Bankrupt Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M)

Mariam Mokhtar
Oct 22, 2012

The election chest is empty, chaos threatens BN, the overseas bolt-holes paid for with taxpayers’ money look increasingly inviting to corrupt politicians and Malaysians no longer feel that the government is on their side.

(With apologies to the composer of the popular children’s song below)

There’s a hole in the budget, dear Rosmah, dear Rosmah,
There’s a hole in the budget, dear Rosmah, a hole.
Then mend it, dear Najib, dear Najib, dear Najib,
Then mend it, dear Najib, dear Najib, mend it.

With what shall I mend it, dear Rosmah, dear Rosmah?
With what shall I mend it, dear Rosmah, with what?
With an AES, dear Najib, dear Najib, dear Najib,
With an AES, dear Najib, dear Najib, with an AES.

There’s a hole in my budget, dear Rosmah, dear Rosmah,
There’s a hole in my budget, dear Rosmah, a hole.
Use your head, then! dear Najib, dear Najib, dear Najib,
Use your head, then! dear Najib, dear Najib, use your head!

With former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad taking potshots at him from the fringes and many in his own coalition undermining him, isn’t it time someone put Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak out of his misery?

Few in his party consider him a capable leader and it does appear as if Najib is the only one who believes that he is up to the job. Either this prime minister has hidden talents, or we are blind to his abilities. Continue reading “Bankrupt Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M)”

Sure signs of MCA’s terminal disease

Stanley Koh | October 23, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

The writing was all over the wall at Dewan San Choon last weekend.


If anyone still needs to be convinced that MCA is in its death throes, then the loud talk, the sabre rattling and the tasteless pomp at its 59th annual general assembly should do the trick.

The weekend meeting gave unmistakable signs that MCA is in denial about its loss of relevance as a political organisation representing Malaysian Chinese and its inability to regain their support.

All this became evident the moment Deputy President Liow Tiong Lai opened his mouth last Saturday to address the party’s youth wing. He profusely thanked Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak for “wooing back” Chinese support to “Barisan Nasional and MCA” through his transformation programme.

Liow’s tone embarrassed many delegates to the assembly. Some were heard whispering that it was a virtual admission that the party was now so impotent and so lacking in good leadership that it had to depend on Umno for its lifeline.

President Dr Chua Soi Lek, who spoke on Sunday, was even more sycophantic. After his usual attack against Pakatan Rakyat, including unsubstantiated remarks about the failure of Pakatan-rule states, he proceeded to pour praise upon Najib, to the point of mistakenly describing him as a “democratically elected leader”. He even tried to show a fondness for abbreviations and acronyms, which Najib is known for. Continue reading “Sure signs of MCA’s terminal disease”

MCA in denial, PAS gets my vote

May Chee
Oct 22, 2012

I think every kampong or neighbourhood has this one person whom you see at the warung or food-stall during mealtimes. He kind of holds court, speaks rather loud and in a condescending tone.

If you stay long enough, you will also notice that he never pays for his food. It’s as if he needs to speak the way he does to earn his keep. I think you call that “freeloading”?

All these “hate” speeches lately by the MCA against PAS, “hudud”, and about my favourite Mursyidul Am, Nik Aziz instigating rape of non-Muslim women, borders on being just that – “freeloading”.

Rehashing news from 2008 just goes to show how bankrupt MCA has become. To go back in time when you should move forward – to create, innovate, progress, anything but backslide and with such malice, too. It beggars belief!

Instead of suggesting something constructive, the MCA, in election gear, decides to embark on a fear-mongering campaign.

Goodness, a dearth of brains in the MCA-ah? Are the people in MCA even serious about wanting to represent our interests in Parliament? Aiyoh, how-lah?

How can we trust such bird-brains to fight for us? Sure lose, hands-down! Continue reading “MCA in denial, PAS gets my vote”

MCA’s death knell gets louder

Stanley Koh | October 20, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

The party goes into a crucial annual assembly amidst doubts over its chances of recovery.


Chinese voters are no longer asking whether MCA will remain credible as part of the ruling coalition, but whether it will survive even as an opposition party.

The general belief is that it will do worse in the 13th general election than the bruising it got in 2008, and most of the blame is placed on Dr Chua Soi Lek’s leadership, or rather the lack of it.

At the party’s 59th annual general assembly this weekend, Chua will no doubt try to boost party morale in preparation for the impending election. Sources familiar with his style predict that he will use emotional rhetoric aimed at imbuing the rank and file with the fighting spirit necessary to pull off the miraculous feat of winning more seats than the party did in 2008.

He is also expected to emphasise that he has brought unity and stability to the party, as he has done on many occasions. His detractors in the party say the claim sounds more hollow and frivolous with each repetition.

Chua, 65, limped into the MCA presidency in April 2010, carrying a tremendous amount of moral baggage. Since then the party has plunged ever more deeply into the political abyss, with no convincing sign that it will recover any time before the election.

Such is the pessimism within a sizeable section of the membership. But many prefer to whisper to each other about their grievances and frustrations rather than discuss them openly, mostly for fear of being accused of disloyalty in the face of a seemingly formidable Pakatan Rakyat, specifically DAP. Continue reading “MCA’s death knell gets louder”

MCA: After Mega Dinner, Mega Disaster Awaiting

By Koon Yew Yin

It was reported in the Star that several thousand people attended the mega dinner in the Ipoh Stadium, organised by the Perak MCA on 14 October. In his speech, Dr Chua Soi Lek, the MCA President, urged the guests to vote for the Barisan National because it had established a solid foundation dating back to independence. He also said that DAP would not be able to defend the Chinese even if Pakatan Rakyat took over power because it is subservient to PAS and Parti Keadilan.
At the function, Dr Chua presented RM 500,000 to 44 Chinese primary schools and 6 national type secondary schools or Rm 10,000 for each school.

Various thoughts come to my mind on reading the report of the mega dinner. One is of disbelief that the MCA leaders can stoop so low in using public funds for Chinese education in their attempt to win a few seats in the coming elections. But we should not be surprised especially when we look at MCA’s track record in the 2008 general election in Perak where they won only one state and three parliamentary seats.

A Chairman of one of the Chinese schools told me that he did not attend the dinner because he did not want to appear so stupid as to accept the Rm 10,000 bribe to vote for the MCA. Learning from the senior partner, electoral bribery appears to be the main item in the standard operating procedure manual of MCA for the coming election. But unlike UMNO in the Peninsula, and Taib and Musa Aman in Sarawak and Sabah who have billions in their political slush funds, MCA can only throw out crumbs – such is the party’s impotency and poor standing in the BN and governmental system.
Continue reading “MCA: After Mega Dinner, Mega Disaster Awaiting”

Umno’s sidewinding strategy

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 22, 2012

SEPT 22 — Umno is always trying to ambush and put up red herrings to divert people’s attention. Why, for example, is the hudud issue between PAS and the DAP being made into a big thing? This is a sideshow being elevated to a premier status complete with intellectual gloss from Uncle Tom-ing academics.

PAS and the DAP — they operate on different principles. PAS champions Islamic principles and an Islamic agenda. The DAP champions secular democratic principles as in justice and equality and good governance and all that. Both co-operate on common grounds.

Why is Umno driving a wedge between the two? Umno should be looking out for the MCA which has ridiculed Umno’s stance on an Islamic agenda.

Sometimes I think Umno religious luminaries are not that bright. Umno is in power now. The MCA, which is a party of infidels, works closely with Umno, so Umno labels them friendly infidels (kafir zimmi — infidels who accept the authority of Muslims in power). What does that prove? It proves the classification of infidels is a function of who is in power. That is how Umno plays the game.

Suppose now a new government comes into power. The leaders of the government are also Muslims. The DAP, which will emerge as the dominant Chinese supported party, works closely with PR. The DAP represents the new infidels who accept the authority and leadership of the new PR government. It makes them friendly infidels. The DAP now becomes kafir zimmi.

So ustaz-ustaz, the branding of infidels is therefore a function of which side is in power at that particular time. And by that time, if we were to apply the Umno stance, the MCA will become kafir harbi, which makes the slaughter of MCA people permissible? Continue reading “Umno’s sidewinding strategy”

Second Open Letter to Soi Lek

By Kee Thuan Chye | Tuesday, 04 September 2012 13:07
Malaysian Digest

Dear Soi Lek,

I last wrote an open letter to you that was published in this same website on Jan 12, 2011.

In it, you may recall, I said that being a highly educated person with the ability to think, you should consider renouncing race-based politics for the good of the nation.

I also wondered if the MCA still had any dignity left for continuing to be a part of Barisan Nasional (BN).

Since then, you have said or done nothing to indicate that you will change.
Continue reading “Second Open Letter to Soi Lek”

BN: Stop creating illusionary fear

— CL Tang
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 26, 2012

AUG 26 — Day in day out, Umno and MCA have been frightening the people with their doomsday scenario should Pakatan Rakyat wrestle power from their clutches.

MCA leaders keep harping to the Chinese electorate that a vote for DAP is a vote for PAS. Should Pakatan come to power, MCA suggests, rather ludicrously that DAP will bow down to PAS’ demands for the implementation of hudud law.

Never mind that PAS would not have the numbers to push this through parliament since their Pakatan partners, DAP and PKR, would never accede to it. In fact, PAS would have to rely on the other sole dominant Muslim political party, Umno, to have any chance of making hudud law a reality. Can MCA President Chua Soi Lek secure a promise from big brother Umno that it will never consider such a political alliance? If it is not able to do so, then it should refrain from lambasting DAP for its alleged subservience to PAS, when MCA dare not even stand up to Umno when it is being bullied. More importantly, MCA must stop using the threat of hudud law as its main political weapon against DAP, as it raises unnecessary fear and unease among the main races in Malaysia.

Umno leaders have been painting a picture of apocalypse should Pakatan win power. “Don’t take Malaysia’s peace and harmony for granted”, they exclaim over and over again, suggesting that Malaysia’s stability and race relations are so fragile that a change of power in a fair election could throw the entire country into chaos and mayhem. The May 13th incident is being cited again and again. Continue reading “BN: Stop creating illusionary fear”

MCA’s Record on Education: Shameful and Pathetic

Koon Yew Yin
The Malaysian Insider
21st August 2012

Various thoughts come to my mind on reading the report that the Selangor MCA will build more Chinese schools if Barisan Nasional regains the state at the coming election. According to the Selangor MCA chairman, Donald Lim Siang Chai the MCA “will help the state government approve more land for Chinese schools, particularly in predominantly Chinese areas in Selangor”.

One is of disbelief that the MCA leaders can stoop so low in their attempt to win a few seats in the coming elections. But perhaps we should not be surprised that the MCA is scrapping the bottom of the barrel in terms of political integrity. Learning from the senior partner, UMNO, electoral bribery appears to be the main item in the standard operating procedure manual of MCA for the coming election, so desperate is the BN to remain in power.

The second is to question why this proposal to build more Chinese schools has come now. After all, before Pakatan took over in 2008, the MCA was part of the Selangor state government for 50 years. During the past decade the demand for Chinese schools in the state (and in other urban areas of the country) has especially grown tremendously. However, this demand was ignored by the MCA leaders. Continue reading “MCA’s Record on Education: Shameful and Pathetic”

Who have conned the Chinese in Malaysia?

CPI | 17 August 2012 08:20

CPI introduction

We are reproducing below an excerpt from a former MCA insider who has left the country for good. The excerpt is from his letter responding to a request from his friend asking him to consider a return to Malaysia.

The excerpt provides a personal but important perspective of the role of non-Malay parties in the Barisan Nasional. It has been reproduced with the consent of the writer whose identity we’re withholding.

An article from The Star provides the background to this disclosure.

YONG PENG: DAP’s long-term political agenda is to join Barisan Nasional in a bid to protect its supreme position in Penang, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

“DAP politicians are like any other politicians, for them it is the thirst for power.

“Penang has limited resources and how long can (Penang Chief Minister) Lim Guan Eng tender his land?” Dr Chua said, adding that the DAP hoped to see the MCA disappear and be replaced in Barisan.

He urged the Chinese community not to be conned by the Opposition party.
(extract from the newspaper on Aug 4)

Excerpt from letter by the MCA insider
Continue reading “Who have conned the Chinese in Malaysia?”

Today’s headlines

— Lucius Goon

The Malaysian Insider
Apr 26, 2012

APRIL 26 — To the editor of The Malaysian Insider, I hope you can indulge me and publish my synopsis of today’s main news.

1) Chua Soi Lek says that he welcomes Lim Kit Siang and DAP to make Johor their battleground and then goes on to say a whole bunch which betrays his true sentiments.

Anyway, since the winnable candidate is looking for a safe seat outside Johor, he is not qualified to talk about the southern state. He should focus on helping his brother who is currrently being investigated by the Securities Commission and police for the disappearance of some RM70 million from a public listed company.

At the same time, he should try and extricate his party from the PKFZ mess. But don’t use blogs like stop the lies, try more credible news sources.

2) Muhyiddin Yassin today challenged Lim Guan Eng to show what were his concrete achievements for Penang. For a start, the Penang CM has not been sued by foreign investors who were cajoled and strong-armed in a shady land deal also known as the Stamford Hills case. Continue reading “Today’s headlines”

Chua Soi Lek keletihan kerana kaum Cina telah muktamad menolak MCA

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 15, 2012

15 APRIL — Chua Soi Lek semasa berada di Johor Bahru semalam telah menzahirkan perasaan kecewa beliau kerana kaum Cina tidak menyokong MCA sedangkan MCA telah begitu banyak berjasa kepada bangsanya selama ini. Orang Cina katanya, memilih untuk memberikan pujian dan sokongan terhadap pembangkang yang kata beliau tidak ada jasa kepada negara selama ini.

Bagi saya, Chua Soi Lek (CSL) begitu naïf pandangannya terhadap politik dan sejarah yang melatar belakangkan keadaan ini. Pada asasnya orang Cina memang sudah lama tidak menyokong PERIKATAN dan seterusnya selepas Perikatan di ambil alih oleh BN pada tahun 1974 dahulu. Orang Cina hanya memberikan sokongan terhadap parti kerajaan semasa pilihanraya 1955 sehingga PRU 1965 sahaja. Continue reading “Chua Soi Lek keletihan kerana kaum Cina telah muktamad menolak MCA”

Leave BN to prove anti-Lynas stand, Guan Eng tells MCA

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 06, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, April 6 — Lim Guan Eng today challenged the MCA to prove its anti-Lynas stand by withdrawing from Barisan Nasional (BN) and standing under its own banner in the coming polls.

The DAP secretary-general cast doubt over the MCA’s sincerity in calling for the Lynas rare earth plant to be scrapped, saying the party could again change its mind after the polls to support the project.

“Therefore this is a last chance for MCA to prove its commitment to scrap the Lynas plant by withdrawing from BN and standing under its own banner at the next general election,” Lim said in a statement.

“Would (MCA president Datuk Seri Dr) Chua (Soi Lek) dare to announce that MCA would only rejoin BN when the Lynas plant is closed down?

“Any failure to do so will allow Malaysians to decide whether to trust a party that not only deceives itself but tries to deceive others,” he added. Continue reading “Leave BN to prove anti-Lynas stand, Guan Eng tells MCA”

The trouble with our race relations

Kee Thuan Chye | Mar 5, 2012


Blogger Hussein Abdul Hamid aka Steadyaku47 made waves when he wrote in a posting asking the Chinese not to blame the Malays for being treated as ‘second-class citizens’.

Civil society activist Haris Ibrahim felt “troubled”. He was equally disturbed by what Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) had written about the Malays having become “kecik hati” (disappointed) because they feel the Chinese are not real friends to them.

Haris asked a senior journalist friend about what RPK had expressed, and the friend said it was true. He said the Umno-controlled media had been influencing the Malays by spinning that the DAP, “which is painted as a Chinese party, would be the principal benefactor if Pakatan Rakyat came to power”.

As I see it, this is ironic. The media says that the DAP is riding high in Pakatan and Umno leaders drum it in that PAS has become a puppet of the DAP, but look at what the MCA, Umno’s partner, is saying.

Repeating his theme for the umpteenth time, MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek has just called the DAP, in relation to PAS, a “political eunuch”. He insists, as he has insisted many times before, that the DAP will have no guts and ability to stop PAS from bossing Pakatan and getting its way, including implementing hudud and establishing an Islamic state.

What a contradiction between what Umno says and what the MCA says! Umno says the DAP will be the principal benefactor, the MCA says PAS will be the one and the DAP will be the loser. So whom do we believe? Continue reading “The trouble with our race relations”

Will Mahathir propose Chua Soi Lek as UMNO President?

It has been suggested that the response to Tun Dr. Mahathir’s “tongue-in-cheek” proposal that I be made PAS President is to ask whether Mahathir would propose Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek as UMNO President!

However, I think it is more productive to focus on Mahathir’s other “tongue-in-cheek” statement that all the Tuns and “their sons and grandsons too” should all be investigated in response to my call for a full audit and accounting into the RM100 billion losses from the financial scandals during Mahathir’s 22-year premiership.

Another bad news about Malaysian Airlines recording a whopping net loss of RM2.52 billion for 2011 despite round-after-round of billion-ringgit bailouts in the past two decades is salutary reminder that the root cause why the once national premier airline is reduced to such a parlous crisis stage today must be traced to Mahathir’s 1994 decision to use Bank Negara’s MAS shares to bail out Bank Negara from its RM30 billion foreign exchange losses.

Malaysians today are still paying for those financial scandals, none of which have ever been fully accounted for, as for instance in the recent RM580 million write-off by the Malaysian government with the “out-of-court” settlement between Danaharta and other GLCs with Tajudin Ramli on Feb. 14 with regard to all suits pending between them.
Continue reading “Will Mahathir propose Chua Soi Lek as UMNO President?”

The shameless lot

– Spencer Gan
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 26, 2012

FEB 26 – When exactly did Malaysia reach this point: where those sullied by wrongdoing (NFC) and the mother of all wrongdoing (PKFZ) speak without shame, even with arrogance.

There is no remorse or humility. Aren’t those who are wrong or who have misused public funds supposed to show some sorrow or at least keep silent?

Not so the people at the National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) or the political party whose politicians fleeced Malaysians of billions of ringgit, the MCA. Continue reading “The shameless lot”

My debate transcript

— Lim Guan Eng
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 23, 2012

FEB 23 — First of all, I would like to thank the organisers for this live televised debate. Televised debates mark a new chapter in Malaysian political democracy because it is an important element in the democratisation process. I hope that from today onwards, televised debates will be a common phenomenon in the Malaysian democratic system just like in Europe and the United States.

Thus, I believe what Malaysians really want to see is a debate between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, to see who really deserves to be prime minister. Whoever isn’t brave enough to debate, don’t hope to think of becoming prime minister.

Chua Soi Lek suggested that DAP is being used by PAS. If we observe Umno amongst the Malays, Umno claims that PAS is being used by DAP. Therefore, I believe this self-contradictory statement is a dirty tactic employed by BN. I wish to stress here that Pakatan Rakyat component parties, be it PAS, PKR or DAP, we never use each other. We are only prepared to be “used” by the people! At the same time, we are also not anti-Malay or even anti-non-Malay; we are merely against a government that is riddled with corruption! Continue reading “My debate transcript”

Lim should have said PAS never killed a Mongolian

YOURSAY Malaysiakini
Feb 23, 2012

YOURSAY ‘By right, it’s Umno which should be upset over Guan Eng’s remark. But then again, MCA as always is doing Umno’s dirty job.’

Police report on Penang CM’s alleged racist remark

Boiling Mud: Selangor MCA’s public and services complaints bureau deputy chief Alan Liew said the Chinese community did not understand the true meaning of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s remark and was worried that the latter was playing on racial issue.

Liew, please do not play up racial discord when there was none to begin with regarding the said remark. And most importantly, kindly refrain from citing the Chinese community for whatever political agenda you may have.

Given the shift in the political landscape, I certainly doubt the Chinese community considers MCA as their representative. Can’t the MCA leaders get this simple fact right? Continue reading “Lim should have said PAS never killed a Mongolian”

Najib has completely demolished MCA lie that “A vote for DAP is a vote for PAS” when he decided to be a Chua Soi Lek clone with his own warning to Malay voters that “A vote for PAS is a vote for DAP”

I am still intrigued what were the considerations behind the decision of the Prime Minister and UMNO President, Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Sunday to be a Chua Soi Lek clone, adopting the MCA President’s sophistry to warn Malays that “A vote for PAS is a vote for DAP” implying most falsely, irresponsibly and mischievously that DAP has an anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay Rulers agenda.

Is it beyond the political comprehension of Najib and his political strategists that the first consequence of Najib adopting the Chua Soi Lek sophistry is to completely demolish the MCA’s No. 1 political weapon against the DAP – falsely warning the Chinese voters that “A vote for DAP is a vote for PAS” resulting in an Islamic state and hudud Islamic laws? Continue reading “Najib has completely demolished MCA lie that “A vote for DAP is a vote for PAS” when he decided to be a Chua Soi Lek clone with his own warning to Malay voters that “A vote for PAS is a vote for DAP””

BN political chicanery, mendacity and bankruptcy of first order with CSL warning Chinese voters “A vote for DAP is a vote for PAS” while Najib warning Malay voters “A vote for PAS is a vote for DAP”

This is a disgraceful episode Malaysians must never forget, especially in the forthcoming 13th General Elections which holds out the possibility for the first time in the 54-year history of our nation of effecting a change of government at the national level.

The message of the MCA President Datuk Seri Chua Soil Lek in his debate with DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng on Saturday 18th February 2011 was his canard to Chinese voters warning that “A vote for DAP is a vote for PAS” resulting in an Islamic state and hudud Islamic laws.

Barely 24 hours later yesterday, the Prime Minister and UMNO President Datuk Seri Najib Razak decided to emulate the MCA President’s political chicanery and mendacity, producing his duly modified canard to Malay voters warning that “A vote for PAS is a vote for DAP” resulting in a “anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay Rulers” future for Malaysia – and which can only mean no Islamic State and no hudud Islamic laws!

Imagine the sheer political insanity of a Barisan Nasional campaign where MCA warns Chinese voters that “A vote for DAP is a vote for PAS” in the sense that DAP will just be a stooge of PAS while UMNO warns Malay voters that “A vote for PAS is a vote for DAP” in the sense that PAS will be a puppet of DAP!

And horror of horrors, Barisan Nasional leaders do not see the sheer illogicality, insanity and even idiocy of such a campaign line! Continue reading “BN political chicanery, mendacity and bankruptcy of first order with CSL warning Chinese voters “A vote for DAP is a vote for PAS” while Najib warning Malay voters “A vote for PAS is a vote for DAP””