Megatrends of madness, Part I

Azly Rahman
Apr 8, 2013

We are at a critical juncture – at a dangerous crossroad of either a peaceful transfer of power or a descent into utter chaos. These few weeks we will see more drama unfolding – the ultimate aim is to win and win and win and kill and kill and overkill our critical sensibility.

We have not recovered from the shock of a Sulu incursion and we are ill-prepared for a general election that is plagued with all kinds of issues from many angles and manifesting in all kinds of dimensions. This is our megatrend of madness.


We have perfected Machiavellianism that lives in our world of Oriental Despotism. We live in a mediated world – of truth no longer can be discerned, in a world of perception management wherein politics is so complex yet cannibalistic.

In our society lies Italy’s Mussolini and Germany’s Hitler and Japan’s Tojo; of hegemonisers, of annihilators, and Asian-looking imperators. In these three-in-one deadly concoction of cultural contradictions lies the icing of the one-dimensionality of Malaysiana and that sloganism of ‘Truly Asia’. The show goes on. Continue reading “Megatrends of madness, Part I”

Courage Rises Up Again and Again

By Thomas Fann

Have you ever been confronted by a menacing snarling dog who is ready to pounce on you? And for the briefest of moment, both of you glared into each other’s eyes. In your heart you felt sure the dog will sink his teeth into you and you would be his lunch.

But then something arises in you, a courage you never knew you had, and with your eyes fixed unflinchingly on his eyes, you lunge forward towards the dog and… lo and behold, he turned around and ran off with his tail tucked between his legs. Seizing the moment for complete victory, you gave chase, shouting after the terrified beast. Hurray, you have become top dog in your neighbourhood.

Nice thought but I doubt if many of us have had such stories to tell because most of the time we just make sure we don’t ever have to come face to face with such a snarling dog. We would “elak” or avoid such a confrontation by making a detour if we know that the neighbourhood bully dog is lying there.

This article is not about dogs but about fear and courage. Fear is a very human emotion and a necessary one to keep us safe and alive. But when fear becomes the dominant emotion in our life, it paralyses us from doing what is right.
Continue reading “Courage Rises Up Again and Again”

No action again and again …

2 April 2013
R. Nadeswaran
The Sun Daily

THE images on television were horrific. Smoke billowing from the embers in a village in Myanmar and a mob burning down a branch of the iconic Fashion Bug chain in Sri Lanka. These are the results of religious bigotry. Groups calling themselves “religious” have succeeded in manipulating and contradicting the tenets in every religion – moderation and non-violence.

Common sense should remind us that fanatical organisations and individuals have no place in society and religion, when used as a tool for political expedience, the results could be persuasive. In Sri Lanka, Buddhist monks are leading right-wing groups against the Muslims while in Myanmar, a group called 969 is leading the onslaught against the Rohingyas.

Islamophobia and any other forms of religious chauvinism and extremism have no place in modern society. Fortunately for right-thinking Malaysians, we can confidently affirm that acceptance and understanding of each other’s religion has been a major factor in bringing about a strife-free country.

But occasionally, a handful break that confidence by making utterances that are totally deplorable, unacceptable and above all nauseating. Continue reading “No action again and again …”

Bishop: What sort of justice is this?

RK Anand| April 1, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

Bishop Paul Tan is incensed over the video which shows MP Zulkifli Noordin belittling the Hindu faith and demands action from the ‘1Malaysia’ government.

KUALA LUMPUR: The video recording of a member of Parliament belittling the Hindu faith has prompted a Catholic priest to question the government’s double standard in dealing with such matters.

Bishop Paul Tan pointed out that the present ruling government had not hauled up any Muslim who uttered seditious words and made seditious gestures against those of other religions while it acted against those who stated unpleasant things about Islam.

The head of the Malacca-Johor diocese was responding to the video of Kulim Bandar Bahru MP Zulkifili Noordin who mocked how statues of Hindu deities could not prevent a flood in Masjid India here.

The video, which was uploaded on YouTube, had since gone viral.

Zulkifli is also the vice-president of Perkasa, whose president Ibrahim Ali had also earned the wrath of Tan when he called for the torching of Malay bibles that used the term Allah.

The bishop recounted how he had in the past called on the government to take action against both Ibrahim and Perkasa patron and former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad over this issue.

“What sort of justice is this? It is no justice but bigotry which the Almighty God himself would be ashamed of,” he said.

“God sees, hears and knows everything. In spite of the fact that final justice is rendered by the Almighty God, we humans are not exempt from taking the right means to right what is wrong. Continue reading “Bishop: What sort of justice is this?”

Ignorance isn’t bliss when it comes to bigots

The Malaysian Insider
March 28, 2013

MARCH 28 ― They say ignorance is bliss. And Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon says the Cabinet interfaith committee has deliberately avoided censuring those who spark religious tension in order to prevent giving them further publicity.

The minister in the Prime Minister’s Department for unity and performance management said such people would only say “more and more” if the interfaith committee castigated them.

“Very often, ignoring is the best,” he said. “After one day, no more news… We better focus on promoting harmony.”

He has a point there except this strategy has failed miserably. These people are not used to being ignored by anyone and have become more brazen as days go by.

Look at what has happened this year. Malay rights group Perkasa urged Muslims last January to burn Malay-language bibles that contain the word “Allah” and other religious Arabic script.

Columnist Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah allegedly disparaged the Hindu community in an article published in Malay-language daily Sinar Harian on February 18.

All this just a few years after a group of men dragged a cow’s head in Shah Alam to protest a Hindu temple. Cows are sacred in Hinduism, something which almost every Malaysian knows. Continue reading “Ignorance isn’t bliss when it comes to bigots”

The myth of the rich and poor

by Anas Alam Faizli
The Malaysian Insider
MARCH 20, 2013

MARCH 20 ― “They are simply lazy”

“His father is a Tan Sri”

“He knows someone from the inside”

“I made it purely out of effort; I worked hard to get where I am today”

These are some typical expressions that are sure to be heard in coffee chats, every time the topic of rich and poor is brought up. People have grown easily accustomed to brushing off the topic of inequality as welfarist or socialist.

This happens even amongst supposedly “middle class” Malaysians, not realising that they are in actuality, most likely top income earners and wealth owners. Households earning RM10,000 a month and above already qualify as top 4 per cent Malaysians!

In fact, while partisan voices continue their discourse in the racial imbalance tone, Malaysia has silently migrated into new battles, concerning intra-racial, income, and class-based imbalances.

It is often argued that the poor and the low income earners are plain lazy and do not work hard; that one earns what one deserves. This is not true. Many are simply unlucky, to be born to parents who lack education or skills to escape from the clutches of poverty.

Some were born with disabilities and diseases, while some others live in flood-prone or hazardous places. On the other hand, we have sub-quality undeserving businessmen linked to political patrons, estate and fortune inheritors, and individuals plainly lucky to be placed in lucrative industries with high economic rent. Accusations like laziness then become hardly the issue. The rich can be lazy too! Continue reading “The myth of the rich and poor”

The most probable date for long-awaited Parliament dissolution is Monday, March 25 although it could be later or even earlier

The most probable date for the long-awaited dissolution of the 12th Parliament is Monday, March 25 although it could be earlier in the next ten days or even later.

The automatic dissolution of the Negri Sembilan State Assembly on midnight on 26th March 2013 should under ordinary circumstances be the last cut-off date for the dissolution of Parliament, but these are not ordinary times, and Parliament can be dissolved earlier in the next 10 days or even later, exhausting another 32 days to lead up to the unprecedented automatic dissolution of Parliament on midnight April 27, 2013.

It is precisely because these are not ordinary times that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has put the country for nearly four long years on an election mode ever since he became the sixth Prime Minister on April 3, 2009, spending more time campaigning to get an elected mandate of his own instead of uniting and inspiring Malaysians with an overarching vision and governing the country efficiently and professionally, with integrity and full commitment to democracy, human rights and the environment.

If we are in ordinary times, the 13th general elections would have been held already and Malaysians would have known whether Najib has finally his own mandate to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia or whether Malaysia has got a new Pakatan Rakyat federal government in Putrajaya with a new Prime Minister in the person of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Continue reading “The most probable date for long-awaited Parliament dissolution is Monday, March 25 although it could be later or even earlier”

Malaysia Reformed

by Allan CF Goh

The country lives in calmness,
And grows into its greatness.
People live a useful life,
Free of any racist strife.
Each is allowed his own dream,
Without nightmare or rude scream.
Each nurtures his potential,
With no obstacles racial.
We’re one nation, one people.

Malaysia Reformed has charms,
In people’s smile that disarms;
Like the beaches with tall palms,
And the breeze’s caressing balm.
Malaysia is harmony,
Sharing a common destiny,
Of one country, one nation,
With the same destination.
This is the hope of one people. Continue reading “Malaysia Reformed”

The best way to produce competitive Bumiputera contractors

by Koon Yew Yin

I recently published an article with the title, “Room for Competitive Bumiputera Companies – A Wasteful National Mission”. My intention was to support Petronas Chairman Tan Sri Shamsul Azhar Abbas who is under fire from the Malay Economic Action Council (MTEM) for allegedly marginalizing Bumiputera companies and favouring more competitive foreign companies.

In fact MTEM has conveniently forgotten that in 2010 and 2011 alone, Petronas awarded a huge sum of about Rm 74 billion worth of contracts to Bumiputera controlled companies. Apparently this is not enough for MTEM which has called for Tan Sri Shamsul and the board members of Petronas to resign. MTEM expects to get most of the contracts irrespective of whether they are competent to undertake the contracts.

This politicking against Petronas – a national company with all Malaysians as stakeholders – is certainly not good for our economy. I wish to emphasize that Petronas is not a Malay company and Malay cronies of UMNO should not expect hand outs and contracts as if we are still living in the NEP era.

It is time that all Malay business enterprises and individuals grow up and realize they have to become competitive if they wish to survive in the business world. Nowhere in the real world is there preferential treatment for Bumiputera or any other ‘putera’!

Continuously giving out contracts to Bumiputeras as MTEM is calling for – without competitive tenders – will make them more inefficient and result in poor quality work. At the end of the day, it will be all Malaysians who will have to bear the collapse of a crony-driven and Malay-oriented Petronas if it loses its standing in the global market.

Giving out contracts without a full tender process is akin to corruption. Why a closed tender or Bumiputra favouring policy has to be pursued by Petronas needs to be openly justified by MTEM rather than swept under the carpet and hidden by the veil of threats.

The best way to produce efficient and competitive Bumiputera contractors Continue reading “The best way to produce competitive Bumiputera contractors”

We reap what we sow

– Hsu Dar Ren
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 10, 2013

MARCH 10 – The west has a saying that ‘we reap what we sow’. Although I am not a Christian, I believe that this is mentioned in the Holy Book too ( Galatians 6:7 – Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap).

In the East, the Chinese has a saying that “if we plant melon, we get melons; if we plant bean, we get beans”. The Indians believe in karma which is basically a law of cause and effect; the same as we reap what we sow. Buddhists too believe in Karma; we are what we are today because of our past deeds.

The problems that we are facing in Malaysia can actually be attributed to our past deeds.

As the nation progresses, we have built more and more infrastructure. Some are even world class and very impressive. But as a former Prime Minister had once lamented: we have first class infrastructure but third class maintenance. We literally let things rot. Continue reading “We reap what we sow”

33-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Najib dissolve Parliament on 11th March at 11.11 am?

Two days ago, I was asked whether the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak would dissolve Parliament on 11th March at 11.11 am.

This reminds me of the “Six Ones” forecast two years ago, that Najib could dissolve Parliament on Nov. 11, 2011, which will have “6 1s”, as “11” is Najib’s favourite or even magic number.

But the “Six Ones” of “11.11.11” have come and gone, the years 2011 and 2012 have ended, and beginning today, the 12th Parliament has exceeded its natural life of five years making Najib in the eyes of many Malaysians an ‘illegitimate” Prime Minister, especially as Najib is the longest unelected Prime Minister without a mandate of his own for close to four long years!

Malaysia has made world history and gone into the Guinness Book of Records as a country which has been on general election-mode for close to four years since Najib replaced Tun Abdullah as the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia on 3rd April 2009.

But Najib is still afraid to dissolve Parliament to face the electorate although he has only earned for himself a breathing space of another 49 days before the present Parliament is automatically dissolved on April 27 under the Constitution, without the need for the Prime Minister to ask the Yang di Pertuan Agong for a formal dissolution!

Najib has only himself to blame if he is generally regarded as an “illegitimate” Prime Minister who at best should be Caretaker Prime Minister leading a Caretaker Cabinet which should not make any major or substantive decisions whether concerning policy, appointments, contractual obligations or abuse and misuse of the public service, whether personnel, resources and public funds without consultation with the Opposition. Continue reading “33-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Najib dissolve Parliament on 11th March at 11.11 am?”

Pengiraan Detik 41 Hari ke PRU13 – Cabaran buat Najib untuk memastikan PRU13 adalah pertandingan antara perikatan mana yang mampu berkhidmat untuk Melayu, Cina, India, Orang Asli, Kadazan dan Iban bukannya pertandingan siapa lebih hebat menipu atau menghasut kebencian atau beralih kepadan politik ketakutan

Febuari 2013 telah tiba dan berlalu –bulan yang berkemungkinan tercatat di dalam sejarah sebagai bulan paling kritikal dan penting dalam empat tahun sebagai Perdana Menteri dan 37 tahun kerjaya politik Datuk Seri Najib Razak kerana ini merupakan bulan beliau membatalkan “keputusan muktamad” terbaru beliau untuk membubarkan Parlimen dan mengadakan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 pada bulan Mac.

Pada awal Januari, Perdana Menteri keenam Malaysia yang bakal berusia 60 tahun lagi enam bulan pada 23 Julai, telah dipujuk oleh strategis politiknya untuk tetapkan fikiran supaya mengakhiri dolak-dalik selama dua tahun dan membubarkan Parlimen pada minggu terakhir Febuari untuk akhirnya mendapatkan mandat daripada 13.3 juta pengundi dalam Pilihan Raya ke-13, diyakinkan bahawa beliau mempunyai “senjata rahsia” untuk memikat dan menakut-nakutkan pengundi, termasuklah:

  • RM3.5 juta jemputan kepada bintang K-Pop Korea Selatan Psy bukan sahaja untuk mempersembahkan Gangnam Style tetapi juga untuk mempopularkan Gangnam 1Malaysia Style yang dipersembahkan Psy bersama Najib, Rosmah dan Ng Yen Yen di Pulau Pinang pada hari kedua Tahun Baru Cina;
  • Filem 13 Mei yang boleh menimbulkan perbahalahan dan perpecahan, “Tanda Putera”, memberikan gambaran serong, memecah-belah dan kisah tidak benar punca rusuhan 13 Mei pada tahun 1969 untuk mengapi-apikan sentiment pengundi Melayu dan menakut-nakutkan pengundi bukan Melayu;
  • Janji BR1M 3.0 sekiranya UMNO/BN dipilih semula;
  • Perdana Menteri menandatangani Ikrar Integriti Pilihan Raya Transparency International bagi menggambarkan Najib sebagai wira baru memerangi rasuah dan salahguna kuasa;
  • Lanjutan Projek IC ke Semenanjung Malaysia bagi penipuan “warganegara untuk undi” di Sabah yang terbukti begitu berjaya dalam mengukuhkan kuasa politik UMNO di “Negeri Bawah Bayu”; dan
  • 10,000 tentera cybertrooper UMNO/BN untuk mencetuskan huru-hara dan kacau-bilau di media sosial dengan penipuan, pembohongan dan hasutan kebencian terhadap isu kaum dan agama.

Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 41 Hari ke PRU13 – Cabaran buat Najib untuk memastikan PRU13 adalah pertandingan antara perikatan mana yang mampu berkhidmat untuk Melayu, Cina, India, Orang Asli, Kadazan dan Iban bukannya pertandingan siapa lebih hebat menipu atau menghasut kebencian atau beralih kepadan politik ketakutan”

41-Day Countdown to 13GE – Challenge to Najib to ensure 13GE is a contest which coalition can do more to serve the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli, Kadazans and Ibans instead of a contest of who could tell more lies or incite hatred or resort to politics of fear

February 2013 has come and gone – a month which will probably go down in history as the most critical and crucial month of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s four-year premiership and 37-year political career as this is the month he abandoned his latest “final decision” to dissolve Parliament and to hold the 13th General Elections in March.

In early January, the sixth Malaysian Prime Minister who turns 60 in five months’ time on 23rd July, had been persuaded by his political strategists to make up his mind to end his two-year flip-flops and to dissolve Parliament in the last week of February to finally seek a mandate from the 13.3 million voters in the 13th General Elections, buoyed up by the knowledge that he had an armoury of “secret weapons” to woo or intimidate the voters, including:

  • The RM3.5 million invitation to South Korean K-Pop superstar Psy not only to perform Gangnam Style but to popularise Gangnam 1Malaysia Style starring Psy with Najib, Rosmah and Ng Yen Yen in Penang on the second day of the Chinese New Year;

  • The tendentious and divisive May 13 film, “Tanda Putra”, giving a totally divisive, distorted and untrue account of the causes of the May 13 riots in 1969 to inflame the sentiments of Malay voters on the one hand and to frighten the non-Malay voters on the other;

  • Promise of BRIM 3.0 if UMNO/BN is re-elected;

  • The Prime Minister’s signing of Transparency International’s Election Integrity Pledge to present Najib as a new convert to the battle against corruption and abuses of power;

  • The extension of Project IC to Peninsular Malaysia for the “citizenship-for-votes” scams in Sabah which have proved to be so successful in entrenching UMNO political power in the “Land below the Wind”’; and

  • An army of 10,000 UMNO/BN cybertroopers to create havoc and mayhem on the social media with lies, falsehoods and incitement of hatred on race and religious issues.

Continue reading “41-Day Countdown to 13GE – Challenge to Najib to ensure 13GE is a contest which coalition can do more to serve the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli, Kadazans and Ibans instead of a contest of who could tell more lies or incite hatred or resort to politics of fear”

Malaysia Reborn

by Allan CF Goh

Let’s dare a vision,
Of a Malaysia reborn,
A true one-nation
With good values as her bond.
There was once a land,
So peaceful and harmonious,
With friendship so grand,
With nothing acrimonious.

Then come the racists,
Who feed on communalism;
Vile supremacists,
Who kill good fraternalism.
Those immoral things,
Who wallow in corruptions,
Steal fair labour’s fruits,
By foul discriminations. Continue reading “Malaysia Reborn”

FELDA screening of ‘Tanda Putera’ proves movie racist, Ambiga says

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 23, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 23 – Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan questioned today the motive behind the recent private screening of “Tanda Putera” to Malay FELDA settlers here, saying this meant the movie was likely racist portrayal of the bloody May 1969 riots.

On February 18, over 3,000 settlers from the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) programme were shown a surprise preview of the controversial film in what the opposition has alleged was an attempt to “brainwash” them against voting for Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in Election 2013.

“My issue with Tanda Putera is why did they want to show it only to FELDA settlers.

“Show it to all of us. Let us all judge and believe me we will judge it… why only let a select few of people watch it? That shows what the issue is about,” the former Bar Council president said at a forum on racism held at the Civil Servants Golf Club here. Continue reading “FELDA screening of ‘Tanda Putera’ proves movie racist, Ambiga says”

Stand Up, Be Counted

By Allan CF Goh

Stand Up, Be Counted

When those good men fail
to stand up against foulness,
they reduce themselves,
surrender their true greatness.

Let’s stand up against
the politics of evil,
that spawn policies,
in league with the foul devil.

Make Malaysia fair!
Free it from all corruptions;
let’s have a nation,
freed from racist erruptions.
Continue reading “Stand Up, Be Counted”

Pengiraan Detik 58 Hari ke PRU13 – Keyakinan tinggi untuk memenangi PRU13 yang dibina Najib runtuh berkecai akibat daripada tiga “Ya” untuk Psy dan tiga “Tidak” untuk BN di persembahan jutaan ringgit Gangnam Style Psy di Pulau Pinang semalam

Yang sepatutnya menjadi rampasan kuasa jutaan ringgit Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan Barisan Nasional, bertukar menjadi kemusnahan jutaan ringgit buat Najib dan BN menjelang tibanya Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.

Yang luput dari ingatan ialah jutaan ringgit daripada penaja yang tidak diketahui membawa Psy dan rombongannya dalam satu penerbangan terus 20 jam dari Brazil ke Pulau Pinang dengan motif yang juga tidak diketahui, beribu-ribu bendera 1Malaysia yang mencemar Pulau Pinang untuk lawatan Tahun Baru Cina dua hari Najib ke Pulau Pinang atau tawaran “I help you, You help me” Najib yang terbaru.

Apa yang akan selamanya dikenang tentang Tahun Baru Cina Najib di Pulau Pinang adalah video satu minit yang sudah tersebar luas lebih hangat berbanding Psy dan Gangnam Style – ketika Najib bertanya kepada hadirin di Sekolah han Chiang sama ada mereka bersedia untuk Psy dan bersedia untuk BN.

Sebenarnya, gema tiga kali “Ya” untuk soalan Najib sama ada orang ramai telah bersedia untuk Psy diikuti dengan gema yang sama kuat dan spontan tiga kali “Tidak” ketika Najib bertanya sama ada mereka bersedia untuk BN telah memusnahkan keyakinan tinggi untuk menang besar dalam PRU13 yang dibina Najib, yang telah hancur musnah. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 58 Hari ke PRU13 – Keyakinan tinggi untuk memenangi PRU13 yang dibina Najib runtuh berkecai akibat daripada tiga “Ya” untuk Psy dan tiga “Tidak” untuk BN di persembahan jutaan ringgit Gangnam Style Psy di Pulau Pinang semalam”

Pengiraan Detik 61 Hari ke PRU13 – Terima kasih Najib dan Psy, sebagai tanggungjawab patriotik rakyat Malaysia perlu bertanya mengapa Malaysia gagal memenuhi potensi kita menerajui negara-negara global dalam semua bidang usaha 56 tahun selepas Merdeka

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak berkata Pakatan Rakyat cemburu dengan Barisan Nasional yang berjaya menjemput dahulu bintang “Gangnam Style Korea” Psy kerana perkara itu menggagalkan rancangan Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng untuk menjemput Psy ke acara di bawah nama Pakatan Rakyat.

Sama ada Najib begitu mudah tertipu untuk percaya desas-desus sedemikian sedangkan DAP dan Pakatan Rakyat tidak mempunyai jutaan ringgit untuk ditaburkan sepertimana yang UMNO/BN lakukan menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 yang akhirnya akan dibayar oleh pembayar cukai, Perdana Menteri tidak sepatutnya menyangka semua rakyat Malaysia begitu mudah tertipu dan percaya pada hikayatnya yang sukar dipercayai.

Mengimbau kembali hikayatnya yang sukar dipercayai pada ulangtahun UMNO ke-66 di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil pada 11 Mei, 2012, apabila beliau membuat dakwaan tak masuk akal bahawa Bersih 3.0 “mahu melawan…mahu menendang polis…jika tidak cerita mereka tidak akan keluar di CNN, Al-Jazeera, BBC”. selepas menfitnah “duduk bantah” Bersih 3.0 di Dataran Merdeka yang diadakan dua minggu sebelum ulangtahun UMNO sebagai “cubaan rampasan kuasa oleh Oposisi untuk menggulingkan kerajaan” dengan “garam dan botol air mineral”!

Pada ulangtahun ke-66 UMNO Najib mendakwa bahawa beliau sungguh sukacita dengan sokongan dan “mood baik” yang ditunjukkan pada sambutan itu hingga beliau bersedia untuk menghadap Yang di Pertuan Agong bagi membubarkan Parlimen keesokkan harinya.

Akan tetapi sembilan bulan kemudian, dan kurang sebulan lagi sebelum ulangtahun kelima peristiwa bersejarah pilihan raya Malaysia – tsunami politik 308 pada pilihan raya umum 8 Mac, 2008 – Najib masih lagi teragak-agak bila mahu adakan PRU13.

Tiada siapa pun patut “cemburu” dengan dakwaan “rampasan kuasa” terhadap Psy dan Gangnam Style. Malah, negara sepatutnya berterima kasih kepada Najib dan Psy, kerana rakyat Malaysia sudah mula bertanya mengapa Malaysia gagal untuk memenuhi potensi kita menjadi peneraju negara-negara global dalam semua bidang usaha 56 tahun selepas Merdeka Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 61 Hari ke PRU13 – Terima kasih Najib dan Psy, sebagai tanggungjawab patriotik rakyat Malaysia perlu bertanya mengapa Malaysia gagal memenuhi potensi kita menerajui negara-negara global dalam semua bidang usaha 56 tahun selepas Merdeka”

Efforts by the state to make the minorities halal

CPI Introduction

One of our readers sent this lament from an anonymous source of the way in which the racial factor works in this country and has been exploited by those that wield power. Although it may be read as an alarmist, biased and exaggerated analysis of how racial and religious dynamics are pushing the country towards a downward spiral, it does provide food for thought.

We have left out its most contentious parts lest we be accused of attempting to stoke racial sentiments and intolerance. It is an article which, however unpleasant to read, reflects many of the feelings at the ground level of the country’s marginalized communities, and which politics and policies have disappointed to a dangerously pessimistic degree.

Even if our body politic is not afflicted by a life-threatening cancerous growth as alleged by our anonymous writer, the cure for the country’s numerous boils and abscesses is to lance them, drain the contaminated pus and clean the wound. The country desperately awaits leaders who can heal rather than compound the damage to our citizenry.

Citizens to Pendatangs – Frogs on a slow boil
By Ice Cream Seller | Tuesday, 12 February 2013 09:13

I am no science buff but remember reading about putting frogs in cold water and then slowly putting the water to boil. The frogs (unlike the Perak species) will die as they will be unaware of the change in temperature that will ultimately prove fatal.

Dear Malaysian brethren of whatever ilk, we will suffer the same fate as the innocent frogs if we let the country spiral to another Iran or Pakistan.
Continue reading “Efforts by the state to make the minorities halal”

58-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib’s elaborate edifice of supreme confidence of winning 13GE has collapsed like a house of cards as a result of three “Yes” for Psy and three “Noes” for BN at the multi-million ringgit Psy’s Gangnam Style performance in Penang yesterday

Instead of being a multi-million ringgit coup for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the Barisan Nasional, it has turned out to be a multi-billion ringgit disaster for Najib and BN in the run-up to the 13th General Elections.

Completely forgotten are the millions of ringgit lavished by unknown sponsors with unknown motives who brought Psy and his troupe in a direct 20-hour flight from Brazil to Penang, the thousands of 1Malaysia flags which littered Penang island for Najib’s two-day Chinese New Year visit to Penang or Najib’s latest “I help you, You help me” offerings.

What will forever be remembered about Najib’s CNY do in Penang is the one-minute video which has gone viral and an even hotter sensation than Psy and Gangnam Style – when Najib asked the crowd at Han Chiang School grounds whether they are ready for Psy and ready for BN.

In fact, the thunderous three “Yes” to Najib’s questions whether the crowd was ready for Psy followed by the equally thunderous and spontaneous three “Noes” when Najib asked thrice whether they were ready for BN have destroyed Najib’s elaborate edifice of supreme confidence of winning handsomely in the 13GE , which has collapsed like a house of cards. Continue reading “58-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib’s elaborate edifice of supreme confidence of winning 13GE has collapsed like a house of cards as a result of three “Yes” for Psy and three “Noes” for BN at the multi-million ringgit Psy’s Gangnam Style performance in Penang yesterday”