71-Day Countdown to 13GE – charade of Sabah RCI, Malaysia’s high-risk in defence corruption and worst-ever press freedom ranking proof of failures of Najib’s transformation slogans/policies and why country needs Federal government change in 13GE

Every day, Malaysians are provided new evidence of the failures of the transformation slogans and policies of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and why the country needs a change of federal government in the 13th General Elections around the corner.

Today, we need only refer to three current developments.

The first is the charade of the of Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into illegal immigrants entering into its second week of public hearings.

What have concerned Sabahans and Malaysians that the RCI would not be able to get to the bottom of the whole truth about the illegal legalization of illegal immigrants in Sabah causing a five-fold increase of the state’s population from 600,000 in 1970 to the current 3.3 million seem to have been justified, and this is best summed up by a Malaysiakini reader who commented:

“Now we have it. There will be 100 odd witnesses in the RCI who will claim and counter-claim until it is all so messed up that no further action will be taken. It is all a sandiwara (act).”

Continue reading “71-Day Countdown to 13GE – charade of Sabah RCI, Malaysia’s high-risk in defence corruption and worst-ever press freedom ranking proof of failures of Najib’s transformation slogans/policies and why country needs Federal government change in 13GE”

Pengiraan Detik 79 Hari ke PRU13 – Ke dasar tanpa etika dan lubang mana lagi yang pemimpin UMNO/BN dan media perdana mereka akan gali sebelum PRU13?

Semalam, saya telah meminta agar diakhiri politik penipuan dan pembohongan menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13, yang akan diadakan paling lewat sekitar 156 hari lagi pada 27 Jun, akan tetapi dijangkakan akan berlangsung kurang daripada 70 hari.

Saya merujuk kepada kalahnya lidah rasmi UMNO, Utusan Malaysia di dalam saman fitnah, kali ini kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, mendapat teguran daripada Hakim V.T. Singham yang mendapati Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd dan ketua editornya Abdul Aziz Ishak bersalah merosakkan reputasi Anwar dan mendedahkan dirinya kepada cemuhan.

Di dalam penghakimannya, Singham menekankan bahawa wartawan dan editor perlu berhati-hati dengana apa yang mereka tulis supaya tidak memasukkan komen yang mungkin menimbulkan keraguan kepada seseorang.

Hakim berkata: “Akhbar sepatutnya tidak mempunyai kuasa yang lebih besar dalam menarik perhatian atau mengelirukan fikiran rakyat apabila dibandingkan dengan reputasi individu.

“Adalah penting bagi wartawan, editor dan penerbit mengambil langkah berhati-hati sebelum sebarang artikel yang cenderung merosakkan reputasi individu diterbitkan. Rencana sebarangan yang mengandungi sindiran atau tohmahan tanpa pengesahan hendaklah dielakkan.”

Akan tetapi nasihat hakim tidak mempunyai sebarang kesan kepada media perdana UMNO/BN dan begitu juga permintaan saya agar diakhiri segala politik penipuan dan pembohongan , terutamanya media perdana UMNO/Barisan Nasional sepatutnya memelihara peraturan dan etika kewartawanan dan berhenti menjadi “Akhbar Tipu”.

Ini ditunjukkan oleh satu lagi penipuan dan pembohongan melampau media perdana UMNO/BN hari ini – kali ini New Straits Times dan laporan palsunya bertajuk “Wife of ailing MP angry at DAP” (ms. 6) yang tidak lain hanyalah penipuan tanpa secubit pun kebenaran.

Memetik daripada satu lagi portal berita yang jahat, NST mendakwa Irene Chang, isteri kepada Ahli Parlimen DAP Sibu dan Pengerusi DAP Sarawak Wong Ho Leng, “dikatakan mengkritik parti kerana gagal memberikan bantuan kewangan kepada suaminya, yang menghidap tumor otak” malahan memetiknya sebagai berkata “kepimpinan parti tidak berhati perut” dan memarahi Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 79 Hari ke PRU13 – Ke dasar tanpa etika dan lubang mana lagi yang pemimpin UMNO/BN dan media perdana mereka akan gali sebelum PRU13?”

Pengiraan Detik 80 Hari ke PRU13 – Tolak politik penipuan dan pembohongan UMNO/BN

Tahniah kepada Anwar kerana memenangi saman fitnahnya ke atas Utusan Malaysia, surat khabar di Malaysia yang sedang mencipta sejarah dunia sebagai akhbar paling banyak tewas di dalam saman fitnah terhadap personaliti Pakatan Rakyat.

Penipuan dan pembohongan terhadap Pakatan Rakyat telah menjadi makanan harian Utusan Malaysia, sebagai lidah rasmi UMNO, sehingga ke tahap Utusan Malaysia kelihatan lebih sebagai “Surat Tipu” berbanding “Surat Khabar”.

Tetapi Utusan Malaysia bukan satu-satunya “Surat Tipu” di Malaysia walaupun ia adalah contoh terburuk dari kalangan media perdana UMNO/Barisan Nasional.

Dengan pendekatan harian pilihan raya umum ke-13, pemimpin UMNO/Barisan Nasional dan alat propaganda mereka, baik media perdana mahupun penyangak cybertroopers, akan berkerja lebih masa untuk mewujudkan penipuan dan pembohongan.

Seluruh rakyat Malaysia tidak kira kaum, agama, tempat, umur atau jantina, bersatu di dalam PRU13 akan datang menolak politik penipuan, pembohongan dan penyalahgunaan oleh UMNO/BN.

Amat menyedihkan apabila bukan sahaja yang hidup, malah yang telah meninggal dunia juga turut menjadi mangsa politik penipuan dan pembohongan sedemikian. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 80 Hari ke PRU13 – Tolak politik penipuan dan pembohongan UMNO/BN”

79-Day Countdown to 13GE – What unethical depths and bottomless pits are going to be plumbed by UMNO/BN leaders and their mainstream media (MSM) before the 13GE?

Yesterday, I made a plea for an end to the politics of lies and falsehoods in the run-up to the 13th General Elections, which must be held latest in 156 days by June 27, but is expected to be held in less than 70 days.

I was referring to the latest defamation suit lost by UMNO mouthpiece, Utusan Malaysia, this time to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, earning a rebuke by the judge, Justice V.T. Singham who found Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd and its chief editor Abdul Aziz Ishak as guilty of damaging Anwar’s reputation and exposing him to ridicule and scorn.

In his judgment, Singham stressed that journalists and editors should be careful with what they write so as not to include comment, which may impugn somebody.

The judge said: “The press should have no greater power in impressing or misleading the minds of the people when compared to the reputation of an individual.

“It is essential that journalists, editors and publishers should take great care before any article which tends to harm the reputation of an individual is published. Reckless articles that contain insinuation or imputation without verification are to be avoided.”

But the judge’s advice had no effect whatsoever on the UMNO/BN mainstream media and neither my plea for an end to the dishonest politics of lies and falsehoods, and in particular that the UMNO/Barisan Nasional mainstream media (MSM) should observe the most rudimentary canons of journalistic ethics and to stop being ‘Lies-Papers”.

This was shown by another egregious lie and falsehood by the UMNO/BN mainstream media today – this time by New Straits Times in its false report headlined “Wife of ailing MP angry at DAP”, (p.6) which was nothing but a pack of lies without an ounce of truth. Continue reading “79-Day Countdown to 13GE – What unethical depths and bottomless pits are going to be plumbed by UMNO/BN leaders and their mainstream media (MSM) before the 13GE?”

80-Day Countdown to 13GE – Reject politics of lies and falsehoods of UMNO/BN

Congrats to Anwar for today winning his defamation lawsuit against Utusan Malaysia, the newspaper in Malaysia which is making world history in piling up the most number of lost defamation suits against Pakatan Rakyat personalities.

Lies and falsehoods against Pakatan Rakyat have become the staple diet of Utusan Malaysia, the mouthpiece of UMNO, to the extent that Utusan Malaysia is more a “Lies-Paper” rather than a “News-Paper”.

But Utusan Malaysia is not the only “Lies-Paper” in Malaysia although it is the worst example of the stable of UMNO/Barisan Nasional mainstream media (MSM).

With the daily approach of the 13th general elections, UMNO/Barisan Nasional leaders and their propaganda mouthpieces, whether mainstream media or rogue cybertroopers, will be working overtime to pump out lies and falsehoods.

Let all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, territory, age or gender, unite in the forthcoming 13GE to reject the politics of lies, falsehoods and abuses of UMNO/BN.

It is sad that not only the living, but even the dead, have also become casualties of such politics of lies and falsehoods. Continue reading “80-Day Countdown to 13GE – Reject politics of lies and falsehoods of UMNO/BN”

The Lost Middle Ground

— CL Tang
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 20, 2013

JAN 20 — I read with incredulity Wong Chun Wai’s mournful assessment of the state of political discourse in Malaysia, “The lost middle ground” (The Sunday Star, 20th January 2013). Commenting on the recent episode where a panellist berated a student for her political views at a local university and the subsequent harsh responses in cyberspace, he commented,” we are incapable of articulating our points in a persuasive and rational manner, preferring to shout, as in a ceramah, or to talk down, in the big brother/sister know best” attitude.”

As the editor-in-chief of the largest circulated English newspaper in Malaysia, Wong should re-examine whether he has played a role in the decline of healthy political discussions among Malaysians, and whether The Star has been equally guilty of “talking down” to its readers.

In just a week where we had the KL112 event to the recent shocking revelations from the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) where there are alleged conspiracies of votes in exchange for citizenships, if one examines the manner in which the Star covered the issues, one would conclude that it was not news per se, but spins slanted in favour of the government.

In the KL112 event and similarly in the previous Bersih 3.0 event, where hundreds of thousands of Malaysian defied the veiled threats of government intimidation, The Star’s reports and editorials was so one-sided that the last shred of responsible journalism was dropped. When an undergraduate tweeted, “Dear #KL112 supporters, if you don’t like Malaysia, you can get out of Malaysia….” The Star exclaimed that “a Twitter star…. is born” under the headlines, “Twitter sensation unfazed by brickbats in cyberspace” (The Star, Jan 14th 2013). And here Wong has the audacity to reprimand Sharifah Zobra Jabeen, the protagonist in the “Listen, listen listen” fiasco for insinuating those who do not like Malaysia to leave the country! Continue reading “The Lost Middle Ground”

As video goes viral, should education policy be scrutinised?

— M. Lee
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 15, 2013

JAN 15 — I was extremely disappointed with the conduct of Sharifah Zohra Jabeen as seen in the video at the UUM forum that has gone viral.

As a labour market and development economist, I agreed with Bawani’s statement implying that the economic impacts of educational funding have to be properly analysed to make the right policy directions.

Many countries around the world such as Australia and United States have constantly studied the best educational strategies that will develop and educate the nation. Albeit they are already developed nations.

It is not to my intent to say that the Malaysian government is not trying to adjust and design optimal education policies. However, Sharifah Zohra Jabeen has seemingly assumed the role of a government representative by replying “if you equate Malaysia to other countries, what are you doing in Malaysia? Go to Cuba, go to Argentina, go to Libra, go everywhere.”

My question is: has she been elected as a representative of the government? Is this the stand and belief of the government and the university?

What is more appalling is for an academically trained person to provide such a statement in an academic institution. Continue reading “As video goes viral, should education policy be scrutinised?”

Pengiraan Detik 87 Hari ke PRU13 – Media perdana BN berterusan tidak jujur, tidak profesional dan berbohong terbukti merupakan kemusnahan terakhir Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri dan penyingkiran UMNO/BN dari Putrajaya dalam PRU13

Bukan sahaja ironi malah sukar dipercayai bahawa pada malam KL112, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak menjadi tuan rumah Malam Penghargaan Media Perhimpunan Agung Umno 2012 dan bercakap tentang kepentingan media kepada UMNO.

Rakyat Malaysia yang berfikiran rasional dan bebas, termasuklah empat juta pengundi pertengahan yang akan menentukan sama ada Barisan Nasional atau Pakatan Rakyat akan membentuk kerajaan persekutuan di Putrajaya dalam pilihan raya umum 13, tentu akan tertanya adakah Najib betul-betul berpijak di bumi nyata atau sedang hidup dalam dunianya sendiri.

Apa yang Najib katakan tentang media beberapajam selepas KL112, yang menjadi titik penting demokrasi yang sedang matang, di luar alam nyata.

Bagaimana Najib dengan selamba meminta media memainkan peranan orang tengah yang menyampaikan kehendak dan perasaan orang ramai kepada kerajaan dan melaporkan rungutan dan kritikan terhadap kerajaan untuk membolehkan penambahbaikan dijalankan sedangkan media perdana Barisan Nasional, sama ada media cetak, radio, televisyen atau atas talian, bersalah melakukan sesuatu yang sebaliknya, benar-benar tanpa sesal mereka-reka pembohongan tentang Pakatan Rakyat?

Selama berminggu-minggu, media perdana Barisan Nasional telah melakukan “Pembohongan Besar” berkenaan KL112 dan mereka masih lagi menyempurnakan “Pembohongan Besar” selepas KL112, walaupun “Pembohongan Besar” itu telah dihancurkan dengan lumat sebagai tiada asas dan tidak benar!

Tidak diragukan lagi bahawa salah satu pihak yang kalah teruk kerana KL112 dijalankan dengan berjaya dan aman adalah media perdana Barisan Nasional (MSM), sebab itulah Malaysiakini di dalam “KL112: Winners and losers” menyenaraikan media perdana sebagai salah satu daripada tiga yang “tewas” selepas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan UMNO/Barisan Nasional manakala The Malaysian Insider menerbitkan rencana editorial yang bertajuk: “Mainstream media’s epic fail”. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 87 Hari ke PRU13 – Media perdana BN berterusan tidak jujur, tidak profesional dan berbohong terbukti merupakan kemusnahan terakhir Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri dan penyingkiran UMNO/BN dari Putrajaya dalam PRU13”

87-Day Countdown to 13GE – Persistently dishonest, unprofessional and lying BN mainstream media may prove to be the final undoing of Najib as Prime Minister and ousting of UMNO/BN from Putrajaya in 13GE

It is not only ironic but simply unbelievable that on the night of KL112, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak could host the Umno general assembly 2012 Media Appreciation Night and speak about the importance of the media to UMNO.

Rational and independent-minded Malaysians, including the four million middle-ground voters who will decide whether it is Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat which will form the federal government in Putrajaya in the 13th general elections, must be asking whether Najib is rooted firmly to the ground in reality or is living in a make-believe world of his own.

What Najib said about the media a few hours after the KL112, which marked an important turning point in a maturing democracy, is simply surreal.

How could Najib with a straight face urge the media to play the role of an intermediary that delivers the feelings and aspirations of the people to the government and which report the grievances and criticisms leveled at the government to enable improvements to be carried out when the Barisan Nasional mainstream media, whether print, radio, television or online, have been most guilty of the very opposite, completely unrepentant in fabricating and purveying lies after lies about the Pakatan Rakyat?

For weeks, the Barisan Nasional mainstream media had told a “Big Lie” about KL112 and they are still purveying the “Big Lie” after KL112, although the “Big Lie” had been completely pulverized and demolished as baseless and untrue! Continue reading “87-Day Countdown to 13GE – Persistently dishonest, unprofessional and lying BN mainstream media may prove to be the final undoing of Najib as Prime Minister and ousting of UMNO/BN from Putrajaya in 13GE”

Mainstream media’s epic fail

— The Malaysian Insider
Jan 13, 2013

JAN 13 — Going by Malaysia’s mainstream media coverage of the Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat rally yesterday, a television viewer or newspaper reader can assume the organisers failed to get its targeted crowd, overfilled a stadium and participants broke the law by bringing their children.

And, oh, for some media, it was actually the Himpunan Shamsidar.

In both the Malay and English-language Sunday papers, there was no coverage of the issues of the day that drew thousands to Stadium Merdeka for three hours, or for the speakers who wanted to highlight burning issues that will be part of the election campaign this year.


How can the media be mainstream if it stops covering a major event in the capital city or even cover it honestly? Is it a wonder that the circulation and readership of some newspapers have dropped? Continue reading “Mainstream media’s epic fail”

Pengiraan Detik 95 Hari ke PRU13 – Sekiranya Deepak membuat cuma 10% dakwaan terhadap pemimpin DAP/PR sepertimana yang dia lakukan terhadap Najib dan pemimpin UMNO/BN, dia mungkin kini sedang muncul dalam semua media perdana BN sejak enam minggu lalu dan bukannya digelapkan terus.

Sepanjang tiga hari lalu merupakan hari-hari yang sukar buat pemimpin, ahli dan penyokong DAP di dalam 47 tahun sejarah parti, kerana DAP telah memenuhi muka depan media perdana Barisan Nasional sejak dua hari lalu dan memenuhi semua siaran yang dikawal Barisan Nasional.

Berikut adalah tajuk berita muka depan yang lantang di dalam media perdana BN sejak dua hari lalu:

DAP silap kira undi? – Pengarah pilihan raya parti itu letak jawatan (Utusan Malaysia 5.1.13)

Drama DAP – Lagi persoal isu silap kira undi (Mingguan Malaysia 5.1.13)

DAP election FIASCO – Error raises doubts about party’s ability to rule country (New Straits Times 5.1.13)

‘Embarrassing glitch’ – (New Sunday Times 6.1.13)

Sandiwara DAP pujuk Melayu – Ambil masa tiga minggua akui kesilapan pemilihan CEC (Berita Harian 5.1.13)

Tindakan DAP ‘luar biasa’ – Pinda keputusan pemilihan janggal, timbul banyak persoalan: Muhyiddin (Berita Harian t6.1.13)

It doesn’t add up (Star 5.1.13)

Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 95 Hari ke PRU13 – Sekiranya Deepak membuat cuma 10% dakwaan terhadap pemimpin DAP/PR sepertimana yang dia lakukan terhadap Najib dan pemimpin UMNO/BN, dia mungkin kini sedang muncul dalam semua media perdana BN sejak enam minggu lalu dan bukannya digelapkan terus.”

Zero success rate

R. Nadeswaran
The Sun Daily
6 January 2013

A SEARCH of the archives shows that in the past year, more than 100 columns and commentaries were penned covering about a couple of dozen topics.

Away from the office for a fortnight, there was plenty of time to reflect on what had happened in the preceding year, in between reading opinions and commentaries of fellow scribes regaling what a great year 2012 had been.

On reflection, what was there even to put down as a thought after having written on issues ranging from wrongdoing, inefficiency, insubordination, misuse to abuse of public funds and many more? These were issues of public interest – affecting every citizen of this country.

There is no way or equipment to measure the success of this column. The success rate in informing the public of such nuances and allowing them to draw their own opinions may have been excellent.

However, when it comes to getting responses, let alone results in bringing about such issues to the fore, the rate has been dismal – absolutely ZERO! Continue reading “Zero success rate”

Talking about heights of arrogance

– Aman Ally
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 06, 2013

JAN 6 – These past few days, Malaysians have been entertained by the spectacle of the Barisan Nasional-owned media attacking Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang for his “Amanat Hadi” and the DAP for its inability to count votes in ints internal polls.

It reached a point today when Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim opened another attack on Pakatan Rakyat for revealing its “height of arrogance” in deciding to hold a rally in Stadium Merdeka next weekend without even discussing the venue with the stadium board or the police.

Now, I wonder if Rais knows what is “height of arrogance” actually is?

Isn’t it the height of arrogance for the Information, Communication and Culture Minister to decide that Hadi cannot appear on Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) because of this so-called “Amanat Hadi” and that there is a fatwa on it?

Who owns RTM? Umno? Barisan Nasional?

RTM is a state broadcaster paid by public funds and not his personal fiefdom. Who is he to arrogantly decide who can appear on the station? Continue reading “Talking about heights of arrogance”

95-Day Countdown to 13GE – If Deepak had made only 10% of allegations against DAP/PR leaders he made against Najib and UMNO/BN leadership, he would be crawling all over BN MSM in past six weeks instead of total blackout

The past three days have been the most difficult days for DAP leaders, members and supporters in the 47-year history of the party, testified by the fact that the DAP had dominated the front-pages of the Barisan Nasional mainstream media (MSM) in the past two days and hogged the Barisan Nasional-controlled air waves.

The following are the screaming front-page headlines in the BN MSM in the past two days:

DAP silap kira undi? – Pengarah pilihan raya parti itu letak jawatan (Utusan Malaysia 5.1.13)

Drama DAP – Lagi persoal isu silap kira undi (Mingguan Malaysia 5.1.13)

DAP election FIASCO – Error raises doubts about party’s ability to rule country (New Straits Times 5.1.13)

‘Embarrassing glitch’ – (New Sunday Times 6.1.13)

Sandiwara DAP pujuk Melayu – Ambil masa tiga minggua akui kesilapan pemilihan CEC (Berita Harian 5.1.13)

Tindakan DAP ‘luar biasa’ – Pinda keputusan pemilihan janggal, timbul banyak persoalan: Muhyiddin (Berita Harian t6.1.13)

It doesn’t add up (Star 5.1.13)

When DAP appears in the BN MSM, especially on their front-pages, it is not good news. In fact, often they are about lies – as in the infamous case on May 7, 2011 when Utusan Malaysia carried a front-page article headlined “Kristian agama rasmi?” (“Christianity the official religion?”), claiming that DAP was conspiring with Christian leaders to instal Christianity as the religion of the federation instead of Islam and the other infamous case on July 9, 2012 on the Utusan Malaysia front-page about the falsehood that the DAP would contest 90 of the 222 parliamentary seats to dominate Pakatan Rakyat and appoint the Prime Minister in the 13th general election. Continue reading “95-Day Countdown to 13GE – If Deepak had made only 10% of allegations against DAP/PR leaders he made against Najib and UMNO/BN leadership, he would be crawling all over BN MSM in past six weeks instead of total blackout”

There’s No Excuse For Not Reporting The Truth

By Kee Thuan Chye
Malaysian Digest
01 January 2013

What Utusan Malaysia’s lawyer reportedly told the High Court on Dec 27 is shocking.

According to The Malaysian Insider, Firoz Hussein Ahmad Jamaluddin said newspapers do not have the “luxury of time” to verify the truth of news reports before publishing them.

In defending Utusan Malaysia’s report that allegedly accused Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim of being a proponent of gay rights, Firoz also said, “If newspapers have to go through the full process of ascertaining the truth, the details, they wouldn’t be able to report the next day.”

If he thinks this would justify the publication of untruths by the media, he is grossly wrong. No media organization should ever publish untruths or lies. On top of that, no media organization can, after doing it, claim justification by saying it had no time to check its facts.

Not checking facts before publication is a cardinal sin in journalism. And no self-respecting journalist or media could absolve themselves by saying they did not have the “luxury of time”. Continue reading “There’s No Excuse For Not Reporting The Truth”

Foreign interference in Malaysian politics?

— Clive Kessler
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 30, 2012

DEC 30 — The New Straits Times (Sunday December 30) contains a long analysis and commentary entitled “Dubious Backers of Regime Change”.

Its author, Nile Bowie, warns of the menace of foreign interference and covert involvement and influence in Malaysian politics.

As well he might.

This lengthy article, now recycled in the BN government’s leading newspaper here, made its first appearance in RT.

RT? What is that? Continue reading “Foreign interference in Malaysian politics?”

Senator DAP buat laporan polis terhadap Muhyiddin, portal berita

Jamilah Kamarudin | December 20, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

Ariffin membuat laporan tersebut di Balai Polis Tun H S Lee di Jalan Stadium dekat sini tengahari tadi.

PETALING JAYA: Naib Pengerusi DAP, Senator Dr Ariffin SM Omar hari ini membuat laporan polis terhadap Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan laman portal, Antarapos kerana menuduhnya mengamalkan perkauman sempit.

Ariffin yang ditemani peguam iaitu ahli parlimen Segambut Lim Lip Eng membuat laporan tersebut di Balai Polis Tun H S Lee di Jalan Stadium dekat sini tengahari tadi.

Laporannya terhadap Muhyiddin itu berdasarkan petikan berita “Kenyataan Ariffin Melayu Punca Rasuah Diselar” pada 18 Disember lalu apabila menyifatkan ia sebagai satu perbuatan bodoh dan sangat tidak bertanggungjawab.

Respon itu dibuat Muhyiddin selepas Antarapos dalam laporannya 15 Disember lalu memetik Ariffin sebagai berkata rasuah boleh dibanteras dengan lebih berkesan jika perkhidmatan awam dan polis tidak dimonopoli oleh kaum Melayu sahaja. Continue reading “Senator DAP buat laporan polis terhadap Muhyiddin, portal berita”

Spamming Malaysia

— The Malaysian Insider
Dec 13, 2012

DEC 13 — In the past 24 hours, some of you and definitely The Malaysian Insider have been inundated with emails from a number of names like Imran Sulaiman, Ranesa Jegatheesa and Malaysian Indian over the PKR protest for Indians who are purportedly stateless in Malaysia.

These emails are spam.

They are a waste of time and definitely a waste of money if someone is being paid to churn them out and send them to all and sundry.

It shows how much political parties and even governments go to great lengths to get their views across to each and every one of us Malaysians ahead of the general election.

But it is a pain. Continue reading “Spamming Malaysia”

Dirty tricks of the BN media

— Fikry Osman
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 09, 2012

DEC 9 — There is a good reason not to buy newspapers owned by Barisan Nasional (BN) parties. They lie, twist and misinterpret news against opposition parties.

Look what The Star has done with Kelantan this week, reporting that four non-Muslims were caught for khalwat by local council officers. The officers had also apparently asked for bribes.

Isn’t this just another trick by the MCA-owned newspaper to make PAS look bad? To make people fear PAS and raise the spectre of an intolerant and punitive Islamic state?

On the other side, the NST does the same, except it is against DAP where it says our way of life is in danger because DAP is secular, communist or Christian in outlook.

These newspapers should make up their mind. It is one or the other and not all. It just shows how they will lie for their political masters. Continue reading “Dirty tricks of the BN media”

Rais: Deferment of Tanda Putera decided by cabinet

by Zulaikha Zulkifli
Nov 8, 2012

The decision to postpone the airing of the film Tanda Putera to next year was made by the cabinet, said Information, Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim.

Rais said the decision was made after the cabinet ministers found that there were elements that are “inappropriate” to be screened.

“The cabinet has decided for the benefit of the people, that the official premiere of the film is postponed as it contains scenes that may cause conflicts.

“This is because it shows the tragedy of May 13 which is disputed by various parties,” he added.

He said this in reply to reporters after launching the state Himpunan Kasih Sayang at Kampung Puah Lembah this evening. Continue reading “Rais: Deferment of Tanda Putera decided by cabinet”