Of instant websites, anonymous emails and political mudslinging

The Malaysian Insider
Mar 04, 2013

MARCH 4 — As the country enters the home stretch before Election 2013, many Malaysians have been receiving emails from people with strange sounding names like Abrihim Malawaki.

Using anonymous names much like those in the infamous letters from so-called former Nigerian military generals imploring us to help them unlock millions of dollars, these letters provide links instead to equally anonymous websites set up overnight to attack Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

While there is nothing wrong with criticising Anwar and the opposition parties, the anonymous nature of these emails and the websites being promoted raises serious questions about their credibility and who is behind the attacks.

This strategy of demonisng Anwar bears striking resemblance to the one employed against him in the international media in a campaign that was apparently funded by the Malaysian government.

Last week, it was revealed that Putrajaya’s media strategist APCO Worldwide covertly financed international media reports in a campaign against Anwar after Election 2008, filings to the United States Department of Justice had revealed. Continue reading “Of instant websites, anonymous emails and political mudslinging”

Covert Malaysian Campaign Touched A Wide Range Of American Media

Outlets from Huffington Post to National Review carried pieces financed by the Malaysian government. An international campaign against Anwar Ibrahim.

By Rosie Gray | March 1, 2013 at 12:35pm EST

A range of mainstream American publications printed paid propaganda for the government of Malaysia, much of it focused on the campaign against a pro-democracy figure there.

The payments to conservative American opinion writers — whose work appeared in outlets from the Huffington Post and San Francisco Examiner to the Washington Times to National Review and RedState — emerged in a filing this week to the Department of Justice. The filing under the Foreign Agent Registration Act outlines a campaign spanning May 2008 to April 2011 and led by Joshua Trevino, a conservative pundit, who received $389,724.70 under the contract and paid smaller sums to a series of conservative writers.

Trevino lost his column at the Guardian last year after allegations that his relationship with Malaysian business interests wasn’t being disclosed in columns dealing with Malaysia. Trevino told Politico in 2011 that “I was never on any ‘Malaysian entity’s payroll,’ and I resent your assumption that I was.”

According to Trevino’s belated federal filing, the interests paying Trevino were in fact the government of Malaysia, “its ruling party, or interests closely aligned with either.” The Malaysian government has been accused of multiple human rights abuses and restricting the press and personal freedoms. Anwar, the opposition leader, has faced prosecution for sodomy, a prosecution widely denounced in the West, which Trevino defended as more “nuanced” than American observers realized. The government for which Trevino worked also attacked Anwar for saying positive things about Israel; Trevino has argued that Anwar is not the pro-democracy figure he appears.
Continue reading “Covert Malaysian Campaign Touched A Wide Range Of American Media”

Silly idea to control social media

– The Malaysian Insider
Mar 02, 2013

MARCH 2 – One wonders where Datuk Maglin Dennis D’Cruz was on April 3, 2009 when Datuk Seri Najib Razak took office as Prime Minister and said “the days of government knows best is over”.

One wonders where D’Cruz was during the Budget 2013 speech last year when Najib proposed a fund to give smartphone rebates for youths to enable them to access the Internet.

One wonders where this man who is Deputy Minister of Information, Communication and Culture was when Najib dubbed this year’s polls as a “social media election”.

Why? Because this unelected politician said today the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) was looking into suitable methods to monitor and control the use of social media in the general election.

Monitor and control? Is this some hermit socialist or communist state we are living in where the authorities do not trust its citizens using social media tools? Continue reading “Silly idea to control social media”

GE13 a referendum on media

— The Malaysian Insider
Feb 28, 2013

FEB 28 — This must be the longest wait ever for a general election in Malaysia, and it’s impossible to hold it five years after the March 8, 2008 elections.

This will also be an election that will test and assess the Malaysian media.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was realistic when he called it the “social media” elections, because most of what Malaysians know now come from online sources.

In effect, this year’s election is also a referendum on the kind of media that Malaysians want.

Do we want an untruthful media tied to political interests — online, print or television — or do we want a media that serves the interests of Malaysians?

Do we want a media that regurgitates without question or one that questions, inquires, checks facts and verifies before publishing or broadcasting news?

Do we want our news “vanilla”, in the parlance of the Internet, or do we want it coloured with bias and perception without it being labelled as such? Continue reading “GE13 a referendum on media”

Too much made of The Economist Intelligence Unit Report

by Kee Thuan Chye
MSN Malaysia
24 Feb 2013

Too much has been made of the recent report by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), which is part of the magazine The Economist.

The Malaysian news agency Bernama spun it to make it appear a forecast of the upcoming general election result. It claimed the EIU predicted the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government “will” win the upcoming general election while the Opposition Pakatan Rakyat, for making “costly promises”, appears “a distant second”. It also said the EIU’s conclusion was based on BN’s “successful track record, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s reform agenda, and his successful economic leadership”. On the other hand, it added, “Pakatan’s populism has remained to be simply hot air”.

Rafizi Ramli, chief of strategy for one of Pakatan’s component parties, PKR, has, however, dismissed Bernama’s spin as being filled with incorrect information. “The report in itself is very neutral,” he said, “but because of Bernama and the way they spin it, it looks like The Economist is giving us a real thrashing.” Continue reading “Too much made of The Economist Intelligence Unit Report”

Tanda Putera a double-edged sword

By Carrie Rina | 12:13PM Feb 21, 2013

FILM REVIEW Despite the cabinet deciding against airing the controversial Tanda Putera film until after the next general election, the leader of the same cabinet, Najib Abdul Razak, appears keen on showing it to selected segments of the Malaysian populace.

The reason is likely that the film is a double-edged sword, serving as an effective propaganda tool for one community – but which may well offend the other communities.

While both the Malays and Chinese are depicted in the film as turning on each other during the May 13 riots, the Chinese were often characterised as the aggressors.

The film opens with a group of Chinese, who appear to be Communist sympathisers, attacking a party worker, abd calling for the 1969 general election to be boycotted.

The victim was later revealed to be an Umno member, for news flash with the headline: ‘Umno party worker killed’ is shown.
Continue reading “Tanda Putera a double-edged sword”

Pengiraan Detik 50 Hari ke PRU13 – Cabaran untuk Najib menunjukkan bukti sejarah khayalan yang menghasut dan mengapi-apikan dalam filem 13 Mei Tanda Putera berkenaan sekumpulan belia Cina kencing pada tiang benda yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu sehingga mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969

Saya mencabar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak menunjukkan bukti sejarah khayalan yang menghasut dan mengapi-apikan dalam filem 13 Mei Tanda Putera berkenaan sekumpulan belia Cina kencing pada tiang benda yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu sehingga mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969.

Perdana Menteri perlu bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya terhadap penghinaan yang amat bersifat perkauman dan tidak mengikut sejarah di dalam filem 13 Mei kerana menurut Timbalan Menyeri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Ahmad Maslan, Najib yang mengarahkan filem itu ditayangkan secara eksklusif kepada 3,000 peneroka Felda yang bertemu di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra pada Isnin lalu.

Hanya peneroka Felda yang dibenarkan menonton filem itu, yang ditayangkan selepas wartawan yang hadir diminta meninggalkan dewan.

Jurucakap filem berkenaan mendakwa filem itu dibuat berdasarkan banyak kajian, seperti mengkaji bahan-bahan yang didokumenkan dan gambar-gambar, bagi memastikan adegan-adegannya disokong oleh fakta sejarah.

Di manakah bahan dokumen dan gambar kepada insiden kencing pada tiang bendera yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di luar rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu yang mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969? Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 50 Hari ke PRU13 – Cabaran untuk Najib menunjukkan bukti sejarah khayalan yang menghasut dan mengapi-apikan dalam filem 13 Mei Tanda Putera berkenaan sekumpulan belia Cina kencing pada tiang benda yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu sehingga mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969”

50-Day Countdown to 13GE – Challenge to Najib to produce the historical evidence of the incendiary and seditious figment of the imagination in the May 13 film about a group of Chinese youths urinating on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag of the then Selangor Menteri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969

I challenge the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to produce the historical evidence of the incendiary and seditious figment of the imagination in the May 13 film Tanda Putera about a group of Chinese youths urinating on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag of the then Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969.

The Prime Minister must assume full responsibility for this most racist and unhistorical slur in the May 13 film, as it was Najib, according to the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Ahmad Maslan, who instructed that the May 13 film be exclusively screened to some 3,000 Felda settlers meeting at the Putra World Trade Centre on Monday.

Only the Felda settlers were allowed to watch the film, which was screened after the journalists present in the hall were asked to leave.

The spokepersons of the movie had claimed that the film was based on a lot of research, such as studying documented materials and photographs, to make sure the scenes were backed by historical facts.

Where are the documented materials and photographs of such an urination incident on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag outside the then Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969? Continue reading “50-Day Countdown to 13GE – Challenge to Najib to produce the historical evidence of the incendiary and seditious figment of the imagination in the May 13 film about a group of Chinese youths urinating on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag of the then Selangor Menteri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969”

Pengiraan Detik 51 Hari ke PRU13: Pengakuan terdesak terakhir Najib dalam memainkan “kad 513” dengan menayangkan filem 13 Mei yang tidak jujur dan berat sebelah kepada peneroka Felda selepas meminta wartawan pergi

Tayangan eksklusif filem berat sebelah dan tidaj jujur berkenaan 13 Mei, Tanda Putra, kepada peneroka Felda di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra semalam selepas Najib meminta wartawan meninggalkan tempat itu merupakan pengakuan terakhir Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak bahawa beliau dalam keadaan terdesak berdepan dengan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 yang tidak dapat dielakkan lagi dan kegagalan semua usahanya setakat ini untuk memenangi semula sokongan pengundi Malaysia – termasuklah kemusnahan besar inisiatif membelanjakan RM3.5 juta untuk menjemput bintang K-Pop Korea Psy ke Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina Barisan Nasional Pulau Pinang yang meninggalkan kenangan peristiwa “3 Ya untuk Psy, 3 Tidak untik BN”.

Saya terkejut apabila seorang Perdana Menteri yang telah mewujudkan “1Malaysia” sebagai dasar pengenalannya kini mengingkari Program Transformasi Nasionalnya dan mencemarkan semua anjurannya terhadap kesederhanaan dan etika sewaktu forum dalam dan luar negara dengan merestui secara rasmi kepada sebuah filem yang berniat jahat memaparkan saya sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab terhadap rusuhan 13 Mei 1969.

Saya tidak pernah diberi peluang menonton filem itu tetapi apa yang pernah dilakukan bagi publisiti filem itu sudah pun diketahui umum. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 51 Hari ke PRU13: Pengakuan terdesak terakhir Najib dalam memainkan “kad 513” dengan menayangkan filem 13 Mei yang tidak jujur dan berat sebelah kepada peneroka Felda selepas meminta wartawan pergi”

Pengiraan Detik 52 Hari ke PRU13: PRU13 bukan saja pungutan suara terhadap empat tahun “tanpa transformasi” Najib tetapi juga 22 tahun dasar korup Mahathir

Adakah parlimen akan dibubarkan bulan untuk untuk membolehkan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 diadakan bulan depan?

Dijamin jawapannya tentu positif, bersiap untuk pembubaran parlimen paling lama ditangguhkan di dalam sejarah negara daripada seorang Perdana Menteri tidak diundi paling lama dan berkemungkinan menjadi pilihan raya umum paling kotor dan mahal Malaysia!

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, sedang pusing satu negara berkempen untuk jangka hayat politiknya, tetapi terdapat seorang insan di dalam UMNO/Barisan Nasional yang sedang mengatasi kempen Najib – dan beliau adalah mantan serta Perdana Menteri paling lama berkhidmat, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 amat penting dan kritikal buat Najib – tetapi lebih penting dan kritikal lagi buat Mahathir, memandangkan ia bukan saja pungutan suara terhadap empat tahun “tanpa transformasi” Najib tetapi juga 22 tahun dasar authoritarian dan korup Mahathir.

Sebenarnya, untuk Mahathir, masa depannya turut dipertaruhkan dalam PRU13 – memandangkan PRU13 akan menentukan sama ada beliau dapat terus menjadi dalang politik untuk politik UMNO/BN, yang kini secara sendirian membuat keputusan dalam UMNO/BN selepas beliau Berjaya memaksa perletakan jawatan Tun Abdullah sebagai Perdana Menteri sesudah “tsunami politik” pilihan raya umum 2008.

Kuasa dan pengaruh Mahathir kini lebih besar daripada Najib yang merupakan Perdana Menteri.

Malaysia mempunyai enam Perdana Menteri sepanjang tempoh 56 tahun tetapi tidak ada sesiapa di dalam UMNO/BN berani untuk beritahu mana-mana Perdana Menteri supaya meletakkan jawatan sekiranya gagal memperoleh mandat yang lebih besar berbanding pilihan raya sebelumnya – seperti yang dilakukan secara terbuka oleh Mahathir di Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference ke-15 pada 31 Januari yang mana beliau mengatakan Najib sepatutnya memberi laluan kepada Timbalan Presiden UMNO Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sekiranya BN hanya memperoleh kemenangan tipis di dalam pilihan raya. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 52 Hari ke PRU13: PRU13 bukan saja pungutan suara terhadap empat tahun “tanpa transformasi” Najib tetapi juga 22 tahun dasar korup Mahathir”

51-Day Countdown to 13GE: Najib’s final admission of desperation in reaching for the “513 card” by screening the dishonest and unbalanced May 13 film exclusively to Felda settlers after asking journalists to leave

The exclusive screening of the dishonest and unbalanced May 13 film, Tanda Putera, to Felda settlers at the Putra World Trade Centre yesterday after asking journalists to leave is a final admission by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak that he is in desperate straits in facing the unavoidable 13th General Elections and the failures of all his efforts so far to win back support from Malaysian voters – including the spectacularly disastrous initiative spending RM3.5 million to invite Korean K-Pop superstar Psy to the Penang Barisan Nasional Chinese New Yew Open House leaving behind the unforgettable “3 Yes for Psy, 3 Noes for BN” episode.

I am shocked that a Prime Minister who has made “1Malaysia” his signature policy has now repudiated his National Transformation Programme and discredited all his preaching of moderation and ethics at national and international forums by giving official blessings to a film which mischievously and maliciously tried to portray me as responsible for the May 13 riots in 1969.

I have not been given an opportunity to see the film but the history of its publicity is on public record. Continue reading “51-Day Countdown to 13GE: Najib’s final admission of desperation in reaching for the “513 card” by screening the dishonest and unbalanced May 13 film exclusively to Felda settlers after asking journalists to leave”

Journalism for the people

Eric Loo
Feb 15, 2013

It’s been years since I last bought and read the mainstream papers. I thought I’d give it a go during my week’s stay in Penang for Chinese New Year.

Besides the usual sycophantic reporting of ludicrous comments by BN politicians, the mainstream papers have, again, failed in fairly representing the public sentiment.

NONEFor instance, the prime minister’s eager attempt to engage with the Penang crowd at BN’s Chinese New Year open day at Han Chiang College on Feb 11.

‘Najib wins over crowd in Penang,’ says the NST headline. ‘A tight slap in Najib’s face,’ says Malaysiakini. Same event, different takes.

You have to be in Penang to know which take is closer to actuality, although journalists’ perceptions are not immune to ideological sway, thus the selective coverage.

What I heard and saw was not what I read in the mainstream papers.

Waxing nostalgic with relatives and friends, we bantered on how many more seats BN would lose this time round, the Penangites’ angst for BN, the public relations disaster for Najib and the ‘million dollars’ wasted on a four-minute pointless act by a one-hit wonder to woo the Chinese votes.

Shortly after Psy’s prancing with his all white-clad Gangnam troupe, I received an email alert to a YouTube clip of Najib’s attempt to muster the youngish crowd. Continue reading “Journalism for the people”

Selective facts in the media

— Aziff Azuddin
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 18, 2013

FEB 18 — It’s hard to know what’s the truth and what’s not these days. To say newspapers report far from the truth would be an exaggeration. What they report is the truth, if only a specific part of it. But then, that’s what newspapers are meant to do. They’re meant to cater to a specific audience that accepts and reads this sort of news, nodding their heads in agreement. Even in the United States, such media slanting exists; New York Times reports analytical news leaning towards the Democrats while Fox News is endlessly seen leaning away. Much can be said for the audience it caters to.

Malaysia’s media industry, however, has turned into a mess. It’s no secret that the mainstream media is owned largely by the establishment’s strings as try as they may, reports anti-sentiment or intended to shed a negative light are quickly quelled and do not see the light of day. The only final bastion of freedom the citizens of Malaysia has is the limitless fringes of the Internet and social media; and even that laws like section 114A are creeping to tighten its noose on the only freedom we have left.

The Malaysian establishment, it seems of late, has been rather fond of making a fool of itself on the public front. Psy’s RM2 million concert in Penang was no less controversial before the South Korean pop star’s performance and even during the event itself; the “Psy, Yes! BN, No!” debacle and Psy’s public refusal to toss yee sang went viral on the Internet. While the Internet community was abuzz with the news, what went reported on the mainstream media? Nothing. Only of how successful the concert was and how it was another establishment achievement in fulfilling their promise to the people. Continue reading “Selective facts in the media”

52-Day Countdown to 13GE: The 13 GE is not only referendum on Najib’s four-year “non-transformation” but also on Mahathir’s 22-year authoritarian and corrupt policies

Will Parliament be dissolved this month for the 13th General Elections next month?

The bet is that the answer will be in the positive, setting the stage for the longest-delayed dissolution of Parliament in the nation’s history by the longest unelected Prime Minister in what is likely to be the dirtiest and most expensive Malaysian general elections!

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, is out on the hustings throughout the country campaigning for his political life, but there is one person in UMNO/Barisan Nasional who is out-campaigning Najib – and he is former and longest-serving Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

The 13 General Elections is important and critical for Najib – but it is even more important and critical for Mahathir, as it is not only a referendum on Najib’s four-year “non-transformation” but also on Mahathir’s 22-year authoritarian and corrupt policies.

Actually, for Mahathir, his future is also at stake in the 13GE – as it would determine whether he could continue to be the kingmaker of Umno/BN politics, as now single-handedly calling the shots in UMNO/BN after he successfully forced the retirement of Tun Abdullah as Prime Minister after the “political tsunami” of the 2008 general elections.

Mahathir’s power and influence now writ larger than that of Najib the Prime Minister.

Malaysia has had six Prime Ministers in the past 56 years but no one in UMNO/BN had dared to tell any incumbent Prime Minister that he would have to step down from office if he could not win with a stronger mandate than in the previous polls – as Mahathir has openly done at the 15th Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference on 31st January where he said that Najib should give way to Deputy Umno president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin if BN only scores a slim majority in the elections.
Continue reading “52-Day Countdown to 13GE: The 13 GE is not only referendum on Najib’s four-year “non-transformation” but also on Mahathir’s 22-year authoritarian and corrupt policies”

Dr M, on media and lies

— The Malaysian Insider
Feb 17, 2013

FEB 17 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad wrote today about the media – and how governments were able to exercise control through licensing and laws.

But then came the alternative media, or rather online media, he wrote, ironically, on his blog which is online.

“In the alternative media just about anyone can put anything they like to say on the internet directly, with no managers, editors or sub-editors changing any of the contents. The freedom is almost total. This is the essence of democracy?” he says.

Thank you, Dr Mahathir. Your views are always welcome because thanks to you, we are here. Without your foresight, the internet would have taken its time to come to Malaysia.

But your hindsight is another thing. You speak of the alternative media where anyone can put anything, without checks and balances. Continue reading “Dr M, on media and lies”

22 questions for Dr M, again

P Gunasegaram
Feb 14, 2013

QUESTION TIME I became a journalist at the Business Times, then a standalone newspaper, in 1978.

Three years later in 1981 Dr Mahathir Mohamad became prime minister of Malaysia, its fourth, succeeding Hussein Onn.

I have followed his career quite closely since and frankly I am not impressed. He started off with promise – and promised a lot – but fulfilled none if any.

In fact I would go so far as to say that he was positively the worst prime minister this country has ever had.

Through destruction of institutions such as an independent judiciary, running roughshod over civil servants, bringing his brand of power, patronage and poor economics into decision making, and making use of oppressive laws he used an iron fist to rule and in the process brought more harm to this country than any other person alive or dead.

Much of the problems of Malaysia can be traced back to him and he has made it difficult for his successors to make major changes going forward, much of which would involve unwinding processes and linkages he had put in place before. Continue reading “22 questions for Dr M, again”

The essence of journalism

— Bob Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 08, 2013

FEB 8 — The worst headline that can greet a journalist is this: Malaysia records worst-ever ranking on press freedom. Let’s face it, we have reached rock-bottom.

In the latest index compiled by Paris-based Reporters Without Borders, Malaysia has dropped 23 spots to a new low by ranking 145 out of 179 countries in the latest World Press Freedom Index.

Some are quite happy to live with this sorry state of affairs. After all we are three steps ahead of Singapore which is ranked lower than Malaysia at No. 149.

But this is no consolation considering Bangladesh, Libya, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Indonesia and Brunei are better off than us. And if that’s not bad enough, Myanmar is fast catching up — it climbed 18 spots to No. 151, just six steps behind us.

The moot point is that journalism as practised in Malaysia has fallen from grace.

Journalist, particularly senior editors, should start redeeming the profession. Sure there are many things we can’t influence or change but one thing we can do. We can change our attitude towards journalism and believe that press freedom is not only possible but essential. Continue reading “The essence of journalism”

Pengiraan Detik 71 Hari ke PRU13 – Kepura-puraan RCI Sabah, risiko tinggi Malaysia dalam rasuah pertahanan dan kedudukan kebebasan akhbar paling buruk adalah bukti kegagalan slogan/dasar transformasi Najib dan mengapa negara perlu menukar kerajaan Persekutuan dalam PRU13

Setiap hari, rakyat Malaysia dihidangkan dengan bukti kegagalan slogan dan dasar transformasi Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan mengapa Negara perlukan perubahan kerajaan persekutuan dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 yang semakin hampir.

Hari ini, kita perlu hanya merujuk kepada tiga perkembangan terkini.

Yang pertama adalah kepura-puraan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) Sabah terhadap pendatang tanpa izin yang memasuki minggu kedua pendengaran awamnya.

Apa yang menjadi kebimbangan rakyat Sabah dan Malaysia bahawa RCI itu tidak akan mampu menggali kebenaran hingga ke dasar tentang tindakan haram menghalalkan pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah yang menyebabkan peningkatan lima kali ganda penduduk negeri itu daripada 600,000 pada tahun 1970 kepada 3.3 juta kelihatan berasas, dan disimpulkan dengan baik oleh seorang pembaca Malaysiakini yang memberikan komen:

“Now we have it. There will be 100 odd witnesses in the RCI who will claim and counter-claim until it is all so messed up that no further action will be taken. It is all a sandiwara (act).”

Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 71 Hari ke PRU13 – Kepura-puraan RCI Sabah, risiko tinggi Malaysia dalam rasuah pertahanan dan kedudukan kebebasan akhbar paling buruk adalah bukti kegagalan slogan/dasar transformasi Najib dan mengapa negara perlu menukar kerajaan Persekutuan dalam PRU13”