Cadangan PR untuk memansuhkan PTPTN wajar mendapat sokongan

by Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 31, 2012

31 MAC — PTPTN wajar dimansuhkan dan saya bersetuju dengan cadangan Pakatan Rakyat(PR) untuk menghapuskannya jika PR diberikan mandat oleh rakyat dalam pilihanraya kali ini. Saya telah menulis isu pembiayaan pelajaran ini banyak kali kerana isu pelajaran dan pendidikan adalah isu teras dalam pembangunan negara. Pendidikan selalunya percuma di negara-negara maju.

Janganlah kita mengaku yang negara kita adalah negara maju dan rakyat yang berpendapatan tinggi tidak lama lagi tetapi kita tidak nampak tanda-tanda hasrat yang dilaungkan oleh PM Najib itu akan tercapai seratus tahun lagi. Takkanlah dengan memberikan wang ehsan RM500 baru-baru ini telah menjadikan negara kita rakyat yang berpendapatan tinggi.

Di kesebelasan negara-negara Scandinavia pelajaran adalah percuma. Di Germany juga percuma dan di Perancis dan banyak lagi negara-negara lain yang memberikan pendidikan dan pelajaran percuma sehingga peringkat tertinggi. Di negara-negara tersebut tidak ada nampak pemimpin politiknya pergi ke kawasan masing-masing menabur wang 500 euro dan sebagainya. Mereka tidak pun sibuk mendabik dada yang mereka telah memberikan sedikit kelegaan kepada rakyat mereka. Continue reading “Cadangan PR untuk memansuhkan PTPTN wajar mendapat sokongan”

Ahli bawahan ibarat garam bagi pemimpin Umno

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 29, 2012

29 MAC — Akhir-akhir ini saya telah dihubungi oleh ramai di antara rakan-rakan saya untuk berjumpa minum petang dan makan malam. Mereka ini adalah di antara ahli-ahli Umno yang memberikan saya semangat dan sokongan moral untuk saya kembali bergiat, kali ini dalam DAP.

Sesungguhnya saya mempunyai ramai rakan-rakan di dalam Umno yang akhir-akhir ini selalu berhubung dan berbincang tentang politik setakat “level” kita yang rendah-rendah ini.

Kesemua diantara mereka terus menerus meluahkan perasaan tidak puas hati terhadap Umno yang kian merosot imejnya dikalangan rakyat. Kata mereka kali ini Umno akan berhadapan tentangan hebat dari pembangkang dan juga sibuk menyelesaikan masalah dalaman yang mereka sedang hadapi terutamanya semasa PRU nanti. Semuanya hendak menjadi calon dan semuanya merasakan mereka adalah calon “winnable” untuk Umno dan Barisan Nasional.

“Bro, kami ni gunanya hanya semasa pilihanraya sahaja. Lepas tu kita tidak ada guna dah. Mereka akan sapu semua yang ada dan peranan kita hanyalah untuk melihat dan memberikan sokongan bila mereka menghadapi masalah sahaja,” kata salah seorang yang bercakap dengan saya itu.

“Lepas ini kita tidak ada lagi peranan” katanya lagi. Continue reading “Ahli bawahan ibarat garam bagi pemimpin Umno”

The tangled web Umno weaved (1)

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 29, 2012

MARCH 29 —

Oh what a tangled web we weave,

When first we practise to deceive!

That’s the whole problem with Umno in short. It has deceived the country and most of all it has deceived the Malays into believing that only Umno can deliver the Malays to the Promised Land. And it continues to weave the web and got itself entangled that the only way to free the Malaysian races is to destroy the web of deceit.

Let’s us now resolved to do just that. Kick out the band of robbers and the trader of false hopes. Let us kick out the deceivers.

It forfeited what it got- power since 1957 to accomplish what it set out to do — uplift the Malays. Why? Because it started on the wrong premise, and that premise wasn’t adapted and evolved into the engine to uplift the Malays first (since Umno’s struggle and raison d’etre is to serve Malay interest) and this country. Continue reading “The tangled web Umno weaved (1)”

Umno akan terus gagal memperjuangkan Melayu

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 28, 2012

28 MAC — Sejak saya mengambil keputusan menyertai pihak alternatif melalui Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) banyak rakan-rakan yang datang menemui saya untuk bertanya berbagai-bagai persoalan tentang tindakan saya itu.

Rata-rata yang datang bertanya itu adalah dikalangan mereka yang telah berkawan dan bersahabat dengan saya sejak puluhan tahun dahulu. Rakan-rakan yang jauh bertanya kepada saya melalui emel dan talipon dan memahami saya setelah saya memberikan kefahaman yang sebetulnya.

Apa yang saya nampak mereka lebih bertanya kenapa saya memilih untuk tidak lagi bersama Umno. Jarang-jarang mereka bertanya kenapa pilih DAP kerana mereka juga memahami yang DAP itu adalah sebuah parti yang berpengalaman dan telah berusia hampir lima dekad lamanya.

Mereka memahami yang DAP telah melalui semua ujian dan dugaan untuk “survival” nya kerana tekanan dan momokan oleh pihak pemerintah terhadap parti itu tidak henti-henti dilakukan oleh pihak yang takut dengan perkembangan pengaruhnya, lebih-lebih lagi sejak akhir-akhir ini. Continue reading “Umno akan terus gagal memperjuangkan Melayu”

Umno rewards the compromised

— Sam Peh
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 27, 2012

MARCH 27 — Is it any wonder that Khairy Jamaluddin is now being made the chairman of PUNB? Not at all because Umno is a party which reward its members who have indulged in money politics, being found guilty of subverting the judicial system, abused the Internal Security Act and even those who have not been able to shake the smell of corruption.

Syed Hamid Albar is the top boss at SPAD, the public transportation body, and his claim to fame is locking up a journalist under the ISA supposedly for her own safety.

Isa Samad was found guilty of vote-buying or corrupting the electoral system of his party and now he is heading Felda. Continue reading “Umno rewards the compromised”

Bilalah Abdul Wahub akan muncul?

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 27, 2012

27 MAC — Lama juga rasanya saya berada dalam Umno dan pernah bergiat hampir tiga dekad lamanya. Walaupun saya bukan seorang yang pandai dan jauh sekali untuk memandai-mandai, saya dapat banyak pengalaman bergiat dalam parti yang telah diberikan mandat untuk mentadbir negara selama kita mencapai kemerdekaan. Itulah sebabnya saya berani dan boleh untuk menceritakan perkara-perkara yang membezakan diantara Umno yang dahulu dengan Umno Baru yang baru berumur 24 tahun itu.

Bak kata orang tidak ada yang lama tidak ada yang baru. Keadaan bersalah-salahan itu memang satu keadaan yang natural. Hanya kita sahaja yang boleh memilih untuk memilih salah satu dari sifat berlawanan itu. Kalau ADA lawannya TIADA, Begitulah keadaannya. Mana kita tahu yang sesuatu itu panjang jika tidak ada elemen yang pendek. Masakan kita tahu mana yang panas jika kita tidak tahu dan pernah merasakan yang sejuk dsb.

Dalam politik dinihari kita sedang melihat satu politik yang belum pernah kita lihat dan alami sebelum ini. Keadaan ini berlaku disebabkan kali ini merupakan pilihanraya dalam mana rakyat ramai terutamanya gulungan yang muda bersama-sama terlibat memainkan peranan untuk membezakan politik dahulu dan politik sekarang ini. Kali ini juga merupakan politik yang pertama kalinya BN menghadapi pengaruh PR yang sudah pun memegang teraju pemerintahan dilima buah negeri dalam persekutuan ini. Continue reading “Bilalah Abdul Wahub akan muncul?”

Mentalqinkan Umno

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 27, 2012

Mari talqinkan Umno.

Ianya bukan apa apa. Umno sudah sampai masa tamatnya. Bila dah tiba maut, kita tak boleh melambat atau menyegerakan walaupun sesaat. Rakyat sudah lemas dan meluat dengan Umno. Untungnya, Umno tidak boleh melakukan apa apa untuk menyelamatkan dirinya. Setiap hari Umno menunjukkan lemasnya.

Najib berkata kepada rakyat jangan melakukan kesilapan sekali lagi. Amat benar — jangan melakukan kesilapan dengan memberi lesen kepada pimpinan Umno untuk merompak dan melanun negara ini. Pada kadar kerajaan Umno memberi kontrak dan pinjaman dengan kadar rendah, seolah-olahnya, kerajaan pimpinan Umno memerah rakyat. Negara akan bengkrap.

Lebih mendukacitakan — Najib menunjukkan sifat Umno yang bongkak. Umno merasakan dialah sahaja Melayunya. Dialah sahaja yang pandai mengurus negara. Dialah sahaja yang melindungi orang Melayu. Dialah sahaja yang boleh beri masa depan kepada orang Melayu dan Malaysia. Akan tetapi, fakta menunjukkan negeri-negeri di bawah Pakatan Rakyat di tadbir dengan lebih baik. Continue reading “Mentalqinkan Umno”

Teflon Umno

— Gomen Man
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 23, 2012

MARCH 23 — Today was closure for Prime Minister Najib Razak. Not for Malaysia and not for Shahrizat Jalil or her family, most recently known for their involvement in the National Feedlot Centre scandal.

Closure because Najib has been forced to publicly back Shahrizat as the Wanita Umno chief or face the possibility of some form of a revolt from the Wanita ranks.

This scenario was communicated to Putrajaya by Wanita Umno in not to subtle ways. So Shahrizat got to pick her “retirement” date from Cabinet and the assurance that she can remain as Wanita chief.

So today she was feted by her wing, the same wing which was clueless and probably thought that the NFC meant the National Feeding Committee when Shahrizat made light of the scandal at the Umno general assembly. Continue reading “Teflon Umno”

Get real Mr Prime Minister!

By Sakmongkol AK47 | March 22, 2012
The Malaysian Insider

MARCH 22 — Like many others, I read somewhat amused at PM Najib’s war cry that he is confident of getting back the states now under the opposition. I say war cry because here we have a PM seized by an extreme bout of paranoia declaring that we are at war. With who?

He has to stop the charade. It’s not like Umno and BN people are gifted with extraordinary talent that reserves them the right to govern the country. Who can argue against facts? The top three states which drew the highest FDI are Pakatan-led states. Just under one term, Pakatan governments can achieve these good things which no other BN lead states have ever achieved is an incontestable testimony that Pakatan people are more talented.

This is what Umno and BN and the Umno president fear most. That people are slowly but surely realising that there is life without Umno and what’s better, there is a better life without Umno. Let’s repeat this once more there’s life without Umno and there’s a better life without Umno indeed. Tell your friends, neighbours about this; let us kick out the kleptocratic maniacs out of Putrajaya and forge a new future. Let’s square off with Najib as the opposition leader. We will see he is a paper tiger who, without a scripted text, cannot respond to out-of-pre-approved questions.
Continue reading “Get real Mr Prime Minister!”

Sejak Merdeka isu Melayu berkumandang, Melayu tidak ke mana juga

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 21, 2012

21 MAC — Isu Melayu tetap menjadi bahan kempen Umno dan Barisan Nasional semasa kita sedang menanti tarikh muktamad pilihanraya yang akan datang. PRU boleh jadi hampir atau mungkin lambat lagi. Mungkin Najib Razak menangguhkan PRU ke13 ini sampai akhir penggal pada bulan Mac 2013. Terpulang kepada beliau untuk menentukannya.

Yang saya hendak sebut hanya tentang isu yang dimainkan oleh Umno dan BN sekarang ini dan isu yang paling jelas ialah isu keselamatan dan masa depan orang Melayu. Isu ini digunakan setiap kali pilihanraya di adakan. Ia semata-mata untuk menakutkan orang Melayu untuk meninggalkan Umno dan memberikan sokongan ke pihak lain. Ia menunjukan kegagalan Umno untuk memberikan penyelesaian terhadap isu Melayu ini.

Sejak mencapai kemerdekaan ini sahajalah isu yang dimainkan. Ia merupakan lagu lama yang sudah jarang didengar. Lagu ini kita dengar bermusim sahaja, iaitu semasa pilihanraya diadakan. Ianya adalah seperti lagu lama nyanyian Momok Latif dan anak muda sekarang ini sudah tidak suka mendengarnya lagi. Continue reading “Sejak Merdeka isu Melayu berkumandang, Melayu tidak ke mana juga”

Kadir Sheikh Fadzir sempat keluar Umno sebelum parti itu diketepikan

Oleh Aspan Alias | March 20, 2012
The Malaysian Insider

20 MAC — Tan Sri Kadir Sheikh Fadzir telah rasmi meninggalkan Umno. Ini disahkan oleh Setiausaha Agung Umno Tengku Datuk Seri Adnan Mansor. Tindakan beliau itu telah dijangkakan dari awal lagi kerana beliau telah meluahkan banyak perkara yang beliau tidak persetujui berlaku didalam Umno. Beliau telah menyertai Umno pada tahun 1956 dan bersama-sama menyertai Umno Baru pada bulan Februari 1988 yang lalu.

Saya memahami apa yang dirasakan oleh TS Kadir itu kerana beliau sudah begitu lama terlibat didalam kedua-dua parti (Umno asal dan Umno Baru), dan tentulah beliau nampak dan merasakan perbezaan diantara dahulu dengan sekarang. Saya menganggap dan boleh mengagak yang beliau lebih selesa berada diluar Umno untuk bersama-sama menyatukan Melayu diluar parti yang kian hari kian lemah itu.

Tindakan TS Kadir keluar dari parti itu merupakan bayangan menifestasi sebenarnya yang berlaku didalam Umno. Sebagai seorang yang telah bersama dengan parti itu selama 5 dekad lebih itu, tindakan beliau itu tentunya didasarkan kepada masalah-masalah yang berlaku didalam Umno kerana saya secara peribadi merasakan apa yang diresahkan oleh TS Kadir itu.
Continue reading “Kadir Sheikh Fadzir sempat keluar Umno sebelum parti itu diketepikan”

Similar Scandals, Different Treatment

By M. Bakri Musa

To assert that the Malaysian mass media is nothing more than propaganda arm of the ruling Barisan coalition is no revelation. The personnel in the mainstream dailies, the national news agency Bernama, and the government broadcasting channel RTM are less journalists and editors, more political hacks and spinmeisters. They are, to borrow National Laureate Samad Ismail’s word, the carma (contraction for cari makan, seeking a livelihood) variety.

Less appreciated is the fact that they are hired hands not of the Barisan government but of whatever faction in it that is currently dominant, or trying to be so. Thus one can surmise the tensions and the dynamics of the current swing of the political pendulum within Barisan, specifically UMNO, from perusing the headlines. Perusing is exactly the right word, for there is nothing much worth reading in those dailies.

Consider the contrasting treatment in the mainstream media of the two currently unfolding financial scandals. The first is the National Feedlot Corporation mess (“cow-gate”) that is now ensnaring the husband and family of Women’s Minister Shahrizat Jalil; it had also led to her resignation from her cabinet post. The other is the nearly half-a-million ringgit engagement party for Prime Minister Najib Razak’s daughter and an equally expensive birthday bash for himself that he allegedly tried to on to Treasury, and thus the taxpayers.
Continue reading “Similar Scandals, Different Treatment”

‘Useless’ to hold another rally, Muhyiddin tells Bersih 2.0

By Lisa J. Ariffin
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 18, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, March 18 — Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dismissed today warnings that Bersih 2.0 may launch another rally, telling the election watchdog that street demonstrations are “useless”.

“To me, it is useless to do so (hold another rally),” Muhyiddin told a press conference today after attending the Federal Territory Umno Election Assembly here.

“Demonstrations won’t solve problems, they are just to show how much support you have,” he added, saying that if Barisan Nasional (BN) was to hold a similar demonstration, the pact could easily rally one million supporters.

Muhyiddin was speaking today in response to Bersih 2.0 chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, who yesterday warned Putrajaya of a potential “Bersih 3.0” rally in light of lagging polls reforms and reports of a sudden surge of voters in some parliamentary constituencies. Continue reading “‘Useless’ to hold another rally, Muhyiddin tells Bersih 2.0”

Shahrizat’s departure: What sacrifice?

Yap Mun Ching | Mar 14, 2012

The announced departure of Women and Family Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil could not have come a moment too soon given the depth and breadth of the Cowgate scandal which has now festered for months.

It brings relief to many who have deplored the slow reaction of enforcement authorities in acting decisively to address the unfolding mess which has focused international spotlight on gross corruption in Malaysia.

In commenting on Shahrizat’s ‘resignation’, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak disappointingly described the action as one of sacrifice in the interest of the government and the party.

Najib had justified his statement on grounds that there is “no proof so far that she had committed any offence in terms of law”.

In the light of the statement by National Feedlot Corporation CEO Wan Shahinur Izmir Salleh, Shahrizat’s son, admitting that the company had used funds meant for the development of a cattle business to purchase luxury condominiums, the prime minister, it would seem, has overstepped his attempts at neutrality.

If Shahrizat sacrificed for anything at all, it would be to raise some pertinent questions about the state of governance in Malaysia. Continue reading “Shahrizat’s departure: What sacrifice?”

Into the lion’s den

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 17, 2012

MARCH 17 — I went back into the lion’s den last Wednesday, March 14. I took part in my first ceramah as a DAP member in Pekan Pahang in a kampung called Kampung Sungai Miang. The ceramah was organised by the local PAS chapter at a house belonging to a PAS supporter. The house has a big compound and was able to accommodate a large crowd. The two other speakers at the ceramah were my fellow DAP colleague Aspan Alias. The other was PAS firebrand, deputy president Mat Sabu.

I spoke with a Pekan slang. This is the seat of our PM. He is the MP for Pekan with its four ADUNs. He is the man with the 69 per cent approval rating. He is the man who coined so many acronymed initiatives. A smorgasbord consisting of strange morsels termed as NKRA, ETP, PDP, NEM, and so many others. We have lost count. He is the one speaking about 1 Malaysia and who taught adults and children alike to show up one obscene finger.

I have proven one point. While Najb’s personal rating goes up 60 per cent, Umno’s rating has gone down. And that night on March 14, the response shown by Pekan Umno did not do justice to the man who gets a 69.

While we were holding the ceramah where more than 600 attended, Umno was given permission to do a ceramah barely 100 yards away. The attendance? Not more than 60 people. Of course, if you count the drinks and refreshments, the empty chairs, the lamp posts, the chickens, more than 100 attended the Umno ceramah. Continue reading “Into the lion’s den”

Najib wants Selangor, badly

— Gomen Man
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 16, 2012

MARCH 16 — There is a reason why Najib Razak is going to Selangor nearly every week: Getting back the country’s richest state is the minimum passing mark he has set himself in the coming elections.

Umno insiders say that Najib and his strategists do not believe Barisan Nasional (BN) can regain its two-thirds control of Parliament, but think that winning back Selangor will assuage Umno members and prevent a coup attempt against him.

And that is why Najib is using money like water in Selangor and spending nearly every weekend in some district there. And that is also why Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has reason to be worried about the sudden increase in the number of voters in constituencies in the state.

As it stands, Najib is confident that he will still be the prime minister and that he will do slightly better than Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. But not everyone in Umno believes that Najib’s advisors are giving him the right information, with some betting that anything between six and 10 parliamentary seats will fall in Sarawak, and that a good number of seats in Johor will also be lost.

On the flip side, Umno is confident that Kelantan will be retaken and Perak will stay with BN. Najib is due to visit Perak tomorrow and meet folks in Beruas and Ipoh, among other places, to convince them that his coalition is the best for the state. Continue reading “Najib wants Selangor, badly”

Najib sedang menunaikan janjinya

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 15, 2012

15 MAC — Semalam saya ke Pekan, Pahang, berceramah bersama Tuan Haji Mohamad Sabu dan Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz di sebuah rumah di Sungai Miang, kalau tak salah saya. Kehadiran yang menunggu kami sangat menggalakkan dan saya agak terkejut juga melihat kedatangan begitu ramaiyang kesemuanya terdiri dari orang tempatan. Saya bergembira kerana bersebab.

Pertamanya kami ditunggu oleh begitu ramai rakyat tempatan dan saya tidak menyangka sambutannya begitu baik dan menggalakkan, kerana kawasan itu adalah kawasan Parlimen Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Yang hadir itu adalah dari setiap lapisan penduduk di Pekan dan mereka semuanya fokus mendengar apa yang kita perkatakan.

Keduanya inilah pertama kali saya sampai berceramah di Pekan sejak hampir 30 tahun dan seperti di kawasan-kawasan lain, Pekan juga mempunyai rakyat yang prihatin terhadap apa yang berlaku dalam sekitar politik negara. “Response” yang menggalakkan itu menunjukkan yang perkembangan terkini politik negara juga dirasai oleh penduduk bandar diRaja ini.

Tetapi seperkara yang saya tidak enak yang kami alami semasa ceramah tersebut, pihak yang berwajib tidak mengambil tindakan yang seadilnya terhadap pihak yang diganggu oleh pihak pimpinan Umno bahagian Pekan. Continue reading “Najib sedang menunaikan janjinya”

Don’t cry for me Argentina: Shahrizat resigns!

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 15, 2012

MARCH 15 — The other night as I was surfing the Astro channels, I came upon an interview with a crying woman. She was crying because Shahrizat Abdul Jalil had announced she would resign her Cabinet post. The poor crying woman was also saying — if Shahrizat resigns, then Nik Aziz must also resign. I suppose she was alluding to the case involving Nik Aziz’s son in law. The SIL was cleared.

The woman need not worry. If it’s a case involving opposition politicians and those related to them in question, the government machinery will leave no stones unturned to get to the bottom of the case.

Let me share with you the thoughts of a frequent visitor to my blog. This person shows he is a concerned Malaysian, mindful of the future of our country. He comments under the penname of OneMalaysian. Continue reading “Don’t cry for me Argentina: Shahrizat resigns!”

Was Shahrizat’s act really a sacrifice?

by Kee Thuan Chye
March 14, 2012

Shahrizat did not ‘resign’. She knew the time was up, and perhaps the game too.

Let’s get this right. Shahrizat Abdul Jalil did not, in the strict sense of the word, resign. She merely chose to relinquish her position as Women, Family and Community Development Minister just a little ahead of April 8, when her senatorship would expire.

And her guess was probably as good as many people’s that her senatorship would not be extended, given that she’s now a liability to her party, Umno.

Ever since the National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) scandal broke out, she has been hounded for the fact that the company belongs to her family. Despite her claims that she had nothing to do with how the NFCorp got a RM250 million soft loan from the government while she was a member of the Cabinet, few people actually believe her.

So, if her senatorship were to be extended, Umno’s chances at the coming general election would have been severely impaired.

So no, she did not ‘resign’. She knew the time was up, and perhaps the game too. Continue reading “Was Shahrizat’s act really a sacrifice?”

The say sorry game

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 13, 2012

MARCH 13 — Malaysians are learning a new political game- The Apology Game. The apologiser- in- chief is of course Najib Razak. He has said sorry for those undefined Umno wrongs. Maybe he is sorry he couldn’t plug the gaping hole that allowed RM 1.3 trillion to leave the country. Crooks associated with Umno embezzled money belonging to this country. Its financial mayhem. Saying sorry is sufficient.

Sources of regret

Maybe he is also sorry for the endless list of financial scandals that were caused by Umno. He is sorry for dismembering up the iconic MAS. He is sorry, for destroying the future of Felda. 5 years from now, when Felda doesn’t have the funds to manage and operate the 112,000 settlers in the Felda schemes, the government steps in making up for the loss in revenue. What was the cause of the loss in revenue in the first place?

The ravenous appetite of Umno politician businessmen. Continue reading “The say sorry game”