Let Muhyiddin lodge an official complaint against my grandson and I will then advise Guan Eng to lodge a police report against the DPM

Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has flunked the opportunity in Parliament today to demonstrate he is a model Education Minister giving top priority to the educational welfare and interests of students in the country.

I had given him the chance to undo the damage of his statement yesterday dismissing as “inadequate” Lim Guan Eng’s denial of baseless and untruthful allegation of his 16-year-old son (my grandson) about modesty violation of a girl who was his classmates by seeking clarification from the Education Minister when he was winding up debate on the 2012 budget debate.

Although Muhyiddin claimed that he was “misquoted”, Muhyiddin went on to repeat what he said yesterday – that Guan Eng should lodge a police report to clear the boy’s name.

Muhyiddin did not explain why a police report should be lodged by Guan Eng to clear the boy’s name when there is no basis whatsoever to the allegation – as the school principal concerned and the Penang State Education director have said investigations produced no evidence while the alleged victim Anya Corke is a Woman Chess Grandmaster in third year in Wellesley College in United States who does not know my grandson or my family at all.
Continue reading “Let Muhyiddin lodge an official complaint against my grandson and I will then advise Guan Eng to lodge a police report against the DPM”

Mum considering all options to protect Anya

Malaysiakini | Oct 24, 2011

The mother of a young woman whose photograph had been used to implicate the son of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in an alleged molestation case said she will consider all options in the interest of protecting her daughter.

This may even include taking legal action against those parties propagating rumours about 21-year-old Anya Ann Corke, said her mother, Mei Sun.

“As Anya’s parent, I will check on the options to protect her from this kind of nuisance,” she was quoted in the South China Morning Post today.

Anya, a one-time Hong Kong chess champion who is now studying in the US, was alleged by pro-Umno bloggers to have been molested by Guan Eng’s teenage son, and was the reason for his transfer from the SMK Heng Ee school.
Continue reading “Mum considering all options to protect Anya”

DAP wants MCMC to probe websites

By Yow Hong Chieh | October 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 23 — The DAP wants the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to act against websites spreading allegations that Lim Guan Eng’s son molested a girl.

DAP publicity chief Tony Pua said the party will submit to the MCMC a list of 34 offending websites and 200 pages of printouts compiled over the past three days for the regulator’s immediate action.

They include blogs by Papagomo and Bukit Gelugor Umno division chief Dr Novandri Hasan Basri, Pisau.net and Utusan Malaysia.

“Frankly speaking… they (MCMC) don’t need a report from us. Once they see something happening they can take the necessary action.
Continue reading “DAP wants MCMC to probe websites”

The stupidest comment of ’em all

Comment by Thomas Lee Seng Hock

I am simply amazed and stunned that a person of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s status can come out with such a stupid comment on the case of Lim Guan Eng’s son.

The Deputy Prime Minister cum Education Minister has remarked that Guan Eng’s denial of the sexual harassment claims against his son was “inadequate”.

Muhyiddin told the media on Saturday 22 October 2011 that if the Penang chief minister “thinks it is important to correct the information, then he has to come up with a strong statement; mere denial is not enough.”

Either Muhyiddin cannot read or he is not so intelligent to understand what the media have been reporting during the last few days. Not only has the principal of the school where the alleged incident was said to have committed come out to refute the lies by the Umno bloggers, but the so-called victim whose photograph was used by the unethical and uncouth Umno people has also issued a strong statement refuting their wicked lies.
Continue reading “The stupidest comment of ’em all”

A foolish move

By Tay Tian Yan | October 21, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

OCT 21 — Those who spread rumours across the Internet are villains while those who echo Internet rumours are fools.

Among the latest names on the list of fools is Khairy Jamaluddin, who should not be foolish.

Anyone with little understanding will curse “senseless and despicable” when they heard about the recent rumours accusing Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s teenage son of harassment.

Just like rubbish, similar accusations have been piling up on the Internet and, generally, people do not even border to read them as they are so disgusting.
Continue reading “A foolish move”

Kerana politik, sanggup mengorbankan kanak-kanak yang tidak bersalah

Aspan Alias | October 21, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

21 OKT — Isu yang dimainkan oleh Ketua Bahagian Bukit Gelugor, Dr Novandri serta beberapa blogger pro-Umno terhadap anak Lim Guan Eng memang jelas mendapat perhatian ramai dan kebanyakan dari reaksi yang saya secara peribadi terima menunjukan sebagai satu isu yang menjadi kemarahan ramai.

Ramai yang meminta saya menulis dan memberi komen tentangnya. Saya tidak mempunyai komen panjang tentang isu ini. Yang pasti “lawmakers” dari Umno nampaknya menjauhi diri mereka dari isu ini dan rata-rata kita mendengar yang Umno tidak terlibat dengan isu yang panas ini. Malahan Ahli-Ahli Parlmen Umno meminta Guan Eng menyaman Novandri dan bloggers pro-Umno jika itu merupakan fitnah yang sengaja diadakan kerana tuntutan politik yang “desperate”.
Continue reading “Kerana politik, sanggup mengorbankan kanak-kanak yang tidak bersalah”

Anya Corke: I don’t know Guan Eng’s son

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 21, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 21 — The girl whose photograph was used by pro-Umno bloggers to level accusations of sexual harassment against Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s son has denied ever meeting or hearing of the 16-year-old schoolboy.

Chess grandmaster Anya Sun Corke said today that she was “shocked, dismayed and baffled” as to how her photo was used without her knowledge or consent.

“I have never met or even heard of any of the people involved. I have never been physically assaulted in any way. I have never been victimised in any way by this boy or his family.

“The only way in which my ‘modesty was outraged’ has been by the publication of my picture in connection with these scurrilous and unfounded rumours,” the undergraduate at Wellesley College said in a statement. Continue reading “Anya Corke: I don’t know Guan Eng’s son”

MCA and hudud: Part 1

Stanley Koh | October 18, 2011 Free Malaysia Today

The party can’t hold a candle to DAP when it comes to principled opposition to Islamic state ambitions.


Two questions arise from MCA’s recent call on DAP to abandon the Pakatan Rakyat coalition because PAS is pushing for hudud punishments and, ultimately, an Islamic state.

First: Why did former MCA president Dr Ling Liong Sik fail to protest when former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad declared Malaysia an Islamic state in 2001?

MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong’s recent defence of Ling’s silence does not hold water. He said Mahathir’s declaration did not include a threat to change the Federal Constitution. Neither has Pakatan said it would change the constitution to suit PAS’s ambition.

Second: Since MCA is questioning DAP’s commitment to principles, what has happened to its own principles in the face of Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s recent remark that Malaysia was merely “not ready” for hudud?

Muhyiddin’s statement seemed to suggest that Umno, like PAS, longs to turn Malaysia into an Islamic state. Continue reading “MCA and hudud: Part 1”

The scurrilous and vicious allegation against Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng’s 16 year old son circulating on the internet requires a thorough police investigation

By Karpal Singh | DAP National Chairman and MP for Bukit Gelugor

The scurrilous and vicious allegation against Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng’s 16 year old son circulating on the internet requires a through police investigation. The spreading of lies on the internet should be nibbed in the bud before it develops into a source of ready avenue to defame and destroy. The sophisticated advance in technology should be harnessed to public advantage and not destroy the very fabric of society modern times.

The point to address with all speed and expedition is the necessity for the police to spring into action in the wake of the completely wild allegation against the 16 year old without any regard for humanity. The trauma suffered by the chief minister’s son is beyond imagination having regard to the allegation made against him. Where there is a wrong, there must of necessity be a remedy. The bloggers responsible for the vile postings on their blogs must be brought to book to ensure they are not further emboldened to persist in a path of destruction.
Continue reading “The scurrilous and vicious allegation against Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng’s 16 year old son circulating on the internet requires a thorough police investigation”

Gutter politics – utterly disgusting

By P Ramakrishnan Aliran President | 20 October 2011

Resorting to utter gutter politics is akin to swimming in the cesspool without a care. That’s how those faceless pro-Umno bloggers who spun a lie regarding an innocent son to get at the father came across – filthy and smelly.

Not to be out-done, the Umno Youth chief gets into the act with his silly comments. He comes across as no better than the half-baked politicians who are incapable of being logical.

What is disturbing and worrying is the fact that these so-called know-all cheap politicians had picked a fight with a 16-year old teenager who is not capable of defending himself or explaining himself. This is their crude and cowardly way of waging a political battle to disgrace and denigrate the Chief Minister of Penang.
Continue reading “Gutter politics – utterly disgusting”

Wake up, Malaysians

— Ali Kadir
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 19, 2011

OCT 19 — I find it incredulous that so much angst and disbelief has been exhibited by Opposition politicians, pundits and readers of news portals, including The Malaysian Insider, over the lies that Lim Guan Eng’s son had behaved inappropriately towards a girl in his school and the matter was hushed up.

This is Umno. Should any of us be surprised with politicians from that party?

It has been my point for a while that the only hope for Umno is for the party to lose it all at the next polls, and do a major overhaul while in the wilderness, find new leaders, rediscover a moral core and come back.

The party is tired, bankrupt of ideas or people of integrity. It is a fallacy to believe that the second line of politicians such as Khairy or that Kota Belud MP will be any different from the corrupt batch of ministers and MPs who sad to say are leaders of Malaysia. Continue reading “Wake up, Malaysians”

Allegations against Guan Eng’s son ‘completely untrue,’ says school principal

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | October 19, 2011 (updated)
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 19 – The principal of SMK Heng Ee in George Town today moved to put an end to accusations that Lim Guan Eng’s son had sexually harassed a female student of the school, calling it “completely untrue.”

Goon Boon Poh told The Malaysian Insider that he was “shocked” when he read news reports of the allegation, and that he wanted to put an end to the matter as it could affect the image of the high school.

Pro-Umno bloggers including Bukit Gelugor Umno division chief Dr Novandri Hasan Basri had claimed that the Penang chief minister’s son had assaulted a 16-year-old schoolmate and tried to escape punishment by using his father’s name.
Continue reading “Allegations against Guan Eng’s son ‘completely untrue,’ says school principal”

Khairy, Oh why Khairy?

By Douglas Tan | October 19, 2011
Free Malaysia Today LETTER

In less than 140 characters, Khairy Jamaluddin may have just destroyed his and Umno’s chances of swaying fence sitters and Malay moderates from supporting Barisan Nasional at the next General Election.

He has committed the cardinal sin of politics by picking on not his political opponent, but his son. A mere school boy, what could Lim Junior have possibly done to deserve such slander? Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang have every right to be outraged at this despicable behaviour.

It is one thing to have pro-Umno bloggers spreading lies and slander over the Internet. That only reaches a limited audience. Politician expect to face criticism on a daily basis. In fact one would argue that criticism could make one stronger.
Continue reading “Khairy, Oh why Khairy?”

Politics is not dirty, Umno is!

By Martin Jalleh | 19 Oct. 2011

Darkness descends on Bolehland. Politicians in Umno stoop low, so very low, by resorting to gutter politics of the most disgusting kind never seen before.

The Umnoputras are desperate. They are very disturbed. Dr M has warned them that “…if the general election is held now, Umno may lose big…” mainly due to their own political dystrophy.

Their ground support is slowly disappearing. They may be dumped in the coming General Election and driven out of Putrajaya. They abandon all sense of human decency to remain entrenched.

They are led by a equally desperate president who had proudly declared In the UMNO Assembly last year that there will be “crushed bodies, lost lives and ethnic cleansing” if the status quo was not kept.
Continue reading “Politics is not dirty, Umno is!”

DAP: Blogs used fake photo to tarnish Guan Eng’s son

By S Pathmawathy | Oct 19, 2011 (updated)

Bloggers aligned to Umno used a fake picture to depict the victim of alleged molest by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s 16-year-old son.

DAP publicity secretary Tony Pua said that the picture used by the bloggers had been identified as that of Anya Sun Corke, 21, who is a British citizen reportedly a Hong Kong chess champion.

The woman has no ties to Penang, nor has she come in contact with Lim’s son, Pua said at a press conference at Parliament lobby together with other MPs from the DAP.

“(She is) now a third year student at a top liberal arts college in the United States.
Continue reading “DAP: Blogs used fake photo to tarnish Guan Eng’s son”

Umno blogs used chess champion’s picture to attack Guan Eng’s son, says DAP

By Shannon Teoh | October 19, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 19 — A girl whose photograph was used by Umno bloggers to level accusations of sexual harassment against Lim Guan Eng’s son has been identified as 21-year-old chess Grandmaster Anya Sun Corke.

Corke, who represents England in chess, has no ties with Penang and has never been a classmate of Lim’s son as alleged by Umno blogs, the DAP said in a press conference in Parliament today.

The girl is understood to be currently an undergraduate of Wellesley College in the United States.

Pro-Umno bloggers including Bukit Gelugor Umno division chief Dr Novandri Hasan Basri had claimed that the Penang chief minister’s son had assaulted a 16-year-old schoolmate and tried to escape punishment by using his father’s name.
Continue reading “Umno blogs used chess champion’s picture to attack Guan Eng’s son, says DAP”

Gutter politics

The Malaysian Insider | October 18, 2011

OCT 18 — There is no denying that Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin is a smart man.

The Oxford graduate has made use of his education and upbringing to shine through the untalented masses that make up the bulk of his party.

Which is why it is a disappointment that the Rembau MP saw nothing wrong with his remarks about allegations involving Lim Guan Eng’s teenage son, and called his critics hypocrites for pointing out that he was perpetrating lies about a member of a political rival’s family.

Earlier today, Lim said he was furious with the “barbaric lies” made about his teenage son by “pro-Umno ferocious beasts,” singling out Khairy and other ruling party leaders for perpetuating the allegations through snide comments on blogs and social media sites.
Continue reading “Gutter politics”

Leave the children out of dirty politics

Malaysiakini YOURSAY | Oct 19, 2011

‘After the blue film, now they are resorting to slander against opponent’s child? Really, how low can you get, Umno?’

Incensed Guan Eng castigates pro-Umno blogs

your sayMalaysian Born: The politicians who are involved in spreading these unsubstantiated and cruel attacks on this child are despicable and have lost their way.

They are neither qualified to be representatives of the people nor are they deserving of being given any face or respect. This sort of behaviour is indicative of not having a proper upbringing, of not having any breeding, certainly the sort of bottom feeding dirt bags that should be avoided by all, let alone allowing them to be elected.
Continue reading “Leave the children out of dirty politics”

Fitnah galore

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

How PM/DPM feel if their children/grandchildren victims of such despicable/contemptible gutter attack built on lies? ow.ly/70wLK

Will Najib/M’ddin condemn such despicable attack on innocent children by Umno cybertroopers? Is this Najib’s “political transformation”?

Fitnah 1:Kes pencabulan di bulan May sebelum cuti sekolah. Fitnah 2:Bayaran tunai RM200 ribu untuk tutup mulut kes selepas tuntutan RM500k.
Continue reading “Fitnah galore”

Attack on Guan Eng’s son is ‘gutter politics’, says Pakatan

By Shannon Teoh | October 18, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 18 — Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) top leadership came out in full force today to defend Lim Guan Eng, calling allegations by Umno against the DAP secretary-general’s son “the lowest gutter politics” seen in decades.

Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim told a press conference after a PR presidential council meeting that the accusations showed that Umno leaders “know no limits when it comes to clinging on to power.”

“Attacking not just leaders but their families … it is disgusting,” the PKR de facto leader said.

DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang called the allegations, which centre around the alleged conduct of Guan Eng’s son in school and allegations about the subsequent use of his father’s name to escape punishment, “gutter politics of the lowest I have seen in over 40 years of politics.”
Continue reading “Attack on Guan Eng’s son is ‘gutter politics’, says Pakatan”