Impian Pemimpin

(istimewa untuk YB Lim Kit Siang)

oleh Pak Samad

Datangnya dengan peta yang tulus terbuka
Cekal disemainya benih impian bangsa
Dirinya pemahat peta hidup berukun
Dengan peluh diukirnya secermat tekun

Di dalam taman merpati mesra menari
ternampak dia meneroka rimba asli
tabah disemainya benih janji yang murni
diusaha yang mercup: Impian Sejati

Tujuh dekad setengah dirinya berarah
Diasasnya demokrasi di era resah
dilepaskan kekunang di alam gelita
agar malam merdeka berwarnian indah Continue reading “Impian Pemimpin”

“Mengenang Negarawan, Meraikan Sasterawan”

Puisi ‘Air yang berkata’ di bawah ini ditulis khas oleh Sasterawan Negara A. Samad Said bersempena pelancaran Gabungan Impian Kelantan di Kota Bharu pada 31 Januari 2015.

Pak Samad berkongsi tarikh lahir dengan Bapa Kemerdekaan, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj pada 8 Februari.

Sebuah forum memperingati hari lahir Tunku serta meraikan hari lahir Pak Samad bertajuk “Mengenang Negarawan, Meraikan Sasterawan” akan dianjurkan oleh Roketkini pada:-

Tarikh: 7 Februari 2015 (Sabtu)
Masa: 2 petang
Tempat: Mandarin Court Hotel, Jalan Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur.
Google Maps :

Semua dijemput hadir!

~~~~~ Continue reading ““Mengenang Negarawan, Meraikan Sasterawan””

Malaysia Reborn

Allan CF Goh

Malaysia Reborn is full of charms,
With white beaches and tall swaying palms.
The redolent air is fresh and cool,
Blowing with gentle, caressing balm.
Native animals are free to roam;
Forests grow in protected freedom.
Myriad flowers bloom in ecstasy,
Their habitats are saved by wisdom.

This country is a peaceful nation,
Where people live in real maturity.
Each respects the other’s differences,
Celebrating our diversity.
Malaysians embrace creative life;
Citizens live with true harmony.
They pursue fruitful activities,
Undisturbed by vile cacophony. Continue reading “Malaysia Reborn”

Religion In Protest

by Allan CF Goh
(A Poem)

Religion is there for mankind
To discover his soul and its kind
It’s there for his spiritual need
Be better based on enlightened deed
Religion must preach righteousness
Built up with karma of real kindness
So as to enhance his belief
To bring benign religious relief
Religion clothed in intemperance
Demeans its true holy forbearance Continue reading “Religion In Protest”

Eulogy to a friend – Koh Yeow Tong

by Allan CF Goh

Excuse me for misusing this site to eulogize a friend, who has just said his last goodbye. Koh Yeow Tong was, and will always remain, a valued classmate of the Class of ’59 of the Batu Pahat High School.

Classmates fondly call him the super-athlete. He ruled over the field and track events on every Sports Day in the school, district and state. He also excelled in games, and played in the Asian All Blues (a bunch of blue-ribboned sportsmen from Asia) in rugby, challenging the mighty European teams.

On field, he was the demon sportsman; off field, an impish gentleman, generous to a fault, always concerned with fellow classmates. We will certainly miss him. He will live on in our collective memory.

May his soul rest in peace.

The Race
(Dedicated to Koh Yeow Tong)

The group of young athletes,
Muscled in superb condition,
Mass at one end of the field,
In suppressed anticipation.
Getting ready for the race,
They do their warm-up exercise.
They stretch and windmill their arms,
They are tense and well energized. Continue reading “Eulogy to a friend – Koh Yeow Tong”

Conscientious Reconciliation

Allan CF Goh
28th June 2013

Good politics for the people,
Is good politics for the nation.
It’s not about supremacy.
It’s about exemplary notion.
For voters in democracies,
It’s about moral imperative.
Performing with moral conscience,
Government must claim superlative.
Any government becomes bad,
When it survives on wild, constant ill,
Diverting from people’s real need,
To arrogantly plunder at will.

The treasury is sacrosanct,
Meant for enhancing peoples’ living.
It is not for official squander,
Nor for anybody’s pilfering.
All those citizens who need help,
Regardless of their colour or race,
Can appeal to their government,
To provide them economic grace.
Money derived from the taxes,
Is the people’s rightful property.
It should be used with utmost care,
With proper accounting, propriety. Continue reading “Conscientious Reconciliation”

A Living Nation

By Allan CF Goh

A nation cannot live
With its people truncated,
Like the dried fallen leaf,
Crushed and emasculated.

A people cannot thrive,
Under any tyranny,
Be it of racist strife,
Or undeserved agony.

A state cannot progress
If she rejects the truly best,
And goes on to transgress
Her people’s talented quest.
Continue reading “A Living Nation”

The Tsunami

by Allan CF Goh

The Tsunami

GE13 has come and gone,
But the racists still drone and drone…..
This event brings forth a huge storm
Of righteous passion, pure and strong.
Despite the whirlpool of dark threats,
May 5 shows the Malaysians great.
They flocked to attend the address,
Defying vile threats of unrest. Continue reading “The Tsunami”

My Malaysian Dream – all the way back to 1957

One for all and all for one
We care not what colour, creed or religion you belong
For aren’t each of us Malaya’s son
Then why let silly racial quarrels prolong?

(from poem written in 1957 for class magazine – when I was 16 and in Form III in Batu Pahat High School)

May 5: Ubah! Ubah! Ubah!

by Allan CF Goh

Come the sun-bright, or the cold, cold rain,
Despite those small inconvenient pain,
Come Election Day, we must all vote,
For our rights, and our principled code.
This day, we can create and claim our dreams,
Willing a meaningful life to stream.
Let us safeguard our children’s future
Within a most just, social structure.
Ensure them the best education,
(Not denied by deprivation),
Premised on the world’s greatest knowledge,
And real, solid values acknowledged.
Vote for a real, better way of life,
Where folks can thrive, without harmful strife,
Without the dark threats of racism,
Or the bane of damned cronyism.
Let’s vote in realistic hope and change,
And throw out the policies deranged.
Change the government for the better,
Free of those unfair, unjust fetter.
Let’s vote for a bright Malaysian sun,
That shines equally for all its sons
And daughters, without being reduced
By any laws, racially induced.
Malaysia must be a one-nation,
One-real-people without exception.
There should be no lesser Malaysians,
Be they Muslims, Hindus, or Christians
Malaysia is ours to love and keep,
Never to be betrayed on the cheap,
Not to be pawned, sold to corruption,
Nor pandered to those depravation.
Citizens, come out, do your duty.
Vote us back our rights, our dignity.
Vote in candidates of good conscience,
Who will avow right with their presence.
Choose right people who will be our voice,
Respecting always the people’s choice.
Select a regime of righteousness,
Not one full of condemned thoughtlessness.
Ubah for a better tomorrow!
Ubah the Malaysia faked, hollow!

You Will Never Walk Alone

by Allan CF Goh

A holy fire burns in your heart,
To battle politics’ vile, black art.
Yours is already a legacy,
Placed on youths for legitimacy.
You could have chosen the gentle way,
To enjoy old age in genteel sway.
But you want a better tomorrow,
To make good, folks’ dreams, true and hallow.
You want people to thrive without strife,
To fulfill expectations of life.
You arouse people’s inspirations,
To realize their life’s aspirations;
Not to be wreaked by foul corruptions,
Nor those racist discriminations.
You want a holistic one-nation,
Not one broken into bits, fractions.
You want only complete citizens,
Not partly accepted denizens.
Now you choose a path that’s really rough,
To win a mission that’s truly tough.
Dear Kit, you will never walk alone,
Folks are with you, with wills set in stone.
When you falter, and/or are depressed,
There are thousands cheering your progress.