In ‘Islamist’ Umno, analysts see a nation torn by religion

By Boo Su-Lyn
The Malay Mail Online
December 10, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 10 — Umno’s increasing focus on Islam will likely spark inter and intra-religious tensions here, and even affect the country’s development, analysts have said as they warned of the dangers of placing one religion, or denomination, above another.

The political observers noted that in recent months, Umno appears to have entered a competition to “out-Islamise” Islamist PAS, the one opposition party seen as its biggest competitor for the Malay-Muslim vote, the country’s key voting demographic.

Wan Saiful Wan Jan, chief executive of libertarian think tank Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), even said Umno’s 67th general assembly last week seemed very much like a gathering by PAS two decades ago.

“I must say it’s really disappointing to see the Umno assembly becoming like what PAS was 20 years ago,” Wan Saiful told The Malay Mail Online yesterday.

“PAS has moved on. Umno has suddenly become Muslim again… it’s really sad to see the prime minister outside the assembly talking about progressive, liberal views.

“But, in his own party, at the annual gathering, it’s like attending a PAS gathering 20 years ago,” he added. Continue reading “In ‘Islamist’ Umno, analysts see a nation torn by religion”

Mahathir should end his game of mischief in trying to demonise Pakatan Rakyat parties and incite racial hatred and conflict

The Malaysian Insider today reported a column in Utusan Malaysia by Tun Dr. Mahathir showing that the former Prime Minister is still up to his game of mischief to demonise Pakatan Rakyat parties and incite racial hatred and conflict in the country.

Mahathir said PAS will never lead Malaysia and even if Pakatan Rakyat captures Putrajaya it will be a junior partner and a DAP puppet.

Before the 13GE, DAP was accused of being a PAS puppet among the Chinese and non-Malay voters while PAS was accused of being a DAP puppet among Malay voters.

It would appear that UMNO/BN leaders and propagandists want Malaysian voters to believe that DAP is puppet to PAS, while PAS is puppet to DAP – thinking that Malaysians can be easily fooled into believing that DAP could be puppet to PAS and PAS puppet to DAP!

This is of course utter nonsense, for DAP is no puppet of PAS just as PAS is no puppet of DAP. Just because UMNO can make the other Barisan Nasional parties its puppet does not mean that this is the operating principle in Pakatan Rakyat as well.
Continue reading “Mahathir should end his game of mischief in trying to demonise Pakatan Rakyat parties and incite racial hatred and conflict”

DAP MP: Gerrymandering protected Umno, not Malays

By Zurairi AR
The Malay Mail Online
November 28, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 — After an admission of gerrymandering by a former Election Commission (EC) chief, a DAP MP today claimed that past re-delineation exercises were only aimed at protecting the interests of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) rather than the Malay community.

According to Serdang MP Dr Ong Kian Ming, the EC would have added more seats in Malay-majority states Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu if it really was protecting the Malay interest as claimed by Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman earlier this week.

“If Tan Sri Abdul Rashid wanted to maintain Malay political dominance, why was it that no parliamentary seats were added to the Malay majority states of Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu in the 2003 delineation exercise?,” Ong said in a statement here.

“The reason for the non-addition of parliament seats in these three states is simple …The BN was fearful that if more seats were added in these states, it would benefit the opposition, specifically PAS.” Continue reading “DAP MP: Gerrymandering protected Umno, not Malays”

Impian Sabah – seperti Impian Sarawak – adalah sebahagian daripada komitmen DAP untuk mengejar Impian Malaysia bagi membentuk negara Malaysia untuk semua warga Malaysia

Dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13, Pakatan Rakyat telah mensasarkan 33 kerusi dari 3 negeri “deposit tetap” Umno/BN, iaitu Johor, Sabah dan Sarawak. Kita telah gagal mencapai sasaran dan hanya memenangi 14 kerusi di negeri-negeri berkenaan, dengan 3 daripadanya kerusi parlimen di Sabah – Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan dan Penampang.

Bagaimanapun, kita telah berjaya “menghancurkan” label “deposit tetap” pada Johor dan Sarawak menerusi peningkatan besar jumlah undi keseluruhan. Di Johor, undi popular Pakatan Rakyat meningkat sebanyak 10%, iaitu kepada 45%, manakala di Sarawak peningkatan sebanyak 8.9%, iaitu kepada 37.3%.

Bagaimanapun, undi popular Pakatan di Sabah hanya meningkat sebanyak 3.4%, iaitu kepada 35.9%.

Maka, tidak syak lagi bahawa Pakatan Rakyat perlu berusaha sedaya-upaya untuk meningkatkan sokongan di negeri yang mempunyai 26 kerusi parlimen ini (termasuk Labuan).

Sabah secara logiknya adalah negeri paling bersedia untuk menerima perubahan kerana negeri itu berdepan dengan banyak masalah, termasuk tahap korupsi, salah urus, dan kemiskinan yang tinggi di sana, selain kekurangan peluang kerja dan kebanjiran pendatang haram yang dikaitkan dengan masalah sosial dan keselamatan.
Continue reading “Impian Sabah – seperti Impian Sarawak – adalah sebahagian daripada komitmen DAP untuk mengejar Impian Malaysia bagi membentuk negara Malaysia untuk semua warga Malaysia”

DAP, PAS dan PKR mencapai keputusan terbaik di peringkat parlimen dan negeri menerusi kerjasama ketiga-tiga parti dalam pilihanraya umum tahun 1999, 2008 dan 2013

Dalam pilihanraya umum tahun 1999, ketika berdepan dengan cabaran empat parti Barisan Alternatif yang terdiri dari DAP, PAS, PKR, dan Parti Rakyat, juru strategi dan propaganda Umno/BN menggunakan pendekatan lidah bercabang dalam kempen mereka dengan memberi amaran kepada orang Melayu bahawa “DAP + PAS = Islam Hancur” dan pada masa yang sama mereka memberitahu Cina bahawa undi untuk DAP sama dengan undi untuk PAS dan Negara Islam, sebuah negara yang tidak mempunyai babi, alkohol, kuil, gereja, karaoke, dan sekolah Cina; semua perempuannya perlu menutup kepala; perempuan cantik tidak akan mendapat kerja; dan hukuman potong tangan dan kaki akan dilaksanakan.

Umumnya, pengundi Melayu dalam pilihanraya tahun 1999 tidak terpedaya dengan helah tersebut, sedangkan pengundi Cina menjadi mangsa pembohongan dan gertakan Barisan Nasional. PAS lalu muncul sebagai pemenang terbesar dalam Barisan Alternatif apabila ia berjaya memenangi 27 kerusi parlimen, 98 kerusi negeri, dan membentuk kerajaan negeri Terengganu selain Kelantan yang memang telah dikuasainya, manakala DAP berdepan kekecewaan besar apabila berjaya mendapatkan hanya 10 kerusi parlimen dan 11 kerusi DUN. PKR memenangi 5 kerusi parlimen dan 4 kerusi DUN.

Dalam Pilihanraya Umum 2013, berdepan dengan cabaran Pakatan Rakyat, penyusun strategi dan propaganda Umno/BN kembali menggunakan pendekatan lidah bercabang dan menyebarkan pembohongan. Mereka mengingatkan Melayu bahawa PAS akan menjadi boneka DAP, manakala Cina pula diingatkan bahawa DAP akan menjadi alat PAS.

Tidak seperti Pilihanraya Umum 1999, pengundi Cina tidak termakan umpan Umno/BN dalam pilihanraya tahun 2013. Bagaimanapun, tidak seperti Pilihanraya Uum ke-10, pembohongan yang disebarkan oleh Umno telah memberi dampak pada pengundi Melayu.
Continue reading “DAP, PAS dan PKR mencapai keputusan terbaik di peringkat parlimen dan negeri menerusi kerjasama ketiga-tiga parti dalam pilihanraya umum tahun 1999, 2008 dan 2013”

DAP, PAS and PKR achieved their best parliamentary and state assembly results during their tripartite co-operation in the 1999, 2008 and 2013 General Elections

In the 1999 General Elections, faced with the challenge of the four-party Barisan Alternative comprising DAP, PAS, PKR and Parti Rakyat, UMNO/BN strategists and propagandists launched a fork-tongued campaign, warning the Malays one the one hand that “DAP Plus PAS Equals Islam Hancur (destroyed)” while on the other hand warning the Chinese that a vote for DAP was a vote for PAS and an Islamic State where there would be no pork, no alcohol, no temples, no churches, no karaokes, no Chinese schools, women would have to cover their heads, beautiful women could not find jobs and that there would be the chopping of hands and feet.

By and large, the Malay voters in the 1999 general elections did not take the bait but the non-Malay voters, particularly the Chinese voters, fell victim to the campaign of falsehoods and fear generated by the Barisan Nasional, resulting in an outcome where PAS was the biggest winner in the Barisan Alternative as the largest parliamentary opposition with 27 MPs and 98 State Assembly representatives, capturing Terengganu state government in addition to Kelantan while DAP suffered severe setbacks, securing only 10 parliamentary and 11 state assembly seats. PKR won 5 parliamentary and 4 state assembly seats.

In the recent 2013 General Elections, faced with the challenge by Pakatan Rakyat, Umno/BN strategists and propagandists returned to their traditional fork-tongued campaign of lies and falsehoods, warning the Malays on the one hand that PAS would be a puppet of DAP while warning the Chinese on the other hand that DAP would be a stooge of PAS.

Unlike the 1999 General Elections, the Chinese voters did not take the Umno/BN bait in the 2013 polls. However, unlike the 10th General Elections, the UMNO campaign of lies and falsehoods made some impact on the Malay voters.
Continue reading “DAP, PAS and PKR achieved their best parliamentary and state assembly results during their tripartite co-operation in the 1999, 2008 and 2013 General Elections”

GE14 will be about PAS

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz| November 26, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

A progressive PAS can replace Umno and lead the Malays.


The only reason why Umno and its allies want the PAS ulamas to win all is because they know how easy it is to run circles around them.

Should PAS ever teamed up with Umno, all Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak will do is give PAS two cabinet posts and that’s the end of PAS.

It will be a repeat of what PAS went through when it joined Barisan Nasional a long time ago.

If PAS revere the foremost ulama, Tok Guru they will ensure that PAS never teams up with Umno. Tok Guru will never sanction PAS sleeping with Umno.

What use is teaming up with Umno? For what purpose? Continue reading “GE14 will be about PAS”

Konvensyen DAP Negeri dalam tempoh beberapa minggu akan datang perlu menyampaikan satu mesej jelas kepada semua rakyat Malaysia –bahawa pemimpin DAP di peringkat negeri bersama-sama pemimpin DAP kebangsaan dan parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat akan menawan Putrajaya dalam PRU14 bagi mencapai Impian Malaysia

Selepas Kongres Khas DAP yang diadakan pada 29 September 2013 untuk memilih semula barisan pimpinan DAP kebangsaan, pemilihan agung Umno pada bulan Oktober, dan Muktamar PAS ke-59 minggu lalu yang telah berjaya mengadakan pemilihan untuk barisan pimpinan PAS bagi tempoh dua tahun ke depan, perhatian kini beralih semula kepada DAP.

Bermula hujung minggu ini, Konvensyen DAP Negeri akan memilih barisan pimpinan baru untuk DAP di peringkat negeri – dan selari dengan itu para konspirator Umno/BN telah mula bekerja lebih masa untuk memburuk-burukkan para pemimpin DAP dan berusaha memecah-belahkan parti ini dan juga Pakatan Rakyat secara umum.

Para konspirator Umno/BN menerusi media bercetak dan Internet telah gagal untuk menghancurkan Pakatan Rakyat dan parti-parti komponennya, iaitu DAP, PAS, dan PKR, sebelum, semasa, dan sepanjang setengah tahun selepas PRU13. Kesempatan yang baik ini perlu diambil oleh para perwakilan Konvensyen DAP Negeri yang akan diadakan sepanjang beberapa minggu akan datang untuk bersatu padu di belakang barisan pimpinan DAP kebangsaan bagi menyampaikan satu mesej yang jelas kepada Umno/Barisan Nasional dan juga semua rakyat Malaysia.

Mesej jelas yang perlu disampaikan ialah bahawa DAP di semua peringkat dalam negara berdiri teguh di belakang pemimpin DAP kebangsaan dan dua lagi rakan kongsi Pakatan Rakyat, iaitu PAS dan PKR, untuk menawan Putrajaya dalam PRU14 bagi mencapai Impian Malaysia – sebuah Malaysia untuk semua warga tanpa mengira latar kaum, agama, kelas, atau negeri; sebuah Malaysia yang di dalamnya demokrasi, tadbir urus, dan keadilan sosioekonomi berkembang dengan baik bagi membolehkan setiap warga Malaysia mencapai sepenuhnya potensi mereka demi kebaikan bersama semua rakyat dan demi keagungan negara.

Saya telah sebutkan kelmarin bahawa ketiga-tiga parti DAP, PAS, dan PKR telah mendapat faedah daripada kerjasama dalam Pakatan Rakyat.
Continue reading “Konvensyen DAP Negeri dalam tempoh beberapa minggu akan datang perlu menyampaikan satu mesej jelas kepada semua rakyat Malaysia –bahawa pemimpin DAP di peringkat negeri bersama-sama pemimpin DAP kebangsaan dan parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat akan menawan Putrajaya dalam PRU14 bagi mencapai Impian Malaysia”

Call on all DAP State Conventions in coming weeks to send out one clear message to Malaysians – one with DAP national leadership and Pakatan Rakyat parties to conquer Putrajaya in 14GE to achieve Malaysian Dream

After the DAP Special Congress on September 29, 2013 to re-elect the DAP national leadership, the UMNO national elections in October and the 59th PAS Muktamar last weekend to elect the PAS leadership for the next two years, the national focus for the coming weeks will be back on the DAP.

Beginning this weekend, most of the DAP State Conventions will be electing the new DAP State leaderships – and true to form, the Umno/BN plotters and conspirators are already working overtime to demonise the DAP leaders to cause maximum dissension, division and damage to the DAP in particular and Pakatan Rakyat in general.

But just as the UMNO/BN plotters and conspirators, through their media, printed and Internet, had failed in their sinister design to destroy Pakatan Rakyat and the component parties of DAP, PAS and PKR, whether before, during and in the half-year after the 13th General Elections, DAP delegates to the DAP State Conventions in the coming weeks must mobilise to rally behind the national DAP leadership to send out one clear and unmistakable message not only to Umno/Barisan Nasional but also to all Malaysians.

This clear and unmistakable message all DAP State Conventions in the coming weeks should send out to all Malaysians is that the DAP at all levels in the country are one with the DAP national leadership and the other Pakatan Rakyat partners, PAS and PKR, to conquer Putrajaya in the 14GE to achieve the Malaysian Dream – a Malaysia for all Malaysians regardless of race, religion, class or region where democracy, good governance and socio-economic justice could flourish to allow every Malaysian to achieve his or her fullest potential for the collective good and greatness of the nation.
Continue reading “Call on all DAP State Conventions in coming weeks to send out one clear message to Malaysians – one with DAP national leadership and Pakatan Rakyat parties to conquer Putrajaya in 14GE to achieve Malaysian Dream”

PAS sudah sedia mengambil alih tempat UMNO

Oleh Sakmongkol AK47

PAS sekarang ada pasukan yang boleh menggantikan UMNO. Inilah yang sangat digeruni oleh UMNO dan sekutu2 media nya. berapa banyak akhbar arus perdana yang berkempen untuk golongan ulama? Termasuk yang saya sebut jezebel seorang pemberita dari akhbar STAR?

Utusan Malaysia apatah lagi- berkempen seolah olah mereka sukakan golongan ulama. Sejak bila UMNO yang tidak ada roh agama sukakan ulama? Mereka tidak suka tapi jika kumpulan ini menang dan mendominasi PAS mereka yakin dapat menundukkan PAS. Senanglah puak UMNO mengampungkan PAS dan menggambarkan para ustaz sebagai golongan kuno. UMNO dan sekutu mereka tidak mahukan barisan pimpinan yang streetsmart dan boleh membaca gerak geri UMNO.

Saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada jemaah pimpinan PAS yang semua nya disatukan oleh agenda politik PAS. Tidak ada belahan dalam misi perjuangan. Tidak ada ulama dan bukan ulama dan tidak syiah, sunni atau sebagainya.

Akhbar2 arus perdana milik BN semua nya menggambarkan pertandingan didalam PAS sekarang sebagai seolah2 pertandingan dan pertembungan antara golongan yang mahukan Islam dan golongan yang tidak mahukan Islam. Sepanjang masa penulis dari Star, Bernama, Utusan Malaysia. bahkan mereka yang sudah keluar dari Jemaah PAS sendiri menyokong puak ulama. Hassan Ali bukan seorang ulamak tapi menyokong golongan ulamak semata mata mahu membalas dendam keatas golongan bukan ulamak dalam PAS yang dia gagal menjadi ahli yang baik. Hassan Ali hanya seorang pakar motivasi yang boleh menangis semasa berceramah. Itu sahaja.
Continue reading “PAS sudah sedia mengambil alih tempat UMNO”

Keutamaan bagi Pakatan Rakyat ialah untuk membentuk majlis strategik peringkat tertinggi untuk menyusun rancangan menawan Putrajaya dalam pilihanraya akan datang

Tahniah diucapkan kepada pimpinan dan perwakilan PAS atas kejayaan melaksanakan Muktamar ke-59 di peringkat kebangsaan, pemuda, dan wanita dengan lancar sehingga menggagalkan usaha para penyusun konspirasi Umno yang telah bekerja lebih masa menerusi media sosial di ruang siber untuk mewujudkan perseteruan dan perpecahan dalam PAS dan untuk menghancurkan kesatuan matlamat Pakatan Rakyat. Muktamar yang baru berlangsung itu memberi harapan kepada majoriti rakyat Malaysia yang percaya bahawa politik dua pakatan di Malaysia masih hidup dan bertenaga.

Timbalan Presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu menyedarkan semua orang apabila beliau menyebut dalam ucapan penggulungannya bagi Muktamar ke-59 itu bahawa PAS tidak akan berkembang ke luar pantai timur semenanjung jika parti itu tidak menyertai Pakatan Rakyat bersama PKR dan DAP.

Kata Sabu:

“Kalau PAS berjuang secara sendirian, sudah tentunya jajahan kita tidak lebih daripada Rantau Panjang (utara Kelantan) sehingga Kemaman (Terengganu).

“Di bawah Pakatan Rakyat, jajahan kita melebar sehingga ke Selangor dan Insya Allah sampai ke Johor.”

Pada tahun 1999, PAS mendapat faedah besar daripada kemarahan orang terhadap BN berikutan krisis politik dan ekonomi 1998 sehingga ia memenangi 27 kerusi parlimen dan 98 kerusi DUN, menjadikannya parti pembangkang terbesar.
Continue reading “Keutamaan bagi Pakatan Rakyat ialah untuk membentuk majlis strategik peringkat tertinggi untuk menyusun rancangan menawan Putrajaya dalam pilihanraya akan datang”

Top priority for Pakatan Rakyat is to set up a high-level PR 14GE strategic council to plan for the capture of federal government in Putrajaya in next general elections

Congratulations are in order to PAS leaders and delegates for a very successful 59th Muktamar at national, youth and wanita levels, causing great disappointments to UMNO plotters and conspirators who had worked overtime through their printed or social media in cyberspace to sow dissension and distrust within PAS ranks and to sabotage the unity of purpose of Pakatan Rakyat and giving hope to enlightened Malaysians who comprise the majority of the electorate that two-coalition politics in Malaysia is here to stay as it is very much alive and kicking.

PAS Deputy President Mohamad Sabu struck the nail on the head when he pointed out in his winding-up speech at the 59th Muktamar that PAS would only be a regional party confined to the east coast of the peninsula if it had not entered into a pact with PKR and DAP in Pakatan Rakyat.

As Sabu succinctly said:

“Without Pakatan, our area of dominance would only stretch from Rantau Panjang (in northern Kelantan) to Kemaman (southern Terengganu).

“But with Pakatan, we conquered Selangor and, God willing, it will be Johor next.”

In 1999, when PAS benefitted most from the backlash against BN because of the 1998 political and economic crisis, it won 27 parliament and 98 state seats making it the largest opposition party.
Continue reading “Top priority for Pakatan Rakyat is to set up a high-level PR 14GE strategic council to plan for the capture of federal government in Putrajaya in next general elections”

Dr Dzul: Sokongan Melayu kepada DAP meningkat, PKR, PAS menurun

Oleh Mohd Farhan Darwis
The Malaysian Insider
November 24, 2013

PKR menerima penurunan tertinggi sokongan masyarakat Melayu.PKR menerima penurunan tertinggi sokongan masyarakat Melayu.Sokongan masyarakat Melayu kepada DAP ketika Pilihan Raya Umum 2013 (PRU13) meningkat, namun sokongan etnik berkenaan terhadap rakan komponen Pakatan Rakyat (PR) yang lain mengalami penurunan, kata Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad.

Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja (AJK) PAS Pusat itu ketika membentangkan dapatan itu di Muktamar Tahunan PAS ke-59 PAS berkata, PKR menerima penurunan tertinggi sokongan masyarakat Melayu, iaitu sebanyak 7%, dan sokongan Melayu terhadap PAS turut menurun 2%.

DAP bagaimanapun menerima peningkatan sokongan sebanyak 2%.

“Bagaimanapun, sokongan masyarakat Melayu terhadap PAS meningkat di Terengganu dan Johor,” kata bekas ahli Parlimen Kuala Selangor itu di Stadium Malawati, Shah Alam hari ini. Continue reading “Dr Dzul: Sokongan Melayu kepada DAP meningkat, PKR, PAS menurun”

5 lessons from PAS’s muktamar

November 24, 2013

PAS members show that they are firmly in charge of the party’s destination at this year’s muktamar. – The Malaysian Insider pic, November 24, 2013.PAS members show that they are firmly in charge of the party’s destination at this year’s muktamar. – The Malaysian Insider pic, November 24, 2013.One of the most fiercely contested PAS muktamar in recent history is over and once again PAS delegates have shown that they are masters of their party’s destination.

No amount of campaigning from well-meaning Umno leaders or its mouthpiece, “Utusan Malaysia”, could sway the votes at the 59th PAS Muktamar.

There were five important lessons that could be deduced from this muktamar:

1. Beware the enemy’s support

For the second time, party leaders, especially those running for the deputy president’s position found that endorsement from “Utusan Malaysia” is not going to get you anywhere. Support from Utusan Malaysia, Umno leaders and former discredited party leaders for ulama, particulary Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah, did not land them the coveted deputy president’s post. Continue reading “5 lessons from PAS’s muktamar”

PAS’s new old Putrajaya team

The Malaysian Insider

NOVEMBER 24, 2013

PAS does not believe in hype. That was one thing that a PAS grassroots leader said was what members have described as the most vicious (by its standards) party elections.

The second thing is, the grassroots reward hardworking, articulate, outward-looking leaders who do not just preach to the converted.

Party members with whom The Malaysian Insider spoke believe these were among the considerations they used to choose the people who will lead the party into its quest for federal power in the next three years.

The 18-member central working committee, the party’s highest decision-making body, which emerged last night was almost a carbon copy of the previous one that had steered the party into the 13th General Election. Continue reading “PAS’s new old Putrajaya team”

Ulama vs Erdogans frame does not capture all of it

Terence Netto
Nov 21, 2013

COMMENT Predictions as to which side – the ulama or the professionals – will triumph in tomorrow’s party elections in PAS do sometimes miss the point that lasting victory for either side is dependent on how that side fares in managing the political realities that occur on their watch.

The PAS elector has over the years been known to be a pretty empirical sort who is not afraid to relegate or promote within the party hierarchy candidates who respectively are seen to flounder or flourish amid the challenges they face.

The PAS elector is a meritocrat and so is apt to vote up or down candidates who from their standpoint have done well or not done so well for the party.

This rule does not translate easily in application such that using it one can predict that the twice-defeated parliamentary candidate Mohamad Sabu (left), the incumbent deputy president, won’t fare well against challenger, Nik Amar Nik Abdullah, the newly elevated deputy menteri besar of Kelantan, in the contest for the No 2 position in PAS.

The contest is said to be the prime one in determining whether the ulama or the professionals are in control of the Islamic party but even that would be too sweeping a conclusion.

If one has to hazard a guess as to the preferences of the general PAS elector, it would be that he would want as people to lead the party candidates who can make the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, succeed enough to convince the Malaysian electorate that they should given the keys to Putrajaya. Continue reading “Ulama vs Erdogans frame does not capture all of it”

The battle inside PAS – the issues

Bridget Welsh | 1:49PM Nov 20, 2013

COMMENT Malaysia’s Islamist party PAS heads to its 59th muktamar this week, electing its leadership once again as it does on a biannual basis.

The party’s elections have come under the microscope, with attention riveted on the heated contests between the ‘pro-ulama’ and ‘progressives’ or ‘Erdogan’ factions.

The decisions made at the muktamar this week will set the course for the opposition in the years ahead and determine whether the Islamist party will be able to bridge some of its internal divisions that played a major role in diminishing its electoral performance in the 13th general election (GE13), especially in Kedah, or continue on a path towards splintering itself and the hopes of a united national opposition.

To begin with, it is important to start with a caveat. PAS is the party in Malaysia that holds its party elections most frequently, for short two-year terms, and it has a record of reversing directions, with the pendulum swinging to both the more conservative and liberal directions.

This is to say that whatever happens in the muktamar is a reflection on ongoing trends and tensions within the party itself that are evolving and will evolve further, post-muktamar.
Continue reading “The battle inside PAS – the issues”

A new battlefield for PAS: The campaign

By Bridget Welsh | 12:40PM Nov 21, 2013

As party elections go, PAS’ are usually among the most civil. In Umno, the mode has been behind the scene attacks, reminiscent of traditional court politics.

In PKR, the style is direct attacks, as personality politics is brought into the open. In DAP it is the more of a cold war, with limited discussion of differences but they persist, nevertheless.

Over the last decade, PAS’ party politics have changed too. The elections are no longer an internal affair, as they are analysed, assessed and scrutinised.

And in this party electoral campaign, the entire nature of the campaigning and choices have transformed. In fact, rather than a contest, it has become war.

As we try to understand the results of the polls in the next few days, it is useful to assess how the nature of campaigning in PAS has shifted and why.

New three Ms – medium, messaging, mobilisation

The most obvious difference in this campaign is the use of the social media. When the campaign started – arguably even before GE13, after the party’s 2011 election where the Erdogans won key leadership positions – the medium of choice has been Facebook.
Continue reading “A new battlefield for PAS: The campaign”

Based on present redelineation, Pakatan Rakyat should aim to win 135 parliamentary seats in 14GE to capture Putrajaya with PKR, PAS and DAP each winning 45 seats , with a parliamentary majority of 48

Based on present redelineation, the Battle for Putrajaya in the 14GE will depend on the outcome in 80 marginal seats – 51 presently held by Barisan Nasional and 29 from Pakatan Rakyat.

Taking more than 55 per cent vote secured in the 13GE as a “safe” seat, BN has 82 safe seats while Pakatan Rakyat has 60 safe seats.

In the 13GE, Pakatan Rakyat won the popular vote but robbed of Putrajaya as Barisan Nasional is the federal government with the majority of seats – 89 for Pakatan Rakyat as against BN’s 133 seats.

If Pakatan Rakyat had won another 23 seats in the 13GE, PR would have the simple majority of 112 out of 222 seats.

In the 14GE, apart from retaining all our 89 parliamentary seats, Pakatan Rakyat should not just aim at winning 23 of the 51 BN marginal seats, but should aim to double this target to win over 46 out of the 51 BN marginal seats so that the Pakatan Rakyat can win a total of 135 out of 222 parliamentary seats with a parliamentary majority of 48 – with the seats evenly distributed among the three Pakatan Rakyat parties, i.e. PKR, PAS and DAP each having 45 parliamentary seats. Continue reading “Based on present redelineation, Pakatan Rakyat should aim to win 135 parliamentary seats in 14GE to capture Putrajaya with PKR, PAS and DAP each winning 45 seats , with a parliamentary majority of 48”

Jaga-jaga, ada usaha untuk hancurkan kesepaduan Pakatan Rakyat. Karpal tidak menyeru supaya batalkan pendaftaran PAS.

Semua orang mesti berjaga-jaga memandangkan ada pihak yang sedang cuba merosakkan kesepaduan Pakatan Rakyat.

Terbaru ialah dakwaan bahawa Pengerusi Kebangsaan DAP merangkap Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelurgor, Karpal Singh mahu pendaftaran PAS dibatalkan.

Saya telah bercakap dengan Karpal dan beliau telah menjelaskan bahawa beliau tidak langsung menyeru supaya pendaftaran PAS dibatalkan.

Beliau mengkritik Persatuan Peguam Persatuan Peguam Peguam Muslim Malaysia (PPMM) kerana mengugut Majlis Peguam lantaran sokongan yang diberikan badan tersebut terhadap akhbar mingguan Katolik, Herald; sambil menekankan bahawa demi kepentingan perpaduan nasional, badan-badan politik atau preofesional tidak wajar beroperasi dalam kerangka perkauman atau keagamaan.

Rakyat Malaysia yang rasional dan patriotik kian bertambah runsing dengan melonjaknya kadar retorika perkauman, kurangnya toleransi agama serta kebencian di negara ini. Kerisauan sebegini tidak wajar dibiar terpinggir dan diputarbelitkan dengan dakwaan-dakwaan tidak berasas kononnya Karpal mahu PAS dibatalkan pendaftarannya.
Continue reading “Jaga-jaga, ada usaha untuk hancurkan kesepaduan Pakatan Rakyat. Karpal tidak menyeru supaya batalkan pendaftaran PAS.”