Najib at loss for words about new Myanmar Protest Bill which requires only 5 days’ notice when he describes his own Peaceful Assembly Bill as “revolutionary” but which requires 30 days’ notice

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak must be at a loss for words to describe the new Myanmar Protest Bill requiring its citizens to give five days’ notice to the authorities to protest peacefully when he can claim that his own Peaceful Assembly Bill is “revolutionary” but which requires 30 days notice.

Myanmar has always been regarded as the worst laggard country in ASEAN in its utter disregard and contempt for human rights and it must be very mortifying and shameful for the Malaysian government, parliamentarians and people that we now have to learn from Myanmar on how to respect human rights and fundamental constitutional liberties of our people, at least on freedom of assembly!

Does Najib want to send the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hashim to Myanmar to learn to be more respectful of the fundamental liberties at least with regard to freedom of assembly for the respective citizenry?

This is one powerful reason why the Peaceful Assembly Bill which Najib presented for second reading yesterday should be withdrawn or all Malaysian MPs would not be able to hold their heads high whether in regional or international conferences when the Myanmar Parliament could pass a bill on freedom of assembly requiring only five days’ notice to the authorities while the Malaysian government is demanding 30 days’ notice.

I thought the day will never come for me to say this – the Malaysian Prime Minister and Cabinet should learn from Myanmar at least on freedom of peaceful protest and assembly. Continue reading “Najib at loss for words about new Myanmar Protest Bill which requires only 5 days’ notice when he describes his own Peaceful Assembly Bill as “revolutionary” but which requires 30 days’ notice”

I have been waiting for the revocation of the three Emergency Proclamations for the past 30 to 40 years

I stand to support the motion by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to revoke the Emergency Proclamations of 1966, 1969 and 1977.

I have been waiting for the revocation for the past 30 to 40 years.

The Barisan Nasional MP for Tangga Batu Datuk Idris Haron who just spoke misled the House when he said that Barisan Nasional stands for consistency.

This is because the byword of Barisan Nasional and UMNO is not consistency, but inconsistency and hypocrisy, particularly on the issue before the House – the revocation of the Emergency Proclamations of 1966, 1969 and 1977.

On 28th and 29th June, 1979, my motion to repeal the four Proclamations of Emergency of 1964 (concerning the Indonesian Confrontation), 1966 (Sarawak political crisis), 1969 (May 13 Riots) and 1977 (Kelantan political crisis) was debated in Parliament for two days but all the Barisan Nasional MPs spoke and voted against it.

But today, all the Barisan and UMNO MPs are supporting the revocation of the Emergency Proclamations.

Who is being inconsistent? Continue reading “I have been waiting for the revocation of the three Emergency Proclamations for the past 30 to 40 years”

Let Parliamentary Select Committee review Peaceful Assembly Bill

By Proham | November 23, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

NOV 23 — Proham views with grave concern the proposed Bill on Peaceful Assembly fails to reflect the true spirit of human rights that is consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Federal Constitution and the promise of the Prime Minister to institute democratic reform.

However, Proham acknowledges that the proposed bill recognises the citizen’s right to organise an assembly or participate in an assembly peacefully, although it makes it very difficult in practice.

The withdrawal of the permit to assemble is welcomed and reflects the PM’s commitment to further democratic reforms. However this is substituted by a whole range of pre-conditions and prior approvals, and restrictive legal provisions , including strengthening the powers of the police, that will severely discourage and dissuade the freedom of peaceful assembly, which is a basic human right.
Continue reading “Let Parliamentary Select Committee review Peaceful Assembly Bill”

Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011: Unconstitutional and anti-democratic

By Tommy Thomas | November 23, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

NOV 23 — Why is it always the case that the Malaysian government, in the guise of improving the freedoms of its citizen, enacts laws that actually erode liberties?

Since 1960 when the Emergency was revoked, only to be immediately replaced by the dreaded Internal Security Act, 1960 (“ISA”), successive governments have taken state action to the detriment of its people. The Peaceful Assembly Bill, 2011, which had its first reading in the Federal Parliament yesterday, is another example of such retrograde law making.

I cannot believe that after 54 years of Merdeka in the 11th year of the 21st century, the Executive has the audacity to present a Bill, which, in its own Explanatory Statement, describes it as “one of the efforts initiated by the government to undertake the transformation of the existing legal framework in relation to the constitutional rights of citizens to assemble”.
Continue reading “Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011: Unconstitutional and anti-democratic”

Let Muhyiddin explain to PAC why the RM300 million NFC project he approved in 2006 has become such a mess and scandal

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyidddin Yassin is the current Cabinet Minister most responsible for the RM300 million National Feedlot Centre (NFC) project, as he approved it in 2006 as the then Agriculture Minister.

Muhyiddin should appear before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)on Wednesday when it examines the issue to explain why the cattle production project has become such a mess and scandal, beyond the worst fears of the Auditor-General’s Report 2010 as it is snowballing everyday to expose layer after layer of scandalous transactions.

The Auditor-General Report 2010 on the continuing horror stories about misappropriation and waste of public funds, criminal breach of trust, negligence and gross abuses of power is a damning indictment on the first full-year Najib premiership demonstrating that nothing has really changed despite grandiloquent sloganeering of “1Malaysia, People’s First, Performance Now” in terms of government efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, transparency and integrity.

However, it is an even greater indictment on the Deputy Prime Minister as it exposes his personal and direct Ministerial responsibility for the RM300 million National Feedlot Centre (NFC) and National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) scandals as it was during his tenure as Agriculture Minister that the troubled and controversial project was approved. Continue reading “Let Muhyiddin explain to PAC why the RM300 million NFC project he approved in 2006 has become such a mess and scandal”

Would Muhyiddin have said in 2006 that it was legally, morally and ethically proper for NFC to use 2%-interest RM250 million soft-loan to buy condos?

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has said that it was up to the public whether they wanted to accept the explanation given for the National Feedlot Corporation’s (NFC) “cattle condo” scandal.

Saying that the government “already knows the facts”, Muhyiddin had this to say after the NFC executive chairman Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Salleh Ismail had broken his three-week silence on the “cattle condo” scandal:

“We will leave that to the people to decide whether to accept the NFC’s explanation or not because the NFC has explained each issue that has surfaced.

“For us, the government, we know the truth. We don’t buy stories made up by the Opposition.”

Muhyiddin cannot be more wrong. Continue reading “Would Muhyiddin have said in 2006 that it was legally, morally and ethically proper for NFC to use 2%-interest RM250 million soft-loan to buy condos?”

Appeal against UUCA judgment flies in the face of PM’s political transformation programme

by Tony Pua MP
National Publicity Secretary DAP

The decision by the Cabinet to allow the appeal of the Court of Appeal judgement that Section 15.(5)(a) of the University and University Colleges Act1971 (UUCA) is unconstitutional flies in the face of the Prime Minister’s “politicaltransformation programme”.

After a series of calls for the Government to not appeal the Court of Appeal judgement that Section 15.(5)(a) of the UUCA made by top politicians from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat, hopes were high that the Cabinet will abide by and accept the Court’s decision.

The UMNO Youth Chief, Khairy Jamaluddin, Deputy Higher Education Minister, Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah and MCA Youth Chief, Datuk Wee Ka Siong have made a show of openly supported the Court’s position that the relevant section of the UUCA is unconstitutional and the UUCA should be amended accordingly.

In the “spirit” of the political transformationprogramme launched by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak on the eve of Malaysia Day where he announced the proposed repeal and amendment of various draconian Acts such as the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the Printing Pressand Publications Act (PPPA), Malaysians were expecting an enlightened decision by the Cabinet to finally remove the shackles of academic freedom at our institutions of higher learning. Continue reading “Appeal against UUCA judgment flies in the face of PM’s political transformation programme”

The Gemas feedlot debacle; half-truths and pertinent questions

— by Nawawi Mohamad
The Malaysian Insider
Nov 02, 2011

NOV 2 — A RM73.64 million government project in Gemas, Negri Sembilan linked to Minister Datuk Shahrizat Abdul Jalil’s family to produce 8,000 heads of cattle in 2010 and ultimately 60,000 heads in 2015 has turned into a mess when production was at only 3,289 heads in 2010 that is only 41.1 per cent.

This was reported by the Auditor-General – and subsequently reported in the media.

In parliament Noh Omar, who is the Agriculture Minister, deemed the project successful because “the total number of cattle brought into the farm between 2008 and 2010 was 8,016”.

But the main purpose of the farm is to produce cows and not to bring in cows from somewhere else and feed them before slaughter! Continue reading “The Gemas feedlot debacle; half-truths and pertinent questions”

Meminta Kerajaan menyiasat tuduhan rasuah terhadap Peguam Negara dan mengapa laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 tidak dibentangkan di Parlimen walaupun Bajet 2012 telah dibentangkan

Yang Berhomat Ipoh Timur meminta Kerajaan menyiasat tuduhan rasuah terhadap Peguam Negara yang dilemparkan oleh bekas Ketua CID Kuala Lumpur, Dato’ Mat Zain Ibrahim yang dibuat melalui surat terbuka.

Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri semasa Menggulung Perbahasan Bajet 2012 (Peringkat Dasar) di Dewan Rakyat pada 24 Oktober 2011

Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat, perkara ini telah pun diperjelaskan oleh saya pada 14 Disember 2010 di Dewan Yang Mulia ini.

Ahli Panel Bebas yang terdiri daripada Datuk Abdul Kadir Sulaiman dan Datuk Wira Mohd. Noor Ahmad, mantan Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan dan Datuk Mohd. Noor Abdullah, mantan Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan mendapati tiada kes ke atas Peguam Negara dengan majority 2-1.


Yang Berhormat Permatang Pauh, Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur, Yang Berhormat Kuala Kedah, Yang Berhormat Rantau Panjang dan Yang Berhormat Pokok Sena ingin mengetahui kenapa laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 belum dibentangkan di Parlimen walaupun Bajet 2012 telah dibentangkan.

Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri Continue reading “Meminta Kerajaan menyiasat tuduhan rasuah terhadap Peguam Negara dan mengapa laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 tidak dibentangkan di Parlimen walaupun Bajet 2012 telah dibentangkan”

Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur menggesa agar tuntutan Bersih 2.0 diambil perhatian oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya dan Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Berhubung Dengan Penambahbaikan Proses Pilihan Raya.

Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri semasa Menggulung Perbahasan Bajet 2012 (Peringkat Dasar) di Dewan Rakyat pada 24 Oktober 2011

Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, SPR senantiasa responsif terhadap perubahan-perubahan semasa dengan melakukan proses rekayasa menerusi usaha pengupayaan dan penambahbaikan di dalam pengurusan dan operasinya demi untuk memantapkan lagi sistem pilihan raya, sekali gus demokrasi di Malaysia. Walau bagainmanapun, sebarang usaha tersebut perlu berpandukan kepada asas Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan lunas demokrasi Negara.

Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, berhubung dengan “BERSIH 2.0” yang menuntut 8 perkara yang terdiri daripada:

  1. SPR perlu melaksanakan Pembersihan Daftar Pemilih;
  2. SPR perlu melaksanakan Pembaharuan Sistem Undi Pos;
  3. SPR perlu melaksanakan Penggunaan Dakwat Kekal;
  4. SPR perlu memperuntukkan Tempoh Berkempen Tidak Kurang dari 21 hari;
  5. SPR perlu menjamin adanya Akses Media Yang Bebas dan Adil;
  6. Memperkukuhkan Institusi Awam;
  7. Memberhentikan Amalan Rasuah; dan
  8. Memberhentikan AMalan Politik Kotor,

Continue reading “Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur menggesa agar tuntutan Bersih 2.0 diambil perhatian oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya dan Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Berhubung Dengan Penambahbaikan Proses Pilihan Raya.”

Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur memohon agar keutamaan diberikan untuk membahaskan Usul persendirian mengenai isu plagiarism yang dibawa oleh Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor di Dewan ini

Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri semasa Menggulung Perbahasan Bajet 2012 (Peringkat Dasar) di Dewan Rakyat pada 24 Oktober 2011

Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat, Perkara 127 Perlembagaan Persekutuan melarang perbincangan mengenai kelakuan seseorang hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan, Mahkamah Rayuan atau Mahkamah Tinggi di dalam Parlimen kecuali suatu usul khusus yang notis mengenainya telah diberikan oleh tidak kurang daripada satu perempat daripada jumlah bilangan ahli Majlis Parlimen.

Selanjutnya, Peraturan Mesyuarat 36(8) Peraturan-Peraturan Majlis Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat juga melarang antaranya menyebut dalam isi-isi ucapan ahli-ahli Majlis Parlimen pada Majlis Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat mengenai kelakuan atau sifat Hakim-hakim kecuali dikeluarkan usul bersendiri bagi maksud itu.

Peraturan 27 Peraturan-Peraturan Majlis Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat menyatakan cara-cara mengeluarkan pemberitahu (notis) yang antaranya pemberitahu bagi usul yang bukan dengan nama Menteri, hendaklah dihantar kepada Setiausaha tidak kurang daripada 14 hari terlebih dahulu dengan bertulis dalam waktu pejabat biasa.
Continue reading “Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur memohon agar keutamaan diberikan untuk membahaskan Usul persendirian mengenai isu plagiarism yang dibawa oleh Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor di Dewan ini”

Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur mencadangkan agar suatu Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat kematian Ahmad Sharbani.

Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri semasa Menggulung Perbahasan Bajet 2012 (Peringkat Dasar) di Dewan Rakyat pada 24 Oktober 2011

Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat, secara amnya Suruhanjaya Siasatan ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat secara terperinci burhubung dengan perkara tertentu yang mendesak dan melibatkan kepentingan awam vital public importance. Perlu ditekankan bahawa peranan Suruhanjaya Siasatan adalah untuk membantu dan menasihati Kerajaan dalam memahami sesuatu perkara itu dengan lebih jelas dan terperinci melalui hasil laporannya dan bukannya untuk memberi sesuatu keputusan berhubugn dengan sesuatu perkara.

Perenggan 2(1)(d) Akta Suruhanjaya Siasatan 1950 [AKta 119] memperuntukkan kuasa kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong untuk menubuhkan satu Surhuhanjaya Siasatan untuk menyiasat “apa-apa perkara lain yang siasatannya, pada pendapat Yang di-Pertuan Agong, berfaedah bagi kebajikan awam…”.

Sehubungan dengan itu, persoalannya adalah sama ada kematian Ahmad Sharbani wajar disiasat melalui suatu Suruhanjaya Siasatan ataupun melalui mekanisme tatacara jenayah yang lazim. Diperhatikan bahawa ungkapan ‘kebajikan awam’ dalam perenggan 2(1)(d) Akta 119 tidak ditafsirkan atau diperuntukkan bagi maksud pemakaian Akta tersebut. Dalam hal ini Yang di-Pertuan Agong, boleh menubuhkan suatu Suruhanjyay Siasatan untuk menyiasat kematian Ahmad Sharbani sekiranya ‘pada pendapat Yang di Pertun Agong, berfaedah bagi kebajikan awam’ selaras dengan peruntukan tersebut.
Continue reading “Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur mencadangkan agar suatu Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat kematian Ahmad Sharbani.”

The bottomless pit

— Nawawi Mohamad
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 25, 2011

OCT 25 — The headlines in the news are crying foul over the extravagance, abusive and utter lunacy in the way the government and its machineries have spent our money. Nine ministries and government departments over spent the allocations, 50 per cent failures under poverty eradication projects, procedures were breached, the Bukit Jalil stadium is not save and too many others that need not be mentioned here.

In short the vast preponderance of funds for the ministries, departments and government agencies could become a “bottomless pit” for the taxpayers. Please be aware that in the 2010 budget allocation 73 per cent was for operating and 27 per cent for development expenditures; a skewed proportion.

That is why there was a delay in announcing the audit report done by the PAC. The whole debacle reflects how irresponsible the government is. This is bad governance.

Unfortunately there is no indication that the government is trying to improve its performance. The government still holds back and distort the process of development and will continue to disproportionate the poorer and weaker of society. The government will continue to withhold critical budgetary operational information to the public. Continue reading “The bottomless pit”

Do we care?

— Ali Kadir
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 25, 2011

OCT 25 — Some of us sing the Negaraku with gusto, we fly the flag and proclaim ourselves patriots. But do we really care about Malaysia, care enough that we will do more than just sit and shake our heads when something so wrong and unjust and corrupt happens before our eyes.

I am referring to the Auditor-General’s report for last year and I am not talking about the sanitised version in the mainstream media. Does it bother us that:

* the RM142 million RazakSAT malfunctioned barely a year after being commissioned, and was woefully inaccurate. Why was it commissioned? Who approved it? Who made a bundle from this project? We will never get answers to this crucial questions and we will never learn? Because the accountability of our politicians and decision makers is zero.

* the Tourism Ministry overpaid RM270 million in advertisements because it chose not to go for open tenders. Guess what, the ministry breached Treasury regulations in doing so. Ng Yen Yen’s ministry also paid RM1,950 for a pamphlet rack. Continue reading “Do we care?”

Parliamentary body to probe feedlot project

by Hazlan Zakaria
6:45PM Oct 24, 2011

The fate of a failed government-linked company and its RM250 million government soft loan that was made debate fodder by the Opposition in Parliament recently is in the sight of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

“This matter has been made much of in Parliament. The PAC will look into National Feedlot Corporation, which is under the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries,” its chairperson Azmi Khalid told reporters after chairing the financial oversight body’s maiden meeting for this session at Parliament House today.

The opposition raised red flags on the corporation, not just because of its non-performance but more so because of National Feedlot’s link to the son and husband of a federal minister. Continue reading “Parliamentary body to probe feedlot project”

Mara ticked off for high-priced purchases

Hafiz Yatim | 2:18PM Oct 24, 2011

Instead of fully utilising a RM54 million allocation to provide training courses for the hardcore poor, Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) spent money on related items – at 100 percent more than the market price.

The 2010 Auditor-General’s Report, tabled in the Dewan Rakyat today, states that the funds were provided under the second Economic Stimulus programme to help the poor boost their income

Some of the purchases highlighted in the report:

•An oven at RM1,200 compared to the market price of RM419, for baking and pastry-making courses in Kelantan

•Folding beds at RM500, against the market price of RM100

•Two-burner gas cookers at RM200 each, rather than RM59.90

•Hair clippers supplied at RM250 each, instead of RM79

•A blender at RM140 instead of RM60 Continue reading “Mara ticked off for high-priced purchases”

Price of binoculars zooms 29 times

Nigel Aw | 5:45PM Oct 24, 2011

The Malaysian Marine Parks Department (JTLM) spent a whopping RM56,350 for a pair of night vision Marine binoculars, 29 times more than its market value of RM1,940, the 2010 Auditor-General’s report reveals.

The department paid the same amount for another pair of night vision Bushnell binoculars, or 1,893 percent more than its actual price of RM2,827.

It similarly overpaid RM38,470 and RM13,918 for a Colour Marine radar set costing RM8,255 and a LCD TV with DVD player costing RM16,100 and RM2,182 respectively.

Other items include:

•Laptop and colour printer at RM11,845, instead of RM3,428 (246 percent more)

•Hand-held portable VHF Transceiver at RM4,324, instead of RM1,561 (177 percent more) Continue reading “Price of binoculars zooms 29 times”

PAC to haul up seven ministries, agencies for weak finances

By Yow Hong Chieh
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 24, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 24 — The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will probe seven ministries and agencies for weak financial management.

They are the Health Ministry; Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry; Energy, Green Technology and Water Ministry; Transport Ministry; Internal Revenue Board; Customs Department and the Malaysia Stadiums Corporation.

“These are the seven… recommended in the Auditor-General’s Report but we will decide next week if we will increase the number,” PAC chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid told reporters after the Auditor-General briefed the committee.

Also present was Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang and other PAC members. Continue reading “PAC to haul up seven ministries, agencies for weak finances”

Auditor-General: Putrajaya risked lives in delaying Bukit Jalil stadium roof repair

By Debra Chong
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 24, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 24 — Putrajaya risked public safety when it took four years to approve funds to repair the damaged roof at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium, the Auditor-General said in his report released today.

The report highlighted that the Merdeka Stadium Corporation (MSC), a federal statutory body responsible for the management of all national sports complexes, had applied to repair damage to the Bukit Jalil Stadium a total of four times since 2006.

The government finally approved RM30 million to repair the damaged stadium in December last year, the report added.

“The Auditor is of the view the delay in completing the roof repairs at Bukit Jalil National Stadium… was because the government did not approve the allocation applied for since 2006.

“This could jeopardise the comfort of users who would be exposed to the rain and endanger their safety if the roof collapsed especially for international events,” the report said. Continue reading “Auditor-General: Putrajaya risked lives in delaying Bukit Jalil stadium roof repair”