As police probe, Ibrahim Ali threatens crusade against Christians

By Clara Chooi
May 15, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

GOMBAK, May 15 — Despite police still investigating unsubstantiated reports of a move to a Christian Malaysia, Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali threatened Christians nationwide last night that he would wage a crusade or holy war should they proceed with their agenda to usurp Islam.

The pint-sized Malay rights leader thundered to a ceramah audience of some 200 at Kampung Changkat here that he was willing to take the fall for his statement for the sake of defending the dignity of Islam.

Although he complained of fatigue from his nine ceramah stops from Kelantan to here since Friday night, the Pasir Mas MP also said his blood was boiling with rage and “hairs standing on end” following recent reports of a Christian conspiracy between religious leaders and opposition party politicians. Continue reading “As police probe, Ibrahim Ali threatens crusade against Christians”

Perkasa ready to crusade against ungrateful Christians

By Aidila Razak
May 15, 11 | MalaysiaKini

Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali said that he is willing to wage a crusade against the Christians if the community allegedly continues to challenge Islam’s position in the country.

“If they want a crusade, so be it. If they say that the peace that we enjoy is not good enough … we shall take up the challenge. Don’t take the silence of Muslims as a sign of fear,” he warned to cheers from about 150 people at a ceramah last night.

“Before our followers fall in this battle, (Perkasa) leaders will first lay down their lives and die sprawling in blood,” he thundered.

Speaking at a function organised by the Komuniti 1Malaysia group of Kampung Kerdas and Kampung Changkat in Gombak, Ibrahim accused the Christians of “challenging the sovereignty and dignity of Malays and Muslims.” Continue reading “Perkasa ready to crusade against ungrateful Christians”

What I have said about Christians and Muslims worshipping the same God/Allah is confirmed by the Quran!

By N H Chan

Introduction: why I decided to write on why the Deity Allah is not owned by Muslims only

I wrote the series of articles on Allah to put forward the Christians’ point of view on why they are entitled to use the word Allah in their Malay language Bibles. I felt it was unfair for the people in power to use governmental clout to prevent Christians from calling their God Allah. And when these myopic politicians started to desecrate the Christians’ Holy Book that became the catalyst which really drove me to write so as to inform the public that it is not anyone’s right to claim ownership of an Arabic word which was in use by the Jews and the Arabs since the time of Abraham and his descendants, or even much earlier i.e. from the time of the descendants of Shem the eldest of the three sons of Noah who were regarded as the ethnic group of peoples known as the Semites or Shemites who spoke a Semitic language. And Arabic and Hebrew are two Semitic languages. The Arabic word Allah meaning “The God” had been used by God’s people for thousands of years before Jesus was born and before Mohammad’s Call, the legendary revelation of Allah in 611 AD.

But then there are certain people who think that to mention that Christians worship the same God as Muslims do is sacrilege

It looks like there are some Malay Muslims, and some other people of unknown faiths, who maintain that it is heresy to say in my articles that Christians worship the same God as Muslims do. They say Muslims worship only one God and that is Allah but Christians worship three persons called the trinity.

But do these misinformed Muslims know what they are talking about when the word “trinity” is not found in the Bible? Can they tell us why they say that Christians worship three persons when this is not even mentioned in the Bible? Or are these people just paying lip service to keep up with the Joneses to upstage the Christians’ faith without knowing the reason why they are doing that? Continue reading “What I have said about Christians and Muslims worshipping the same God/Allah is confirmed by the Quran!”

‘Christian leaders led to their slaughter’

RK Anand | May 13, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

Bishop Paul Tan says he is displeased and disgusted with the outcome of the meeting between PM and Christian leaders over the Utusan row. He calls the entire episode an Umno orchestration.

KUALA LUMPUR: Without mincing his words, a Catholic bishop criticised his fellow Christian leaders for allowing themselves to be used by the government to “please the other side”.

Instead of telling Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak the truth, Bishop Paul Tan of the Malacca-Johor diocese said the Christian leaders had become like “sheep being led to their slaughter.”

Commenting on the news reports on the meeting between Najib and the Christian leaders, led by the Malaysian Christian Federation (MCF) chairman Bishop Ng Moon Hing yesterday, Tan told FMT that he was extremely disappointed with the outcome.

“I was not at the meeting, so I don’t know what transpired and whether the newspapers reported the entire discussion. But if the news reports are true, then I am displeased and disgusted,” he said.

The luncheon meeting was held amid the raging controversy surrounding a Utusan Malaysia report which alleged that a Christian coup was in the making, with Christian leaders and DAP colluding to undermine the position of Islam. Continue reading “‘Christian leaders led to their slaughter’”

10 days in May (7) (Updated)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

MCA President become Utusan surrogate defender when even UMNO Ministers dare not openly endorse it.How contemptible!

@giamsk Unbelievable! Now MCA come 4ward 2defend Utusan may not b wrong/its “ChristianMsia” bogey justified! Can MCA produce evidence?

@giamsk Utusan “reprimand” 4ChristianMsia bogey.Ridiculous penalty but MCA insists defend Utusan as it may be right. CSL official MCA stand?

@giamsk Did Hishammuddin direct CSL 2b Utusan surrogate defender? UMNO VP ordering MCA President what 2say on Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey?
Continue reading “10 days in May (7) (Updated)”

Don: Mere warning shows Najib not serious

Tarani Palani | May 13, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: If Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is really serious about his 1Malaysia brainchild, he should have fired the Utusan Malaysia’s editors from the first day he took office, says Professor Abdul Aziz Bari.

He also took Najib to task for the lack of leadership over the Christian Malaysia issue, saying that Najib should have issued an apology to the Christian community for his lack of action.

“Najib should have apologised to them (the Christian leaders) for failing to take stern action like removing Utusan’s chief editor or editors. This is not the first time Utusan has come up with controversial issues like the 1Melayu, 1Bumi movement. It has been making a mockery of 1Malaysia,” Abdul Aziz, the International Islamic University law professor, told FMT.
Continue reading “Don: Mere warning shows Najib not serious”

10 days in May (6)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

What abject subservience MCA! Still hope its true? MCA wants Utusan editor suspended if Christian claims false (TMI)

Utusan law unto itself! Enjoy absolute immunity/impunity despite seditious/treasonous crimes. Y? Becos Utusan editor >powerful than PM?

Principle: Collective ministerial responsibility. Entire BNgovt responsible 4farce of HomeMinistry handling Utusan “Christian Msia” outrage

Top agenda BN Supreme Council meet 2today shld be: Save 1Msia n demonstrate Najib govt fair 2all Msians n uphold rule of law re: Utusan case

Will honest fair patriotic BN leaders at BN Supreme Council resolve: Ask AG 2prosecute Utusan 4sedition inciting religious tension conflict?

CSL – most shameful! “how r u so sure what carried (Utusan) not true? If true ..should b investigated/exposed” Mkini

Media syaitan eksploit isu Kristian agama rasmi

Oleh Afiq Mohd Noor | May 13, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

Perkara 3(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan bahawa Islam adalah agama bagi Persekutuan tetapi agama-agama lain boleh diamalkan secara aman dan harmoni.

Saya pasti ramai di antara kita yang sering mendengar peruntukkan ini, bahkan Perkara 3 (1) seringkali dibaca bersama-sama dengan Perkara 11 berkenaan dengan kebebasan beragama.

Belum pun reda dengan kontroversi penggunaan nama Allah dan Al Kitab, baru–baru ini kita digemparkan sekali lagi dengan laporan separuh masak Utusan Malaysia tentang usaha untuk menjadikan Kristian sebagai agama rasmi di Malaysia.
Continue reading “Media syaitan eksploit isu Kristian agama rasmi”

Christian plot allegation part of larger narrative

By Shahril Hamdan | May 13, 11

The allegation of a plot to make Christianity the official religion in Malaysia is but the latest indication of a burgeoning and malignant Malay ethnic nationalism.

Whilst the anger towards Utusan is, of course, wholly called for, the problem at hand seems to have roots far deeper than the paper’s offensive, communalist and partisan journalism can account for.

I say this because such a preposterous charge could only have been leveled if it finds home in an antagonistic discourse of fear and ontological segregation. That discourse exists in the contemporary Malay discursive networks, and it appears to me to be fairly developed.
Continue reading “Christian plot allegation part of larger narrative”

What rubbish is this, Najib?

Jacob Sinnathamby
The Malaysian Insider
May 12, 2011

MAY 12 — Let me understand this correctly. Some discredited blogger put out something incredible about Christian pastors wanting to take over Malaysia and that fountain of all rubbish, Utusan Malaysia, published it.

There is no evidence that any such plan is in the works, and yet today, at the so-called fruitful meeting between Najib Razak and church leaders, the church leaders had to give the when-it-suits-him leader of all Malaysians an assurance that Christians respected the position of Islam in the country and had no desire to dispute it.

How wonderful. The rascals who stirred up this rubbish have not been taken to task but the “victims” have been asked to give some undertaking not to misbehave.

This is akin to your house being robbed and your family harmed but having the police sympathise with the robbers. Continue reading “What rubbish is this, Najib?”

10 days in May (4)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Unmitigated 1Msia disaster – only way 2describe outcome of Najib’s meeting w church leaders over Utusan’s outrageous “Christian Msia” lies.

Who in dock of public opinion? Church leaders or Utusan/UMNO? Ch ldrs’ undertakings 2respect Islam’s position/Constitution when not issues?

No word whatsoever from Najib on “mean/fast action” (MohdArshadRaji) agnst Utusan/Umno cyber ringleaders 4Utusan “Christian Msia” outrage?

No wonder in these “10 Days in May” more Msians say: “THOUGHT PAK LAH WAS BAD ENUF. Golly, Najib is annoyingly hopeless!” Real Pathetic.
Continue reading “10 days in May (4)”

Christians pledge to respect Islam’s position, says Najib

Bernama | May 12, 11

Najib Abdul Razak said leaders of Christianity in the country have pledged that they respect the position of Islam as official religion and have no intention of challenging the provision enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

The prime minister said the group had also given their undertaking to cooperate in nurturing peace and harmony between the various faiths so that Malaysia would continue to be a peaceful and prosperous nation.

“I am glad to inform that Christian leaders have given two very important and meaningful undertakings (today),” he told reporters after attending a luncheon with the Christian leaders at his office in Putrajaya today.
Continue reading “Christians pledge to respect Islam’s position, says Najib”

Christian group airs grouses over Utusan report to PM

By S Pathmawathy | May 12, 11

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today heard complaints from Christian leaders over Utusan Malaysia’s “irresponsible reporting” for claiming that there was a conspiracy to turn Malaysia into a Christian state.

“We only said we are very disturbed and unhappy… (over the) irresponsible, potential riot-type seditious words (which) shouldn’t be published in mainstream media or any media for the matter,” said Bishop Ng Moon Hing of the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM).
Ng (right) was speaking to reporters after a 45-minute closed door meeting with the prime minister in Putrajaya.

He said it was a fruitful meeting as this was first time the group had been engaged in this way.
Continue reading “Christian group airs grouses over Utusan report to PM”

Time to make a stand, Malaysians

By Mustafa Sharif | May 12, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

One common feature of us Malaysians is our ability to stomach so much nonsense and then don’t do anything to make a change.

We are lied to on a daily basis by politicians, bureaucrats and the media but still shrug our shoulders and get on with our lives. The strange part of this is that if our wife, children or siblings fudge the truth, we chew their heads off and threaten Armageddon.

And yet, arguably, it is the daily deception by politicians, bureaucrats and the media which impacts our life greatly. Let me just list a few examples of these lies and deceptions.

1) The great Lynas scam. If not for the role played by Internet portals, the Lynas rare earth project would have flown under the radar. Federal politicians and Pahang Mentri Besar Adnan Yaakob knew about the toxic nature of the project but FDI is more important than TMR (the mortality rate). When the firestorm about the project could not be contained, the newsletters@newspapers suddenly discovered the issue. More like, they could not bury it. It is crazy man. Hundreds or thousands of lives could be at stake and government politicians and their newspapers are either ignorant or part of a deception.
Continue reading “Time to make a stand, Malaysians”

10 Days in May (3) (Updated)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

10DaysinMay(3):Najib irredeemably losing Msian centre/bury signature 1Msia concept if he mishandles Utusan “ChristianMsia” issue @lunch 2day

All patriotic Msians want an end 2irresponsible/treacherous rhetoric hate/lies ala Utusan – can PM promise/deliver @lunch w Church leaders?

Is Najib checkmated in looming Umno power struggle Umno? KhirToyo spokesman of powerful UMNO forces 2defend Utusan w “So What?” stance!

Endless Umno gutter politics.1st blame DAP/JeffOoi 4DAP/Christian conspiracy. Now blame Jeff/Bigdog conspiracy 2trap Utusan/Umno
Continue reading “10 Days in May (3) (Updated)”

Skepticism abounds over PM-Christian group meeting

Terence Netto | May 12, 11 7:35am

Today’s meeting between representatives of the Council of Churches of Malaysia and Prime Minister Najib Razak that was requested by the PM’s office to lower tensions arising from inflammatory reports in Utusan Malaysia is not likely to resolve anything.

This is the opinion of a frequent past attendee at meetings of Christian groups with Malaysian PMs who asked to remain anonymous.

“We have met him (Najib) and his predecessor and his predecessor’s predecessor often enough,” said the now retired past participant.

“There’s plenty of froth but little of substance achieved at these meetings. It’s good at promoting a ‘feel good’ atmosphere but after you have come away, the same difficulties recur,” he added. Continue reading “Skepticism abounds over PM-Christian group meeting”

Najib not being fair

by Lucius Goon
The Malaysian Insider
May 11, 2011

MAY 11 — How much more humiliation and many more indignities should non-Muslims/non-Malays have to suffer at the hands of the government?

It seems there is no limit. Remember the cow head protests by Umno supporters in Shah Alam and how Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein placated and even sympathised with them?

Heck, he even blamed the Hindus and the Selangor state government for their temerity in wanting to build a temple near a mosque. Talk about consoling the inciters and lecturing the victims.

And now Najib Razak, the PM of all Malaysians is doing the same. Imagine he supposedly calmed down Muslim leaders in the wake of a false report by Muslim bloggers and a Malay newspaper.

The aggrieved party here are Christians and Malaysians who are sick and tired of the divide and rule by Umno and its sycophants.

And yet, here is the prime minister silent on the insidious role played by his party’s bloggers and Utusan Malaysia. Continue reading “Najib not being fair”


by Rtd Brig-Gen Mohd Arshad Raji
mind NO EVIL
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What words can I use to describe Utusan Malaysia’s (UM) recent report that some Christian group is plotting to turn Malaysia into a Christian State? What words can I describe a UM report which says that a Christian group together with the DAP is plotting to appoint a Christian as the Prime Minister? The only words that I can used to describe all this are DISGUSTING, IRRESPONSIBLE, DANGEROUS and a pack of LIES.

How on earth could the editors of the daily approve such a report that is unsubstantiated, and knowing full well that the report can be a cause for serious racial strife between Christians and Muslims of this country. This is not the first time UM has reported on issues that can bring devastation and worse still the disintegration of a well tested multi racial and multi cultural Malaysian society. How could the Home Minister be so lame in not wanting to impose stricter rules to prohibit UM from publishing reports that can bear serious effect on racial harmony? Continue reading “ACT MEAN AND FAST AGAINST UTUSAN MALAYSIA”

Islam as the religion of the Federation: A historical context

by Art Harun
The Malaysian Insider
May 10, 2011

MAY 10 — Much has been said lately about Islam being under siege and an alleged plot to turn Malaysia into a “Christian state.”

This of course led to the inevitable lodging of multiple police reports in various states by the usual suspects and various other parties. Soon I suppose we will have a demonstration by some people with suitable props, like a severed cow head or most likely a burning large crucifix, this time around.

Welcome to Malaysia, ladies and gentlemen. It is nice and hot, and not to mention hazy nowadays. And when it is hazy, we, Malaysians go a bit bonkers.

There are some on Twitter who actually defend Utusan Malaysia and its ilk. There are also many who condemn them, including Malays and Muslims. I have nothing to say to them.

All I want to add is this. If we think of ourselves as leaders, we’d better lead. Not follow. As leaders, we have to come down hard on wrongdoings — on both sides of the fence — and we also have to show the way. It is not enough going around town meeting flag-waving school children amidst huge posters and banners bearing nice catchy slogans while closing our eyes to bigotry: the irresponsible acts of goons and political thugs as well as disgruntled Mafiosi chiefs spewing messages of hate.

As leaders, we should at, all times, lead. And lead not only by words and catchy and sexy slogans, but also by deeds. Otherwise, we would have failed as leaders. Otherwise, we would have breached our oath of office. Otherwise, we would have breached our fiduciary duties. Otherwise, we would have breached the trust given to us by the people. Continue reading “Islam as the religion of the Federation: A historical context”

Do opposition ties run only as deep as Utusan’s lies?

Breaking Views
The Malaysian Insider
by Lim Yin Kuin
May 10, 2011

MAY 10 — Utusan Malaysia never ceases to confound us with the most flagrant reporting, reinforced by the most inciteful editorials.

However, their fear-invoking propaganda designed to stoke racial sentiments among the less informed seemed to have grown stale over the last few months. Awang Selamat’s consistent output of outlandishness somehow plateaued, and even “his” detractors were beginning to yawn.

Then came last week.

An alleged conspiracy by Christian leaders to replace Islam as Malaysia’s official religion was exclusively leaked by Utusan’s fearless investigative journalists (exclusive in the conventional media, at least). Just as we were digesting the treacherous plans by non-Malays to subordinate Malay rights, Utusan (or should I say Umno) stepped up their fact-finding adventures a notch: flat out accusing Christians of attempting to subvert Islam. Continue reading “Do opposition ties run only as deep as Utusan’s lies?”