87-Day Countdown to 13GE – Persistently dishonest, unprofessional and lying BN mainstream media may prove to be the final undoing of Najib as Prime Minister and ousting of UMNO/BN from Putrajaya in 13GE

It is not only ironic but simply unbelievable that on the night of KL112, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak could host the Umno general assembly 2012 Media Appreciation Night and speak about the importance of the media to UMNO.

Rational and independent-minded Malaysians, including the four million middle-ground voters who will decide whether it is Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat which will form the federal government in Putrajaya in the 13th general elections, must be asking whether Najib is rooted firmly to the ground in reality or is living in a make-believe world of his own.

What Najib said about the media a few hours after the KL112, which marked an important turning point in a maturing democracy, is simply surreal.

How could Najib with a straight face urge the media to play the role of an intermediary that delivers the feelings and aspirations of the people to the government and which report the grievances and criticisms leveled at the government to enable improvements to be carried out when the Barisan Nasional mainstream media, whether print, radio, television or online, have been most guilty of the very opposite, completely unrepentant in fabricating and purveying lies after lies about the Pakatan Rakyat?

For weeks, the Barisan Nasional mainstream media had told a “Big Lie” about KL112 and they are still purveying the “Big Lie” after KL112, although the “Big Lie” had been completely pulverized and demolished as baseless and untrue! Continue reading “87-Day Countdown to 13GE – Persistently dishonest, unprofessional and lying BN mainstream media may prove to be the final undoing of Najib as Prime Minister and ousting of UMNO/BN from Putrajaya in 13GE”

7,605 steps to freedom

— May Chee
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 13, 2013

JAN 13 — My husband wears a pedometer whenever he walks. It read 5500 when we left KLCC and 13105 when we stepped on the grass at the Stadium Merdeka. That meant he executed 7605 steps following the route taken by the Himpunan Kebankgitan Rakyat leaders leaving from KLCC.

As usual, we enjoyed the camaraderie prevalent in such rallies. People we met in the washroom in KLCC remembered us during the march to the stadium. They were from Terengganu, Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, etc, from every nook and cranny of Malaysia. Just fantastic! Though the crowd was made up mostly of our Malay brothers and sisters, I believe there was more than adequate representation from the whole of Malaysia.

Clearly, from the banter we had all along the way, was this clarion call for Change. Ubahlah, Kali inilah, Undur BN, Undur Isa Samad and all accompanying chants pointedly showed Malaysians need and yearn for Change. As Ambiga rightfully reiterated, “This is it”, Change must come now.

BN has been given the mandate for more than 55 years to govern the peninsula and almost 50 years, Sabah and Sarawak. The land flowing with milk and honey they promised has since been inhabited solely by themselves and their ilk, leaving many others living in subhuman conditions. This is unacceptable. We were a blessed nation with vast resources. There’s no reason why some of us are expected to be resigned to a fate so cruel and not one of our own making but that of our corrupted and greedy leaders.

The exploitation, oppression and political repression by our modern-day overseers, mouthing reforms just smack of plain hypocrisy on their part. They behave as if they are an alien authority, flogging the common rakyat for more and more. Their greed knows no bounds. Stupidity, too, if they think they can continue in their avaricious ways. Continue reading “7,605 steps to freedom”

88-Day Countdown to 13GE – KL112 the major turning point for maturing democracy in Malaysia

The peaceful and successful holding of the Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat at Stadium Merdeka (KL112) yesterday is a major turning point for maturing democracy in Malaysia.

It achieved many historic firsts in Malaysia, including:

• The peaceful gathering of 100,000 patriotic and visionary Malaysians of all races, religions and region, regardless of age or gender, coming together in hope, goodwill and unity for a better Malaysia where there is freedom and justice for all Malaysians and future generations;

• No playing of the race or religious card, no race or religious baiting or incitement to provoke hatred and conflict in any of the speeches whether by Pakatan Rakyat leaders or civil society representatives;

• No dissemination of lies or falsehoods, as has become the wont and modus operandi of Barisan Nasional leaders and their propaganda organs in their attacks on the Pakatan Rakyat;

• 10-point call by Pakatan Rakyat and civil society for freedom, justice and sustainable development representing all races, religions and regions to build a united, harmonious, progressive and prosperous Malaysia;

• Pakatan Rakyat pledge with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim leading 100,000 Malaysians chanting “Merdeka” to continue the Merdeka legacy of Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman who shouted “Merdeka” seven times in Merdeka Stadium on August 31, 1957 – symbolising the new phase of the Merdeka struggle to free the country from local oppressive rule;

• At the end of KL112, never before in Malaysian history has the national anthem Negaraku been sung with such passion, hope and deep feelings by Malaysians of all races, religions and regions for democratic change to bring about a better Malaysia. Continue reading “88-Day Countdown to 13GE – KL112 the major turning point for maturing democracy in Malaysia”

Tweets after #KL112 #HKR — historic moment

Tweets on 112 Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat at Stadium Merdeka

HKR Stadium Merdeka historic success – 100k ppl all races religions gathered in peace goodwill hope 4change #KL112 Msian democracy matured

100,000 throng Stadium Merdeka for ‘Uprising’ rally – Mkini m.malaysiakini.com/news/218741

Msians can hold their heads high that democracy is maturing #112KL held peacefully successfully. Further maturity is alternation of power

IGP/police deserve credit 4making #112KL “historic moment” n delivering “no casualties” pledge – major 1st step 2restore public confidence
Continue reading “Tweets after #KL112 #HKR — historic moment”

Tweets on #KL112 #HKR

Tweets on 112 Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat at Stadium Merdeka

1. Najib, ensure peaceful rally to prove ‘best democracy’ – Lim Kit Siang (Mkini) http://goo.gl/ySV1X 20m

2. Let all Msians be proud of today. We can differ but we respect each other’s right 2peacefully assemble n express our concerns #KL112 #HKR 11m

3. Day 4all Msians 2stand up 4democracy/justice. Everyone’s responsibility 2ensure #KL112 #HKR peaceful – PR, BN, police, civil society n all 6m

4. World watching. Ensure no provocations. Let #KL112 #HKR be harbinger Msia can aim 2b “world’s best democracy” w successful peaceful assembly 1m

89-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Johore MB Ghani Othman be asked to retract his prediction that PR can win the 13GE with 5% to 10% majority or majority of 12-22 seats?

Last evening, Bank Islam Malaysia distanced itself from its chief economist’s prediction in a Singapore forum that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) can notch a slim win in the 13th General Election.

Bank Islam managing director Datuk Seri Zukri Samat said in statement that the bank was not a party to the Singapore Regional Outlook Forum on Thursday , and “not related or involved in anyway in the event” and that the views expressed by its chief economist Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin were “entirely his personal view and should not be linked or attributed to Bank Islam whatsoever”.

At the Singapore regional forum, Azrul had computed that Barisan Nasional was likely to win only between 97 and 107 of the 222 parliamentary seats – yielding for a Pakatan Rakyat federal government a parliamentary majority ranging from eight to 28 seats.

Never mind whether Azrul’s projection is an official or unofficial estimate of Bank Islam, the fact is that this is a projection which UMNO/Barisan Nasional leaders have also arrived at based on their own feedbacks, calculations and computations – indication that the 13GE is going to be a very close affair as to whether it is Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional which is going to win the race to Putrajaya.

The Johore Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Osman gave almost the same scenario as Azrul when he spoke to Kulai Chinese organisations on Tuesday, conceding that Pakatan Rakyat could win Putrajaya in the 13GE, although he warned that the most the Pakatan Rakyat could win would be a slim majority of 5% to 10% of the parliamentary seats.

Pakatan Rakyat winning a slim 5% to 10% parliamentary majority would range from PR winning 117 seats to BN’s 105 seats with a 12-seat majority (i.e. 5.5% majority) to PR winning 122 seats to BN’s 100 seats with a majority of 22 seats (i.e. 10% majority). Continue reading “89-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Johore MB Ghani Othman be asked to retract his prediction that PR can win the 13GE with 5% to 10% majority or majority of 12-22 seats?”

In tea leaves, economist sees slender Pakatan win

The Malaysian Insider
Jan 11, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 11 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will notch a slim victory over the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) in Election 2013, according to calculations by Bank Islam Malaysia’s chief economist Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin.

In a report by The Straits Times of Singapore, Azrul’s computations found that BN was likely to win only between 97 and 107 of the 222 parliamentary seats — insufficient to reform the next administration.

But the result would also mean that PR will only gain a shaky hold over Parliament and far from the supermajority once enjoyed by its rival.

The outcome was considered the most probable during the banker’s presentation at the Regional Outlook Forum in Singapore yesterday, and took into account factors such as race and demographics. Continue reading “In tea leaves, economist sees slender Pakatan win”

91-Day Countdown to 13GE –BN leaders are suddenly describing Malaysia virtually as “heaven on earth” because UMNO/BN leaders conscious they can lose Putrajaya in 13GE, likely to be held by end of March

Suddenly, UMNO/Barisan Nasional leaders are describing Malaysia virtually as “heaven on earth” despite the glaring failures of 1Malaysia Policy and various Transformation Programmes, because UMNO/BN leaders are very conscious that they can lose Putrajaya in the 13th General Elections which is very likely to be held by end of March.

Conveniently ignored are:

• the worst racial and religious polarisation in the nation’s history;

• the most irresponsible politics of hatred, conflict, lies and falsehoods perpetrated by the ruling coalition and its mainstream media (MSM) since Merdeka in 1957;

• the Transparency International Corruption Perception Indices which showed that corruption under the four-year Najib premiership was worse than under all the previous Prime Ministers;

• the latest Global Finance Integrity report which showed that on a per capita basis Malaysia is No. 1 in the world on illicit and corruption money outflow (whether in terms of black money siphoned out of the country for 2010 which is RM196.8 billion or for the past decade 2000 – 2010 which is RM871 billion); or

• the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) 2011 on the two critical subjects of mathematics and science which showed that Malaysia is providing an inferior education system whether compared to other countries or with our own past.

Even Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who distanced himself from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia policy declaring that he is “Malay first, Malaysian second”, is in the forefront singing praises for Malaysia – claiming that Malaysia has now become the “darling of investors” because of the various Transformation Programmes. Continue reading “91-Day Countdown to 13GE –BN leaders are suddenly describing Malaysia virtually as “heaven on earth” because UMNO/BN leaders conscious they can lose Putrajaya in 13GE, likely to be held by end of March”

Umno-BN, stop the lies against Selangor

Abdul Khalid Ibrahim
11:20AM Jan 5, 2013


2012 has been a productive year for the Selangor state government, and I along with other state leaders begin 2013 with the firm intent of redoubling our efforts to serve the rakyat.

It is saddening to see the deputy prime minister, on the other hand, begin the new year with low class politicking, stating that the people of Selangor have been fooled for four years under Pakatan Rakyat.

In reality, it is Barisan Nasional that has fooled the people of both Selangor and Malaysia for 55 years.

This article intends not to rely on rhetoric, but to provide conclusive evidence regarding the priority given by Pakatan Rakyat and the Selangor government to the welfare of the people as well as our commitment to the highest standards of good governance.

We are confident that comparable evidence cannot be shown by any state administered by BN, including in Selangor before 2008.

In terms of financial management and allocation of funds for welfare programmes, Selangor under Pakatan Rakyat by far outperforms any other Barisan Nasional state, as well as the federal government itself. Continue reading “Umno-BN, stop the lies against Selangor”

Foreign interference in Malaysian politics?

— Clive Kessler
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 30, 2012

DEC 30 — The New Straits Times (Sunday December 30) contains a long analysis and commentary entitled “Dubious Backers of Regime Change”.

Its author, Nile Bowie, warns of the menace of foreign interference and covert involvement and influence in Malaysian politics.

As well he might.

This lengthy article, now recycled in the BN government’s leading newspaper here, made its first appearance in RT.

RT? What is that? Continue reading “Foreign interference in Malaysian politics?”

BN confident of wresting 20 Opposition seats

The Malaysian Insider
Dec 24, 2012

MALACCA, Dec 24 – Barisan Nasional (BN) is capable of wresting back 20 opposition-held seats to help secure two-thirds majority in the coming 13th general election, says Umno information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan.

He is confident that BN can retain the 140 parliamentary seats it won and capture five of 23 seats held by PAS, five of 29 held by DAP and 10 of the 31 Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) seats.

He said the confidence was based on various factors including the problems faced by the opposition in several seats that it had won.

“It’s logical because, for example, seven of the PKR seats are already problematic for the opposition as six as the incumbents left the party to become independents while it lost the Hulu Selangor seat.” Continue reading “BN confident of wresting 20 Opposition seats”

Pakatan Rakyat: berbeza tetapi bersatu

Aspan Alias | 16 Disember 2012

Saya mendapat banyak pertanyaan tentang perbezaan di antara Karpal Singh dan PAS terutamanya setelah mendengar ucapan Karpal dalam kongress tahunan DAP yang sedang berlansung di Pulau Pinag sekarang ini.. Dalam ucapan beliau semalam, Karpal telah berlembut serta mengakui yang PAS merupakan rakan yang terkuat DAP dalam Pakatan Rakyat walaupun ada beberapa perkara yang berbeza di antara kedua-dua parti itu terutamanya tentang isu yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam dan hukum-hukumnya.

Mereka bertanyakan perkara ini kerana saya telah menyertai parti itu di dalam kongress yang sebelum ini pada 8hb Januari yang lalu. Oleh kerana pertanyaan itu datangnya bertalu-talu akhir-akhir ini maka saya merasakan saya perlu memberikan jawapan walaupun ia merupakan jawapan yang pendek sahaja.

Seperti MCA dan UMNO juga, maka DAP dan PAS tentulah mempunyai perbezaan di antara kedua-duanya. Kalau tidak ada perbezaan maka tidak mungkin wujud dua parti PAS dan DAP. Perbezaan itu memang satu hakikat dan tidak mungkin kedua-dua parti itu sama. Itulah sebabnya ada elemen permuafakatan di antara kedua-dua parti itu bersama PKR dalam apa yang di sebut sebagai Pakatan Rakyat.

Oleh kerana wujudnya perbezaan-perbezaan inilah maka timbul usaha permuafakatan yang kuat dengan matlamat yang kedua-duanya anggap sebagai matlamat yang baik. Jika tidak ada elemen perbezaan maka tidak mungkin ada permuafakatan. Begitu jugalah dalam BN atau pun Perikatan sebelumnya. MCA dan UMNO itu jauh perbezaannya. MCA hanya untuk bangsa Cina dan UMNO merupakan satu parti pada asalnya sebagai parti nasionalis Melayu yang sekarang sudah menjadi parti untuk tawkay-tawkay dan kroni pemimpin Melayu yang berkuasa.
Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat: berbeza tetapi bersatu”

UMNO/BN must renounce the tactics and ideology of extremist politics including Ketuanan Melayu and the four hate politics of race, religion, lies and fear if they want to compete for the support of Middle Malaysia

The unity, solidarity and commitment of DAP and reaffirmation of the Middle Malaysia concept by the just-concluded 16th DAP National Congress in Penang have struck fear in UMNO/BN and reverberated throughout the country, ringing alarm bells in UMNO/Barisan Nasional, as they realize that the agenda has been set for the crucial and critical battle in the 13th General Elections in the next 100 days to decide for the first time in the nation’s 55-year history whether there shoud be a change of federal government in Putrajay.

It jolted UMNO leaders including the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak into quick reaction, claiming that it was the Barisan Nasional and not the DAP that represents “Middle Malaysia”.

If Najib is confident that it is UMNO/BN which represents Middle Malaysia, and has overwhelming support of the four million middle ground voters in the 13 General Elections – the three million new voters and the one million swing voters from the 12GE in 2008 – Najib would have dissolved Parliament and the 13GE would have been held already.

Furthermore, Najib would not have to suffer the “To Be or Not To Be” agony in the past two years to decide on the dissolution of Parliament (an agony which he is still undergoing despite Parliament having only some four months’ tenure before it is automatically dissolved under the Constitution on April 28, 2013) and the ignominy of being the longest unelected Prime Minister in Malaysia without his own mandate from the people.

The former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah was also awakened to describe the 16th DAP National Congress as an unhealthy phenomenon on the ground that it showed that DAP is monopolised by a particular race.

But the most laughable comment must go to the Gerakan President and former Penang Chief Minister, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon who described the non-election of any Malays in the DAP central executive committee as against the 1Malaysia spirit. Continue reading “UMNO/BN must renounce the tactics and ideology of extremist politics including Ketuanan Melayu and the four hate politics of race, religion, lies and fear if they want to compete for the support of Middle Malaysia”

16th DAPNC – sound the call to arms for a PR government in Putrajaya with 125 PR seats in Parliament with distribution of 45:40:40 seats respectively for PKR, PAS and DAP

The 16th DAP National Congress the next two days is the focus of national attention for more reasons than one, viz:

• It is the last national conference this year for any political party in Malaysia;

• In fact, it is the last national conference for any political party before the 13th General Elections which would be held in the next 100 days;

• DAP is the only political party in the country which dares to hold party elections on the eve of impending general elections, as all other political parties have postponed their party elections until after the elections;

• Will the DAP emerge stronger or weaker after the 16th DAP National Congress;

• Will Pakatan Rakyat and the cause for “UBAH” to effect political change in Malaysia all the way to Putrajaya be strengthened or weakened?

In the past month, Pakatan Rakyat suffered a serious setback when the four million middle-ground voters who will be the arbiter as to whether it is the Pakatan Rakyat or the Barisan Nasional which will appoint the Prime Minister and form the government in Putrajaya after the 13GE developed doubts and hesitations as to whether Pakatan Rakyat parties of PKR, PAS and DAP are fully committed to the PR Common Policy Framework and Buku Jingga common platforms.

This is a salutary lesson to all the component Pakatan Rakyat parties that in the “hot-house atmosphere” which will further intensify with the approach of the long-awaited 13th General Elections, that they must always be conscious that every statement and action not only of the national leaders but of the other echeleons can have an impact many times larger than ordinary times when exploited and distorted by unscrupulous and unprincipled political propagandists with their biased mainstream media.

The Kelantan gender-segregation ruling affecting non-Muslim hair salons is a case in point where on the one and same issue, DAP is accused of being “subservient” to PAS while PAS is accused of compromising to “appease” the DAP. Continue reading “16th DAPNC – sound the call to arms for a PR government in Putrajaya with 125 PR seats in Parliament with distribution of 45:40:40 seats respectively for PKR, PAS and DAP”

Pakatan Rakyat must avoid repeating the mistakes of the Republicans who lost the US presidency twice because they lost sight of the Middle Ground

At the end of the recently concluded UMNO General Assembly, Prime Minister and UMNO President Datuk Seri Najib Razak rightly warned his UMNO base not to repeat Republic presidential candidate, Mitt Romeny’s mistake, to over rely on older, white voters to win the elections. Similarly, UMNO should not be overly dependent on the rural Malays to win the upcoming Malaysian general election at the expense of ignoring the growing urban multiracial middle class.

Najib is right in pointing out Romney’s mistake. Romney won a majority of the white vote against Obama – 59% to 39% – but he failed to even break 30% of any of the minority groups. Predictably, he lost the African American vote – 6% to 93% – but he also lost the Latino vote – 27% to 71% – and the Asian American vote – 26% to 73% – by significant margins.

Romney won a majority of the votes of those aged 65 and above – 56% to 44% – but lost in the 30-44 age group – 45% to 52% – as well as in the 18-29 age group – 37% to 60%. Among the ideological moderates, Obama defeated Romney by 56% to 41%.

Romney was treading old ground here. The same results, more or less, were achieved by McCain in the 2008 presidential elections. McCain won a majority of the white vote against Obama – 55% to 43% but lost the African American vote – 4% to 95% – , the Latino vote – 31% to 67% – and the Asian America vote – 35% to 63%. He won 53% of the voters aged above 65 (against Obama’s 45%) but lost in the 30-44 age group – 52% to 46% – and lost the 18 to 29 age group by a landslide – 32% to 66%. Among the ideological moderates, Obama defeated McCain 60% to 39%.

Both Republican candidates had to appeal to their ‘base’ of conservative, mostly white and old voters in order to win their respective primary elections. As a result both could not broaden their appeal to reach out to a sufficient number of moderate voters including many minorities in order to win the American Presidency.

Sadly, Najib’s advice is likely to fall on deaf ears within his own party. Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat must avoid repeating the mistakes of the Republicans who lost the US presidency twice because they lost sight of the Middle Ground”

Let 16th DAP National Congress this weekend be a historic curtain-raiser to the “Hundred Days to Putrajaya” campaign for Malaysians to create history and usher in a new, truly united, democratic, just and prosperous Malaysia under a PR Malaysian government

All eyes are on the 16th DAP National Congress in Penang this weekend not only because it is the last national congress for political parties in Malaysia this year, but also because it heralds the last hundred days before the holding of the long-postponed/awaited 13th General Elections.

Let the 16th DAP National Congress be a historic curtain-raiser to the “Hundred Days to Putrajaya” campaign for Malaysians to create history and usher in a new, truly united, democratic, just and prosperous Malaysia under a Pakatan Rakyat Malaysian Government in the 13th General Elections.

Let the 16th DAP National Congress send out the clear and unequivocal message to all Malaysians throughout the country – that DAP leaders, delegates and members are imbued with a profound sense of vision, commitment, responsibility and discipline to accomplish the historic mission and objectives of the “Hundred Days to Putrajaya” campaign for Malaysians, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli, Kadazans or Ibans; whether Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Taoists or Sikhs; whether in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah or Sarawak, to unite as one people to restore Malaysia’s greatness as a model of a harmonious plural society where there is tolerance, freedom, justice, human rights, democracy, sustainable development, prosperity, good governance and a clean and incorruptible government.

In the run-up to the 16th DAP National Congress and during the “Hundred Days to Putrajaya”, UMNO/Barisan Nasional propagandists and spin-masters will go into an overdrive in their politics of lies, hate and fear not only to demonise the DAP and create maximum division and damage inside the party but also in DAP’s relations with our Pakatan Rakyat parties, PKR and PAS. Continue reading “Let 16th DAP National Congress this weekend be a historic curtain-raiser to the “Hundred Days to Putrajaya” campaign for Malaysians to create history and usher in a new, truly united, democratic, just and prosperous Malaysia under a PR Malaysian government”

Adakah UMNO/BN akan memperoleh majoriti dua pertiga semula atau adakah Pakatan Rakyat akan menawan Putrajaya dengan majoriti lebih 20 di dalam PRU13?

Terdapat seorang lagi yang berkerja lebih keras daripada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak untuk memastikan UMNO/Barisan Nasional bukan sahaja memenangi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 tetapi juga mendapat majoriti dua pertiga kerusi Parlimen.

Orang itu adalah Tun Dr. Mahathir yang sepatutnya sudah bersara daripada politik apabila meletakkan jawatan pada penghujung 2003 selepas 22 tahun menjadi Perdana Menteri.

Semalam, Mahathir berada di Sik untuk mengingatkan ahli UMNO bagi menghilangkan rasa tidak puas hati terhadap calon yang dipilih oleh kepimpinan tertinggi UMNO/BN sekiranya mereka mahu lihat UMNO/BN kekal berkuasa selepas PRU13.

Beliau meminta ahli UMNO untuk mengenepikan perbezaan mereka dan memberikan sokongan penuh kepada calon UMNO/BN yang terpilih kerana keutamaan sepatutnya untuk memastikan kemjayaan supaya BN dapat menang besar dan membentuk kerajaan yang kuat.

Perkara itu amat luar biasa tetapi kebiasaan Mahathirism yang mana Mahathir perlu memberi amaran tentang penyakit “Melayu mudah lupa” sebagai punca tidak puas hati di dalam UMNO sehingga tidak menyokong calon yang terpilih, sedangkan Mahathir sendiri adalah gambaran terbaik penyakit “Melayu mudah lupa” apabila beliau dengan giat berkempen menentang Tun Abdullah sebagai Perdana Menteri pada pilihan raya umum 2008.
Continue reading “Adakah UMNO/BN akan memperoleh majoriti dua pertiga semula atau adakah Pakatan Rakyat akan menawan Putrajaya dengan majoriti lebih 20 di dalam PRU13?”

Will UMNO/BN regain its two-thirds parliamentary majority or will Pakatan Rakyat capture Putrajaya with a 20 Plus majority in the 13GE?

There is one person who is working even harder than the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to ensure that UMNO/Barisan Nasional not only win the 13th General Election but also regain its two-thirds parliamentary majority.

This person is Tun Dr. Mahathir, who is supposed to have retired from politics when he stepped down as Prime Minister after 22 years at the end of 2003.

Yesterday, Mahathir was in Sik to remind UMNO members to rid themselves of the feeling of dissatisfaction over candidates chosen by the top UMNO/BN leadership if they want to see UMNO/BN remain in power after the coming 13GE.

He said UMNO members must all set aside their differences and give their full support to the selected UMNO/BN candidates as the priority should be ensuring victory so that BN can win big and form a strong government.

It is most extraordinary but typical Mahathirism that Mahathir should be warning of the “Melayu mudah lupa” complex as the cause of the disgruntled in UMNO not supporting the chosen candidate, when Mahathir himself was the best illustration of the “Melayu mudah lupa” complex when he campaigned actively against the premiership of Tun Abdullah in the 2008 general election.

It is clear that to Mahathir, what is at stake in the 13GE is not so much the Najib premiership but the Mahathir legacy, and no one has any doubt as to which would get the priority if there is a clash between the Najib premiership and the Mahathir legacy!
Continue reading “Will UMNO/BN regain its two-thirds parliamentary majority or will Pakatan Rakyat capture Putrajaya with a 20 Plus majority in the 13GE?”

PR mesti menumpukan untuk memenangi lebih empat juta undi “atas pagar” sekiranya mahu berjaya dalam pertembungan menawan Putrajaya pada PRU13

Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ke-66 selama lima hari, yang mana pengkritik meggambarkannya sebagai “Lima hari pesta liar bingit dan berang” berakhir dengan kepimpinan UMNO merasa yakin bahawa UMNO/BN akan mencapai “kemenangan besar pilihan raya” – memenangi semula dua pertiga majoriti di Parlimen juga negeri-negeri Pakatan seperti Kelantan, Pulau Pinang, Selangor dan Kedah pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 dan mempertahankan kuasa yang tidak sah dan tidak mengikut perlembahaan di Perak.

Bagaimanapun, ucapan kempimpinan UMNO selepas Perhimpunan Agung UMNO, terutamanya “tok dalang” UMNO, Tun Dr Mahathir tidak menampakkan keyakinan itu.

Sungguhpun begitu, pertembungan merebut Putrajaya pada PRU13 akan menjadi sangat sengit dan sesiapa yang memenangi majoriti empat juta pengundi “atas pagar” akan mendapat kelebihan.

Pakatan Rakyat sepatutnya menumpukan pada memenangi empat juta pengundi “atas pagar” sekiranya mahu berjaya dalam pertembungan menawan Putrajaya pada PRU13.

Untuk PRU13, daftar pemilih telah meningkat lebih daripada 13 juta pengundi. Terdapat lebih kurang 3 juta pengundi baru di dalam daftar pemilih, 60% adalah di bawah usia 30 tahun. 25% daripada daftar pemilih pilihan raya umum akan datang terdiri daripada pengundi baru.
Continue reading “PR mesti menumpukan untuk memenangi lebih empat juta undi “atas pagar” sekiranya mahu berjaya dalam pertembungan menawan Putrajaya pada PRU13”

PR must focus on winning over the four million “middle ground” votes if we are to succeed in the battle to Putrajaya in 13GE

The five-day 66th UMNO General Assembly, which a critic has described as “A five-day orgy of sound and fury”, ended with the UMNO leaders breathing confidence that UMNO/BN are headed to “a resounding electoral victory” – winning back the two-thirds majority in Parliament as well as state power in the Pakatan states of Kelantan, Penang, Selangor and Kedah in the 13 General Election and retaining illegal and unconstitutional power in Perak.

However, the speeches of UMNO leaders after the UMNO General Assembly, particularly the UMNO “eminence grise”, Tun Dr. Mahathir do not bear out this confidence.

Be that as it may, the battle for Putrajaya in the 13GE is going to be a very close one and whoever wins the majority of the four million “middle ground” voters will have the upper hand.

Pakatan Rakyat should focus on winning the over four million “middle ground” voters if we are to succeed in the battle for Putrajaya in 13GE.

For the 13GE, the electorate has increased to slightly more than 13 million voters. There are approximately 3 million new voters in the electorate, 60% of whom are under the age of 30. New voters will comprise 25% of the electorate in the next general election.
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