Parliament as “House of Leaks” – why Samy Vellu did not foresee it after dramatic inspection 2 years ago?

New Straits Times front-paged the latest scandal of Parliament as “HOUSE OF LEAKS” — barely two years after spending RM90 million to renovate Parliament House.

Works Minister, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, after a dramatic 45-minute inspection yesterday, said about the condition of the roof of Parliament House:

As an architect, I can tell you it is very bad. I don’t want to hide anything from you. There is a lot of work to be done here,” he said at a press conference in the lobby of parliament.

He said the repairs would involve removing concrete slabs, waterproofing the roof and installing concealed ceiling equipment for heat protection.

“The plastic pipes will have to be replaced with class-A cast iron pipes.”

The damaged pipes had resulted in water not flowing off the roof.

Samy Vellu said there was a pile of rubbish, mainly construction waste, on the roof and this had to be removed.

He said there were leaks in five places.

“These could increase to 10 or 15 in the future if nothing is done now.”

Who is at fault? Continue reading “Parliament as “House of Leaks” – why Samy Vellu did not foresee it after dramatic inspection 2 years ago?”

Nazri – running spy network among MPs?

I am calling this media conference on the statement by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, on the reasons for the shock resignation of the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok as Chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (PSCI), which has been reported extensively in the media such as “Dompok influenced by Kit Siang, says Nazri” (The Sun) and “Nazri: Dompok influenced by panel deputy chairman Kit Siang” (New Straits Times),

Firstly, let me say that I fully agree with Dompok in describing Nazri’s statement as “a cheap shot”. It is a low blow and most unbecoming of one Minister to make of another, especially when it is founded on baseless rumours and hearsay. What Nazri said was just poppycock.

Nazri said my alleged “influence” over Dompok was “causing uneasiness among other members of the committee”.

NST reported:

Nazri said members of the committee had complained that Dompok was being influenced by Lim.

“I know what is going on in the committee as the BN members on it report to me. I learnt of this unhappiness from them,” he said.

Asked why they did not indicate their unhappiness to Dompok, Nazri said as disciplined BN members, they followed what the committee head instructed.

“(Dompok) is a cabinet member. They will never go against him,” he said.

Firstly, Who are these “BN members” on the PSCI who had reported to him behind its back — which is a gross breach of parliamentary privilege! This is because the PSCI and Parliamentary Select Committees are only to report to Parliament and not to any single Minister, be he the Minister in charge of Parliamentary Affairs!

Or is one of the functions of the Minister in charge of Parliamentary Affairs to run a network of spies among BN MPs in the various Select Committees?

Secondly, I challenge these BN MPs on the PSCI who have been carrying tales of half-truths and downright lies against Dompok to Nazri to come out into the open to declare themselves; prove that they are honourable men and women and not “petty characters”; and explain why they had been guilty of such unethical, unparliamentary and disgraceful conduct. Continue reading “Nazri – running spy network among MPs?”

People’s judgment on 2 sexist BN MPs — 6-month suspension as MP and community service with women groups and full apology to Po Kuan and Malaysian women

The over 300 people who attended the public forum “Respect Women’s Dignity Towards a 1st World Parliament” at YMCA Hall, Kuala Lumpur last night unanimously agreed that the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) had been guilty of unacceptable sexual harassment and dishonour of DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, shaming Parliament, Malaysian women and the nation’s international reputation with their crude, vulgar, sexist gender-offensive remarks in Parliament last week — compounded by their low farce of “apology to Po Kuan and all Malaysian women, then only to Malaysian women but not to Po Kuan, and then not even to Malaysian women” on Cabinet day on Wednesday.

The public forum agreed that the suitable penalty for the duo is the following five-point punishment:

1. Six-month suspension as MP.
2. Six-month community service with women groups.
3. Donation of the their entire parliamentary allowance during suspension to women groups.
4. Full apology to Fong Po Kuan and Malaysian women.
5. If no full apology, the six-month suspension and community service to be extended to 12 months.

The forum decided that its decision be conveyed to the Women, Family and Community Development Minister, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, before she meets up with the two errant BN MPs at 10 am the next day on Friday (18th May).

To implement the five-point penalty, the forum decided that its decision should receive endorsement by the following:

  • Cabinet Committee on Gender Equality.
  • Parliamentary Caucus on Gender Equality.
  • Cabinet.
  • Parliament — with a motion on June 18 (the first day of next meeting) to directly mete out the five-point penalties for the two sexist BN MPs, without any reference to the Committee of Privileges.

Continue reading “People’s judgment on 2 sexist BN MPs — 6-month suspension as MP and community service with women groups and full apology to Po Kuan and Malaysian women”

Bernard Dompok’s resignation as PSCI chairman – red-light warning that Abdullah’s anti-corruption campaign run aground

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok has dropped a bombshell with his sudden and shock resignation as Chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (PSCI) yesterday.

Yesterday at 5.23 pm, I received a faxed letter from Bernard on his resignation, which reads:

15 Mei 2007
YB Tuan Lim Kit Siang
Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Ipoh Timur

Yang Berhormat,

Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Dewan Rakyat Mengenai Integrity

Dengan rendah hati, saya dengan ini ingin memaklumkan kepada Yang Berhormat bahawa saya telah membuat keputusan untuk meletak jawatan daripada Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Dewan Rakyat Mengenai Integrity.

Saya rasa sebagai salah seorang ahli Kabinet, saya mungkin tidak dapat berlaku adil terhadap tanggungjawab yang dimandatkan oleh Parlimen kepada Jawatankuasa. Saya sudah memberitahu keputusan saya ini kepada Yang di Pertua Dewan Rakyat.

Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada Yang Berhormat atas kerjasama penuh yang telah anda berikan kepada saya semasa saya menjadi pengerusi Jawatankuasa itu.

Yang ikhlas

(Tan Sri Bernard Dompok)

Earlier at 4.40 p.m. Bernard had informed me by phone that he had tendered his resignation as Chairman of the PSCI.

Bernard’s shock resignation as PSCI Chairman yesterday must be regarded as a red-light warning that the national integrity and anti-corruption campaign of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has run aground after 42 months.

Bernard’s resignation as PSCI chairman is not a matter which merely concerns him, because of his invidious and unenviable position of chairing the parliamentary select committee on integrity while being a Cabinet Minister. Continue reading “Bernard Dompok’s resignation as PSCI chairman – red-light warning that Abdullah’s anti-corruption campaign run aground”

Two sexist BN MPs – Shahrizat gender-desensitised when she should have gender-sensitised Cabinet

The farce of the “apology to Po Kuan and all Malaysian women, then only to Malaysian women but not to Po Kuan, and then not even to Malaysian women” has shown the true colours of the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) who had brought shame and dishonour not only to Poh Kuan, but Parliament, Malaysian women and the nation’s international reputation.

It is clear that both the duo had no sense of remorse or regret for their crude, vulgar, sexist gender-offensive remarks directed at DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan in Parliament last Wednesday.

However, they were prepared to apologise to Po Kuan and women, as they did yesterday morning, if it is politically necessary for them to do so to continue as BN MPs.

They had tried to jump the gun yesterday morning by making public their apology to Po Kuan and Malaysian women for their sexist and gender-offensive remarks in Parliament last week because they were made to understand that the Cabinet would be directing them to issue such an apology.

But when they found that the Cabinet had made no such decision, they quickly retracted their apology, at first excluding Po Kuan and later even withdrawing their apology to all Malaysian women altogether.

This was cheap and low-class farce, bringing even more shame and dishonour to Parliament, Malaysian women and the nation.

All Malaysian women and men must now tell the two sexist BN MPs — that their apology whether tomorrow or in the future are totally worthless, and that they must be given appropriate punishment not only for their gender-offensive “male chauvinist” outbursts in Parliament last week but also for the low farce yesterday showing their utter contempt for common decency and public opinion. Continue reading “Two sexist BN MPs – Shahrizat gender-desensitised when she should have gender-sensitised Cabinet”

Two sexist BN MPs — apologies that never were

In conjunction with the Cabinet meeting today, the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) were expected to make amends for their crude, vulgar, sexist gender-offensive remarks directed at DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan in Parliament last Wednesday, not because they are truly contrite and repentant but because of escalating adverse public opinion and political pressures from some BN Ministers and MPs who have found life quite uncomfortable and unpleasant in the past week because of the controversy.

I was not completely surprised when shortly after noon, SMS were flying around that Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar had apologied to Po Kuan and Malaysian women for their sexist and male-chauvinist remarks.

The Star online was the first to file the following four-paragraph report:

MPs apologise for sexist remarks

KUALA LUMPUR: The two MPs at the centre of a storm over their sexist remarks have apologized.

Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin and Jasin MP Datuk Mohd Said Yusof apologised to Batu Gajah MP Fong Po Kuan and all Malaysian women for the remarks made in Parliament last week.

The furore started in the Dewan Rakayt when Opposition MPs tried to raise a motion on the leaking ceiling near the media centre at the Parliament building.

Bung and Mohd Said then said: “Mana bocor? Batu Gajah pun bocor setiap bulan. (Where is the leak? Batu Gajah [MP Fong Po Kuan] also leaks monthly).”

Some two hours later, Malaysiakini carried the Star report but raised the question whether there was such an apology. It reported: Continue reading “Two sexist BN MPs — apologies that never were”

Shame – week-long silence of Chairman of Parl Caucus on Gender Equality and support of 2 caucus members to 2 sexist MPs

The week-long silence of the Chairman of the Parliamentary Caucus on Gender Equality, Dr. Rozaidah Talib (Ampang) in the escalating national furore over the crude, vulgar, sexist and male-chauvinist remarks of the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) bringing shame and dishonour to DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan, women MPs, Parliament and the nation and the open support of two caucus members to sexism in Parliament is another shameful episode for the Malaysian Parliament.

Dr. Rozaidah was informed by SMS on Thursday morning of Po Kuan’s attempt refer the two sexist BN MPs to the Privileges Committee and the decision by the Speaker, Tan Sri Ramli Ngah to make a ruling when the House resumed after lunch-break at 2.30 p.m, but she chose to absent herself when it would be her duty and responsibility as Chairman of the Parliamentary Caucus on Gender Equality to round up all Caucus committee members to stand up and speak loud and clear against sexism by male chauvinists in Parliament.

Even worse, two caucus members, Fadilan Yusuf (BN- Petrajaya) and Idris Haron (BN-Tangga Batu) spoke up in support and defence of the two sexist BN MPs, showing no sympathy, support or solidarity whatsoever to Po Kuan and Malaysian women who were being shamed and dishonoured by the derogatory, crude, sexist and gender-offensive attacks of the MPs from Jasin and Kinabatangan.

Fadilan said “the statement was never intended to humiliate women” and that it was provoked – although he did not explain how two MPs could be provoked and together, when the whole issue was about Parliament leaking despite a RM100 million renovation!

Idris went even further, accusing Po Kuan of “using the issue as a means of getting publicity for her own political agenda”, claiming that it was “a joke, not a personal attack”.

Both Fadilan and Idris must apologise for their gender-insensitive and offensive comments. They are also totally unqualified to be on the Parliamentary Caucus on Gender Equality. Continue reading “Shame – week-long silence of Chairman of Parl Caucus on Gender Equality and support of 2 caucus members to 2 sexist MPs”

Sexist BN MPs duo – strip their “Datuk” titles which they have disgraced and dishonoured

This morning in Kuala Lumpur, political parties and NGOs led by the Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) held a protest at the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry to protest against the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) for their crude, vulgar, sexist gender-offensive remarks and calling for an end to sexism in Parliament.

I am glad that after failing to stand up in Parliament in solidarity with the DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, who was the target of the male chauvinist attacks of the two sexist BN MPs, some BN Ministers and MPs are bowing to public opinion and are speaking up to dissociate themselves from the abominable conduct of Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar.

However, they must do more to make up for their regrettable failures on three critical occasions spanning 24 hours in Parliament last Wednesday and Thursday to denounce the two sexist BN MPs — for Parliament and the nation would not have become objects of international ridicule and mockery if there had been BN Ministers or MPs who dared to stand up in Parliament to speak and act according to their conscience of what is right and wrong!

Even worse, there had been no shortage of BN Ministers and MPs who openly supported or condoned the two sexist MPs in their disgraceful exhibition of male chauvinism in the House, for instance the statement by Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak that “it was not supposed to be taken seriously”, that it should be dealt “with a sense of humour” and alleging that “But of course people are making a big meal out of this issue”.

The issue at stake is not simply about Po Kuan’s dignity and self-respect, but also the dignity and self-respect of all women MPs and Malaysian women, Parliament as a “first-world Parliament” and the honour and international reputation of the nation, as this issue has again put Malaysia in the international limelight and news but for all the wrong, negative and bad reasons.

All are waiting to see whether the Cabinet meeting tomorrow will do justice to Po Kuan, Parliament, Malaysian women and the nation by coming out with a clear stand to condemn and punish the two sexist BN MPs as well as extending an apology over the disgraceful episode. Continue reading “Sexist BN MPs duo – strip their “Datuk” titles which they have disgraced and dishonoured”

Sudden cancellation of PSCI meeting – connected with proposal to invite Mahathir to talk about “Project False I/Cs” and corruption?

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity was to meet this morning in connection with the subject of “Project False I/Cs” in Sabah, which had also been termed by some as “Project Mahathir”, resulting in the extraordinary increase of foreigners with their numbers exceeding Sabahans in the state population.

Yesterday morning, members of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity received SMS from Parliament reminding them of the meeting which was fixed three weeks ago at its previous meeting on April 24.

Last evening, the morning SMS was countermanded by fax and SMS from Parliament postponing tomorrow’s meeting to an indefinite date. No reason for the sudden postponement was given and until now I do not know the cause for the cancellation of today’s meeting.

Earlier yesterday, I had proposed that former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad should appear before the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity to throw light on the “Project False I/Cs” which had been described by some as “Project Mahathir”, alleging that Mahathir was the mastermind when he was Prime Minister in the massive and deliberate issuance of Malaysian I/Cs to foreigners based on false statutory declarations. Continue reading “Sudden cancellation of PSCI meeting – connected with proposal to invite Mahathir to talk about “Project False I/Cs” and corruption?”

I never felt more mortified in my 33 years as MP – with “rubbish-bin” Senate “rubbishing” Dewan Rakyat

I have never felt so insulted and humiliated as an elected Member of Parliament for 33 years when the Dewan Rakyat became the subject of scorn and ridicule by the Dewan Negara yesterday because of two reasons:

  • another disgraceful and disgusting episode of crude, vulgar, sexist and “male chauvinist” outbursts by Barisan Nasional MPs in the Dewan Rakyat last week, though directed at DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan but had also shamed Parliament, Malaysian women — all mothers, sisters and daughters — and the nation; and
  • the abject failure of Parliament to protect and redeem its honour and those of Malaysian women and the nation by taking instant action to punish the two BN MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) in order to spare Parliament, Malaysian women and our international reputation from shame and dishonour.

I had in the past described the Dewan Negara as a “rubbish-bin for political has-beens, rejects and deadwoods” and I am mightily mortified that the Dewan Rakyat has given the Dewan Negara the opportunity and justification to “rubbish” the elected chamber.

During question time in the Dewan Negara yesterday, Senator Datuk Yip Kum Fook wanted to know what measures were put in place to ensure women had a conducive working environment at the working place, adding: “Take, for example, the Dewan Rakyat, where prejudicial and sexist statements are being made at women MPs. Is this not setting a bad example?”

I feel awfully ashamed and I can speak for all the DAP MPs that we feel terribly humiliated, but have the BN MPs – who had thumped the table in glee and celebration when Po Kuan’s motion to refer the two sexist BN MPs to the Committee Privileges was rejected –any sense of shame? Continue reading “I never felt more mortified in my 33 years as MP – with “rubbish-bin” Senate “rubbishing” Dewan Rakyat”

Come one, come all – let’s teach the two sexist BN MPs a lesson!

Public Forum Respect Women’s Dignity, Towards A 1st World Parliament

Speakers –

1. Ambiga Sreenevasan – Bar Council President
2. Maria Chin bte Abdullah – Executive Director of Women Development
Collective (WDC)
3. Zainah Anwar – Executive Director of Sisters in Islam
4. Azmin Ali — Vice President, PKR
5. Lim Guan Eng – Secretary-General, DAP
6. Lim Kit Siang – Parliamentary Opposition Leader
7. Teresa Kok Suh Sim – MP for Seputeh
8. Fong Po Kuan – MP for Batu Gajah
(Chair – Tony Pua)

Date: 17 May 2007 (Thursday)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: YMCA Hall, Kuala Lumpur.
No.95, Jalan Padang Belia, Off Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470 Kuala Lumpur
(Opposite of the KL SENTRAL Station)

Why the forum? Explanation of organisers:

Parliament has failed in its duty to the nation and people, in particular Malaysian women. It has shirked its responsibility to redeem itself and punish the two sexist BN MPs who have brought shame and dishonour to Parliament by the use of derogatory, crude, vulgar, sexist and gender-offensive attack on Sdri Fong Po Kuan and all Malaysian women on Wednesday, 9th May.

“Since Parliament is not prepared to do what it should do to redeem its honour and those of Malaysian women and the nation, it is now up to the ordinary Malaysian public to do what Members of Parliament and Ministers have failed to do — by making their condemnation of the sexist conduct of the two BN MPs loud and clear to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the country!”

COME ONE, COME ALL – LET’S TEACH THE TWO SEXIST BN MPs A LESSON! Continue reading “Come one, come all – let’s teach the two sexist BN MPs a lesson!”

Abdullah must not condone crude and abominable conduct of the two sexist BN MPs

Malaysians are relieved that rumours that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had fainted during a function in Teluk Batik, Lumut yesterday was untrue and in Abdullah’s own words, “I am fine, don’t worry”.

Malaysians do not want to see anything untoward happening to Abdullah and are glad that a series of tests carried out on him, including an ECG, declared him to be in good health after he had lost his balance during a presentation of keys for a housing project for the poor.

While Malaysians are relieved that there is nothing amiss with him physically and health-wise, they are also at the same time very disappointed that he is not providing the proper leadership when he could declare that he was satisfied with the performance of Barisan Nasional (BN) elected representatives, when public outrage at the crude, vulgar, derogatory and offensive remarks by the two sexist BN Members of Parliament, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) are roiling the country.

Abdullah seems to be less than sensitive as he should be to the gross misconduct of the two sexist BN MPs, especially at a time when it is about to be transformed into an international issue with international women leaders preparing to demonstrate support and solidarity with DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan and Malaysian women — the immediate targets and victims of the latest ‘male chauvinist” attacks by the two sexists BN MPs in Parliament last week.

I am very disappointed that at the meeting of BN elected representatives, including MPs and State Assembly members, yesterday the Prime Minister had missed the opportunity to give both the sexists BN MPs a public “dressing down” and make it clear that there is no room for “male chauvinists” and gender-insensitivity in his administration — whether Parliament and the various state legislatures, whether from the Barisan Nasional or Opposition.

Is Abdullah’s continued silence on the crude and sexist conduct of the Jasin and Kinabatangan MPs a public gesture that he finds nothing wrong or objectionable to their derogatory, sexist and offensive remarks directed against Po Kuan? Continue reading “Abdullah must not condone crude and abominable conduct of the two sexist BN MPs”

Ipoh Timur kicks off support for Po Kuan and condemn two sexist BN MPs

The people of Pasir Pinji and Ipoh Timur parliamentary constituency tonight stand in the very national forefront to give full support and solidarity to DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan and condemn the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) Members of Parliament, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) for their derogatory, crude, vulgar, sexist and gender-offensive attack on Po Kuan and all Malaysian women, making an utter mockery of Mother’s Day tomorrow.

I thank the people of Pasir Pinji and Ipoh Timur for their public-spiritedness and sense of justice in just supporting by an unanimous show of hands a four-point resolution over this issue, viz:

  • CONDEMN the two sexist BN MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) for their derogatory, crude, vulgar, sexist and gender-offensive remarks against a woman MP, Fong Po Kuan (DAP — Batu Gajah) bringing shame and dishonour not only to Po Kuan, but also to Parliament and all Malaysian women.
  • URGE all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, political belief, sex or age to come forward to stand as one to give full support to Fong Po Kuan and demand that the most severe punishment must be meted out to the two sexist BN MPs for bringing shame and dishonour to Po Kuan, Parliament and Malaysian women.
  • REGRET that not a single Barisan Nasional MP, whether Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, man or woman, had the political principle and courage of conviction to stand up in Parliament to support Po Kuan to condemn the two sexist BN MPs for their shameful and abominable conduct in Parliament; and
  • CALL on the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to honour his 2004 general election pledge to “hear the truth” from the people and to be modern-day Justice Bao by taking severe disciplinary actions against the two sexist BN MPs for their derogatory, crude, vulgar, sexist and gender-offensive remarks which have brought shame and dishonour to Parliament and all Malaysian women, making an utter mockery of Mother’s Day tomorrow.

BN women MPs owe Malaysians an explanation as to why they chickened out and abdicated from their responsibility to defend and uphold women honour and dignity when they came under attack by the two sexist BN MPs in the last two days of Parliament. They must in particular explain their spineless conduct in three instances: Continue reading “Ipoh Timur kicks off support for Po Kuan and condemn two sexist BN MPs”

Why Samy Vellu is “untouchable” and “unsackable” as Minister

Malaysians are deeply offended by the Works Minister, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu’s complacency and indifference to first-world standards and mindset when he said leaks in Parliament after RM100 million renovation is “common”.

He said: “It not only happens in our country, Parliament houses in other countries could be facing the same problem. It’s just that we don’t know about it because it is not reported.”

The nerve of the man, justifying the leaks in Parliament after a RM100 million renovation by talking about mythical leaks in other Parliaments which he knows absolutely nothing about.

And his contempt for the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who had spoken until his “throat is dry” about first-world mentality and maintenance culture when his Works Minister is utterly contemptuous of such a “silly notion”!

Public opinion had already been gravely upset by Samy Vellu’s brazen demand for RM22 million to inspect new government buildings in Putrajaya for defects, treating the Malaysian public as suckers and fools who must finally bear the astronomical bill for professional and government negligence resulting in the long list of mishaps of government buildings and public construction projects — while no one else whether contractor, government department such as Public Works Department, or the Works Minister or the relevant Minister concerned, have to bear any responsibility or accountability!

And now Samy Vellu is virtually saying that Malaysians must get used to defects like leaks in Parliament after RM100 million renovation even after the RM22 million inspection and further tens or hundreds of millions of ringgit of consequent repairs!

With such an outrageous and irresponsible attitude, the Prime Minister has more than enough cause to sack Samy Vellu as Works Minister.

However, Samy Vellu is “untouchable” and cannot be sacked, whatever his faults and failings. Continue reading “Why Samy Vellu is “untouchable” and “unsackable” as Minister”

Shahrir cannot distinguish between right and wrong – as to criticise Po Kuan and back the two sexist BN MPs

Public Accounts Committee Chairman and Barisan Nasional (BN) MP for Johor Baru, Datuk Shahrir Samad is losing his critical faculty of distinguishing between right and wrong when he has the heart to criticize the DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, the victim again of parliamentary “male chauvinist” attacks, but does not have the nerve to castigate the two sexist BN MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Moktar Radin (Kinabatangan), for their abominable conduct.

I do not know what Shahrir meant when he said yesterday that the opposition “went overboard” when it tried to refer the two errant MPs to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee for their breach of privilege bringing shame and dishonour to Parliament and Malaysian women, just a few days before Mother’s Day.

Shahrir said the matter could have been settled within the confines of the Dewan Rakyat if Po Kuan had declared her hurt and asked for an apology.

For Shahrir’s information, Po Kuan was acting completely “within the confines of the Dewan Rakyat” when she invoked Standing Order 26(1)(p) to table a privilege motion to refer the two sexist BN MPs to the committee of privileges.

Also for Shahrir’s information, Po Kuan did declare her hurt and she and other DAP MPs had asked for apology from both Mohd Said and Bung Moktar, but both were defiant and recalcitrant, not only refusing to acknowledge their transgressions, but sought to defend and justify their “male chauvinist” behaviour and thereby compounding their offensive conduct towards Po Kuan and Malaysian women.

What is even more deplorable, all the BN MPs in the Chambers thumped their table in glee and celebration when Po Kuan’s motion was rejected by the Speaker — demonstrating that they were in full support and solidarity with the actions of the two sexist BN MPs! Continue reading “Shahrir cannot distinguish between right and wrong – as to criticise Po Kuan and back the two sexist BN MPs”

Is there not a single woman BN MP who will stand up for Po Kuan and women dignity and condemn the sexist BN MP duo?

Click PLAY to watch for Video of sexist BN MPs in action

FLASH video of sexist BN MPs in action (1) youTubegoogle

Click PLAY to watch for Video of sexist BN MPs let off the hook (2)

video of sexist BN MPs let off the hook (2) youTube (Part 1) & (Part 2)google

The Speaker, Tan Sri Ramli Talib did not instantly reject the privilege motion under Standing Order 26(1)(p) when it was tabled by DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan who had stood up in the Dewan Rakyat when it started its meeting yesterday at 10 am to refer the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs for making crude, derogatory, sexist and offensive remarks directed at Po Kuan in particular and women in general.

Instead, Ramli asked for time for him to announce his decision at 2.30 pm.

This could only mean that Ramli was convinced of the strength and merit of Po Kuan’s complaint — which was indeed very serious with sexist MPs abusing their parliamentary privilege to denigrate a woman MP, which is also a slur to all Malaysian women — that he did not immediately dismiss Po Kuan’s application.

It is both wrong and unfortunate that in the end, Ramli decided to “knock out” Po Kuan’s privilege motion on a ground of technicality, ignoring the substantive complaint and leaving unresolved two issues:

  • The public dishonouring and humiliation of Po Kuan because she is a woman MP by two sexist BN MPs;
  • The misuse and abuse of their parliamentary privilege to besmirch and dishonour Parliament in demeaning and degrading the highest political and legislative chamber in the land to make crude, vulgar, sexist and offensive remarks.
  • The insult not only to Po Kuan but to all Malaysian women, making this year’s Mother’s Day the most meaningless one, when Parliament could be exploited to make vulgar, derogatory and sexist remarks.

I am particularly disappointed that no woman BN MP had stood up in solidarity with Po Kuan and all Malaysian women who were insulted by the two sexist BN MPs.

Is there not a single woman BN MPs who will stand up to speak up for women dignity and condemn the two sexist BN MPs for their derogatory, crude, sexist and offensive remarks about Fong Po Kuan? Continue reading “Is there not a single woman BN MP who will stand up for Po Kuan and women dignity and condemn the sexist BN MP duo?”

Let off despite ‘sexist’ remarks – media reports

(1) Motion over ‘menstruation’ remarks rejected
Ooi Kelly and Bede Hong
May 10, 07 6:47pm

The Dewan Rakyat today rejected a motion by Opposition MP Fong Po Kuan who wanted two BN members of Parliament censured for making comments about her menstruation.

Amidst pandemonium that broke out during the afternoon’s debate over the leaks in Parliament yesterday, Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN — Kinabatangan) had stood and made off-mike comments over the Batu Gajah parliamentarian’s menstrual cycle.

His comments were carried today by Utusan Malaysia, China Press and Sin Chew Daily.

Mohd Said Yusof (BN — Jasin) was also named for censure making similar remarks.
This morning, Fong called for a motion under the Standing Order 26 (1P) to refer the two BN MPs to the Committee of Privileges.

However Speaker Ramli Ngah Talib shot down the motion, with reason that the issue was not raised at the time of incident.

Technical knock out

DAP MPs protested that they had not heard the comments made by the two BN MPs due to the commotion in the House.

“During the incident at 12:37 pm yesterday, the offending remarks were uttered. The YBs have a chance to voice their displeasure (then). However, this issue was put forth only this morning,” said Ramli.

“As the matter must be raised at the time of the incident, and the issue occurred yesterday, I must reject the motion for the Standing Order,” he added.
Opposition leader Lim Kit Siang protested: “… the remarks were not heard yesterday. There was chaos and pandemonium. The earliest that we knew of the remarks was this morning when the comments were published [by several national dailies].”

“Do we allow this sexist, offensive remarks to pass. They are celebrating, that the motion is rejected,” said Lim, pointing at BN MPs who were thumping at their desks.

De-facto law minister Nazri Aziz, who read out the bills of the day, left the Dewan Rakyat at this juncture.

Insulting to all women

In a press conference later, Fong expressed her regret over the decision: “I feel sad that no woman MP in the Dewan just now voiced their objection to the comments that were insulting to all women.

DAP MP Teresa Kok said the matter was not new: “Each time a gender sensitive issue comes out … each time derogatory remarks were made against women, there is no action taken by the speaker.”

Lim said, “The Kinabatangan MP (Mokhtar) behaved as though he has no mother, or daughters or sisters. And the BN can thump unashamedly at the rejection of the motion on technical ground.”

Lim called on the prime minister to “discipline the two BN MPs.”

Both MPs did not deny making the comments. Continue reading “Let off despite ‘sexist’ remarks – media reports”

Most Shameful Mother’s Day in nation’s history

Sunday will be the most shameful Mother’s Day in the nation’s history.

This is because the dignity of women had been dishonoured in Parliament with Barisan Nasional MPs thumping the table in glee and joy when DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan failed in her effort to redeem the dignity of Malaysian women and salvage the good name of Parliament.

Today is a day of shame for Parliament, when Barisan Nasional MPs abused their 91% parliamentary majority to gang up, support and defend two of their number, Datuk Mohd Said Yusuf (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan), who had made vulgar, sexist and offensive remarks against Po Kuan yesterday when DAP MPs raised the subject of Parliament ceiling leaks after a RM100 million renovation works — saying “Batu Gajah pun bocor tiap-tiap bulan pun bocor juga”.

The Speaker, Tan Sri Ramli Ngah Talib returned to the Dewan Rakyat Chamber after lunch recess at 2.30 p.m. to reject Po Kuan’s application to move a privilege motion to refer Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar to the Committee of Privileges on the ground that Po Kuan had not invoked Standing Order 26(1)(p) with regard to the alleged breach “when it occurred” as required — i.e. yesterday itself.

I asked Ramli whether before making his decision to reject Po Kuan’s application on a technicality, he had referred to Erskine May’s Parliamentary Practice, the authoritative work on parliamentary practices and procedures, where it is stated very clearly that “when it occurred” in S.O. 26(1)(p) had been interpreted in most Commonwealth Parliaments to mean “at the first available opportunity”.

In the case in point, when Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar made the vulgar, sexist and offensive remarks, DAP MPs could not hear them both because of the din and pandemonium at the time and being seated far away from the duo. However, they were heard distinctly by reporters and other BN MPs who sat near the duo.

For Po Kuan, raising the privilege motion this morning was her “first available opportunity” after reading press reports. Continue reading “Most Shameful Mother’s Day in nation’s history”

MCPs in the House — censure or not? Vote at 2.30 pm

Parliament will vote at 2.30 pm today to decide whether to refer two Barisan Nasional (MP) Members of Parliament, Datuk Mohd Said Yusuf (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) to the Committee of Privileges for making offensive and sexist remarks directed at the DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan in Parliament yesterday.

When Parliament began this morning, Po Kuan stood up on a point of order under Standing Order 26(1)(p) to move a privilege motion to refer the two BN MPs to the Committee of Privileges for breach of parliamentary privilege. No notice is required under S.O. 26(1)(p) when the privilege matter had to raised at the first available opportunity.

Subject of complaint – Mohd Said and Bung Mohktar had made vulgar, sexist and offensive remarks at Po Kuan when she and other DAP MPs had raised in Parliament yesterday afternoon the issue about the ceiling leaks near the media centre during heavy downpour in the morning despite a RM100 million renovation bill.

Utusan Malaysia in its report “Enam kebocoran siling dikesan di Parlimen”, recounted:

M. Kulasegaran (DAP-Ipoh Barat) dan Fong Po Kuan (DAP-Batu Gajah) yang turut mencelah kemudian berkata, kebocoran itu membazirkan wang rakyat.

Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) yang bangun mengambil bahagian secara sinis berkata:”Mana ada bocor, Batu Gajah pun tiap-tiap bulan pun bocor juga.”

This was also reported by Sin Chew Daily and China Press. Sin Chew reported that Mohd Said made the derogatory remark that “MP for Batu Gajah tiap-tiap bulan pun bocor juga” while China Press reported that Mohd Said was the first to make the sexist and offensive remark which was followed by Bung Mohtar.

Both Sin Chew and China Press observed that probably because there was so much din and pandemonium in the House at the time that DAP MPs did not hear the vulgar, sexist and offensive remarks made by the two BN MPs at Po Kuan — which was why there had been no protest by DAP MPs in the House at the time. Continue reading “MCPs in the House — censure or not? Vote at 2.30 pm”

Taib Mahmud digging hole to bury himself with preposterous bill to silence the Opposition?

Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud sounded very brave last weekend when addressing Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) backbenchers in Damai Resort in a seminar with the most inappropriate topic, namely “The role of political leaders: integrity and development”.

In the Star report headlined “Taib: Use law to fight back”, the Sarawak Chief Minister was quoted as telling Sarawak Barisan Nasional State Assembly members: “Fight any smear campaign bravely.”

This has reminded everyone of Taib’s 48-hour ultimatum to Malaysiakini to remove several articles concerning accusations of corruption allegedly linked to him and his family after the Japan Times report implicating Taib in a scandal involving RM32 million in kickbacks paid by Japanese shipping companies for timber from the resource-rich state.

Seventeen days have passed since the expiry of Taib’s 48-hour ultimatum to Malaysiakini to remove the “offensive” articles or he would institute legal proceedings to clear his name and reputation.

Why hasn’t Taib instituted legal proceedings yet?

In his speech last week, Taib told Sarawak BN backbenchers:

“Don’t fear. We have to fight it out.

“I will show you how we can protect ourselves through the legal system.”

Everyone thought Taib was reassuring Sarawak BN backbenchers that he would be instituting legal proceedings against Malaysiakini and others to clear his name when he spoke about using the legal system to “fight back” but everyone was wrong. Continue reading “Taib Mahmud digging hole to bury himself with preposterous bill to silence the Opposition?”