Top 7 Reasons NOT To Vote BN Come GE13

by Damien Murphy Denis
May 24, 2011

Reading the latest happenings about our country is a pain for many of us. Seeing the kind of filth BN politicians churning day in and day out makes you think that Malaysia is in a state of anarchy.

Would anyone disagree? Politically, economically and socially our nation is sinking lower and it seems we are reaching the point of no return.

We were considered to be a model country at one time but today we are on the way to become the “Next Sick Man of Asia” or the next Somalia.

Can we re-claim our country from these corrupt and good for nothing BN politicians? I say we have too. And we need too. Continue reading “Top 7 Reasons NOT To Vote BN Come GE13”

Utusan warns of DAP entrapment

By Debra Chong | May 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — Umno’s Utusan Malaysia warned today the Malay community against falling for the DAP’s Malay spiel, saying it was an election ruse for the party to capture Putrajaya.

In its editorial today titled “Jangan terperangkap ‘hajat besar’ DAP” (“Don’t be trapped by DAP’s ‘grand intent’”), the Malay daily said the Chinese-majority party had grand ambitions that stretched all the way to ruling Malaysia.
Continue reading “Utusan warns of DAP entrapment”

KJ, why send your boys to a Perkasa rally?

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘Khairy is slowly being edged out of the mainstream politics in Umno by an unseen hand to be replaced by the unseen hand’s son.’

Khairy ‘whacked’ for not supporting Perkasa

Swipenter: We have heard so much about ‘Malay unity’ from Umno, Perkasa, Pekida, Pembela, etc. Khairy Jamaluddin (KJ), can you confirm to us that ‘Malay unity’ means that the Malays need to be united against the non-Malays and non-Muslims?
Continue reading “KJ, why send your boys to a Perkasa rally?”

10 days in May (29)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Rapture Day – or End of the World- on May 21, 2011 at 6 pm NEVER came. So ridiculous/silly. Reminds me of Utusan’s “Christian Msia” bogey!

But Rapture rigmarole only affect individuals while Utusan’s “ChristianMsia” cld forment strife/bloodshed if ppl really believed it: a crime

Will Cabinet tmr end silence 2finally take stand agnst seditious/treasonous Utusan “ChrstnMsia” bogey/supprt Najib’s GMoM call/endorse MMoM?
Continue reading “10 days in May (29)”

Umno must make its mind on DAP’s ‘racism’

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘Umno has been accusing DAP as a racist party, so now who is racist? While DAP is openly accepting all races, Umno is still practising 1Race politics.’

Umno VP spooked by DAP’s move into Malay territory

Disbeliever: DAP has always maintained itself as a multi-racial party despite there being more non-Malays. The way it is being put, “… (Umno vice-president) Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has exposed a plan by the DAP…” sounds as if the DAP has done something ‘evil’.
Continue reading “Umno must make its mind on DAP’s ‘racism’”

Puad: Pakatan psy-war puts Umno in peril

May 22, 11

Umno could be in peril if it fails to curb the psychological attacks mounted by the opposition, said party supreme council member, Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi.

He said the opposition’s approach was dangerous as it could influence the minds of the young who did not fully understand the history of this country and who were thinking too much about material things and freedom.

“Their thinking could be affected by negative perceptions. For example, the 1Malaysia concept is a good thing and is perceived negatively by certain quarters who could influence those with little understanding of the concept in a negative way.

“The psychological attacks are also carried out in a hit-and-run manner, by not admitting to it afterwards because they (opposition) want the people to be angry with Umno so as to weaken Malay power,” he said after opening the Umno Kota Raja division delegates’ meeting, here, today. Continue reading “Puad: Pakatan psy-war puts Umno in peril”

Umno wants Guan Eng

The Malaysian Insider
May 21, 2011

MAY 21 — Many people have ridiculed former Biro Tatanegara chief (BTN) Tan Sri Nordin Kardi for suggesting that the Democratic Action Party (DAP) is a good fit for Barisan Nasional (BN).

According to the one-time advisor to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Lim Kit Siang and company should join BN because their aspirations for a “Malaysian Malaysia” can be achieved under the prime minister’s 1 Malaysia.

That is a mixture of hyperbole and rubbish by the man who, as head of BTN, nurtured the chauvinism we witness in Umno today.

On the face of it, DAP joining BN is like the US Democrats teaming up with the Tea Party or the new reformers in Egypt joining up with Hosni Mobarak’s gang — an idea best kept in the category of impossible dreams. Continue reading “Umno wants Guan Eng”

Discovering the real Hussein Onn

Zainah Anwar
May 21, 11

These are excerpts from a speech by the writer at the launching of ‘Legacy of Honour’ – a pictorial biography of three Johor leaders.


When the Noah Foundation approached me to write about Ja’afar Onn, Onn Ja’afar and Hussein Onn (right), I jumped at the opportunity. I knew much about these three men, because my father, the late Anwar Malek, was a comrade of Onn from the 1920s when they were young government servants in Muar.

In 1946, my father, Onn who was then the district officer of Batu Pahat and Noah Omar, then a magistrate in Batu Pahat, and with three other friends spent 24 hours huddled together to discuss the formation of a United Malays Organisation, to fight against the Malayan Union.

Together they drafted the seminal letter sent to Utusan Melayu in Singapore, making a clarion call for all state-level Malay associations to come together under one umbrella to oppose the Malayan Union, which would have transferred the sovereignty of the Malay States to the king of England.

This book has been 16 long years in the making! It was a journey of blood, sweat and rewrite. But I thoroughly enjoyed the research, the interviews, the writing. Continue reading “Discovering the real Hussein Onn”

Defend the truth, not Utusan Malaysia

May 21, 11

‘They must defend Utusan at all costs as it is an Umno launch pad to attack its opponents both in and outside the party.’

Protesters issue call: ‘Defend Utusan at all costs’

David Dass: Why the need for these fierce demonstrations? Why are these people behaving as if they are under siege? Who are they trying to intimidate?

No one is demanding closure of the Utusan Malaysia. No one is questioning the rights of the Muslims. No one is questioning the place of Islam as the religion of the federation.

The complaint by many is that the editors of Utusan acted irresponsibly by publishing unsubstantiated allegations of a provocative and inflammatory nature, which if believed could cause tension between Muslims and Christians.

Is it wrong to complain when someone does something that is clearly wrong? Are these groups defending Utusan despite its wrongdoing?

Are the rights of non-Muslims going to be subject to the dictates of the mob? Are non-Muslims, as taxpaying citizens of this country, also not entitled to protection? Continue reading “Defend the truth, not Utusan Malaysia”

BN must respect next GE result

by John Inbaraj
The Malaysian Insider
May 21, 2011

MAY 21 — Great Men talk of Ideas, Average Men talk of Things, and Small Men talk of other Men. If I choose to be kind, I can best rate the Malaysian government as average.

In the days of old, our leaders were visionaries, people who talked of great plans and ideas for the country. They had quality — the likes of Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn.

Whether or not their visions and policies achieved their desired goals, they were genuine Malaysians with a heart for the nation. There were others on the sidelines who stood strong to ideals and contributed unselfishly to nation building.

However, the prime minister after that, the great Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, began the systematic dismantling of the principles of democracy and the downward slide of an entire nation. He is widely seen as the man who almost single-handedly destroyed the basic instruments of parliamentary democracy. Continue reading “BN must respect next GE result”

10 Days in May (22)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Day 15 – Y Hisham-CSL duet still silent on seditious/treasonous Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey? Hope everybody forget abt it? Fat chance.

Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey multiple test 4Najib as PM – 1Msia, GMoM call, whether BN leaders r extremists moderates or opportunists

This is Y on 1st day Parliament 13June asking Najib abt bona fide of GMoM when extremism reign supreme w Utusan case/jihad agst Christians

Will KTK tell Najib no point 2continue as National Unity Minister when Msia never more divided despite 1Msia slogan bcos of uMNO extremists?

Is it wrong to speak of peace, asks Guan Eng

By Susan Loone | May 20, 11

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has slammed certain quarters for miscontruing his Wesak Day message as an attempt to incite non-Muslims to anger against Muslims.

Lim, who is DAP national secretary-general, said he was perturbed that a message which contained elements of peace and harmony could be condemned.
Continue reading “Is it wrong to speak of peace, asks Guan Eng”

‘Save Utusan, long live the Malays’

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | May 20, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 20 — Perkasa and Umno today urged Malays to protect Utusan Malaysia at all costs, claiming the broadsheet remained the only “true” voice for the Malay race.

Both groups attacked Pakatan Rakyat (PR) parties for “unfairly” portraying Utusan as a racist paper and said the Umno-owned daily provided balanced reporting, unlike opposition papers and news portals.

“Utusan Malaysia is the official voice of the Malays, as long as Utusan lives, the Malays will live.
Continue reading “‘Save Utusan, long live the Malays’”

Bishop hails ex-cop’s exoneration of Christians

By Terence Netto | May 20, 11

Catholic Bishop Dr Paul Tan Chee Ing said he found “greatly heartening” the comments made by former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim in a letter to Prime Minister Najib Razak that described Utusan Malaysia’s reports of a Christian plot to usurp Islam’s special status as “artificial” in nature.

The Jesuit-trained prelate who is bishop of the Melaka-Johor diocese and concurrently president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, said:
Continue reading “Bishop hails ex-cop’s exoneration of Christians”

A few good men in Umno is needed

By Wong Mun Chee

Without pandering into the state of the present day UMNO, I really don’t care if UMNO wins or Pakatan wins but in fairness for all Malaysians, our elected representatives should ensure policies and governance implemented is able to ensure just and fair treatment for all Malaysian irrespective of their origin.

We had fair and wise leaders in UMNO’s yeterdayyears like Onn Jaafar, TAR, Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak & Tun Hussain Onn yet what we face with the current bred UMNO of leaders are a neocolonialism of non Muslim Malaysians courtesy of Dr Mahathir. As for the PAKATAN faction who seems to enjoy their limited power seems all divided as preference is again their game plan to emulate UMNO.
Continue reading “A few good men in Umno is needed”

Nazri: Free speech for all, even Ibrahim Ali

By Clara Chooi | May 20, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 20 — Standing by his decision not to haul up Datuk Ibrahim Ali for threatening a “crusade” on Christians, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz has pledged the same treatment for all similar transgressions in the future.

“It is not just the opposition politicians but also those in the Barisan Nasional (BN). In fact, anybody at all… bloggers and so on,” he told The Malaysian Insider when contacted.
Continue reading “Nazri: Free speech for all, even Ibrahim Ali”

‘Actors of influence’ in Najib government named in Wikileaks cable

By Yow Hong Chieh | May 19, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 19 — US diplomatic cables leaked and published on Malaysia Today earlier this evening have singled out 19 key business leaders as “actors of influence” in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s inner circle.

The cable, written to help the US State Department “examine Najib’s emerging administration and policy decisions”, was the first to be published on the popular blog after it signed a memorandum of understanding with whistleblower site Wikileaks on Monday.
Continue reading “‘Actors of influence’ in Najib government named in Wikileaks cable”

Guan Eng renews call for Utusan censure

By Debra Chong | May 19, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 19 — Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein must punish Umno’s Utusan Malaysia for stirring racial tensions with its unsubstantiated Christian Malaysia report now that a reliable witness has spoken up, Lim Guan Eng said today.

The DAP secretary-general was referring to Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) president Datuk Paul Low’s version of events at a closed-door meeting in Penang two weeks ago that sparked the controversy.
Continue reading “Guan Eng renews call for Utusan censure”

10 days in May (17)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Cabinet silence on Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey/Hisham condonation – thot of “Silence of the Lambs” not Hannibal horror film but metaphor

Cabinet let Najib down- exposes Global Movement of Moderates call empty rhetoric. Have BN Ministers read Nades’ article?

Nades asked:”If PM advocate moderation tolerance acceptance Y voices extremism overpowered threatened what done achieved over past 50yrs?”

“Every rt-thinking Msian embrace PM’s wisdom prophetic words on moderation tolerance acceptance” except BN Cabinet – dare not launch MMoM
Continue reading “10 days in May (17)”