Bishop hails ex-cop’s exoneration of Christians

By Terence Netto | May 20, 11

Catholic Bishop Dr Paul Tan Chee Ing said he found “greatly heartening” the comments made by former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim in a letter to Prime Minister Najib Razak that described Utusan Malaysia’s reports of a Christian plot to usurp Islam’s special status as “artificial” in nature.

The Jesuit-trained prelate who is bishop of the Melaka-Johor diocese and concurrently president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, said:
Continue reading “Bishop hails ex-cop’s exoneration of Christians”

10 days in May (17)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Cabinet silence on Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey/Hisham condonation – thot of “Silence of the Lambs” not Hannibal horror film but metaphor

Cabinet let Najib down- exposes Global Movement of Moderates call empty rhetoric. Have BN Ministers read Nades’ article?

Nades asked:”If PM advocate moderation tolerance acceptance Y voices extremism overpowered threatened what done achieved over past 50yrs?”

“Every rt-thinking Msian embrace PM’s wisdom prophetic words on moderation tolerance acceptance” except BN Cabinet – dare not launch MMoM
Continue reading “10 days in May (17)”

‘Christian Conspiracy’: Bona Fide or Bogus?

by Haider Yutim
Malaysian Digest
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The nation is shaken again by an inter-religion strife after an arguably unsubstantiated news report from Utusan Malaysia entitled ‘Kristian Agama Rasmi?’. The allegation of a ‘Christian conspiracy’ that came out on front-page was akin to pouring gasoline over sparks that’s been kept under control by the government. And all it took was a three-word headline. A police report was lodged against the alleged conspiracy by DAP Bukit Tumba branch committee member Mohamed Razali Abdul Rahman who purportedly witnessed the so-called secret pact between DAP leaders and pastors at a hotel in Penang. Following Razali’s police report, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar stated that investigations into an alleged Christian plot to unseat Islam as the federal religion was a priority for the police.
Continue reading “‘Christian Conspiracy’: Bona Fide or Bogus?”

Why, why, why?

By KJ John | May 18, 11

Why would the ‘naughty boy of Malaysian journalism’ Utusan Malaysia carry such a headline as Kristian agama rasmi? (Christianity as the official religion?), when it is probably not the truth, not reality either, and not possible, and never in the minds or hearts of any Christian.

Christians are generally rational and not merely emotional but we also seek to love every neighbour at the end of the day. And yet the recalcitrant publication accused all Christians with one sweep of their ink-spill. And, most terribly, even the government of Malaysia’s initial reactions were also ‘idiocratic’ to say the least.

I am really upset, hurt, and therefore insist and ask Utusan for an apology for hurting our feelings and sense of dignity; of every Christian in Malaysia.
Continue reading “Why, why, why?”

TI-M chief confirms no ‘Christian Malaysia’ pact

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | May 18, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 — There is no pact between Christian and DAP leaders to turn Christianity into the constitutional religion of Malaysia, Datuk Paul Low asserted today.

The Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) president, who was an invited guest speaker at the Unashamedly Ethical Conference (UEC) on May 5 in George Town, vouched for the organisers of the event and stressed that the only pledges which were presented then were anti-corruption pledges.

“I categorically confirm that no pact or pledge for Christianity as an official religion or for a Christian prime minister was made on the evening of May 5 or at any time during the conference,” Low told reporters here today.
Continue reading “TI-M chief confirms no ‘Christian Malaysia’ pact”

Nazri opens floodgates to religious hatred

May 18, 11

‘Does it mean we can all now make seditious and insensitive remarks without any repercussions? This has gone out of line.’

Nazri: No action against Ibrahim Ali

Roberts: De facto law minister Mohamad Nazri Abdul Aziz misses the point. Yes, it is true that hundreds of irresponsible bloggers of all colour and creed have made sensitive comments to hurt and inflame other communities. But they are individuals.

Perkasa is a registered organisation and Malay daily Utusan Malaysia is a licensed newspaper. Can they act in the same wanton abandon as irresponsible bloggers and tweeters?

Rape is rampant in Malaysia – do we want to condone it by saying that it is the norm? Corruption is rampant – shall we then legalise it? Drug addiction is widespread, shall we let it be and say it is the norm? Crime is widespread these days – shall we do nothing about it?

There will always be irresponsible individuals, but when institutions like Perkasa and a national daily act recklessly, then our society will really go down the drain, for these institutions represent our collective conscience and morality. Continue reading “Nazri opens floodgates to religious hatred”

10 Days in May (14)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

The coalition of the moderates and inter-civilisational understanding – by Najib Razak ( Speech Oxford Islamic Centre)

All BN Ministers understand Najib’s Oxford speech 2excoriate extremism n be vanguard of moderation? Then Y condone Utusan rabid extremism?

Cabinet meeting tmr shld declare guided by Najib’s Oxon sp 2take stern action agnst Utusan 4its seditious/treasonous “Christian Msia” bogey

Cabinet failed n shd apologise 2nation: “we cannot allow this moment 2b overtaken by extremists w those who shout loudest gaining d most”

According 2Najib test – how many extremists/genuine moderates in Cabinet? Is every Minister prepared 2declare whether extremist or moderate? Continue reading “10 Days in May (14)”

The coalition of the moderates and inter-civilisational understanding

Najib Razak
The Malaysian Insider
May 17, 2011

MAY 17 — Let me first thank the Rt Hon Jack Straw for his kind words of introduction; Dr Farhan Nizami, a respected scholar, whom I have known for many years; and all of the representatives from the academia, business and diplomatic communities who are present here today.

I am immensely pleased to join you as a guest of Oxford University, where earlier this afternoon I had the chance to meet some very talented young students and to visit the future OCIS building, an inspirational environment, which blends Islamic and Malay traditions with your own rich Oxford heritage.

It is an enormous honour to be here in the renowned Sheldonian Theatre, which has echoed with the words of so many luminaries over the years. Every year, dozens of Malaysians travel to Oxford to study, finding a home away from home in the Oxford University Malaysia Club. The Khazanah-OCIS Merdeka Scholarship, established in 2006 to mark the 50th anniversary of Malaysian independence, has boosted the numbers.

And with the Malaysian Securities Commission and OCIS now collaborating on the study of emerging issues in Islamic finance, the bonds between our two countries will be further strengthened. Continue reading “The coalition of the moderates and inter-civilisational understanding”

In the name of God

Free Malaysia Today
May 17, 2011

The Christian story will not easily go away. Christians will always be on the crosshairs of religious bigots and unscrupulous politicians.

The country is still seething over the so-called “Christian plot”. At one stage, the rage threatened to get out of control. The issue burst on the national stage with such sudden force that all were caught up in a whirlwind of emotion and passion.The spectre of another bloodletting loomed, evoking the dark days of May 13. It had all the makings of a religious strife which echoed ancient animosity and hatred. Christians and Muslims appeared to be heading on a collision course, with dire consequences seen for the Christian minority. For the Muslim majority, it is like a call to a holy war because the “infidels” had reportedly insulted the pre-eminent position of Islam. Even the government, elected to protect its citizens, seemed ready to throw its weight on the side of bigotry and fanaticism. A small country built on the toil and sweat of all races is about to go up in flames because intolerance, irrationality and arrogance got the upperhand. Continue reading “In the name of God”

The celebration of Buddhist life

By Stanley Koh | May 17, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

Millions across the globe irrespective of race and nationality celebrate Wesak Day today (May 17) in commemoration of Gautama Buddha, popularly known as the “Awakened, or Enlightened, One”, whose renunciation is unprecedented in history.

Born as a prince whose family name is Gautama, Siddhartha lived in Northern India in the 6th century BC, and had all the trappings of a royal and luxurious life. He renounced everything in search of the Truth.

At age of 29, Siddhartha slipped out of the palace after bidding farewell to his wife and son who were asleep. He then roamed the worldly wilderness for six years before attaining spiritual enlightenment.
Continue reading “The celebration of Buddhist life”

10 days in May (13)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Najib asks moderates from all faiths to join hands – Shannon Teoh (TMI)

What a flop of speech by Najib in Oxford! Rings utterly hollow after govt inaction over Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey

Msia world still waiting 4proper action against seditious/treasonous Utusan “Msian Christian” bogey n IA incitement. Enuf of empty words

Let Msian moderates -Islam Christianity Buddhism Hinduism Sikkhism- stand united against extremism eg Utusan IA sedition. BN Cabinet stand?

Unbelievable not only Umno but also MCA Gkan apologists 4Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey like CSL. Y is Hisham n BN Cabinet so soft on Utusan? Continue reading “10 days in May (13)”

Najib asks moderates from all faiths to join hands

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
May 17, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, May 17 — As religious tensions run high on the local front, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has called on moderates of all religions to come together.

Speaking at the Islamic Centre of the prestigious Oxford University in Britain, the prime minister also said that it was not enough to go after individuals or organisations to address global violence as a lasting solution could only be achieved by seeking out root causes.

“Our choice is clear. Come together in action for a future of justice, freedom, hope, compassion and goodwill for our children or it will be replaced by a future of injustice, tyranny, hopelessness, cruelty and hate.

“Because the real divide is not between East and West or between the developed and developing worlds or even between Muslims and non-Muslims. It is between moderates and extremists of all religions,” Najib (picture) said in a speech on the “Coalition of Moderates and Inter-Civilisational Understanding” early this morning. Continue reading “Najib asks moderates from all faiths to join hands”

Happy Wesak Day

Happy Wesak Day to spread message of peace and love to all Malaysians.

Let us all resolve to end hate politics which have poisoned national life of late.

Moderates of all faiths must unite against extremists of all hues.

Even more important, no one should be apologists for extremists.

A very dirty and very dangerous game!

By Ahmad Mustapha Hassan | May 16, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

MAY 16 — In sports, games can be made dirty and sometimes fatal. But they only involve the players and nobody else. But in the case of politics, when the game becomes dirty and dangerous, the country and the people will suffer. There are no gainers and even the perpetrators themselves will suffer. Their aim is to destroy their opponents with no compunction as to what happens to the country. We have to beware of such political shenanigans!

The current coalition of parties in power, especially the main player Umno, is in a state of panic. The length of time that they had been in power had made them flabby in their thinking and actions. They simply cannot comprehend that their actions and the actions of their cahoots are wrong and detrimental to the welfare of the people. Their blind support for the grave mistakes by their agents proves their inability to grasp the seriousness of these actions. They pass the blame on others for the blunders made by these agent provocateurs.
Continue reading “A very dirty and very dangerous game!”

DAP claims Umno backing Perkasa’s crusade threat against Christians

By By Clara Chooi
| May 16, 2011
The Malaysia Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 16 — The DAP rebuked the government today for refusing to punish Datuk Ibrahim Ali over his crusade threat against Christians, declaring this as proof that Umno backs the leader’s controversial Malay rights group Perkasa.
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng described Perkasa as Umno’s “alter ego” while his deputy Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham said both parties were playing a game of “good cop, bad cop” to woo Malay support.

“We have always believed that Ibrahim Ali is working hand in hand with Umno. Umno is using Perkasa to stir up Malay fear to force unity and make them support Barisan Nasional (BN). Continue reading “DAP claims Umno backing Perkasa’s crusade threat against Christians”

Like Utusan, Perkasa will get off scot-free

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘It’s interesting to note that although there is no ambiguity that Ibrahim Ali was inciting unrest, there is not a squeak from Hishammuddin.’

Perkasa ready to crusade against ungrateful Christians

Jiminy Qrikert: There were about 200 people at Umno’s ‘Save Selangor’ launch in Shah Alam last year. The ‘Save Selangor’ roadshow fizzled out even though it covered the predominantly Malay areas of the state. Three hundred people turned up at Perkasa ceramah in Alor Setar despite a call for 30,000. Then there was the near-empty lecture hall for Pembela’s talk on ‘defending Islam’.
Continue reading “Like Utusan, Perkasa will get off scot-free”

Ibrahim Ali’s jihad against a fictitious foe

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers
May 16, 11 8:18am

`If they don’t arrest Ibrahim Ali, we know Umno is involved. If this is not incitement of racial and religious hatred, I don’t know what is.’

Perkasa ready to crusade against ungrateful Christians

Quigonbond: Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali is no help to Najib Razak for saying the prime minister is playing a game. That means all overtures by the PM is now proven to be nothing more than a vote-getting exercise, devoid of sincerity in resolving problems.

On the other hand, what Ibrahim is doing is being syok sendiri (self-infatuation). He creates his own enemy, launches a crusade against that fictitious foe, and hopes that the enemy will respond.
Continue reading “Ibrahim Ali’s jihad against a fictitious foe”

Ignore race rhetoric, says Talent Corp

The Malaysian Insider | May 16, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, May 16 — The man in charge of Malaysia’s talent drive wants overseas Malaysians to ignore the heightening race rhetoric in the country.

In an interview published by the Singapore Straits Times today, Talent Corporation chief Johan Mahmood Merican said that ultimately race rhetoric should not be confused with government policy.

“Ultimately, what gets implemented are the policies of the prime minister and the government,” he told the Singapore newspaper.

Johan’s comments came amid rising concerns that heightening race and religious rhetoric could derail Malaysia’s ambitious drive to attract top talent.
Continue reading “Ignore race rhetoric, says Talent Corp”

Gerakan wants Ibrahim’s ‘crusade’ threat against Christians investigated

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
May 15, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, May 15 — Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Dr Koh Tsu Koon today called on the police to investigate Datuk Ibrahim Ali for inciting racial and religious hatred in his recent speeches, especially Ibrahim’s threat last night to wage a crusade against Christians.

Dr Koh, who is unity affairs minister in the Prime Minister’s department, accused the Perkasa president of being “uncouth” in his outburst, saying Ibrahim had clearly violated the government’s 1 Malaysia concept and call for moderation among the various communities.

“I feel disgusted that he should beat his chest this way, trying to be a hero, especially after the Prime Minister has just met Muslim and non-Muslim leaders separately, calling for calm, understanding and mutual respect,” Dr Dr Koh said in a statement today.

Dr Koh reminded Ibrahim that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, together with Christian leaders, had met last week to discuss the row over allegations by Utusan Malaysia of Christian conspiracy, and had decided to put the matter to rest. Continue reading “Gerakan wants Ibrahim’s ‘crusade’ threat against Christians investigated”

Ibrahim Ali doesn’t represent all Malays, says Hisham

By Melissa Chi
May 15, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

SUNGAI BESAR, May 15 — UMNO Vice President Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein (picture) said today that Perkasa President Datuk Ibrahim Ali does not represent all the Malays in the country.

“I don’t think Ibrahim Ali represents all the Malays or all the Muslims. Same as Osama bin Laden, he doesn’t represent all the Muslims. There are extremists, I’m not saying Ibrahim Ali is an extremist, please don’t quote me wrongly but I’m saying that there are different levels of understanding. so let the public decide who they want to represent (them),” he said, adding that there are extremists in the Chinese community as well.

Despite police still investigating unsubstantiated reports of a move to a Christian Malaysia, the Malay rights group president threatened Christians nationwide last night that he would wage a crusade or holy war should they proceed with their agenda to usurp Islam. Continue reading “Ibrahim Ali doesn’t represent all Malays, says Hisham”