Attorney-General Gani Patail should resign unless he can explain why he failed to take action against former Transport Minister Chan Kong Choy for criminal breach of trust

At long last, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report on the mother of all scandals, the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ), has been tabled in Parliament, together with several tombs of documents, viz verbatim minutes of 13 PAC meetings on the subject from 11th June to 3rd September 2009, Price Waterhouse Coopers’ report on position review of PKFZ and its appendices.

The PAC report has confirmed and vindicated my statements and allegations about the PKFZ not only as “a can of worms” but a “swamp of crocodiles” that I have made in Parliament since the last session, and raises the question why no action had been taken very much earlier to avoid the rotten state of the PKFZ scandal today.

The PAC report has confirmed that RM645.87 million would have been saved if the PKFZ land had been acquired under the Land Acquisition Act 1960, for then it would have cost only RM442.13 million and not RM1.088 billion before interest.
Continue reading “Attorney-General Gani Patail should resign unless he can explain why he failed to take action against former Transport Minister Chan Kong Choy for criminal breach of trust”

2010 Budget: sound and fury without substance (4)

By S.C.

Key Budget Allocations

The budget allocations listed in the budget speech are indeed astonishing and represent a long litany of projects and allocations, the direct beneficiaries of which appear to be special interests and well connected individuals.

This should be no surprise as the budget has become the chosen means to distribute corporate welfare with a few sops for the public at large. One may well ask why billions more are being channelled to infrastructure at a point in time when the economy is in greater need to strengthen institutions, develop human capital and to widen the safety net programmes to protect the weak and the vulnerable elements of our population. Continue reading “2010 Budget: sound and fury without substance (4)”

2010 Budget: sound and fury without substance (3)

By S.C.

The Track Record

The Budget for 2010 must be seen against the larger canvass of economic management by the BN Government over the recent past.

It should be recalled that the global Great Recession began in mid 2007 as the sub-prime fiasco in the United States began to unfold. The economic slowdown spread and gained momentum in 2008. As the gathering storm clouds hovered over the horizon, many Governments began to react and take counter recessionary measures.

The Barisan Nasional Government for its part remained in a state of denial. Ministers dismissed with some arrogance the notion that the Malaysian economy would succumb to the global slowdown. They argued rather smugly that Malaysia was immune as it had decoupled from the global economy. Continue reading “2010 Budget: sound and fury without substance (3)”

2010 Budget: sound and fury without substance (2)

By S.C.

The Macro-Economic Scene

The key economic indicators and assumptions used in the budget formulation are:

  • Malaysia economy to grow 2-3 percent in 2010 after a contraction of 3 to 4 percent in the current year.

  • Per capita income to increase by 2.5 percent to RM24, 661. This rate of growth is inconsistent with a GDP growth rate of 2 to 3 percent as population growth is in the region of 2.5 percent; this would yield a per capita growth of close to zero

  • Budget 2010 allocations total RM191.5 billion, of which RM138.3 billion is for operating expenditure and RM53.2 billion for development expenditure.

  • Federal government revenue in 2010 to decline by 8.4 percent to RM148.8 billion despite the tax changes proposed.

  • Budget deficit at 5.6 percent of GDP compared with 7.4 percent in 2009.

  • Exports will revive to 3.5 percent growth after having fallen by over 23 percent in the first half of 2009; this assumption is dependent on developments globally;

  • Private consumption will grow by 2.9 percent as against 0.5 percent in the current year

  • Inflation will remain low

  • Unemployment will not exceed 4 percent

  • Private investment will grow by 3.4 percent in 2010

  • Continue reading “2010 Budget: sound and fury without substance (2)”

The 2010 Budget: sound and fury without substance

By S.C.


The maiden Budget unveiled by the Prime Minister was anticipated with great expectations of a new direction to move the Malaysian economy on to a new path of growth and revival through the adoption of policy reforms designed to restore competitiveness. These expectations, sadly, were not met.

The 40-odd-page two-hour long Budget speech delivered by the Prime Minister in Parliament was a great disappointment. It contained little by way of a bold policy agenda or a set of much needed measures to begin to restore the Malaysian economy to health.

The speech was long on rhetorical assertions and a litany of expenditure proposals; it contained little in the way of actual innovative thinking despite the Prime Minister’s resolve to adopt a new model for the economy “based on innovation, creativity and value-added activities”.

There were hardly any credible steps outlined as to how the unsustainable record high fiscal deficit of 7.4 percent recorded in 2009 was to be slashed. The broad assertion that the reduction of the deficit to 5.6 percent was to be largely achieved via proposed expenditure cuts in the year ahead. The main spending cuts are to come from reduced “operating expenditure”, lower food and fuel subsidies, and less money for development spending. Yet the expenditure proposals for 2010 allocate 11 per cent more money for the Government wage bill in 2010 for the nearly one million workers on the payroll which account for almost 10 per cent of the work force and constitute a mainstay of the BN government’s support. Continue reading “The 2010 Budget: sound and fury without substance”

Broadband Penetration vs Broadband Quality vs HSBB

The Finance Minister said in the budget speech that the Government will expedite the implementation of HSBB at a total cost of RM11.3 billion, of which RM2.4 billion is from the Government and RM8.9 billion from Telekom Malaysia, and that a speed of 10Mbps will be provided in selected areas in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor by end-March 2010 while these services will be extended to other selected areas nationwide between 2010 and 2012.
He also said that Malaysia’s broadband penetration is currently at 25%, a rate that is far lower compared to Korea, Singapore, Japan and United States.

There is a contradiction here.

In simple terms, administration is spending RM2.4 billion to encourage Telekom Malaysia to spend RM8.9 billion for selected areas in KL and Selangor to be further extended to other selected areas nationwide.

The government policy in subsidizing HSBB is creating broadband desert in the rural area as its fiscal policy continues to favour the urban and high-income rakyat as shown by its tax cut for the top-earners.
Continue reading “Broadband Penetration vs Broadband Quality vs HSBB”

Super cover-up of RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

  1. RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

    The Cabinet decision last month to set up a super task force, headed by Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan, to take over all investigations into the PKFZ scandal is not a demonstration of political will to get to the bottom of the “mother of all scandals” but the opposite.

    I see it as a major step backwards in public accountability and good governance, as it smacks of being a super “cover up” task force for the PKFZ scandal.

    What is needed is a Royal Commission of Inquiry to conduct a comprehensive and no-holds-barred investigation into the “mother of all scandals” including relevant Ministerial and Cabinet aspects of the scandal instead of trying to sweep the whole issue back under the carpet.
    In the first place, is Mohd Sidek the most appropriate person to head the super task force on the PKFZ scandal?

    Continue reading “Super cover-up of RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?”

Malaysia’s losing battle for international competitiveness

What is the credibility of Najib talking about a total innovation of the Malaysian economy and nation when Malaysia is facing a losing battle in international competitiveness because of continuing loss of confidence in key national institutions whether judiciary, the civil service, the police, the MACC or the Election Commission?

This is the reason for the two recent adverse global rankings for Malaysia, falling three places from 21st to 24th ranking in the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) 2009-2010 and a drop of two places in the World Bank’s Doing Business 2010: Reforming Through Difficult Times from 21st to 23rd placing.

The first seven months’ of Najib’s premiership have not seen any restoration of public confidence in the key national institutions but the reverse whether in the strategic areas to fight corruption and ensure integrity; keep crime low to protect the safety of citizens, tourists and investors; or to uphold the administration of justice.
Continue reading “Malaysia’s losing battle for international competitiveness”

A Malaysian Civil Service totally against 1Malaysia concept

To many Malaysians, the deplorable cowhead protests incited by UMNO in Shah Alam section 23 three days before National Day over the relocation of a Hindu temple was strong evidence of the lack of seriousness and commitment of the Najib administration to the “1Malaysia concept” – which put Malaysia in the dock of world opinion with adverse international media reports scaring off intending investors with the spectre that Malaysia is on the verge of greater racial and religious polarisation and intolerance.

The announcement in the budget of the award of national scholarships to 30 crème de la crème students strictly on merit for educational studies in world renowned universities is not proof of 1Malaysia – but the very reverse, of the discriminatory and divisive nature of Barisan Nasional government policies in the name of NEP when they should be based on meritocracy coupled with socio-economic need and justice.

National scholarships to 30 crème de la crème students for world renowed universities is a paltry and most ridiculous figure 52 years after Merdeka.
Continue reading “A Malaysian Civil Service totally against 1Malaysia concept”

Does 2010 Budget pass as a 1Malaysia Budget?

Or does Najib think that Umno/BN victory in the Bagan Pinang by-election could be used as proof of popular support for his 1Malaysia slogan?

Then, what about Umno/BN defeats in the Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau and Permatang Pasir by-elections, if we do not to mention Penanti by-election, where 1Malaysia theme could not ensure victory? Is this to be taken as three by-election defeats as against one victory for Najib’s 1 Malaysia since he became Prime Minister in April?

It is not wise to turn 1Malaysia into a political party issue.

I had publicly called on Najib to officially withdraw the 1Malaysia slogan from the BN Bagan Pinang by-election campaign.

Firstly, what 1Malaysia could the BN talk about when there is even no 1Umno, 1MCA, 1MIC or 1BN?
Continue reading “Does 2010 Budget pass as a 1Malaysia Budget?”

1Malaysia kills – “1Malaysia 2Perak 3Katak”

Najib will be finishing his seventh month as Prime Minister which he started off with the slogan “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”.

Does Najib’s 2010 Budget pass as a 1Malaysia Budget?

Two events have cast their shadows over the 2010 Budget and the 1Malaysia slogan – first, the drowning of 11 year-old Dina Devi Nathan from SJK (T) Mambang Di Awan and we have just received reports confirming the death of the other two eleven-year-olds Devadharshini Mageswaran from SJK (T) Mambang Di Awan and Divya Shree Vasudevan from SJK (T) Gopeng when the suspension bridge of the Education Ministry’s 1Malaysia motivation camp at SK Kuala Dipang collapsed on Monday night, sending some 30 pupils crossing the bridge into the Kampar River.

Like other DAP MPs including the MP for Bagan, Lim Guan Eng, MP for Beruas Ngeh Koo Ham, MP for Ipoh Barat, Kulasegaran who visited the tragic Kuala Dipang site on Tuesday, I was shocked and outraged at the utter recklessness, negligence, irresponsibility and complete disregard for the lives and safety of schoolchildren on the part of the authorities, particularly the education department and the contractor concerned, in allowing the suspension bridge to be built without adequate foundation or safety features causing its collapse in two weeks and claiming the lives of three children.
Continue reading “1Malaysia kills – “1Malaysia 2Perak 3Katak””

End NEP which has trapped Malaysia in middle-income group instead of becoming a high-income economy

In his first budget, the 2010 budget, presented to Parliament last Friday, the Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak claimed that he is laying the foundation for the development of a new economic model to become a high-income economy.

He stressed that the new economic model must be based on innovation, creativity and high-value added activities so that Malaysian can remain relevant in a competitive global economy.

Najib announced that his government “will transform Malaysia through a comprehensive innovation process, comprising innovation in public and private sector governance, societal innovation, urban innovation, rural innovation, corporate innovation, industrial innovation, education innovation, healthcare innovation, transport innovation, social safety net innovation and branding innovation.”
Continue reading “End NEP which has trapped Malaysia in middle-income group instead of becoming a high-income economy”

Merakyatkan Ekonomi Malaysia – Pembinaan kapasiti (Bahagian 4)

Ucapan Belanjawan Setiausaha-Agung DAP Dan Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Bagan Lim Guan Eng Di Dewan Rakyat Pada 26.10.2009 (Bahagian 4)

Teras III: Pembinaan kapasiti

Akhir sekali, DAP sangat menitik-beratkan pembangunan dan usaha menggalakkan bakat-bakat tempatan untuk membantu negara mencapai status negara maju. Sebagai tambahan, bagi meningkatkan daya tarikan Malaysia sebagai destinasi pelaburan global, beberapa rangkaian pendekatan akan diambil dalam sektor pendidikan, penjagaan kesihatan, pengangkuran, kewangan, teknologi, keselamatan, tenaga dan alam sekitar untuk meningkatkan daya saing di peringkat serantau dan global.

Kelemahan daya saing negara kini sangat ketara. Sikap kerajaan yang terus mendabik dada dengan kejayaan lalu akan menyebabkan kerosakan yang teruk kepada ekonomi dan daya saing negara. Walau bagaimanapun, jika kita menerapkan unsur-unsur ketahanan dan peningkatan daya tahan, kerja keras dan inovasi, Malaysia akan mendapat kedudukan lebih baik untuk merebut peluang pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. DAP mahu membangkitkan semula semangat daya saing kepada ekonomi negara menerusi penerapan daya juang lebih tinggi, lebih bertanggungjawab dan peningkatan tahap ketelusan.
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Merakyatkan Ekonomi Malaysia – Penstrukturan dan pengagihan semula (Bahagian 3)

Ucapan Belanjawan Setiausaha-Agung DAP Dan Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Bagan Lim Guan Eng Di Dewan Rakyat Pada 26.10.2009 (Bahagian 3)

Teras II: Penstrukturan dan pengagihan semula

Amalan dasar yang lemah dan hilang hala tuju serta salah guna kuasa oleh kerajaan semasa telah menyebabkan berlakunya agihan tidak betul dalam sumber negara yang terhad dengan menumpukan kepada pemberian manfaat kepada mereka yang mempunyai hubungan serta kaitan politik, sementara kebanyakan rakyat yang lebih memerlukan terus diketepikan. Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) yang berdekad lamanya diamalkan dengan tumpuan pengagihan ekonomi berdasarkan kaum sambil megenepikan aspek keperluan dan merit, telah menyebabkan kelemahan struktur utama dalam sistem ekonomi negara sehingga menghukum kebajikan rakyat dan kecekapan sistem ekonomi. Di sebalik itu, agihan tidak betul ini telah menjana kekayaan beberapa individu yang berjaya mengeksploitasi DEB. Justeru, suatu usaha perlu dilakukan untuk menstruktur dan mengagih semula ekonomi bagi memastikan pembangunan lebih seimbang antara golongan miskin dan kaya, selain menambah kecekapan dan keberkesanan ekonomi dan daya saing.

Dalam sebahagian daripada teras penstrukturan dan agihan semula, kami mahu usaha dilakukan ke arah pelaksanaan sistem kebajikan yang berkesan untuk memastikan rakyat yang lahir dalam keadaan miskin tidak terus terperangkap dalam kitaran tersebut. Kebajikan harus diberikan mengikut keperluan dan bukannya berdasarkan kaum seperti yang dizahirkan dalam DEB. Rakyat yang mempunyai kekuatan Continue reading “Merakyatkan Ekonomi Malaysia – Penstrukturan dan pengagihan semula (Bahagian 3)”

Merakyatkan Ekonomi Malaysia – Penyahpusatan fiska (Bahagian 2)

Ucapan Belanjawan Setiausaha-Agung DAP Dan Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Bagan Lim Guan Eng Di Dewan Rakyat Pada 26.10.2009 (Bahagian 2)

Tema bajet alternatif kami iaitu Merakyatkan Ekonomi Malaysia bukan sahaja untuk memenuhi keperluan politik untuk demokrasi yang lebih besar malah mahu menjamin perbelanjaan kerajaan mampu dinikmati oleh rakyat yang membayar cukai sambil mengekang dasar kerajaan yang memihak kepada mereka yang mempunyai kepentingan politik sahaja sedangkan rakyat biasa berhak menerima bahagian masing-masing sejajar dengan sumbangan mereka dalam ekonomi dan keperluan kewangan rakyat.

Kami percaya dengan merakyatkan ekonomi Malaysia, kami mampu bukan sahaja membawa Malaysia ke tahap yang lebih baik malah menetapkan dasar dan institusi yang boleh menjamin hak ekonomi rakyat negara ini walaupun siapa juga kerajaan yang memerintah. Dengan Merakyatkan ekonomi Malaysia, kami menggalakkan pencapaian matlamat membina kerajaan yang Cekap, Amanah serta Telus (CAT).
Continue reading “Merakyatkan Ekonomi Malaysia – Penyahpusatan fiska (Bahagian 2)”

Malaysia Hanya Berjaya Menjadi Ekonomi Berpendapatan Tinggi Dengan Mendemokrasikan Ekonomi, Reformasikan Perkhidmatan Awam Dan Membebaskan Daya Kreativiti Dan Innovasi Sumber Manusia (Bahagian 1)

Ucapan Belanjawan Setiausaha-Agung DAP Dan Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Bagan Lim Guan Eng Di Dewan Rakyat Pada 26.10.2009 (Bahagian 1)

Malaysia hanya boleh berjaya menjadi ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi dengan mendemokrasikan ekonomi, reformasikan perkhidmatan awam dan membebaskan daya kreativiti dan innovasi sumber manusia. Syor-syor mendemokrasikan ekonomi telahpun dibukukan awal bulan ini oleh DAP dalam Belanjawan Alternatif DAP yang menggariskan strategi untuk menjana transformasi kepada ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi.

Refomasi perkhidmatan awam adalah perlu dengan ratio 4.68% anggota perkhidmatan awam dengan penduduk paling tinggi berbanding dengan Jepun 3.23%, Thailand 2%, Korea Selatan 1.85%, Filipina 1.8% dan Indonesia 1.8%. Emolumen sebanyak RM38 bilion pada tahun ini telah meningkat kepada RM42 bilion tahun depan ataupun meningkat 23.7% kepada 30.5% perbelanjaan mengurus. Sekiranya pencen ditambah adalah RM46 bilion pada tahun ini telahpun meningkat kepada RM53 bilion ataupun meningkat daripda 28.8% kepada 38.3% keseluruhan perbelanjaan mengurus.
Continue reading “Malaysia Hanya Berjaya Menjadi Ekonomi Berpendapatan Tinggi Dengan Mendemokrasikan Ekonomi, Reformasikan Perkhidmatan Awam Dan Membebaskan Daya Kreativiti Dan Innovasi Sumber Manusia (Bahagian 1)”

Parliament should repay Karpal and Fong Po Kuan for illegally withholding their parliamentary remuneration when they were previously suspended from Parliament respectively in 2004 and 2001

Kuala Lumpur High Court judge, Justice Mohd Ariff Mohd Yusoff today ruled that it has no jurisdiction to challenge the 12-month suspension of DAP MP for Puchong, Gobind Singh Deo from Parliament, but ordered Parliament to pay Gobind his parliamentary remuneration as it does not have powers to withhold it.

Gobind was suspended for 12 months from Parliament without remuneration in March this year when he linked the then Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak with the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Parliament should repay DAP MP for Bukit Gelugor Karpal Singh and DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan for illegally withholding their parliamentary remuneration when they were previously suspended from Parliament respectively in 2004 and 2001.

First week of budget meeting of Parliament does not show that Najib has the political will to effect the far-reaching changes he promised in his “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” slogan

Apart from the announcement that Sept. 16 will be a public holiday from next year, the first week of the budget meeting of Parliament does not show that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has the political will to effect the far-reaching changes he promised in his “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” slogan.

This week has turned into a week of horrors, not least, the annual horror tales of the bottomless pit of government extravagance, waste, abuse of power and corruption in the 2008 Auditor-General’s Reports, which caused nation-wide shock and outrage for a few days, which will then be forgotten until a year later when another new round of revelations of government financial excesses and abuses are exposed.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has come out with a very guarded response stating that it is studying the Auditor-General’s Report 2008 to see if there are elements of corruption, misconduct and abuse of power in the management of public funds.
Continue reading “First week of budget meeting of Parliament does not show that Najib has the political will to effect the far-reaching changes he promised in his “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” slogan”

Planned International Internet Bandwidth for HSBB

Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur] minta Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan menyatakan beberapakah jalur lebar Internet antarabangsa yang akan ditambah mengikut perancangan oleh TM untuk menampung HSBB dan penggunaan Internet Streamyx bagi setiap suku tahun (quarterly) mulai 2009 sehingga 2014.


Untuk makluman, perancangan penambahan kapasiti jalur lebar pihak TM dibuat secara tahunan dan bukan mengikut suku tahun. Sehingga 2 Jun 2009, jumlah kapasiti jalur lebar Internet antarabangsa adalah sebanyak 112.0Gbps. Bagi tahun 2009, kapasiti jalur lebar Internet antarabangsa yang dirancang adalah sebanyak 149.4 Gbps dan dijangka meningkat kepada 715.0 Gbps pada tahun 2013.

Jumlah anggaran perancangan kapasiti jalur lebar Internet yang akan ditambah untuk menampung keperluan perkhidmatan TM mengikut tahun adalah seperti berikut : Continue reading “Planned International Internet Bandwidth for HSBB”

International Internet Bandwidth

Updated with data from 1992-2004 (from independent source)

Parliament Q & A:

Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur] minta Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi, dan Kebudayaan menyatakan dalam jadual dari tahun 1994 sehingga 2009, berapakah kapasiti jalur lebar Internet Antarabangsa (International Internet Bandwidth) yang dipunyai oleh Malaysia mengikut syarikat yang

Jawapan :

Kapasiti jalur lebar Internet antarabangsa secara umumnya dimiliki oleh konsortium-konsortium anatarabangsa. Kapasiti antarabangsa ini disampaikan melalui 12 kabel dasar laut yang disambungkan melalui stesen-stesen pendaratan kabel di Malaysia. Telekom Malaysia (TM) selaku penyedia perkhidmatan Internet terbesar di Malaysia merupakan pengguna dan antara pemegang ekuiti utama di dalam konsortium terbabit.

Syarikat-syarikat lain sama ada tidak mempunyai sebarang pegangan, atau menpunyai pegangan yang amat kecil di dalam konsortium yang membekalkan kapasiti jalur lebar Internet antarabangsa.
Continue reading “International Internet Bandwidth”