I am quite intrigued by the following Sunday Star report “11 goodies at 11.11am on July 11” on Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Hundred Day Address as Prime Minister yesterday, viz:
KUALA LUMPUR: It was the Prime Minister’s 100th day in office but it was the number 11 that took prominence.
His first 100 days fell on July 11. He announced 11 people-friendly measures, starting his speech at 11.11am.
Two minutes before that, Najib was already on stage to deliver his speech.
He smiled when the master of ceremony politely called on him to hang on for a while because, said the MC in jest, the speech text had gone missing.
At exactly 11.11am, Najib started delivering his 50-minute speech.
It would appear that “11” is Najib’s favourite or even magic number, just as it is known that “13” is the favourite number of former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Continue reading “Will Najib call for general elections in November this year if he could crank up his popularity rating to 80 to 85%?”