Pengiraan Detik 63 Hari ke PRU13 – Bolehkah Psy dan Gangnam Style menyelamatkan populariti BN di kalangan pengundi Cina, yang menjunam daripada 17% ke 6% dalam tempoh 10 bulan dari Febuari sehingga Disember tahun lalu?

Perang saraf bagi membentuk persepsi pengundi menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 masuk ke pusingan akhir, dengan Parlimen dijangka akan dibubarkan dalam dua atau tiga minggu lagi.

Skrip terbaru tukang putar UMNO/Barisan Nasional adalah serampang tiga mata:

  • mereka-reka laporan dan dakwaan palsu serta tidak berasas untuk menfitnah DAP dan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat terutamanya melalui laman tak berwajah, tak bernama dan tak berjiwa di media sosial dan media perdana UMNO/BN;
  • menimbulkan kesangsian dan rasa tidak percaya di dalam parti DAP, PKR dan PAS serta memprovok permusuhan dan ketegangan di antara parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat, dengan matlamat utama untuk memecahbelahkan Pakatan Raktyat terutamanya kerjasama antara DAP dan PAS untuk menyelamatkan UMNO/BN daripada cabaran “hidup atau mati” dalam PRU13; dan
  • untuk mencipta persepsi bahawa UMNO/BN di bawah Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak akhirnya berjaya meraih sokongan popular kepada UMNO/BN, baik di kalangan pengundi Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan atau Iban.

Inilah sebabnya mengapa ditonjolkan Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina Najib di Pulau Pinang pada 11 Febuari – persembahan berjuta-juta ringgit bintang Korea Selatan dan lagu terkenalnya Gangnam Style.

Tetapi adakah kemunculan sensasi Psy dan Gangnam Style di Pulau Pinang adalah “harapan menjadi kenyataan” untuk Najib sehingga meraih sokongan popular di kalangan pengundi Cina untuk UMNO/BN dalam PRU13? Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 63 Hari ke PRU13 – Bolehkah Psy dan Gangnam Style menyelamatkan populariti BN di kalangan pengundi Cina, yang menjunam daripada 17% ke 6% dalam tempoh 10 bulan dari Febuari sehingga Disember tahun lalu?”

62-Day Countdown to 13GE – Fulfil Bapa Malaysia’s dream in 1990 general elections to promote a two-coalition system and lay the basis for Malaysia to close the gap with South Korea

Today is the 110th birthday anniversary of Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman – two days before the 2013 Chinese New Year of the Snake and two or three weeks before the dissolution of Parliament for the holding of the 13th General Elections.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year on Feb. 11, South Korea’s global pop sensation Psy whose “Gangnam Style” is the first video to be watched over 1 billion times (latest record: 1.27 billion times) on YouTube, has been invited to Penang to make Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s CNY Open House a historic and unprecedented event.

I am on public record as saying that Malaysians should enjoy Psy’s show, but before and after the fun and entertainment, Malaysians must conduct a soul-searching as to why there had been a reversal of national fortunes in the past half-a-century, with South Korea now two to three times richer than Malaysia and ahead in all fields of human endeavour when this nation was twice as rich and developed as South Korea when we achieved Independence in 1957.

I have no doubt that if Tunku is still with us today, this will be topmost in his pre-occupations, as he would feel even sadder than anyone at Malaysia’s regression instead of progress when comparing Malaysia with South Korea.

Not only in the field of democracy and good governance, economic progress, technological advance, human resource development, art and culture, but also in the field of sports, South Korea has shot well ahead of Malaysia in the past half century. Continue reading “62-Day Countdown to 13GE – Fulfil Bapa Malaysia’s dream in 1990 general elections to promote a two-coalition system and lay the basis for Malaysia to close the gap with South Korea”

It’s over for MCA

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz | February 7, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

If the voting trends go along the same lines as it did in 2008, it is then the end for both Umno and MCA.


If only 30% of the Malay electorate in each of the parliamentary seat where MCA is the incumbent vote for PKR, then MCA is wiped out.

But Umno wants to save its Islam-bashing partner at all costs even if it means speaking like an infidel.

MCA, on its part, must do everything to keep the Chinese intact but it’s facing an uphill battle.

MCA has lost its credibility and relevance. It goes to town, saying if Pakatan Rakyat wins, then PAS will “Talibanise” everything.

It claims if Pakatan wins you can’t play mahjong, eat pork, bah kut teh, wash hair, yam seng and all that.

But we all know that MCA must say that PAS will restrict everything.

Umno and MCA are playing two sides of the same coin, but the subterfuge is not fooling everyone.

So, how do we kill off MCA for good? There is a simple formula.

If only 30% of the Malays vote for Pakatan and 80% of non-Malays vote the same way, MCA is finished. This is all we need.

MCA can lose all its 15 parliamentary seats in the next general election. Continue reading “It’s over for MCA”

63-Day Countdown to 13GE – Can Psy and Gangnam Style salvage BN Government’s popularity among the Chinese voters, which plunged from 17% to 6% in ten months from February to December last year?

The war of nerves to shape voters’ perceptions in the run-up to the 13th General Elections has entered into its final lap, with Parliament expected to be dissolved in the next two to three weeks.

The latest script of the UMNO/Barisan Nasional spin-doctors and mind-benders is three-pronged:

• to concoct false and baseless reports and allegations to defame DAP and Pakatan Rakyat leaders especially through faceless, nameless and soulless sites on the social media and the UMNO/BN mainstream media;

• to foment distrust and suspicion intra-party in DAP, PKR and PAS and to provoke animosity and tension inter-party in Pakatan Rakyat, with the ultimate aim to cause the break-up and disintegration of Pakatan Rakyat especially the co-operation between DAP and PAS to save UMNO/BN from their “life or death” challenge in the 13GE; and

• to create the perception that UMNO/BN under the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has finally succeeded in turning the tide of popular support in favour of UMNO/BN, whether among the Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan or Iban voters.

This is the rationale for the highlight of Najib’s Chinese New Year Open House in Penang on February 11 – the multi-million ringgit performance of the South Korean superstar and his global hit Gangnam Style.

But will the sensational appearance of Psy and Gangnam Style in Penang be a “wish come true” for Najib as far as turning the tide of popular support among the Chinese voters for UMNO/BN in the 13GE? Continue reading “63-Day Countdown to 13GE – Can Psy and Gangnam Style salvage BN Government’s popularity among the Chinese voters, which plunged from 17% to 6% in ten months from February to December last year?”

The second Merdeka

by Mariam Mokhtar
Feb 4, 2013

When food bags were given out by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak at Semenyih recently, it is alleged that there was a near stampede to acquire the goodies. Najib must have felt smug satisfaction at being able to control people like that.

One does not want to judge or question why people would demean themselves by pushing others out of the way to receive the goods. Perhaps, the people who grabbed the offerings were poor, and gaining some rice and flour seemed like winning a jackpot.

It is despicable that Najib and his advisers have not learnt to treat people with more dignity. Why should these people be filmed acting like refugees from a war-torn area? Why do political parties make ordinary people feel and act like beggars?

On the other hand, why should the taxpayer be burdened with the extra expense when the money could be put to better use?

If the truth be known, the goods were probably provided by some crony company and sold at exorbitant prices. The organisers arranging the transaction were possibly from another crony company and charging an inflated rate for completing the deal. The transport company delivering the goods may also be another crony company and presenting another excessive bill. In the end, the taxpayer will pick up the tab for the inflated invoices.

If the rakyat stopped rushing up to Najib to receive his goods, his money or his election offerings, Najib would not know how to react and Umno would be flabbergasted. Corruption does not work if there are no takers for the gifts.

People cannot be told what to do, and to stop needy people from taking these goods is easier said than done. There are many underprivileged people whose needs are varied, but what if the majority of us stuck to our principles and stopped giving Najib the attention he craves? Continue reading “The second Merdeka”

Pengiraan Detik 67 Hari ke PRU13 – Jangan hanya memuja Psy dan Gangnam Style tetapi fahamilah pengajaran paling penting bahawa UBAH dalam PRU13 adalah prasyarat untuk Malaysia melakukan peningkatan besar menjadi sebuah negara maju seperti Korea Selatan

Perkara yang sedang hangat diperkatakan hari ini ialah senjata rahsia PRU13 Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak untuk menarik 60,000 orang hadir ke Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina di Pulau Pinang di sekolah Han Chiang pada 11 Febuari dengan menjemput bintang Korea Selatan, Psy untuk mempersembahkan Gangnam Style.

Jemputan kepada Psy akan mengakibatkan kos yang besar buat UMNO/BN dan akhirnya rakyat Malaysia sendiri, termasuklah Najib dan pemimpin UMNO/BN, dan terlepas titik paling penting jemputan buat Psy untuk Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina Najib di Pulau Pinang.

Malaysia tidak seharusnya cuma memuja Psy dan Gangnam Style tetapi fahamilah pengajaran paling penting bahawa UBAH dalam PRU13 adalah prasyarat untuk Malaysia melakukan peningkatan besar menjadi sebuah negara maju seperti Korea Selatan.

Pemimpin UMNO/BN telah cuba untuk menakut-nakutkan pengundi Malaysia dengan memberi amaran bahawa sekiranya berlakunya perubahan pada Kerajaan Persekutuan di Putrajaya dalam PRU13, akan berlaku huru-hara seperti negara yang mengalami “Kebangkitan dunia Arab” dan Malaysia akan muflis dalam masa lima, tiga atau dua tahun – bergantung pada pemimpin mana yang mengatakannya!

Mengapa rakyat Malaysia mahukan perubahan ketika PRU13? Adakah pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat dan pengundi Malaysia yang menyokong diakhiri hagemoni 55 tahun UMNO dan kerajaan satu perikatan BN mahukan huru-hara di dalam negara dan Malaysia muflis dalam masa dua, tiga atau lima tahun lagi? Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 67 Hari ke PRU13 – Jangan hanya memuja Psy dan Gangnam Style tetapi fahamilah pengajaran paling penting bahawa UBAH dalam PRU13 adalah prasyarat untuk Malaysia melakukan peningkatan besar menjadi sebuah negara maju seperti Korea Selatan”

Psy is paid RM3mil for Barisan Nasional CNY Open House

By Noorsila Abd Majid | 03 FEB 2013 12:19AM
ABN News

KUALA LUMPUR: South Korean superstar Psy will be performing at Barisan Nasional’s Chinese New Year open house in Penang on Feb 11.

But the question that’s buzzing in everyone’s mind is: who’s paying for Psy and how much is he paid?

According to an industry source, the Gangnam Style hitmaker commands a minimum pay cheque of US1mil (RM3.1mil).

That’s just for him to horse around to the quirky beats of his phenomenal YouTube hit, “Gangnam Style”.

Yes, Psy is more expensive than teen pop superstar Justin Bieber, who’s paid US1 mil for a full concert in KL.

The runaway rap star is expected to perform Gangnam Style in front of 60,000 guests, including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The BN Chinese New Year open house will be held at Han Chiang High School in George Town from 10am to 1pm.

Pengiraan Detik 68 Hari ke PRU13 – Penyimpangan dan histeria Chua Soi Lek yang kian menjadi-jadi ketika semakin hampir dengan PRU13 amat menyedihkan

Amat menyedihkan untuk melihat menjadi-jadinya penyimpangan dan histeria Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek ke tahap beliau perlu merayu ahli MCA untuk memberikan tepukan kepada ucapannya dan pemimpin MCA lain dalam acara terbuka MCA seperti “makan malam mega” MCA yang diadakan di seluruh negara.

Chua membuat rayuan ini ketika majlis makan tengah hari sambutan ulangtahun MCA ke-64 Wilayah Persekutuan di Kepong semalam akan tetapi apa yang beliau dapat daripada ahli MCA yang hadir hanyalah sambutan yang dingin dan tidak sepenuh hati meskipun berkali-kali merayu tepukan untuk ucapannya.

Malah Chua cuba untuk mengelirukan ahli MCA untuk mengukuhkan rayuannya – meminta ahli MCA untuk mencontohi DAP dengan mendakwa bahawa apabila pemimpin DAP bercakap atas pentas, ahli DAP di bawah akan menyambut tanpa henti dengan tepukan untuk memberikan gambaran apa yang dikatakan adalah betul. Begitu juga, beliau meminta ahli MCA untuk melakukan perkara yang sama dengan memberikan tepukan gemuruh kepada pemimpin MCA ketika mereka bercakap atas pentas untuk mewujudkan keyakinan buat MCA.

Pertama sekali, izinkan saya nyatakan sepanjang 47 tahun di dalam politik, saya tidak pernah merayu supaya ucapan saya diberikan tepukan dan sorakkan – dan begitu juga dengan semua pemimpin DAP yang lain.

Kedua, jawapan mudah kepada Chua adalah bukan sahaja orang biasa, tetapi juga ahli MCA yang berasa marah dan terasing dengan lakonan yang dimainkan oleh kepimpinan MCA sebagai penyebar pembohongan dan ahli nujum malapetaka bagi membantu UMNO untuk menakut-nakutkan pengundi Cina bagi menyokong Barisan Nasional dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 68 Hari ke PRU13 – Penyimpangan dan histeria Chua Soi Lek yang kian menjadi-jadi ketika semakin hampir dengan PRU13 amat menyedihkan”

Pengiraan Detik 70 Hari ke PRU13 – Adakah Najib akan menjadi Perdana Menteri terakhir UMNO?

“Najib tidak akan menjadi perdana menteri terakhir Umno”, begitulah kata seorang pemimpin lama Umno Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad di Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference ke-15 yang dianjurkan oleh Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Asli) hari ini.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak jelas tidak mermpunyai keyakinan dan rasa optimis Abdullah, jika tidak tentu beliau telah memanggil untuk pilihan raya umum dan bukannya berbolak-balik dengan ragu-ragu dan tidak yakin sejak dua tahun lalu, memberkannya reputasi sebagai Perdana Menteri Berubah-Ubah lebih teruk berbanding perdana menteri sebelumnya, Tun Abdullah.

Begitu juga Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Ghani Othman yang memberitahu pertubuhan Cina Kulai kurang daripada tiga minggu lalu bahawa Pakatan Rakyat boleh menawan Putrjaya dalam PRU13 walaupun beliau memberi amaran bahawa paling banyak PR boleh menang cuma majoriti tipis 5% hingga 10% kerusi parlimen – iaitu majoriti daripada 12 hingga 22 kerusi parlimen.

Dan juga manusia berkuasa di dalam UMNO/BN, Tun Mahathir, yang kelihatan semakin pesimis tentang peluang UMNO menawan Putrajaya dalam PRU13, membuatkannya menyeru pengundi Malaysia menyokong “syaitan yang dikenali bukannya malaikat yang tidak dikenali”, dan baru-baru ini membuat kenyataan yang lebih semberono dan terdesak seperti:

  • tuduhan tidak berasas beliau bahawa Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat at Stadium Merdeka (KL112) yang aman dan berjaya dengan kehadiran 100,000 rakyat Malaysia dari pelbagai kaum, agama dan tempat adalah cubaan menggulingkan melalui jalan keganasan kerajaan UMNO/BN yang dipilih rakyat.
  • tuduhan tidak berasas beliau bahawa Perdana Menteri pertama, Tunku Abdul Rahman sebelum Merdeka pada 1957 telah memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada satu juta bukan Melayu yang tidak layak dalam cubaanya untuk menjustifikasikan penipuan “kewarganegaraan untuk undi” dalam Projek M di Sabah, malah mencadangkan satu Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja untuk menyiasat isu Tunku Abdul Rahman dan kewarganegaraan satu juta bukan Melayu sebelum Merdeka.

Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 70 Hari ke PRU13 – Adakah Najib akan menjadi Perdana Menteri terakhir UMNO?”

67-Day Countdown to 13GE – Don’t just idolise Psy and Gangnam Style but learn the most important lesson that UBAH in 13GE is a prerequisite for Malaysia to make the quantum leap to become a fully developed country like South Korea

The talk of the country today is the 13GE secret weapon of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to attract 60,000 people to his Chinese New Year Open House in Penang at the iconic Han Chiang High School on Feb. 11 by inviting South Korean superstar Psy to perform Gangnam style.

The invitation to Psy is going to cost UMNO/BN and eventually the Malaysian people a “bomb” but most Malaysians, including Najib and UMNO/BN leaders, have missed the most pertinent point of the invitation to Psy for Najib’s CNY Open House in Penang.

Malaysians must not just idolise Psy and Gangnam Style but learn the most important lesson that UBAH in the 13th General Elections is a prerequisite for Malaysia to make the quantum leap to become a fully developed country like South Korea.

UMNO/BN leaders have been trying to scare Malaysian voters by warning that if there is a change of Federal Government in Putrajaya in the 13GE, there will be chaos like the “Arab Spring” countries and Malaysia will become bankrupt in five, three or two years – depending on which BN leader is talking!

Why do Malaysians want change in the 13GE? Is it because Pakatan Rakyat leaders and Malaysian voters who support the notion of ending the 55-year UMNO hegemony and one-coalition government want chaos in the country and for Malaysia to become bankrupt in two, three or five years’ time?

It is only the politically mendacious or the mentally retarded who could believe in such nonsense and garbage. Continue reading “67-Day Countdown to 13GE – Don’t just idolise Psy and Gangnam Style but learn the most important lesson that UBAH in 13GE is a prerequisite for Malaysia to make the quantum leap to become a fully developed country like South Korea”

68-Day Countdown to 13GE – Chua Soi Lek’s increasing irrelevance and hysteria with the approach of 13GE is really pathetic

It is really pathetic to witness the increasing irrelevance and hysteria of the MCA President, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek, to the extent that he has to publicly plead for MCA members to give “claps and applauses” to his speeches and those of other MCA leaders at MCA public functions like the recent MCA “mega dinners” held all over the country.

Chua made this plea at the Federal Territory 64th MCA anniversary celebrations luncheon in Kepong yesterday but to little effect, as all he got from MCA members attending the luncheon was a very tepid and half-hearted response despite his repeated pleas for applauses to his speech.

Chua even tried to mislead MCA members to fortify his plea –asking MCA members to emulate DAP by claiming that when DAP leaders speak on stage, DAP members on the floor would respond with ceaseless applauses to give the impression that what the speakers said were right. Similarly, he asked MCA members to do the same by giving warm applauses to MCA leaders when speaking on stage so as to create confidence in MCA.

Firstly, let me state that in my 47 years of political work, I had never pleaded for claps and applauses for my speeches – and that goes for all other DAP leaders as well.

Secondly, the simple answer to Chua is that it is not only the ordinary public, but also MCA members who are antagonized and alienated by the present role played by the MCA leadership as purveyors of falsehood and prophets of doom to help UMNO to frighten and stampede the Chinese voters to support the Barisan Nasional in the 13th general elections. Continue reading “68-Day Countdown to 13GE – Chua Soi Lek’s increasing irrelevance and hysteria with the approach of 13GE is really pathetic”

70-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Najib be the last Umno Prime Minister?

“Najib is not going to be the last Umno prime minister”, so says veteran Umno leader Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad at the 15th Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference organized by Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Asli) today.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak clearly does not share Abdullah’s confidence and optimism or he would have called for the 13th general elections already instead of dilly-dallying with hesitation and indecision in the past two years, gaining for himself a reputation of being an even greater Flip-Flop Prime Minister than his predecessor Tun Abdullah.

Nor the Johore Mentri Besar, Datuk Ghani Othman who told Kulai Chinese organizations less than three weeks ago that Pakatan Rakyat could win Putrajaya in the 13GE although he warned that the most the PR could win would be a slim majority of 5% to 10% of the parliamentary seats – i.e. a majority from 12 to 22 parliamentary seats.

Nor the UMNO/BN éminence grise, Tun Mahathir, who seems to be increasingly pessimistic about UMNO’s chances of winning Putrajaya in the 13GE, causing him to call on Malaysian voters to support “the devil you know than the angel you don’t”, and recently, making more and more reckless and desperate statements, like:

• his baseless accusation that the historic peaceful and successful Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat at Stadium Merdeka (KL112) by over 100,000 Malaysians from all races, religions and region was an attempt to topple the elected UMNO/BN government by violent means;

• his baseless accusation that the first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman had given citizenship to one million unqualified non-Malays before Merdeka in 1957 in an attempt to justify his “citizenship-for-votes” scam in Project M in Sabah, even suggesting a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Tunku Abdul Rahman’s issue of the one million citizenship to non-Malays before Merdeka. Continue reading “70-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Najib be the last Umno Prime Minister?”

Once a pushover, Pakatan sniffs power

By Dan Martin
January 30, 2013

Speculation is rife that Pakatan could win enough in the polls to lure ruling coalition defectors and form a government.

KUALA LUMPUR: After bloodying the government’s nose in 2008 elections, a more experienced and organised Malaysian opposition is eyeing the once-unthinkable: toppling one of the world’s longest-serving governments.

Malaysians vote soon with the formerly hapless opposition buoyed by a new track record of state-level government, signs of growing voter support, and what its leader Anwar Ibrahim calls a sense of history in the making.

“I am convinced, Inshallah (God willing), that we will win government,” Anwar told AFP, evoking the winds of change that powered the “Arab Spring” elsewhere in the Muslim world.

“Of course we call it a ‘Malaysian Spring’, but our method is elections (not uprisings).”

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is expected to call a fresh vote in weeks, pitting his Malay-dominated Barisan Nasional coalition against Anwar’s multi-ethnic opposition alliance Pakatan Rakyat.

The 57-year-old ruling bloc enjoys deep pockets, mainstream media control, an electoral system the opposition says is rigged, and a record of decades of economic growth under its authoritarian template.

Few expect the opposition to win the 112 parliamentary seats needed to take power. The three-party alliance won 82 seats in the 2008 polls, up from 21, stunning the BN with its biggest-ever setback.

But speculation is rife that Pakatan could win enough in the polls — which must be held by late June — to lure ruling coalition defectors and form a government.

“Before this year, many were in denial about Pakatan’s potential. Today, we see society beginning to accept that the possibility (of a BN defeat) is real,” said Wan Saiful Wan Jan, who runs the independent Malaysian think tank IDEAS.

The country’s stock market has trembled recently over the uncertainty as opinion polls suggest the vote will be tight. One recent survey put Najib and Anwar neck-and-neck as prime ministerial candidates.

In a Jan 12 show of force, the opposition held a rally that drew clsoe to 100,000 people.

“I think it’s very close, and the party that makes the least mistakes will be the party that wins,” said S Ambiga, , head of Bersih, an NGO coalition that has organised large public rallies for electoral reform. Continue reading “Once a pushover, Pakatan sniffs power”

Pengiraan Detik 75 Hari ke PRU13 – Adakah pemimpin UMNO/BN yang benar-benar percaya BN akan mendapat semula majoriti dua pertiga dalam PRU13 dapat membuktikannya?

Parti BN mengatakan akan menang majoriti dua pertiga dalam Pilihan Raya 2013” merupakan berita utrama The Malaysian Insider semalam, melaporkan bahawa pemimpin BN yakin BN akan menang majoriti dua pertiga parlimen dalam PRU13.

Bagaimanapun, hanya seorang pemimpin UMNO, ketua propagandanya, Datuk Ahmad Maslan, telah secara terbuka mengisytiharkan bahawa “BN akan menang majoriti dua pertiga, lebih baik daripada 2008”.

Tidak ada pemimpin BN yang dipetik kerana mempunyai keyakinan sedemikian, termasuklah naib presiden MCA Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung, pemimpin MCA yang dipetik di dalam laporan itu.

Apakah alasan yang meyakinan Ahmad?

Aneh, rekod memerangi rasuah dan mengurangkan jenayah Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak adalah antara alasannya.

Tidaklah mengejutkan apabila ketua propaganda UMNO, Ahmad cuba untuk menolak undian pandangan terbaru oleh Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan Pilihan Raya Universiti Malaya (Umcedel) yang menunjukkan 78 peratus daripada undian menyatakan integriti dan penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh pemimpin BN akan memberikan kesan kepada sokongan pengundi dalam PRU13. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 75 Hari ke PRU13 – Adakah pemimpin UMNO/BN yang benar-benar percaya BN akan mendapat semula majoriti dua pertiga dalam PRU13 dapat membuktikannya?”

No one is spared from Kee Thuan Chye’s pen

by Daniel Anthony
Jan 26, 2013

If there is one Malaysian who can smell bullshit from a mile away, it’s him. In his latest collection of essays Ask For No Bullshit, Get Some More!, Kee Thuan Chye leaves no stone unturned.

From behind the scenes of Bersih 2.0 to the speculations of the 13th general elections, every scandal and issue in the local news has a place in this book.

Just like his previous book No More Bullshit, Please, We’re All Malaysians, Kee has certainly made a name for being able to boil the tangled mess of legal jargon and deceptive semantics down to a simple English that everyone can swallow.

Kee scratches the surface of these major issues and then pulls you into the deep side to reveal all the details you never knew.

His writing unravels the stories spun by the mainstream media and lays every thread on the table, leaving you to draw your own conclusion. Continue reading “No one is spared from Kee Thuan Chye’s pen”

75-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will UMNO/BN leaders who really believe that BN will regain two-thirds majority in 13GE stand up?

“BN parties say will regain two-thirds majority in Election 2013” is the lead story of The Malaysian Insider yesterday, reporting that BN leaders are confident BN will win with a two-thirds parliamentary majority in 13GE.

However, only one UMNO leader, its propaganda chief, Datuk Ahmad Maslan, has gone on public record to declare that “BN will win two-thirds majority, better than 2008”.

No other UMNO/BN leader is quoted as having such confidence, including MCA vice-president Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung, the MCA leader cited in the report.
Reason for Ahmad’s confidence?

Strangely enough, it is Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s record to battle corruption and reduce crime, among other things.

It is no surprise that as the UMNO propaganda chief, Ahmad tried to decry the latest opinion poll survey by the University of Malaya Centre of Democracy and Election (Umcedel) which showed that 78 per cent of those polled said that integrity and abuse of power by BN leaders would affect voters’ support in the 13GE.

But what beggars imagination is that the UMNO/BN leadership could feel proud and cocky about the Najib administration’s four-year record on combating corruption and reducing crime, when these two agendas are among the biggest failures of Najib’s Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and the National Key Result Areas (NKRA) in the past four years, raising the question whether the Najib administration is rooted in reality or living in a make-believe world of its own. Continue reading “75-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will UMNO/BN leaders who really believe that BN will regain two-thirds majority in 13GE stand up?”

Pride comes before destruction

by Mariam Mokhtar
Jan 21, 2013

According to one Sabahan, there is so much crime in Sabah that squatter houses, too, have grilles on the doors and windows, and that these cost more than the houses themselves.

For four decades, ordinary Sahabans have been angered by illegal immigration and the social and economic problems associated with it, such as a shortage of housing, a lack of employment and educational opportunities, high levels of crime and massive overcrowding.

Despite the limited terms of reference of the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) ordered by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, the RCI has revealed disturbing aspects of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s bid to remain in power. Soon, the RCI will be overshadowed by the side-show that Mahathir may have helped arrange.

The star-performer is the self-styled motivational guru Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin (right). One wonders if Zohra has replaced the virgin queen, Ummi Hafilda Ali, who used to come to Mahathir’s aid and helped distract the rakyat with golden showers and salacious revelations.

There was once a time when the government would detain reporters and send them to Kamunting, ostensibly for their own safety. Zohra was denied this privilege because Najib has abolished the ISA. Last week, Zohra bowed to overwhelming pressure and heeded police advice to cancel her seminar on ‘How to Make Your First Million’.

I can give you the gist of the RM200 seminar. It is an open secret that the first million is easy to make; join Umno, then claw your way to the top by backstabbing and badmouthing everyone who stands in your way.

There are tell-tale signs that that you have “made it” and joined the Umno elite. In the election canvassing that takes place every five years, Umno delivers bags of rice to the masses, but the Umno elite receive Birkin bags.

Households that qualify are given a one-off payment of RM500 (and possibly another RM500 if the situation demands it) but the elite get several million ringgit in hard cash, stuffed in suitcases.

The poor may get a discount on their smartphones, but the elite are given the contracts to sell the phones.

The rakyat may be given tins of powdered milk as freebies during canvassing, but elite members are given millions of ringgit to buy a few cows and many luxury condominiums. Continue reading “Pride comes before destruction”

Pengiraan Detik 79 Hari ke PRU13 – Ke dasar tanpa etika dan lubang mana lagi yang pemimpin UMNO/BN dan media perdana mereka akan gali sebelum PRU13?

Semalam, saya telah meminta agar diakhiri politik penipuan dan pembohongan menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13, yang akan diadakan paling lewat sekitar 156 hari lagi pada 27 Jun, akan tetapi dijangkakan akan berlangsung kurang daripada 70 hari.

Saya merujuk kepada kalahnya lidah rasmi UMNO, Utusan Malaysia di dalam saman fitnah, kali ini kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, mendapat teguran daripada Hakim V.T. Singham yang mendapati Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd dan ketua editornya Abdul Aziz Ishak bersalah merosakkan reputasi Anwar dan mendedahkan dirinya kepada cemuhan.

Di dalam penghakimannya, Singham menekankan bahawa wartawan dan editor perlu berhati-hati dengana apa yang mereka tulis supaya tidak memasukkan komen yang mungkin menimbulkan keraguan kepada seseorang.

Hakim berkata: “Akhbar sepatutnya tidak mempunyai kuasa yang lebih besar dalam menarik perhatian atau mengelirukan fikiran rakyat apabila dibandingkan dengan reputasi individu.

“Adalah penting bagi wartawan, editor dan penerbit mengambil langkah berhati-hati sebelum sebarang artikel yang cenderung merosakkan reputasi individu diterbitkan. Rencana sebarangan yang mengandungi sindiran atau tohmahan tanpa pengesahan hendaklah dielakkan.”

Akan tetapi nasihat hakim tidak mempunyai sebarang kesan kepada media perdana UMNO/BN dan begitu juga permintaan saya agar diakhiri segala politik penipuan dan pembohongan , terutamanya media perdana UMNO/Barisan Nasional sepatutnya memelihara peraturan dan etika kewartawanan dan berhenti menjadi “Akhbar Tipu”.

Ini ditunjukkan oleh satu lagi penipuan dan pembohongan melampau media perdana UMNO/BN hari ini – kali ini New Straits Times dan laporan palsunya bertajuk “Wife of ailing MP angry at DAP” (ms. 6) yang tidak lain hanyalah penipuan tanpa secubit pun kebenaran.

Memetik daripada satu lagi portal berita yang jahat, NST mendakwa Irene Chang, isteri kepada Ahli Parlimen DAP Sibu dan Pengerusi DAP Sarawak Wong Ho Leng, “dikatakan mengkritik parti kerana gagal memberikan bantuan kewangan kepada suaminya, yang menghidap tumor otak” malahan memetiknya sebagai berkata “kepimpinan parti tidak berhati perut” dan memarahi Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 79 Hari ke PRU13 – Ke dasar tanpa etika dan lubang mana lagi yang pemimpin UMNO/BN dan media perdana mereka akan gali sebelum PRU13?”

79-Day Countdown to 13GE – What unethical depths and bottomless pits are going to be plumbed by UMNO/BN leaders and their mainstream media (MSM) before the 13GE?

Yesterday, I made a plea for an end to the politics of lies and falsehoods in the run-up to the 13th General Elections, which must be held latest in 156 days by June 27, but is expected to be held in less than 70 days.

I was referring to the latest defamation suit lost by UMNO mouthpiece, Utusan Malaysia, this time to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, earning a rebuke by the judge, Justice V.T. Singham who found Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd and its chief editor Abdul Aziz Ishak as guilty of damaging Anwar’s reputation and exposing him to ridicule and scorn.

In his judgment, Singham stressed that journalists and editors should be careful with what they write so as not to include comment, which may impugn somebody.

The judge said: “The press should have no greater power in impressing or misleading the minds of the people when compared to the reputation of an individual.

“It is essential that journalists, editors and publishers should take great care before any article which tends to harm the reputation of an individual is published. Reckless articles that contain insinuation or imputation without verification are to be avoided.”

But the judge’s advice had no effect whatsoever on the UMNO/BN mainstream media and neither my plea for an end to the dishonest politics of lies and falsehoods, and in particular that the UMNO/Barisan Nasional mainstream media (MSM) should observe the most rudimentary canons of journalistic ethics and to stop being ‘Lies-Papers”.

This was shown by another egregious lie and falsehood by the UMNO/BN mainstream media today – this time by New Straits Times in its false report headlined “Wife of ailing MP angry at DAP”, (p.6) which was nothing but a pack of lies without an ounce of truth. Continue reading “79-Day Countdown to 13GE – What unethical depths and bottomless pits are going to be plumbed by UMNO/BN leaders and their mainstream media (MSM) before the 13GE?”