The indomitable spirit of several thousands who stood under heavy rain to hear Pakatan Rakyat leaders in Semboyan Halilintar ke Putrajaya ceramah perdana potent sign that the goal of Putrajaya is within reach

I thought the crowd of thousands for this Semboyan Halilintar ke Putrajaya ceramah perdana in Seremban to commemorate the second anniversary of March 8, 2008 political tsunami would dissolve away when the full blasts of the rain came, but the indomitable spirit of several thousands who stood their ground despite heavy rain is a potent sign that the Pakatan Rakyat goal of Putrajaya in the next general election is within reach.

In recent weeks, Umno/Barisan especially through their owned and controlled mainstream media (msm) had tried to paint a picture of Pakatan Rakyat in disarray if not in disintegration, focusing particularly on Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) which has been reduced to 26 from 30 MPs two years ago.

Firstly, Umno/BN tried to foment trouble in Pakatan Rakyat saying that I should be Parliamentary Opposition Leader as the DAP with 28 MPs has now more MPs than PKR. Thanks but no, as DAP has decided that Anwar Ibrahim is the Parliamentary Opposition Leader heading the Pakatan Rakyat in Parliament until he becomes the new Prime Minister when Pakatan Rakyat captures Putrajaya in the next general elections.

Secondly, the Umno/BN launched a psychological warfare against PKR and Pakatan Rakyat because of the PKR cleansing process resulting in the reduction, whether by defection or expulsion, of its parliamentary strength.
Continue reading “The indomitable spirit of several thousands who stood under heavy rain to hear Pakatan Rakyat leaders in Semboyan Halilintar ke Putrajaya ceramah perdana potent sign that the goal of Putrajaya is within reach”

Online petition to lift ban on Peter Mojuntin biography – “The Golden Son of the Kadazan”

@dredwinbosi how abt launch online petition 2lift ban of Golden Son of Kadazan “Family wants ban on book lifted” #SSSM
2 March 2010 09:06 PM

RT @dredwinbosi: @limkitsiang YB I agree and will work on it.
2 March 2010 10:35 PM

@dredwinbosi Bravo Assured my full support Am prepared 2make sp trip 2Penampang See statue of Peter Mojuntin GSoK #SSSM
2 March 2010 10:53 PM

Bernard Sta Maria kept me informed w writing “The Golden Son of the Kadazan” in 1978 w full support of Mojuntin family Fitting tribute #SSSM
2 March 2010 10:59 PM
Continue reading “Online petition to lift ban on Peter Mojuntin biography – “The Golden Son of the Kadazan””

Death of legendary DAP grassroots stalwart

Tweets @limkitsiang

Sad news DAP Bentong founder n Pahang DAP stalwart Cheong Koon Kam 64 died in Bentong home 2day Contested DUN Semantan 1974 elections RIP
Mar 2, 2010 06:35PM

@n_izzah @dredwinbosi tq at wake4CheongKoonKam legendary DAP stalwart contested 5elections in Bentong since 1974’Never admit defeat’ spirit
Mar 2, 2010 10:27AM

Up 2last sec KoonKam died in cause 4Reform n New Malaysia singly registered over 900 new voters last 3mths his target 1k voters Great Msian
Mar 2, 2010 10:33AM

LKS visits Kota Belud

In KotaKinabalu w MPs 4Serdang Segambut KK also SriTanjong SA attended UPKO CNY do met BernardDompok DonaldMojuntin YongTeckLee EdwardKhoo
Friday, 26 February, 2010 18:35

Dinner w Kadazan leaders Windbell Restaurant TgAru incl EdwardMuji JeffreyKumin DrEdwardBosi Steven FrancisAriffin MickyJangki JeffreyEkol
Friday, 26 February, 2010 19:07

Glad 2meet Sabah bloggers at Cititel Hotel Kota Kinabalu Sat tmr 830 am Maybe we can set agenda 2save Sabah n Malaysia
Friday, 26 February, 2010 22:46

Met Sabah political bloggers this morning coined a new word – deavatarise How n why imp 4bloggers 2also get into real world of knockabouts
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 12:03
Continue reading “LKS visits Kota Belud”

Twitter conversation – LKS and Kuli

limkitsiang: Oil royalty – Najib is Razak’s son or Mahathir’s heir?
04:12 PM

razaleigh: My fellow dinosaur w/ a memory of a better day RT @limkitsiang: Najib: Razak’s son or Mahathir’s heir?
04:22 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh shld not have 2depend solely on memory Shld have documents somewhere Petronas etc though mayb OSA Must wait 4regime change 1st?
04:30 PM

razaleigh: Why don’t I put the PDA up on my blog, YB RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh shld not have 2depend solely on memory
04:34 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh good idea but PDA makes no mention of “offshore”. Aren’t there some documents/records somewhere referring to it?
04:42 PM
Continue reading “Twitter conversation – LKS and Kuli”

Twitter exchange – Anwar’s Sodomy 2 and NEM

02/06/2010 06:54 PM
: @saiwanstar Journos owned by politicians shld not talk high and mighty about “NEM is 2 impt to leave 2 politics n politicians”.

02/06/2010 06:49 PM
: @saiwanstar “NEM is 2impt to leave 2 politics n politicians” – Najib n MCA Ministers not “politicians”? Star owned by MCA – so? Warped logic

02/06/2010 06:46 PM
: @saiwanstar “I agree with u tht sodomy 2 ws a fixed up but …” who said this? Backing off so quickly? Deny when cornered?

02/06/2010 06:38 PM
: @limkitsiang Don’t recall ever saying who fixed sodomy 2 did I? :) no bullseye uncle lim. NEM is 2 impt to leave 2 politics n politicians.

02/06/2010 06:21 PM
: @saiwanstar Y classic mca kneejerk allegation dap will sabo d country’s economy? U have sole claim 2patriotism? U owe public apology
Continue reading “Twitter exchange – Anwar’s Sodomy 2 and NEM”

Pornthip did not leak info

Inquest adjourned 4half hour 4karpal 2submit precedents on law of contempt
01/15/2010 11:23 AM

Razak apologised but Karpal said apology only go to mitigation n court must commit Razak 4contempt Karpal said Razak’s apology insincere
01/15/2010 10:58 AM

Karpal said in insulting another counsel n all Malaysians in wheelchair Razak had committed contempt in the face of the court
01/15/2010 10:49 AM

Blowup in ct over Macc counsel Razak’s offensive insult agnst Karpal when saying: I can sit down but Karpal cannot stand up.
01/15/2010 10:46 AM
Continue reading “Pornthip did not leak info”

LKS tweets reply to M

Am in Tokyo on private visit. Will give blog response 2Mahathir.
12/23/2009 09:49 PM

Mahathir wants Wain’s book 2b released forthwith.Who really believe Mahathir? Or is Najib or Hisham culprit blocking “Maverick M”‘s release?
12/23/2009 09:45 PM

Why Mahathir don’t sue me now if I had libelled him calling for RCI into Barry Wain’s RM100 billion allegation in his book Maverick M?
12/23/2009 09:39 PM

Why his suit conditional on outcome of RCI into Barry Wain’s allegation when M will do utmost 2block RCI though claiming support publicly?
12/23/2009 09:35 PM
Continue reading “LKS tweets reply to M”

Porntip expert testimony at TBH Inquest


10/21/2009 11:57 AM
inquest adjourned till 2pm

10/21/2009 11:37 AM
Coroner taking over questioning of Porntip after Selangor govt counsel Malik Imtiaz

10/21/2009 11:26 AM
In Porntip’s opinion cause of TBH death is 20 percent suicide 80 percent homicide

10/21/2009 11:22 AM
TeohBengHock inquest Thai Porntip expert testimony TBH injury compatible with manual strangulation TBH landed on his feet while unconscious

MACC applied to expunge torture testimony from TBH Inquest at PJ High Court


01:16 PM
Stay of execution not granted parties instructed 2proceed

01:14 PM
Lawyers argue whether lawful 4stay of execution in revisionary applns gobind objects n says Thai pathologist Porntip testifying Monday

01:11 PM
High ct judge upheld Coroner’s ruling as there is nothing erroneus. MACC lawyer applied 4stay of decision

12:53 PM
Gobind-My client TBH is dead He is not here 2give me instructions We want 2produce testimony 2submit that MACC witnesses cannot be believed

12:45 PM
in any physical assault of persons in MACCHqrs 14th floor
Continue reading “MACC applied to expunge torture testimony from TBH Inquest at PJ High Court”

Mysterious Witness took stand at TBH inquest

02:46 PM
Inquest adjourns 4tmr Malik asking 4date 4thai pathologist pontip 2testify

02:43 PM
After that complained 2 deputy minister murugiah n public complaints bureau as far as he knows only bpa investigated

02:39 PM
He made 1st complaint 2Suaram then made police report n 3rd complaint 2suhakam

02:37 PM
Was treated 4injuries on head kidney private part n bloodclots He went 2studio 2have pictures of injuries taken Siva produced torn underwear

02:33 PM
Ashraf hit him on private part with cane He was asked 2wear back same underwear which was torn becos of torture
Continue reading “Mysterious Witness took stand at TBH inquest”

Perak State Assembly

Live updates @limkitsiang

01:45 PM
Perak State Assembly 2nd Sept at Hotel Heritage adjourned sine dine

01:44 PM
Adun Sungai debated. Motion amended 2include demand 4immediate release of 7 arrested n t contract for IGP Musa Hassan should not be renewed

01:41 PM
Emergency motion 2 condemn police highandedness hotly debated. Among speakers ADUN lubok merbau, pokok assam, teja, hutan melintang, canning

12:59 PM
One of the 7 arrested K Ananthan DAP Chairman Lok Lim Garden suffers ashmatic attack. Being sent to Ipoh GH

12:31 PM
Assembly adopted report of Public Accounts Committee. Now debating report of Privileges Committee.
Continue reading “Perak State Assembly”

Permatang Pasir By-election Results

Off results EC – PAS 9618 BN 5067 Maj 4551.Voting turnout 73.1% compared 83% last yr. Pas got 65.33% of votes cast compared to 65.5% last yr
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 19:52

Secondly, they want MACC 2stop being catspaw of Umno/BN n to declare all out war agnst corruption instead of declaring war agnst PR
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 19:12

PP voters spoken loud on behalf of 27 mil Malaysians – they want Royal Commission Inquiry into causes/circumstances of TeohBengHock’s death
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 19:09

PP byelection result great blow 2Najib 4flawed 1Malaysia slogan, flawed campaign by Muhyiddin, flawed candidate n flawed BN coalition.
Tuesday, 25 August, 2009 7:03 PM

Great PAS/PR win in PP reaffirmation people’s support 4PR in particular PR Penang State Govt must be no complacency great chance 2move ahead
Tuesday, 25 August, 2009 7:00 PM
Continue reading “Permatang Pasir By-election Results”

Teoh Beng Hock inquest 3rd day

Inquest in recess Next witnesses on DNA and a criminologist But I have 2leave
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:57 AM

Tan re-examination – Witness is attached 2toxicology dept basically poisons drugs alcohol
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:46 AM

Chemist agrees that adrenaline level high if deceased under stress. She did not do adrenaline test.
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:35 AM

Gobind – is it not true that taxicology rpt can show whether a person is under stress. At first chemist says not certain then says yes.
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:32 AM

Heated argument between Tan Hock Chuan n Gobind whether questioning cld raise various possibilities of death
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:24 AM

Lab analysis only based on police request n case history that it fell from high places did not look into other possibilities
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:15 AM

Gobind – Postmortem rpt says stomach contain traces of brownish fluid witness at first says did not recd brownish matter but later retracted
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:08 AM Continue reading “Teoh Beng Hock inquest 3rd day”

Teoh Beng Hock inquest begins

Updates from
Inquest adj till tmr
08/05/2009 01:36 PM

Lawyers 4TBH need time 2bring their experts
08/05/2009 01:18 PM

Site visit on friday Coroner decides 2finish last early witness Rahman security officer Plaza n adjourn 4tmr 4expert testimony
08/05/2009 01:15 PM

Lunch break 4 inquest. 1 more early witness left 4 prosecution b4 going into expert evidence chemist pathology
08/05/2009 01:10 PM

Gobind crossexamines witness. Wan Rosli fumbles in answers abt early-hr MACC comings n goings at @ PlazaM. Does not verify MACC ppl.
08/05/2009 12:59 PM
Continue reading “Teoh Beng Hock inquest begins”

Twitter updates from Teoh Beng Hock’s funeral at Alor Gajah

From dust 2dust ashes 2ashes TBH buried 230pm in solemn grief dignity resolution 2uncover the truth
Monday, July 20, 2009 03:10 PM

TBH hearse on way 2Semenyih Memorial Park 4burial DAP leaders following Selangor MB Khalid will b there
Monday, July 20, 2009 11:25

After last respects by reps of assns societies public solemn ceremony ended with 1km procession involving thousands 2AG historic funeral
Monday, July 20, 2009 11:21

Pakatan Rakyat leaders of DAP PKR PAS pay last respects 1st time in PR history
Monday, July 20, 2009 10:28

Anwar arrives w PKR leaders 2pay last respects
Monday, July 20, 2009 10:25

Have 2hold back tears in DAP cec last respects
Monday, July 20, 2009 10:22
Continue reading “Twitter updates from Teoh Beng Hock’s funeral at Alor Gajah”

Twitter Updates on

MACC now says TeohBengHuat merely a witness,why was he treated like criminal n interrogated from 7pm till 4am? What happened 2criminals?
07/16/2009 10:07 PM

Flowers candles and pictures of TeoBengHock. Assemblywoman for Subang Jaya Hannah Yeoh weeping
07/16/2009 09:56 PM

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud: MP Kota Raja speaking
07/16/2009 09:53 PM

Crowd getting bigger. Klang MP Charles Santiago spoke. State Assemblyman Weng San speaking. Asked MACC on Khir Toyo.
07/16/2009 09:51 PM

MB Khalid, Excos Teresa, Auyong, Ronnie, MPs Gobind Tony, Nie Ching SAs Jenice Nik Nazmi at the demo. Police light strike force just arrived
07/16/2009 09:37 PM

An instant peaceful multiracial demonstrations by hundreds against unusual death of TeoBengHock at MACC going on now at Shah Alam MACC hqrs
07/16/2009 09:24 PM
Continue reading “Twitter Updates on”

Parliament twitter on the “annual begging season” for PSD s’ships by top-scorers


06/16/2009 11:09 AM
From Nazri, 2,000 PSD foreign s’ships for 2008 SPM students – 1,100 bumiputeras and 900 non-bumiputeras. Cost RM659 million.

06/16/2009 10:44 AM
On why govt not spending more 4PSD s’ships 4topscorers when RM12.5 billion in PKFZ scandal can give places for >1,000 students,no answer.

06/16/2009 10:36 AM
Nazri trotted out standard govt line on this issue n refused 2respond when asked why list of 400 s’ships awarded on merit not made public.

06/16/2009 10:34 AM
I asked why there is still “annual begging season” 4top scholars 4PSD s’ships after 1Malaysia anncd by Najib, which must mean colour-blind?
Continue reading “Parliament twitter on the “annual begging season” for PSD s’ships by top-scorers”