Kartunis Utusan, rogol dan zina

By Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
June 16, 2011 | THe Malaysian Insider

16 JUN — Saya tidak pasti, apakah kartunis Utusan itu hendak menghina Islam atau hendak menghina pihak tertentu. Jika dia bertujuan menghina Islam, dilakukan pula dalam keadaan yang sedar akal fikirannya, maka dia terkeluar daripada Islam. Namun, jika dia bertujuan mengkritik salah faham sesetengah pihak mengenai perbezaan hukum zina dan rogol, maka itu tidak merosakkan imannya, bahkan satu sumbangan membetulkan fahaman yang salah. Adapun jika dia bertujuan membohongi fakta yang dimaksudkan oleh seseorang, sehingga menimbulkan salah sangka, maka dia berdosa besar.

Persoalan yang timbul; apakah jika seseorang wanita membuat aduan kepada mahkamah syariah bahawa dia dirogol maka mahkamah syariat akan menyatakan: awak mesti mendatangkan empat orang saksi, jika tidak awak disebat 80 rotan? Adakah di dunia ini empat orang saksi yang soleh sanggup membiarkan seorang wanita dirogol di hadapan mereka? Continue reading “Kartunis Utusan, rogol dan zina”

Utusan comic strip insulted Islam, say Muslim scholars

By Syed Mu’az Syed Putra and Debra Chong
June 15, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — Persatuan Ulama Malaysia (PUM) has accused Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia of insulting Islam with a comic strip published today, which the society said was based on an incorrect reading of the religion’s laws.

The 4,000-strong Muslim scholars’ society demanded the authorities charge the cartoonist and the publisher for insulting Islam, saying the publication of the misleading cartoon had portrayed in a negative light the religion of the majority in multicultural Malaysia at a time when Muslims were seen to lack religious knowledge.

PUM was referring to a two-panel comic strip on page 15 of the Malay daily today titled “Kekeliruan kes rogol” [“Confusion in rape cases”] depicting a tudung-clad woman seeking advice after being raped. Continue reading “Utusan comic strip insulted Islam, say Muslim scholars”

Government portal down, 27 others defaced

By Shannon Teoh
June 16, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 16 — Operation Malaysia launched by the international hacker group known as Anonymous has succeeded in not just bringing down the official website of the Malaysian government, but also spawned attacks on at least 27 other websites.

These include at least five other government sites such as the webpages of the information ministry, the fire and emergency services department and the land public transport commission.

As of 8.30am, malaysia.gov.my remained inaccessible, while other hackers appear to have taken it upon themselves to target sites like Sabah’s tourism website (sabahtourism.com) and the Tour Malaysia travel guide (tourmalaysia.com.my).

On the Sabah Tourism webpage, hackers claimed to have extracted the details of more than 3,400 of the site’s users and posted the particulars of 392 accounts. Continue reading “Government portal down, 27 others defaced”

Lawmaker sees red over his ‘pig head’

By Kuek Ser Kuang Keng
Jun 16, 11 | MalaysiaKini

A DAP assemblyperson in Selangor is seeing red after finding a photograph of him superimposed with a pig’s nose in a blog posting that also contained a fabricated ‘report’ that he had attempted sabotage his counterparts in PAS.

Sekinchan assemblyperson Ng Suee Lim submitted a printed copy of the doctored picture as well as a copy of the blog posting in his complaint filed at the Sekinchan police station yesterday.

The offending picture and posting were found on pro-Umno blog ‘Sungai Rapat Online’.

“I suspect the blog is owned by Perak exco member Hamidah Osman or her supporters, because 90 percent of the content is about her,” Ng told Malaysiakini when contacted. Continue reading “Lawmaker sees red over his ‘pig head’”

“Jika Utusan fitnah kamu, maka kamu patut diam saja”

Komentar Roketkini
12 June 2011 | Roketkini

12 JUN – Mungkin mengajar ketam berjalan betul lebih mudah daripada memujuk Utusan Malaysia supaya menghentikan perbuatan keji dan terkutuk memfitnah DAP dan Pakatan Rakyat.

Sidang pengarang Utusan atas nama Awang Selamat kini membawa satu lagi ajaran fitnah – jika Utusan fitnah DAP kamu, maka kamu patut diam saja.

Utusan telah menuduh DAP terlibat dalam isu pemilihan khariah masjid di Pulau Pinang, dan walau pun laporan itu bohong dan palsu, Utusan mahu DAP duduk diam dan terima sahaja fitnah kejam itu. Continue reading ““Jika Utusan fitnah kamu, maka kamu patut diam saja””

Penang CM shoots at Star

By Susan Loone
Jun 12, 11 | MalaysiaKini

MCA-owned Star Publication’s editorial today has displeased the Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng so badly that he has urged the paper not to follow in the footsteps of Utusan Malaysia.

The Malay language paper has come under fire of late, for its extreme views and sensationalised reporting.

Lim has urged the English language daily to correct its editorial titled ‘The Pearl of the Orient needs a new polish’, saying it has twisted facts about the state’s economic performance. Continue reading “Penang CM shoots at Star”

Can bloggers be in solidarity with the media?

By Dr Lim Teck Ghee
Sunday, 12 June 11 | Centre for Policy Initiatives

In Malaysia, bloggers have been engaged in a battle to correct the spinning and political bias which has become part of the normal business and deep culture of the media. Since Independence, the majority of the media has been a willing partner in the Barisan Nasional’s one overriding pursuit: that of self-promotion, self aggrandizement and opportunism. In the process, the old media has contributed to the corruption, injustice and bad governance that are the hallmarks of BN rule, especially during Dr Mahathir’s administration and continuing today.

The reason why journalistic ethics and principles of truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability are in short supply is not difficult to fathom. When these qualities do exist especially amongst younger and idealistic media practitioners, the calls from the Home Affairs Ministry, Special Branch, and the political bosses are quickly there to remind them of the Printing Presses and Publications Act; the ISA; the Sedition Act; and the major roadblocks to career advancement should they offend the authorities with their writing. Continue reading “Can bloggers be in solidarity with the media?”

Utusan says Bersih dirty, calls for boycott

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Jun 12, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 — Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia has called on Malaysians not just to boycott next month’s Bersih rally, but also to gather against the movement that calls for free and fair elections.

The paper’s Mingguan Malaysia weekend edition also told Malaysians “who love peace and reject hypocrisy” to gather on the streets of Kuala Lumpur on July 9 “with banners of the opposition leader’s scandals” in reference to sodomy and sex video allegations against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“Display also newspaper cuttings of the sodomy victims. They are the ones that should be defended if we support a clean culture. Awang believes the gathering will be a senjata makan tuan (backfiring weapon) for the opposition.

“This gathering is dirty,” it said in its Awang Selamat — the nom de plume of the newspaper’s editors — column today. Continue reading “Utusan says Bersih dirty, calls for boycott”

Perkauman sempit Utusan: Said Zahari

Oleh Amaluddin Zhafir
10 June 2011 | Roketkini.com

“Kenapa tidak? Kalau ramai orang Melayu dalam DAP, boleh jadi calon DAP, itu bermakna satu perkembangan dalam kesedaran politik orang Melayu.”

Kata-kata di atas dilontar penuh semangat oleh tokoh wartawan Said Zahari ketika saya bertandang ke rumahnya di Subang Jaya semalam (9 Jun).

Pertama kali ketika menjejak ke ‘kubu’ beliau – yang dipenuhi dengan ratusan buku di rak-rak – Said Zahari atau terkenal dengan panggilan Pak Said yang sudah berusia 83 tahun sedang merenung luar dari jendela biliknya. Continue reading “Perkauman sempit Utusan: Said Zahari”

NUJ: Utusan chose to pay subsidiaries over union workers

By Yow Hong Chieh
The Malaysian Insider
May 27, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, May 27 — Utusan Melayu Bhd funnelled millions in profit into subsidiaries even while claiming it could not pay workers their mandatory bonus, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) revealed today.

Utusan Melayu had asserted there was no need to pay its NUJ members a contractual two-month bonus for 2009 , arguing it had lost RM26 million as an individual company that year.

Article 44 of the collective agreement between Utusan Melayu and its NUJ branch stipulates that union members must be paid a two-month bonus if the company turns a profit.

But the Industrial Court heard recently that the holding company paid out up to RM37.5 million from its operating profit to Utusan Media Sales Sdn Bhd and even gave the subsidiary’s employees a two-month bonus in 2009 despite refusing to pay NUJ members.

Utusan Melayu also did not demand payment from subsidiaries Utusan Printcorp Sdn Bhd and Utusan Publications and Distributors Sdn Bhd, which owed it RM19 million and RM8.4 million respectively. Continue reading “NUJ: Utusan chose to pay subsidiaries over union workers”

10 Days in May (33)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Who is greatest threat/wrecker of Najib’s 1Msia concept? No 1 outside. From very bosom of Umno eg its organ UtusanMsia w 1Melayu agnst 1Msia

Utusan’s anti Najib 1Msia campaign has full support from Umno old guards headed by UMNO No.2 Muhyiddin. Is Utusan loyal 2Najib or Muhyiddin?

Wld Utusan dare 2b so irresponsible as 2publish seditious/treasonous Christian Msia bogey if Utusan editor not assured of immunity/impunity?

Who assured Utusan of immunity/impunity 4seditious/treasonous ChristianMsia bogey? Y has Utusan editor thrown all journalstic canons 2winds? Continue reading “10 Days in May (33)”

Utusan warns of DAP entrapment

By Debra Chong | May 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — Umno’s Utusan Malaysia warned today the Malay community against falling for the DAP’s Malay spiel, saying it was an election ruse for the party to capture Putrajaya.

In its editorial today titled “Jangan terperangkap ‘hajat besar’ DAP” (“Don’t be trapped by DAP’s ‘grand intent’”), the Malay daily said the Chinese-majority party had grand ambitions that stretched all the way to ruling Malaysia.
Continue reading “Utusan warns of DAP entrapment”

10 days in May (29)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Rapture Day – or End of the World- on May 21, 2011 at 6 pm NEVER came. So ridiculous/silly. Reminds me of Utusan’s “Christian Msia” bogey!

But Rapture rigmarole only affect individuals while Utusan’s “ChristianMsia” cld forment strife/bloodshed if ppl really believed it: a crime

Will Cabinet tmr end silence 2finally take stand agnst seditious/treasonous Utusan “ChrstnMsia” bogey/supprt Najib’s GMoM call/endorse MMoM?
Continue reading “10 days in May (29)”

10 Days in May (27)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Don’t agree w NUJ chief Hata 2shut down UtusanMsia but action must be taken agnst it 4rabid extremism/sedition eg “Christian Msia” bogey

If no action agnst Utusan “ChristianMsia” bogey (ref SinChew ChinaPress MakkalOsai SwakTribune) its double stds HusseinOnn wld not approve

If Utusan enjoys immunity 4Christian Msia bogey Najib’s GMoM call utter mockery. Also means Utusan extremists running UMNO n BN Cabinet/govt

Has Najib political will 2salvage 1Msia GMoM? Or allow 1Msia become 1Melayu, NEM in2 “new economic muddle”, Talent Corp in2 Talent Corpse? Continue reading “10 Days in May (27)”

NUJ chief: Shut down Utusan Malaysia

Susan Loone | May 22, 11

National Union of Journalists chief and sacked Utusan Malaysia reporter Hata Wahari has called for his former employer to be shut down and its editors left to suffer for publishing a religiously charged article earlier this month.

Hata, who was in Penang for a forum on press freedom organised by the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ), said this was the only way to make its editors and reporters take responsibility for the unsubtantiated front page article on May 7, and the following ruckus across the nation that ensued.

He added that there were existing laws like the Sedition Act and the Printing Presses and Publication Act, which could be wielded on Utusan.

This would show that the government was not practising ‘double standards’ when dealing with an errant newspaper, he added. Continue reading “NUJ chief: Shut down Utusan Malaysia”

Freedom of speech for all?

Sharmini Darshni
May 22, 2011

MAY 22 — I should not have done it. Should have left it alone. Should have continued my hiatus from the humdrum of life. Should have continued to embrace the peace that comes from purposeful ignorance.

But no, just knowing there was a single computer with Internet access, I gave in to the temptation and checked the e-mails — and unfortunately — read the news.

Regrets! I said goodbye to the zen stupor I had been in for five days as I read the latest buzzword in Malaysian politics: Crusade. Continue reading “Freedom of speech for all?”

Remember the 2009 speech, Najib?

Teoh El Sen | May 21, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

During a speech that year, the PM stressed on fair and responsible reporting. But the current controversy surrounding Utusan sends a different signal.

PETALING JAYA: Three days after taking office as the nation’s sixth prime minister on April 3, 2009, Najib Tun Razak attended the Malaysian Press Institute (MPI) awards night.

During his speech, Najib had stressed on the importance of the media’s role in nation-building, underscoring the need for responsible and fair reporting.

“We need world-class, fact-based reporting in Malaysia. The media must be fair and responsible in reporting. I believe we can move beyond those offering journalism of conspiracy theories and rumors,” he had said.

Najib had added that the media was powerful in lending credibility to stories and rumours that percolate up from the grassroots and the internet.

Two years on, the Umno president was now drawing flak for allowing his party-owned newspaper Utusan Malaysia to publish reports that critics claimed were not only seditious, but threatened national security. Continue reading “Remember the 2009 speech, Najib?”

Defend the truth, not Utusan Malaysia

May 21, 11

‘They must defend Utusan at all costs as it is an Umno launch pad to attack its opponents both in and outside the party.’

Protesters issue call: ‘Defend Utusan at all costs’

David Dass: Why the need for these fierce demonstrations? Why are these people behaving as if they are under siege? Who are they trying to intimidate?

No one is demanding closure of the Utusan Malaysia. No one is questioning the rights of the Muslims. No one is questioning the place of Islam as the religion of the federation.

The complaint by many is that the editors of Utusan acted irresponsibly by publishing unsubstantiated allegations of a provocative and inflammatory nature, which if believed could cause tension between Muslims and Christians.

Is it wrong to complain when someone does something that is clearly wrong? Are these groups defending Utusan despite its wrongdoing?

Are the rights of non-Muslims going to be subject to the dictates of the mob? Are non-Muslims, as taxpaying citizens of this country, also not entitled to protection? Continue reading “Defend the truth, not Utusan Malaysia”

10 Days in May (22)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Day 15 – Y Hisham-CSL duet still silent on seditious/treasonous Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey? Hope everybody forget abt it? Fat chance.

Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey multiple test 4Najib as PM – 1Msia, GMoM call, whether BN leaders r extremists moderates or opportunists

This is Y on 1st day Parliament 13June asking Najib abt bona fide of GMoM when extremism reign supreme w Utusan case/jihad agst Christians

Will KTK tell Najib no point 2continue as National Unity Minister when Msia never more divided despite 1Msia slogan bcos of uMNO extremists?