The Call of Democracy

By Allan C. F. Goh

Patriots, stand up and be counted,
In the quest for real nationhood.
Let us not be fooled or courted
By glitz-mirages of falsehood.

Politics of chicanery
Must be objected with courage.
Exploitative machinery
Needs rejection with damning rage!

Unfounded incarceration
Of rightful civil liberty
Must be unshackled with gumption
With honourable decency.
Continue reading “The Call of Democracy”


by Allan C.F. Goh

Friends, I am glad to have found you,
Who have added much to life’s hue.
Our friendship remains in my core;
It’s getting richer, more and more.
The sun may rise and set each day,
Friendships never set nor delay.
You are there with extended hand,
When I am down in troubled land. Continue reading “Friends”