2nd twittering morning – Nizar and Excos return to office after judgment

http://twitter.com/limkitsiang : Nizar and Excos return to office after judgment

12/05/09 11:49
(The below are from the PC by Ngeh at the SUK)

12/05/09 11:47
“Sukan Perak this year cancelled – allocation chanelled towards districts sports level. We’ll redeem the 3 month wasted during Perak crisis.

12/05/09 11:46
“Industries in Perak given a boost with Invest Perak to be more active in attracting investments.

12/05/09 11:45
“Parking fees to be reduced to 30 sen ASAP. Premier University to launch in July ’09 with groudbreaking ceremony – intake of 2K students.

12/05/09 11:43
“Ipoh Central Bus project to proceed as planned. Sultan Azland Shah Airport to resume flights ASAP. Airasia keen to fly from Ipoh Airport.

12/05/09 11:42
“Also 817 village chiefs have been issued letters to carry out their duties. Land Office also instructed to issue freehold titles.

12/05/09 11:42
“All Exco has started working w’out wasting time. 14 local councils to swear in councillors latest by tmr in order to function properly.

12/05/09 11:40
PC starts with senior Exco Ngeh Koo Ham announcing that MB is still at the Istana. Exco will meet tomorrow at 10am.

12/05/09 11:19
Finally, MB press conference is going to begin any moment after the press are allowed in.

12/05/09 11:18
The letters of suspension State Secretary/State Legal Adviser now posted on all notice boards in and around SUK building

12/05/09 11:12
In Ipoh SUK, press barred from entering to attend the MB press conference.

12/05/09 10:59
From Thomas – Zambry’s application for stay is fixed for today.
Continue reading “2nd twittering morning – Nizar and Excos return to office after judgment”

Back to the People

by Farish A. Noor

With the High Court deciding that Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin was and is, after all, the rightful Chief Minister of Perak we seem to have returned to square one all over again. Obviously it is too soon to tell whether the imbroglio in Perak will now wind down to a stagnant non-issue, or whether the Barisan Nasional will not allow the matter to rest and take the issue to the Federal Court next. Perakians – like most Malaysians – are a trifle tired of the ongoing drama but at the same time no-one can afford to relent at this stage due to the stakes in the contest.

To underscore this fact, one simply has to take a peek at the video clips that are on the internet at the moment and witness the unseemly spectacle of Speaker Sivakumar being unceremoniously manhandled and dragged out of the State Assembly. No, my friends, this was not a scene from ‘The Last King of Scotland’, the film about the brutal dictatorship of Idi Amin Dada that brought Uganda to the level of primordial violent madness. This was closer to home, happening right here in Malaysia, ‘Truly Asia’… Continue reading “Back to the People”

My first twittering day

This is the twitter updates from KL High Court in Nizar vs Zambry case. From 3 – 4pm

# great judgment nizar will seek audience with sultan for dissolution

# judge rejects stay appln

# zambry counsel applying for stay of declaration

# judge declares nizar lawful mb

# judge – mb can only be dismissed by no confidence motion in assembly

# judge – assembly never had no confidence motion, material

# judge – mb can request dissolution without having lost majoritya

# judge upholds stephen ningkan judgment

# judge rejects ag’s ‘deeming’ argument – no ambiguity in constitution

# judge says perak constitution does not contemplate mb dismissal by sultan

# judge says once mb appointed by sultan, mb is answerable to assembly

# kl high court judge delivering judgment so far so good keep fingers crossed

# Will try to tweet the High Court decision later using my handphone. (1pm)

5.30 pm – Deborah Loh of TheNutGraph has given the following report of the historic High Court judgment by Justice Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim: – Continue reading “My first twittering day”

Najib’s “open mind” to resolve Perak constitutional/political crisis with PR leaders “refreshing”

At a media conference in Alor Setar on Saturday, I said that the time had come for the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to meet with Pakatan Rakyat leaders to resolve the three-month-long Perak constitutional and political impasse so that Malaysians in Perak and the country can focus single-mindedly on tiding the nation through the world’s worst economic crisis in a century.

This had become imperative after the May 7 Day of Infamy which brought unprecedented international shame to Malaysia as a modern and developed country not only by the trampling of human rights and the rule of law in the gross abuse of police powers in the completely unjustifiable lock-down of Ipoh but also in the flagrant violation of the doctrine of separation of powers highlighted by the photographs and video clips flashed around the world of the Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar in Speaker robes and in Speaker Chair being bodily dragged out of the Legislative Assembly.

The image that the May 7 Day of Infamy projected to the world is that Perak and Malaysia are degenerating into failed states like Zimbabwe, Somalia and Congo in Africa rather than a nation aspiring to first-world developed-nation status.

This was why my first reaction to the scandalous spectacle not only of two Mentris Besar but also two Speakers and two Assemblies in Perak, and the physical removal of the Speaker – the most shameful episode in the history of parliamentary democracy, not only in Perak, Malaysia but also the world – was to point out that the biggest casualty of all was Najib’s “1Malaysia” slogan, which had been “shredded into smithereens” by the May 7 Day of Infamy.
Continue reading “Najib’s “open mind” to resolve Perak constitutional/political crisis with PR leaders “refreshing””

The Lesson From Perak

by M. Bakri Musa

The current political paralysis in Perak reflects the major failures of our key institutions. It is a total breakdown at the palace, the legislature, and the permanent establishment. It also exposes the glaring inadequacies of the judicial system which has yet to adjudicate this critical and urgent matter of state.

It is not however, the failure of the people, as some pundits have implied by quoting the old adage that we deserve the government we get. It is the voters’ prerogative whether to grant the incumbent party a stunning victory, humble it with an unstable slim majority, or even throw it into the ranks of the opposition. Canada and Italy have a long history of minority governments, and they have managed well.

A mark of a mature democracy, or any system for that matter, is the transfer of power from one entity to another smoothly and predictably. Perak is a spectacular failure; it is also a preview for Malaysia. Continue reading “The Lesson From Perak”

A number 1BlackMalaysia day indeed

by Beth Yahp
May 7, 09

Yesterday I was hoping against hope that everything I know about the current political culture in Malaysia would today be proved wrong.

I’d hoped that democratic ‘due process’ would indeed take place in the Perak state assembly—and its environs—and that it would be upheld by lawmakers, police, civil servants, and the courts of justice who purportedly serve the Malaysian people who put them in office and, directly or indirectly, continue to pay their salaries.

Instead, what I’ve watched unfolding today is a scene directly from a police state: barbed wire cordoning off a democratic house of assembly; activists, lawmakers and ordinary rakyat being intimidated and arrested like criminals, because apparently it’s now a crime to wear black and have breakfast in the vicinity of the one place where your voice as a citizen is supposed to be heard. Fairly and freely. Continue reading “A number 1BlackMalaysia day indeed”

Why Najib’s good Vesak Day message fell flat

I commend the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak for a great Vesak Day message, when he called on Malaysians not to focus on differences between one another, but to look for similarities and common ground,

Although Najib invoked the call “In the spirit of human progress, in the spirit of developing this great country, in the spirit of 1Malaysia”, it unfortunately fell flat because the actions of his government in his first month as Prime Minister failed to match his slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”

Despite his attendance at the Vesak celebrations at the Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Buddhist Temple in Jenjarom yesterday, Najib had not been able to evoke the electrifying effect his predecessor, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi created in his first Christmas message as Prime Minister in his second month in office in December 2003, and when he was guest-of-honour at the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM)’s Christmas reception in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur six years ago.

Najib and his think-tank should give deep and serious study as to why his premiership has not been able to launch off successfully despite various goodies and promises of more to come. Continue reading “Why Najib’s good Vesak Day message fell flat”

Hold fresh elections to end the Perak constitutional impasse

by Dr. Chen Man Hin

Prime Minister Najib Razak was reported in the press to have cautioned elected Perak state representatives to follow the rule of jaw, as the pandemonium on Thursday 7th May and that unruly behaviour of elected leaders followed the law of the jungle instead of the rule of law.

Well said, except that the party that begun the law of the jungle was none other than UMNO, the party of the Prime Minister because he master-minded and executed the take-over of the Perak state government by using unconstitutional means. Continue reading “Hold fresh elections to end the Perak constitutional impasse”

May 7 is the Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia (with videos)

May 7 is the Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia.

The Barisan Nasional used the law of the jungle to completely undermine parliamentary democracy, the rule of law and the doctrine of separation of powers to add another ignominious chapter to the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak on Feb. 5, 2009, foisting on the people of Perak two Perak Assembly Speakers and even two Assemblies, as if the three-month-long constitutional crisis of two Mentris Besar is not outrageous enough.

Never before in the 52 year history of the nation has there been a more shameful episode as what happened yesterday.

The sight of the legitimate and lawful Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar physically dragged out of the Perak State Assembly still in his Speaker seat stands as an indictment of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak who orchestrated the Perak “coup d’etat”, the usurper and illegitimate Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir and now usurper and unlawful Perak Speaker, Datuk R. Ganesan.

These three should hold their heads in shame for bringing Perak and Malaysia to such a disgraceful depth. As a result of the Day of Infamy, the credibility, integrity and legitimacy have plunged to an even lower ebb.
Continue reading “May 7 is the Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia (with videos)”

Najib’s 1Malaysia shredded into smithereens – disgraceful police lockdown of Ipoh and scandalous spectacle of 2 Speakers, 2 Assemblies

Flash – So far 64 people (including 4 MPs and 5 SAs from Pakatan Rakyat) arrested by police in the Ipoh lock-down!

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia has been shredded into smithereens by the disgraceful police lockdown of Ipoh and the scandalous spectacle of two Speakers and two Assemblies – as if the constitutional scandal of two Mentris Besar is not bad enough for Perak and Malaysia!

It is unlikely that Najib will be able to live down the political baggage of having orchestrated the three-month Perak constitutional and political crisis and stalemate spawning two Mentris Besar, two Speakers, two Assemblies together with three renegade State Assembly members and a renegade State Assembly clerk unless he is prepared to act boldly to admit his colossal error and misjudgement and agree to the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly for the holding of Perak state-wide general election to return the mandate to Perakians.

For the sake of an unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab, Najib has brought important institutions of the country into greater disrepute, whether the police, the MACC, the judiciary and seriously impaired the vital doctrine of separation of powers.

Perakians, Malaysians and the world today witness another unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab – the office and powers of the Speaker when the Perak State Assembly has not officially met. Continue reading “Najib’s 1Malaysia shredded into smithereens – disgraceful police lockdown of Ipoh and scandalous spectacle of 2 Speakers, 2 Assemblies”

Flash updates from Perak

Sivakumar(centre) removed from the chamber by the Sergeant-at-Arms and special branch officers. Pic by sun2surf

4.36 pm – Pakatan Rakyat ADUNs are having press conference at state assembly library. The flash updates ends here.

Sivakumar being dragged out of the House (Pic courtesy of Sinar Harian)

2. 40 pm – Speaker Siva was dragged out by 10 police officers.

50 security personnel in dewan.

2.38 pm – the police and civil servant and BN are trying to get rid of speaker in what ever way they can, including using brute power.

2.36 pm – Police, special branch, men in black and traditional malay costume, all trying to approach Speaker. Shouting and scuffling.
Continue reading “Flash updates from Perak”

Appeal to Perak Sultan to dissolve Perak State Assembly to end the three-month constitutional and political stalemate in Perak

“No authority to fire. Counsel: Sultan can appoint MB but can’t remove him.”

This is the headline of the Star report today on the historic case between the lawful and legitimate Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin and the usurper and illegitimate Mentri Besar Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir.

The headline came from the submission of Nizar’s lead counsel Sulaiman Abdullah who submitted that while the Sultan was conferred the power to appoint a mentri besar, he did not have the same power to remove a sitting mentri besar.

Sulaiman said: “It is well and good in appointing, that is entirely up to the Sultan but getting rid of the mentri besar is no longer the Ruler’s function – it is now up to the state council. That can only be done through a vote of no confidence in the House.”

This position, which has always been the stand of the DAP and Pakatan Rakyat, has been fortified by none other than former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir at his keynote address on The Role of the Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and Constitutional Monarchy at the ninth Perdana Discourse Series today.

The various media headlines could not be clearer, viz: Dr. M: Sultan has no power to remove MB (Malaysiakini), Dr M: MBs can only be removed through confidence vote (Malaysian Insider), Dr M: Ruler cannot remove head of govt (Star online).
Continue reading “Appeal to Perak Sultan to dissolve Perak State Assembly to end the three-month constitutional and political stalemate in Perak”

Ipoh Police – don’t prop up usurper Zambry’s hocus pocus May 7 State Assembly proceedings

The Ipoh Police have done enough damage to its reputation and professionalism in its conduct during the three-month Perak constitutional and political crisis, being used by the usurper Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir to undermine the important democratic principle and fundamental doctrine of the separation of powers among the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.

The Police should not now allow itself to be used to prop up usurper Zambry and his executive council’s hocus pocus proceedings in the May 7 Perak State Assembly but must be aware that it has the sworn duty to protect the Perak State Assembly Speaker A. Sivakumar and all Perak State Assembly members (including Pakatan Rakyat) from interference from any quarter in the discharge of their powers and privileges.

In a political contest between the rightful and legitimate Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin and the usurper and illegitimate Zambry, the least expected of the police is to stay out of the political fray and not to take sides, or the police will be seen as trying to prop up an usurper Zambry regime that has no legitimacy whatsoever in the eyes of the people of Perak.

This is why reports by Pakatan Rakyat Assembly members that they were being harassed by the police personnel who snapped photographs of their family houses last weekend must be deplored in the strongest terms and taken seriously by the top police officers who must give the satisfactory assurance that they will not be used to support the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak. Continue reading “Ipoh Police – don’t prop up usurper Zambry’s hocus pocus May 7 State Assembly proceedings”

Zambry – don’t rewrite history to justify his appointment as “People Last” usurper Perak MB

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has declared that “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” is the overarching philosophy of his government.

However, in less than a month there are enough instances to show that Najib’s slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” is as hollow as the “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” slogan of the Abdullah premiership or the “Amanah, Bersih, Cekap” slogan of the Mahathir administration.

The unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak, overthrowing the legal and legitimate Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin and foisting on the people of Perak the usurper and illegitimate Mentri Besar Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir violates two of the three Najib mottos of “1Malaysia. People First”.

How can there be “1Malaysia” when Najib orchestrated the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak?

How can Najib talk about “People First” when he does not respect the mandate of the people of Perak in the March general election last year in electing a Pakatan Rakyat state government helmed by Nizar as Mentri Besar?

What “People First” is Najib talking about when his unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab is based on the betrayal of the people’s hopes and trust by three “political frogs” who in the past three months dare not even visit their constituencies or show their face publicly. This is “People Last” rather than “People First”! Continue reading “Zambry – don’t rewrite history to justify his appointment as “People Last” usurper Perak MB”

Zambry should stop being a “caveman” Mentri Besar of Flintstones era and wake up to the age of Internet and new media

Two online media reports on the preparations taken by the usurper Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir for the illegally-convened May 7 Perak State Assembly meeting expose the mentality not only of the Perak Barisan Nasional leaders but also of the handful of civil servants acting in cahoots with them.

The Malaysian Insider in its report “New media rules for May 7 Perak assembly”, reported that only 13 media organisations will be allowed to cover the Perak State Legislative Assembly when it is held on May 7.

The Malaysian Insider reported:

A media notice was sent out by the state Information Department to several media companies yesterday informing them of the tightened security measures.

The notice stated that only 13 media groups in the list would be allowed to cover the entire duration of the assembly from May 7 to 13.

The 13 listed are television stations RTM and BernamaTV, TV3 and newspapers The Star, New Straits Times, Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, China Press, Sin Chew Daily, Nanyang Siang Pau, Tamil Namban, Tamil Nesan and national news agency Bernama.

The notice also limited the number of media workers to two people from each organisation: one reporter and the other a photographer.

The only exceptions made were to state-owned television stations RTM, BernamaTV and Umno-linked private station TV3, which are allowed to send in three people each.

Media organisations barred from covering the May 7 Perak State Assembly include Bahasa Malaysia papers like Sinar Harian, Metro, Kosmo; English daily the Sun, the Edge Financial Daily, the Malaysian Reserve; Chinese dailies like Guang Ming Daily, Kwong Wah Yit Poh, Oriental Daily; Tamil press like Makkal Osai; television stations like NTV7, NTV7 Chinese and 8TV Chinese.

All online media organisations are barred, including Malaysiakini, Malaysian Insider, The NutGraph, Merdeka Review, Therocknews, etc. All foreign agencies and media, whether Reuters, AFP, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Jiji Press, CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeera are also barred.

And a total ban on all bloggers – the quintessence of the new media! Continue reading “Zambry should stop being a “caveman” Mentri Besar of Flintstones era and wake up to the age of Internet and new media”

Usurper Zambry plotting 2nd unethical, undemocratic, illegal power grab to remove Perak Speaker Sivakumar

The usurper Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir has finally admitted that his first agenda at the illegally-convened Perak State Assembly meeting on May 7 is to move a motion to remove the Perak Speaker V. Sivakumar, who has become the most famous Speaker in the Commonwealth for his great and valiant battle in the past three months to defend the Perak State Assembly from encroachments from other branches of government and to uphold the doctrine of Separation of Powers.

Zambry should realize that his usurpation of the office of Perak Mentri Besar as a result of the the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak in early February cannot gain legitimacy by another unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab, this time by breaking all parliamentary traditions, conventions and practices by removing the Speaker through the use of three renegade Assembly members and a renegade State Assembly clerk.

How can there be any legitimate government when it is founded on two unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grabs, firstly on the office of Mentri Besar and secondly, three months later, on the office of Perak Speaker – based on three renegade Assembly persons who dare not appear publicly even in their own constituencies for three months after their political defection and betrayal and one renegade State Assembly clerk who had been sacked from his position for repeated public insubordination of his immediate superior, the Speaker?

Continue reading “Usurper Zambry plotting 2nd unethical, undemocratic, illegal power grab to remove Perak Speaker Sivakumar”

N.H. Chan: An inconvenient judge

by Debra Chong | The Malaysian Insider

IPOH, April 30 — Chan Nyarn Hoi lives in a modest two-storey semi-detached house in a quiet lane near the state stadium in Perak with his wife, a dog and seven large Japanese carp.

At 74 years old and with ruddy smooth cheeks under a full head of snowy white hair, few would connect him to the acerbic, no-nonsense former judge Datuk N.H. Chan, who has in the last couple of months done the unthinkable: fire away missives at judges who have trampled on the Federal Constitution in deciding issues related to the power grab in Perak. His lengthy articles have reminded Malaysians of a time gone by when towering individuals sat on the Bench and simplified the Perak constitutional crisis for the common man.

Still seething over the events that transpired in Perak and decisions of the apex court, he says that if Malaysians are upset with the state of the judiciary and think that the present crop of judges are not up to the mark, they should exercise the power of their vote to change the state of affairs in the country.

Born in Ipoh on March 27, 1935, Chan was admitted to the Bar in 1961. He was a lawyer for almost two decades before becoming a High Court judge and moving to Kuala Lumpur.

He was among the first batch of High Court judges to be elevated to the Court of Appeal, set up in 1994 to act as an intermediate court between the High Court and the apex court.
Continue reading “N.H. Chan: An inconvenient judge”

Zambry’s May 7 Perak Assembly meeting – call it off as it is against Najib’s public position

The usurper Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr. Zambry Abd Kadir should call off the May 7 Perak State Assembly meeting as it is improperly convened against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s public stand that the Perak State Assembly cannot meet until the court has ruled that the Barisan Nasional is the legal government in Perak.

This was the position of Najib, who was then the Deputy Prime Minister, Perak UMNO Chairman and who personally orchestrated the undemocratic, unethical, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak resulting in the three-month political and constitutional stalemate producing two Mentris Besar and even two secretaries to the Perak State Assembly!

This is the Sunday Star report of March 1, 2009, headlined “Perak assembly cannot meet until court decides, says DPM” on Najib’s response to the convening of a State Assembly meeting by the Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar which eventually became the historic “Tree Perak State Assembly”: Continue reading “Zambry’s May 7 Perak Assembly meeting – call it off as it is against Najib’s public position”

When the highest court in the land could bring down the Government of the day

by N H Chan

The front page of the Star newspaper of Friday, 17 April 2009 carries this startlingly outrageous decision of the Federal Court. The headline proclaims “Court: Siva does not have right to suspend seven”. The report reads:

PUTRAJAYA: The Federal Court has unanimously ruled that Perak Assembly Speaker V Sivakumar does not have the power to suspend Mentri Besar Datuk Zambry Abd Kadir and six state executive council members from attending the assembly.
It granted a declaration that the seven assemblymen were entitled to take part in all the assembly sittings and to carry out their duties.
Court of Appeal president Justice Alauddin Mohd Sheriff, who chaired a five-man panel yesterday, said the Speaker’s decision to suspend the seven applicants was ultra vires (outside the law) and invalid.
… The other judges were Chief Judge of Malaya Arifin Zakaria and Federal Court Judges Nik Hashim Nik Ab. Rahman, S Augustine Paul and Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin.

This is a perverse judgement of the Federal Court. It is perverse because it is a decision that was made in blatant defiance of Article 72 (1) of the Federal Constitution which says,”The validity of any proceedings in the Legislative Assembly of any State shall not be questioned in any court”. The judges of the Federal Court have failed the people and the government of this country when they chose to ignore the law of the Constitution of Malaysia. In other words the judges have refused to do justice according to law.
Continue reading “When the highest court in the land could bring down the Government of the day”