55-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib should clarify whether he left the stage at Penang BN CNY bash for fear of his life and whether Psy’s life was also threatened

This is no joke or laughing matter. The people of Penang and Malaysia are entitled to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Why did the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah and Cabinet Ministers leave the stage at the Barisan Nasional Chinese New Year bash on Monday after waiting forlornly and in vain for over five minutes for Korean K-pop sensation Psy to join them for the “toss yee san” ceremony.

Najib should clarify whether he left the stage at the Penang BN CNY bash for fear of his life and whether Psy’s life was also threatened.

Initially, the Penang Gerakan Youth chief Oh Tong Keong had as good as blamed the MCA Tourism Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen for causing the yee san fiasco, resulting in shame and indignity to the nation when the Prime Minister, former Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers were publicly embarrassed waiting for five minutes in vain for Psy to join them. Continue reading “55-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib should clarify whether he left the stage at Penang BN CNY bash for fear of his life and whether Psy’s life was also threatened”

Foot in the mouth?

Zan Azlee
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 15, 2013

FEB 15 — Sometimes, people get their feet stuck deep in their mouths that it is impossible to pull them back out. Sad for them, but good for me, since I get something to write about.

The first case I would like to discuss is one that I’m sure everyone reading this column would be very familiar with — Sharifah Zohra Jabeen.

Here is a woman who is obviously not very smart trying to make it look and sound like she’s smart. Look what happened now. She’s gone into hiding out of embarrassment.

And she still hasn’t responded to my challenge in a previous article to debate her on a topic of her choice. I guess she’s scared that she’ll get her other foot stuck in her mouth too.

The second case is something that happened very recently, and that is, the response that Penang BN chief Teng Chang Yeow gave regarding K-pop artist Psy. Continue reading “Foot in the mouth?”

Winners and losers in the Psy show

by Tan Zhong Yan
Feb 13, 2013

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and BN would surely have regretted inviting South Korean pop star Psy to the Penang state BN Chinese New Year open house.

The one-minute video which has gone viral in the cyberspace says it all – Yes for Psy! No for BN!



Well, Psy is clearly the winner. Getting millions of ringgit just to perform for 15 minutes is definitely worth it despite the fact that he had to fly from Brazil which took 20 hours.

The people

Those who went to the open house would surely enjoy themselves getting to see Psy performing his famous ‘Oppa Gangnam Style’ for free as it was sponsored by person(s) unknown.

Hopefully that is true. If not, the people will be the greatest losers if it was paid with tax payers’ money. Continue reading “Winners and losers in the Psy show”

Pengiraan Detik 56 Hari ke PRU13 – Mengubah tiga peristiwa memalukan Najib yang ditimpakan ke atas dirinya sendiri sewaktu pesta RM3.5 juta Psy dan Gangnam Style menjadi rahmat buat Malaysia

Kemunculan Psy dan Gangnam Style pada pesta Tahun Baru Cina Barisan Nasional di Pulau Pinang sepatutnya menjadi hiburan dan rampasan kuasa politik di dalam sejarah negara sehingga membawa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, UMNO dan Barisan Nasional kepada kejayaan meyakinkan dalam Pilihan Raya Ke-13 dengan majoriti dua pertiga parlimen dan mendapatkan semula negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat termasuklah Pulau Pinang, telah bertukar menjadi kemusnahan besar politik dan perhubungan awam.

Tiga aib besar menimpa Najib dan perikatan UMNO/BN, tetapi lebih buruk lagi, ia turut memalukan negara. Tiga aib besar itu ialah:

  • Video satu minit “Tiga Ya untuk Psy dan Tiga Tidak untuk BN” yang pantas tersebar selepas kemeriahan di Sekolah Han Chiang ditonton hampir setengah juta di You Tube dari banyak laman sejak Isnin.
  • Video lima minit “Psy tiada, Najib/BN merah muka ketika acara menggaul yee sang”, video kedua tentang kemunculan Psy di pesta Tahun Baru Cina BN di Pulau Pinang yang pantas tersebar, memaparkan Perdana Menteri, Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Abdullah dan Menteri Kabinet menunggu bintang Korea itu selama lima minit untuk menyertai mereka dan tersipu-sipu meninggalkan pentas tanpa menggaul yee sang apabila Psy menolak. Ini merupakan kejadian yang merosakkan maruah negara dan memalukan semua rakyat Malaysia tidak kira PR atau BN – yang mana Perdana Menteri dan mantan Perdana Menteri terpaksa mengorbankan maruah negara demi kehangatan K-pop Korea.
  • Psy menolak untuk mempersembahkan “Gangnam 1Malaysia Style”. Najib telah mengumumkan di atas pentas selepas kerosakkan “3 Ya untuk Psy dan 3 Tidak untuk BN” berkenaan “persembahan menarik” Psy, mengisytiharkan “(Psy) is ready for us and he will show you the proper Gangnam Style…and I am told he has a surprise for you – the Gangnam 1Malaysia Style” Tetapi Psy tidak mempersembahkan kejutan “Gangnam 1Malaysia Style” menghancurkan harapan Najib dan peluang pemimpin BN seperti Menteri Pelancongan Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen untuk menari “Gangnam 1Malaysia Style” dengan bintang pop Korea Selatan itu di Pulau Pinang.

Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 56 Hari ke PRU13 – Mengubah tiga peristiwa memalukan Najib yang ditimpakan ke atas dirinya sendiri sewaktu pesta RM3.5 juta Psy dan Gangnam Style menjadi rahmat buat Malaysia”

Pengiran Detik 57 Hari ke PRU13 – dua pengajran buat Najib daripada sandiwara RM3.5 juta perembahan Gangnam Style Psy Pulau Pinang

Saya akui bahawa saya masih belum menonton iklan Tahun Baru Cina Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak berlakon sebagai pemain gendang tarian singa walaupun ikan itu sudah disiarkan selama lima hari.

Hanya selepas membaca artikel Kee Thuan Chye di Malaysiakini bertajuk “The PM is Demeaning Himself” barulah saya mencarinya di YouTube untuk meihat sendiri sama ada komen Kee itu mempunyai asasnya, dan saya harus katakan Kee tepat pada sasaran.

Saya menyemak kesahihan kritikan tentang tulisan salah perkataan Cina “吉” (sebagaimana Najib telah menggunakan Ah Jib Gor sebagai nama Cinanya) dengan garisan horizontal di atas lebih pendek berbanding yang di bawah yang membawa makna kecelakaan untuk Ah Jib Gor.

Kee betul.

Jelas tiada strategis politik dan perhubungan awam terbaik berkhidmat untuk Najib, walaupun duit merupakan masalah paling kecil untuk UMNO/Barisan Nasional, melihat kepada duit yang ditaburkan Najib dan UMNO/Barisan Nasional mengalir seperti air di seluruh negara sepanjang bulan-bulan lalu, termasuklah jutaan ringit untuk mengnjurkan pesta Gangnam Style Psy di Pulau Pinang pada hari kedua Tahun Baru Cina.

Tetapi jelas duit tidak dapat membeli segalanya. Continue reading “Pengiran Detik 57 Hari ke PRU13 – dua pengajran buat Najib daripada sandiwara RM3.5 juta perembahan Gangnam Style Psy Pulau Pinang”

Pengiraan Detik 58 Hari ke PRU13 – Keyakinan tinggi untuk memenangi PRU13 yang dibina Najib runtuh berkecai akibat daripada tiga “Ya” untuk Psy dan tiga “Tidak” untuk BN di persembahan jutaan ringgit Gangnam Style Psy di Pulau Pinang semalam

Yang sepatutnya menjadi rampasan kuasa jutaan ringgit Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan Barisan Nasional, bertukar menjadi kemusnahan jutaan ringgit buat Najib dan BN menjelang tibanya Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.

Yang luput dari ingatan ialah jutaan ringgit daripada penaja yang tidak diketahui membawa Psy dan rombongannya dalam satu penerbangan terus 20 jam dari Brazil ke Pulau Pinang dengan motif yang juga tidak diketahui, beribu-ribu bendera 1Malaysia yang mencemar Pulau Pinang untuk lawatan Tahun Baru Cina dua hari Najib ke Pulau Pinang atau tawaran “I help you, You help me” Najib yang terbaru.

Apa yang akan selamanya dikenang tentang Tahun Baru Cina Najib di Pulau Pinang adalah video satu minit yang sudah tersebar luas lebih hangat berbanding Psy dan Gangnam Style – ketika Najib bertanya kepada hadirin di Sekolah han Chiang sama ada mereka bersedia untuk Psy dan bersedia untuk BN.

Sebenarnya, gema tiga kali “Ya” untuk soalan Najib sama ada orang ramai telah bersedia untuk Psy diikuti dengan gema yang sama kuat dan spontan tiga kali “Tidak” ketika Najib bertanya sama ada mereka bersedia untuk BN telah memusnahkan keyakinan tinggi untuk menang besar dalam PRU13 yang dibina Najib, yang telah hancur musnah. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 58 Hari ke PRU13 – Keyakinan tinggi untuk memenangi PRU13 yang dibina Najib runtuh berkecai akibat daripada tiga “Ya” untuk Psy dan tiga “Tidak” untuk BN di persembahan jutaan ringgit Gangnam Style Psy di Pulau Pinang semalam”

Pengiraan Detik 59 Hari ke PRU13 – Sepuluh ribu bendera 1Malaysia pada majlis Gangnam Style Psy di Pulau Pinang hanya menonjolkan kegagalan program transformasi 1Malaysia Najib

Warga Pulau Pinang bangun pada Tahun Baru Cina pada hari Ahad, 10 Febuari 2013 dengan sepuluh ribu bendera 1Malaysia membarisi jalan yang akan digunakan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam lawatan dua hari beliau ke Pulau Pinang dari lapangan terbang ke Kolej Han Chiang yang akan menampilkan bintang pop Korea Selatan Psy kepada Georgetown dan kawasan sekitar Komtar.

Akan tetapi bolehkan bintang K-pop Korea Selatan memberikan kehidupan, nyawa dan roh kepada dasar 1Malaysia Najib dengan 10,000 bendera 1Malaysia yang dipacak dengan sombongnya, tidak mengikut peraturan dan berbahaya di sepanjang jalanraya utama Pulau Pinang – menampakkan sifat tidak peduli terhadap kebajikan, keselamatan dan undang-undang negeri serta menonjolkan kegagalan program transformasi 1Malaysia Najib?

Amat menyedihkan selepas empat tahun sebagai Perdana Menteri, hanya satu daripada 68 Menteri dan Timbalan Menteri yang berani secara terbuka menentang arus perdana UMNO/Barisan Nasional dan secara terbuka mengumumkan dirinya rakyat Malaysia dulu dan Melayu kemudian.

Apakah ada Menteri UMNO kedua yang berani mencontohi apa yang Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz telah lakukan pada September 2010 mengisytiharkan dirinya rakyat Malaysia dulu dan Melayu kemudian, seiring dengan dasar 1Malaysia berbeza dengan pengisytiharan terbuka Najib? Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 59 Hari ke PRU13 – Sepuluh ribu bendera 1Malaysia pada majlis Gangnam Style Psy di Pulau Pinang hanya menonjolkan kegagalan program transformasi 1Malaysia Najib”

Pengiraan Detik 60 Hari ke PRU13 – Bilakah Najib akan membuat kenyataan sama ada Malaysia mampu mengejar Korea Selatan atau sekurang-kurangnya mula merapatkan jurang yang semakin besar antara dua negara?

Pada majlis perembahan Gangnam Style bintang pop Korea Psy di Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina Perdana Menteri di Pulau Pinang esok, adakah Datuk Seri Najib Razak akan membuat kenyataan sama ada Malaysia mampu mengejar Korea Selatan atau sekurang-kurangnya mula merapatkan jurang yang semakin besar antara dua negara?

Seorang Menteri Kabinet berkata kemunculan Psy akan menjadikan Pulau Pinang terkenal di serata dunia dan yang lebih penting daripada itu adalah Pulau Pinang dan Malaysia menjadi terkenal di serata dunia kerana pencapaiannya sendiri dalam semua bidang usaha.

Enam belas tahun lalu, ketika kita mengisytiharkan Koridor Raya Multimedia sebagai “hadiah buat dunia”, Malaysia dan Korea Selatan pernah pada tahap yang sama memulakan perjalanan dalam dunia IT.

Hari ini, MSC dan Malaysia semakin hilang dari peghetahuan dunia sebagai tempat penting IT antarabangsa, sementara Korea Selatan telah jauh menjadi negara pertama di dunia menjadi masyarakat jalur lebar juga negara yang yang mempunyai internet terpantas di dunia – dengan purata kelajuan internet pada 2012 14.7 Mbps, 650% lebih tinggi daripada purata 2.2 Mbps di Malaysia.

Di dalam tadbir urus yang baik, Malaysia tertinggal di belakang Korea Selatan terutamanya dalam Indeks Persepsi Rasuah Transparency International sejak lima tahun lalu, yang mana Malaysia dilihat lebih korup, antara No. 47 hingga 60 dalam kedudukan dunia berbeza dengan Korea Selatan yang berada di kedudukan 39 hingga 45. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 60 Hari ke PRU13 – Bilakah Najib akan membuat kenyataan sama ada Malaysia mampu mengejar Korea Selatan atau sekurang-kurangnya mula merapatkan jurang yang semakin besar antara dua negara?”

Pengiraan Detik 61 Hari ke PRU13 – Terima kasih Najib dan Psy, sebagai tanggungjawab patriotik rakyat Malaysia perlu bertanya mengapa Malaysia gagal memenuhi potensi kita menerajui negara-negara global dalam semua bidang usaha 56 tahun selepas Merdeka

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak berkata Pakatan Rakyat cemburu dengan Barisan Nasional yang berjaya menjemput dahulu bintang “Gangnam Style Korea” Psy kerana perkara itu menggagalkan rancangan Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng untuk menjemput Psy ke acara di bawah nama Pakatan Rakyat.

Sama ada Najib begitu mudah tertipu untuk percaya desas-desus sedemikian sedangkan DAP dan Pakatan Rakyat tidak mempunyai jutaan ringgit untuk ditaburkan sepertimana yang UMNO/BN lakukan menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 yang akhirnya akan dibayar oleh pembayar cukai, Perdana Menteri tidak sepatutnya menyangka semua rakyat Malaysia begitu mudah tertipu dan percaya pada hikayatnya yang sukar dipercayai.

Mengimbau kembali hikayatnya yang sukar dipercayai pada ulangtahun UMNO ke-66 di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil pada 11 Mei, 2012, apabila beliau membuat dakwaan tak masuk akal bahawa Bersih 3.0 “mahu melawan…mahu menendang polis…jika tidak cerita mereka tidak akan keluar di CNN, Al-Jazeera, BBC”. selepas menfitnah “duduk bantah” Bersih 3.0 di Dataran Merdeka yang diadakan dua minggu sebelum ulangtahun UMNO sebagai “cubaan rampasan kuasa oleh Oposisi untuk menggulingkan kerajaan” dengan “garam dan botol air mineral”!

Pada ulangtahun ke-66 UMNO Najib mendakwa bahawa beliau sungguh sukacita dengan sokongan dan “mood baik” yang ditunjukkan pada sambutan itu hingga beliau bersedia untuk menghadap Yang di Pertuan Agong bagi membubarkan Parlimen keesokkan harinya.

Akan tetapi sembilan bulan kemudian, dan kurang sebulan lagi sebelum ulangtahun kelima peristiwa bersejarah pilihan raya Malaysia – tsunami politik 308 pada pilihan raya umum 8 Mac, 2008 – Najib masih lagi teragak-agak bila mahu adakan PRU13.

Tiada siapa pun patut “cemburu” dengan dakwaan “rampasan kuasa” terhadap Psy dan Gangnam Style. Malah, negara sepatutnya berterima kasih kepada Najib dan Psy, kerana rakyat Malaysia sudah mula bertanya mengapa Malaysia gagal untuk memenuhi potensi kita menjadi peneraju negara-negara global dalam semua bidang usaha 56 tahun selepas Merdeka Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 61 Hari ke PRU13 – Terima kasih Najib dan Psy, sebagai tanggungjawab patriotik rakyat Malaysia perlu bertanya mengapa Malaysia gagal memenuhi potensi kita menerajui negara-negara global dalam semua bidang usaha 56 tahun selepas Merdeka”

56-Day Countdown to 13 GE –Turn Najib’s three self-inflicted embarrassments at the RM3.5 million Psy and Gangnam Style bash into a boon for Malaysia

Instead of being the entertainment and political coup in the nation’s 56-year history propelling the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, UMNO and Barisan Nasional to a convincing victory in the 13th General Elections with a two-thirds parliamentary majority and regaining Pakatan Rakyat states including Penang, the Psy and Gangnam Style appearance at the Barisan Nasional Chinese New Year bash in Penang has proved to be a political and public relations disaster of the first magnitude.

It inflicted three major embarrassments on Najib and the UMNO/BN coalition, but even worse, it also brought shame to the country. The three major embarrassments are:

• The one-minute video of “Three Yes to Psy and Three Noes to BN” which immediately went viral after the Han Chiang School extravaganza with over half-a-million views on YouTube from over a dozen sites since Monday.

• The five-minute video of “No Psy, Najib/BN left red-faced during yee sang toss”, the second video of Psy’s appearance at the BN CNY bash in Penang which has gone viral, showing the Prime Minister, former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah and Cabinet Ministers waiting expectantly for five minutes for the Korean superstar to join them and sheepishly leaving the stage without yee sang toss when Psy refused. This is the episode which hurt our national pride and make all Malaysians whether PR or BN feel ashamed – that the Prime Minister and former Prime Minister had to sacrifice national honour and dignity even for a Korean K-pop sensation.

• Psy’s refusal to perform “Gangnam 1Malaysia Style”. Najib had announced on stage after his disastrous “3 Yes to Psy and 3 Noes to BN” exchange with the crowd of Psy’s “very exciting show”, proclaiming that Psy “is ready for us and he will show you the proper Gangnam Style…and I am told he has a surprise for you – the Gangnam 1Malaysia Style”. But Psy did not deliver the “surprise” of “Gangnam 1Malaysia Style” depriving Najib and BN leaders like Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen the opportunity to dance the “Gangnam 1Malaysia Style” with the South Korean pop sensation in Penang. Continue reading “56-Day Countdown to 13 GE –Turn Najib’s three self-inflicted embarrassments at the RM3.5 million Psy and Gangnam Style bash into a boon for Malaysia”

Twins of evil

by Mariam Mokhtar
Feb 12, 2013

He was a Machiavellian ruler who is alleged to have corrupted his way to the top, and became Malaysia’s longest serving prime minister, but will the historians have to revise Malaysian history?

Some argue that former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, who ruled Malaysia with an iron fist for 22 years, should be remembered as a visionary leader and a tireless administrator. Others disagree and call him a ruthless dictator who silenced his critics and allowed corruption, cronyism and nepotism to flourish.

Today, Mahathir is as divisive as ever and despite being retired, has managed to upstage the current Prime Minister, Najib Abdul Razak, many times during the latter’s tenure.

Najib could have ordered an investigation based on Mahathir’s own admission about the influx of illegal immigrants being given citizenship provided they voted for the ruling party; but Najib is more scared of Mahathir. If Najib had not been weighted down by so much baggage, he could have silenced Mahathir once and for all. Continue reading “Twins of evil”

57-Day Countdown to 13 GE – two lessons for Najib from the RM3.5 million farce of the Penang performance of Psy’s Gangnam Style

I was piqued. I confess that I had not seen Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Chinese New Year advertisement as lion dance troupe drummer although it has been put up for five days.

It was after reading Kee Thuan Chye’s Malaysiakini article “The PM is Demeaning Himself” that I searched YouTube to see for myself whether Kee’s caustic comments were justified, and I must say, Kee hit the bull’s eye.

I particularly checked on the veracity of the criticism about the erroneous writing of the Chinese word “吉”, (as Najib has adopted Ah Jib Gor as his Chinese name) with the upper horizontal line being shorter than the bottom one which connotes bad luck for Ah Jib Gor.

Kee is absolutely right.

Clearly, Najib is not well-served by the best political strategists and public relations advisers that money can buy, although money is the least of his problems, considering the money Najib and UMNO/Barisan Nasional are pouring like water all over the country in the past months, including the millions of ringgit just to organise the Psy’s Gangnam Style extravaganza in Penang on the second day of the CNY.

But money clearly cannot buy everything. Continue reading “57-Day Countdown to 13 GE – two lessons for Najib from the RM3.5 million farce of the Penang performance of Psy’s Gangnam Style”

The PM is Demeaning Himself

By Kee Thuan Chye
Feb 12, 2013

It looks like Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional (BN) chief Najib Razak has outdone himself at self-debasement. His appearance in the now much-talked-about Chinese New Year advertisement has not only shown his desperation to win Chinese votes in the soon-to-be-held general election; it has also elicited responses from viewers full of derision and contempt.

I showed it to someone who is non-partisan, sensible, well-educated and who exercises good judgment, and these were her reactions as she watched it:

“Hak sei ngor! (Shocking)” … “Unheard of” … “Eeyer! Geli! (Makes my skin crawl)” … “Trying too hard”.

Her remarks are uncannily similar to those that have been expressed on Facebook by many other Malaysians. Continue reading “The PM is Demeaning Himself”

Dr Mahathir and his mouth

— Greg War
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 12, 2013

FEB 12 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad seems to think that Malaysians are still intellectually backward and unable to read. In today’s Malaysia where one has access to immediate news from the Internet, the rakyat are not easily fooled.

Still, some of his public statements have been downright shocking, leaving the rakyat revolted in disbelief and protest. Every time he opens his mouth these days he seems either to spew out venom or spew out lies and hatred. He is a man of 88 but he has not lost any of his vengeful leanings.

Even after retirement, Dr Mahathir’s speeches have continued to stink of racism and his thoughts seem bizarre for an experienced former head of government. Is he sensationalising just to grab the headlines from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak or is he rooting for someone else?

Dr Mahathir conned three generations of Malaysians and kept them in check with his various laws to silence them. One would imagine that after having governed the country for 22 years and having enriched many around him, he would be content to rest on his laurels (sic) and spend some quality time with his grandchildren. Continue reading “Dr Mahathir and his mouth”

58-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib’s elaborate edifice of supreme confidence of winning 13GE has collapsed like a house of cards as a result of three “Yes” for Psy and three “Noes” for BN at the multi-million ringgit Psy’s Gangnam Style performance in Penang yesterday

Instead of being a multi-million ringgit coup for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the Barisan Nasional, it has turned out to be a multi-billion ringgit disaster for Najib and BN in the run-up to the 13th General Elections.

Completely forgotten are the millions of ringgit lavished by unknown sponsors with unknown motives who brought Psy and his troupe in a direct 20-hour flight from Brazil to Penang, the thousands of 1Malaysia flags which littered Penang island for Najib’s two-day Chinese New Year visit to Penang or Najib’s latest “I help you, You help me” offerings.

What will forever be remembered about Najib’s CNY do in Penang is the one-minute video which has gone viral and an even hotter sensation than Psy and Gangnam Style – when Najib asked the crowd at Han Chiang School grounds whether they are ready for Psy and ready for BN.

In fact, the thunderous three “Yes” to Najib’s questions whether the crowd was ready for Psy followed by the equally thunderous and spontaneous three “Noes” when Najib asked thrice whether they were ready for BN have destroyed Najib’s elaborate edifice of supreme confidence of winning handsomely in the 13GE , which has collapsed like a house of cards. Continue reading “58-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib’s elaborate edifice of supreme confidence of winning 13GE has collapsed like a house of cards as a result of three “Yes” for Psy and three “Noes” for BN at the multi-million ringgit Psy’s Gangnam Style performance in Penang yesterday”

59-Day Countdown to 13GE – Ten thousand 1Malaysia flags on occasion of Psy’s Gangnam Style performance in Penang only highlight abject failure of Najib’s key 1Malaysia transformation programme

The people of Penang woke up on Chinese New Year Day on Sunday, February 10, 2013 to ten thousand 1Malaysia flags lining the routes which would be used by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak in his two-day CNY visit to Penang from Penang Airport to Han Chiang School which would feature the Korean pop star Psy to Georgetown heartland areas around Komtar.

But can the South Korean K-Pop sensation give life, spirit and soul to Najib’s 1Malaysia policy with the 10,000 1Malaysia flags arrogantly, haphazardly and dangerously planted along the main Penang thoroughfares – showing utter contempt for the welfare, safety and the by-laws in the state as well as highlighting the abject failure of Najib’s key 1Malaysia transformation programme?

It is pathetic that after four years as Prime Minister, there is only one out of 68 Ministers and Deputy Ministers who dare to openly go against the UMNO/Barisan Nasional mainstream and publicly declare that he is Malaysian first and Malay second.

Is there a second UMNO Minister who dare to emulate what the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, did in September 2010 in declaring that he is a Malaysian first and a Malay second, in line with Najib’s 1Malaysia signature policy as distinct from Najib’s own public declaration?

I say “in line with Najib’s 1Malaysia signature policy as distinct from Najib’s own public declaration” for the Prime Minister, as far as I can recollect and I am prepared to stand corrected, had never said a single time in the past four years that he is a Malaysian first and a Malay second! Continue reading “59-Day Countdown to 13GE – Ten thousand 1Malaysia flags on occasion of Psy’s Gangnam Style performance in Penang only highlight abject failure of Najib’s key 1Malaysia transformation programme”

60-Day Countdown to 13GE – When will Najib make a statement whether Malaysia can ever catch up with South Korea or at least begin to close the yawning chasm between the two countries?

On the occasion of Korean pop superstar Psy’s Gangnam Style performance at the Prime Minister’s CNY Open House in Penang tomorrow, will Datuk Seri Najib Razak make a statement whether Malaysia can ever catch up with South Korea or at least begin to close the yawning chasm between the two countries?

A Cabinet Minister said Psy’s appearance will make Penang world-famous but it is more important that Penang and Malaysia become world-famous because of our own achievements in all fields of human endeavour.

Sixteen years ago, when we proclaimed the Multimedia Super Corridor as “a gift to the world”, Malaysia and South Korea were on the same level embarking on the IT journey.

Today, MSC and Malaysia have faded away from the world radar screen as an international IT hot spot, while South Korea has powered ahead to become the first country in the world to become a broadband society as well as the land of fastest internet in the world – with an average internet speed in 2012 of 14.7 Mpbs, 650% higher than the average 2.2 Mpbs registered in Malaysia.

In fact, Malaysia is ranked among the world’s worst nations in internet speed – even slower than Thailand’s average internet speed of 2.9 Mpbs for 2012. Continue reading “60-Day Countdown to 13GE – When will Najib make a statement whether Malaysia can ever catch up with South Korea or at least begin to close the yawning chasm between the two countries?”

61-Day Countdown to 13GE – Thanks to Najib and Psy, Malaysians as patriotic duty must ask why Malaysia failed to live up to our potential to be a leading global nation in all fields of human endeavour 56 years after Merdeka

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said Pakatan Rakyat is jealous of Barisan Nasional for scoring with Korean “Gangnam Style” star Psy because it derailed DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng’s plans to invite Psy to a function under the Pakatan Rakyat name.

Whether Najib is gullible to believe such a canard when DAP and Pakatan Rakyat just do not have the millions of ringgit to throw around as Umno/BN is doing in the run-up to the 13th General Elections and which would finally be paid by the taxpayers, the Prime Minister should not think that Malaysians as a whole are so gullible as to believe his “tall tale”.

This is reminiscent of his “tall tale” at the 66th UMNO anniversary at Bukit Jalil National Stadium on May 11, 2012, when he made the ludicrous allegation that Bersih 3.0 organisers “want to fight…want to kick at the cops…or their story won’t come out in CNN, Al-Jazeera, BBC”, after defaming Bersih 3.0 “sit-in” at Dataran Merdeka held two weeks before the UMNO anniversary as a “coup attempt by the Opposition to topple the government” with “salt and mineral water bottles”!

It was at the 66th UMNO anniversary that Najib claimed that he was so uplifted by the support and “jubilant mood” shown at the celebration that he was ready to seek an audience with the Yang di Pertuan Agong to dissolve Parliament the next day.

But nine months later, and with less than a month to go before the fifth anniversary of the watershed of Malaysian electoral politics – the 308 political tsunami of March 8, 2008 general elections – Najib is still dithering on when to hold the 13GE.

Nobody should be “jealous” about Najib’s alleged “coup” with Psy and Gangnam Style. In fact, the nation should be very thankful to Najib and Psy, as Malaysians are now asking why Malaysia failed to live up to our potential to be a leading global nation in all fields of human endeavour 56 years after Merdeka. Continue reading “61-Day Countdown to 13GE – Thanks to Najib and Psy, Malaysians as patriotic duty must ask why Malaysia failed to live up to our potential to be a leading global nation in all fields of human endeavour 56 years after Merdeka”

The decline and fall of Najib

Mariam Mokhtar | February 8, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

The prime minister had the perfect opportunity to act, but he neglected to do so. Consumed by greed and power, like many politicians in Malaysia, he looked the other way.


As soon as Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announces the date for 13th general election, it will probably sound his political death knell.

For the benefit of the rakyat, and in front of the television cameras and news photographers, Najib and his Cabinet present a united front; but behind the scenes, another story emerges.

Damaging leaks about the shortcomings of his leadership continue to undermine Najib. His grip on the party is tenuous. His strongest ally, the self-styled First Lady Rosmah Mansor, will do her utmost to ensure he succeeds.

Last month, the independent organisation, the Merdeka Centre for Opinion Research, found that Najib had high popularity ratings of 63% among voters in Peninsular Malaysia.

For the sake of “completeness”, why not a survey among voters in Sabah and also, Sarawak? It would have been interesting to gauge Najib’s popularity in Sabah, before and during the proceedings of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) for Sabah.

If the same survey had been conducted among ministers in Najib’s own Cabinet, the results would be a good gauge of their confidence in his leadership. Continue reading “The decline and fall of Najib”