Why is Shafie Apdal telling bare-faced lie that UMNO does not use religion for politics when it is so easily debunked by UMNO/ Utusan’s “Sokong DAP Haram” campaign in past 6 days?

I am astounded by the growing frequency and the increasing number of instances of Umno/Barisan Nasional leaders abandoning principles, scruples and elementary ethics just to score political points with the approach of the 13th general elections.

The closer the approach of the next general elections, and the more uncertain and even more desperate UMNO/BN leaders feel about their electoral prospects in the next general elections, UMNO/BN leaders have shown their preparedness to be even more unscrupulous, unprincipled and unethical than in the past in their attempt to remain in power.

Yesterday for instance Umno vice president Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal was caught red-handed telling a bare-faced lie when he said in Kota Belud that UMNO does not use religion for its political interests.

How could Shafie make such a preposterous claim when it could be so easily debunked by UMNO and Utusan Malaysia’s irresponsible, seditious and anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign in the past six days? Continue reading “Why is Shafie Apdal telling bare-faced lie that UMNO does not use religion for politics when it is so easily debunked by UMNO/ Utusan’s “Sokong DAP Haram” campaign in past 6 days?”


By Martin Jalleh

Umno supreme council member Nazri Abdul Aziz declares that Anwar Ibrahim’s efforts to entice Sabah BN leaders will not affect BN (Mkini, 12 Aug 2012).

He then adds: “If Anwar want to take those who will not be fielded by (BN), go ahead. Anwar is also a frog because he left Abim (a Muslim youth movement) for Umno and then to PKR.

“It is no surprise that he takes in his own kind. The frog will accept another frog.

“Anwar’s political journey has made him ‘Bapa segala katak (King of frogs)’

Fact No. 1: Abim is not a political party. Therefore there was no hopping involved. Furthermore Anwar was invited by Dr Mahathir to join Umno!

Fact No. 2: Anwar did not leave Umno, he was sacked by Dr M and the Umno Supreme Council.

Fact No. 3: He did not jump into PKR, he formed it!

Fact No. 4: Nazri’s political journey has made him an idiot!

Konsep kafir harbi-zimmi, satu penjelasan

Dr Muhammad Nur Manuty
Ketua Penerangan, PKR
11 Ogos 2012

Sesungguhnya, di bulan Ramadan yang penuh dengan kerahmatan Ilahi ini, kita dikejutkan dengan pandangan seorang Tok Guru yang mendakwa bahawa umat Islam di Malaysia haram menyokong DAP kerana DAP menentang hudud and tidak mahu mendaulatkan Islam. Tuan Guru Haji Abdullah Sa’mah, seorang guru pondok dari Geting, Tumpat, Kelantan, berhujah bahawa umat Islam di negara ini tidak boleh menyokong PAS dan PKR justeru kedua-dua parti tersebut bersekongkol dengan DAP.

KEADILAN berpendirian bahawa konsep kafir harbi (boleh diperangi dan dibunuh) serta kafir zimmi (patuh kepada pemerintahan Islam) perlu diperjelaskan kepada umum secara lebih tepat. Ini bagi memastikan supaya konsep ini difahami mengikut perkembangan semasa bersesuaian dengan perkembangan dunia pemikiran Islam yang bersifat global. Sebenarnya, begitu ramai figur ulama dan cendekiawam Islam yang telah memberikan pandangan mereka yang lebih bersifat kontemporari berasaskan pemahaman yang nyata mengenai perbezaan di antara syari’ah dan fiqh serta menganalisis fiqh berasaskan realiti semasa (fiqh al-waqi’),

Sheikh Rashid Ghanoushi (Ketua Parti al-Nahdah, Tunisia), yang kini menjadi penasihat kepada Kerajaan baru Tunisia, dalam beberapa tulisan ilmiahnya menyatakan bahawa idea kafir harbi dan kafir zimmi serta kewujudan Negara yang boleh diperangi (dar al-harb) memang relevan pada zaman keagungan empayar Islam di masa yang silam. Namun, pada hari ini, ketika umat Islam tergabung dalam sebuah entiti dunia yang terbahagi di antara warga Muslim dan bukan Muslim yang berimbangan serta semakin bersifat global, maka kedudukan kafir harbi dan kafir zimmi sudah tidak praktikal lagi. Justeru, beliau menganjurkan konsep al-muwatinun (kewarganegaraan) diguna pakai sebagai alternatif yang praktis. Continue reading “Konsep kafir harbi-zimmi, satu penjelasan”

Isu haram undi DAP: ‘Utusan tak serik’

Zairil Khir Johari
Ogos 9 2012


Walaupun sudah dua kali didapati bersalah oleh mahkamah kerana menyiarkan laporan-laporan yang berunsur fitnah terhadap ketua menteri Pulau Pinang merangkap Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng, akhbar Utusan Malaysia tampaknya masih tidak serik.

Dengan tajuk sensasi, “Haram sokong DAP” pada muka hadapan serta laporan susulan di muka surat dalaman, Utusan Malaysia telah menyiarkan beberapa tuduhan liar seperti yang dipetik di bawah:

Adalah haram dan berdosa untuk umat Islam menyokong DAP yang secara terang-terangan menentang penubuhan negara Islam serta pelaksanaan hukum hudud.

Beliau berkata, agenda perjuangan DAP berbeza dengan MCA dan MIC dalam Barisan Nasional (BN) yang digolongkan sebagai bukan kafir harbi iaitu tidak membawa kemudaratan kepada kedudukan Islam dan umat Islam.

“Perjuangan DAP tidak terima Perlembagaan negara, mereka mahu sama rata Islam dan bukan Islam, kuil dan masjid juga mahu sama rata…”

(Dipetik daripada “Haram, berdosa undi DAP”, mukas urat 5, Utusan Malaysia 8 Ogos 2012.)

Adalah jelas di sini bahawa laporan tersebut bermotif politik dan bertujuan untuk menabur fitnah dan implikasi bahawa:

1.DAP merupakan parti yang haram.
2.DAP tidak menerima Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
3.DAP merupakan parti kafir harbi. Continue reading “Isu haram undi DAP: ‘Utusan tak serik’”

‘Kafir harbi’ umpama lampu hijau untuk membunuh

Maszlee Malik
Ogos 12 2012

Saya ingin merujuk kepada kenyataan Abdullah Samaah yang dikeluarkan oleh Utusan Malaysia berkaitan haram menyokong DAP kerana mereka merupakan kafir harbi.

Istilah kafir harbi merupakan istilah fiqh yang membawa konotasi suasana zaman perang di antara wilayah Islam di zaman dahulu dengan negara musuh.

Kafir harbi adalah merujuk kepada negara musuh yang berperang dengan Muslim di mana darah mereka adalah halal ditumpahkan kerana ianya di dalam suasana perang, di mana kafir harbi itu sendiri berusaha membunuh umat Islam.

Kafir harbi adalah wajib diperangi di peringkat negara di atas dasar peperangan.

Di zaman ini, warga atau rakyat bukan Islam yang tinggal bersama umat Islam tidak dikira sebagai kafir harbi. Malah pengklafikasian harbi atau dhimmi yang digunakan oleh ulama klasik telah diperbaiki oleh ulama moden, memandangkan negara-negara moden mempunyai konsep kewargenegaraan yang memberikan hak dan tanggungjawab yang saksama di antara Muslim dan bukan Islam.

Pengkelasan Abdullah Sama’ah bahawa DAP adalah kafir Harbi adalah tidak tepat sama sekali, malah membahayakan. Beliau seolah-olah memberikan lampu hijau untuk umat Islam memerangi parti DAP dan membunuh ahli-ahli dan kepimpinannya. Continue reading “‘Kafir harbi’ umpama lampu hijau untuk membunuh”

CONFIRMED! Umno NOT able to unite the Malays: Latest hudud card backfires

by Moaz Nair
Malaysia Chronicle
11 August 2012

A self-professed Islamic pondok (a village madrasah) “religious scholar” declared it “haram (forbidden)” for Muslims to support DAP, according to a front page story in Umno’s Utusan Malaysia, but added that MCA and MIC were acceptable because the two BN (Barisan Nasional) parties recognised Islam’s supremacy.

He said that Muslims must not vote for DAP and its two allies PAS and PKR in the federal Opposition pact of PR (Pakatan Rakyat) in the 13th general election that must be called before April next year.

To the majority this statement sounds more politics than Islamic. It only infers how “retarded” a person can be when it comes to understanding Islam. Utusan being UMNO’s mouthpiece, this statement has gravely backfired on the party.

UMNO is shuffling the race-cum-religious cards for political mileage much to the chagrin of right-minded Malaysians. The next general election will only see more non-Muslim and Muslim votes going to the Opposition. Is UMNO aware that DAP, MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other non-Muslim parties and in fact all the non-Muslims in the country recognise that Islam is the official religion of this country?

Has DAP-led Pakatan government in Penang become anti-Islam in Penang since the takeover of the state in 2008? In fact the state government of Penang has done more than BN for the Muslims in Penang just within 4 years to build up a better image of Islam in the state.

“We have no problems with DAP-led government,” commented a mosque Imam in Penang. “They support us and we don’t see them against Islam,” he added. Continue reading “CONFIRMED! Umno NOT able to unite the Malays: Latest hudud card backfires”

Najib’s voodoo economics

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 11, 2012

AUG 11 — Why is the government fudging over the issue of giving back what it owes the Kelantan government? That’s RM7.4 billion. The deal and agreement was signed between the Kelantan government and the federal government represented by the first chairman of Petronas, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Why the double talk? Why the need to form a special committee overseeing the payment of oil money owed? Is it because Umno is so accustomed to playing the role of the rent seeker?

I have asked earlier, wouldn’t it save public funds if the government asks Tengku Razaleigh what the agreement entails? He is still Umno, right? So why is he treated with mistrust? Najib was carrying his bag when he was working for Tengku Razaleigh.

And why is it the federal government implicitly mistrusts the Terengganu government by controlling the oil royalties that should be given to Terengganu? During Abdullah Badawi’s time, the appointment of the oil money was effectively controlled by Patrick Lim and his cohorts. Terengganu’s money was being managed by people at the Federal level because the Terengganu folks won’t know how to handle the money.

So you have the floating mosques, the crystal mosque, the Monsoon Cup complexes, a village consisting of a constellation of RM1 million holiday homes in Pulau Duyung and all that. Every kilometre, you have grandiose mosques built where polyclinics are more needed. You have ample number of mosques in Terengganu. Continue reading “Najib’s voodoo economics”

Utusan’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign conceived by Umno anti-national extremists who are prepared to repudiate the legacy of the first three Prime Ministers

Utusan Malaysia is completely unrepentant of its “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign launched five days ago, continuing today to carry commentary and reports to justify its campaign.

It is clear that Utusan’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign is conceived by UMNO anti-national extremists who are prepared to repudiate the legacy of the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein.

This is because those behind Utusan’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign cannot be so naïve politically as not to know that the next target of the “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign will be the first three Prime Ministers, as the DAP’s stand that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the official religion is exactly the stand taken by Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein in the first 24 years of the nation’s history from 1957 – 1981.

If the UMNO strategists who approved and launched the Utusan’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign did not realize that their attack on DAP could be extended into an attack on the first three Prime Ministers on the very same grounds, then these highly-paid UMNO strategists are not worth their money and should be sacked immediately. Continue reading “Utusan’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign conceived by Umno anti-national extremists who are prepared to repudiate the legacy of the first three Prime Ministers”

Najib should explain why he authorised Utusan’s 4-day despicable/seditious “Haram Sokong DAP”campaign when it could be extended to accuse first 3 PMs, including his father and uncle, as enemies of Islam?

This is the fourth consecutive day that the UMNO newspaper Utusan Malaysia has conducted its despicable, seditious and anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign falsely betraying the DAP as anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay Rulers to create racial and religious hatred and undermine national unity.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should explain whether he had authorized or approved the Utusan Malaysia’s four-day despicable, seditious and anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign when it could be extended to accuse the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, his father Tun Razak and his uncle Tun Hussein Onn as enemies of Islam?

This is because the stand of the DAP in accordance with the Malaysian Constitution, that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the official religion of Malaysia, is no different from that of the first three Prime Ministers from 1957 to 1981, and in fact for the next two decades from 1981 to 2001 during the first 20 years of the premiership of Tun Dr. Mahathir until the fourth Prime Minister made the unilateral, arbitrary and unconstitutional declaration at the Gerakan national delegates conference on Sept. 21, 2001 that Malaysia is an Islamic state.

This is why Mahathir could blithely respond yesterday that he could not be equated to the DAP under the Utusan Malaysia “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign, as he had declared Malaysia an Islamic state when in power although he had not implemented hudud.

Does Najib agree with the clear implication of Mahathir’s response that the fourth Prime Minister could escape the strictures of Utusan Malaysia’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign, but not the first three Prime Ministers, including his father Tun Razak and uncle Tun Hussein? Continue reading “Najib should explain why he authorised Utusan’s 4-day despicable/seditious “Haram Sokong DAP”campaign when it could be extended to accuse first 3 PMs, including his father and uncle, as enemies of Islam?”

The Glorious One’s flawed economics

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 10, 2012

AUG 10 — Since we are deluged with One this and One that, we shall now call Najib the Glorious One. My friend Aspan Alias has conferred the title Sahibus Samahah on him for other reasons. Let’s talk about his economics.

What actually is the central idea behind the ETP? The idea is as old as the prevailing thinking during Aristotle’s time. Which is you can control your charges to the extent the voice of the herald can reach. What this means in modern economic terms is it’s almost impossible to co-ordinate economic activities from a central command. You have to leave it to the market.

But Najib doesn’t understand this; he thinks that co-ordination of man’s activities isn’t possible without an ordering mind. In the minds of Najib’s advisers, the co-ordination of economic activities is not possible without a central directing body. Because that kind of arrangement allows them to play commissars to Najib’s Czar. They get to play the little Napoleons. Continue reading “The Glorious One’s flawed economics”

Lessons from the demonization of DAP

By Islamic Renaissance Front | August 10, 2012
The Malaysian Insider

AUG 10 ― “I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” ~ Malcolm X.

The Islamic Renaissance Front views the recent claims that voting for DAP is “haram”, with great concern and unease.

We believe that those claims are contrary to the spirit of Islam, which holds that a leader is not to be valued in terms his or her race or religion per se, but fundamentally by his or her character and commitment to upholding justice. A just non-Muslim is more worthy of being a leader than an unjust Muslim.

This notion is based on the one of most important principles in the religion of Islam that supporting a corrupt and despotic leader although he is of the same race and religion is tantamount to support injustice, when injustice is the main enemy of Islamic law.
Continue reading “Lessons from the demonization of DAP”

At least former PM Abdullah would have the basic decencies not to countenance UMNO and Utusan Malaysia’s anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign calculated to create racial and religious hatred and undermine national unity

For the third consecutive day, UMNO’s newspaper Utusan Malaysia is plugging its anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign calculated to create racial and religious hatred and undermine national unity.

Unlike the last two days when Utusan Malaysia’s anti-national campaign was front-page headline stories, Utusan today devoted one full page on its campaign in page 9, with incendiary, inflammatory and seditious headlines like “DAP satu ancaman kepada umat Islam”.

From recent developments, it would appear that the UMNO leadership has become so desperate about UMNO prospects in the next general election that it has developed a most despicable two-pronged strategy:

  • using the government-funded film “Tanda Putra” as part of a campaign to falsely paint me as responsible for causing the May 13 riots in 1969, even the lie that I had urinated at the flagpole of the Selangor Mentri Besar’s house at the time, when I was never in Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13, 1969; and

  • the Utusan Malaysia “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign to falsely paint the DAP as anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay Rulers.

I have been asking myself as to why the UMNO leadership, and in particular the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, have to resort to such unprecedented lies and falsehoods when Najib had been telling UMNO officials that he was confident of winning a two-thirds parliamentary majority and even winning back the states lost to Pakatan Rakyat when elections are called!
Continue reading “At least former PM Abdullah would have the basic decencies not to countenance UMNO and Utusan Malaysia’s anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign calculated to create racial and religious hatred and undermine national unity”

DAP says shares stand on Islam with first three PMs

The Malaysian Insider
Aug 09, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9 — DAP said today its position is that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam the official religion and that this is consistent with the views of the country’s first three leaders, as it came under a series of attacks from Umno-aligned religious scholars who have said it is haram for Muslims to back the opposition party because it is against an Islamic state.

The party’s parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang also pointed out what he called the hypocrisy of the attacks as Umno’s fellow Barisan Nasional (BN) partner MCA had been attacking the DAP for being a pawn of PAS and opening the door to the eventual implementation of Islamic law.

Earlier today the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leadership also jointly slammed Utusan Malaysia for stoking “religious conflict” after the Umno-owned paper ran a controversial report on its front page yesterday titled “Haram sokong DAP” (Forbidden to support DAP).

“The DAP stand that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as official religion is no different from that of first three Prime Ministers – Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein,” Lim (picture) said in a statement today.

Utusan Malaysia has been spearheading reports to suggest DAP was anti-Malay and anti-Islam while the MCA has been slamming its main rival for Chinese votes as a party bent on selling out the interests of non-Muslims to benefit PAS and its aspirations to eventually set up an Islamic state. Continue reading “DAP says shares stand on Islam with first three PMs”

Umno’s final solution

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 09, 2012

AUG 9 — Umno’s solution is something like the Nazi final solution. It thinks it can achieve national unity by pitting one race against one another. Today the Chinese, tomorrow the Indians and later all other non-Malay Malaysians. Eventually, it will apply the same gas-chambering treatment to the Malays who dared challenge and reject Umno.

Indeed Umno has already shown its inclination to political cannibalisation. The Malays who oppose and reject Umno are classed as either not having sufficient Malayness or apostates. The world of Malaysia is as how Umno defines it.

The majority of us reject this fascism.

And so we have a former PM of this country defining as citizens of this country those who came over to Sabah only on the basis of being able to speak Bahasa Malaysia and had stayed in Malaysia for a number of years. They stayed because the enforcement authorities allowed them to. They stayed because the enforcement authorities were corrupt.

This is a devious argument, simplistic and yet flippant of the matter at hand. It would have traction if the hordes of immigrants had legally come over to Malaysia, registered properly and abided by the laws of the country relating to naturalised citizenship. Then we would have exercised our SOVEREIGNTY as an independent nation having complete legal powers to determine the quantity and quality of those who want to become Malaysian citizens. Continue reading “Umno’s final solution”

Religion, the new last refuge of the desperate

— The Malaysian Insider
Aug 09, 2012

AUG 9 — Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel, the essayist Samuel Johnson once said, referring to false patriots. In Malaysia, we can add religion to that list of refuge for those desperate to be relevant.

PAS has done it, saying a vote for the party is the ticket to paradise.

And now for the past two days, Umno-run Utusan Malaysia has been quoting Islamic scholars and a mufti to reinforce the point that it is “haram” (forbidden) for Muslim Malaysians to vote for the DAP and its allies because the party is against an Islamic state or hudud law.

It would seem that the ruling coalition, which has expressed confidence in getting back the states and parliamentary majority that it lost, is now resorting to religion to regain support from the Muslim majority in the country.

It would also appear that everything the establishment does these days smacks of desperation, from the arrests of whistleblowers to trotting out so-called religious leaders to attack political opponents. Continue reading “Religion, the new last refuge of the desperate”

DAP stand that Malaysia is secular state with Islam as official religion is no different from that of first three Prime Ministers — Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein

I am really astounded to see the UMNO newspaper, Utusan Malaysia, continuing with its inflammatory, incendiary and seditious front-page headline campaign for the second consecutive day on “Haram Sokong DAP” for it is proof that there are UMNO leaders who have thrown caution and discretion to the winds as they are really desperate about UMNO’s ability to win the next general election by free and fair means.

Although Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak proclaimed 1Malaysia as his signature policy to create a nation where every Malaysian would regard himself or herself as Malaysian first and race, religion, region and class second, UMNO and Barisan Nasional leaders have tried their worst to divide Malaysians along race and religious lines.

MCA for instance had pulled out all stops to panic Malaysian Chinese to reject the DAP on the ground that the DAP is only a pawn of PAS, while UMNO had gone all out to urge Malay voters to reject PAS and PKR because both are stooges of DAP.

It is clear that these UMNO/BN lies, falsehoods and hypocrisies are not working, and Malaysians regardless of race, religion, region, class, age or gender are rallying to the Pakatan Rakyat call for change to create an united, democratic, just, incorrupt, competitive, prosperous and progressive Malaysia that UMNO leaders have decided to plunge for the most divisive, incendiary and seditious racist and religious card with screaming front-page headlines for the second consecutive day in its “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign.
Continue reading “DAP stand that Malaysia is secular state with Islam as official religion is no different from that of first three Prime Ministers — Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein”

Apa masalahnya kalau DAP menang bersama PAS, PKR?

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 08, 2012

8 OGOS — Kali ini saya kembali menyebut satu isu yang pada saya sepatutnya menjadi satu isu basi dan tidak lagi diperbesarkan. Isunya ialah isu penyertaan saya dan beberapa orang Melayu dalam Parti Tindakan Demokratik, DAP.

Saya tahu ini merupakan isu yang tidak berapa laku lagi sekarang kerana orang ramai tahu yang momokan Umno dan penyokongnya dalam isu ini semakin hari semakin pudar dan sudah tidak diterima oleh rakyat yang ramai.

Saya tidak berminat untuk melayan momokan ini, tetapi terlalu ramai sahabat dan rakan-rakan yang menyokong saya menyertai DAP ini meminta saya menyebutnya sekali lagi, setidak-tidaknya buat kali terakhir. Mereka yang menyokong saya meliputi penyokong-penyokong saya dari seluruh negara dan ramai di antara mereka meminta saya menulisnya lagi.

“Penyokong Umno ini malas berfikir. You mesti beritahu mereka selalu, kalau tidak mereka lupa. Orang yang malas berfikir mesti diperingati selalu sebab mereka payah untuk memahami isu-isu penting ini. Mereka ini tidak pernah dilatih untuk berfikir sebaliknya dilatih untuk mengangguk sahaja,” kata beberapa orang yang menyokong saya menyertai DAP walaupun mereka ini hanya sekadar penyokong yang akan memberikan undi kepada DAP. Continue reading “Apa masalahnya kalau DAP menang bersama PAS, PKR?”

May 13 film: ‘Govt’s fear-mongering tool’

Anisah Shukry | August 8, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

Analysts say that that the upcoming film’s depiction of the May 13 riots will spark unhappiness among the public and can be seen as a move to cow Malay voters.

PETALING JAYA: The government-backed film Tanda Putera is Barisan Nasional’s way of instilling fear into the hearts of the rakyat during the run-up to the country’s 13th general election, according to a political analyst.

The film was originally slated for release on Sept 13 but was now expected to reach cinemas in November following controversy over its depiction of the May 13, 1969 riots – an incident largely seen as a stain on Malaysia’s multiracial history.

“There are definitely political motives behind the movie, in terms of it being released near the general election,” political analyst Ong Kian Ming told FMT.

“One of the primary reasons for the release of the movie is that it is part of a larger picture involving fear-mongering – to create a sense of fear among the Malay community that if BN was to lose the next general election, it would lead to a repeat of the May 13 incident,” he said.

The race riots four decades ago had been sparked off by an election setback for the Malay-dominated ruling alliance. The riots lasted several weeks, with the death toll said to be 196.

But the USCI University lecturer stressed that Malaysians had largely moved on from the incident and it would have little impact on urban voters in particular. Continue reading “May 13 film: ‘Govt’s fear-mongering tool’”

Utusan Malaysia front-page headline “Haram sokong DAP” torn to smithereens Najib’s 1Malaysia signature policy

Utusan front page 8 Aug 2012

With 23 days to go before Malaysia celebrates the 55th Merdeka Day and 39 days the 49th Malaysia Day, patriotic and nationalistic Malaysians find it most sad and heart-rending at the appearance of more and more evidence of powerful and divisive centrifugal forces out to divide instead of uniting Malaysians.

Today the UMNO newspaper Utusan Malaysia’s front-page headline “Haram sokong DAP” provides the latest evidence, tearing into smithereens Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s signature 1Malaysia policy to create a Malaysian nation where every Malaysian would regard himself or herself as Malaysian first and race, religion, region or class second.

Utusan Malaysia’s scandalous and outrageous screaming headline “Haram Sokong DAP” is a multiple indictment – of Utusan Malaysia, UMNO and the Najib premiership!

Is Utusan Malaysia trying to foment and incite religious conflicts in Malaysia? Continue reading “Utusan Malaysia front-page headline “Haram sokong DAP” torn to smithereens Najib’s 1Malaysia signature policy”

Najib’s 1Malaysia policy in past three years has borne bitter and even poisonous fruits worsening racial polarization and producing more heinous lies like the recent May 13 falsehoods to undermine national unity

It has been said that a tree is known by its fruit and a man by his deeds.

With the approaching 55th National Day/49th Malaysia Day celebrations, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should ponder why his 1Malaysia policy in the past three years, instead of creating a more united Malaysian nation, has borne bitter and even poisonous fruits worsening racial polarization and producing more heinous lies like the many May 13 falsehoods purveyed recently to undermine national unity.

None other than former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has said only in June that the next general election will centre on race as “Malaysia has become more racial than ever”!

As part of his 1Malaysia programme, Najib has raised an army of some 10,000 Umno/BN cybertroopers through a nation-wide series of 1Malaysia Social Media Conventions, not to spread the 1Malaysia message to be a Malaysian first and race, religion, region and socio-economic grouping second but to put into practice the Biro Tatanegara (BTN) and Utusan Malaysia credo to “spin” lies and even blatant lies as fact and truth.

We are beginning to see the dire results of the raising of Najib’s army of 10,000 Umno/BN cybertroopers – including the bitter and poisonous fruits inciting racial distrust and undermining national unity revolving around the government-funded film “Tanda Putra” on the May 13 riots in 1969, with these cybertroopers disseminating the wildest, baseless, reckless, irresponsible, despicable and defamatory allegations that I had provoked the May 13 riots in 1969 in the street processions, that I had killed Malays and even urinated at the flagpole of the Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence when I was never in Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13, 1969. Continue reading “Najib’s 1Malaysia policy in past three years has borne bitter and even poisonous fruits worsening racial polarization and producing more heinous lies like the recent May 13 falsehoods to undermine national unity”