Umno-BN, stop the lies against Selangor

Abdul Khalid Ibrahim
11:20AM Jan 5, 2013


2012 has been a productive year for the Selangor state government, and I along with other state leaders begin 2013 with the firm intent of redoubling our efforts to serve the rakyat.

It is saddening to see the deputy prime minister, on the other hand, begin the new year with low class politicking, stating that the people of Selangor have been fooled for four years under Pakatan Rakyat.

In reality, it is Barisan Nasional that has fooled the people of both Selangor and Malaysia for 55 years.

This article intends not to rely on rhetoric, but to provide conclusive evidence regarding the priority given by Pakatan Rakyat and the Selangor government to the welfare of the people as well as our commitment to the highest standards of good governance.

We are confident that comparable evidence cannot be shown by any state administered by BN, including in Selangor before 2008.

In terms of financial management and allocation of funds for welfare programmes, Selangor under Pakatan Rakyat by far outperforms any other Barisan Nasional state, as well as the federal government itself. Continue reading “Umno-BN, stop the lies against Selangor”

Malaysian Businessman Continues Attacks on Premier

Written by John Berthelsen
Asia Sentinel
03 January 2013

Prime Minister Najib, his wife and UMNO leaders remain silent in the face of charges

Disaffected Malaysian businessman Deepak Jaikishan is continuing to rain accusations of bribery, political favoritism, murder cover-up and other scandals against Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, his wife, family and top UMNO figures despite apparent attempts to shut him up by arranging for a quasi-government agency to buy his company.

He has now written – apparently at lightning speed – a book called “Black Rose” which is billed as a tell-all about his relationship with Rosmah Mansor, Najib’s wife, and deals with allegations of the cover-up of details of the murder of the 28-year-old Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu in 2006. The book was to be issued today but he told local media that the publisher couldn’t get it to him in time, so he would issue an e-book which so far hasn’t appeared.

Deepak, who once said he was close enough to Rosmah to call her his “big sister,” has continued to cause embarrassment to the prime minister and his wife, who so far have maintained an awkward silence in the face of his charges.

He has vowed to detail – or re-detail, since he has already made the information public to a flock of internet sites over recent weeks – RM3 million in payments to a private investigator, Perumal Balasubramaniam, in 2008 in an effort to shut up the investigator. Balasubramaniam had made public sworn allegations that Najib himself had had an affair with the jet-setting beauty, who was killed by two of Nabob’s personal bodyguards. The two were later convicted of murder in a trial regarded by many as designed to keep secret the names of those who had paid them to carry out the crime. Continue reading “Malaysian Businessman Continues Attacks on Premier”

Out with the old, in with the new

by Mariam Mokhtar
Dec 31, 2012

Puppet shows, ‘Punch and Judy’ politics, farcical presentations, tragicomedies, drama queens, flip-flops, U-turns, dress rehearsals and of course, pornographic productions can be used to sum up current Malaysian politics.

It is amazing what the subconscious reveals. When MCA keeps asking if Hadi Awang or Anwar Ibrahim would make the better prime minister, you know what the ruling coalition are thinking – that BN is doomed.

Why would one of the main component parties in BN talk about opposition candidates for the post of prime minister? If they thought they stood any chance of winning GE13, they would be discussing which BN candidate should lead the country, rather than which opposition politician would make the best PM.

In November 2011, the Umno information chief, Ahmad Maslan, talked about a hung parliament: “If there is a hung Parliament scenario like Australia, let’s say 112 government seats to 110 opposition seats, it is the worst thing that could happen.”

This showed that Umno had no confidence of victory at the polls. Continue reading “Out with the old, in with the new”

A leader leads by action, not words

– Jacob Sinnathamby
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 26, 2012

DEC 26 – It is really interesting how our last two prime ministers – Abdullah Badawi and Najib Razak – have felt the need to talk about themselves as leaders of all Malaysians.

The truly great and effective leaders of countries and businesses never need stand on the roof top and tell people what they are. It is plain for people to see. In short, their track record and actions speak volumes about them, their character and their decency.

Abdullah loved to talk about being a leader of all Malaysians, but we all know now that it was just spin for political expediency.

He hoodwinked many of us into thinking that he actually cared for non-malays and malays equally.

Now, we know that it was just a charade to get Malaysians to believe that he was different from Mahathir Mohamad and give him a huge mandate in 2004.

With the mandate in the bag, Abdullah reverted to type and became Umno’s servant, not the servant of Malaysians. Continue reading “A leader leads by action, not words”

Empowered citizenry means ‘The End of Days for Umno’

– Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 22, 2012

DEC 22 – I have to repeat some of the issues and themes that I have done in the past. Most Malays are at the stage where issues such as corruption, abuse of power, the rottenness of the system that UMNO upholds feature less in importance than the overriding issue – will Malays be all right?

They know the government is bad, deceiving, incompetent, and dishonest – but rationalize it anyway by saying, if others take over, they will do the same. No, it will never be the same, because last time UMNO did all the evils when people are less empowered. Any government straying from the straight path now will be neutralized by an empowered citizenry. That is why UMNO is finding it hard to earn legitimacy at the moment.

So, it does what rogues do – take refuge behind xenophobic and prejudiced worldviews. Suddenly, once again, everything seems to be measured in terms of them doing something to us. Chinese taking over the government from us Malays; Chinese dominating the economy and marginalizing us which is in fact the order of things since UMNO ruled this country. Non-Malays taking over this country and establishing a new national religion replacing Islam; non-Malays especially Chinese taking over and kicking out our Malay rulers.

Even the educated ones fall prey to the xenophobic fears created by a parasitic band of people, bent on staying in power at all costs. Why? Because if they lose, it will the end of days for them – life as they know it – a life founded on corruption, deception and leeching on the majority, will end.

Of course the issues that affect all of us are also important, but to Malays right now, nothing is more important than worrying about their survival and of things dear to them such as race, religion, rulers (occupying a very distant third). Continue reading “Empowered citizenry means ‘The End of Days for Umno’”

Don’t see DAP congress with Umno mindset

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz | December 21, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

The recent DAP polls showed that Malays in the party must earn their keep and keep their peace.


A total of eight Malay candidates contested for places in DAP’s central executive committee (CEC) last week. But no Malay candidates won any place.

Also, more Indians offered themselves in the contest but only M Kulasegaran got in.

I don’t hear them grumbling or getting gruffy. Perhaps the Malay DAP members must learn from them a thing or two.

Why didn’t any of the Malays get selected? Perhaps it’s the fault of the candidates and the delegates and also the DAP leadership.

But first let’s set aside one issue – viewing the results with an Umno mindset. Continue reading “Don’t see DAP congress with Umno mindset”

Malaysia poised for pivotal polls

By Simon Roughneen
Asia Times
21st December 2012

Ahead of what reform campaigners believe will be Malaysia’s “dirtiest ever elections”, the long-ruling United Malays National Organization (UMNO) has engineered something of a clean-up. In recent months, it has reformed some old and oft-derided laws, such as allowing indefinite detention without trial and forcing local newspapers to apply each year for a publication permit, a stipulation that encouraged self-censorship.

UMNO and its allies have governed Malaysia consecutively since achieving independence from colonial rule, a longevity not usually associated with electoral democracies. UMNO and its Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition survived the last election in 2008, though it ceded its two-thirds parliamentary majority for the first time and lost five out of 13 federal states to the opposition, a coalition of three parties led by controversial former UMNO firebrand Anwar Ibrahim that includes the Islamic party PAS and the Chinese-dominated Democratic Action Party (DAP).

While some in the Malaysian opposition and rights groups have criticized the recent reforms as piecemeal electioneering for next year’s vote, there are indications that the government has made some real positive changes, particularly regarding the overhaul of certain emergency laws and repealing the old Internal Security Act, a law which has in the past been used against the government’s political opponents. Continue reading “Malaysia poised for pivotal polls”

Muhyiddin’s got it all wrong

G Vinod | December 19, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

I did not attribute corruption to the Malays, says DAP senator Ariffin Omar.

PETALING JAYA: DAP Senator Ariffin Omar today denied claims that he had attributed corruption in the civil service to the fact that the institution is dominated by one race only.

“I did not make such statement. It’s pure slander. The reason why there are more Malays in the civil service is due to the fact that they form 60% of our population.

“All I did was to suggest that the civil service offer more opportunities to non Malays to join the institution,” said Ariffin.

Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin criticised Ariffin, 63, who was alleged to have attributed the monopoly of civil service by the Malays as a source of corruption. Continue reading “Muhyiddin’s got it all wrong”

Malaysia’s grand old party

Syawal Hafriz | 18 December 2012
The Malaysian Insider

DEC 18 — I think a party that has been around since 1946 can be considered “grand” and “old”.

This is the party that has led its multi-racial coalition, without fail, in winning all 12 general elections to date.

But things have changed. The party can no longer rely on its coalition partners as much as much as it did in the past. A majority of Chinese and Indian communities are no longer seeing the other coalition partners as being relevant in championing their causes — hence the ruling coalition was punished, and lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Perhaps this could explain the rise of “ultra” elements within the grand old party, namely hardliners who are taking the party to the far right of Malay dominance, who refuse to buy into the multi-racial 1 Malaysia concept put forth by the party leader, the prime minister himself.

They say when you are up against the wall, your true character will show.

A hardliner approach might be the key since Malays represent the majority — roughly 60 per cent of the population and estimated to reach 70 per cent by 2030. The party sought to increase its influence by appealing to the Malay population, given that its other coalition partners can no longer deliver the crucial votes.
Continue reading “Malaysia’s grand old party”

Hanya kroni yang tergugat dengan dasar ekonomi DAP yang telus dan bertanggungjawab.

Zairil Khir Johari | 18 Disember 2012
Penolong Setiusaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP

Dalam laporan akhbar Sinar Harian yang bertajuk “Izat: Ekonomi Melayu gugat jika DAP diberi kepercayaan” pada 17 Disember 2012, Presiden Persatuan Pedagang dan Pengusaha Melayu Malaysia (Perdasama), Datuk Moehamad Izat Emir telah dipetik sebagai berkata bahawa “sokongan orang Melayu terhadap DAP akan hanya menyebabkan ekonomi dan masa depan orang Melayu terumbang-ambing.”

Kenyataan Datuk Izat ini jelas dangkal, bermotif politik perkauman dan langsung tidak berasas. DAP adalah sebuah parti politik yang konsisten dalam pelaksanaan dasar tadbir urus yang cekap, bertanggungjawab dan telus, sepertimana yang dibuktikan oleh pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang selama hampir lima tahun ini. Keberkesanan tatakelola pentadbiran yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan Pulau Pinang telah pun mendapat pengiktirafan dan pengesahan daripada Laporan-laporan Ketua Audit Negara setiap tahun.

Bagaimanakah ciri-ciri ketelusan dan kebertanggungjawaban boleh menjadi ancaman kepada orang Melayu? Hipotesis yang kurang waras ini hanya digunakan oleh sesetengah pihak yang tidak mampu berdaya saing akibat kebergantungan mereka kepada sistem kroni dan amalan rasuah.
Continue reading “Hanya kroni yang tergugat dengan dasar ekonomi DAP yang telus dan bertanggungjawab.”

Orang Melayu – Teruskan Bersatu diluar UMNO!

Ariff Sabri | 18 Disember 2012

Sungguh menghairan kita, perkara yang amat mudah tidak boleh difaham oleh UMNO dan pengikut nya. Orang Melayu yang diluar UMNO pun Melayu juga. Melayu, DAP, Melayu PAS dan Melayu PKR tidak kurang keMelayuan mereka dari Melayu UMNO. Yang UMNO hendak sombong dan angkuh mengakui bahawa yang Melayu itu hanya mereka sahaja, mengapa? Kerana mereka membela agama, bangsa dan tanah air?

Hang Jebat tidak kurang Melayu daripada Hang Tuah. Jebat hanya berpegang kepada prinsip raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah.Ini prinsip yang mudah difaham oleh mereka yang berakal waras.

Pemimpin UMNO kesana kemari bercerita mengenai wasatiyah dan maqasid shar-iyah, tapi ketawa bila orang kafir mempermainkan, mengejek dan mempersenda agama Islam. Ketua besar UMNO, parti Melayu yang terbesar memakai baju kami tentang hudud bersama sama dengan orang kafir. Ini tidak mengeherankan sangat kepada mereka yang tahu latar belakang ketua besar UMNO ini.

Pemimpin UMNO bersyarah kepada orang Melayu bawahan supaya berbelanja berjimat cermat dan berhemah, tapi gagal melakukan apa yang mereka nasihatkan. Isteri ada cincin RM74 juta , beg tangan RM300-400 ribu sebuah, jam tangan RM 600 ribu- orang yang serupa menasihati rakyat mengurus wang RM500 dengan berhemah.
Continue reading “Orang Melayu – Teruskan Bersatu diluar UMNO!”

UMNO/BN must renounce the tactics and ideology of extremist politics including Ketuanan Melayu and the four hate politics of race, religion, lies and fear if they want to compete for the support of Middle Malaysia

The unity, solidarity and commitment of DAP and reaffirmation of the Middle Malaysia concept by the just-concluded 16th DAP National Congress in Penang have struck fear in UMNO/BN and reverberated throughout the country, ringing alarm bells in UMNO/Barisan Nasional, as they realize that the agenda has been set for the crucial and critical battle in the 13th General Elections in the next 100 days to decide for the first time in the nation’s 55-year history whether there shoud be a change of federal government in Putrajay.

It jolted UMNO leaders including the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak into quick reaction, claiming that it was the Barisan Nasional and not the DAP that represents “Middle Malaysia”.

If Najib is confident that it is UMNO/BN which represents Middle Malaysia, and has overwhelming support of the four million middle ground voters in the 13 General Elections – the three million new voters and the one million swing voters from the 12GE in 2008 – Najib would have dissolved Parliament and the 13GE would have been held already.

Furthermore, Najib would not have to suffer the “To Be or Not To Be” agony in the past two years to decide on the dissolution of Parliament (an agony which he is still undergoing despite Parliament having only some four months’ tenure before it is automatically dissolved under the Constitution on April 28, 2013) and the ignominy of being the longest unelected Prime Minister in Malaysia without his own mandate from the people.

The former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah was also awakened to describe the 16th DAP National Congress as an unhealthy phenomenon on the ground that it showed that DAP is monopolised by a particular race.

But the most laughable comment must go to the Gerakan President and former Penang Chief Minister, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon who described the non-election of any Malays in the DAP central executive committee as against the 1Malaysia spirit. Continue reading “UMNO/BN must renounce the tactics and ideology of extremist politics including Ketuanan Melayu and the four hate politics of race, religion, lies and fear if they want to compete for the support of Middle Malaysia”

Umno and the burning down of 1Malaysia

Dr Lim Teck Ghee
14 December 2012

The Prime Minister, Najib Razak, has stated that his vision of 1Malaysia is intended to counter the growing national divide between Malaysians on race, religion and other sensitive socio-cultural issues. He has also argued that the aim of the vision is to strengthen national unity on the basis of inclusiveness – “this policy means that we’ll try to be as inclusive as possible, in a sense that we should have a government that is able to reach out to all communities”. (Interview with CNN, Talkasia, 1 Nov 2010)

Not only was this vision of 1Malaysia markedly absent from the recent Umno general assembly but the real driving force of the party – one completely at odds with 1Malaysia – emerged from the shadows during the singing of a song by Tokyo Umno Club representative Arif Yassir Zulkafli.

The lyrics of the song ‘Lagu Warisan’ can be seen to encapsulate the ideological leifmotif of Umno. It provided the emotional and psychological high point of the meeting and explains why the song left delegates in tears and in spontaneous rendition.

It also explains why the Umno mind and mentality has remained unchanged during the last 66 years of the party’s existence – insecure, envious, delusional, un-accepting of other Malaysians, and propagating a bankrupt doctrine of ‘Blood and Soil’ nationalism akin to that of the Nazis and fascists.

Blood and soil nationalism refers to an ideology that focuses on ethnicity based on two factors – descent and homeland. Readers interested in learning more about blood and soil nationalism can read the Wikipedia. Continue reading “Umno and the burning down of 1Malaysia”

1st task of “100 Days to Putrajaya” Campaign – prove UMNO/BN prophets of doom wrong with ringing/powerful endorsement by 16th DAP NC for Karpal-Guan Eng leadership to lead DAP in the PR battle for Putrajaya in 13GE

The UMNO/Barisan Nasional propagandists have been working overtime to forecast various doomsday scenarios for DAP, Pakatan Rakyat and the country in the run-up to the 13th general elections, as for instance, warning of a repetition of May 13 racial clashes, chaos and even Malaysia becoming bankrupt and be like Greece in three years if UMNO/Barisan Nasional is replaced by Pakatan Rakyat in Putrajaya.

It is almost five years since the Pakatan Rakyat formed the state governments in Penang, Selangor and Kedah and over 22 years since PAS captured the Kelantan state government. Have there been May 13 racial clashes in the Pakatan Rakyat states or have they gone bankrupt?

If Pakatan Rakyat rule is such a disaster, Datuk Seri Najib Razak would not have to undergo the two-year agony of repeatedly postponing the date for the 13th general elections because of his lack of confidence that UMNO/BN would get a renewed mandate to continue to govern Malaysia.

There would also have been no need for Najib to resort to undemocratic and unconstitutional means to mount an illegal coup d’etat to grab power from the duly-elected Pakatan Rakyat state government in Perak in February 2009, a result which the people of Perak are determined to reverse by restoring Perak state to Pakatan Rakyat in the 13th general elections.

The UMNO/BN leaders and propagandists must be told in no uncertain terms to stop their various false doomsday scenarios for the people and the country if they truly love Malaysia.

Just as Kelantan had not gone bankrupt after more than 22 years of PAS rule and Penang, Selangor and Kedah have not gone bankrupt after nearly five years of Pakatan Rakyat state governments, but in fact chalking up a better record than Barisan Nasional both in good governance and promoting the people’s welfare, Malaysia will not become bankrupt after three years.

On the contrary, under PR governance, Malaysia will be set on a new growth path to lead to greater prosperity and justice for all Malaysians for the country, not only because of an end to corruption, cronyism and abuses of power but because Malaysia will be governed by leaders whose first priority is the best interests of all Malaysians and the country rather than of themselves and their cronies. Continue reading “1st task of “100 Days to Putrajaya” Campaign – prove UMNO/BN prophets of doom wrong with ringing/powerful endorsement by 16th DAP NC for Karpal-Guan Eng leadership to lead DAP in the PR battle for Putrajaya in 13GE”

Let 16th DAP National Congress this weekend be a historic curtain-raiser to the “Hundred Days to Putrajaya” campaign for Malaysians to create history and usher in a new, truly united, democratic, just and prosperous Malaysia under a PR Malaysian government

All eyes are on the 16th DAP National Congress in Penang this weekend not only because it is the last national congress for political parties in Malaysia this year, but also because it heralds the last hundred days before the holding of the long-postponed/awaited 13th General Elections.

Let the 16th DAP National Congress be a historic curtain-raiser to the “Hundred Days to Putrajaya” campaign for Malaysians to create history and usher in a new, truly united, democratic, just and prosperous Malaysia under a Pakatan Rakyat Malaysian Government in the 13th General Elections.

Let the 16th DAP National Congress send out the clear and unequivocal message to all Malaysians throughout the country – that DAP leaders, delegates and members are imbued with a profound sense of vision, commitment, responsibility and discipline to accomplish the historic mission and objectives of the “Hundred Days to Putrajaya” campaign for Malaysians, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli, Kadazans or Ibans; whether Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Taoists or Sikhs; whether in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah or Sarawak, to unite as one people to restore Malaysia’s greatness as a model of a harmonious plural society where there is tolerance, freedom, justice, human rights, democracy, sustainable development, prosperity, good governance and a clean and incorruptible government.

In the run-up to the 16th DAP National Congress and during the “Hundred Days to Putrajaya”, UMNO/Barisan Nasional propagandists and spin-masters will go into an overdrive in their politics of lies, hate and fear not only to demonise the DAP and create maximum division and damage inside the party but also in DAP’s relations with our Pakatan Rakyat parties, PKR and PAS. Continue reading “Let 16th DAP National Congress this weekend be a historic curtain-raiser to the “Hundred Days to Putrajaya” campaign for Malaysians to create history and usher in a new, truly united, democratic, just and prosperous Malaysia under a PR Malaysian government”

The pathologies of Malay nationalism

by Ahmad Fuad Rahmat
New Mandala
03 December 2012

The nation

The problem begins with the nation-state ideal; for its coherence depends on there being a people deemed as the rightful owners of a land. It is rooted to the belief that territory is property – a thing to own – and that loyalty to the people means, among other things, the readiness to uphold the integrity of territory to ensure it belongs to the nation.

This requires clearly defined, finite, national borders, which – at least at the face of it – appears as a simple enough idea. Matters become complicated when we ask who those borders are meant for. There cannot be a nation-state, if there is no nation to begin with.

But identities unlike land cannot be enclosed and demarcated. Cultures do not flourish in vacuums. They develop out of interactions and fusions with one another. New words, outlooks and practices are adopted while others fade, in a slow, arbitrary and often ambiguous organic process of contact and migration through time.

The nationalist agenda is at odds with this reality. The belief in the congruence of identity and territory – or indeed identity as territory – at the face of inevitable cultural change that can neither be controlled nor predicted, means that each nation will always find itself in the position of having to redefine the conditions of membership, to determine what or who should or should not be excluded. Culture too is given boundaries as a result.

The nationalist imagination must, in other words, assume however implicitly that there is some supposed essence underlying the flux of culture and identity, out of which the ‘Otherising’ so common to nationalist politics is legitimised. The marker could be anything from a common language, religion, ethnicity, race or history. It could even be a set of values or general traits. None of this is exclusive, of course. At any given time, depending on the issue and occasion, different factors can be evoked to proclaim dissimilarity. Continue reading “The pathologies of Malay nationalism”

Tahun depan merupakan tahun petaka untuk CPI TI Malaysia memandangkan UMNO/BN bersedia untuk menaburkan berbilion ringgit di dalam PRU13 bagi mengekalkan kuasa – membawa politik wang ke satu paras baru sejarah negara

Untuk empat tahun berturut-turut, sepanjang tempoh Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri (2009-2012) telah mencatatkan kedudukan rendah di dalam Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) Transparency International (TI) 2012 berbanding dua Perdana Menteri sebelumnya iaitu Tun Mahathir dan Tun Abdullah.

Di tahun pertama CPI TI pada 1995, Malaysia berada pada kedudukan ke-23 daripada 41 negara, menjunam ke tempat ke-37 pada 2003 ketika Mahathir meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri pada hujung tahun itu.

Meskipun berdegar-degar Abdullah dikaitkan dengan imej “Mr. Clean” dan”Hakim Bao Zaman Moden”, “pencegahan rasuah secara menyeluruh” dan “penahanan 18 ‘ikan besar”, CPI TI Malaysia masih berterusan menjunam dalam tempoh lima tahun Abdullah menjadi Perdana Menteri, jatuh ke tempat 47 pada tahun 2008.

Akan tetapi empat tahun Najib memegang jawatan Perdana Menteri memperlihatkan CPI TI Malaysia menjunam ke paras yang lebih rendah – No.56 pada tahun 2009 dan 2010, No. 60 pada 2011 dan No. 54 pada 2012.

Kesannya, sepanjang tempoh Najib memegang jawatan Perdana Menteri beliau mempunyai rekod buruk menjadi lebih korup berbanding lima Perdana Menteri sebelumya, memandangkan tiada yang menyatakan rasuah di bawah tiga Perdana Menteri awal iaitu Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak dan Tun Hussein lebih serius berbanding pengganti mereka.

Sehingga tahun tujuh puluhan, skandal terbesar di Parlimen adalah skandal RM65 juta Bank Rakyat yang saya bahaskan di Parlimen pada tahun 1979.
Continue reading “Tahun depan merupakan tahun petaka untuk CPI TI Malaysia memandangkan UMNO/BN bersedia untuk menaburkan berbilion ringgit di dalam PRU13 bagi mengekalkan kuasa – membawa politik wang ke satu paras baru sejarah negara”

Next year will be a bad year for Malaysia’s TI CPI as UMNO/BN are set to spend billions to try to retain power in the 13GE – taking money politics to new depths in nation’s history

For the fourth consecutive year, the Najib premiership (2009-2012) has registered a lower ranking in the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2012 than under the two previous Prime Ministers, Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah.

In the first year of TI CPI in 1995, Malaysia was ranked 23rd out of 41 countries, plunging to No. 37th placing in 2003 when Mahathir stepped down as Prime Minister at the end of the year.

Despite all the Abdullah boast of “Mr. Clean”, “Modern-Day Justice Bao”, “all-out war against corruption” and “impending arrest of 18 ‘big fishes’”, Malaysia’s TI CPI continued on a headlong plunge in Abdullah’s five-year premiership, falling to No. 47 position in 2008.

But the four years of Najib premiership saw Malaysia’s TI CPI plunging to even lower depths – No. 56 in 2009 and 2010, No. 60 in 2011 and No. 54 in 2012.

As a result, the Najib premiership has the dubious record of being even more corrupt than all the previous five premierships, as no one has ever suggested that corruption under the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein were more serious than their successors.

Until the seventies, the biggest scandal in Parliament was the RM65 million Bank Rakyat scandal which I debated in Parliament in 1979.
Continue reading “Next year will be a bad year for Malaysia’s TI CPI as UMNO/BN are set to spend billions to try to retain power in the 13GE – taking money politics to new depths in nation’s history”

Adakah UMNO/BN akan memperoleh majoriti dua pertiga semula atau adakah Pakatan Rakyat akan menawan Putrajaya dengan majoriti lebih 20 di dalam PRU13?

Terdapat seorang lagi yang berkerja lebih keras daripada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak untuk memastikan UMNO/Barisan Nasional bukan sahaja memenangi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 tetapi juga mendapat majoriti dua pertiga kerusi Parlimen.

Orang itu adalah Tun Dr. Mahathir yang sepatutnya sudah bersara daripada politik apabila meletakkan jawatan pada penghujung 2003 selepas 22 tahun menjadi Perdana Menteri.

Semalam, Mahathir berada di Sik untuk mengingatkan ahli UMNO bagi menghilangkan rasa tidak puas hati terhadap calon yang dipilih oleh kepimpinan tertinggi UMNO/BN sekiranya mereka mahu lihat UMNO/BN kekal berkuasa selepas PRU13.

Beliau meminta ahli UMNO untuk mengenepikan perbezaan mereka dan memberikan sokongan penuh kepada calon UMNO/BN yang terpilih kerana keutamaan sepatutnya untuk memastikan kemjayaan supaya BN dapat menang besar dan membentuk kerajaan yang kuat.

Perkara itu amat luar biasa tetapi kebiasaan Mahathirism yang mana Mahathir perlu memberi amaran tentang penyakit “Melayu mudah lupa” sebagai punca tidak puas hati di dalam UMNO sehingga tidak menyokong calon yang terpilih, sedangkan Mahathir sendiri adalah gambaran terbaik penyakit “Melayu mudah lupa” apabila beliau dengan giat berkempen menentang Tun Abdullah sebagai Perdana Menteri pada pilihan raya umum 2008.
Continue reading “Adakah UMNO/BN akan memperoleh majoriti dua pertiga semula atau adakah Pakatan Rakyat akan menawan Putrajaya dengan majoriti lebih 20 di dalam PRU13?”

Will UMNO/BN regain its two-thirds parliamentary majority or will Pakatan Rakyat capture Putrajaya with a 20 Plus majority in the 13GE?

There is one person who is working even harder than the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to ensure that UMNO/Barisan Nasional not only win the 13th General Election but also regain its two-thirds parliamentary majority.

This person is Tun Dr. Mahathir, who is supposed to have retired from politics when he stepped down as Prime Minister after 22 years at the end of 2003.

Yesterday, Mahathir was in Sik to remind UMNO members to rid themselves of the feeling of dissatisfaction over candidates chosen by the top UMNO/BN leadership if they want to see UMNO/BN remain in power after the coming 13GE.

He said UMNO members must all set aside their differences and give their full support to the selected UMNO/BN candidates as the priority should be ensuring victory so that BN can win big and form a strong government.

It is most extraordinary but typical Mahathirism that Mahathir should be warning of the “Melayu mudah lupa” complex as the cause of the disgruntled in UMNO not supporting the chosen candidate, when Mahathir himself was the best illustration of the “Melayu mudah lupa” complex when he campaigned actively against the premiership of Tun Abdullah in the 2008 general election.

It is clear that to Mahathir, what is at stake in the 13GE is not so much the Najib premiership but the Mahathir legacy, and no one has any doubt as to which would get the priority if there is a clash between the Najib premiership and the Mahathir legacy!
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