DAP causing a ‘Riot’ in Serian

Joseph Tawie | September 12, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

The five-term incumbent MP Richard Riot is having sleepless nights because of the opposition party’s attack on his constituency.

KUCHING: The centre set up by Sarawak DAP in Serian has not only set in motion its determination to wrest the parliamentary seat from the Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) in the coming general election but also caused ripples among the Bidayuh community as well as in the Barisan Nasional camp.

Weekly education programmes are organised by the party to instil political awareness among the Bidayuh community, so that they know their rights as voters as well as their rights and privileges to development, scholarships, business opportunities and so on.

With all these activities going on, Michael Manyin, the state assemblyman for Tebedu and state minister as well as Martin Ben, state assemblyman for Kedup, have expressed concern. Continue reading “DAP causing a ‘Riot’ in Serian”

Official arrogance will bring Najib down

Jeswan Kaur | September 13, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

When he took over as prime minister, Najib Tun Razak said he will listen to the people but his officers have turned a deaf ear to the promise with their arrogance.


In 2009, when Najib Tun Razak took over the country’s affairs from Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, he promised the rakyat that his government would be all ears. But two years down the road it appears that the promise was just lip service.

One such example of refusing to listen to the rakyat was displayed through the insensitive remark by the Federal Territories and Urban Well-Being Minister Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal.

In February this year, Raja Nong Chik had admonished the Bukit Jalil estate workers who turned to him for help in trying to avoid being evicted from their homes. The minister told the residents that they should be contented with the Little India project when they wanted to negotiate compensation. Continue reading “Official arrogance will bring Najib down”

Constitutional question: Judges let natives down

by Hafiz Yatim
Sep 9, 11

A law professor said Chief Justice Zaki Azmi and Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Justice Richard Malanjum, could have abdicated their oath of office by their refusal to interpret the question of law posed to them.

The question posed before the court was “whether section 5(3) and (4) of the Sarawak Land Code relating to the extinguishment of native customary rights are ultra vires Article 5 (Right to life) and Article 13 (right to property) of the Federal Constitution.”

Islamic International University professor Abdul Aziz Bari said by refusing to deal with the constitutionality issue, the Federal court has abdicated its duty.

“Under the Federal Constitution, the Federal Court which is the highest court of the land is essentially the constitutional court of the country; the main tribunal whose major duty is to take care of the constitution,” he said. Continue reading “Constitutional question: Judges let natives down”

Reason why MoCS rally called off

Written by Francis Siah
Saturday, 13 August 2011

Press Statements
Foreword by Dr Lim Teck Ghee

Readers who have been following the progress of the MoCS ‘Walk for Democracy and Reform’ assembly in Kuching will be as disappointed as we are that the event has been called off. This development, though disappointing is not unexpected given the extraordinary pressure on Francis and the small group of stalwart supporters during the last few weeks. The perverted use by the government of the law enforcement agencies for its political ends has long been a feature of Barisan Nasional rule in Malaysia; and this has proven to be the case once again. It will not be the last time.

Refusal to provide permits for legitimate public gatherings and events organized by the opposition is part of the standard operating procedure of the police force. Other not so subtle forms of denial of our constitutional right to freedom of assembly are the use of restraining orders, which with the connivance of a sycophantic judiciary, is meant to prohibit leaders and supporters from gathering anywhere close to the vicinity of any planned rally that is perceived as drawing attention to the corruption, abuses and bad governance of the ruling elite. Continue reading “Reason why MoCS rally called off”

You probe me, I probe you

Written by Francis Siah

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

I was ‘honoured’ to be welcomed back at the Kuching airport on Monday (Aug 8) by five police officers.

Immediately after I crossed the immigration counter at 6.15pm, one of them who introduced herself as ASP Angela ak Ladie, approached me and she and her colleagues then ushered me into a room. Another introduced himself as Sub-Inspector Simon Low. The others said they were stationed at the airport.

I was given a letter stating that I was required to be at the Sarawak police headquarters on Aug 10 at 10am for the purpose of recording my statement under Section 112 Criminal Procedure Code. Continue reading “You probe me, I probe you”

CNBC drops flagship show over paid Malaysian interviews

By Debra Chong
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 04, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — International news broadcaster CNBC has confirmed cancelling its flagship show World Business as allegations of impropriety surface linking the programme to FBC Media, a British firm apparently paid millions of ringgit by Putrajaya and Sarawak to shine their images globally.

The satellite news channel said it has also started investigating FBC Media’s business practices, in what is seen as a bid to remove itself from being tainted by any possible scandal that could smear it like the phone-hacking allegations that ended the 168-year-old News of The World last month.

“In response to your question below, you are correct in that we have withdrawn World Business in the light of serious questions raised last week and we have initiated an examination of FBC and its business practices,” Charlotte Westgate, CNBC’s vice-president of marketing and communications, told The Malaysian Insider in an email last night. Continue reading “CNBC drops flagship show over paid Malaysian interviews”

DAP Dayak Consultative Council (DCC) formed

by Dr. John Brian Anthony

On his visit on 11th of June to Sarawak, DAP Adviser Saudara Lim Kit Siang proposed the formation of a Dayak Brain Trust (DBT) which was discussed in this blog earlier.

LKS vision for DBT is for it “to advise DAP Sarawak and DAP Malaysia on a strategy to end Dayak marginalization and spur a Dayak awakening as a integral part of a Malaysian renaissance”.

DAP has also stated that it is interested to go into some Dayak areas in Sarawak and are looking for Dayak who has interest in joining DAP. In this respect, DAP is interested to get the support from Dayak and also their services.

Formation of Dayak Consultative Council

After some serious work and preparation the name “Dayak Brain Trust” has now being changed to “Dayak Consultative Council” (DCC) to capture the essence of the role and spirit of the new organization. Continue reading “DAP Dayak Consultative Council (DCC) formed”

DAYAK AWAKENING: Accomplishing Big Dreams Together.

by Duwen Babat
(Preparerd for “Is it time for a Dayak Reawakening” forum in KL on 18.7.11)

1. Introduction.

1.1 This opinion of mine is to briefly address specific subjects that could give significant impact to the rural population especially the Dayak community in Sarawak. Thus, issues pertaining to urban areas and matters of national implication are not discussed in this paper.

1.2 I must acknowledge that there are many good developments that have been and being carried out and suggested by various parties such as financial support to the elderly and single mothers, treated water, electricity, tarred roads and bridges. As such, I would not dwell on this topic as I support it completely, and of the opinion that such programs are basic necessities that the government is obligated to provide to its citizens.

1.3 The rural electorates continue to play a very vital role in deciding the outcome of the parliamentary and state election in Malaysia. However, despite their importance the Dayak rural populations continue to be marginalized and remained among the poorest since the formation of Malaysia on 16 September 1963. Continue reading “DAYAK AWAKENING: Accomplishing Big Dreams Together.”

Sarawak to hold reform rally in August

Joseph Tawie | July 13, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

While patriotism to country and loyalty to government is important, the same reasoning should be used to oust bad leaders and governments, says Movement of Change Sarawak.

KUCHING: Inspired by the success of Bersih 2.0′s ‘Walk For Democracy’ march last Saturday and the fact that some 100 Sarawakians had taken part, the Movement for Change Sarawak (MoCS) is planning to hold its own ‘rally for democracy and reforms’ here on Aug 13.

MoCS chief Francis Siah said the movement’s leaders had decided on Sunday to organise “A Walk for democracy and reforms” instead of organising a anti-Taib Mahmud rally originally planned for Aug 13.

He said MoCS will apply for a police permit for the event. Continue reading “Sarawak to hold reform rally in August”

Opposition leader: Land for Taib’s brother? Why?

By Ang Ngan Toh
Jun 25, 11 | MalaysiaKini

Bukit Assek state assemblyperson Wong Ho Leng has demanded to know why a huge parcel of land was alienated to a company owned by Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud’s brother, Ibrahim, and Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) chairman Tiong Thai King.

Wong, also Sarawak state legislative assembly opposition leader, said Ibrahim and Tiong, who is also Lanang member of parliament, are already “multi billionaires”.

The 3,000-acre land should have been alienated to PJ Green Field Sdn Bhd, a reputable agriculture company, and not to Victoria Square Development Sdn Bhd, he said. Continue reading “Opposition leader: Land for Taib’s brother? Why?”

Watch your words! Wong warns S’wak opposition

By Joseph Tawie
June 25, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: Second Minister of Finance Wong Soon Koh issued a stern warning to the opposition to behave themselves in the state assembly or they will be referred to the Committee of Privileges of the Dewan Undangan Negeri.

“I don’t mind being be called a ‘motion king’ if I must refer them to the committee of privileges,” he said to reporters. Continue reading “Watch your words! Wong warns S’wak opposition”

Motions on money politics and ‘corrupt’ CM rejected

By Joseph Tawie
June 23, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: The Sarawak Legislative Assembly Speaker Asfia Awang Nasar yesterday rejected bids by opposition DAP to debate money politics in the recent state elections and allegations of corruption against Chief Minister Taib Mahmud.

Citing various ground to support his decision, Asfia rejected Opposition Leader Wong Ho Leng’s move to table the two motions.

In tabling his first motion, Wong who is Bukit Assek assemblyman said that vote buying had been rampant in Tamin constituency in the April 16 election as alleged by Malaysian election observers. Continue reading “Motions on money politics and ‘corrupt’ CM rejected”

Land Bill aimed at ‘punishing natives’

By Joseph Tawie
June 23, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: The bill to bar Sarawak natives from seeking legal redress for grievances involving their native customary rights (NCR) to land is draconian, says Sarawak DAP.

State chairman Wong Ho Leng said the move clearly showed that the government of Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud was bent on depriving the natives of their legal rights to their land.

“This bill is draconian in the topmost degree. It is unfair to stop the natives from going to court, even when they receive no dividends or benefits from joint ventures (to develop the land).

“It is a draconian law which only the Barisan Nasional (BN) has the audacity to introduce,” he said when debating the Land Custody and Development Authority (Amendment) Bill 2011 at the 10th State Legislative Assembly sitting. Continue reading “Land Bill aimed at ‘punishing natives’”

Kit Siang: RM1.7b Sarawak pork barrel justifies Bersih march

By Shannon Teoh
June 22, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 22 — Lim Kit Siang has accused Barisan Nasional (BN) of vote buying during the April 16 Sarawak election, stating that the RM1.7 billion spent on its campaign was reason enough for the July 9 Bersih rally calling for free and fair elections.

The DAP parliamentary leader added that the entire federal Cabinet had campaigned in Sarawak, leaving no one to govern the country during the election period.

“It was not just Sarawak BN but the entire federal government campaigning in the Sarawak elections — making a complete mockery of the principle of free and fair elections,” said the Ipoh Timur MP of the RM1.18 billion spent by the Najib administration up to April 30 this year in Sarawak. Continue reading “Kit Siang: RM1.7b Sarawak pork barrel justifies Bersih march”

Federal Govt spending RM1.18 billion, Cabinet campaing in Sarawak and RM500 mil BN election outlay reasons for Bersih 2.0 rally

FACT 1: In Parliament yesterday, in written answer to the DAP MP for Seputeh Teresa Kok, the Prime Minister’s Department revealed that the Federal Government had announced a total of 62 programmes and projects worth a total of RM1.18 billion in Sarawak during the just-concluded Sarawak state polls.

The RM1.18 billion was divided between 10 ministries, namely the Prime Minister’s Department; Rural and Regional Development Ministry; Natural Resources and Environment Ministry; Defence Ministry; Health Ministry; Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Ministry; Education Ministry; Energy, Green Technology and Water Ministry; Works Ministry; and Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry.

The projects include upgrading work for suraus, mosques and other places of worship; community halls, schools and roads; longhouse repairs; electricity supply; the construction of jetties and bridges; the renovation of hospitals and clinics; flood mitigation work; and contributions and welfare aid, among others.
Continue reading “Federal Govt spending RM1.18 billion, Cabinet campaing in Sarawak and RM500 mil BN election outlay reasons for Bersih 2.0 rally”

Putrajaya says RM1.18b worth of projects announced for Sarawak polls

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Jun 21, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, June 21 — Putrajaya revealed today that it had announced projects worth a total of RM1.18 billion in Sarawak during the just-concluded state polls.

In a written response to Teresa Kok (DAP-Seputeh) yesterday, the Prime Minister’s Department explained that until April 30 this year, a total of 62 programmes and projects were announced for the hornbill state.

Of the total, it added, 52 projects were kicked off this year with the remainder to be carried out in the years to come.

“The programme/projects announced were planned earlier,” it said. Continue reading “Putrajaya says RM1.18b worth of projects announced for Sarawak polls”

European NGOs want Taib’s assets in Germany frozen

Malaysiakini | Jun 21, 11

More Europe-based NGOs are plying pressure on the authorities there to freeze the assets of Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud.

In a press statement today, Swiss NGO Bruno Manser Fund said that it had written to German chancellor Angela Merkel on the matter, together with two German NGOs – the Society for Threatened Peoples and Rettet den Regenwald.

They asked “the German government to clarify Deutsche Bank’s business ties with Taib and to freeze all Taib (right) assets in Germany.

“We are seriously concerned that, as a leading German financial institute, Deutsche Bank is closely cooperating with the highly corrupt and internationally discredited Taib regime.
Continue reading “European NGOs want Taib’s assets in Germany frozen”

Why reject my questions, Chong asks S’wak speaker

BY Ang Ngan Toh
Jun 19, 11 | MalaysiaKini

Kota Sentosa state assemblyperson Chong Chieng Jen has criticized state legislative speaker Awang Asfia Awang Nasar for rejecting two of his questions for the question and answer session of next week’s assembly meeting.

Chong, who is also the Bandar Kuching member of parliament, said the speaker rejected the two questions because they breached the august house’s Standing Order 20(1) (a), (c) and (l).

The first question was to the chief minister to state: Continue reading “Why reject my questions, Chong asks S’wak speaker”

BN strategy to muzzle PR reps and to punish Dayaks for NCR struggle in new Sarawak State Assembly?

The Barisan Nasional will be making a fatal political mistake if the new Sarawak State Assembly starts off next week on a wrong footing with a high-handed Barisan Nasional strategy to muzzle Pakatan Rakat representatives and to punish Dayaks for their Native Customary Rights (NCR) struggle.

Reports yesterday about the opening session of the 10th Sarawak State Assembly beginning on Monday are disturbing for if true, they point to an intransigent Sarawak state government which refuses to acknowledge the wind of change blowing hard and strong in the state and the aspirations of Sarawakians for accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance.

There is yesterday’s report in Free Malaysia Today entitled “Behave or face consequence, opposition reps warned”, where strong language was used, for instance, quoting second Finance Minister Datuk Wong Soon Koh as warning that the BN has 55 while the Opposition only 16 State Assembly members when uttering the threat: “We know how to deal with them”. Continue reading “BN strategy to muzzle PR reps and to punish Dayaks for NCR struggle in new Sarawak State Assembly?”

Iban language: Pick the right candidates

FMT Staff
June 18, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: The Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA) has chastised the authorities for its nonchalant approach to the Iban language.

SADIA chairman Edward Manggah said the Iban language was not like any other subject.

“The teachers must have the basics. You cannot just pick people randomly and make them teach,” he said in response to the latest controversy involving the selection of candidates for Bahasa Iban courses. Continue reading “Iban language: Pick the right candidates”