How long will Hisham let Ibrahim run amok?

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jun 21, 11

‘It appears Ibrahim Ali has now been mandated by Najib to set in motion the events to realise the counting of ‘crushed bodies’ in their defence of Putrajaya.’

Bar Council: Use Sedition Act against Ibrahim Ali

Rubystar_4037: Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, if you are doing your job, then you should know that Ibrahim Ali is a clear and present danger to the harmony and peaceful existence of all rakyat in Malaysia.

Ibrahim knows that the Home Ministry will not touch him, Utusan Malaysia will fan his fiery brimstone speeches, Dr Mahathir Mohamad is behind him, that he has tremendous value to Umno, the RMP (Royal Malaysian Police) will not arrest him, he will not be put under the ISA and that he is above the law.
Continue reading “How long will Hisham let Ibrahim run amok?”

Kit Siang demands action against Perkasa

By Joseph Sipalan
Jun 20, 11 | MalaysiaKini

Senior opposition parliamentarian Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timor) today demanded that the government take a clear position on Perkasa and its recent string of allegedly seditious statements against the upcoming Bersih 2.0 rally this July 9.

In trademark style, Lim (left) made clear his incredulity over Perkasa’s controversial behaviour as he hammered both the government and the right wing Malay rights NGO for the growing tension surrounding the planned mass gathering. Continue reading “Kit Siang demands action against Perkasa”

DAP: Inaction on Perkasa shows Umno’s true colours

Malaysiakini | Jun 20, 11

Umno’s inaction over Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali’s allegedly seditious and racist statement yesterday, has showed its true colours as a party that survives on racial division, said DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

In a statement today, Lim (left) said Ibrahim had raised the threat of another May 13, by proclaiming himself a ‘war general’ and warning of severe repercussions for the Chinese community if they proceed with the Bersih march.

“Never before in Malaysian history has anyone issued such an irresponsible and racist statement by calling on a certain community to stock up on food. Such a remark is clearly unacceptable by every peace-loving Malaysian,” read the statement.

Lim then directed his fire at Umno for its inaction on Ibrahim.
Continue reading “DAP: Inaction on Perkasa shows Umno’s true colours”

DAP faults Umno for Perkasa threats

By Debra Chong
June 20, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 20 — DAP’s Lim Guan Eng pronounced Umno guilty today of fanning racial and religious strife for its tacit support of Perkasa’s “Nazi-like” threat against ethnic Chinese ahead of three massive — and conflicting — marches on July 9.

The DAP secretary-general further accused the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) lynchpin of being “politically bankrupt” for resorting to provocation to cover its own shortcomings.

Lim pointed out Umno and the BN government have been deflecting questions on health and environmental safety over Australian miner Lynas Corp’s RM700 million rare earths project in Pahang and the Tourism Ministry’s RM1.8million Facebook scandal. Continue reading “DAP faults Umno for Perkasa threats”

Kit Siang slams inaction over Ibrahim’s veiled threats

By Debra Chong | June 20, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 20 — Calling it the most “bloodcurdling and incendiary” statement made in public, DAP’s Lim Kit Siang questioned today Putrajaya’s silence against Perkasa’s warning to ethnic Chinese to “stay home” and “stock up on food” on July 9.

Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali, who founded the grassroots Malay nationalist group, had yesterday launched a counter-strike to the July 9 public rally organised by electoral reform group Bersih 2.0.

There, he declared “If the Bersih rally is not cancelled… I believe the Chinese community will have to stock up on food”.
Continue reading “Kit Siang slams inaction over Ibrahim’s veiled threats”

It’s clear, Ibrahim Ali out to create chaos

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jun 20, 11

‘Ibrahim Ali is openly threatening racial violence against the Chinese community. As usual, we expect the home minister to do absolutely nothing.’

Anything can happen on July 9, Perkasa warns

Anonymous_40a7: “I believe the Chinese community, many of them, will have to stock up on food at home,” said Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali.

Is that a thinly veiled threat against the Chinese community, Ibrahim? You should be charged under ISA for this… oh wait, I forgot he’s untouchable.

By the way, I feel bad for the people of Pasir Mas who voted for this bigot because instead of having a person who serves his constituency faithfully, they ended up with someone who is hell bent on destroying everyone he doesn’t see eye to eye.
Continue reading “It’s clear, Ibrahim Ali out to create chaos”

“Smoking Gun” proof of Muhyiddin-Utusan conspiracy to subvert 1Malaysia concept

There is now the “smoking gun” proof of the conspiracy or complicity of Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and the Umno official organ, Utusan Malaysia, to subvert the 1Malaysia concept and destabilise Malaysia to justify a Operation Lalang2 crackdown on civil liberties with mass ISA arrests to prolong Umno hegemony.

Yesterday, Muhyiddin made the preposterous claim in Sabah when opening the Beaufort UMNO general meeting that Pakatan Rakyat is hiding behind the planned Bersih 2.0 rally with a plot to topple the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) Goverment.

He alleged that the opposition’s agenda was to create a momentum among the people to hate the government by raising various issues beyond the call for clean and fair elections. Continue reading ““Smoking Gun” proof of Muhyiddin-Utusan conspiracy to subvert 1Malaysia concept”

Muhyiddin says opposition using Bersih rally to topple BN

The Malaysian Insider
June 18, 2011

BEAUFORT, June 18 – The opposition is hiding behind the planned Bersih 2.0 rally with a plot to topple the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said today.

The Umno deputy president (picture) said the opposition’s agenda was to create a momentum among the people to hate the government by raising various issues beyond the call for clean and fair elections. Continue reading “Muhyiddin says opposition using Bersih rally to topple BN”

Why Is Perkasa Against Bersih?

By Kee Thuan Chye | 14 June 2011
Malaysian Digest

MANY people have come to regard Ibrahim Ali as a clown, including Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz. One hopes Ibrahim was just talking like a clown when he recently announced that his organization, Perkasa, would oppose the planned Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9 by staging a counter-demonstration. “That means,” as he himself says, “on that day, there will be confrontation.”

This is militant talk. This is a threat to cause violence. And to add fuel to it, Ibrahim has pledged that in the event of a clash, “I will fight to the end”.

But why would Perkasa want to oppose the Bersih 2.0 rally? The rally has nothing to do with race – it is not demonstrating against Malay supremacy, which Perkasa was set up to defend. The rally is calling for electoral and institutional reform. It is calling for the electoral roll to be cleaned up, postal voting to be reformed, indelible ink to be used at elections, all political parties to be given free and fair access to the media, automatic voter registration, a minimum of 21 days for the campaign period, the strengthening of public institutions, a stop to corruption, and a stop to dirty politics.
Continue reading “Why Is Perkasa Against Bersih?”

DAP masterminding UMNO for more than four decades?

UMNO’s Utusan Malaysia has today concocted a new wild allegation – accusing DAP of masterminding PAS’ welfare state agenda as a cover for the DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia concept.

Based on Utusan’s latest wild accusation, I am wondering whether to confess that DAP had been masterminding UMNO for more than four decades.

Let me put it straight to Utusan Malaysia – do you want DAP to confess that we have been masterminding UMNO for more than four decades? If so, I am prepared to give Utusan the “scoop of the century” of how the DAP had been masterminding UMNO for more than four decades.

The allegation was made today by Utusan Assistant Chief Editor Datuk Zaini Hassan in his “Cuit” column: “Negara kebajikan, negara Islam dan ‘Malaysian Malaysia’”.

If Utusan’s Assistant Chief Editor is serious about his allegation that DAP has masterminded PAS’ welfare state adopted at the recent Muktamar PAS, he should have the political acumen to discern that the DAP had in fact been masterminding the UMNO for more than for decades. Continue reading “DAP masterminding UMNO for more than four decades?”

Umno turning into the old PAS

By Hafiz Noor Shams
June 14, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

JUNE 14 — If one had opined that PAS was more of a centrist than Umno 10 years ago, nobody would have believed it. It would have been an outrageous opinion. Yet today, it is no longer so foreign a prospect.

The recently concluded PAS internal election is the latest evidence of the party’s march to the centre. That election saw both the promotion of the so-called professional group to the leadership of the party and the adoption of a more realistic stance with regards to the Islamic state agenda.

The participation of PAS within Pakatan Rakyat has a lot to do with the reconfiguration of the party towards the political centre. While the criticism of ideological difference against the coalition as a whole remains valid, the alliance itself is the great engine that is pulling all of its members to a middle ground. That middle ground is proving to be the Malaysian centre. Continue reading “Umno turning into the old PAS”

A re-branded PAS?

By Tan Siok Choo
13 Jun 2011

TAKEN collectively, three developments at PAS’s recent muktamar or general assembly have the potential to re-define Malaysian politics.

For the first time since 1983, an ulama (or religious leader) wasn’t retained or elected as deputy president, the second highest-ranked party official. The ulama also lost all three vice-presidential contests and reportedly won only six out of 18 central committee positions, which underscored the extent of the party’s makeover.

Equally notable, in his keynote speech at the muktamar, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang Hadi announced that the party now aspired to create a welfare state while maintaining it wasn’t abandoning its quest for an Islamic state. Continue reading “A re-branded PAS?”

In ‘Mat Sabu sex scandal’, PAS chiefs scent Umno fear

By Boo Su-Lyn
The Malaysian Insider
Jun 12, 2011

Mat Sabu has been described as the engine that will drive PAS forward. — file picKUALA LUMPUR, June 12 — PAS leaders are accusing Umno of being behind a sex video implicating Mohamad Sabu, saying it reflected the ruling Malay party’s desperation to find issue with their newly-elected deputy president.

PKR MP Zuraida Kamaruddin said she received a VCD in her mailbox recently that has a picture of Mohamad together with the words “Skandal Seks Mat Sabu” (Mat Sabu Sex Scandal), a letter with a forged PAS letterhead and a flyer containing pictures of Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Mat Sabu is the PAS leader’s moniker.

“This shows that Umno has degenerated into a distributor of ‘blue’ films,” PAS central committee member Khalid Samad told The Malaysian Insider today. Continue reading “In ‘Mat Sabu sex scandal’, PAS chiefs scent Umno fear”

Utusan says Bersih dirty, calls for boycott

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Jun 12, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 — Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia has called on Malaysians not just to boycott next month’s Bersih rally, but also to gather against the movement that calls for free and fair elections.

The paper’s Mingguan Malaysia weekend edition also told Malaysians “who love peace and reject hypocrisy” to gather on the streets of Kuala Lumpur on July 9 “with banners of the opposition leader’s scandals” in reference to sodomy and sex video allegations against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“Display also newspaper cuttings of the sodomy victims. They are the ones that should be defended if we support a clean culture. Awang believes the gathering will be a senjata makan tuan (backfiring weapon) for the opposition.

“This gathering is dirty,” it said in its Awang Selamat — the nom de plume of the newspaper’s editors — column today. Continue reading “Utusan says Bersih dirty, calls for boycott”

Orang Melayu tak sejahil sangkaan UMNO

– oleh Muhammad Zir
10 June 2011

10 JUN – UMNO menganggap orang Melayu kurang cerdik dan mudah dicucuk hidung. Matlamat UMNO menyerang DAP adalah untuk menimbulkan kebencian orang Melayu terhadap DAP, dan seterus supaya menolak Pakatan. Ini adalah pakej UMNO mengajak Melayu membenci DAP, dan ia diulas untuk membuktikan UMNO sendiri tahu yang para pemimpinnya banyak omong kosong dan terlalu bergantung kepada fitnah.

Mengapa orang Melayu tidak ramai menyertai DAP?

Kerana UMNO berjaya menfitnah sejak zaman-berzaman, mereka memberi persepsi buruk terhadap DAP dengan mengaitkan hal perkauman, agama dan ideologi komunis. Hakikatnya, semua dakwaan itu palsu dan UMNO sendiri pun tahu yang ia palsu. Semua fitnah ini telah dibuktikan tidak relevan dan salah sama sekali. Komunis tidak mengiktiraf Perlembagaan Persekutuan tetapi DAP menjunjung Perlembagaan dan segala isinya. Ideologi DAP adalah demokrasi social yang ditolak dan ditentang oleh komunis. Dalam UMNO, pernah ada pemimpin ditahan di bawah ISA kerana dituduh komunis. Bagaimana UMNO boleh menyamakan kuda dengan basikal?

Apakah benar DAP parti berbilang bangsa dan Melayu boleh menjadi pemimpin dalam DAP?

UMNO menerusi ejen-ejen seperti Utusan dan Perkasa melukis gambaran pada fikiran orang Melayu bahawa mereka hanya akan menjadi kuda tunggangan orang-orang Cina dalam DAP. Hakikatnya, untuk menjadi pemimpin yang baik dalam mana-mana organisasi, setiap individu perlu mempunyai kualiti dalam semua segi. Kualiti hanya akan wujud sekiranya organisasi itu mempunyai jumlah kuantiti yang mencukupi. Tanpa kuantiti, sukar untuk memilih kualiti yang terbaik di kalangannya. Sifir ini dengan mudah menjelaskan, mengapa orang Melayu belum ada yang menjadi pemimpin besar dalam DAP, kerana jumlahnya masih sedikit. Senario ini juga adalah kesan dari kempen UMNO BN menakut-nakutkan orang Melayu kepada DAP, hingga jumlah ahli Melayu dalam DAP belum ramai. Kini, masa depan kita pasti akan berubah.

Pada masa yang sama, perlu ditanya: MCA itu kuda tunggangan UMNO atau UMNO kuda tunggangan MCA? Continue reading “Orang Melayu tak sejahil sangkaan UMNO”

MCA out of sync with Chinese aspirations

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jun 10, 11 9:26am

‘What does MCA stand for? Do you subscribe to the doctrine of good governance? Or are you paying lip-service to it?’

Soi Lek: Chinese balancing act has gone awry

Cala: MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek, despite being well-educated, erred in the assumptions he made. He appeared to assume that it was MCA’s ‘birth right’ to have access to the support of the Chinese Malaysian community.

He was thinking illogically because he assumed that only MCA was capable of co- coordinating the Chinese for representation in the government. This kind of reasoning was obtuse.
Continue reading “MCA out of sync with Chinese aspirations”

Soi Lek, Umno has ‘castrated’ MCA leaders

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jun 10, 11 9:11am

‘MCA leaders are now accomplice to the deepening of the country’s major problem by perpetuating the cycle of racial and religious politics.’

Soi Lek: Chinese balancing act has gone awry

David Dass: MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek’s logic is flawed. He wants the Chinese Malaysians to split their vote between the BN and the opposition so that the Chinese have representation in government and there is a strong opposition.

In effect, he wants the Chinese in opposition to do the work of the MCA. The fact is that the Chinese want Chinese representation in government to be effective and the feeling is that it is not. I think that it is too easy to blame Umno.
Continue reading “Soi Lek, Umno has ‘castrated’ MCA leaders”

Umno a hypocrite for anti-PAS welfare state stand, says Muslim cleric

By G. Manimaran
June 10, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 — Former Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin has labelled Umno a hypocritical party for slamming its political foe’s pro-welfare state stand raised at the PAS annual general assembly last week.

The popular Muslim cleric said Umno, as the ruling Barisan Nasional’s (BN) lynchpin which is also supposed to represent the Malay voice, should have supported the Islamist party’s idea instead of slamming it as conservative and fanatical.

“I don’t know Umno’s actual stand. Previously, Umno criticised PAS for being controlled by the ulamas, now with the professionals in charge they are still whacking the party.
Continue reading “Umno a hypocrite for anti-PAS welfare state stand, says Muslim cleric”