BN on last legs of power, says Kit Siang

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
June 08, 201 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 8 — Lim Kit Siang claims Barisan Nasional (BN) is on the verge of electoral defeat, and that proof of this was an Umno minister’s acceptance of the possibility that the country’s next prime minister could come from Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

The DAP parliamentary leader said this in reference to minister in the prime minister’s department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz’s recent claim that Hadi was aiming to replace Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as PR’s prime minister-designate.

In his analysis of the just-concluded PAS polls, the Umno supreme council member had said a glaring trend had emerged in the usually conservative Islamist party — a newfound lust for power. Continue reading “BN on last legs of power, says Kit Siang”

Nazri’s claim that Hadi is gunning for PM’s job latest example of scent enveloping UMNO and BN leaderships on the last legs of power until 13GE

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri’s claim that the PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is gunning for the Prime Minister’s job strikes discerning Malaysians as the latest example of the debilitating loss of confidence enveloping Umno and BN leaderships that they are on the last legs of power until the 13th General Election.

Until the 308 political tsunami of the 2008 General Election, the very thought that the Prime Minister would not come from Umno would be a completely unthinkable notion.

Now a senior Minister of the Najib Cabinet is seriously canvassing the scenario of UMNO and BN losing federal power in Putrajaya and, for the first time in the nation’s history since Merdeka in 1955, a Prime Minister not from Umno after the next 13th general election.

Nazri of course had his ulterior political motive and agenda in making his allegation that Hadi is gunning for the PM’s job, but the overwhelming public impression from Nazri’s claim is not about its veracity (and Hadi has already rebutted him) but the shocking fact that more and more Umno and BN leaders are coming to accept the possibility that the next Prime Minister after the next general elections will not be Najib or come from UMNO.
Continue reading “Nazri’s claim that Hadi is gunning for PM’s job latest example of scent enveloping UMNO and BN leaderships on the last legs of power until 13GE”

As Malaysia’s assets wane, Umno scrambles for wealth control

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
June 06, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 6 — The fight is on for the country’s diminishing resources and assets, and leading the charge to secure rights to projects and land ownership are Umno warlords and politically-connected individuals.

As Malaysia grapples with imminent tariff hikes and a subsidy bill that could double to RM21 billion this year, individuals within the ruling Malay party appear to be wasting little time in demanding that the Najib administration award them immediate rights to government and commercial projects.

This is evident in the current tussle surrounding Umno’s attacks on UDA Holdings Bhd’s sale of prime land in downtown Kuala Lumpur, where despite the agency’s assurance that the sale to Mutiara Goodyear would benefit Bumiputeras, Umno leaders have attacked the agency, saying RM215.5 million deal would hurt Bumiputera interests. Continue reading “As Malaysia’s assets wane, Umno scrambles for wealth control”

Umno’s nightmares are becoming reality

By Sakmongkol AK47
June 05, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

JUNE 5 — Umno’s worse nightmares are now becoming a reality. PAS is transforming itself into a credible and viable alternative. If it links up with likeminded people from other parties and the combined forces are led by someone with stature, they will form the next government.

Will PAS implode? It will only if it has the Umno culture. What differentiates PAS from Umno is the existence of an eternal idealism. To see the application of more Islamic content in the running of the country wherever and whenever they are applicable. Continue reading “Umno’s nightmares are becoming reality”

Hadi spurns cooperation with Umno-BN

By Aidila Razak | Jun 3, 11

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang today made it clear that any bid to forge cooperation between PAS and Umno in the name of Malay unity is an effort in futility.

Not mincing his words during his keynote speech at the Muktamar in Gombak, Kuala Lumpur today, Abdul Hadi (right) said that Umno had forsaken the Malays and bumiputera by plundering wealth through dubious means.
Continue reading “Hadi spurns cooperation with Umno-BN”

Will we vote for Ibrahim Ali?

Lucius Goon
The Malaysian Insider
Jun 02, 2011

JUNE 2 — This is a serious question. Will we vote for Ibrahim Ali?

I believe this is a relevant question for Malaysians to ponder because with each passing day this Perkasa mouthpiece seems to have pushed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and other Cabinet ministers from the mainstage of decision-making and politics.

After watching the local political scene for a few months, we can conclude a few things: Ibrahim is Umno and Umno loves Ibrahim.

Najib is scared of upsetting Ibrahim and Perkasa, probably out of some fear that the right-wing group can influence the outcome of how Malays vote and/or concern that not bowing to Ibrahim’s wishes will upset Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, supporter and patron of Perkasa. Continue reading “Will we vote for Ibrahim Ali?”

Umno has lost Malay middle class, says EIU

By Shannon Teoh | June 02, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 2 — Despite continued support from rural voters, Umno appears to have been rejected by urban Malays, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

Its latest country report on Malaysia said that the “decline in support may have intensified” among middle-class Malays due to Internet sites “exposing government corruption and political intrigues of individual members of the ruling administration.”
Continue reading “Umno has lost Malay middle class, says EIU”

MCA among the greatest obstacles to realization of 1Malaysia

The headline “Time to stop thinking along racial lines, says Soi Lek” in the MCA owned newspaper, the Star, today must have caused a general shaking-of-heads by its readers, not because of disagreement but at his naivety or downright dishonesty.

There must have been more intensive shaking-of-heads when the MCA President, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek expressed his belief that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s “1 Malaysia concept could be realised by 2020 when affirmative action policies shift towards being merit- and needs-based instead of the current race-centric arrangement”. (The Malaysian Insider)

In actual fact, Malaysians have never been more polarised along racial and religious divisions under Najib’s 1Malaysia concept and MCA is undoubtedly among the greatest obstacles to the realisation of Najib’s 1Malaysia.
Continue reading “MCA among the greatest obstacles to realization of 1Malaysia”

Intel report sees strife in BN, Pakatan

Jun 1, 11

Specialist publisher Economist Intelligence Unit has warned that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak may face political revolt within Umno and from coalition parties in Sabah and Sarawak, should he fail to secure a clear victory in the next general election.

Divisions among the three Pakatan Rakyat component parties are also likely to widen if PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim is jailed for sodomy, the publisher said in the June report for Malaysia.

It predicted that Malaysia’s political stability will come under moderate threat in the next five years due to internal strife within the two main political alliances. Continue reading “Intel report sees strife in BN, Pakatan”

Current Bumi economic agenda not viable, says UDA chief

By Yow Hong Chieh | June 01, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 — Putrajaya cannot keep throwing money at agencies tasked with furthering the Bumiputera economic agenda without consideration for profit unlike in the past, says Umno leader Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed.

The UDA Holdings Bhd chairman warned there will come a day when the government, whose finances were “being stretched over time”, would no longer be able to dole out grants to statutory bodies like Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) as it does currently.
Continue reading “Current Bumi economic agenda not viable, says UDA chief”

Umno anti-1 Malaysia, Kit Siang tells Soi Lek

By Clara Chooi | June 01, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 — DAP’s Lim Kit Siang told Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek today to observe Umno’s refusal to discard racial politics before defining 1 Malaysia as the government’s “Malaysian first, race second” vision.

Lim pointed out to the MCA president that Umno’s repeated attempts to lure PAS into forming a unity government with Barisan Nasional (BN) was in itself against the concept of 1 Malaysia.
Continue reading “Umno anti-1 Malaysia, Kit Siang tells Soi Lek”

Umno’s unfinished revolution

By Sakmongkol AK47 | June 01, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

JUNE 1 — Umno’s unfinished revolution: One step forward and two steps back.

We can’t go back to 1946 and wished the motivations and inspirations that awoken the Malays remained unchanged. That wish would have to assume that every leader is born at the same time and is of similar constitution — boldness in character, dedication to public service, possessing selfless dedication.
Continue reading “Umno’s unfinished revolution”

Umno — self-induced rigor mortis

Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
May 30, 2011

MAY 30 — I have written so many essays critical of Umno in the past.

Friends asked me why am I still in Umno? How can I write many nasty things about Umno and seemed to get away with it — why haven’t I been hauled up by the Umno disciplinary committee or something and not ticked off? Isn’t there anything good that Umno has done.

Let’s clear one thing first. This is the source of many of Umno’s problems. Some people assigned to themselves the right to determine who should or shouldn’t be in Umno. They then judge others in terms of their thinking and criteria. Pak Lah or any others can’t measure up to Mahathir in many aspects. But they are not necessarily inferior to Mahathir. They are different. They must be judged on objective terms, not the subjective standards of one Mahathir.

Najib doesn’t seem to do things anything right according to Mahathir. The old man is so stressed up and suffers physical debilitations. Continue reading “Umno — self-induced rigor mortis”

MCA, don’t stop believing, says Adnan

By Shazwan Mustafa KamalThe Malaysian Insider
May 29, 2011

The Pahang BN chairman says that MCA leaders must start “believing” in their strengths if they want to win more seats at the next general elections. — file picGENTING HIGHLANDS, May 29 — MCA leaders need to buck up and improve if the Barisan Nasional (BN) component party wants to win more seats at the next general elections, Datuk Seri Adnan Mansor said last night.

Adnan, who is Pahang BN chairman and Pahang Umno Liaison Committee chairman, said that the only way for MCA to accomplish this was for its leaders to start “believing” in their strengths.

“We must know our strengths before going into the GE … we need to know our position.

“MCA needs conviction … if you waver in your stand, confirm kita kalah (we will lose),” Adnan said during an MCA retreat last evening. Continue reading “MCA, don’t stop believing, says Adnan”

10 Days in May (35)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

DAP-Christian Msia May7 front-page not 1st time Utusan exploited bogey. Its worst example. Y it must be stopped @mpkotabelud does not know?

Pathetic.MCA Ministers still dare not teamup w BN moderates 2demand action agnst Utusan though CSL shouts:MCA will stick 2stand! What stand?
Continue reading “10 Days in May (35)”

Make lists of scholarship recipients public

Malaysiakini Vox Populi | May 26, 11

‘Then there will be no arguments as to the veracity of the selection process. Until that is done, there will be quarters that won’t trust nor believe PSD.’

Abolish PSD’s racial quotas, urge NGOs

WangMalaysia: More than 8,800 students getting 9A+. Malaysia has loads of talent! I remember during my time, those getting 8A1 count for less than 30 throughout the country.
Continue reading “Make lists of scholarship recipients public”

Longing For A Free Mind (Part 12 of 14)

By M. Bakri Musa

Q& A (Cont’d): Pakatan, UMNO, and Mahathir

Q4: Pakatan declared that it will take away Malay special privileges. Why should I vote for that coalition?

A4: Your greatest fear, and reason for not voting Pakatan, is the possible loss of your special privileges. Thanks to the agitations of leaders from the increasingly shrill Mahathir down to the ever-frothing Perkasa’s Ibrahim Ali, affirmative action is now an existential issue for Malays.
Continue reading “Longing For A Free Mind (Part 12 of 14)”

Talking Malay on false premises

Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
May 25, 2011

MAY 25 — Let us demolish one pet belief of Umno people and those who think they speak for Umno. It’s time for the real Malay to speak for the Malay. Where have the real Malays gone?

How can we force ourselves to suffer fools by allowing ourselves to consume the hate spewing writings of some bloggers whose Malay-ness are questionable? Why isn’t the peddler of rancid curry speaking on behalf and for Kimma members? He looks more kitol-ish that the person he castigates as Kitol. Why isn’t the gold nugget seller doing the same? We thank you but no thanks.

Jadi jadi lah kita orang Melayu kena tipu.

I find myself in strange territory listening to people like Reezal Merican, or Azeez speak for the Malays. I would have thought, Malays are better off if these people speak on behalf of KIMMA. I think Malays have got enough talented people to speak for ourselves. Continue reading “Talking Malay on false premises”

Muhyiddin is shaping up to be the worst DPM and Umno Deputy President in history – completely no class or standard!

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is shaping up to be the worst Deputy Prime Minister and Umno Deputy President in history.

I would not yet say that he is destined to be the nation’s worst Education Minister although he is undoubtedly leading the pack in a more competitive field.

I had thought that the “creative conspiracy” by the Defence Minister and Umno vice president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi where he allegedly “exposes DAP’s plan to name Malay candidates in general election” takes the cake for being the most silly political statement of the year.

But I was wrong, for within 48 hours, Muhyiddin dislodged Zahid in making the silliest political statement of the year! Continue reading “Muhyiddin is shaping up to be the worst DPM and Umno Deputy President in history – completely no class or standard!”

No Umno leader dare censure Ibrahim the clown

Malaysiakini | May 25, 11

‘Mr Minister, you totally missed the point. Irrespective of whether that person is a clown or idiot, he is an MP and should have known better.’

Minister says society can handle Ibrahim Ali

Cannon: Perkasa incited hatred and ‘jihad’ against innocent Christians who have nothing to do with Umno’s gutter politics. PM Najib Razak invited the Christian representatives to meet up with him ostensibly to clear the air, only to have him stab them in the back after the meeting.
Continue reading “No Umno leader dare censure Ibrahim the clown”