Sarawak Pakatan pledges straight fights with BN

By Adib Zalkapli | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 19 — The Sarawak Pakatan Rakyat (PR) parties have pledged to ensure straight fights with Barisan Nasional (BN) in the upcoming state election, which must be called by July next year.

The fragile coalition of four parties — DAP, PAS, PKR and local opposition party SNAP — made the decision at the inaugural meeting of its leadership council last night.

Sarawak DAP chairman Wong Ho Leng told The Malaysian Insider that the state PR is also aiming to take over the government led by Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, who has been in power for almost three decades.

“The leadership council also decided to topple BN in the state election, so we are aiming for at least 50 per cent of the seats,” said Wong.

“At the very least we must deny the two-thirds majority,” he added.
Continue reading “Sarawak Pakatan pledges straight fights with BN”

Pakatan invites PM to roundtable talk on Israeli attacks

By Clara Chooi | The Malaysian Insider | June 01, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has invited Datuk Seri Najib Razak and all parties across the political divide for a roundtable talk this Friday to jointly condemning Israel’s attack on the Gaza-bound humanitarian aid flotilla.

PR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today issued the invitation to the prime minister, all Barisan Nasional and PR parties and all Islamic and non-Islamic NGOs to attend the talk, set to be held in Kampung Baru at 11.30am on Friday.

“We need to take a more serious stand in this issue and condemn this continuing violence,” he said after attending the PR secretariat meeting at the PKR headquarters here today.

Anwar added that following the roundtable talks, all invited parties would then march to the US embassy and submit a memorandum on behalf of all Malaysians, calling for an end to the violence.
Continue reading “Pakatan invites PM to roundtable talk on Israeli attacks”

DAP: Pakatan perlu adakan kajian prestasi separuh penggal

Oleh G. Manimaran | The Malaysian Insider

KOTA BARU, 29 Mei — Pakatan Rakyat (PR), yang mencipta sejarah dengan menguasai lima kerajaan negeri dan menafikan Barisan Nasional (BN) majoriti dua pertiga di Parlimen dua tahun lalu, perlu mengadakan kajian separuh penggal prestasi mereka.

Justeru, idea agar diadakan kajian separuh penggal itu membabitkan prestasinya sejak Mac 2008 akan diutarakan pada mesyuarat kepimpinan PR
Selasa depan, kata Penasihat DAP Lim Kit Siang.

“Kami akan membincangkan idea agar diadakan kajian separuh penggal kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat selepas dua tahun memerintah,” kata Lim pada sidang media bersama pemimpin-pemimpin PR di sini hari ini.

“Kita sudah memerintah selama dua tahun dan ada baiknya kita melakukan kajian separuh penggal ini… masa yang sesuai untuk menilai prestasi kerajaan negeri… pendekatan, cara… untuk melihat prestasi dari segi aspirasi, harapan rakyat,” kata beliau.
Continue reading “DAP: Pakatan perlu adakan kajian prestasi separuh penggal”

Vote BN for bankruptcy, warns Pakatan

Malaysian Insider
By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani
May 29, 2010

KOTA BARU, May 29 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders used dire forecasts of a gloomy future if there are no subsidy cuts to warn that voting for Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next general election would lead the country to bankruptcy.

A government minister this week had predicted Malaysia could be bankrupt by 2019 if it does not begin to cut subsidies for petrol, electricity, food and other staples, which cost RM74 billion last year. But the Najib administration is waiting for public feedback before deciding on actual cuts.

DAP leader Lim Kit Siang said it was not subsidies but BN’s corruption and abuse of power that has led the country to current financial crisis.

“I cannot imagine if DAP, PKR or PAS had made the announcement that country will be bankrupt by 2019. If we did, Umno would have labelled us as anti-nationalist and traitors. We probably would have been locked up in ISA and given free food.

“Remember Vision 2020? We were supposed to become a developed nation by 2020 but unfortunately one year before 2020, we are already bankrupt,” he told a crowd last night in Tanah Merah, a two-hour drive from the Kelantan state capital.

Lim was one of many PR leaders in the state speaking at ceramahs ahead of the PKR convention this weekend. Continue reading “Vote BN for bankruptcy, warns Pakatan”

S’wak BN shell-shocked by Sibu defeat

Terence Netto | May 27, 10 1:31pm

COMMENT It’s now the turn of Sarawak’s BN leaders to display symptoms of election shell-shock.

Following DAP’s victory in the Sibu by-election, the trauma suffered by Sarawak’s BN chapter, hitherto so confident as the numerically superior component of federal BN’s safe electoral deposit in Borneo, displayed itself in unmistakable ways.

A couple of opposition representatives, hauled before the rights and privileges panel of the state assembly for misconduct at previous sittings, were last week meted out suspensions disproportionate to their reported misdemeanors.

No doubt, this can be attributed to Sarawak BN’s knee-jerk reaction to its defeat by DAP in a former safe haven. Continue reading “S’wak BN shell-shocked by Sibu defeat”

Another case of police shooting death involving 18-yr old Mohd Afham – PR proposes to convene another Parliamentary Roundtable on fatal police shootings as well as to revisit Dzaiddin Royal Police Commission Report 2005

Another case of police shooting death has surfaced – and I fully support the demand of the aggrieved mother Sapiah Elah, 52, from Simpang Waha Felda, Kota Tinggi for an independent commission to investigate into the fatal police shooting of her son on Mohd Afham Arin, 18, October 20 last year.

Sapiah said Mohd Afham was a good son who did not have any previous criminal record.

Mohd Afham, who was believed to be involved in snatch thefts, was riding the motorcycle with 19-year-old Mohd Firdaus Marsani as pillion rider, in Taman Johor Jaya after having dinner.
Mohd Firdaus, who also demanded justice in the case, refuted the police allegation that he had waved a machete at the policemen, thus forcing the policemen to shoot at them in self-defence.

He related yesterday that he and Mohd Afham were chased by three men on motorcycles. He said the three men were in plainclothes and did not show their authority cards, and out of fear Mohd Afham sped off towards Pasir Gudang with the three men giving chase. Continue reading “Another case of police shooting death involving 18-yr old Mohd Afham – PR proposes to convene another Parliamentary Roundtable on fatal police shootings as well as to revisit Dzaiddin Royal Police Commission Report 2005”

Pakatan Rakyat leadership council will meet next month to chart a strategy to remove Sarawak and Sabah as the Barisan Nasional’s “fixed deposit” states

The 308 political tsunami of the March 2008 general elections two years ago broke the myth of the invincibility of the Barisan Nasional as an unbeatable coalition, with the fall of Barisan Nasional in five states (although one was recovered by BN through illegal and unconstitutional means) and the removal of the hitherto unbroken BN two-thirds parliamentary majority.

The 516 Sibu Miracle, where the Sarawak Pakatan Rakyat made its debut and fielded the first PR candidate in Sarawak winning a seat which the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had described as a BN “fortress”, is a clear and unmistakable message of the deep-seated aspirations of Malaysians, including the people of Sarawak and Sabah, for change and the possibility of the 308 “political tsunami” being taken into its full flush nationally in the 13th General Elections.

Despite strenuous public denials by Barisan Nasional leaders, not only nationally but also in Sarawak and Sabah, there is no doubt that they are fully aware of the far-reaching implications of the Sibu by-election result – explaining the recent panicky reaction, both in statements and conduct, of top BN leaders in the two states.

The Pakatan Rakyat leadership council will meet next month to chart a strategy to remove Sarawak and Sabah as the Barisan Nasional’s “fixed deposit” states. Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat leadership council will meet next month to chart a strategy to remove Sarawak and Sabah as the Barisan Nasional’s “fixed deposit” states”

Sarawak for Change – The Sibu Declaration

(Adopted by DAP Sarawak State Committee on 23rd May 2010 In Sibu, Sarawak)

The Sibu Miracle on 16th May 2010 is the beginning of the awakening of Sarawak. From now on, no one will take us – the people of Sarawak – for granted. One small step in winning Sibu is one big step to winning power in Petrajaya, and a giant step forward to winning power in Putrajaya.Sarawak is rich. It has the largest land mass in Malaysia and an abundance of resources such as timber, land, palm oil, gold, oil and gas.

But the people of Sarawak are among the poorest in Malaysia because of low pay, poor employment opportunities and a business environment which is monopolised by a selected few.

It is the only state in Malaysia where one family – that of the Chief Minister’s – practically has complete power over the state’s entire economic and political activities.

It’s time that we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Let’s chart a new future for Sarawak and Malaysia.

GOOD GOVERNANCE = NO MORE TAIB Continue reading “Sarawak for Change – The Sibu Declaration”

Putrajaya dream not far-fetched, says Kit Siang

By G Vinod | FMT

KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat’s victory in the recent Sibu by-election proved that all is not lost for the coalition in its hopes of winning the 13th general election, and forming the next federal government.

In his blog, DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang also said the days Barisan Nasional considered Sabah and Sarawak as its “fixed deposits” are over.

“The BN survived the onslaught of the 2008 political tsunami due to the support from Sabah and Sarawak.

“However, it must have realised now that it cannot take the voters of the two states for granted by disregarding their legitimate grievances and discontent,” he said.
Continue reading “Putrajaya dream not far-fetched, says Kit Siang”

DAP/PR victory in Sibu sparks new hopes for a PR Federal Government in next general election

The Sibu by-election result has triple far-reaching implications for Sibu, Sarawak and Malaysia.

Most important of all, the DAP/PR victory in the Sibu parliamentary by-election on Sunday sparks new hopes for a Pakatan Rakyat Federal Government in the next 13th General Election in Malaysia.

In one fell swoop, the Sibu Miracle achieved triple national impacts: viz:

  • Steadied parliamentary democracy and strengthened Pakatan Rakyat’s parliamentary position to ensure that the Barisan Nasional does not steal back its previous unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority;

  • Sent a clear and unmistakable signal that Sarawak and Sabah are no more Barisan Nasional “fixed deposit” states which had saved the Barisan Nasional federal power in the 308 political tsunami of the 2008 general election and Umno and Putrajaya cannot continue to take the people of Sarawak and Sabah for granted in disregarding their legitimate grievances and discontents.

  • Demonstrated growing maturity and effectiveness of the Pakatan Rakyat political alliance. The Sibu by-election is the first foray of Pakatan Rakyat Sarawak comprising PKR,PAS, DAP and SNAP. The campaigning by all Pakatan Rakyat leaders including Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Datuk Seri Azizah Ismail, Azmin Ali, Saifuddin Nasution, Zuraida Kamaruddin, Fuziah Salleh, Nurul Izzah, Zaid Ibrahim (PKR) and Datuk Seri Hadi Awang, Continue reading “DAP/PR victory in Sibu sparks new hopes for a PR Federal Government in next general election”

Sibu the “Sifu”

Sixteenth of May a date to remember
In Sarawak a history was created
The people awaken, tis the signal
In her fortress BN was defeated

It is historical, this month of May
A tragedy in nineteen sixty nine
Never should it be repeated, we pray
And that’s your wish and mine.

The youths had a grand celebration
And the teachers day too did follow
Whilst Pakatan was in jubilation
Barisan Nasional plunged in sorrow.

It was the bye-election in Sibu
The spirit that we shall nurture
Little Sibu became the “SIFU”
Giving hope to Malaysia’s future. Continue reading “Sibu the “Sifu””

Pakatan still on track to Putrajaya after Hulu Selangor

By Kenny Gan

It was an intense hard fought by-election in a traditional Umno stronghold which many said was too close to call. BN’s Hulu Selangor campaign was as dirty and nasty as any other by-election and dirtier than most with the stakes seen as a referendum on Najib’s administration. BN fought mostly with character assassinations and money. Both sides also released strategically timed policies, land titles and grants although naturally PR could not match BN’s largess.

The campaign was fierce and furious with both sides throwing in their biggest guns with PR bringing in revered Tok Guru Nik Aziz to shore up Zaid’s Islamic credibility among the conservative Malays. The normally ignored Orang Asli were wooed by BN with parties, booze and cash and Felda settlers who were nursing grievances for decades suddenly found the sky raining with money and promises. Even Maika shareholders were buoyed by the strategically timed news that a buyout of their troubled investment is in the works.

In an uncharacteristic move for an incumbent prime minister which underscored how important this by-election is, Najib Razak himself joined the fray. The Election Commission also got into the act with a dubious transfer of 14,000 voters between polling stations, seen as a calculated move to cause confusion. Several hundred pro-opposition voters were also transferred outside the constituency and denied their right to vote.
Continue reading “Pakatan still on track to Putrajaya after Hulu Selangor”

Kit sounds alarm bells for Pakatan campaign

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA KUBU BARU, April 23 — Lim Kit Siang urged his Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition today to fight for every single vote in the final stretch of the Hulu Selangor by-election campaign, pointing out that Datuk Zaid Ibrahim is now the underdog against Barisan Nasional’s (BN) P. Kamalanathan.

“The red light is on,” Lim told a press conference here this morning, in a tacit admission that PR was now trailing behind BN in the race for votes this Sunday.

Lim (picture) said the campaigning effort in the Malay and Indian majority areas by BN is not to be underestimated.

“According to them, they are in the lead and have more chances to win. This is a critical development.

“I want to set the alarm and urge all leaders to go all out to secure every single vote,” said the Ipoh Timur MP.
Continue reading “Kit sounds alarm bells for Pakatan campaign”

Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 5)


In the end, NEM is nothing more than a cocktail of reincarnation of Barisan Nasional’s previously failed economic planning mixed with plagiarised concepts and ideas from Pakatan Rakyat.

If anything, NEM strengthens the belief that Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak’s administration is obsessed with public relations so much so that even the most important economic document for the country is littered with public relations stunts – high targets albeit unrealistic, big words, lacking in details and political will.

But no doubt this will be spun by the public relations coordinators in Putrajaya to create some excitement and provide the feeling that the economy is heading in the right direction.

Pakatan Rakyat believes that the proofs provided in this document are sufficient to expose this public relations stunt. If Barisan Nasional is serious about re-making our economy and bringing it to a new era, it must respond to the four acid tests outlined by Pakatan Rakyat in this document.
Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 5)”

Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 4b)

Introduction of minimum wage
NEM sets a rather ambitious target to achieve income per capita of USD17,700 by 2020.

2020 is less than 10 years away and if going by the non-correlation of economic planning and results achievement of the past decade, it is necessary for any economists to take a more prudent view of the country’s economy for the next 10 years.

While NEM has been touted as the a game-changing economic document that will propel the country to the status of developed nation, surprisingly the measures suggested to improve personal income is not at all game-changing.

The same vague and conceptual measures of upgrading the skills, bringing in technology through R&D and going for high value services have been suggested and included as targets since 2000 in 8MP.

Clearly, the measures did not bring results as expected (more so because they were not implemented seriously as there was hardly any reform in important institutions in the country).
Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 4b)”

Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 4a)


Pakatan Rakyat takes a very strong view on the need to have a strong political will to carry out economic reforms promptly and extensively.

The biggest challenge for Barisan Nasional is to prove that NEM (despite all the contradictions and gaffs already committed by Barisan Nasional leaders) is genuine and not a part of the continuous public relations gimmick, presumably developed by APCO Worldwide.

Therefore, the government needs to immediately response to the lukewarm reception of the market and public by demonstrating early political will to implement certain key economic reforms; failure of which will only confirm the prevailing sentiment that NEM is nothing more than repackaged past failures presented as a public relations campaign.

Pakatan Rakyat hereby outlines four key acid tests for Barisan Nasional that could and should be implemented immediately if it is serious in pushing economic reforms.
Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 4a)”

Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 3d)

The inherent lack of transparency

The market greeted government’s move to dispose its assets and develops some parcels of lands to spur economic activities with some excitement. One of the first projects announced was the development of government lands in Sungai Buloh for a gross development value of RM5 billion to be jointly developed by government and EPF.

Unfortunately, the positive response was short-lived as news soon circulated that MRCB was expected to be appointed as the contractor for the project; prompting allegations of insider trading.

Whatever optimism there was with regards to the planned disposal of government assets died instantaneously and marred the unveiling of NEM.

The basic issue of transparency did not receive adequate attention and priority in NEM when it is one of the biggest ills of our economy.
Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 3d)”

Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 3c)

Removing Subsidy

The double standard on the issue of subsidy removal is glaring.

Pakatan Rakyat has maintained that the issue of subsidy removal must be approached holistically. It is morally wrong to take back assistance to the people (in the form of lower petrol prices) in the name of subsidy removal – yet the huge financial incentives and soft loans to big corporations such as Independent Power Producers (IPPs), water concessionaires and toll operators are maintained in the name of “sanctity of legal agreements”.

While the Federal Government continues to dilly dally with water restructuring in Selangor to return the utility back to the public and to ensure minimal tariff in the future; it also provided Syabas with a RM320.8 million 20-year back-loaded and interest free loan.

The issue of exorbitant profits made by IPPs is well known and has become a national topic. PETRONAS has suffered a bill of RM97 billion cumulatively up to 31 March 2009 in gas subsidies; mostly to IPPs. Despite continuous public pressure, Barisan Nasional has not had the courage nor willingness to restructure IPPs given the burden to the national coffers in terms of gas subsidy that could have been used elsewhere.
Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 3c)”

Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 3b)

Having reviewed the NEM in details, what is most damaging to NEM does not even form any part of NEM or the documents published by NEAC.

In the end, the public shall judge Barisan Nasional by its actions – past and present; to determine the level of seriousness and political will. In this department, Barisan Nasional’s contradictory decisions and actions prior to and in the immediate instance of unveiling of NEM shall prove to be the most fatal blow to NEM.

Rent Seeking
YAB Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak has openly admitted that out of RM54 billion of equity allocated to Bumiputra, only RM2 billion remains due to immediate and large sell down of Bumiputra shares in the capital market.

Embarrassingly, he went on to admit that “those who received bumiputra shares were not ordinary folk but mainly influential people ‘who sat in the front rows at functions such as Tan Sris and Datuk Sris”.
Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 3b)”

Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 3a)

Originality Is Suspect

The three main thrusts of sustainability, inclusiveness and high income bear striking resemblance to basic tenets enumerated in Pakatan Rakyat’s Malaysian Economic Agenda (MEA).

In fact, the concept of needs-based “affirmative action” (rather than the race-based approach as espoused in the New Ecomomic Policy) that is being touted as a major breakthrough for Barisan Nasional is clearly borrowed from MEA which first proposed the idea in 2006.

The extent of copycat does not stop there. NEM talks extensively about the need to abolish rent seeking culture in order to reinvigorate the economy.

In a speech to a dinner function hosted by Harvard Club of Malaysia on 5 May 2005, former Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi lamented the widespread culture of rent seeking in practice.
Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 3a)”