‘Save Utusan, long live the Malays’

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | May 20, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 20 — Perkasa and Umno today urged Malays to protect Utusan Malaysia at all costs, claiming the broadsheet remained the only “true” voice for the Malay race.

Both groups attacked Pakatan Rakyat (PR) parties for “unfairly” portraying Utusan as a racist paper and said the Umno-owned daily provided balanced reporting, unlike opposition papers and news portals.

“Utusan Malaysia is the official voice of the Malays, as long as Utusan lives, the Malays will live.
Continue reading “‘Save Utusan, long live the Malays’”

Nazri: Free speech for all, even Ibrahim Ali

By Clara Chooi | May 20, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 20 — Standing by his decision not to haul up Datuk Ibrahim Ali for threatening a “crusade” on Christians, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz has pledged the same treatment for all similar transgressions in the future.

“It is not just the opposition politicians but also those in the Barisan Nasional (BN). In fact, anybody at all… bloggers and so on,” he told The Malaysian Insider when contacted.
Continue reading “Nazri: Free speech for all, even Ibrahim Ali”

News portal Merdeka Review sends SOS for funds

Malaysiakini | May 19, 11

Independent Chinese news portal Merdeka Review is facing closure at the end of this month as their funders, who have hitherto remained anonymous, have suddenly decided to pull out.

In a statement today, the news portal appealed for public donations and investors to meet its RM60,000 monthly expenditure.

“You decide whether we can stay on by donating to us now!” read the urgent statement.
Continue reading “News portal Merdeka Review sends SOS for funds”

Guan Eng renews call for Utusan censure

By Debra Chong | May 19, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 19 — Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein must punish Umno’s Utusan Malaysia for stirring racial tensions with its unsubstantiated Christian Malaysia report now that a reliable witness has spoken up, Lim Guan Eng said today.

The DAP secretary-general was referring to Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) president Datuk Paul Low’s version of events at a closed-door meeting in Penang two weeks ago that sparked the controversy.
Continue reading “Guan Eng renews call for Utusan censure”

Of online privacy, PR snafus, and self-righteousness

By Edwin Yapp | May 19, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

MAY 19 — All’s fair in love and war, so says the age-old adage. But while this might be true in the old days, all’s not necessarily fair at all especially in the cyber age world.

Late last week, news broke that Facebook has owned up to hiring a public relations consultancy to expose supposed flaws in Google’s privacy practices. According to the Economist, numerous reports appeared stating that Burson-Marsteller, a public-relations company working for the social networking giant, has been urging bloggers and journalists to write scathing pieces about Google’s Social Circle.

Social Circle enables users to view information publicly available of other users who are connected to their Google Chat and Contacts, and includes data such as Facebook accounts, Twitter feeds and personal Web sites.
Continue reading “Of online privacy, PR snafus, and self-righteousness”

Finding the nation’s voice

Christopher Chong
The Malaysian Insider
May 19, 2011

MAY 19 — Everyone knows that a democracy is a political system where periodical elections take place. But democracy is much more than just elections. It involves the existence of a space which allows for people to freely debate on public issues and government policies as well as presenting alternative ideas without the fear of repercussion. Indeed, the health of a democratic society is dependent on the existence of such a space.

This space — which could take various forms, i.e. physical, print, broadcast or virtual — also known as the public sphere enables people to freely gather to discuss and identify societal or political problems so that such discussions will lead to political action for the good of society.

Tahrir Square in Eygpt is a good example of how the public sphere was utilised by ordinary Egyptians who want to see political and social changes in their society. Through the mass protests throughout the country where Tahrir Square served as a focal point for hundreds of thousands of people gathered together to demand a change of the government, which had overstayed its welcome. Their efforts were crowned with the government bowing to the wishes of the people. Continue reading “Finding the nation’s voice”

‘Christian Conspiracy’: Bona Fide or Bogus?

by Haider Yutim
Malaysian Digest
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The nation is shaken again by an inter-religion strife after an arguably unsubstantiated news report from Utusan Malaysia entitled ‘Kristian Agama Rasmi?’. The allegation of a ‘Christian conspiracy’ that came out on front-page was akin to pouring gasoline over sparks that’s been kept under control by the government. And all it took was a three-word headline. A police report was lodged against the alleged conspiracy by DAP Bukit Tumba branch committee member Mohamed Razali Abdul Rahman who purportedly witnessed the so-called secret pact between DAP leaders and pastors at a hotel in Penang. Following Razali’s police report, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar stated that investigations into an alleged Christian plot to unseat Islam as the federal religion was a priority for the police.
Continue reading “‘Christian Conspiracy’: Bona Fide or Bogus?”

Why, why, why?

By KJ John | May 18, 11

Why would the ‘naughty boy of Malaysian journalism’ Utusan Malaysia carry such a headline as Kristian agama rasmi? (Christianity as the official religion?), when it is probably not the truth, not reality either, and not possible, and never in the minds or hearts of any Christian.

Christians are generally rational and not merely emotional but we also seek to love every neighbour at the end of the day. And yet the recalcitrant publication accused all Christians with one sweep of their ink-spill. And, most terribly, even the government of Malaysia’s initial reactions were also ‘idiocratic’ to say the least.

I am really upset, hurt, and therefore insist and ask Utusan for an apology for hurting our feelings and sense of dignity; of every Christian in Malaysia.
Continue reading “Why, why, why?”

‘Some Basis’ to Malaysian Christian Plot: Minister

By Hazlin Hassan – Jakarta Globe | May 14, 2011

Kuala Lumpur. A new twist emerged in Malaysia’s latest religious row yesterday when Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said there was “some basis” to an Utusan Malaysia report which claimed that there was a Christian conspiracy to replace Islam as the country’s official religion.  

The Malay-language paper had published a front-page article alleging that Christian pastors were plotting with the opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP) to install a Christian prime minister and make Christianity Malaysia’s official religion.   Continue reading “‘Some Basis’ to Malaysian Christian Plot: Minister”

Ibrahim Ali’s jihad against a fictitious foe

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers
May 16, 11 8:18am

`If they don’t arrest Ibrahim Ali, we know Umno is involved. If this is not incitement of racial and religious hatred, I don’t know what is.’

Perkasa ready to crusade against ungrateful Christians

Quigonbond: Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali is no help to Najib Razak for saying the prime minister is playing a game. That means all overtures by the PM is now proven to be nothing more than a vote-getting exercise, devoid of sincerity in resolving problems.

On the other hand, what Ibrahim is doing is being syok sendiri (self-infatuation). He creates his own enemy, launches a crusade against that fictitious foe, and hopes that the enemy will respond.
Continue reading “Ibrahim Ali’s jihad against a fictitious foe”

10 Days in May (11)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Hisham says newspapers should be given leeway (TMI) Hishammuddin to meet chief editors of newspapers (Malaysiakini) http://bit.ly/j09gkh

Issue not Hisham meeting editors but explanation from Hisham 4double stds/negligence/failure 2take action agnst Utusan http://bit.ly/j09gkh

If Hisham dare not discharge ministerial duty re: Utusan, he shld stop “talk big” n go catch acid splashers who have claimed 22 victims

KTK Disunity Affairs Minister. Issue is not so much IAli Utusan but Hishammuddin Najib. Is KTK taking issue 2Cabinet? http://bit.ly/lDMyTw

What credibility when nestle extremists Utusan IAli in bosom? http://bit.ly/jA4P1Y PM brings global call 2reject extremism 2Oxford (Star) Continue reading “10 Days in May (11)”

Hisham says newspapers should be given leeway

By Melissa Chi
The Malaysian Insider
May 15, 2011

SUNGAI BESAR, May 15 — Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said today that newspapers should be given leeway despite stringent laws under the Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA).

“The law is very clear but everybody, every paper has crossed that line one time or another. This is probably Utusan’s time. Before this there was China Press, Nan Yang, I know, because it happened under my watch.

“But in such situations, we give them a little space. We find which is really news that can benefit us as one race, 1 Malaysia but they shouldn’t go past the boundaries which touches on sensitive issues such as religion and race,” he told reporters after launching the Sungai Besar Umno division meeting here at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Sin Min.

The latest controversy to rile the country’s dominant majority was the “Christian Malaysia” report first published by the Umno newspaper Utusan Malaysia on May 7.

The Umno daily carried a front-page article headlined “Kristian agama rasmi?” (Christianity the official religion?), claiming the DAP was conspiring with Christian leaders to take over Putrajaya and abolish Islam as the religion of the federation. Continue reading “Hisham says newspapers should be given leeway”

Kenapa Najib biarkan Utusan?

Husam Musa
The Malaysian Insider
May 15, 2011

15 MEI — Saya merujuk kenyataan Perdana Menteri bahawa teori menukar kedudukan Islam dalam perlembagaan negara adalah tidak wujud.

Trend Utusan Malaysia mempermainkan api perkauman dan agama — terakhir isu konspirasi Kristian – jelas membahayakan keamanan negara dan kemakmuran hidup masyarakat majmuk Malaysia.

Ia tidak membantu menguatkan Islam bahkan sebaliknya memercikkan api yang boleh melemahkan negara dan kedudukan Islam di negara ini.

Tepat sepertimana disebut Perdana Menteri sendiri,

“…semua pihak mesti membendung perasaan emosi untuk tidak membuat perkara yang boleh mengganggu-gugat keamanan, keharmonian serta kesejahteraan negara.” (Perdana Menteri; Berita Harian 12 Mei 2011)

Persoalannya, jika Perdana Menteri sedar gerakan ini membahayakan negara, kenapa Utusan Malaysia bebas menjadi ‘anak nakal’ yang tidak bertanggungjawab menabur api fitnah sesuka hati? Continue reading “Kenapa Najib biarkan Utusan?”

10 Days in May (9)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Hishammuddin shld retract/apologise 4baseless “some basis” assertion re: Utusan Christian Msia bogey. Is he prepared 2resign if no “basis”?

Is Hisham prepared 2rely on 1 2 dubious individuals 2jeopardise wellbeing welfare 29 million Msians n credibility of Najib’s 1Msia concept?

World watching. Utusan’s seditious Christian Msia bogey put on trial Najib Hishammuddin.More entire BN Cabinet/leadership as CSL led by nose

10 days in May (7) (Updated)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

MCA President become Utusan surrogate defender when even UMNO Ministers dare not openly endorse it.How contemptible! http://ow.ly/4TF8c

@giamsk Unbelievable! Now MCA come 4ward 2defend Utusan may not b wrong/its “ChristianMsia” bogey justified! Can MCA produce evidence?

@giamsk Utusan “reprimand” 4ChristianMsia bogey.Ridiculous penalty but MCA insists defend Utusan as it may be right. CSL official MCA stand?

@giamsk Did Hishammuddin direct CSL 2b Utusan surrogate defender? UMNO VP ordering MCA President what 2say on Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey?
Continue reading “10 days in May (7) (Updated)”

Police receive new account of ‘Christian conspiracy’

Aidila RazakMalaysiakini
May 13, 11

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar today said that a police report has been lodged which may contain new details on the alleged ‘Christian conspiracy’ as reported by Utusan Malaysia.

“I can confirm that a report was lodged in Penang this morning at 8.50am regarding the issue and the content has variasi (is different) from the other (reports lodged before).

“I urge all parties to not speculate as we are currently investigating the matter,” he told reporters at an urgent press conference in Bukit Aman.

As a result of the report, he said, more people will be called for their statements. Continue reading “Police receive new account of ‘Christian conspiracy’”

MCA: Presumptuous to assume Utusan’s guilt

Malaysiakini | May 13, 11

MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek said that it would be presumptuous to assume that Utusan Malaysia’s ‘Christian conspiracy’ report was wrong while investigations were still ongoing.

While stating that the party was of the opinion that the home ministry’s reprimand letter on Utusan Malaysia was insufficient, the proper way to address the issue was through a thorough police investigation.

Speaking during a press conference at the MCA headquarters today, Chua said that if the police probe concludes that the report was unfounded, then those who are responsible for the Utusan report should be suspended as a warning.

“I think police should investigate whether the report is true. If it is not true,whoever responsible for the article and the editor should be suspended.
Continue reading “MCA: Presumptuous to assume Utusan’s guilt”

10 days in May (6)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

What abject subservience MCA! Still hope its true? http://bit.ly/kXWOTk MCA wants Utusan editor suspended if Christian claims false (TMI)

Utusan law unto itself! Enjoy absolute immunity/impunity despite seditious/treasonous crimes. Y? Becos Utusan editor >powerful than PM?

Principle: Collective ministerial responsibility. Entire BNgovt responsible 4farce of HomeMinistry handling Utusan “Christian Msia” outrage

Top agenda BN Supreme Council meet 2today shld be: Save 1Msia n demonstrate Najib govt fair 2all Msians n uphold rule of law re: Utusan case

Will honest fair patriotic BN leaders at BN Supreme Council resolve: Ask AG 2prosecute Utusan 4sedition inciting religious tension conflict?

CSL – most shameful! http://bit.ly/iRE4pe “how r u so sure what carried (Utusan) not true? If true ..should b investigated/exposed” Mkini

Media syaitan eksploit isu Kristian agama rasmi

Oleh Afiq Mohd Noor | May 13, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

Perkara 3(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan bahawa Islam adalah agama bagi Persekutuan tetapi agama-agama lain boleh diamalkan secara aman dan harmoni.

Saya pasti ramai di antara kita yang sering mendengar peruntukkan ini, bahkan Perkara 3 (1) seringkali dibaca bersama-sama dengan Perkara 11 berkenaan dengan kebebasan beragama.

Belum pun reda dengan kontroversi penggunaan nama Allah dan Al Kitab, baru–baru ini kita digemparkan sekali lagi dengan laporan separuh masak Utusan Malaysia tentang usaha untuk menjadikan Kristian sebagai agama rasmi di Malaysia.
Continue reading “Media syaitan eksploit isu Kristian agama rasmi”