Malaysia after regime change

— Hal Hill
The Malaysian Insider
May 14, 2012

MAY 14 — There is much to admire about Malaysia, in addition to it being arguably the world’s best place to eat. Its development record is admirable. Since independence in 1957, its per capita income has risen eight-fold. It has long since left behind its two earlier comparators, Ghana and Sri Lanka. It features prominently and positively in all major international economic comparisons, from the World Bank’s 1993 East Asian Miracle to the 2008 Growth Commission report. The 2.5 million to three million migrant workers are there for a good reason — even if they are sometimes subject to abuse, life is a lot better than in their homelands.

As a result of the country’s adept macroeconomic management, it has suffered just one serious economic setback, in 1997-98. That event had its origins at least partly in external factors, and it was promptly overcome, without the “assistance” of the IMF. The country has managed to avoid the “resource curse”, which has bedevilled the majority of resource-rich developing countries. It features well on most comparative rankings, such as the Bank’s Doing Business, and the Global Competitiveness Report.

Along with Singapore, it has enjoyed an early mover advantage from its adoption in the early 1970s of export-oriented industrialisation through foreign direct investment, before it was fashionable to do so. As a consequence, it is a major player in the global electronics industry. And although inequality remains high, there is no doubt that the bottom 40 per cent of Malaysian citizens have benefitted materially from the country’s economic growth.

What’s the economic problem, then? Principally, that the economy has yet to regain the dynamism evident before the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. Even before the more recent global financial crisis, which Malaysia navigated quite successfully, economic growth in the new millennium was at least two percentage points below that of the decade 1986-96. Continue reading “Malaysia after regime change”

Nor Mohamed Yakcop should learn history

— Jaleel Hameed
The Malaysian Insider
May 13, 2012

MAY 13 — It is interesting that Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop is talking about Malaysian history, that the country would revert to the year 1511, when the Bumiputera agenda didn’t exist, if Barisan Nasional (BN) loses in the next general election.

Thank you, sir. Where did you learn your history? Because that’s pure bovine excrement.

What Bumiputera agenda was there before the May 13, 1969 race riots? In fact, BN came into being after the riots, when the then-Alliance government realised the majority Malays felt disenfranchised in their own country.

Let’s not even talk about Penang or the Malays in the state, of which you are one.

You mean to say the Malays entered the poor house only when Pakatan Rakyat (PR) took over in 2008?

You mean to say they were richer when BN was in power?

You mean to say that after 40 years of the New Economic Policy (NEP) by BN, all the Malays are richer? Continue reading “Nor Mohamed Yakcop should learn history”

Our fate: Sub-par ministers

— Justice Seeker
The Malaysian Insider
May 13, 2012

MAY 13 — It is telling that Nazri Aziz is considered among the more capable ministers. But on the evidence of what he has said and done, that is a backhanded compliment. A bit like saying that the one-eyed man is the king in the kingdom of the blind.

Even that is being charitable to Nazri. He is as incompetent and dense as the rest of his Cabinet colleagues. He was quoted as saying that the Bar Council’s stand on alleged police brutality was not representative of the legal fraternity because only some 1,200 lawyers out of 20,000 attended.

So should we say that the UN Security Council’s rulings are not binding on Malaysia because Malaysia is not a member? Should we say that Umno’s choice of its president and therefore prime minister of Malaysia is not valid because only 2,000 of its members out of three million members voted?
Obviously this minister does not understand the concept of representation. The Bar Council leadership were voted by members of the legal fraternity and therefore have the mandate to call for any meeting to discuss matters of public interest.

Lawyers getting beaten up by thuggish cops is a matter of interest. The quorum for Friday’s meeting was easily met. Two thousand of 20,000 lawyers is 10 per cent while 2,000 of 3,000,000 Umno members is 0.07 per cent. Continue reading “Our fate: Sub-par ministers”

Benarkah penentang Najib/Umno itu ‘haram jadah’?

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
May 12, 2012

12 MEI — Saya begitu terpanggil untuk memberikan komen tentang “conduct” PM Najib sebagai pemimpin utama negara sehari dua ini yang ramai menganggap sebagai tidak semenggah itu. Najib nampaknya sudah hilang kesabaran untuk menerima cabaran demokrasi yang belum pernah beliau alami selama ini.

Sejak mula berpolitik dan memegang jawatan besar-besar dalam parti dan kerajaan Najib belum lagi berhadapan dengan krisis sebesar ini. Apabila krisis seperti yang berlaku hari ini menghadapi beliau, Najib mula melatah dan menari tanpa megikut rentak yang sangat susah untuk beliau ikuti. Langkah beliau sumbang dan beliau seolah-olah menari di atas tanah yang tidak rata.

“Najib has never gone through the mill,” kata seorang sahabat saya yang selalu menghubungi saya setiap hari. Najib tidak lagi dapat meletakkan diri beliau sebagai seorang pemimpin nombor satu negara. Tingkah dan laku beliau menampakkan yang beliau belum lagi dapat mengendalikan krisis kepimpinan yang beliau sedang hadapi dengan baik dan matang.

Semasa mengumumkan “durian runtuh” di Jengka dua tiga hari yang lepas, beliau bercakap dengan penuh emosi dan bercakap dengan sombong dan bongkak sambil mengatakan yang pihak yang menentang IPO FELDA Global Ventures itu sebagai “Haram Jadah”. Tidak disangka-sangka yang Najib sanggup mengeluarkan kata-kata yang menghina itu kepada pihak yang tidak sekata dengan beliau. Kata-katanya itu hanya melambangkan nilai peribadi beliau yang sebenar yang mudah difahami oleh rakyat yang rata-rata sudah cerdik dan pandai membuat penilaian kepada seseorang itu.

“Haram Jadah” ini bermakna anak haram yang disumpah. Najib telah menghina pihak yang tidak seiring dengan beliau dengan kata-kata yang tidak ada tolok banding hinanya apatah lagi ia datang dari seorang Perdana Menteri. Malahan rakyat amat terkejut dengan kata-kata kesat itu datangnya dari keluarga Tun Abdul Razak, keluarga yang disangka baik oleh rakyat jelata. Saya tidak dapat memahami apakah perasaan beliau semasa berucap itu dan berani beliau memutuskan yang penentang beliau itu semua anak haram yang dilaknat. Continue reading “Benarkah penentang Najib/Umno itu ‘haram jadah’?”

Politik fascism Umno lawan politik demokrasi rakyat (Bahagian 1)

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
May 11, 2012

11 MEI — Apa pasal kita menibai Umno? Jawapannya sama seperti mengapa Umno menibai parti lawannya. Kita membantai Umno sebab Umno jadi penghadang kepada pencapaian demokrasi untuk rakyat. Umno pula menibai parti lawan, kerana meraka menghalang jalan untuknya mendapat kuasa mutlak atau fascism.

Umno mewakili system demokrasi totalitarian. Rakyat mahukan demokrasi penyertaan dimana mereka menjadi equal stakeholders dalam menentukan masa depan negara. Jadi “demokrasi” yang disokong dan didukung oleh Umno bertentangan dengan demokrasi yang rakyat mahukan.

Umno bercakap mengenai demokrasi yang maksudnya, tidak sama dengan demokrasi yang di fahami oleh rakyat. Cara mencapai demokrasi kita berbeza- Umno menggunakan cara fascis , rakyat mahukan cara penyertaan bersama.

Kita semua tahu akan bahaya jika kuasa di monopoli oleh satu orang atau oleh kumpulan yang kecil. Hari ini peneroka Felda di haramjadahkan. Esok semua rakyat akan di perlakukan serupa. Sebutan dan pengucapan itu datang dari orang yang gila- gila kuasa. Hanya orang yang gila kuasa sahaja yang megeluarkan kata2 kesat sedemikian rupa. Kita yang mewakili rakyat bukan gila kuasa, tapi kita mahu ambil kuasa dari orang gila. Continue reading “Politik fascism Umno lawan politik demokrasi rakyat (Bahagian 1)”

Despicable, contemptible behaviour must be condemned

— P. Ramakrishnan
The Malaysian Insider
May 11, 2012

MAY 11 — Aliran is shocked and alarmed by the puerile and infantile behaviour of Perkasa, whose members numbering about 30 held an atrocious “funeral rite” in front of the Penang chief minister’s house in Pinhorn Road yesterday.

They also put up a garlanded framed photograph on the gate of the house “to signify his ‘death’ to the Malay community”.

These desperadoes resorted to hooliganism and rowdyism in their conduct by throwing posters of the CM in front of his gate and littering the road by strewing the same posters on the road while on motorcycles on their way to Komtar to continue their demonstration there.

This dastardly act surely cannot be condoned by Islam and other traditions and all right-thinking Malaysians from all walks of life.

What these people did — and had done in the past — is a threat to our communal harmony. They are trying to undermine our unity for their political agenda. They tend to evoke hatred and dissatisfaction among the various communities unnecessarily and without just cause. They are playing with fire without a care and their irresponsible conduct can undo the peace that is prevalent now.

Conducting funeral services and carrying coffins around and presenting faeces as chocolate cake are not the conduct of the brave and the sane. This is the behaviour of the irrational and the irresponsible. Continue reading “Despicable, contemptible behaviour must be condemned”

Bar EGM denounces police brutality at Bersih 3.0

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
May 11, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, May 11 — The Malaysian Bar has approved a resolution condemning the police for using “excessive” and “indiscriminate” force to disperse Bersih 3.0 protesters on April 28, despite objections raised by a minority group of lawyers at today’s extraordinary general meeting (EGM).

The resolution, passed by way of voting this evening, also demands apologies from the home minister and Inspector-General of Police to the public and members of the media over the conduct of the police during the rally.

According to Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee, only 16 of the 1,270 Malaysian Bar members in attendance today had opposed the resolution, which contained findings of alleged police brutality against protesters and members of the media.

A total of 939 votes were recorded in support of the resolution. There are some 14,000 members in the Malaysian Bar.

Commending today’s high turnout at the EGM, which exceeded the turnout of some 800 members during the Bar’s annual general meeting (AGM) in March, Lim said it was clear that members viewed the events surrounding Bersih 3.0 seriously.

“The fact is, there was widespread reports of police brutality and excessive, disproportionate use of tear gas and water cannons in KL, which only started after the alleged reported breach of the barricades at Dataran Merdeka after 3pm… prior to which, there was a carnival-like atmosphere,” he told a press conference after the three-hour EGM. Continue reading “Bar EGM denounces police brutality at Bersih 3.0”

UMNO has reduced politics in Malaysia to its lowest depths as illustrated by two disgraceful events yesterday – Perkasa “funeral rite” in front of Lim Guan Eng’s house and invasion of Bersih 2.0 co-chairperson Ambiga’s privacy

UMNO Baru is celebrating its 66th anniversary although it is only 24 years old as it was legally registered in 1988 after the officially-engineered deregistration of the original UMNO and which was why the first and third Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn refused to be members of UMNO Baru.

Be that as it may, it is indisputable that UMNO today has reduced politics in Malaysia to its lowest depths as illustrated by two disgraceful events yesterday – the Perkasa “funeral rite” in front of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s house in Penang and the invasion of Bersih 2.0 co-chairperson Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan’s privacy.

In the former case, a group of 30 Perkasa members showed up at about 10.20 am and in a 15-minute demonstration in front of Guan Eng’s house in Pinhorn Road, Penang, threw posters of Guan Eng at his front gate and placed a framed photo of him with a garland of flowers to signify his “death” to the Malay community.

What is most deplorable is the total failure of action by the police authorities.

The Perkasa “funeral rite” is nothing less than a “death threat” to Guan Eng.

Is it conceivable that if such a “funeral rite” or “death threat” demonstration had been staged by protestors outside the residence of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Cabinet Ministers or those of UMNO/Barisan Nasional Mentris Besar/Chief Ministers, the police would have been equally passive and indifferent? Continue reading “UMNO has reduced politics in Malaysia to its lowest depths as illustrated by two disgraceful events yesterday – Perkasa “funeral rite” in front of Lim Guan Eng’s house and invasion of Bersih 2.0 co-chairperson Ambiga’s privacy”

Besok perayaan ulang tahun Umno, walaupun Umno itu sudah tiada

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
May 10, 2012

10 MEI — Dengar khabarnya Umno akan “celebrate” ulang tahun yang ke 66 besok dengan perhimpunan ahli parti yang besar-besaran. Katanya Umno berumur 66 tahun besok, 11hb Mei. Upacara sambutan besaran-besaran ini akan menjadi seperti pelancaran untuk menghadapi pilihanraya yang bakal diadakan sekejap sahaja lagi.

Saya lebih tertarik jika Umno hanya mengadakan doa selamat besar-besaran untuk Umno yang telah mati itu bukannya merayakan hari lahirnya. Parti itu telah mati dan semua orang tahu siapa yang merancang kematiannya dan kenapa kematian Umno itu amat perlu bagi seorang pemimpin pada tahun 1988 dahulu. Tidak payah diulangi lagi kerana blog inilah yang telah mengulangi kejadian itu berpuluh-puluh kali sebelum ini. Umno sekarang sepatutnya merayakan ulang tahun yang ke 24 sahaja kerana itulah umur sebenar parti Umno yang sekarang ini.

Sepatutnya ulang tahunnya dirayakan pada bulan Februari yang lepas. Tetapi Umno terpaksa mengambil dan menukar tarikh lahirnya ke11 Mei kerana itulah tarikh lahir Umno yang sebenarnya. Saya dan siapa pun tahu kenapa Umno memilih 11 Mei itu sebagai hari ulang tahun parti itu. Sebabnya senang; kerana Umno asal itu merupakan parti tulin perjuangan untuk orang Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia amnya. Umno baru ini ingin menumpang “kekeramatan” Umno lama itu maka ia memilih untuk menggunakan tarikh kelahiran parti yang telah mati dibunuh pada tahun 1988 dahulu sebagai tarikh ulang tahun parti yang baru berumur 24 tahun itu. Continue reading “Besok perayaan ulang tahun Umno, walaupun Umno itu sudah tiada”

Dibawah lindungan hipokrasi

Oleh Sakmongkol AK47 | May 08, 2012
The Malaysian Insider

8 MEI — Ini artikel yang di tujukan khas kepada majoriti orang Melayu supaya kekal tidak menyokong parti fasis yang bernama Umno. Ya, pembaca dengar tidak bersalahan. Saya menggelarkan Umno parti fasis yang menghamba-abdikan orang Melayu dan memperbudakkan dan membodohkan bangsa Melayu. Setelah 50 tahun ketika Umno lemah, barulah pemimpin Umno berkejaran memberi RM500 seorang. Berapa ribu orang terpaksa beratur mendapatkan RM500 untuk menyamai harga cincin RM74 juta? Berapa yang kena beratur mendapatkan RM500 menyamai handbag Birkin Hermes?

Amat menakjubkan orang Melayu sanggup menerima RM500 tapi melupakan kezaliman dan penganiayaan kerajaan Umno keatas orang Melayu khususnya. Bolehkah kita ganti RM500 seorang dengan penafian hak rakyat Kelantan yang majoritynya orang Melayu mendapatkan royalty minyak? Minyak di jumpai di perairan Kelantan, tapi Kelantan di nafikan peluang membangunkan industri minyak dan gas di Tok Bali. Mahathir lebih rela menyalurkan minyak ke Songkhla, Thailand dari Tok Bali. Jadi rakyat Kelantan, ambil RM500 tersebut tapi jangan lupa kezaliman dan penganiayaan keatas kamu oleh Umno dan BN.
Continue reading “Dibawah lindungan hipokrasi”

Menyelenggara kereta tua terlalu mahal. Beli kereta baru!

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
May 06, 2012

6 MEI — Memandu kereta tua sangat mahal harganya. Kereta tua walau bagaimana hebat pun jenamanya, ia tetap memakan perbelanjaan penyaraannya yang tinggi jika dibandingkan kos penyelenggaraan semasa kereta itu masih baru.

Sesebuah kereta lama akan mengeluarkan asap hitam dan akan tidak lagi “environmentally friendly” kerana asap hitam itu akan menjadikan alam sekeliling kita menjadi kotor dan “toxic”.

Itulah sebabnya kita menukar kereta baru setelah kereta yang kita pandu itu sudah berumur banyak tahun. Jika kita tukar kereta baru setidak-tidaknya setakat empat atau lima tahun ia tidak akan memberikan banyak masalah kepada tuan punya kereta itu.

Lagi pula apabila kita masih mengekalkan kereta lama itu “petrol consumption”nya akan menjadi tinggi dan terpaksa berbelanja lebih untuk minyak kereta tersebut. Penghawa dingin kereta itu pun akan memakan belanja besar kerana terpaksa di “service” dan ditukar banyak alat ganti kepada penghawa dingin dan kereta itu keseluruhannya. Yang membuat untung hanyalah mekanik-mekanik yang mengambil kesempatan diatas segala masalah yang dihadapi oleh kereta itu.

Yang selalu kita lihat kereta yang sudah terlalu lama itu akan dibeli oleh syarikat pemotong kereta untuk menggunakan bahagian-bahagian kereta itu sebagai “spare parts” terpakai. Kereta-kereta lama ini selalunya tidak dibuang kesemuanya kerana masih ada sedikit sebanyak bahagian bahagian yang boleh digunakan untuk alat ganti terpakai oleh mekanik-mekanik untuk kegunaan mereka memperbaiki kereta-kereta pelanggan mereka.

Umno pun nampaknya begitu juga. Dengarnya minggu hadapan Umno akan merayakan ulang tahun ke 66. Bagaimana mereka mengira pun kita tidak tahu kerana pada perkiraan saya, Umno baru berusia 24 tahun sahaja. Tetapi tidak mengapa. Continue reading “Menyelenggara kereta tua terlalu mahal. Beli kereta baru!”

Keberangkalian Umno menjadi pembangkang adalah tinggi

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
May 06, 2012

6 MEI — Kali ini saya teruskan lagi tentang perlunya kerajaan diubah, dianjak dan di alih, kalau boleh sebelum pilihanraya umum. Sambutan himpunan Bersih menunjukkan sokongan kepada perubahan dan rakyat tidak lagi mahu menerima pujukan kerajaan dan pimpinan hari ini agar mereka diberikan sekali lagi sambungan untuk memerintah negara kita yang kaya raya tetapi disalah tadbir ini.

Apa pun kata pihak media massa arus perdana jumlah peserta himpunan Bersih 3.0 tetap jauh melebihi 200,000 orang. Siapa pun boleh nafikan angka ini, tetapi itulah angka yang sebenarnya. Tetapi angka itu tidak penting. Yang penting dalam pilihanraya kali ini BN akan sampai penghujung hayatnya untuk mentadbir negara kita setelah memerintah begitu lama yang membuatkan pemimpin-pemimpin mereka menjadi seperti orang yang kufur nikmat.

Mahu tidak mahu kita mesti terima hakikat yang Bersih 3.0 telah berjaya besar yang tidak disangka-sangka. Pihak BN boleh berkata mengikut apa yang mereka mahu dengar tetapi hakikatnya rakyat telah membuat keputusan yang ‘conclusive’; iaitu, untuk menggantikan BN, justru rakyat akan ditadbir oleh kerajaan baru. Seperti yang saya sebut dalam posting saya beberapa hari yang lalu sokongan terhadap Bersih 3.0 Sabtu lepas memberikan ‘signal’ yang rakyat akan diperintah oleh pihak ‘alternative’.

Sesungguhnya, apa pun yang dilakukan oleh Najib dan barisan pimpinan negara, majoriti rakyat Malaysia sudah kehilangan keyakinan terhadap BN. Persepsi majoriti rakyat terhadap BN sudah sampai keperingkat optima dan tidak ada jalan lagi untuk BN diyakini oleh rakyat yang ramai ini. Semalam saya berada di Terengganu dan sebahagian yang mendengar ceramah yang saya sampaikan itu adalah dari mereka yang baru pulang dari Kota Baru kerana mereka diberikan bas dan berbagai-bagai kemudahan untuk menyambut PM Najib di sana. Continue reading “Keberangkalian Umno menjadi pembangkang adalah tinggi”

Road to Malaysia’s day of destiny

Bridget Welsh | May 6, 2012


With well over 100,000 people gathering last week for electoral reform in the largest street protest in the nation’s history – and the event marred by violence by both state and non-state actors alike – Malaysian politics has reached an important impasse.

The Bersih 3.0 rally and its aftermath reveal that the path ahead for Malaysian politics will grow even more contentious and complex. As the different ‘Bersih stories’ pour in, ranging from ‘ordinary’ heroism to the darker accounts of beatings and abuse of power, the move of Malaysian politics outside of the realm of elite to the streets and social media is both empowering and scary.

Prime Minister Najib Razak’s decision not to accommodate the concerns of the protesters last week, and even to demonise their actions, now prods Malaysia further along the road to its day of destiny, where the political fate of Malaysia’s 54-year government will be determined. So far, the routes chosen are one of confrontation rather than compromise, making resolution to differences even more difficult. Continue reading “Road to Malaysia’s day of destiny”

Bersih 3.0: A celebration of political maturity

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
May 04, 2012

MAY 4 — The battle for freedom must be won over and over again.

I am sure there will be a Bersih 4.0 if the legitimate demands of a people craving for political meaning are not met. Why should the Election Commission resist demands to clean the electoral list? Why should the government deny electoral reforms? Why should the Malaysian people be denied the right to insist elections are only for Malaysian people? Why should we not demand the exclusion of phantom voters and aliens from our electoral list? Admitting Bangladeshis, Myanmars, Nepalis and other illegals and giving them instant MYkads because they can support a fearful government is treasonous!

We are denied because this government fears the judgment of its own people. It has certainly shown it fears its own people. Otherwise what kind of government that has shown it was willing to unleash the repressive instruments on its own people?

I almost fell off the chair when someone uttered the unthinkable — that Bersih 3.0 would serve only to whip up Malay nationalism. Because of Bersih 3.0, Malays will gravitate towards Umno? Continue reading “Bersih 3.0: A celebration of political maturity”

Bersih 3.0: UMNO needs a game change

— Dahlia Martin
The Malaysian Insider
May 01, 2012

MAY 1 — Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s popularity took a hit following a harsh crackdown on demonstrators at July’s 2011 Bersih rally. Looking to salvage his image as a reformer, Najib immediately set up a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) to look into the issue of electoral reform.

But if he was hoping this move alone would appease critics and aid his political brand, he appears to have been gravely mistaken: the bar has since been raised, and to meet it, Najib must up the reformist ante and learn to sell policies more effectively to an increasingly sceptical electorate.

Saturday saw the Malaysian Bersih movement hold its third and biggest rally yet for electoral reform: some estimates have the number of attendees at 300,000 for the Kuala Lumpur event. Bersih “solidarity rallies” also took place in eighty-five other locations across the world, adding to the momentum already mustered from the two previous rallies.

But what had for several hours been a peaceful protest quickly took a violent turn when a small group of protesters appeared to breach the barbed wire and barricades set up by police to keep the protestors out of Kuala Lumpur’s iconic Independence Square (Dataran Merdeka).

Tear gas and water cannons were fired at demonstrators. Continue reading “Bersih 3.0: UMNO needs a game change”

Bouquet of barbed wire for Dataran

Mariam Mokhtar | Apr 30, 2012


The irony of the Bersih 3.0 rally was that it was Ambiga Sreenevasan and not premier Najib Abdul Razak, who managed to unite the rakyat and give true meaning to his favourite slogan, ‘1Malaysia’.

Ambiga united all Malaysians. They had one goal. How it must have hurt Najib that she had more magnetism than he does.

If democracy in Malaysia is like a dead man, then Bersih 3.0 successfully resurrected him. It just remains for the rakyat to nurse the dying democracy back to good health.

It is doubtful that the PM or any other Umno politician, could have attracted the size of crowd that filtered into Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. It is inconceivable that they could have united Malaysians on a national and global scale. Umno just manages to divide the races. If Umno cannot see this, then it is either too obtuse or in denial. Continue reading “Bouquet of barbed wire for Dataran”

Umno’s parenting skills

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 27, 2012

APRIL 27 — In 1927, some 85 years ago, a Malay intellectual named Zainal Abidin Ahmad wrote: “Mereka telah di perabdikan dan kena picit dan perah dan ramas di tangan pemerintah2 yang pada zaman dahulu itu- iaitu pemerintah2 dari bangsa mereka sendiri…”

It’s true. The biggest oppressors turned out to be the Malays who have power among them. The Malays are dehumanised under Umno hegemony. How would you feel, to wake up every day to tell your sons and daughters that you can’t be as good as the Indians and Chinese because you were born Malay? You are less a person because you are Malay? That you are not able to compete because you are genetically and inherently deficient and lacking in so many things? What kind of Malay do your children grow up to become?

What do the Malays look for salvation? In an absolutist Umno very much similar to the absolute monarchy of old — that ruling system to which Zaaba came to ruefully write about.

And what will the Malays turn out to be? They will become underdeveloped beings, imprisoned by false characterisation, dwarfed and stunted because each day your Umno parents tell you, you are not good enough. Your Umno parents will tell you that you are what you are today because the non-Malay forces are conspiring to decimate all things Malay.

What does Umno offer as solution? Absolute dependence on Umno. Continue reading “Umno’s parenting skills”

Use of thugs, gangsters, hooligans a very dangerous trend

— Tota
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 26, 2012

APRIL 26 — Umno Baru has a lengthy catalogue of lawless behaviour. It appears that the rule of law is a stranger to Umno Baru. When Justice Harun declared Umno illegal, the party died.

The new party is registered as Umno Baru; yet the party continues to call itself Umno! The party logo was supposed to be a new one; yet the old logo with some imperceptible cosmetic change continues to be used. The keris on its logo has given rise to detractors calling it a party of pirates! The keris has come in useful for Umno leaders to threaten the non-Malays. Umno leaders have brandished the keris and used implicit threats.

Concerned individuals and groups have alleged that Umno Baru has let loose its mobs and thugs all too frequently to disrupt, sometimes violently, legitimately organised meetings and forums by civil society groups and NGOs. The Apcet 11 forum at a hotel in KL was disrupted by an Umno Baru mob that threatened the participants and smashed tables and chairs to stop the proceedings. When the Suqiu organisation submitted its 17-point plan for the betterment of the country, an Umno Baru mob threatened them with “rivers of blood” outside the Chinese Assembly Hall, KL, if they did not withdraw their 17-point plan.

Umno Baru used similar tactics to stop the Article 11 Group from holding meetings and the Bar Council forum on the conversion of minors to Islam when one spouse in a non-Muslim marriage converts to Islam. Police inaction emboldened the Umno thugs even to prevent Karpal from entering Parliament House. An Umno Baru mob led by a screaming hooligan, Khairy, outside the US Embassy advertised to the whole world that Umno Baru is a party trapped in the Stone Age.

The rule of law is obviously not part of Umno Baru culture. While proclaiming to the whole world that “demonstrasi luar kebudayaan kita”, Umno Baru and its allies have, since March 8, 2008, organised numerous illegal demonstrations in Pakatan-ruled states. Criminal intimidation is part and parcel of Umno Baru’s political strategy. Continue reading “Use of thugs, gangsters, hooligans a very dangerous trend”

Adakah berdosa besar jika tidak bersama Umno?

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 25, 2012

25 APRIL — Masih ada saki baki penulis di dalam maya ini yang mengkritik keras tindakan saya menyertai DAP. Bermacam-macam tuduhan dilemparkan terhadap diri saya dan beberapa orang bekas ahli Umno yang bertindak menyertai parti ini, kononnya kami telah menjual bangsa dan agama kami. Saya ulangi saya tidak mengurangkan Melayu saya dan tidak mengurangkan kepercayaan saya terhadap agama saya.

Saya hairan kenapa mereka ini menggunakan isu agama dan bangsa sebagai isu terhadap diri saya, sedangkan salah satu sebab saya keluar daripada Umno itu ialah kerana parti itu menggunakan isu agama secara keterlaluan dan sebaliknya apa yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin parti itu semuanya bertentangan dengan agama dan bangsa. Bagi mereka agama itu menjadi tempelan sahaja sedangkan Islam itu sepatutnya menjadi cara hidup mereka (ad-din).

Bercakap tentang isu agama di sana sini tetapi entah apa yang dilakukan terhadap agama mereka pun kita tidak tahu dan payah untuk difahami. Islam kata orang, Islam kata mereka. Tetapi dalam bercakap pasal Islam dan membaca ayat-ayat suci dalam perhimpunan agong Pemuda, parti itu hanyalah sebagai tempelan sahaja kerana apa yang mereka lakukan hampir kesemuanya bertentangan dengan kehendak Islam. Rasuah tidak terkawal dan hampir kesemua di antara pemimpin parti itu sedang kemaruk dan penagih rasuah yang tegar.

Semuanya itu bertentangan dengan Islam. Entah siapa guru dan pendidik mereka dalam agama ini saya tidak tahu. Kalau Umno serius tentang agama dan akidah, saya berharap Umno memanggil seramai mana sadiqiah Islam dan membuat perbincangan dan tunjukkan kepada kami semua nas-nas dalam Al-Quran dan kitab-kitab tulisan ulamak-ulamak muktabar yang menyatakan bahawa menyertai DAP itu adalah haram. Kita juga mahukan mereka menunjukkan dalil-dalil serta nas-nas yang jelas yang orang Islam diwajibkan menyertai Umno untuk selamat dunia dan akhirat. Kalau ada terjumpa bukti-bukti ini beritahu kami yang telah menyertai DAP ini. Jika boleh berikan ketetapan, apa hukumnya menyokong dan mendukung pemimpin yang rasuah yang memerah harta rakyat tanpa batas ini. Continue reading “Adakah berdosa besar jika tidak bersama Umno?”