69-Day Countdown to 13GE – Mahathirism rides again with all its attendant horrors and monstrosities

Mahathirism rides again, with all its attendant horrors and monstrosities intact.

The latest manifestation of the full-throttled return of Mahathirism is one of the wildest accusations in Malaysian politics – that Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was the real mastermind in the “citizenship-for-votes” scams in Sabah in the nineties known as “Project M”.

When did former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad discover that Anwar was the mastermind of the project named infamously after him as “Project M”?

Clearly not on January 16, 2013 when revelations at the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants implicated two of Mahathir’s closest confidantes, former Deputy Home Minister, Megat Junid Megat Ayub and former political secretary Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin in the “Project M” scams from 1990 – 1995 to issue hundreds of thousands of fake blue identity cards and false letters of approval for birth certificates in exchange for votes to illegal immigrants.

Nor on the following day on January 17 when for the first time in two decades, Mahathir publicly admitted the existence of “Project M” but defended it as lawful on the ground that the Filipino illegal immigrants could speak Malay and “have the right to be citizens”, while casting a serious slur on the memory and good name of Tunku Abdul Rahman by alleging that Bapa Malaysia had done worse by giving citizenship to one million unqualified people before Merdeka, lamenting that no one had made it an issue.

Nor for the next two weeks until January 31 when Mahathir suddenly announced that Anwar was the real mastermind of “Project M” responsible for the “citizenship-for-votes” scam in Sabah, although admitting having no proof to back his claim. Continue reading “69-Day Countdown to 13GE – Mahathirism rides again with all its attendant horrors and monstrosities”

The dominoes in Johor

– Liew Chin Tong
The Malaysian Insider/Rocket
Jan 31, 2013

JAN 31 – Johor is the last bastion of Barisan Nasional but the coming general election may prove that the fortress may turn out to be merely a sand castle. If Pakatan Rakyat gets the support of 35 per cent Malay, 80 per cent Chinese and 50 per cent Indian voters in Johor, 20 parliamentary seats will fall like dominoes. Hence, Pakatan may gain the much-needed 112-seat threshold to form the next federal government with just seats from Peninsula Malaysia.

In the two rounds of seat re-delineation exercises in 1994 and 2003, many multi-ethnic mixed seats were created for Barisan Nasional to maximise its multi-ethnic appeal and to make the most out of the opposition’s inability to win across ethnic boundaries.

PAS was made to be seen by the Barisan-controlled media to non-Malays as an anathema to their interests while DAP as a threat to the Malays. Before 2008, PAS supporters rarely vote for DAP and vice versa.

The 2008 general election saw PAS benefiting from outpouring Chinese and Indian support for the “anything but UMNO” call while some urban Malays voted for DAP for the first time in their lives. Many multi-ethnic seats in the states north of Negeri Sembilan on the west coast of the Peninsula fell to the opposition. Continue reading “The dominoes in Johor”

Pengiraan Detik 71 Hari ke PRU13 – Kepura-puraan RCI Sabah, risiko tinggi Malaysia dalam rasuah pertahanan dan kedudukan kebebasan akhbar paling buruk adalah bukti kegagalan slogan/dasar transformasi Najib dan mengapa negara perlu menukar kerajaan Persekutuan dalam PRU13

Setiap hari, rakyat Malaysia dihidangkan dengan bukti kegagalan slogan dan dasar transformasi Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan mengapa Negara perlukan perubahan kerajaan persekutuan dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 yang semakin hampir.

Hari ini, kita perlu hanya merujuk kepada tiga perkembangan terkini.

Yang pertama adalah kepura-puraan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) Sabah terhadap pendatang tanpa izin yang memasuki minggu kedua pendengaran awamnya.

Apa yang menjadi kebimbangan rakyat Sabah dan Malaysia bahawa RCI itu tidak akan mampu menggali kebenaran hingga ke dasar tentang tindakan haram menghalalkan pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah yang menyebabkan peningkatan lima kali ganda penduduk negeri itu daripada 600,000 pada tahun 1970 kepada 3.3 juta kelihatan berasas, dan disimpulkan dengan baik oleh seorang pembaca Malaysiakini yang memberikan komen:

“Now we have it. There will be 100 odd witnesses in the RCI who will claim and counter-claim until it is all so messed up that no further action will be taken. It is all a sandiwara (act).”

Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 71 Hari ke PRU13 – Kepura-puraan RCI Sabah, risiko tinggi Malaysia dalam rasuah pertahanan dan kedudukan kebebasan akhbar paling buruk adalah bukti kegagalan slogan/dasar transformasi Najib dan mengapa negara perlu menukar kerajaan Persekutuan dalam PRU13”

71-Day Countdown to 13GE – charade of Sabah RCI, Malaysia’s high-risk in defence corruption and worst-ever press freedom ranking proof of failures of Najib’s transformation slogans/policies and why country needs Federal government change in 13GE

Every day, Malaysians are provided new evidence of the failures of the transformation slogans and policies of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and why the country needs a change of federal government in the 13th General Elections around the corner.

Today, we need only refer to three current developments.

The first is the charade of the of Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into illegal immigrants entering into its second week of public hearings.

What have concerned Sabahans and Malaysians that the RCI would not be able to get to the bottom of the whole truth about the illegal legalization of illegal immigrants in Sabah causing a five-fold increase of the state’s population from 600,000 in 1970 to the current 3.3 million seem to have been justified, and this is best summed up by a Malaysiakini reader who commented:

“Now we have it. There will be 100 odd witnesses in the RCI who will claim and counter-claim until it is all so messed up that no further action will be taken. It is all a sandiwara (act).”

Continue reading “71-Day Countdown to 13GE – charade of Sabah RCI, Malaysia’s high-risk in defence corruption and worst-ever press freedom ranking proof of failures of Najib’s transformation slogans/policies and why country needs Federal government change in 13GE”

Pengiraan Detik 72 Hari ke PRU13 – Politik Bersih Kebenaran dan Keadilanlawan Politik Kotor Penipuan dan Pembohongan

Hari demi hari yang meresahkan menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-13 telah menyebabkan bukan sahaja perlunya tindakan segera tetapi juga rasa terdesak di kalangan propagandis UMNO/BN kerana kurangnya kewibawaan propaganda mereka.

Sementara jabatan kerajaan seperti Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (JASA) Kementerian Penerangan dibawa masuk ke gelanggang untuk menyebarkan ayat-ayat propaganda bahawa UMNO/BN boleh memenangi PRU13 dengan majoriti dua pertiga, yang tiada siapa – tiada juga di kalangan pemimpin UMNO/BN- yang percaya akan keputusan begitu dalam PRU13.

Demokrasi berparlimen Malaysia akan lebih sihat dan matang sekiranya majoriti dua pertiga menjadi mustahil untuk mana-mana perikatan, kerana itu merupakan perisai untuk memastikan tidak akan berulangnya penguasaan merosakkan politik UMNO yang mengenakan budaya politik “Listen, listen, listen” terhadap parti politik lain di dalam Barisan Nasional.

Malah, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan kepimpinan tertinggi UMNO/BN memberikan bukti terbaik bahawa mereka tidak yakin mereka akan memperbaiki pencapaian mereka dalam pilihan raya umum 2008, jika mereka yakin pastinya PRU13 sudah lama diadakan.

Sebaliknya Najib kini telah mencatat nama di dalam buku sejarah menjadi Perdana Menteri paling lama di Malaysia tanpa mandat pilihan raya sendiri.

Tetapi Najib mahu mengelakkan daripada mencipta satu lagi sejarah hitam, menjadi Perdana Menteri pertama yang diundi keluar daripada pejabatnya dalam PRU13 atau menjadi seperti Tun Abdullah yang ditendang keluar oleh Mahathir daripada jawatan Perdana Menteri selepas PRU13 kerana tidak dapat memperbaiki pencapaian UMNO/BN pada 2008 dan memperoleh majoriti dua pertiga. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 72 Hari ke PRU13 – Politik Bersih Kebenaran dan Keadilanlawan Politik Kotor Penipuan dan Pembohongan”

72-Day Countdown to 13GE – Clean Politics of Truth and Justice versus Dirty Politics of Lies and Falsehoods

The relentless day-by-day approach of the 13th general elections has injected not only increasing urgency but also sparked a growing sense of desperation among UMNO/BN propagandists because of the lack of credibility of their propaganda.

While government departments like Department of Special Affairs (Jasa) of the Ministry of Information are being roped in to pump the UMNO/BN propaganda line that UMNO/BN can win the 13GE with a two-thirds parliamentary majority, nobody – not even UMNO/BN leaders – really believe that such an outcome is on the cards in the 13GE.

Malaysian parliamentary democracy will be healthier and more mature if a two-thirds parliamentary majority becomes a virtually impossible goal for any coalition, for this will be the surest safeguard to ensure that there can be no repetition of the bane of UMNO political hegemony imposing the “Listen, listen, listen” political culture on the other political parties in the Barisan Nasional.

In fact, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the top UMNO/BN leadership provide the best proof that they have no confidence that they could improve on their performance in the 2008 general elections, or the 13GE would have long been held already.

Instead Najib has now gone into the history books for being the longest Prime Minister in Malaysia without an elected mandate of his own.

But Najib wants to avoid making another dubious history, of being the first Prime Minister to be voted out of office in the 13GE or even to be another Tun Abdullah of being forced out by Mahathir as Prime Minister after the 13GE because he could not improve on the UMNO/BN results in 2008 and regain two-thirds parliamentary majority. Continue reading “72-Day Countdown to 13GE – Clean Politics of Truth and Justice versus Dirty Politics of Lies and Falsehoods”

Pengiraan Detik 73 Hari ke PRU13 – Adakah RCI terhadap pendatang tanpa izin akan menjadi “usaha sia-sia” memandangkan ia bertujuan mengaburkan dan menutup kebenaran?

Dengan bermulanya minggu kedua pendengaran awam Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) menyiasat isu pendatang tanpa izin Sabah esok, soalan yang dikemukakan oleh bekas Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim sepatutnya diberikan perhatian – adakah RCI berkenaan terbukti satu “usaha sia-sia” memandangkan ia bertujuan mengaburkan dan hanya sandiwara Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan Peguam Negara Tan Sri Gani Patail untuk menutup kebenaran tentang skandal “kewarganegaraan-untuk-undi” di negeri bawah bayu?

Tiada satu pun daripada lapan syarat RCI bertujuan mengenalpasti dalang di sebalik tindakan pengkhianatan terhadap negara ataupun bagi RCI mencadangkan sebarang tindakan diambil terhadap mereka yang bertanggungjawab.

Setakat ini, tiada jawapan kepada tuntutan Mat Zain supaya Ketua Polis Negara membuka kertas siasatan berikutan pendedahan di dalam RCI bahawa Megat Junid Megat Ayob dan Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin terlibat di dalam Ops Durian Buruk, kerana mereka terlibat di dalam penderhakaan dan pengkhianatan peringkat tertinggi.

Memetik kesnya sendiri pada Jun tahun 2000, ketika beliau mengetuai Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur, Mat Zain mengatakan pihak polis memulakan siasatan ke atas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir sejurus selepas Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim membuat laporan pada hari bekas ketua pengarah Biro Pencegahan Rasuah, Shafee Yahaya mengemukakan buktinya pada perbicaraan sivil, memetik penyalahgunaan kuasa PM ketika itu yang menutup siasatan terhadap bekas ketua pengarah Unit Perancangan Ekonomi Ali Abul Hassan. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 73 Hari ke PRU13 – Adakah RCI terhadap pendatang tanpa izin akan menjadi “usaha sia-sia” memandangkan ia bertujuan mengaburkan dan menutup kebenaran?”

73-Day Countdown to 13GE – Is Sabah RCI into illegal immigrants going to be “an exercise in futility” as it is intended to whitewash and suppress the truth?

With the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into illegal immigrants beginning its second week of public hearings tomorrow, the question posed by the former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim deserves attention – whether the RCI would prove to be “an exercise in futility” as it is merely intended as a whitewash and a “sandiwara” by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail to suppress the truth in the “citizenship-for-votes” scandals in the Land Below the Wind?

None of the RCI’s eight terms of reference is directed to identity those responsible for the treacherous acts against the country or for the RCI to propose any action to be taken on those responsible.

So far, there has no response to Mat Zain’s call on the Inspector-General of Police to open investigation papers following the revelations in the RCI that the late Megat Junid Megat Ayob and Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin were involved in Ops Durian Buruk, as they involved betrayal and acts of treason of the highest order.

Citing his own case in June 2000, when he was heading the KL CID, Mat Zain said the police initiated investigations against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir immediately after Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim lodged a report on the day the former director-general of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Shafee Yahaya, gave his evidence during a civil trial, citing the then PM for abuse of power for closing its probe on former Economic Planning Unit director-general Ali Abul Hassan. Continue reading “73-Day Countdown to 13GE – Is Sabah RCI into illegal immigrants going to be “an exercise in futility” as it is intended to whitewash and suppress the truth?”

RCI on illegal immigrants in Sabah – reflections

by Tan Sri Simon Sipaun
Proham Chairman

More than 20 years ago when I was still a civil servant, a gentleman came to see me. At the time he had just retired. He was a Sabahan and the substantive holder of the post of Director of the National Registration Department in Sabah. However he was never given the opportunity to function as a director. Instead he was posted to Semenanjung. He was neither a Malay nor a Muslim. He told me that genuine identity cards were prepared in the headquarters and brought to Sabah to be given to Muslim illegal immigrants. There was a special unit to handle this.

It is people like him who should be of interest to the on-going RCI in its effort to establish the real truth concerning the illegal immigrant issue. Genuine Sabahans are keen to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

It is appropriate that the RCI has requested ex-civil servants who had first-hand experience and knowledge from inside the relevant government departments and agencies to appear before it. I hope that people from Sabah who have done research, written books and articles on the issues and problems associated with illegal immigrants will also be invited to testify. Some of them have also been detained under the ISA. The information disclosed by witnesses so far is quite shocking but not surprising.

It is shocking because the government appears to be uncaring towards Malaysians living in Sabah preferring non-citizens over citizens. It is not surprising because it is what the people of Sabah had suspected all along. I note some of the ex-civil servants who had testified had been detained under the ISA yet they were only carrying out the directives of their political masters. Why were they detained unless, of course, they were made the unfortunate scapegoats? Continue reading “RCI on illegal immigrants in Sabah – reflections”

Sabah churches demand action against anti-Christian frenzy

— Bob Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 24, 2013

JAN 24 — Sabah churches want the government to act decisively against the latest round of anti-Christian frenzy.

“We see the increasingly provocative attacks against the Malay-language bible — Alkitab — by certain quarters as a direct attack on the rights of Bumiputera Christians in Sabah to religious freedom as enshrined in both the Sabah and the Federal Constitution,” Rev Datuk Jerry Dusing, chairman of the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship Commission of Sabah Affairs (NECF COSA) said.

“We, therefore, urge the authorities to act immediately against such groups and individuals to the full extent of the law before the anti-Christian frenzy gets out of hand,” he said in a statement.

Dusing said it must be remembered that Sabah has always enjoyed complete religious freedom since time immemorial. Sabah was guaranteed certain safeguards known as the 20-points as a condition for the formation of Malaysia. It is no coincidence that the first of these twenty points pertains to religious freedom.

He also said the majority of Christians in Malaysia are Malay speaking Bumiputeras mainly in Sabah and Sarawak whose use the Alkitab as their Bible for their liturgy and devotional reading.

As many East Malaysians are working or studying Peninsular Malaysia, the Alkitab is also extensively used by them over there. Any attack on the Alkitab is an affront to their faith and religious liberty.

“We now see our religious freedom yet again under threat as the anti-Christian frenzy threatens to get out of hand. A right wing Malay group has even called for bibles, including the Alkitab, to be seized and burned. This is irresponsible and incendiary hate speech,” said.

Although he did not name the group, he was referring to Perkasa which made the threat three days ago. Continue reading “Sabah churches demand action against anti-Christian frenzy”

Pride comes before destruction

by Mariam Mokhtar
Jan 21, 2013

According to one Sabahan, there is so much crime in Sabah that squatter houses, too, have grilles on the doors and windows, and that these cost more than the houses themselves.

For four decades, ordinary Sahabans have been angered by illegal immigration and the social and economic problems associated with it, such as a shortage of housing, a lack of employment and educational opportunities, high levels of crime and massive overcrowding.

Despite the limited terms of reference of the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) ordered by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, the RCI has revealed disturbing aspects of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s bid to remain in power. Soon, the RCI will be overshadowed by the side-show that Mahathir may have helped arrange.

The star-performer is the self-styled motivational guru Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin (right). One wonders if Zohra has replaced the virgin queen, Ummi Hafilda Ali, who used to come to Mahathir’s aid and helped distract the rakyat with golden showers and salacious revelations.

There was once a time when the government would detain reporters and send them to Kamunting, ostensibly for their own safety. Zohra was denied this privilege because Najib has abolished the ISA. Last week, Zohra bowed to overwhelming pressure and heeded police advice to cancel her seminar on ‘How to Make Your First Million’.

I can give you the gist of the RM200 seminar. It is an open secret that the first million is easy to make; join Umno, then claw your way to the top by backstabbing and badmouthing everyone who stands in your way.

There are tell-tale signs that that you have “made it” and joined the Umno elite. In the election canvassing that takes place every five years, Umno delivers bags of rice to the masses, but the Umno elite receive Birkin bags.

Households that qualify are given a one-off payment of RM500 (and possibly another RM500 if the situation demands it) but the elite get several million ringgit in hard cash, stuffed in suitcases.

The poor may get a discount on their smartphones, but the elite are given the contracts to sell the phones.

The rakyat may be given tins of powdered milk as freebies during canvassing, but elite members are given millions of ringgit to buy a few cows and many luxury condominiums. Continue reading “Pride comes before destruction”

Pengiraan Detik 81 Hari ke PRU13: Jangan benarkan Mahathir mengalihkan perhatian daripada masalah utama dalam RCI Sabah, iaitu secara haramnya menghalalkan pendatang haram di Sabah ketika 22 tahun era Mahathir yang boleh mencecah antara 1.5 juta hingga 1.9 juta, dengan permintaan mengarutnya supaya diadakan RCI terhadap satu juta kewarganegaraan sebelum Merdeka

Perdana Menteri keempat Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad; yang merupakan Perdana Menteri Malaysia paling lama memerintah selama 22 tahun dari 1981-2003, terus memburukkan politik dan masa depan Malaysia – lama selepas beliau bersara sepuluh tahun lalu.

Semalam, Mahathir telah membuat satu cadangan mengarut supaya suruhanjaya siasatan diraja diwujudkan bagi menyiasat tentang pemberian kewarganegaraan kepada satu juta pendatang asing di dalam Persekutuan Malaya sebelum Merdeka, dua hari selepas Mahathir menegaskan bahawa apa yang beliau lakukan di dalam Projek IC atau Projek M di Sabah adalah “mengikut undang-undang”, dan Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman “telah melakukan lebih teruk dengan memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada satu juta warga semenanjung Malaysia yang tidak layak” sebelum Merdeka.

Malah Mahathir secara retoriknya turut bertanya: “Kenapa apa yang dia buat tak salah dan apa yang saya buat ini salah?”.

Dengan sekali pukul, Mahathir bukan sahaja telah mencemar kenangan dan nama baik Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, tetapi semua pemimpin UMNO/Perikatan yang terlibat di dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan, termasuklah Tun Razak, Tun Ismail, Tun Tan Cheng Lock dan Tun Sambanthan.

Amat mengejutkan bahawa tiga hari telah berlalu tanpa sebarang suara daripada pemimpin UMNO/MCA/MIC untuk mempertahankan Tunku, Tun Razak, Tun Ismail, Tun Tan Cheng Lock dan Tun Sambanthan. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 81 Hari ke PRU13: Jangan benarkan Mahathir mengalihkan perhatian daripada masalah utama dalam RCI Sabah, iaitu secara haramnya menghalalkan pendatang haram di Sabah ketika 22 tahun era Mahathir yang boleh mencecah antara 1.5 juta hingga 1.9 juta, dengan permintaan mengarutnya supaya diadakan RCI terhadap satu juta kewarganegaraan sebelum Merdeka”

Pengiraan Detik 82 Hari ke PRU13: Najib sepatutnya membersihkan nama Tunku, bapanya Tun Razak dan satu juga warga generasi Merdeka daripada fitnah Mahathir bahawa Tunku telah memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada sejuta orang yang tidak layak

Baru separuh bulan pertama Tahun Baru 2013 berlalu tetapi dasar 1 Malaysia Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak telah mengalami dua tamparan hebat – pertama, insiden “Listen, listen, listen!” Sharifah-Bawani dan kedua, mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir menfitnah Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman dan satu juta warganegara genrasi Merdeka.

Klip video terkenal “Listen, listen, listen!” Sharifah-Bawani adalah bukti terkini berterusan dan bahaya tersembunyi pusaka 22 tahun pemerintahan drakonian Mahathir, mendedahkan kepalsuan dakwaan bahawa pemerintahan Najib telah membuang segala beban lampau yang bersifat Mahathir dan kini menganut kepercayaan “Era kerajaan tahu semua telah berlalu”.

Apa yang menggoncang keyakinan awam sehingga ke akar bukan sahaja integriti institusi negara tetapi juga iltizam kerajaan sekarang terhadap dasar 1Malaysia ialah fitnah terhadap Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman dan satu juta warga generasi Merdeka oleh Perdana Menteri paling lama memerintah ketika cuba menjustifikasikan Projek IC atau Projek M yang telah melakukan jenayah dan pengkhianatan penipuan “kewarganegaraan-untuk-undi” di Sabah bagi mempertahankan kuasa UMNO di negeri itu.

Najib menghuraikan maksud 1Malaysia di dalam Hala Tuju Program Transformasi Kerajaan 1Malaysia pada Januari 2010 menyebut:

“Matlamat 1Malaysia adalah untuk menjadikan Malaysia lebih berdaya maju, lebih produktif dan lebih berdaya saing – dan kemuncaknya sebuah negara yang hebat: sebuah negara yang diharapkan agar setiap warga Malaysia melihat dirinya terlebih dahulu sebagai rakyat Malaysia, dan kemudiannya barulah melihat dirinya berdasarkan bangsa, agama, kawasan geografi dan latar belakang sosial, dan juga sebuah negara yang diharapkan agar prinsip 1Malaysia dijalin dalam struktur ekonomi, politik dan sosial masyarakat.”

Akan tetapi satu persoalan yang menuntut jawapan, walaupun kita meletak ke tepi buat sementara waktu penolakan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin terhadap dasar 1Malaysia sewaktu beliau mengisytiharkan dirinya “Melayu dahulu, rakyat Malaysia kemudian” dan kegagalan Kabinet serta Majlis Tertinggi UMNO/BN untuk menyokong secara terbuka dasar 1Malaysia meskipun sudah empat tahun pemerintahan Najib. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 82 Hari ke PRU13: Najib sepatutnya membersihkan nama Tunku, bapanya Tun Razak dan satu juga warga generasi Merdeka daripada fitnah Mahathir bahawa Tunku telah memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada sejuta orang yang tidak layak”

Pengiraan Detik 83 Hari ke PRU13: Gesaan “Listen, Listen, Listen!” Mahathir dan persoalan – Apa yang perlu dilakukan apabila mantan PM telah melakukan pengkhianatan ketika berkuasa?

Mahathirisme yang asli, tulen dan sejati – putar belit yang tidak logik, gesaan yang diselubungi pembohongan dan ketidakjujuran tanpa malu.

Terbaru, klip video Sharifah-Bawani menjadikan ungkapan “Listen, listen, listen!” terkenal di serata dunia, akan tetapi mahaguru sebenar “Listen, listen, listen!” tidak lain tidak bukan ialah Mahathir, yang semalamnya memberikan rakyat Malaysia penjelasan klasik “Listen, listen, listen!”, satu dekad selepas 22 tahun beliau meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri namun menunjukkan bahawa beliau masih tiada tandingan di dalam seni “Listen, listen, listen!” yang beliau dukung itu.

Mahathir menjawab pendedahan di Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) tentang Projek IC (juga dikenali sebagai Projek M) pendatang tanpa izin dan penipuan “resit KP-untuk-undi” serta “kewarganegaraan-untuk-undi” di Sabah pada tahun sembilan puluhan, tetapi beliau telah melampaui batas memandangkan buat pertama kalinya dalam tempoh 14 tahun beliau mengakui kewujudan Projek IC atau Projek M yang jahat dan khianat bukan sahaja untuk menumbangkan proses pengundian tetapi juga kedaulatan Sabah dan Malaysia.

Mahathir hanya ada sehingga semalam untuk menafikan kewujudan Projek IC atau Projek M sejak dakwaan berkenaannya mula muncul di dalam petisyen pilihan raya Likas pada tahun 1999, tetapi semalam, ketika ditekan oleh media sekiranya beliau mengatakan Projek IC mengikut undang-undang, Mahathir mengatakan: “Ya, ia mengikut undang-undang.”

Sekiranya Projek IC atau Projek M mengikut undang-undang, memberikan KP dan kewarganegaraan kepada orang asing adalah “dijamin undang-undang”, mengapa Mahathir perlu menafikannya dan menyembunyikannya dari rakyat Sabah dan Malaysia untuk berdekad lamanya? Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 83 Hari ke PRU13: Gesaan “Listen, Listen, Listen!” Mahathir dan persoalan – Apa yang perlu dilakukan apabila mantan PM telah melakukan pengkhianatan ketika berkuasa?”

RCI proceedings: Facing up to the truth of where Malaysians come from

By Dr. Lim Teck Ghee | Sunday, 20 January 2013 11:03

The pro-Umno author and blogger Syed Akbar Ali, in a post critiquing the Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants in Sabah, has argued that it would not be out of place to have a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate why one million immigrants who were mostly Chinese and Indians were given citizenship in Malaya in the 1950s (see his post of 17 Jan 2013).

According to him, “surely there must be at least five million Malays on the Peninsula today who may be wondering why or how that particular incident happened? Were they consulted? Was there a public referendum?”

He also asserted that “Let’s not argue about the fairness. Let’s have a RCI first on the issue – how and why 1.0 million Chinese and Indians (including my mamak gang of course) were given citizenship.”

He may have made his proposal provocatively or tongue-in-cheek but a variant of it has appeared as one of the lines of defence used by the former prime minister in justifying the distribution of identity cards to foreigners and their registration as voters in Sabah. According to Dr Mahathir Mohamed , “One should also look back and remember that Tunku Abdul Rahman was worse than me, he gave one million to citizenships to people who are not qualified and not even tested”.
Continue reading “RCI proceedings: Facing up to the truth of where Malaysians come from”

81-Day Countdown to 13GE: Don’t allow Mahathir to divert attention from central problem before Sabah RCI, illegally legalising illegal immigrants in Sabah during 22-year Mahathir era which could range from 1.5 million to 1.9 million, with his ridiculous call for RCI on one million pre-Merdeka citizenship

The fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who is the longest-serving Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years from 1981-2003, continues to cast a dark shadow on the politics and future of Malaysia – long after his retirement ten years ago.

Yesterday, Mahathir made the ridiculous proposal for a royal commission of inquiry into the granting of citizenship of one million foreign immigrants in the Federation of Malaya before Merdeka, two days after Mahathir asserted that what he did in Project IC or Project M in Sabah was “lawful”, and that Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman “had done worse by giving citizenship to one million unqualified people in peninsula Malaysia” before Merdeka.

Mahathir even rhetorically asked: “Why is it when he does it, it is not wrong, and when I do it, it’s wrong”.

In one fell swoop, Mahathir had smeared the memory and good name not only of Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, but all the Umno/Alliance leaders involved in the Merdeka struggle, including Tun Razak, Tun Ismail, Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Sambanthan.

It is utterly shocking that three days have passed without a single voice from the UMNO/MCA/MIC leadership to defend Tunku, Tun Razak, Tun Ismail, Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Sambanthan.

I myself find it most unbelievable that after the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting on Thursday night, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak could mention with seeming agreement and approval Mahathir’s claim about Tunku giving citizenship to one million Chinese – which was why I called on Najib yesterday to clear the name not only of Tunku, but also Tun Razak and the one million citizens of Merdeka generation from Mahathir’s defamation. Continue reading “81-Day Countdown to 13GE: Don’t allow Mahathir to divert attention from central problem before Sabah RCI, illegally legalising illegal immigrants in Sabah during 22-year Mahathir era which could range from 1.5 million to 1.9 million, with his ridiculous call for RCI on one million pre-Merdeka citizenship”

No one to speak up for the Tunku

– The Malaysian Insider
Jan 19, 2013

JAN 19 – It is a measure of how far Umno/MCA/MIC have fallen that not one of its members has leapt to the defence of Tunku Abdul Rahman in the wake of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s self-serving statement on the award of a million citizenships in the early days of Malaya.

Even a primary student can see that there is an ocean of difference between the award of citizenship by the Tunku Abdul Rahman and the insidious manner in which senior members of the Mahathir administration in the 1990s gave ICs to illegals in Sabah so that they could vote in the state elections and pervert the electoral system.

Tunku Abdul Rahman did not give citizenships to Chinese and Indians under the counter. It was an open exercise and it was not done to circumvent any election.

But just listen to the treason at play in Sabah since the 1990s to keep Barisan Nasional (BN) in power and dilute the position of the Kadazandusuns. Continue reading “No one to speak up for the Tunku”

82-Day Countdown to 13GE: Najib should clear the name of Tunku, his father Tun Razak and one million citizens of Merdeka generation from Mahathir’s defamation that Tunku had given citizenship to one million unqualified people

The first month of the New Year 2013 had just passed the half-way mark but Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s signature 1Malaysia policy had already suffered two fatal blows – firstly, the Sharifah-Bawani “Listen, listen, listen!” diatribe and secondly, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir’s defamation of Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman and one million citizens of the Merdeka generation.

The infamous Sharifah-Bawani “Listen, listen, listen!” video clips is the latest proof of the continuing and insidious legacy of the 22-year draconian Mahathir rule, debunking the claim that the Najib premiership has shaken off all Mahathirish past excesses and now subscribes to the belief that “The era the government knows best is over”.

But what has shaken public confidence to its very roots not only in the integrity of national institutions but the commitment of the present government to 1Malaysia policy is the defamation of Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman and one million citizens of the Merdeka generation by the longest-serving Prime Minister when brazenly trying to justify Project IC or Project M which had perpetrated the capital crime and treason of “citizenship-for-votes” scam in Sabah to shore up UMNO’s political power in the state. Continue reading “82-Day Countdown to 13GE: Najib should clear the name of Tunku, his father Tun Razak and one million citizens of Merdeka generation from Mahathir’s defamation that Tunku had given citizenship to one million unqualified people”

Umno is rotten to the core – it seems!

By P. Ramakrishnan
18th January 2013

The cat is out of the bag – at last! Tun Mahathir and all his cohorts from his era cannot plead ignorance or amnesia. It is out in the open how they cheated and stole elections to remain in power.

Shamelessly they plotted and subverted the democratic process in their greed to remain in power. What they did is tantamount to treason.

They stole our elections and cheated our voters. They made a mockery of our elections and the democratic process consciously and deliberately.

To think that this diabolical scheme was hatched by people from the Prime Minister’s Department, the Home Ministry, the National Registration Department, the Election Commission, etc. It clearly establishes the fact that there was massive official fraud to ensure the two thirds majority, win the election and fool the public that the Barisan Nasional came into power through legitimate means.

To think that two of the then PM’s closest confidantes – Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin, Mahathir’s political secretary, and Megat Junid Megat Ayub, the deputy home minister under Mahathir – were actively involved in cheating and stealing elections exposes the very possibility that one can remain as prime minister in Malaysia not only for 22 years but forever! Continue reading “Umno is rotten to the core – it seems!”

83-Day Countdown to 13GE: Mahathir’s “Listen, Listen, Listen!” exhortation and the question – What is to be done when a former PM had committed treason when in power?

It was pure, pristine, undiluted Mahathirism – the perverted illogic, falsehood-coated assertions and brazen dishonesty.

Recently, the Sharifah-Bawani video clips made the “Listen, listen, listen!” diatribe infamous nationwide, but the real “Listen, listen, listen!” maestro is none other than Mahathir, who yesterday treated Malaysians to a classic “Listen, listen, listen” exposition, a decade after he stepped down as Prime Minister for 22 years but demonstrating he is still unequalled as an exponent of this black art.

Mahathir was responding to the revelations at the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants on Project IC (also known of Project M) and the “IC receipts-for-votes” and “citizenship-for-votes” scams in Sabah in the nineties, but he had overreached himself as for the first time in 14 years he had to admit to the existence of the nefarious and treasonous Project IC or Project M not only to subvert the electoral process but also the sovereignty of Sabah and Malaysia.

Mahathir had until yesterday strenuously denied the existence of Project IC or Project M since the public surfacing of the allegations about it in the Likas election petition in 1999, but yesterday, when pressed by the media if he was saying the Project IC was lawful, Mahathir said: “Yes, it is lawful.”

If the Project IC or Project M was lawful, giving ICs and citizenships to foreigners “within the law”, why was it necessary for Mahathir to deny it and to hide it from the people of Sabah and Malaysia for over a decade?

Furthermore, why was it necessary for Mahathir to try to defame Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, by claiming that the first Prime Minister had done worse by giving citizenship to one million unqualified people in peninsular Malaysia, asking: “Why is it when he does it, it is not wrong, and when I do it, it’s wrong?” Continue reading “83-Day Countdown to 13GE: Mahathir’s “Listen, Listen, Listen!” exhortation and the question – What is to be done when a former PM had committed treason when in power?”