Internet allegations of top-notch graft – notice for urgent motion

15th June 2007
Yang di Pertua,
Dewan Rakyat,

YB Tan Sri,

Notice under S.O. 18 — Serious allegations of corruption and abuses of power against Deputy Internal Security Minister, Inspector-General of Police and top police officers on the internet by both named and anonymous websites and the failure to take satisfactory action to protect government credibility, integrity and authority

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThis is to give notice under Standing Order 18(2) to move a motion of urgent, definite public importance for the Dewan Rakyat sitting on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 as follows:

“That under Standing Order 18(1) the House gives leave to Ketua Pembangkang YB Lim Kit Siang to move a motion of urgent definite public importance, viz: serious allegations of corruption and abuses of power against Deputy Internal Security Minister, YB Johari Baharom (Kubang Pasu), Inspector-General of Police and other top police officers on the Internet by both named and anonymous websites, and the failure to take satisfactory action to protect government credibility, integrity and authority.

“Some 14 weeks ago Malaysians were shocked by news reports of RM5.5 million ‘Freedom for Sale’ allegations accusing the Deputy Internal Security Minister of releasing three men held under the Emergency Ordinance which appeared on an anonymous website with the heading: “Datuk Johari — The Most Powerful But Corrupted Deputy Minister”.

“Immediately, the IGP called for an ‘open and fair’ investigation into the allegations, declaring that the allegations cannot be dismissed as baseless, until the investigation was completed.

“However, although the Anti-Corruption Agency had completed its investigations into the RM5.5 million ‘Freedom for Sale’ allegations ‘shortly after’ the deputy minister was questioned by ACA officials on March 19 and that the investigation papers were in the hands of the prosecution division, and the Deputy Minister himself had repeatedly called for the outcome of the investigations to be made public, the country is still kept in the dark about the outcome of the ACA investigations.

“On June 3 and 9, 2007 the Malaysia-Today news portal carried two articles by Raja Petra Kamaruddin in his seires ‘The Corridor of Power’ on organized crime and the Police, alleging corruption and abuses power implicating the IGP and top police officers, including a RM2 million corruption allegation against the IGP. Continue reading “Internet allegations of top-notch graft – notice for urgent motion”

Wipe out JB’s notoriety as capital of crime of Malaysia – 1st step to ensure success of IDR

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usI will seek an urgent meeting of the Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights and Good Governance when Parliament reconvenes tomorrow over the worsening crime, particularly with Johor Baru gaining further notoriety as the capital of crime, depriving Malaysians of their most fundamental liberty of being free from crime and the fear of crime to be assured of personal safety and security, whether in the streets, public places or the privacy of their homes.

I will propose that the Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights and Good Governance ask for a meeting with Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan for a special action plan to wipe out Johor Baru’s notoriety as the nation’s capital of crime

It is most regrettable that the Johore Police have blamed the Chinese media for the public outrage over the horrendous crimes in Johor Baru, following three shocking gang rape-cum-abduction/robbery in the last month, viz:

  • Early May – 28 year old pregnant woman robbed and gang-raped in Plentong in the presence of three-year-old son, after robbers had forced their way and drove off the car at a petrol station near Tampoi where the husband had stopped to answer nature’s call.
  • 5th June around 10 pm – A construction contractor and female companion at a petrol station at Pasir Gudang highway overpowered by three armed robbers who drove off with them as hostages. Both robbed and female victim gang-raped at Kempas area.
  • 11th June, around 10 pm. — Armed robbery by three men who ganged-raped 19-year-old girl and her 22-year-old boyfriend could only watch helplessly because he had been slashed twice.

The police representative who turned up late for the Johore Baru dialogue yesterday held in conjunction with the 100,000-signature campaign to reduce crime and restore personal safety and property security to Johore Baru blamed the Chinese media for blowing up the crime issue, claiming that there had been a 7.9 per cent decline in incidence of crime in Johor Baru.

The Johore Police would lose all respect, credibility and confidence of the people of Johor Baru if the police authorities maintain the denial syndrome or try to dismiss and trivialize widespread public concerns and outrage over the crime situation in the Johore capital, either blaming the Chinese media or looking for other scapegoats. Continue reading “Wipe out JB’s notoriety as capital of crime of Malaysia – 1st step to ensure success of IDR”

Lina Joy case and cancelled “Building Bridges” Conference to feature on 1st day of Parliament

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThe far-reaching consequences of the Lina Joy case, which was reported in over 1,000 foreign media in the first 48 hours of the judgment, and the last-minute cancellation of the “Building Bridges” Islam-Christianity Interfaith Conference in May will feature on the first day of the Parliamentary question time on Monday.

I will be raising both issues during question time on Monday when asking the Prime Minister what had been done to repair the damage to Malaysia’s international reputation as a model multi-religious nation with the last-minute cancellation of the “Building Bridges” Islam-Christianity Inter-faith Conference in early May.

Members of Parliament regardless of political party should come forward in the forthcoming parliamentary meeting to ensure that on the occasion of the 50th Merdeka anniversary of the nation, religion should become a positive force for nation-building in promoting inter-racial and inter-religious understanding, goodwill and harmony instead of becoming the reverse.

It must be a matter of concern to all Malaysians that religious polarization of Malaysians is increasingly a major threat to nation building in the past decade, unless the first three decades of nationhood when the problem of religious polarization was quite unheard of.

What has gone wrong. Why has religious polarization become worse instead of better, especially when the Islam Hadhari advocated by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is to promote justice, integrity and harmony.

Among the questions which I will be raising in forthcoming Parliament are: Continue reading “Lina Joy case and cancelled “Building Bridges” Conference to feature on 1st day of Parliament”

Procrastinations over Johari/Zulkipli allegations – AG treating NIP as a joke

The National Integrity Plan has become a joke with the three-month dilly-dallying in clearing or charging Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Johari Baharum over RM5.5 million corruption allegations when investigations had been completed in the past three months.

It was some 14 weeks ago that news reports of “Freedom for RM5m” (Star 3.3.07), “Pemimpin politik terima sogokan RM5j disiasat” (Utusan Malaysia 3.3.07) and “Probe on ‘VIP’ for Graft” (New Sunday Times 4.3.07) of the RM5.5 million “Freedom for Sale” allegations that Johari had released three men held under the Emergency Ordinance shocked Malaysians.

The Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) director-general, Datuk Ahmad Said Hamdan, was reported by the New Straits Times of April 21, 2007 as saying that the ACA had completed its investigations into the RM5.5 million “Freedom for Sale” allegations “shortly after” the deputy minister was questioned by ACA officials on March 19 and that the investigation papers were in the hands of the prosecution division.

Yesterday, the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail said he was still looking into investigation papers on Johari and the former ACA director-general Datuk Seri Zulkipli Mat Noor, adding: “I have nothing else to say. I have to look at certain things more this afternoon.” (Sun)

This is totally unsatisfactory, unacceptable and intolerable, raising the question whether the Attorney-General is fully committed to the National Integrity Plan and has placed the upholding of national integrity particularly among the top government leadership as top priority in the agenda of the AG’s Chambers. Continue reading “Procrastinations over Johari/Zulkipli allegations – AG treating NIP as a joke”

Shame and dishonour the culmination of 22 yrs as Works Minister – will Samy resign?

MIC President Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu confessed yesterday that he is too ashamed to meet people, attend meetings or go overseas as he would be asked about the deplorable state of construction highlighted by the series of government building or public construction mishaps and defects, like collapsing ceilings, cracked walls and internal flooding from burst water or sewerage pipes.

Samy Vellu does not seem to realize that he is not the only victim of the recent spate of construction mishaps and defects as they have also brought shame, infamy and dishonour to the government, 26 million Malaysians and the nation with Malaysia becoming the laughing stock in the world as a country which boasts of having the world’s tallest twin towers but yet incapable of building or maintaining safe structures like ceilings, walls, water and sewerage piping.

It is sad and pathetic that the culmination of Samy Vellu’s 22 years as Works Minister (his first stint from 1979 to 1989 and second stint from 1995 till now with six years as Minister for Energy, Telecommunications and Posts from 1989 to 1995, totaling close to 28 years as Cabinet Minister) is so shameful and dishonourable, not only for him but also for the government, people and nation.

Shouldn’t Samy Vellu step down from the Cabinet to set an example of culture of responsibility for such a dishonourable culmination of his 22 years as Works Minister — failing which, shouldn’t the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dismiss Samy Vellu as Works Minister to allow Malaysia to turn over a new page? Continue reading “Shame and dishonour the culmination of 22 yrs as Works Minister – will Samy resign?”

Abdullah should give 3 mth’s notice for Parliament dissolution – to allow PSCs to wind up and submit their reports to Parliament

Speculation on when is the next general election is coming think and fast.

Although conventional wisdom is that the 12th general election would be before next April so that Anwar Ibrahim would not have fully regained his civil rights including standing for elective office, the preponderant opinion points to an end-of-the year timing, with Nov. 25 pinpointed as the polling date by some quarters.

In recent days, however, there are more and more vibrations coming from Barisan Nasional component parties that the next polls could be even earlier and might be in August or even July. I for one lean towards the end-of-the-year timetable.

Whatever the date, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should respect Parliament and give at least three months’ notice before dissolution of Parliament for general election to allow three Parliamentary Select Committees adequate time to submit final reports which could be debated in Parliament. Continue reading “Abdullah should give 3 mth’s notice for Parliament dissolution – to allow PSCs to wind up and submit their reports to Parliament”

Dewan Rakyat House Committee – 5 BN MPs not fit and should resign

Before I left Kuala Lumpur last Sunday for Tokyo for an international conference at the Japan Diet, I had issued a media statement calling on the Dewan Rakyat House Committee under the chairmanship of the Speaker to come out of its hibernation and hold an emergency meeting to take ownership of the many deplorable problems of Parliament House — roof leaking and even fire risks from short circuit despite a RM100 million renovation two years ago — and to resolve them once and for all.

The sole Opposition MP on the House Committee, Tan Kok Wai (DAP — Cheras) wrote to the Speaker, Tan Sri Ramli Ngah as Chairman of the House Committee on Monday asking for a House Committee meeting to discuss matters concerning Parliament’s leaky roofs, wiring, details of the building’s renovation and upgrading, its progress and the contractor’s inefficiency.

I just checked with Kok Wai and he told me that no meeting of the House Committee has been convened.

The other members of the House Committee apart from the Speaker and Kok Wai are all from the Barisan Nasional: the Chairman of Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club, Dato Raja Ahmad Zainudin bin Raja Omar (BN — Larut); P. Komala Dewi (Kapar), Datuk Goh Siow Huat (BN – Rasah), Datuk Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar (Santubong) and Datuk Suhaili bin Abdul Rahman (Labuan).

Malaysians are seeing a disgraceful aspect of Parliament – MPs of the Dewan Rakyat House Committee who are not in the least bothered about the scandals of leaking roof and fire hazards in Parliament despite RM100 million renovation. Continue reading “Dewan Rakyat House Committee – 5 BN MPs not fit and should resign”

MPs Bung Mokhtar/Mohd Said – the “Ugly Malaysians”

The Barisan Nasional (BN) Member of Parliament for Kinabatangan Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin is trying to jump out of the burning quagmire which he found himself in together with the BN MP for Jasin, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof as a result of their unrepentant and recalcitrant sexism in Parliament more than a fortnight ago.

He thinks that he has found a very smart exit strategy for his predicament by challenging me to contest against him in his Kinabatangan constituency in the next general election and even offering 1,000 votes free — which was given front-page treatment in Sabah newspapers yesterday.

He cannot be more wrong or naive to think that he could distract or deflect national and international attention from his unrepentant and unpunished male chauvinism in Parliament on May 9, 2007.

Clearly, Bung Mohtar just don’t get it — that there is no way he could extricate himself from the quagmire and the furore he and Mohd Said had created would go away by just turning it into a cheap farce, such as challenging me to contest against him in Kinabatangan.

The issue at stake has nothing to do with him and me, and that is why my answer is a definitive negative when a reporter asked whether I would counter-challenge Bung Mokhtar to contest against me in Ipoh Timur parliamentary constituency.

The question is solely about Bung Mohktar himself Bung Mohtar’s greatest enemy is not any third party but his own self and he must wrestle with his own soul and devil as well as his own sense of decency, as he and Mohd Said have become the worst examples of “Ugly Malaysians” on the occasion of the 50th Merdeka anniversary, bringing shame and dishonour to Parliament, the nation and women in Malaysia, ASEAN and the world. Continue reading “MPs Bung Mokhtar/Mohd Said – the “Ugly Malaysians””

“No more govt inefficiencies, no more IPCMC sabotage, no more mirages”

One of my first reactions when I received news in Tokyo on Monday of the Prime Minister’s announcement of pay rise and doubling of cost of living allowances for the civil service – and in particular the 18% to 42% in the basic salary increase for the police – is whether the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) Bill will at last be presented to Parliament next month for passage to demonstrate government commitment to have a world-class police service, whether in reducing crime, professionalism, accountability or integrity.

I had given my full support both in Parliament and outside for a generous increase in police pay as Malaysians want to have a world-class police service which is professional, accountable, incorruptible and efficient in reducing crime to restore to Malaysians their fundamental citizenship right to be free from crime and the fear of crime in the streets, public places and the privacy of their homes.

The reaction of the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan to the “generous pay increase” has been quite euphoric, as illustrated by the headlines: “IGP: No more bribes, no more excuses” (The Sun), “IGP: No excuse for cops to take bribes now” (The Star) and “Musa: No leeway for corrupt cops” (New Straits Times).

Although the expression of Musa’s euphoric reaction is quite deplorable, as it is self-exculpatory in justifying the erstwhile police notoriety as one of the most corrupt government departments, let’s not quibble over the past but look forward to a clean, new and corruption-free future for the police service from now.

Malaysians have heard of many past announcements of “new dawns” for a professional world-class police service to keep crime low but they have all proved to be mirages. Examples of such past illusions include: Continue reading ““No more govt inefficiencies, no more IPCMC sabotage, no more mirages””

Samy Vellu sexist – comparing dilapidated 43-yr-old Parliament with 50 yr-old woman

by Loh Cheng Kooi

Barely has the dust of the “bocor incident” settled in the House of Parliament when we are jolted with yet another gender insensitive statement. It is outrageous that the Works Minister, Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu finds it necessary to draw a parallel between the dilapidated state of the 43 year old Parliament House which is in need of maintenance and renovation to the looks of a woman of 50 years. This is not the first time the Minister has made such statements. In October 2005, he was quoted to have compared “toilets to new brides”.

The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) finds it is inexcusable that one of the longest serving Cabinet Ministers in the country chose a sexist comment to make his point on the need for renovation works on the Parliament House. His remarks reinforce the gender stereotype that a woman’s worth lies with her extrinsic attributes (looks) and not with her intrinsic qualities as a human being. His statement and comparison are demeaning and an affront to women of all ages as they reduce women to objects of beauty, depreciating in value over time.

The Works Minister’s comment taken together with the recent ‘bocor’ remark, also makes a mockery of the role and function of the Gender Cabinet Committee on Gender Equality and the government’s ratification of the international Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) as well as the Federal Constitution which prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender. Continue reading “Samy Vellu sexist – comparing dilapidated 43-yr-old Parliament with 50 yr-old woman”

2 sexist Malaysian MPs condemned – joint statement by ASEAN MPs

Joint Media Statement by ASEAN MPs (and former MP) from the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia in Tokyo on Tuesday, 22nd May 2007:

Sexism by two male MPs in Malaysian Parliament on May 9 an affront and outrage to all ASEAN MPs and ASEAN women — deserves fullest condemnation by all ASEAN Parliamentarians and ASEAN civil society as sexism has no place in a progressive ASEAN

We, the undersigned ASEAN MPs (and former MP) attending an international conference in Tokyo have decided to issue the following joint statement:

We are very distressed by the rank sexism in the Malaysian Parliament on May 9 when two male MPs made crude vulgar, derogatory, sexist and gender-offensive remarks at the woman MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan, which have been regarded as a shame and dishonour to Po Kuan, Malaysian Parliament, Malaysian women and Malaysia’s international reputation.

It is more than that — it is also an affront and outrage to all ASEAN MPs and ASEAN women and deserves the fullest condemnation by all ASEAN Parliamentarians and ASEAN civil society as sexism has no place in a progressive ASEAN.

In fact, it is also a global affront and outrage, which was why MPs and State Legislators attending the GlobalPOWER (Partnership of Women Elected/Appointed Representatives) 2007 Conference in Washington May 7 — 11, 2007 was the first global response to the “sexist and demeaning statements that male Members of Parliament in Malaysia made to their women colleagues”. Continue reading “2 sexist Malaysian MPs condemned – joint statement by ASEAN MPs”

Two sexist BN MPs – Cabinet must step in tomorrow to reject their fake apologies

The Cabinet tomorrow must step in to make clear that the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan)’s fake apologies are unacceptable and support civil society’s demand for six-month suspension as MP and community service with women groups as punishment for the duo, with parliamentary allowances for this period donated in their entirely to women organizations.

It will be a most adverse reflection on the Cabinet and government if Cabinet Ministers endorse the fake apologies by the duo, including accepting the report of the Women, Family and Community Development Minister, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who had clearly failed to stand up for gender respect, sensitivity and equality in her eagerness to resolve the controversy — even if it was in the form of fake, insincere and dishonest “apologies”.

If Shahrizat had not realized that she had been bamboozled by the two BN MPs with their fake apologies, she should have realized it by now in the face of very critical and even hostile public comments at her failure to do justice to repair the grave wrong done in Parliament by the sexism of the two BN MPs — bringing shame and dishonour to DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, Malaysian women, Parliament and the nation’s international reputation — as well as women in ASEAN and the world!

In the mishandling of the latest instance of sexist and male-chauvinist outbursts by the two BN MPs in Parliament, Shahrizat is becoming an even bigger issue than Mohd Said and Bung Mohtar. Continue reading “Two sexist BN MPs – Cabinet must step in tomorrow to reject their fake apologies”

ASEAN MPs back Po Kuan – censure Mohd Said/Bung Mokhtar

ASEAN Members of Parliament attending the International Conference of Japanese Diet Members and ASEAN Parliamentarians on “The International Symposium of the Way to Democratise Burma” in Tokyo today agreed at the sidelines that sexism in Parliament by two Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) are an affront and outrage to all ASEAN MPs and ASEAN women and deserve fullest condemnation by all ASEAN Parliamentarians and ASEAN civil society

ASEAN MPs are very distressed by the rank sexism in the Malaysian Parliament on May 9 when Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar made crude vulgar, derogatory, sexist and gender-offensive remarks at the woman MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan.

This was more than a shame and dishonour to Po Kuan, Malaysian Parliament, Malaysian women and Malaysia’s international reputation.

It was also an affront and outrage to all ASEAN MPs and ASEAN women and deserves the fullest condemnation by all ASEAN Parliamentarians and ASEAN civil society as sexism has no place in a progressive ASEAN.

This was why there was also global affront and outrage, with MPs and State Legislators attending the GlobalPOWER (Partnership of Women Elected/Appointed Representatives) 2007 Conference in Washington May 7 — 11, 2007 being the first global response to the “sexist and demeaning statements that male Members of Parliament in Malaysia made to their women colleagues”. Continue reading “ASEAN MPs back Po Kuan – censure Mohd Said/Bung Mokhtar”

Of Repentance and Penitence

Of Repentance and Penitence

by Dr. Oh Ei Sun
Sabah Times

These few weeks were indeed packed with events and commemorative days. Last week we celebrated, among other’s, Teacher’s Day, which has become a national occasion when we pay tribute to not only teachers, but indeed all those who undertake the tough and often thankless job of educating the precious minds of the country.

As the son of a teacher (my mom was a school teacher for 34 years), and as a teacher myself, Teacher’s Day is for me a day of reflection on the state and future of education, not so much for the much-vaunted national development effort, but in developing wholesome characters in millions of precious young minds. And perhaps a brief lesson in history from another part of the world could help.

In 1957, just a few weeks after Malaya attained its independence, another smaller-scale, but no less momentous event took place in the provincial town of Little Rock, the capital of the state of Arkansas in the United States. Nine young black men and women were escorted by US Army personnel to attend Little Rock Central High, a hitherto all-white school.

The past entrenched racism of the American South would be a subject for future writing. It suffices to mention here that for almost a century after the liberation of black slaves in the US, officially sanctioned racist treatments abounded primarily in the American South. The images of separate toilets for “White” and “Colored” still haunt us today. Most schools there were either exclusively white or black, with far superior teaching resources reserved for the former. Continue reading “Of Repentance and Penitence”

Parliament on fire? DR House Committee must come out of hibernation

The Dewan Rakyat House Committee under the chairmanship of the Speaker should come out of its hibernation and hold an emergency meeting to take ownership of the many deplorable problems of Parliament House to address and resolve them.

There is a proposal that the Public Works Department should be responsible for the maintenance of Parliament House. This seems to be a sensible proposal but the decision should first be made by the House Committee which is responsible for ensuring that MPs enjoy proper facilities to enable to function properly, before the matter is taken to the Cabinet for endorsement.

Cabinet Ministers must learn to understand the meaning of parliamentary autonomy and independence as well as the doctrine of separation of powers among the Executive, Parliament and the Judiciary.

Works Minister, Datuk Seri Samy Vellu said that the PWD had carried out a lot of repairs on the building but there was recurring damage owing to absence of maintenance.

For instance, he said, each time the clothes hangers on the toilet doors were replaced, they went missing.

This is indeed most shameful, as it is most unthinkable that such gross indiscipline and thievery should be so rife in Parliament House, which should be the heart of a national campaign to fulfill the dream of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to have “First World Infrastructure, First World Mentality” in Malaysia. Continue reading “Parliament on fire? DR House Committee must come out of hibernation”

Chia Kwang Chye should not condone the sexism of Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar

Gerakan Secretary-General and Deputy Information Minister, Datuk Seri Chia Kwang Chye, should not condone the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) for their incorrigible sexism in Parliament if he dare not openly castigate the duo for their dishonesty and fake apologies to bring about a dishonourable closure to the nation-wide furore over their crude, derogatory, sexist and gender-offensive remarks in Parliament last week.

Chia said yesterday that as Mohd Said and Bung Mohtar have apologized, everybody should stop raising the issue anymore. (Guanming).

This is most shocking and shows that one of the problems of Barisan Nasional leaders when they become Ministers or Deputy Ministers is their surrender of the sense of justice and their faculties to differentiate between right from wrong.

Surely, Chia is aware of the patent dishonesty of the duo in making fake apologies which compounded the original offence they committed, and which cannot be accepted at all by right-thinking and justice-loving Malaysians.

I would urge Chia to reconsider what he said yesterday and openly withdraw his statement asking everyone to stop pursuing the issue purportedly on the ground that the apologies of the two are acceptable.

Just imagine what would have happened if it was a DAP MP who made the crude, derogatory, sexist and gender-offensive remarks against a woman BN MP. There is no doubt that he would have been referred immediately to the Committee of Privileges and a severe punishment of one to two years suspension without allowance would have been meted out unless a full, unconditional and acceptable apology is tendered — and I would say, rightly too! Continue reading “Chia Kwang Chye should not condone the sexism of Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar”

Parliament as “House of Leaks” – heads must roll in PWD and Works Ministry, or Samy’s head should roll

Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has asked the Public Works Department (PWD) to explain to the Cabinet on why no request was made for allocations to repair the roof when Parliament House underwent an extensive RM90 million renovation in 2005.

Four questions immediately come to mind:

Firstly, will the reference to the Cabinet of the scandal of Parliament as “House of Leaks” end up as unsatisfactorily as last week’s reference to it of the outrage of sexism in Parliament where two Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) made crude, derogatory, sexist and gender-offensive remarks in Parliament last week, bringing shame and dishonour to DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, Parliament, Malaysian women and the nation’s international reputation — resulting in fake apologies which are really no apologies at all?

Secondly, why the extraordinary departure from the principle of Ministerial responsibility with PWD going over the head of the Works Minister to report directly to the Cabinet, when such a report is customarily and by convention made to the Cabinet by the Minister responsible for the department, namely Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu as Works Minister?

Has the Cabinet has lost all confidence in the capability of Samy Vellu to perform effectively as the Works Minister and to bear full and direct responsibility for PWD in Cabinet, especially as Samy Vellu’s is completing his 20 years as Works Minister in shame and ignominy with a helter-skelter of collapse of government buildings and public constructions, whether falling ceilings, cracked walls, air-conditioning breakdowns or power disruptions in spanking brand new buildings or renovations costing hundreds of millions of ringgit!

Or is Samy Vellu utterly fed up with the disgraceful performance of PWD and he is washing his hands to dissociate himself from its failings, leaving PWD to directly explain to the Cabinet on the latest scandal of Parliament as the “House of Leaks”?

Whatever the reason, the time has come for the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to terminate Samy Vellu’s long tenure as Cabinet Minister, spanning 27 years and six months, with 20 years as Works Minister short of five months. Continue reading “Parliament as “House of Leaks” – heads must roll in PWD and Works Ministry, or Samy’s head should roll”

Nazri vs Dompok – Nazri’s double-standards and hypocrisy

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz told today that Tan Sri Bernard Dompok had reBerita Harian signed as Chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (PSCI) because the latter was frustrated that Nazri had objected to the PSCI calling the then Director-General of Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) Datuk Seri Zulkipli Mat Noor to appear before the Select Committee. Dompok is also Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department.

Berita Harian’s report “Dompok kecewa JPN enggan temui PSCI” said:

Nazri yang menyifatkan kenyataan bekas pengerusi PSCI terhadapnya semalam sebagai pandangan peribadi berkata, Dompok sepatutnya memahami arahan Kabinet bahawa jawatankusasa seperti itu bukan berperanan sebagai badan penyiasat, sebaliknya hanya mengumpul maklumat daripada orang ramai mengenai sesuatu isu atau masalah.

“Keputusan Kabinet jelas… jawatankuasa itu hanya buat perbicaraan awam iaitu mengumpulkan maklumat, bukannya menyiasat kes yang ditimbulkan.

“Apa yang perlu mereka buat adalah iklankan dalam akhbar bila dan tempat mereka mahu buat perbicaraan awam untuk membolehkan orang ramai datang memberikan pandangan terhadap masalah atau isu.

“Jika dia (Dompok) tidak dengar cakap Kit Siang, tak jadi masalah, tetapi dia nak jadi badan penyiasat, kita tak setuju,” katanya.

Nazri owes PSCI, Parliament and Malaysians answers to three questions:

Firstly, why is he interfering with the autonomy of Parliament and the PSCI to conduct its own affairs, as if he is a Super-Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, more powerful than the Select Committees, their members and Chairmen;

Secondly, from Nazri’s statement, it is clear that the Cabinet has arrogated to itself powers to direct Parliamentary Select Committees how it should function — which makes a mockery of Parliamentary independence and accountability of Cabinet to Parliament;

Thirdly, why his double-standards and hypocrisy in opposing the ACA Director-General being invited to appear before PSCI while not objecting to the earlier appearance of Customs Director-General before the committee? Continue reading “Nazri vs Dompok – Nazri’s double-standards and hypocrisy”

Six reasons why fake apologies and “dishonourable closure” by two sexist BN MPs must be rejected

Women, Family and Community Development Minister, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil yesterday accepted the apologies of the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) for their crude, derogatory, sexist and gender-offensive remarks in Parliament last week, saying that it was the “closure” her Ministry wanted.

All Malaysians also want a “closure” to the 10-day parliamentary scandal and national shame precipitated by two BN MPs who were guilty of sexual harassment of DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan with their sexist and male-chauvinist remarks, which also brought shame and dishonour to Parliament, Malaysian women and the nation’s international reputation.

However, it must be a honourable closure and not the most shameful and dishonourable closure orchestrated by Shahrizat yesterday, where both Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar went through another farce of proferring an apology which on examination was really no apology at all — a counterfeit coin or a fake apology!

Firstly, both the duo flaunted their lack of sincerity in wanting to make any apology. They pointedly refused to offer a personal apology to Po Kuan, even a fake one!

When he returned to Kota Kinabalu yesterday, Bung Mokhtar said he had been directed by the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister to apologise to Malaysian women, conspicuously omitting reference to Po Kuan.

Secondly, there was no remorse or contrition in making the apology, even to Malaysian women. Both tendered their apology “if women were offended” — implying that there was nothing wrong with their remarks but with women if they were offended!

Thirdly, they justified their sexist and male-chauvinist attacks at Po Kuan on the ground that they were necessary to defend the government during debates.

Mohd Said said in his prepared statement that the duo “were only defending Barisan Nasional because the Opposition had belittled, and intentionally made unfounded, baselss claims”.

He declared: “In that situation, it is the responsibility of Barisan representatives and government supporters to defend the leadership and the Government”. Continue reading “Six reasons why fake apologies and “dishonourable closure” by two sexist BN MPs must be rejected”

Two sexist BN MPs – treating Malaysians as suckers with “apology” which is really no apology

For the past fortnight, Malaysians have been treated as suckers by Cabinet Ministers — the most outrageous case being the demand by the Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu for RM22 million to inspect new government buildings in Putrajaya for defects, which did not include a subsequent and lengthening list of government building mishaps, such as the spanking new RM290 million court complex in Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur and now Parliament House which has become a “HOUSE OF LEAKS” barely two years after a RM100 million renovation.

Today, even the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan), are treating Malaysians as suckers with their “apology” which is really no apology over their gender-offensive male-chauvinist remarks in Parliament last week, directed at DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, but which brought shame and dishonour to Parliament, Malaysian women and the nation’s international reputation.

I had not wanted to comment on the case of the two sexist BN MPs today, but when I read Malaysiakini news reports of the alleged “apology” of Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar which the Women, Family and Community Development Minister, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jali had described as a “closure”, I cannot contain my outrage and wrath.

This is because the so-called “apology” of Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar orchestrated by Shahrizat was not only no “closure” of the abominable case of sexual harassment and gender abuse in Parliament last week, but had added “salt to the wound” of Po Kuan, as well as all women and men who want proper closure with justice done to all aggrieved parties.

After their 45-minute meeting with Shahrizat, Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar said they would like to tender their apologies, if “women were offended”.

However, they destroyed all meaning in their apologies when they defended their words used in Parliament as necessary to defend the government during debates.

They also did not issue a personal apology to Po Kuan. Continue reading “Two sexist BN MPs – treating Malaysians as suckers with “apology” which is really no apology”