The Kuching Declaration

(adopted by Pakatan Rakyat in Kuching at Pakatan Rakyat Malaysia Day Celebrations at Chonglin Park, Kuching on September 16, 2012)





We will restore the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement and the position of Sarawak and Sabah as equal partners within Malaysia by restoring autonomy to Sarawak and Sabah within the framework of the Federal Constitution. Continue reading “The Kuching Declaration”

Call on all Sarawak and Sabah MPs, whether BN or PR, to give unanimous support in Parliament to proposal for a RCI to assess whether the dreams and aspirations of Sarawakians and Sabahans in forming Malaysia had been fulfilled or betrayed in past five decades

This is the third year Malaysia Day is celebrated as a national public holiday – as it has taken 47 years before Malaysia Day on September 16 was accorded proper recognition as a national public holiday by the Barisan Nasional federal government, starting from 2010.

This was thanks to two events: Firstly, the public pledge by Pakatan Rakyat that a PR government in Putrajaya would do what the Barisan Nasional had failed to do, i.e. declare September 16 as a national public holiday.

Secondly, the “political tsunami” of the March 8, 2008 general election which caused the belated realisation by the Prime Minister and the BN leaders in Sarawak and Sabah that the BN MPs in the two states occupy a strategic “kingmaker” role determining the survival of UMNO hegemony and Barisan Nasional federal government.

The BN suffered a severe thrashing in the 2008 general election, winning 140 seats against the Pakatan Rakyat’s 82. However, 54 of these BN parliamentary seats come from Sarawak and Sabah – Sarawak 30 and Sabah 24.

Without these 54 BN MPs from Sarawak and Sabah, BN would be reduced to 86 seats out of 222 MPs in Parliament, a reversal of the political demography in Parliament and evicting B N from Putrajaya into the Opposition ranks.

Although PR and the 2008 “political tsunami’ have combined to force UMNO/Barisan Nasional to concede in according Sept. 16 as a national holiday, this is a half-hearted gesture and not really meaningful as Malaysia Day is treated as a mere Sarawak and Sabah event instead of a national celebration by UMNO/Barisan Nasional – making a full mockery of Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan and policy. Continue reading “Call on all Sarawak and Sabah MPs, whether BN or PR, to give unanimous support in Parliament to proposal for a RCI to assess whether the dreams and aspirations of Sarawakians and Sabahans in forming Malaysia had been fulfilled or betrayed in past five decades”

Lets make the 50th Malaysia Day next year really meaningful and historic not only to Sabahans and Sarawakians but to all Malaysians

49th Malaysia Day Message
15th September 2012

At a Sabah DAP forum in Kota Kinabalu on the 45th Malaysia Day on 16th September 2008, I pledged that a Pakatan Rakyat government in Putrajaya would do what the Barisan Nasional had failed to do – declare September 16 as a national public holiday.

This forced the hand of the sixth Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak who announced six months after assuming the premier’s office in October 2009 that Malaysia Day on September 16 would be a national holiday from 2010.

It took the Barisan Nasional 47 years to accord proper recognition to Malaysia Day on September 16, but the Barisan Nasional government has yet to seriously and fully address the frustrations, grievances and alienations suffered by Sabahans and Sarawakians for three generations at not being given full and fair treatment as Malaysian citizens.

Furthermore, Malaysia Day on September 16 cannot really be meaningful when it is regarded as in the past three years as a mere Sabah and Sarawak event rather than as a national celebration – making a mockery of the Prime Minister’s 1Malaysia slogan and policy. Continue reading “Lets make the 50th Malaysia Day next year really meaningful and historic not only to Sabahans and Sarawakians but to all Malaysians”

Challenge to Najib and Mahathir to make public commitment UMNO will peacefully effect transition of federal power after 13GE

I have just read online reports of what Tun Dr. Mahathir said earlier today, warning Malaysians that the country may never see a Barisan Nasional (BN) government again if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is voted into Putrajaya alleging that PR “would do everything possible to stay in power forever”.

The former Prime Minister who is confirming growing perceptions of Malaysians that he is “back in the saddle” as de facto Prime Minister, especially  with the present premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak proving to be the most vacillating PM in the nation’s history worse than his predecessor Tun Abdullah, is now indulging his favourite past time of fear mongering with both immunity and impunity.

This is not the first time Mahathir has made the wild and reckless allegation that if Pakatan Rakyat wins the federal government in the next 13th General Election, it will signify the end of democracy in Malaysia as PR would never allow any future elections where it would lose power in Putrajaya.

This is utter nonsense. Continue reading “Challenge to Najib and Mahathir to make public commitment UMNO will peacefully effect transition of federal power after 13GE”

Failure of BN to honor points engraved in the Keningau Oath Stone

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to revisit the historic Keningau Oath Stone together with Dato Seri’ Wilfred Bumburing, the MP for Tuaran who had recently left the BN and aligned himself with the opposition. The Oath Stone was erected as a reminder of the guarantee of the Federal Government to honor the 20 point agreement made with Sabah before the formation of Malaysia. Almost 48 years later, it is evident from the DAP Sabah initiated Janji Ditepati Public Hearings, that the three main points engraved in the Keningau Oath Stone – guaranteeing freedom of religion, upholding land autonomy and protecting native customs and traditions – have been cast aside by the BN government.

Sabahans from all walks of life and backgrounds in Kota Kinabalu, Penampang, Ranau, Tenom and Keningau have voiced out clearly and loudly, with their personal testimonies, that the rights of the Sabahans have not been upheld but have instead been abused and ignored in contravention to the spirit of the Keningau Oath Stone.

No less than Tan Sri Simon Sipaun, the former Sabah state secretary, has expressed doubt in the empty slogan that is Janji Ditepati when he said, during the Kota Kinabalu public hearing, that ‘the government is very long on eye catching slogans but very short on delivery’ akin to ‘lots of thunder and lightning but without the rain appearing.’ He is particularly well placed in making the statement that the BN government does not have the political will to solve the problem of ‘Pendatang Asing Tanpa Asing’ (PATI) as evidenced by successive half hearted and failed attempts over the past 25 years. One particularly egregious example of an empty promise was that made by Musa Aman, Chief Minister of Sabah, in 2006, to solve the problem of the illegal immigrants in Pulau Gaya which to date remains far from being solved. Continue reading “Failure of BN to honor points engraved in the Keningau Oath Stone”

Malaysia Day, RCIII, Oil Royalty – BN’s half-hearted promises

5/9/2012: Lim Kit Siang and Wilfred Bumburing at the Keningau “Batu Sumpah” site – a reminder of the unfulfilled promise of honoring the 20 Points

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Sep 05, 11:55am
Sabah DAP’s “Janji Ditepati” Public Hearing in Tenom starts with Janji Diketepikan when police banned use of speaker system. Who is afraid?

Sep 05, 12:00pm
Najib said Umno/BN govt want 2make Msians “happy” but by forcing police 2disallow use of speaker system Umno/BN have made Tenom ppl unhappy

Sep 05, 12:10pm
Despite unreasonable undemocratic block @ Umno/BN behest, SabahDAP’s “Janji Ditepatikan” PublicHearing b4 capacity crowd Tenom great success

Sep 05, 12:19pm
Informed Tenom Public Hearing of my 1st twt 2Najib n my 5pt Open Cyber Msg 2four Sabah Ministers 2raise issue of RCIIISabah @ 2day’s Cabinet

Sep 05, 4:15pm
Full house @ Sabah DAP “Janji Ditepati” Public Hearing in Keningau. Sp guest speaker Wilfred Bumburing Tuaran MP who explained Y he quit BN

Sep 05, 4:32pm
B4 public hearing, I again visited Keningau “Batu Sumpah” with JimmyWong EdwinBosi Wilfred Bumburing MonggohOrow on religion land customs

Sep 05, 4:56pm
Gave 3 instances DAP PR have forced Umno/BN 2follow though half-hearted: 1) make 16/9 national public holiday although only since 2010 (1)

Sep 05, 5:01pm
2) RCIII Sabah though TOR unsatisfactory. No sign political will 2resolve issue “once n 4 all” with RCIII still in sleepmode after 7mths (2)

Sep 05, 5:07pm
3) Raise 5% oil royalty to 20%. Until lately Sabah CM opposed saying illogical 2increase royalty but now cos of PR pressure has changed tune (3)

RCI on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah – another example of yet another broken promise by the BN?

DAP Sabah kicked off a series of Janji Ditepati public hearings starting in Kota Kinabalu on Monday to seek feedback from the people of Sabah and see if the promises made by the BN during its 49 year rule have indeed been fulfilled or if the government’s Merdeka slogan is yet another in a long series of broken promises by the BN to the people of Sabah.

The last time a series of such public hearings were held was in 1962 when the Commission of Enquiry for North Borneo and Sarawak (better known as the Cobbold Commission) sought public feedback in Sabah and Sarawak for a period of 2 ½ months. Indeed, the Cobbold Commission, which was appointed in January 1962, took five months to complete and was submitted to the British on the 21st of June 1962. The final report was released on the 1st of August, 1962. The Commission was chaired by the former Governor of the Bank of England, Lord Cameron Cobbold, with a four member Commission namely Wong Pow Nee, Chief Minister of Penang, Mohammed Ghazali Shafie, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaya, Anthony Abell, former Governor of Sarawak and David Watherston, former Chief Secretary of Malaya.

In contrast, it took Najib 6 months to announce the members of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah and to come up with the Terms of Reference. And even the Terms of Reference may have been delayed further if not for the departure of two prominent BN Members of Parliament from Sabah. Three weeks later, concerned Sabahans are still waiting for any signs of life that the RCI has started work. Continue reading “RCI on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah – another example of yet another broken promise by the BN?”

LKS sends 1st tweet to Najib and Open Cyber Message to Sabah Ministers

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Sep 05, 7:43am
@NajibRazak 1st time twt PM 4Cabinet agenda 2day include Y RCIII Sabah x started work 7mths after Cabinet decision – mana “Janji Ditepati”?

Sep 05, 8:03am
Open Cyber Msg 2SabahMinisters -PTI top issue @ DAPSabah “Janji Ditepati” PublicHearings in KK Ranau Donggongon.Do raise in Cabinet 2day (1)

Sep 05, 8:08am
Esp Y instrument of apptmt x yet issued 2RCI members 3weeks after PM’s announcement; whether/when RCIII Sabah will hold public hearings (2)

Sep 05, 8:16am
Y RCIII Sabah still in sleepmode 7months after Cabinet decision 2set it up when Cobbold Commission 1962 completed its work in 5mths? (3)

Sep 05, 8:21am
Urge Sabah Ministers Bernard Maximus Shafie Anifah 2raise RCIII Sabah issue in Cabinet 2day – followup 2my 1st twt 2PM on same issue. (4)

Sep 05, 8:25am
Sabah Ministers shd make post-Cabinet stmts 2day 2answer many questions on RCIII Sabah. Also Sabah Ministers shd all have twitter a/cs (5)
Continue reading “LKS sends 1st tweet to Najib and Open Cyber Message to Sabah Ministers”

‘Janji Ditepati’ Public hearings in Sabah successful kickoff in Kota Kinabalu

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Sep 03, 7:16pm
In KotaKinabalu 4kickoff of Sabah DAP “Janji Ditepati” 1st round of Public Hearings 2hear public views whether Sabahans agree with BN theme

Sep 03, 8:40pm
Congrats SabahDAP 4organising “Janji Ditepati” Public Hearing State tour as “substitute” 4RCI on 49yrs of Sabah in Msia proposed by DAP b4

Sep 03, 8:45pm
TanSri Simon Sipaun, whom I had proposed as RCI Chmn, speaking. He said Sabah is now Darul PTI as ilegals have long outnumbered Sabahans

Sep 03, 8:50pm
Simon speak abt poverty in when this shld not happen as Sabah very rich state with oil n other resources. Estimate poverty rate >30% inSabah
Continue reading “‘Janji Ditepati’ Public hearings in Sabah successful kickoff in Kota Kinabalu”

A new dawn?

— May Chee
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 31, 2012

AUG 31 — Woke up around 7am today, after about five hours of sleep. By the way, “Selamat Hari Merdeka” folks!

My husband and I went for the Janji Demokrasi Merdeka Countdown at the clock tower in Malacca last night. Again, it was another heartwarming experience. Syabas to all those who gathered there and elsewhere for the Janji Demokrasi!

This time around, no untoward incidents, I hear. That’s good, really good. See, if we have everyone’s good intentions in mind, all would be swell.

We left our house at 9pm. There was ample parking around the designated area. As we walked towards the clock tower, we could see cops and Rela personnel already in position. Since we were early, we walked towards Jonker, hoping to join some people at the stage. Along the way, we met some friends, so we headed for the stage together. Some yellow shirts were walking in the opposite direction. They were heading towards the clock tower. All youths. Good, I thought!

At the stage, there was a handful of yellow shirts and a group of around 15 members from the Unit Amal PAS. By 9.30pm the group had swelled to quite a huge number. After taking a group photograph at the foot of the stage, our Unit Amal youngsters led us to the clock tower. Before that, we were told to be at our best behaviour, not to provoke nor hamper the traffic. We walked on the pavement and at all times, the Unit Amal boys made sure traffic for the public was smooth. Though the folks along Jonker were burning incense and some other stuff (Ghost Month?), the Unit Amal boys admirably braved the ashes (some flying into their faces) to guide us. Continue reading “A new dawn?”

With the approach of 13GE, BN mainstream media are throwing journalistic ethics to the winds and resorting to more lies and falsehoods in their attacks on Pakatan Rakyat leaders

With the approach of 13th General Election, which Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said in Kedah yesterday would determine UMNO and Barisan Nasional’s survival (or to be more exact, Najib’s own political survival), the UMNO/Barisan Nasional mainstream media are throwing journalistic ethics to the winds and resorting to more lies and falsehoods in their attacks on Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

It is a measure of the increasing desperation felt by UMNO/BN leaders that the next general elections could result in a change of federal government in Putrajaya that the next polls in shaping up to the dirtiest elections in the nation’s 55-year history – with blatant and flagrant lies and falsehoods recklessly spread by UMNO/BN cybertroopers about individual Pakatan Rakyat leaders like the accusation that I had urinated at the flagpole in the Kuala Lumpur residence of the former Selangor Mentri Besar, Datuk Harun Idris sparking off the May 13 riots in 1969, when I was never in Kuala Lumpur on May 10, 11, 12 or 13, 1969 or the ludicrous allegation that the Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had provoked the May 13 riots in his capacity as DAP Youth leader when Guan Eng was only eight years old at the time!

The latest lie and falsehood by UMNO mainstream media is today’s New Straits Times report entitled “’Anti-hopping law unfair and impractical’” on Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s call to introduce a law against party-hopping, which among other things, said:

“The critics pointed out that Lim’s father, DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang, had even praised members of parliament Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing of Tuaran and Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin of Beaufort when the duo left Barisan Nasional to support the opposition coalition.”

This is pure concoction for up to now, I have not said anything about the actions of Wilfred Bumburing and Lajim Ukiin in leaving Barisan Nasional to support the Pakatan Rakyat coalition. Continue reading “With the approach of 13GE, BN mainstream media are throwing journalistic ethics to the winds and resorting to more lies and falsehoods in their attacks on Pakatan Rakyat leaders”

Defections raise Anwar election chances

By Anil Netto
Asia Times
August 24, 2012

PENANG – The defection of two key ruling coalition parliamentarians to the political opposition has shifted Malaysia’s pre-election equation and highlighted the importance of the crucial swing states of Sabah and Sarawak in what is expected to be a neck and neck contest.

Historically a “fixed deposit” of votes for the Barisan Nasional (BN), the coalition that has ruled the country consecutively since independence from colonial rule, Sabah and Sarawak are expected to play a prominent role in the coming general election pitting Prime Minister Najib Razak versus opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

BN won 140 of 222 federal parliament seats at the 2008 elections, a result that saw the Pakatan Rakyat opposition win control of five of 13 federal states. After the recent defections, BN holds 20 of 25 federal parliament seats allocated to Sabah and 29 of 31 in Sarawak on the island of Borneo.

If the recent defections signal a gathering trend away from BN, as some political analysts suggest, the two states have the potential to swing the next general election in favor of the opposition. The present parliamentary term expires in April 2013 and general elections must be held by October, although Najib has the prerogative of calling a snap election at any time. Continue reading “Defections raise Anwar election chances”

Ignorance on Sabah: Nuid must take the rap

Ket Shin Pua
Aug 23, 2012

The recent police report made by Rozza Rothman against people from the peninsula insulting Sabah in Facebook postings reminds us again of the long and unceasing attitude of Malayans looking down on Sabah and Sabahans.

This is due mainly to the misconception created by the failure of the efforts of national integration and national unity made under the National Unity and Integration Department (Nuid) which has been operating since 1969 (after the May 13 riots), spending hundreds of millions of ringgits trying to bring together Malaysians in the peninsula and those in Borneo.

The Malaysian blog reported in July 2006 that “Probably 99 percent of Malaysians have not even heard of the very existence of the National Unity and Integration Department.

Ironically, as its name suggests, it is the one entrusted to ‘integrate’ and ‘unite’ the people and therefore should have been very familiar to the public!” the writer even commented, “What the devil have you been doing all these years except collect your monthly pay?”

The biggest problem with the Nuid is its plain ineptness, lack of creativity and drive. And the over-dominance of peninsular officers who have the attitude that it is the Borneons that need to be rehabilitated from the wild, to be civilised, so they can be on par with the more civilised Malayans.

There is less thought about rehabilitating the peninsular Malaysians into learning about Borneo which to them is unimportant and not even part of the real Malaysia. Continue reading “Ignorance on Sabah: Nuid must take the rap”

DAP to hold “Janji DiTepati” public hearings throughout Sabah on whether Barisan Nasional promises to people of Sabah have been fulfilled or broken

Together with DAP MP for Segambut Lim Lip Eng, and accompanied by Sabah DAP leaders headed by DAP Sabah Chairman and State Assemblyman for Sri Tanjong, Jimmy Wong Tze Phin, Sabah State Vice Chairman Edward Muji, Sabah State Secretary Dr. Edwin Bosi, Sabah State Organising Secretary Jeffrey Kumin, Sabah State Publicity Secretary Chan Foong Hin and DAP MP for Kota Kinabalu Dr. Hiew King Cheu, I have just completed a four-day 500-km visit to Sabah, covering Kota Marudu, Tip of Borneo, Kg Bavang Jamal, Kudat, Kg Masangkong Matunggong, Ranau, Penampang, Tawau and Sandakan.

The trip, planned as a DAP political reach-out programme to northern Sabah interior as well as visit to Tawau and Sandakan, turned out to be a “Janji Ditepati” study tour – or to be more accurate, a “Janji Tidak Ditepati” (JTD) study tour, as everywhere, we were told of the complaints and disappointments of Sabahans at the broken promises and pledges by the Barisan Nasional governments, both Federal and State.

As I said to the Karamunting ceramah capacity crowd in Sandakan last night, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should establish a “Janji Ditepati” Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) in Sabah or lead Federal and Sabah State Ministers in public hearings in the 23 Sabah districts to hear the views of the people of Sabah whether the Barisan Nasional had fulfilled or broken its various promises in Sabah.
Continue reading “DAP to hold “Janji DiTepati” public hearings throughout Sabah on whether Barisan Nasional promises to people of Sabah have been fulfilled or broken”

Questions abound over RCI

FMT Staff | August 22, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah state secretary Simon Sipaun has again sounded the alert that the federal government is hoodwinking Sabahans into believing the current government is serious about solving Sabah’s long-standing illegal immigrant problem.

He accused the federal government of having an agenda in allowing illegal immigrants to settle in the state.

Sipaun served as chairman of the Sabah Public Service Commission, was vice-chairman of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, member of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Advisory Board, and a founding member of Demokrasi Sabah (DESAH).

“The mother of all problems in Sabah is the presence of unusually large population of illegal immigrants. By my estimation, they have already outnumbered the local Malaysians who are living in Sabah.
Continue reading “Questions abound over RCI”

‘Sabahans can select next PM’

By Azman Habu | August 22, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

TAWAU: DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang has encouraged Sabahans to embrace the chance to chart a new direction for Malaysia by taking the opportunity in the coming general election to dictate who would be the prime minister of the country.

Speaking at the Pakatan Rakyat Hari Raya open house in Tawau, Lim said the chance for Sabahans to determine their future was at hand and they should not waste it.

“With the current federal government shaken and unsure, Sabahans can determine their path and determine who will head Putrajaya,” he told the huge crowd that turned up at the open house held at a hotel here yesterday.

Lim said that in the past, Sabahans had only voted for their assemblymen or Members of Parliament without having the chance to choose the nation’s prime minister
Continue reading “‘Sabahans can select next PM’”

Tweets from Sabah (4) – 20% oil royalty and Janji Ditepati public hearings

Tweets @limkitsiang:

My 4day 500km visit of Sabah (KotaMarudu TipOfBorneo Kudat Matunggong Ranau Penampang Tawau Sandakan) w MP LimLipEng eye-opener 4JTD by BN

Aug 21, 5:50pm
Suggested in Tawau PM Najib conduct daily “Janji Ditepati” dialogues in 23 Sabah districts from 1-16 Sept 2hear views Sabah’s 49yrs in Msia

Aug 21, 5:55pm
Dare Najib hold daily “Janji Ditepati” dialogues in Sabah? Of cos not as he will b drowned with “Janji Tidak Ditepati” grouses by Sbh ppl!

Aug 21, 8:08pm
Capacity crowd @ DAP Karamunting ceramah – increasingly powerful popular support 4change. The longer delay in 13GE greater pressure 4UBAH

Aug 22, 6:29am
Time 2chk Sandakan decline n restoration of its former glory. Once “Little Hong Kong”, Sandakan has degraded 2 become “Little Philippines”.
Continue reading “Tweets from Sabah (4) – 20% oil royalty and Janji Ditepati public hearings”