15-Day Countdown to 13GE – Unprecedented automatic dissolution of Negri Sembilan State Assembly at midnight tonight further highlights the “illegitimacy” of the Najib premiership particularly after the fifth anniversary of the “political tsunami” on 8th March

The unprecedented automatic dissolution of Negri Sembilan State Assembly at midnight tonight further highlights the “illegitimacy” of the Najib premiership particularly after the fifth anniversary of the “political tsunami” on 8th March nineteen days ago, giving his Cabinet and Government an “expired” character.

Is Najib really heading for the automatic dissolution of Parliament, now claimed to be April 30 and not April 27, 2013, after the further “automatic dissolution” of the State Assemblies of Pahang, Johore, Malacca, Selangor, Perak, Perlis and Kelantan before Parliament’s “automatic dissolution”, to be followed by the other states of Sabah, Penang and Terengganu?

It is not only a supreme irony, but most pathetic, that after almost four years as the country’s longest unelected Prime Minister and on permanent campaign mode, Najib is still trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel to eke out as many days as possible before he faces the ultimate and unavoidable “tryst with destiny”, the dissolution of the 12th Parliament for the holding of the 13th general elections in the country.

I agree with the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz that it is within Najib’s power to allow Parliament to be automatically dissolved before the holding of the 13GE, but he surely knows that this is an act which raises the most eloquent question about Najib’s credibility and legitimacy as Prime Minister of Malaysia. Continue reading “15-Day Countdown to 13GE – Unprecedented automatic dissolution of Negri Sembilan State Assembly at midnight tonight further highlights the “illegitimacy” of the Najib premiership particularly after the fifth anniversary of the “political tsunami” on 8th March”

No need for Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor to dissolve ahead of Parliament – as 13GE must be held latest by May 25 if there is going to be simultaneous Parliament/State GE

Should the Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor dissolve ahead of Parliament if the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak continues to be indecisive despite the automatic dissolution of the Negri Sembilan State Assembly?

There are respective pros and cons but on the balance, I do not think there is any need for the Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor to dissolve ahead of Parliament as the 13th General Elections must be held latest by May 25 if there is going to be simultaneous Parliament/State general elections. Continue reading “No need for Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor to dissolve ahead of Parliament – as 13GE must be held latest by May 25 if there is going to be simultaneous Parliament/State GE”

25-Day Countdown to 13GE – Parliamentary Reforms and restoration of the doctrine of Separation of Powers

Under the Federal Constitution and in keeping with the concept of the Separation of Powers, Parliament consisting of the Dewan Rakyat and the Senate are the supreme law making bodies.

They constitute the Legislative branch of Government, other branches being the Executive and the Judiciary.

The supremacy and independence of Parliament are accepted concepts adopted and practiced by all Parliamentary democracies.

In the Malaysian system of governance, after over five-and-a-half decades of Umno/Barisan Nasional rule, the Executive branch has usurped power and turned Parliament into a subordinate institution thus trampling on the fundamental concept and principle of representative government.

Several aspects of the current scene merit mention. Continue reading “25-Day Countdown to 13GE – Parliamentary Reforms and restoration of the doctrine of Separation of Powers”

The most probable date for long-awaited Parliament dissolution is Monday, March 25 although it could be later or even earlier

The most probable date for the long-awaited dissolution of the 12th Parliament is Monday, March 25 although it could be earlier in the next ten days or even later.

The automatic dissolution of the Negri Sembilan State Assembly on midnight on 26th March 2013 should under ordinary circumstances be the last cut-off date for the dissolution of Parliament, but these are not ordinary times, and Parliament can be dissolved earlier in the next 10 days or even later, exhausting another 32 days to lead up to the unprecedented automatic dissolution of Parliament on midnight April 27, 2013.

It is precisely because these are not ordinary times that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has put the country for nearly four long years on an election mode ever since he became the sixth Prime Minister on April 3, 2009, spending more time campaigning to get an elected mandate of his own instead of uniting and inspiring Malaysians with an overarching vision and governing the country efficiently and professionally, with integrity and full commitment to democracy, human rights and the environment.

If we are in ordinary times, the 13th general elections would have been held already and Malaysians would have known whether Najib has finally his own mandate to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia or whether Malaysia has got a new Pakatan Rakyat federal government in Putrajaya with a new Prime Minister in the person of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Continue reading “The most probable date for long-awaited Parliament dissolution is Monday, March 25 although it could be later or even earlier”

30-Day Countdown to 13GE – Open Letter to Najib proposing Cabinet decision tomorrow to convene special Parliamentary session within a week on Sabah Sulu crisis

I am today issuing this Open Letter to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak:

“YAB Datuk Seri Najib Razak,
Prime Minister,

YAB Datuk Seri,

Cabinet decision tomorrow to convene special Parliamentary session within a week on Sabah Sulu crisis to condemn cruel, inhuman and barbaric killing of Malaysian policemen by Sulu terrorists and call to Philippines Government to officially drop all claims to Sabah

I am still reeling from shock, horror and revulsion from the Chinese media reports yesterday about the cruel, inhuman and barbaric killings of Malaysian policemen by Sulu terrorists in the water village, Kampung Simunul in Semporna on March 2 as revealed by the Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in Ipoh on Sunday – sadistic and savage atrocities like cutting off of fingers, ripping of eyes and beheading when our fallen heroes in Semporna were still alive.

To my knowledge, this is the first time there is official confirmation of such unspeakable atrocities committed by the Sulu terrorists against members of our security forces in Semporna although there had been rumours and later confirmation of uncivilized mutilation and beheading of corpses .

I am addressing this Open Letter to you to urge the Cabinet tomorrow to take an decision of great national importance – to convene a special session of Parliament as the eight fallen national heroes from the police forces in Lahad Datu and Semporna, as well as all the security forces personnel who had suffered injury in the Sabah Sulu crisis, deserve no less than a fulsome tribute and recognition from all Ministers and Parliamentarians, regardless of political party, race, religion or region, in a special Parliamentary session.

On 12th January last year, a special Parliamentary session was convened where all MPs condemned in unison the Israeli atrocities on Palestinians in the Gaza.

YAB Prime Minister’s Cabinet and the 12th Parliament will be seriously remiss in their duties if they are not equally prepared to convene a special Parliamentary session to condemn the atrocities on the Malaysian security forces by Sulu terrorists in Lahad Datu and Semporna. Continue reading “30-Day Countdown to 13GE – Open Letter to Najib proposing Cabinet decision tomorrow to convene special Parliamentary session within a week on Sabah Sulu crisis”

31-Day Countdown to 13GE –Special meeting of Parliament more urgent to condemn cruel, inhuman and barbaric killing of Malaysian policemen by Sulu gunmen and unanimous call to Philippines Government to officially drop all claims to Sabah

Malaysians are shocked, disgusted and outraged by the cruel, inhuman and barbaric killing of Malaysian policemen by Sulu gunmen in Semporna as revealed by the Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in Ipoh yesterday – sadistic acts like the mutilation of bodies with the ripping of eyes, decapitating heads and cutting up bodies.

Most shocking of all was Zahid’s revelation that some of the fallen heroes in Semporna had their fingers cut off when still alive.

These are completely unacceptable conduct even in war-time and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms by all Malaysians as well as the international community although Zahid said it was possible that the killers were under the influence of drugs or were using black magic as a reason for their brutality.

The eight policemen killed in the shoot-outs with Sulu gunmen in Lahad Datu and Semporna are national heroes who had given their lives in the defence of national sovereignty and security of the people of Sabah, and they deserve to be remembered as national heroes with the nation bearing full responsibility for the welfare of their surviving family and children, including life-long education to university level for all the children of the fallen heroes.

Zahid’s shocking revelations of the cruel, bestial and uncivilized killing of the policemen in Semporna by Sulu gunmen reinforces the urgency and need to call a special meeting of Parliament which should pass an unanimous resolution by all MPs, regardless of political party, race or religion at least on five subjects, viz: Continue reading “31-Day Countdown to 13GE –Special meeting of Parliament more urgent to condemn cruel, inhuman and barbaric killing of Malaysian policemen by Sulu gunmen and unanimous call to Philippines Government to officially drop all claims to Sabah”

Star and MCA’s total distortion of my tribute to the eight policemen who died as national heroes in Lahad Datu and Semporna in shoot-outs with Sulu gunmen

My attention has been drawn to today’s Sunday Star report “MCA defends RM2,000 aid to families of slain cops”, which is a total distortion of my tribute to the eight policemen who died as national heroes in Lahad Datu and Semporna in the shoot-outs with Sulu gunmen.

Star quoted the MCA national organising secretary Datuk Tee Siew Kong accusing me of “a ploy to politicise the fatalities” and that I was “out to discredit the services and responsibilities of the uniformed personnel killed while protecting our nation”.

This is utter nonsense.

I stand by my unqualified tribute to the eight police commandos for their highest act of patriotic duty in giving their lives in the defence of national sovereignty and security of the people.

I also stand by my conviction that these eight police commandoes should not have died if the security forces had been given a free hand to professionally handle the Sabah Sulu crisis, but I do not want at this stage to get into an argument about the role of irresponsible politicians whether for their treason in creating grave security problems in Sabah or for their inept leadership which posed grave threat to life and limb of security forces personnel. Continue reading “Star and MCA’s total distortion of my tribute to the eight policemen who died as national heroes in Lahad Datu and Semporna in shoot-outs with Sulu gunmen”

32-Day Countdown to 13GE –Najib should declare whether he going to fully serve out the next 48 days as the longest unelected Prime Minister (4 years and 23 days) until Parliament is automatically dissolved on April 27 or announce the date for Parliament’s dissolution for 13GE

At the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat Government’s fifth anniversary rally at Shah Alam last night, I said that from March 9, Malaysia does not have a legitimate Prime Minister as Datuk Seri Najib Razak for the following reasons:

• he still dare not dissolve Parliament to hold the 13th general elections although he has already become the country’s longest unelected Prime Minister without a mandate of his own.

• he has put the country on an election-mode for four years, deserving an entry into the Guinness Book of Records as there is no other country whose head of government had been on a campaign footing for such a long time. In fact, it can be truly said that Najib’s one and only job since becoming Prime Minister on April 4, 2009 is to campaign to be an elected Prime Minister in the long-awaited 13GE.

• the expiry of the five-year natural life of the 12th Parliament which was elected on 8th March 2008.

Nobody is suggesting that Najib is an unlawful or unconstitutional Prime Minister but his legitimacy as Prime Minister has unquestionably been put in grave doubt – a plight never suffered by the five previous Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein, Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah.

Is the legitimacy of the Penang Chief Minister and the Mentri-Mentri Besar of Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan also affected? Continue reading “32-Day Countdown to 13GE –Najib should declare whether he going to fully serve out the next 48 days as the longest unelected Prime Minister (4 years and 23 days) until Parliament is automatically dissolved on April 27 or announce the date for Parliament’s dissolution for 13GE”

33-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Najib dissolve Parliament on 11th March at 11.11 am?

Two days ago, I was asked whether the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak would dissolve Parliament on 11th March at 11.11 am.

This reminds me of the “Six Ones” forecast two years ago, that Najib could dissolve Parliament on Nov. 11, 2011, which will have “6 1s”, as “11” is Najib’s favourite or even magic number.

But the “Six Ones” of “11.11.11” have come and gone, the years 2011 and 2012 have ended, and beginning today, the 12th Parliament has exceeded its natural life of five years making Najib in the eyes of many Malaysians an ‘illegitimate” Prime Minister, especially as Najib is the longest unelected Prime Minister without a mandate of his own for close to four long years!

Malaysia has made world history and gone into the Guinness Book of Records as a country which has been on general election-mode for close to four years since Najib replaced Tun Abdullah as the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia on 3rd April 2009.

But Najib is still afraid to dissolve Parliament to face the electorate although he has only earned for himself a breathing space of another 49 days before the present Parliament is automatically dissolved on April 27 under the Constitution, without the need for the Prime Minister to ask the Yang di Pertuan Agong for a formal dissolution!

Najib has only himself to blame if he is generally regarded as an “illegitimate” Prime Minister who at best should be Caretaker Prime Minister leading a Caretaker Cabinet which should not make any major or substantive decisions whether concerning policy, appointments, contractual obligations or abuse and misuse of the public service, whether personnel, resources and public funds without consultation with the Opposition. Continue reading “33-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Najib dissolve Parliament on 11th March at 11.11 am?”

Pakatan Rakyat to focus on 15 Parliamentary seats in Johore in 13GE to end Johor’s “fixed deposit state” status for UMNO/Barisan Nasional and to pave the way for PR to Putrajaya

In the last two days, I visited three parliamentary constituencies in south Johore, Johore Baru, Kulai and Gelang Patah, attending seven functions and they all gave me confidence that the wind of change is blowing strong and hard from Johore in the run-up to the 13th General Elections.

In the 2008 general elections, the 308 “political tsunami” came down from the north in Malaysia, winning for Pakatan Rakyat the states of Penang, Kedah, Perak (which was subsequently “stolen” back by UMNO/Barisan Nasional through undemocratic and unconstitutional means) Selangor and Kelantan.

The political tsunami in 2008 faltered in Negri Sembilan or Pakatan Rakyat would have won another state government that year.

After my two-day visit to south Johore visiting Taman Pelangi, Taman Sentosa, Plentong, Gelang Patah, Senai, Bandar Seri Alam and Johor Jaya, and attending two major DAP UBAH Dream Truck ceramahs drawing unprecedented crowds, I feel hopeful that in the 13th General Elections, a bigger “political tsunami” is in store and will emanate from the south in Johore Baru and Johore to radiate to all parts of Malaysia and take the political change started in 2008 to even greater heights.

After his political disaster of the RM3.5 million invitation to the South Korean K-Pop superstar Psy to Penang on the second day of the Chinese New Year, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak flew next day to south Johore to seek political solace and consolation.

Najib emerged from a closed-door meeting with Johor Umno and BN on Feb. 12 declaring confidence in Johor remaining a BN bastion in the next general elections. Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat to focus on 15 Parliamentary seats in Johore in 13GE to end Johor’s “fixed deposit state” status for UMNO/Barisan Nasional and to pave the way for PR to Putrajaya”

36-Day Countdown to 13GE – As Najib is morally a caretaker Prime Minister after March 8, he should brief and consult with Pakatan Rakyat leaders on the Sabah Sulu crisis

As the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has signed the Transparency International-Malaysia’s Election Integrity Pledge on Feb. 20 to observe the principles of integrity, ethical conduct, accountability, transparency and good governance in the 13th General Elections, he must uphold and recognise the concept and conventions of caretaker government when Parliament is dissolved or at the end of the five-year term of Parliament.

Najib has delared that he wants to make Malaysia “the best democracy in the world”. If he is serious, it is beholden upon him to observe the best practices of mature and better-functioning democracies in other parts of the world, one of which is the concept and conventions on caretaker governments.

A caretaker government provision recognises that on the dissolution of Parliament, the day-to-day business of government must continue on ordinary matters of administration to allow for the normal operations of all government departments, but a Caretaker Government is limited and precluded from making major policy decisions or appointments.

In Australia, for instance, five broad principles have been spelt out in its Caretaker Government Conventions, viz: Continue reading “36-Day Countdown to 13GE – As Najib is morally a caretaker Prime Minister after March 8, he should brief and consult with Pakatan Rakyat leaders on the Sabah Sulu crisis”

“Democracy” in Malaysia – Neither Free nor Fair

The position of Barisan Nasional (BN) has always been to insist that Malaysia is a democracy on the basis that we have regular elections and that opposition politicians are elected to the legislature, be it in the federal parliament or the state legislatures. Since the 2008 general elections, BN politicians have used the example of the opposition winning control of an additional four state legislatures in Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor as additional ‘proof’ that Malaysia is indeed a democracy.

This kind of simplistic thinking and arguments from the BN exemplifies the root of the problem faced by our country. We set our own ‘benchmarks’ and then proceed to congratulate ourselves by giving patting ourselves on our backs when we have ‘achieved’ them.

Democracy is not ‘merely’ about elections

While we are not like North Korea or China where opposition political parties and elections are not allowed, all reasonable and rationale people would agree with the proposition that we are nowhere near being a full-fledged democracy like the United Kingdom or the United States or more recent additions to the ranks of democratic countries such as South Korea and even Indonesia.

Democracy is not merely about elections. It is much more than that. It must include the protection of civil liberties and political rights. There must be guarantees for many important freedoms which are crucial for the functioning of democracy not just in its form but more importantly, in its substance. This would include protection for the freedom of the press and freedom to assemble freely. This would include proper checks and balances in the system such as parliamentary oversight and executive accountability. This would include having an independent civil service and independent government agencies such as the Election Commission, the Attorney General’s Chamber and the Anti-Corruption Agency as well as an independent judiciary. Unfortunately, the BN have overlooked all these other crucial components of democracy. Some politicians have even remarked that if the electorate doesn’t like the ‘rules of the game’ set by the BN, they can always vote the BN out. This, of course, totally ignores the fact that the electoral playing field is grossly skewed in favor of the BN through undemocratic means that have been institutionalized in the 56 year rule of the current regime.
Continue reading ““Democracy” in Malaysia – Neither Free nor Fair”

Pengiraan Detik 42 Hari ke PRU13 – Keputusan impian saya untuk PRU13: Pakatan Rakyat menang dengan sekurang-kurangnya 125 Ahli Parlimen PR terdiri daripada 45 Ahli Parlimen PKR dan 40 Ahli Parlimen dari DAP dan PAS tiap parti

he Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI) meramalkan kejayaan Barisan Nasional dalam PRU13 dengan anggaran 123 hingga 135 kerusi ( iaitu majoriti 24-48 kerusi) dan membentangkan tiga kemungkinan untuk Pilihan Raya PRU13, yakni:

  • Senario 1: Status quo sekarang kekal, iaitu 140 kerusi Barisan Nasional (BN) berbanding82 kerusi untuk Pakatan Rakyat (PR) berikutan “tsunami politik” 8 Mac, 2008 dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12.
  • Senario 2: Merosotnya majoriti untuk BN, iaitu kurang daripada majoriti 58 kerusi selepas “tsunami politik” 308; dan
  • Senario 3: BN memperoleh semula majoriti dua pertiga, iaitu memenangi sekurang-kurangnya 148 kerusi parlimen atau minimum majoriti 74 kerusi

Akan tetapi ada dua lagi kemungkinan, meramalkan kemenangan Pakatan Rakyat, yakni:

  • Senario 4: Kemenangan buat Pakatan Rakyat dengan majority tipis.
  • Senario 5: Kemenangan buat PR dengan majoriti selesa.

Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 42 Hari ke PRU13 – Keputusan impian saya untuk PRU13: Pakatan Rakyat menang dengan sekurang-kurangnya 125 Ahli Parlimen PR terdiri daripada 45 Ahli Parlimen PKR dan 40 Ahli Parlimen dari DAP dan PAS tiap parti”

42-Day Countdown to 13GE – My dream results for the 13GE: Pakatan Rakyat win with at least 125 PR MPs comprising 45 PKR MPs and 40 MPs each from DAP and PAS

The Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI) forecasts a Barisan Nasional victory in the 13GE with an expected 123 to 135 seats ( i.e. a majority of 24 – 48 seats) and presented three possible outcomes for the 13th General Elections, viz:

• Scenario 1: The present status quo remains, i.e. 140 Barisan Nasional (BN) seats as against 82 seats for Pakatan Rakyat (PR) following the March 8, 2008 “political tsunami” in the 12th General Elections.

• Scenario 2: A reduced majority for BN, i.e. less than 58-seat majority after the 308 “political tsunami”; and

• Scenario 3: BN regains two-thirds majority, i.e. winning at least 148 parliamentary seats or minimum of 74-seat majority.

There are however two other possible outcomes, predicated on a Pakatan Rakyat victory, viz:

• Scenario 4: Victory for Pakatan Rakyat with narrow majority.

• Scenario 5: Victory for PR with good and comfortable majority.

Continue reading “42-Day Countdown to 13GE – My dream results for the 13GE: Pakatan Rakyat win with at least 125 PR MPs comprising 45 PKR MPs and 40 MPs each from DAP and PAS”

Fear factor and Mahathir

by K. Siladass

The fear factor has finally caught up with Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. The fact that Dato Ambiga Sreenevasan, a former President of the Bar Council and currently the co-chairman of Bersih Movement, has been making constructive suggestions for the clean and proper conduct of the forthcoming general elections is well known. Mahathir, alike all his cronies and supporters fearing that the wind of change in the thought process of the Malaysians is actually blowing, had begun to make frantic undemocratic demands-one among them is the call for the revocation of Ambiga’s citizenship. Does this remind of Idi Amin of Uganda?

Has Ambiga said anything that would constitute as an attempt to overthrow the government? Hardly so. All her comments, suggestions, criticisms were objectively aimed at improving the standards of the voting procedure. Any citizen could make suggestions so long it is not contrary to law. Neither she nor Bersih advocate the transformation of illegal immigrants to legal immigrants with voting rights. It is those who violated the Country’s citizenship, immigration and election law, who should be dealt with according to law.

It is also hardly correct to assume that Ambiga alone had formulated all the comments, suggestions and criticisms; instead, she represents a movement and her expressions are those of the movement, hence, would it not be appropriate that all those who are linked with her and the Bersih Movement should receive like treatment? All who support the Bersih Movement should have their citizenship revoked. If this sounds very puerile, then, why single out Ambiga? When we are talking about democracy and democratic government we are indeed talking of Government by discussion. This does not mean discussion only amongst ruling party members but must also include the views from the public, of which the opposition and civic movements are a part.

From the Mahathir’s outburst it could be discerned that he and his followers are unable to match up with reasonable, rational and sensible argument, and argument has always been the core principle in democracy. Continue reading “Fear factor and Mahathir”

The true colours of Dr M

— Uncle Nick
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 20, 2013

JAN 20 — Finally, the true colours of our esteemed Dr M are revealed.
At a recent forum, Dr M was reported to have touted his idea of what a strong government is and is not. He was quoted to have said that a strong government must be brave to use force and that being liberal is a weakness. He attributed the loss of the two thirds majority by the BN government to the lack of confidence the citizens had towards the then BN leadership.

He also lamented the fact that the power of the BN government is being destroyed because of weak leadership. The fact is that the source of power of a government lies with the citizens, not with a political party. No political party has hereditary rights to govern – 55 years in government notwithstanding. When it comes to the power to govern, the citizens giveth and the citizens taketh. The citizens rightly have the expectation that the power so giveth must be exercised for the citizens’ betterment. Most of all, the power must be exercise wisely, or the citizens have every right to taketh it away.

Of course, government leaders have to be daring. But daring to do what is the big question. Surely it is not daring to do things that are unjust, not accountable, fraudulent or downright criminal. When they do that, they no longer deserve the confidence of the citizens and with it, the right to govern.

Dr M seemed to suggest that the current government leadership is afraid of its people. Frankly, I’d rather have a government that is ‘afraid’ of its people than one that rides roughshod over its people. As long as a government has the strength of its conviction to do the right things by its people and be accountable for its action, fear does not come into the equation. Continue reading “The true colours of Dr M”

Pengiraan Detik 89 Hari ke PRU13 – Apakah MB Johor Ghani Othmas akan disuruh menarik balik ramalannya bahawa PR boleh menang PRU13 dengan majoriti 5% atau 10% ataupun majoriti 12-22 kerusi?

Petang semalam, Bank Islam Malaysia menjarakkan diri daripada ramalan ketua penganalisis ekonominya di dalam sebuah forum di Singapura bahawa Pakatan Rakyat (PR) boleh menang dengan majoriti kecil pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.

Pengarah urusan Bank Islam Datuk Seri Zukri Samat berkata di dalam kenyataannya bahawa Bank Islam bukanlah pihak di dalam Regional Outlook Forum pada hari Khamis, dan “tidak terlibat dan tidak berkaitan dalam forum tersebut,” dan pandangan yang diberikan penganalisis ekonominya Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin adalah “pandangan peribadi beliau dan tidak patut dikaitkan dengan Bank Islam,”

Di dalam Singapore Regional Outlook Forum, Azrul telah meramalkan bahawa Barisan Nasional berkemungkinan untuk menang cuma di antara 97 dan 107 kerusi parlimen – membentuk kerajaan persekutuan Pakatan Rakyat dengan majoriti parlimen antara lapan hingga 28 kerusi.

Tidak mengapa sama ada unjuran Azrul adalah anggaran rasmi atau tidak rasmi Bank Islam, hakikatnya pemimpin UMNO/Barisan Nasional juga telah turut sampai kepada keputusan yang sama berdasarkan maklumbalas dan pengiraan – menunjukkan bahawa PRU13 akan menjadi perkara penentu sama ada Pakatan Rakyat atau Barisan Nasioal yang akan memenangi perlumbaan ke Putrajaya.

Menteri Besar Johor Datuk Abdul Ghani Osman memberikan senario hampir sama dengan Azrul ketika bercakap kepada pertubuhan Cina Kulai pada hari Selasa, menyatakan Pakatan Rakyat boleh menawan Putrajaya di dalam PRU13, walaupun beliau memberi amaran bahawa paling banyak Pakatan Rakyat cuma boleh menang dengan majoriti tipis 5% kepada 10% kerusi parlimen. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 89 Hari ke PRU13 – Apakah MB Johor Ghani Othmas akan disuruh menarik balik ramalannya bahawa PR boleh menang PRU13 dengan majoriti 5% atau 10% ataupun majoriti 12-22 kerusi?”

89-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Johore MB Ghani Othman be asked to retract his prediction that PR can win the 13GE with 5% to 10% majority or majority of 12-22 seats?

Last evening, Bank Islam Malaysia distanced itself from its chief economist’s prediction in a Singapore forum that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) can notch a slim win in the 13th General Election.

Bank Islam managing director Datuk Seri Zukri Samat said in statement that the bank was not a party to the Singapore Regional Outlook Forum on Thursday , and “not related or involved in anyway in the event” and that the views expressed by its chief economist Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin were “entirely his personal view and should not be linked or attributed to Bank Islam whatsoever”.

At the Singapore regional forum, Azrul had computed that Barisan Nasional was likely to win only between 97 and 107 of the 222 parliamentary seats – yielding for a Pakatan Rakyat federal government a parliamentary majority ranging from eight to 28 seats.

Never mind whether Azrul’s projection is an official or unofficial estimate of Bank Islam, the fact is that this is a projection which UMNO/Barisan Nasional leaders have also arrived at based on their own feedbacks, calculations and computations – indication that the 13GE is going to be a very close affair as to whether it is Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional which is going to win the race to Putrajaya.

The Johore Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Osman gave almost the same scenario as Azrul when he spoke to Kulai Chinese organisations on Tuesday, conceding that Pakatan Rakyat could win Putrajaya in the 13GE, although he warned that the most the Pakatan Rakyat could win would be a slim majority of 5% to 10% of the parliamentary seats.

Pakatan Rakyat winning a slim 5% to 10% parliamentary majority would range from PR winning 117 seats to BN’s 105 seats with a 12-seat majority (i.e. 5.5% majority) to PR winning 122 seats to BN’s 100 seats with a majority of 22 seats (i.e. 10% majority). Continue reading “89-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Johore MB Ghani Othman be asked to retract his prediction that PR can win the 13GE with 5% to 10% majority or majority of 12-22 seats?”

Pengiraan Detik 93 Hari ke PRU13 – Najib sepatutnya membubarkan Parlimen pada 8 Mac sempena berakhirnya penggal 5 tahun Parlimen bukannya menggunakan Perkara 55(3) Perlembagaan Malaysia untuk menjamin 50 hari lagi sebagai PM yang tidak dipilih

Perkara 55(3) Perlembagaan Malaysia menyebut:

“55(3) Melainkan jika dibubarkan terlebih dahulu, Parlimen hendaklah terus berjalan selama lima tahun dari tarikh mesyuarat pertamanya dan selepas itu adalah terbubar.”

Parlimen ke-12 dipilih pada 8 Mac, 2008 – hari membuang undi untuk pilihan raya umum ke-12.

Mesyuarat pertama Parlimen yang terkini adalah pada 28 April, 2008. Di bawah perkara 55(3), melainkan Parlimen dibubarkan terlebih dahulu, Parlimen ke-12 akan terbubar dengan sendirinya pada 27 April, 2013.

Perdana Menteri ke-6 Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Razak adalah Perdana Menteri tanpa mandatnya sendiri yang paling lama memerintah – jauh lebih lama berbanding empat Perdana Menteri sebelumnya iaitu Tun Abdullah, Tun Mahathir, Tun Hussein and his father Tun Razak.

Beliau sepatutnya membubarkan Parlimen pada 8 Mac 2013 apabila berakhirnya penggal 5 tahun Parlimen dan bukannya menggunakan Perkara 55(3) Perlembagaan Malaysia untuk menjamin 50 hari lagi sebagai Perdana Menteri yang tidak dipilih. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 93 Hari ke PRU13 – Najib sepatutnya membubarkan Parlimen pada 8 Mac sempena berakhirnya penggal 5 tahun Parlimen bukannya menggunakan Perkara 55(3) Perlembagaan Malaysia untuk menjamin 50 hari lagi sebagai PM yang tidak dipilih”

93-Day Countdown to 13GE – Najib should dissolve Parliament by 8th March on expiry of 5-year tenure of Parliament instead of resorting to Article 55(3)of Constitution to secure another 50 days as unelected PM

Article 55(3) of the Malaysian Constitution states:

“55(3) Parliament unless sooner dissolved shall continue for five years from the date of its first meeting and shall then stand dissolved”.

The 12th Parliament was elected on March 8, 2008 – the polling day for the 12th general elections.

The first meeting of the present Parliament was on April 28, 2008. Under Article 55(3), unless Parliament is sooner dissolved, the 12th Parliament shall stand automatically dissolved on April 27, 2013.

The sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is the nation’s longest unelected Prime Minister without a mandate of his own – longer than his four predecessors Tun Abdullah, Tun Mahathir, Tun Hussein and his father Tun Razak.

He should dissolve Parliament by 8th March 2013 on expiry of the five-year tenure of Parliament instead of resorting to the Constitutional device in Article 55(3) to secure another 50 days in office as unelected Prime Minister. Continue reading “93-Day Countdown to 13GE – Najib should dissolve Parliament by 8th March on expiry of 5-year tenure of Parliament instead of resorting to Article 55(3)of Constitution to secure another 50 days as unelected PM”