Ubah The Partner-Sheep

by Allan CF Goh

Once there was a partnership,
Pledged to fight for people’s benefit.
Jointly, they steered the State-ship,
Gaining admiration to befit.
Theirs were once leaders who cared,
Who watched over the people’s real need.
Those ancient leaders who dared,
To stand up, speak the truth, as their creed.
Alas, they are now history;
This is the partnership’s sad story.
Continue reading “Ubah The Partner-Sheep”

Let Us Ubah!

by Allan CF Goh

Bring on the transformasi.
Start the cleansing tsunami.
From Johor to fair Sabah
Let the change of wind ubah.
Sweep clean the foul corruptions,
And all unjust restrictions,
Break down slavery’s fetter
To make Malaysia better!
Drown out the vile racism,
And foul communalism.
Let’s vote for a one-nation,
Where folks live without friction,
In nationwide harmony,
Free from harsh acrimony.
Come General Election,
Vote for the best selection
Of good, moral candidates.
On that vital polling date,
Ubah! make the country well,
Make citizens, with pride, swell.
Citizens, come out to vote,
Let’s build a nation of note!

Come Election Day

by Allan CF Goh

Election is for folks
To make meaningful choice;
To choose moral people
To represent our voice.
It’s time to elect folks
Of good integrity,
To helm the government,
With perfect propriety.

This is to prevent chaos,
As well as corruption;
To safeguard civil rights
And their slow erosion.
Elected officials
Serve with people’s consent;
They are public servants,
To make good our dissent. Continue reading “Come Election Day”

I Believe

by Allan CF Goh

I Believe

I believe in a better tomorrow,
For my country, myself, and my children,
In a world free of thinking so narrow,
Free of dark threats from witches’ cauldron.
Once we lived a multi-racialism,
In a country shared equally with pride.
Now we see a vile, hate filled racism,
Where good reasons, good people choose to hide.
Malaysia belongs to all the races.
Our forebears lay down their lives for it.
We must bring back to life all the graces,
That was Malaysia with virtues well lit.
We want a country full of compassion,
A country full of good, proper respects.
We want a country freed of suppression,
In people’s chosen dreams in all aspects.
Let our blessed country progress with the best,
In the haven of meritocracy.
Let there be no obstacles to our quest,
For the obvious best of democracy. Continue reading “I Believe”

Malaysia Reformed

by Allan CF Goh

The country lives in calmness,
And grows into its greatness.
People live a useful life,
Free of any racist strife.
Each is allowed his own dream,
Without nightmare or rude scream.
Each nurtures his potential,
With no obstacles racial.
We’re one nation, one people.

Malaysia Reformed has charms,
In people’s smile that disarms;
Like the beaches with tall palms,
And the breeze’s caressing balm.
Malaysia is harmony,
Sharing a common destiny,
Of one country, one nation,
With the same destination.
This is the hope of one people. Continue reading “Malaysia Reformed”

Malaysia Reborn

by Allan CF Goh

Let’s dare a vision,
Of a Malaysia reborn,
A true one-nation
With good values as her bond.
There was once a land,
So peaceful and harmonious,
With friendship so grand,
With nothing acrimonious.

Then come the racists,
Who feed on communalism;
Vile supremacists,
Who kill good fraternalism.
Those immoral things,
Who wallow in corruptions,
Steal fair labour’s fruits,
By foul discriminations. Continue reading “Malaysia Reborn”

Your Vote Counts

by Allan CF Goh

Like the tiny drops of water,
When split, remains a puny thing;
But when all gathered together,
Become the mighty ocean king.
Like the ocean of tiny drops;
Pushed hard, it forms a tsunami.
We, too, can create the same impact,
When united with all you, him, me.

In this impending election,
Your ‘lonely vote’ really matters;
Together with like-minded folks,
And combined with other charters,
Can, too, bring forth a tsunami.
All our ‘insignificant’ votes,
When massed, unified and counted,
Can ensure a victory of note.

Change for a better tomorrow.
Stand up to vile exploitations.
Reject those without moral spine.
Realize our just expectations.
Convince your family and friends,
And those who righteousness support,
Do your citizen’s great duty.
On voting day, show your rapport. Continue reading “Your Vote Counts”

A “Tribute” to Tun

by Andrew Cheng

A Doctor In The House wry and sly,
The Malay Dilemma you feign to cry,
Soon after the tragedy in May 69,
Rising from the ashes you became mighty and high,
A good 22 years you reign in style,
Shedding crocodile tears when time to say good bye.

A crooked man with a crooked mind,
Wanted a crooked bridge, the rational hard to find,
Billions vanished without any trace or sign,
Plundering the country is never a crime,
Corruption, cronyism and racialism, all are fine,
Leaving this beloved Bolehland way far behind. Continue reading “A “Tribute” to Tun”

My Beautiful Malaysia, My Dream Malaysia

by Allan CF Goh
Feb 7, 2013

My dream Malaysia is full of charms,
With white beaches and tall swaying palms.
The redolent air is fresh and cool,
Blowing with gentle, caressing balm,
Not ravaged by ugly constructions,
Mother nature is blessedly calm.

Malaysia empowers greenery;
Forests grow in protected freedom.
Myriad flowers bloom in ecstasy,
To thrill us from unwanted boredom.
Native animals are free to roam;
Their habitats are saved by wisdom.

This country is a peaceful nation,
Where people live in real maturity.
Each respects the other’s differences,
Celebrating our diversity.
We live within shared common values,
Forging a lasting unity. Continue reading “My Beautiful Malaysia, My Dream Malaysia”

Listen, Listen, Listen…..

(A poem)
by Allan CF Goh

When we train an animal,

We want it to just listen,

Not to dare to stop and think,

But to ‘behave’ when chastened.

We want a real, docile being,

To a given task, hasten,

Without any talking back;

Mindless, forever craven.

This is how ‘humans’ behave,

When blinded and conditioned,

To just listen, and listen…..

Without using their notion.

They know not what things are right,

They live only permissions.

If that’s allowed to happen,

We end up an idiot nation.

Public Funding

by Allan CF Goh
(A poem)

Public fund comes from taxations,
Or other forms of collections.
The money comes from the masses,
And must be used without messes.
The government must act the trustee,
With honourable guarantee.
The fund is meant for public wants,
And not squandered on useless wont.
It must be spent on people’s need,
Not to satisfy cronies’ feed,
Nor given away by ‘Santa Claus’,
Without justifiable cause.
It’s not for manipulation,
Or vacant vilification,
Of different political arts,
That contend for the people’s hearts. Continue reading “Public Funding”

Education The Sacred Torch

A Poem
by Allan CF Goh

Education starts from birth’s yell
To teach the young survival skill
Stories that all parents will tell
Enhance the infants’ growing trill
It is found in the lilting song
Or the constant loves that surround
Or the voices heard all day long
As well as all the things around.

School and ‘formal education’
To many are one and the same
That’s a narrow definition
That strives to bring the child to fame
School should be a knowledge centre
To fund children’s curiosity
Allow good values to enter
With proper generosity Continue reading “Education The Sacred Torch”


by Allan CF Goh
(A poem)

Patriotism is the lifelong love,
For one’s country and nation.
It expects the very best of us,
For its greatest progression.
It values a country’s achievements,
With a sincere devotion.

Patriotism will support the best
Efforts to build the nation.
It culls good values from all cultures,
Nurtures wisdom to fruition.
Policies that need the adjustments,
Are done with best attentions. Continue reading “Patriotism”


by Allan Goh

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

The voices that reverberated,

Rousted the birth of a new Nation,

Unshackled, no more subjugated.

It was a new dawn, a new era,

For people’s hope and aspiration,

To build a shared common destiny,

With one soul and one inspiration.

Mereka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

That call united all the races,

In the pursuit of independence,

Free from the forced colonial braces.

People wanted to live their own lives,

And form their own common destiny.

They eschewed any exploitations,

Hoped for a nation of harmony.

Continue reading “Merdeka!”

Malaysia: The Changing Scenes

by Allan CF Goh

Once there was a quiet, idyllic land,
Blessed by a lot of rich, fertile soil,
Regularly nourished by rainfall;
Crops grew easily, without much toil.
Nature provided bountiful food,
Within her rivers and forest foil;
Life was really an easy passage,
Without hunger threatening to roil.

This earthly paradise was ended,
When troubling storms arose from the West.
Coveting the richness of the place,
Colonisers converged here to wrest
The envied land of milk and honey.
They claimed domain for their royal crest,
After they subdued the local reign.
What followed is history, and the rest. Continue reading “Malaysia: The Changing Scenes”