’ to say the least.

I am really upset, hurt, and therefore insist and ask Utusan for an apology for hurting our feelings and sense of dignity; of every Christian in Malaysia.
Continue reading “Why, why, why?”

TI-M chief confirms no ‘Christian Malaysia’ pact

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | May 18, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 — There is no pact between Christian and DAP leaders to turn Christianity into the constitutional religion of Malaysia, Datuk Paul Low asserted today.

The Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) president, who was an invited guest speaker at the Unashamedly Ethical Conference (UEC) on May 5 in George Town, vouched for the organisers of the event and stressed that the only pledges which were presented then were anti-corruption pledges.

“I categorically confirm that no pact or pledge for Christianity as an official religion or for a Christian prime minister was made on the evening of May 5 or at any time during the conference,” Low told reporters here today.
Continue reading “TI-M chief confirms no ‘Christian Malaysia’ pact”

Many wrongs won’t make Ibrahim right

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘Why then the moment someone mentioned the volume of azans, the ISA was quickly used against Selangor exco Teresa Kok?’

Nazri: No action against Ibrahim Ali

Phoenix Star 88: I always thought de facto law minister Mohamad Nazri Abdul Aziz was one of the better leaders in Umno, but now it seems that even he has started to go with the flow.

If a Christian leader had used the word ‘crusade’ in response to the controversial article in Utusan Malaysia, he would likely be detained under the ISA and people will be hopping mad as if it’s the end of the world.
Continue reading “Many wrongs won’t make Ibrahim right”

Nazri opens floodgates to religious hatred

May 18, 11

‘Does it mean we can all now make seditious and insensitive remarks without any repercussions? This has gone out of line.’

Nazri: No action against Ibrahim Ali

Roberts: De facto law minister Mohamad Nazri Abdul Aziz misses the point. Yes, it is true that hundreds of irresponsible bloggers of all colour and creed have made sensitive comments to hurt and inflame other communities. But they are individuals.

Perkasa is a registered organisation and Malay daily Utusan Malaysia is a licensed newspaper. Can they act in the same wanton abandon as irresponsible bloggers and tweeters?

Rape is rampant in Malaysia – do we want to condone it by saying that it is the norm? Corruption is rampant – shall we then legalise it? Drug addiction is widespread, shall we let it be and say it is the norm? Crime is widespread these days – shall we do nothing about it?

There will always be irresponsible individuals, but when institutions like Perkasa and a national daily act recklessly, then our society will really go down the drain, for these institutions represent our collective conscience and morality. Continue reading “Nazri opens floodgates to religious hatred”

Nazri: No action against Ibrahim Ali

By S Pathmawathy | May 17, 11

No action can be taken against Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali over his warnings of violence against the Christian community as such remarks are now a Malaysian norm, said de facto law minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz.

No matter how unsettling such remarks are, Malaysians therefore “need to live” and “be mature” in dealing with such characters as Ibrahim and his ilk since social platforms and media such as Twitter and blogs have allowed statements such as Ibrahim’s to proliferate beyond the government’s ability to proscribe – or punish – them, he added

“It’s difficult to take action against Ibrahim now with the existence of Twitter and blogs … because we cannot be selective in our prosecution,” he told Malaysiakini when contacted today.
Continue reading “Nazri: No action against Ibrahim Ali”

A very dirty and very dangerous game!

By Ahmad Mustapha Hassan | May 16, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

MAY 16 — In sports, games can be made dirty and sometimes fatal. But they only involve the players and nobody else. But in the case of politics, when the game becomes dirty and dangerous, the country and the people will suffer. There are no gainers and even the perpetrators themselves will suffer. Their aim is to destroy their opponents with no compunction as to what happens to the country. We have to beware of such political shenanigans!

The current coalition of parties in power, especially the main player Umno, is in a state of panic. The length of time that they had been in power had made them flabby in their thinking and actions. They simply cannot comprehend that their actions and the actions of their cahoots are wrong and detrimental to the welfare of the people. Their blind support for the grave mistakes by their agents proves their inability to grasp the seriousness of these actions. They pass the blame on others for the blunders made by these agent provocateurs.
Continue reading “A very dirty and very dangerous game!”

10 days in May (12)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Can PM in Oxon speech pass Najib test 4Global Movement Moderates 2″censure reject their own extremists” eg IAli/Utusan? http://bit.ly/jA4P1Y

Has Najib forgotten his UNGA speech: “real issue is not between Muslims n non-Muslims but between moderates n extremists of all religions”?

Remember Najib? “Across all religions we have inadvertently allwd ugly voices of periphery 2drown out many voices of reason n common sense.”

Purpose of Najib’s “Global Movement of the Moderates”? 2combat n marginalize extremists who have held world hostage w their bigotry n bias!
Continue reading “10 days in May (12)”

‘Some Basis’ to Malaysian Christian Plot: Minister

By Hazlin Hassan – Jakarta Globe | May 14, 2011

Kuala Lumpur. A new twist emerged in Malaysia’s latest religious row yesterday when Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said there was “some basis” to an Utusan Malaysia report which claimed that there was a Christian conspiracy to replace Islam as the country’s official religion.  

The Malay-language paper had published a front-page article alleging that Christian pastors were plotting with the opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP) to install a Christian prime minister and make Christianity Malaysia’s official religion.   Continue reading “‘Some Basis’ to Malaysian Christian Plot: Minister”

DAP claims Umno backing Perkasa’s crusade threat against Christians

By By Clara Chooi
| May 16, 2011
The Malaysia Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 16 — The DAP rebuked the government today for refusing to punish Datuk Ibrahim Ali over his crusade threat against Christians, declaring this as proof that Umno backs the leader’s controversial Malay rights group Perkasa.
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng described Perkasa as Umno’s “alter ego” while his deputy Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham said both parties were playing a game of “good cop, bad cop” to woo Malay support.

“We have always believed that Ibrahim Ali is working hand in hand with Umno. Umno is using Perkasa to stir up Malay fear to force unity and make them support Barisan Nasional (BN). Continue reading “DAP claims Umno backing Perkasa’s crusade threat against Christians”

Like Utusan, Perkasa will get off scot-free

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘It’s interesting to note that although there is no ambiguity that Ibrahim Ali was inciting unrest, there is not a squeak from Hishammuddin.’

Perkasa ready to crusade against ungrateful Christians

Jiminy Qrikert: There were about 200 people at Umno’s ‘Save Selangor’ launch in Shah Alam last year. The ‘Save Selangor’ roadshow fizzled out even though it covered the predominantly Malay areas of the state. Three hundred people turned up at Perkasa ceramah in Alor Setar despite a call for 30,000. Then there was the near-empty lecture hall for Pembela’s talk on ‘defending Islam’.
Continue reading “Like Utusan, Perkasa will get off scot-free”

Ibrahim Ali’s jihad against a fictitious foe

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers
May 16, 11 8:18am

`If they don’t arrest Ibrahim Ali, we know Umno is involved. If this is not incitement of racial and religious hatred, I don’t know what is.’

Perkasa ready to crusade against ungrateful Christians

Quigonbond: Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali is no help to Najib Razak for saying the prime minister is playing a game. That means all overtures by the PM is now proven to be nothing more than a vote-getting exercise, devoid of sincerity in resolving problems.

On the other hand, what Ibrahim is doing is being syok sendiri (self-infatuation). He creates his own enemy, launches a crusade against that fictitious foe, and hopes that the enemy will respond.
Continue reading “Ibrahim Ali’s jihad against a fictitious foe”

‘No need for Najib to apologise’

By Tarani Palani | May 16, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: Umno president Najib Tun Razak does not need to apologise for the latest “Christian Malaysia” report by the party’s mouthpiece, Utusan Malaysia, says political analyst Farish Noor.

Rather it is Utusan’s editor-in-chief Aziz Ishak and other editors who should be held responsible for the report.

“If one day, Utusan starts a rumour that ‘aliens are landing in Malaysia’, would Najib have to apologise for that as well”? he told FMT, adding that although Najib was the party president, the onus cannot always fall on him.
Continue reading “‘No need for Najib to apologise’”

Ignore race rhetoric, says Talent Corp

The Malaysian Insider | May 16, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, May 16 — The man in charge of Malaysia’s talent drive wants overseas Malaysians to ignore the heightening race rhetoric in the country.

In an interview published by the Singapore Straits Times today, Talent Corporation chief Johan Mahmood Merican said that ultimately race rhetoric should not be confused with government policy.

“Ultimately, what gets implemented are the policies of the prime minister and the government,” he told the Singapore newspaper.

Johan’s comments came amid rising concerns that heightening race and religious rhetoric could derail Malaysia’s ambitious drive to attract top talent.
Continue reading “Ignore race rhetoric, says Talent Corp”

Kenapa Najib biarkan Utusan?

Husam Musa
The Malaysian Insider
May 15, 2011

15 MEI — Saya merujuk kenyataan Perdana Menteri bahawa teori menukar kedudukan Islam dalam perlembagaan negara adalah tidak wujud.

Trend Utusan Malaysia mempermainkan api perkauman dan agama — terakhir isu konspirasi Kristian – jelas membahayakan keamanan negara dan kemakmuran hidup masyarakat majmuk Malaysia.

Ia tidak membantu menguatkan Islam bahkan sebaliknya memercikkan api yang boleh melemahkan negara dan kedudukan Islam di negara ini.

Tepat sepertimana disebut Perdana Menteri sendiri,

“…semua pihak mesti membendung perasaan emosi untuk tidak membuat perkara yang boleh mengganggu-gugat keamanan, keharmonian serta kesejahteraan negara.” (Perdana Menteri; Berita Harian 12 Mei 2011)

Persoalannya, jika Perdana Menteri sedar gerakan ini membahayakan negara, kenapa Utusan Malaysia bebas menjadi ‘anak nakal’ yang tidak bertanggungjawab menabur api fitnah sesuka hati? Continue reading “Kenapa Najib biarkan Utusan?”

Ibrahim Ali is Umno

Shamsuddin Ghani
The Malaysian Insider
May 15, 2011

MAY 15 — I think it is time we stop this charade. Ibrahim Ali says he is an Independent MP and that Perkasa has nothing to do with Umno.

But we know better than to accept this nonsense from the King of Nonsense.

He is allowed by the Najib administration to plant seditious ideas everywhere, to brandish his thuggish behaviour on the national stage and insult everything decent about being Malaysian.

The police give him a free pass even though everytime he speaks he breaks a slew of laws. How can an intellectually-disadvantaged politician with supposedly no affialiation be so privileged?

Because he has the support of Najib Razak and Umno and the protection of Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Perkasa is Umno’s alter ego and was set up to give Umno the luxury of playing the chauvinist and right wing card and yet have the luxury of deniability. So Umno could assure its BN component party members that it was middle of the road while twin Perkasa targetted the vote of the Malays. Continue reading “Ibrahim Ali is Umno”

Things will get worse

Ali Kadir
The Malaysian Insider
May 13, 2011

MAY 13 — Every time Hishammuddin Hussein opens his mouth, I am reminded of two pieces of wisdom which Malaysians should take on board.

Number 1: The apple does fall some way from the tree. His father, Hussein Onn was a man of integrity, fairness and intelligence, Unfortunately for us, Hishammuddin is not his father’s son in any of those categories. Far, far from it.

Number 2: Evil happens when good men do nothing. At best, he is of average competency with a penchant for grandstanding and stock answer rhetoric.

But if Malaysians do not take matters into our hands through our participation in the voting system, he could end up as our leader!

I know it is a frightening thought but look at the paucity of leadership in Umno. Its either him, Shafie Apdal, Mukhriz Mahathir or some other average person.

And if it is Hishammuddin , just think of how bad Malaysia has become and multiply it by a few times. Continue reading “Things will get worse”

Is Najib swaying to ‘psychic’ Daim?

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz | May 12, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

Umno president Najib Tun Razak’s call for unity within Umno takes off from former finance minister Daim Zainuddin’s interview with Utusan Malaysia.


When former national economic adviser and ex-finance minister Daim Zainuddin said Barisan Nasional (BN) would lose five states in the 2008 general election, everyone laughed at him.

Former Selangor menteri besar Khir Toyo, whom Daim had actually identified to be the MB, were among the many who said the dimunitive Daim was out of touch, a pensioner and a has-been.

Daim was slapped with all kinds of other unpleasant “epitaphs” after his political demise. But when the results of the 12th general election in 2008 came around, people quickly realised how precise Daim had been.

Now when Daim speaks, Malaysia pays attention. Probably if he sneezes, Malaysia catches a cold. Continue reading “Is Najib swaying to ‘psychic’ Daim?”

Are we Umno’s prisoners of irrational fear

Mariam Mokhtar | May 13, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

Umno is bereft of conviction and hampered by weak leaders and their only course of action is to remind us of the possibility of another May 13.


Utusan Malaysia’s headline, ‘Malaysia Negara Kristian?’ (Malaysia a Christian state?), was a subtle Umno plot to warn us, that the consequences of voting for the Opposition might trigger another ‘May 13’.

The Utusan article bears all the tell-tale signs– sowing the seeds of discord and exaggerating our fears. Ever since the May 13 riots of 1969, Umno has relied on scaremongering and threats, to make Malaysians prisoners of irrational fear.

It is in Umno’s character to employ cynical tactics because it faces defeat in the 13th General Election. The opposition has captivated the electorate as seen by its successes in Sarawak and to make matters worse, PAS has rejected Umno’s overtures. Umno has run out of ideas and vision. It lacks momentum and motivation. It has reached the end of the road. Continue reading “Are we Umno’s prisoners of irrational fear”

10 days in May (7) (Updated)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

MCA President become Utusan surrogate defender when even UMNO Ministers dare not openly endorse it.How contemptible! http://ow.ly/4TF8c

@giamsk Unbelievable! Now MCA come 4ward 2defend Utusan may not b wrong/its “ChristianMsia” bogey justified! Can MCA produce evidence?

@giamsk Utusan “reprimand” 4ChristianMsia bogey.Ridiculous penalty but MCA insists defend Utusan as it may be right. CSL official MCA stand?

@giamsk Did Hishammuddin direct CSL 2b Utusan surrogate defender? UMNO VP ordering MCA President what 2say on Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey?
Continue reading “10 days in May (7) (Updated)”