A paradox, but two by-election victories make UMNO/BN leaders more desperate for general election victory and there will be greater demonization campaign against the opposition – such as painting me as anti-Malay, anti-Islam or even anti-Chinese

This is a paradox – but the two by-election victories in Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar have made UMNO/BN leaders more desperate for victory in the 14th General Election and I expect a greater demonization campaign against the Opposition – such as painting me as anti-Malay, anti-Islam and even as anti-Chinese.

I will give three examples post twin by-elections:

Firstly, I would place in such a category the statement by the former Chief Justice Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad who alleged that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s support of opposition parties DAP and Amanah in the recent by-elections were “detrimental to Malays”.

He said that the former prime minister could try and oust Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak from within Umno, but should steer clear of lobbying for support within the Pakatan Harapan opposition alliance as the chances of Malays retaining power once they have lost it is “very slim”.

Could the former Chief Justice answer the two questions which had been posed by the National Laureate Pak Samad:

“How are Malays under threat? How can religion (Islam) and Malays be threatened when those in power have been Malay for over five decades?

“What have they (Malay leaders) been doing for five decades (if Malays can be under threat)?”

Whatever happens in the 14th General Election, whether Najib is toppled as Prime Minister or UMNO loses the Federal Government, the Malays in Malaysia will continue to exercise political power in Malaysia as there is no way they will lose their political power. Continue reading “A paradox, but two by-election victories make UMNO/BN leaders more desperate for general election victory and there will be greater demonization campaign against the opposition – such as painting me as anti-Malay, anti-Islam or even anti-Chinese”



SETIAP kali kerajaan dikritik atau ditegur
biasanya sangat cepat ia ditafsir atau didakwa
sebagai hajat atau upaya menggoyah kerajaan.
Tidak ditanya apakah selaran atau kritik itu
sahih atau palsu, berdasar atau tidak, seolah-
olah ia tidak perlu.

Tampaknya, teguran atau saranan itu sentiasa
bermula sebagai salah atau sememangnya nakal.
Kerajaan kita kini seolah-olah menganggap yang
menegur tetap seteru, tidak kiralah apa yang ditegur,
sementara kita orang biasa atau kelompok
oposisi, alhamdulillah, masih berupaya coba tetap
berarah. Malah, jika berkhayal pun, masih tetap
berniat sihat.

Lihat, kini yang mengkritik atau menegur kerajaan
bukan lagi melulu pihak oposisi. Sebaliknya,
semakin ramai dan bergema yang resah membantah
mula datang dari kalangan parti pemerintah
sendiri. Khusus tentang kesamaran 1MDB, yang
menegur, malah ketika-ketika tidak tersangka,
datang dari tokoh-tokoh UMNO yang terpenting. Continue reading ““SAYA ORANG TUA DARI SASTERA, ORANG MUDA DARI SIASAH””

Pak Samad buat apa di Kuala Kubu Baru 3 hari?

The Malaysian Insider
30 September 2015

Suatu hari Ridzuan memberitahu saya – wakil rakyat Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) di kawasannya, Yang Berhormat Lee Kee Hiong, ingin menjemput Sasterawan Negara A Samad Said atau Pak Samad datang ke Kuala Kubu Baru (KKB) dan tinggal di sana selama 3 hari.

Saya tak bertanya untuk apa atau apa tujuannya. Saya kenal siapa Ridzuan dan siapa Lee Kee Hiong, dan saya juga tahu KKB.

Jadi saya fikir saya tahulah apa tujuan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) tersebut hendak menjemput Pak Samad menjadi tetamunya di KKB selama 3 hari itu. Continue reading “Pak Samad buat apa di Kuala Kubu Baru 3 hari?”