Life is meant to be fun, says Guan Eng

Malaysiakini | 4:40PM Jan 16, 2014

Despite sitting on the hot seat as Penang’s chief minister since 2008, Lim Guan Eng said, “Life is meant to be fun.”

Lim said the most important thing for an artist is to have its critics and the public to participate in his or her art and “have fun”.

“That is what makes art meaningful,” he said at a press conference to support Lithunian artist Ernest Zachaveric’s solo show ‘Art is Rubbish/Rubbish is Art’ tomorrow.

“Even in serious works, the basic essence is to have fun. So don’t take life so seriously. We can take a different view. Life is meant to be fun,” Lim said, obviously in a good mood.
Continue reading “Life is meant to be fun, says Guan Eng”

Is Pakatan no different from Barisan?

– Richard Loh
The Malaysian Insider
January 13, 2014

Is this equation true:

90% positive + 10% negative = 90% negative + 10% positive

With Malaysia claiming that its education system is among the best in the world there can be no argument that many educated Malaysians would say that this is true.

The above equation is an example of Malaysians learning when they see the 10% of Pakatan Rakyat’s negative performances as equal to Umno-BN’s 10% positive performance – hence terming PR no difference from Umno-BN. The 90% positive performance against Umno-BN’s 90% negative performance is ignored.

Malaysians are using the Selangor Assembly salary hikes, the Jais raid and Penang Chief Minister’s Mercedes-Benz to justify and conclude that PR is no difference from Umno-BN. You have the right to argue that the three issues were wrong, depending on how you judge them and from whose point of view you are hearing and reading from.

There is nothing wrong with the Selangor Assembly salary hike and the Penang Chief Minister’s Mercedes-Benz which I have given my point of views in my earlier two articles here and here. Continue reading “Is Pakatan no different from Barisan?”

UmnoBN follies but blame it on PR and the States they rule?

Richard Loh

What is wrong with this nation? Nothing wrong at all. The right question should be, “What is wrong with the 56 years old UmnoBN led government”? The answer would be, too many wrongs that we lost count.

In this article I will just highlight a couple of wrongs which I deem are prerequisite to the overall poor performances of the UmnoBN led government.

Admission of Guilt

No one has ever admitted the wrongs that were originated right from the heart of PutraJaya, starting from the Prime Minister, Ministers down to the civil servants. While it is acceptable to many that they don’t admit their guilt what is worst is that they can use all the highest authorities to defend their wrongs, from Bank Negara, PDRM, MACC and if necessary the judiciary. Cases such as the NFC, PKFZ, the billions of illegal capital flight, ‘Extravagant expenditures’ and the year in year out Auditor General Annual Reports, just to name a few.

It is fine if you do not admit guilt but to continue with the wrongs instead of correcting and putting a stop to it reflects how bad the government is performing. Continue reading “UmnoBN follies but blame it on PR and the States they rule?”

Should Penang Island control its population growth?

by Richard Loh
22nd November 2013

Since Pakatan Rakyat rules Penang many are comparing the Island with Singapore or Hong Kong but do not realised that both Singapore and Hong Kong are governments by itself with no hindrance/control by a Federal or central government. Though Hong Kong may now be influenced by China one way or another after 1997.

Also since then various NGOs are openly voicing their opinions or objections to how the state government runs the state especially in developments and the infrastructures.

They are very much concerned with the hills, the seas and beaches and rivers, forests, park land and cultural aspects which they term as ‘The Commons’. The article in Anil Netto’s blog titled Corporate predators eyeing ‘the Commons’ prompted me to write and ask the pertinent question “Should Penang Island control its population growth?” Continue reading “Should Penang Island control its population growth?”

Eat Penang: A 24-hour street food experience

The Malay Mail Online

Fluffy roti canai at Transfer Road
Fluffy roti canai at Transfer Road. ― Pictures by KE Ooi

GEORGE TOWN, Nov 2 ― Penang has been labelled a “hawker’s paradise” because of the sheer variety of hawker or street food available.

But we decided to take it up one notch; test and see if this little island up north is really the only place in Malaysia where you can find food of every imaginable taste and flavour… at every hour of the day!

By the roadside, in airy coffee shops and yes, even in dark secluded corners where the flames of the cooking fire and aroma of cooked food are the only indications that food can be found there.

We tried them all.
Continue reading “Eat Penang: A 24-hour street food experience”

Guan Eng apologises for no Q and A session

by Susan Loone
Jul 5, 2013

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng did the honourable and a rare thing for him – apologise for the suspension of the question and answer session at the current legislative assembly sitting.

Lim said the occurrence was a “mistake” and could have been avoided.

He added that the state has decided to appoint executive councillor Jagdeep Singh Deo to oversee matters in the assembly, to ensure there would be no repeat of such a situation.

“I was shocked and could not accept the excuse of lack of time to suspend the session,” said Lim while wrapping up the debate of thanks to the Governor for his speech on Tuesday. Continue reading “Guan Eng apologises for no Q and A session”

槟六万人再集会反选举舞弊 高喊国阵肮脏选委会是骗子

2013年5月18日 晚上9点26分







Continue reading “槟六万人再集会反选举舞弊 高喊国阵肮脏选委会是骗子”

100,000 rally in Penang in wake of vote-buying claims

by Susan Loone
8:31AM May 4, 2013

PENANG Pakatan Rakyat held several gatherings in Penang yesterday, including a mammoth rally at the Esplanade which was swarmed by about 100,000 people who stayed until midnight.

This is the coalition’s biggest rally on the island where it managed to collect a record RM505,000 in donations from its supporters.

The carnival-like event, which included a stage and canopy, dozens of hawker stalls and DAP’s own merchandise sales corner, kicked off at 5pm while about 500 people watched a mini-concert by local bands such as Zombie Station, TUC, and Sweet Scream.

The open field facing the iconic British-styled Town Hall building was packed by 8pm, including youths and senior citizens, and the crowd spilled over onto the surrounding roads.

Several small separate rallies were held in front of the Town Hall and nearby Clock Tower with groups of supporters waving opposition party flags while blowing the vuvuzuela, wildly deafening to the ears. Continue reading “100,000 rally in Penang in wake of vote-buying claims”

The Penang effect

The Economist
Apr 28th 2013, 6:53 by Banyan | SINGAPORE

THE story of Lim Guan Eng, chief minister of the Malaysian state of Penang, tells much about how Malaysian politics has been transformed in recent years. Mr Lim heads the Democratic Action Party or DAP, a member of the three-party opposition coalition hoping to wrest power from the ruling Barisan Nasional in a general election on May 5th.

This is the first time since independence from Britain in 1957 that the opposition has a genuine—if still outside—chance of winning a federal-government election. That follows its startling advance in the previous general election in 2008, when, as this year, 12 of Malaysia’s 13 states held simultaneous elections. One of the opposition’s triumphs was to win the thriving state of Penang, an island off the west coast famous for its electronics and tourism industries. Continue reading “The Penang effect”

The favor has to be returned one day and the time is now, GE 13

By Richard Loh

Millions meant nothing to them when they can easily recoup billions just as fast.

Presenting Psy at a Chinese New Year function in Penang recently was a great success that brought joys to Penangnites but a total disaster for umno perkasa bn.

Millions were spent on Psy and it failed miserably to gain any traction for Najib. Are they disheartened, of course YES, what a great shame they faced but not a bit saddened on the humongous sum of money spent because they have a mountain support from behind, Hokkien call it ‘Aw Soew’.

The failure of Psy does not stop them from trying to bring more cheers to Penangnites and shame to umno perkasa bn.

Businessmen sleeping with the devil and making billions of evil dollars are very afraid that the devil may have to be kicked out of power at the federal level where their billions came from.

They can deny however they want, claiming that they are doing charity works by bringing in more celebrities to Penang.
Continue reading “The favor has to be returned one day and the time is now, GE 13”

Penang dances to opposition’s tune in poll battle

By Jeremy Grant in Penang
Financial Times

When Korean rapper Psy performed at a Chinese New Year concert in Penang recently, it was not only a sign of the singer’s crowd-pulling power in Malaysia.

The gig was hosted by the Penang branch of Barisan Nasional, the country’s governing coalition. Barisan clearly hoped to inject some “gangnam style” into its campaigning as the political temperature heats up ahead of a general election in this multi-ethnic nation of 28m, expected within weeks.

The poll will be the closest fought since Malaysian independence from Britain in 1957. Psy’s appearance has helped thrust Penang, on Malaysia’s western coast, into the limelight as Barisan faces an intense, and many believe unwinnable, battle to take it back.

For Barisan’s dominant member, the United National Malays Organisation (Umno) of prime minister Najib Razak, Penang was a painful loss at the last election in 2008, when it was snatched by the Democratic Action Party, the opposition’s ethnic Chinese party. Continue reading “Penang dances to opposition’s tune in poll battle”

No need for Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor to dissolve ahead of Parliament – as 13GE must be held latest by May 25 if there is going to be simultaneous Parliament/State GE

Should the Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor dissolve ahead of Parliament if the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak continues to be indecisive despite the automatic dissolution of the Negri Sembilan State Assembly?

There are respective pros and cons but on the balance, I do not think there is any need for the Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor to dissolve ahead of Parliament as the 13th General Elections must be held latest by May 25 if there is going to be simultaneous Parliament/State general elections. Continue reading “No need for Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor to dissolve ahead of Parliament – as 13GE must be held latest by May 25 if there is going to be simultaneous Parliament/State GE”

From race and religion to Psy

Hafiz Noor Shams
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 28, 2013

FEB 28 — For better or worse, quantity is important in a democratic contest. It is about gaining the majority. It is about popularity.

With that as the context, we have to remember we live in a young society. The Department of Statistics estimates that the median Malaysia age in 2010 was slightly above 26 years. In simpler terms, the age of one half of the population today is younger than the median just three years ago. The profile of the Malaysian electorate pretty much reflects the demographics of our society.

Thanks to their sheer size, those in their 20s and 30s are clearly the biggest and thus the most important group. Collectively they can decisively determine the path which the country would take.

But what makes these young people stand out further politically is that most of them will be voting in a national election for the first time in their lives. Their minds more flexible than those belonging to the older generation who more often than not are hung up on legacy issues. Ibrahim Ali, for instance, still has the May 13 incident as his talking point.

So, young adults are the cool kids on the block and the two nationally-relevant political factions are competing to be the friend of these cool kids. The Barisan Nasional-led federal government has launched several policies for that purpose and chief among them are affordable housing and other cash transfers. The federal opposition Pakatan Rakyat promises the same young adults free tertiary education, among others. Both sides are pulling out all stops to be the one special friend.

While I find many of those policies too populist, at least those policies are serious in the sense that they affect a person’s welfare. The existence of a real policy competition between two credible sides is heartening since previously, it was really all about the old, stale, suffocating issues of race and religion. That is not to say that race and religion are no longer factors but at the very least, we have something substantive to base our election on.

But I do have a feeling that the courting is starting to go a bit too far and starting to appear regressive. It is starting to go into the realm of the trivial that debases the very serious nature of our elections. In an effort to become ever more popular, political parties are starting to make entertainment the focal point of their political events, instead of what the parties stand for. Continue reading “From race and religion to Psy”

BN terpaksa membuat ribuan pembohongan untuk menutup penipuan asal berkenaan kemelut “yee sang” Najib di Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina BN Pulau Pinang yang menampilkan Psy

Walaupun Ketua Polis Pulau Pinang, Datuk Abdul Rahim Hanafi menunjukkan SMS daripada pengurus bintang K-Pop Korea Selatan Psy kepada pihak polis berkenaan ancaman bunuh terhadap bintang itu, beliau masih lagi tidak memperjelaskan kemelut “yee sang” Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib di Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina Barisan Nasional Pulau Pinang pada hari kedua Tahun Baru Cina lapan hari lalu.

Semalam, Rahim menunjukkan kepada wartawan SMS yang dihantar oleh pengurus Psy kepada polis pada Feb 10 pada 8.30PM yang menyebut: “Kami menerima ancaman bunuh yang serius yang mengatakan mereka akan menghentikan Psy apa cara sekalipun di lapangan terbang dan hotel di Pulau Pinang.”

Ketua Polis Pulau Pinang berkata polis telah mengetatkan kawalan keselamatan dengan menghantar 11 orang pegawai untuk memastikan bintang Korea itu selamat sewaktu ketibaannya pada pagi 11 Febuari.

Bagaimanapun, mengapa Perdana Menteri, mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Abdullah dan Menteri Kabinet perlu melalui kejadian memalukan dan penghinaan kerana perlu menunggu di atas pentas selama lima minit untuk Psy menyertai mereka di dalam upcara “menggaul yee sang”, kemudiannya terpaksa malu-malu turun daripada pentas apabila upacara “menggaul yee sang” tidak disempurnakan – yang dianggap petanda buruk bagi ramai orang? Continue reading “BN terpaksa membuat ribuan pembohongan untuk menutup penipuan asal berkenaan kemelut “yee sang” Najib di Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina BN Pulau Pinang yang menampilkan Psy”

BN will have to tell a thousand lies to cover up the one lie about Najib’s “yee san” fiasco at the Penang BN CNY Open House featuring Psy

Although the Penang police chief, Datuk Abdul Rahim Hanafi produced the SMS to the police on the death threat to South Korean K-Pop superstar Psy by his manager, he really did not explain the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib’s “yee san” fiasco at the Penang Barisan Nasional Chinese New Year Open House on the second day of the CNY eight days ago.

Yesterday, Rahim showed reporters the SMS which Psy’s manager sent to the police on Feb 10 at 8.30 pm which said: “We have received some serious death threats that have said they will stop PSY at all costs in airport and hotel in Penang.”

The Penang police chief said the police tightened security by assigning 11 officers to ensure the Korean superstar’s safety on his arrival the next morning on Feb. 11.

However, why had the Prime Minister, former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah and Cabinet Ministers have to undergo the public embarrassment and indignity of having to wait forlornly at the stage for over five minutes for Psy to join them in the “toss yee san” ceremony, only to sheepishly leave the stage when the “toss yee san” ceremony had not been completed – which is regarded as a bad omen by many? Continue reading “BN will have to tell a thousand lies to cover up the one lie about Najib’s “yee san” fiasco at the Penang BN CNY Open House featuring Psy”

Journalism for the people

Eric Loo
Feb 15, 2013

It’s been years since I last bought and read the mainstream papers. I thought I’d give it a go during my week’s stay in Penang for Chinese New Year.

Besides the usual sycophantic reporting of ludicrous comments by BN politicians, the mainstream papers have, again, failed in fairly representing the public sentiment.

NONEFor instance, the prime minister’s eager attempt to engage with the Penang crowd at BN’s Chinese New Year open day at Han Chiang College on Feb 11.

‘Najib wins over crowd in Penang,’ says the NST headline. ‘A tight slap in Najib’s face,’ says Malaysiakini. Same event, different takes.

You have to be in Penang to know which take is closer to actuality, although journalists’ perceptions are not immune to ideological sway, thus the selective coverage.

What I heard and saw was not what I read in the mainstream papers.

Waxing nostalgic with relatives and friends, we bantered on how many more seats BN would lose this time round, the Penangites’ angst for BN, the public relations disaster for Najib and the ‘million dollars’ wasted on a four-minute pointless act by a one-hit wonder to woo the Chinese votes.

Shortly after Psy’s prancing with his all white-clad Gangnam troupe, I received an email alert to a YouTube clip of Najib’s attempt to muster the youngish crowd. Continue reading “Journalism for the people”

Pengiraan Detik 55 Hari ke PRU13 – Najib perlu memperjelas sama ada beliau meninggalkan pentas di pesta Tahun Baru Cina BN Pulau Pinang kerana bimbangkan keselamatannya dan sama ada nyawa Psy turut terancam

Ini bukan jenaka atau gurauan. Orang Pulau Pinang dan rakyat Malaysia berhak mengetahui kebenaran, tiada yang tidak benar melainkan yang benar.

Mengapa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Abdullah dan Menteri Kabinet meninggalkan pentas pada pesta Tahun Baru Cina Barisan Nasional pada hari Isnin selepas menunggu hampa di atas pentas selama lima minit untuk bintang K-pop Korea Psy menyertai mereka untuk upacara “menggaul yee sang”.

Najib perlu memperjelaskan sama ada beliau meninggalkan pentas di pesta Tahun Baru C ina BN Pulau Pinang kerana bimbangkan nyawanya dan sama ada nyawa Psy turut terancam.

Pada mulanya, Ketua Pemuda Gerakan Oh Tong Keong elok menyalahkan Menteri Pelancongan MCA, Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen menjadi punca kemelut yee sang, menyebabkan tercemar maruah negara apabila Perdana Menteri, mantan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kabinet dimalukan di hadapan umum dengan sia-sia menunggu selama lima minit untuk Psy menyertai mereka. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 55 Hari ke PRU13 – Najib perlu memperjelas sama ada beliau meninggalkan pentas di pesta Tahun Baru Cina BN Pulau Pinang kerana bimbangkan keselamatannya dan sama ada nyawa Psy turut terancam”

55-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib should clarify whether he left the stage at Penang BN CNY bash for fear of his life and whether Psy’s life was also threatened

This is no joke or laughing matter. The people of Penang and Malaysia are entitled to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Why did the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah and Cabinet Ministers leave the stage at the Barisan Nasional Chinese New Year bash on Monday after waiting forlornly and in vain for over five minutes for Korean K-pop sensation Psy to join them for the “toss yee san” ceremony.

Najib should clarify whether he left the stage at the Penang BN CNY bash for fear of his life and whether Psy’s life was also threatened.

Initially, the Penang Gerakan Youth chief Oh Tong Keong had as good as blamed the MCA Tourism Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen for causing the yee san fiasco, resulting in shame and indignity to the nation when the Prime Minister, former Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers were publicly embarrassed waiting for five minutes in vain for Psy to join them. Continue reading “55-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib should clarify whether he left the stage at Penang BN CNY bash for fear of his life and whether Psy’s life was also threatened”