7-Day Countdown to 13GE: MCA President most red-faced with dissolution of Parliament yesterday after he had told the world some 12 hours earlier that he felt “syok” Najib had confided in him that there was “plenty more time before GE13”

The MCA President, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek must be the most red-faced man in Malaysia yesterday with the dissolution of Parliament as some 12 hours earlier, he had told the world that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak had confided in him that there was “plenty more time before GE13”

Trying to impress MCA leaders and members as well as outsiders of his “intimate relationship” with the Prime Minister, he told party members at the launch of the 1,000-day MCA report card that he met Najib for the third round of meetings to finalise the list of election candidates on Monday and asked him how long more he had to provide new names for the candidates list.

Chua said Najib told him “there was still a lot more time”.

Chua said: “I don’t understand what he meant but I feel syok (good) that there is a lot more time.” (Malaysiakini)

I do not know whether Chua still feel syok or “soiled” with the dissolution of Parliament yesterday, as the whole episode shows the MCA President is suffering from a serious dual ailment of gullibility and denial complex.

Without privilege of access to the Prime Minister, I had told reporters in Gelang Patah on Tuesday that dissolution of Parliament on the next day of Wednesday was eminently likely for four reasons: the cancellation of Najib’s Umrah trip, the fourth anniversary of Najib’s premiership, Wednesday being Cabinet meeting when the Prime Minister would have a weekly audience with the Yang di Pertuan Agong and the announcement that the Barisan Nasional election manifesto would be made public on Saturday on April 6, an event which is normally held after dissolution of Parliament.
Continue reading “7-Day Countdown to 13GE: MCA President most red-faced with dissolution of Parliament yesterday after he had told the world some 12 hours earlier that he felt “syok” Najib had confided in him that there was “plenty more time before GE13””

Dear MCA: Self praise is no recommendation

– Honest Man
The Malaysian Insider
April 02, 2013

APRIL 2 – If there was a prize for the most unintentionally funny as well as pathetic political party around, MCA would score top marks and take the blue ribbon.

It was reported in The Malaysian Insider today that the MCA had issued itself a “report card” and gave itself top marks.

The MCA is also said to be using this as a major plank in its Election 2013 campaign.

If having a president with a sex scandal past is not bad enough, the issuing of this report card will finally prove to the public that the MCA is a party with zero ideas and even less shame.

To Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and his party strategists here’s a little nugget of knowledge which you may have missed when you were in school.

Self praise is no praise at all.

Actually for your benefit, the correct idiom is self praise is no recommendation. Continue reading “Dear MCA: Self praise is no recommendation”

Chor Chee Heung has proven Mahathir and Daim right when they respectively condemned the present Cabinet Ministers as “half-past six” or “deadwood”

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin have one thing in common – they do not think very highly of the quality and calibre of the Ministers in post-Mahathir Cabinets.

Mahathir have dismissed the Cabinet as comprising “half-past six Ministers” while Daim only recently called for the removal of the “deadwood” from the Barisan Nasional’s Cabinet line-up, to which Mahathir gave “full-hearted” support, saying:

“I agree entirely. Lots of deadwood should be chopped down and thrown away and new trees grow.”

The MCA Vice President and Minister for Housing and Local Government, Datuk Chor Chee Heung came to Gelang Patah yesterday and provided ample proof that he fully deserves the contempt Mahathir and Daim reserved for the present Cabinet Ministers, dismissing them as “half-past six” and “deadwood” Ministers.

In Gelang Patah, Chor questioned my motive for contesting in Gelang Patah. He alleged that I was “hopping from one seat to another” because I was “greedy” for pensions, claiming that I would get separate pension entitlements if I moved from constituency to constituency.

I have been an MP for four states, namely Malacca, Selangor, Penang, Perak and am going to contest in Johore in Gelang Patah in the 13GE. Does this mean that I would be entitled to five pensions if I win in Gelang Patah? Continue reading “Chor Chee Heung has proven Mahathir and Daim right when they respectively condemned the present Cabinet Ministers as “half-past six” or “deadwood””

Will MCA regain the 25 seats it lost in Election 2008?

by Lee Hwa Beng
The Malaysian Insider
MARCH 27, 2013

MARCH 27 ― In the last general election, MCA contested 40 Parliament seats yet it won only 15. Out of the 40 seats, MCA was able to win only 7 (out of 23 contested seats) from DAP, six (out of 15 contested seats) from PKR and two (out of two contested seats) from PAS.

This shows MCA won mainly in mixed seats where there are fewer Chinese voters while it lost heavily in the Chinese majority seats.

One can deduce, therefore, that MCA won with the support of Malay rather than Chinese votes.

Another major contributing factor in MCA’s drastic loss was the significant reduction of support from Indian voters who were traditionally Barisan Nasional/MCA supporters (more than 80 per cent) but have since deserted the ruling coalition with less than 40 per cent of them voting for the ruling coalition in GE12.

As in my earlier articles, “Who will win the 13th General Election?” and “How will MCA fare in the 25 seats they won in the last election?”, I will provide the reader with background information and factors to consider for my latest question: “Will MCA be able to wrest any of the 25 seats they lost in the last elections?” Continue reading “Will MCA regain the 25 seats it lost in Election 2008?”

Stupid things politicians say

― Fikry Osman
The Malaysian Insider
March 25, 2013

MARCH 25 ― Yes, we know it’s silly season in Malaysia. You can tell by reading what the politicians are saying these days in the run-up to the 13th general election (GE13) that could happen in the next few weeks.

These politicians sometimes say the dumbest and most obvious things. Tan Sri Shahrir Samad said today that the DAP is out to destroy MCA by sending its big guns to Johor.

Wow, this is really brilliant deduction.

I guess he could not have said the DAP is focussing on Johor because of the number of urban seat there, the number of Chinese voters, and that the abysmal record of Datuk Ghani Othman and hangers-on like Shahrir and others make the southern state a good target.
Continue reading “Stupid things politicians say”

Clash of heavyweights in Gelang Patah?

— Lim Mun Fah
The Malaysian Insider
March 25, 2013

MARCH 25 — The MCA had never strategically anticipated that DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang would contest the Gelang Patah constituency. Initially, the MCA thought the proposed move was nothing more than a smokescreen, but to their surprise it turned out to be true. Having been caught on the hop, the MCA subsequently has to review it strategy.

If you go through past records of national elections, you will find that the Gelang Patah constituency is one of the most invulnerable bastions of the MCA. Both the MCA’s Chang See Ten @ Teu Si and Tan Ah Eng were elected as they are earnest service-oriented figures. Theoretically, Gelang Patah ought to be a safe constituency for the MCA. But the cruel fact is that Gelang Patah has been restive due to internal factional conflicts over the past 10 or more years: Chang fell in the conflicts, and so did Tan.

The MCA’s optimal contestant for the Gelang Patah constituency is Teoh Sew Hock, who started out as a grassroots member and rose all the way up to Gelang Patah MCA division chairman. Initially, the MCA thought that Teoh’s opponent would either be PKR’s Chua Jui Meng, or the DAP’s Liew Chin Tong or Dr Boo Cheng Hau. Now, the MCA has to change it strategy, I believe.

Talk that the MCA will assign somebody else, say, a heavyweight figure to replace Teoh, is rife nowadays. Who will that be? Chua Soi Lek or Wee Ka Siong? Continue reading “Clash of heavyweights in Gelang Patah?”

One Small stride by Kit Siang, One Giant Step nearer to Putrajaya

by Sakmongkol AK47
Thursday, 21 March 2013

The return of Lim Kit Siang to Johor should not matter to UMNO and BN. Why should it cause worry? Isn’t it mathematically impossible for PR to go from 1 seat to 15 parliamentary seats? The Johor Chinese are different. They have an unshakeable allegiance to the state. So the Johor Chinese are by definition, naturally indifferent to what is happening around in the country.

The Chinese are a very practical people says Chua Soi Lek. Soi lek must of course be referring to the Chinese apparent indifference to his sexual escapades. By that reasoning, the Chinese must also be indifferent to whatever stories are said of Anwar Ibrahim and they should be indifferent to Najib’s overextended and boring self-praising assessment of his Alphabet Soup vision. Ah Jib Gor does what Ah Jib Gor does best-tell tall stories mostly about himself.

Being practical they want to know, whether we can establish a good government. Which will practise good governance. Consists of good, selfless and dedicated people. They want to go about making wealth under a government that upholds the rule of law. Which in turn require that the institutions that safeguard the rule and implementation of law be strong and independent and are established on principles of integrity. The Chinese want to live peacefully with the other major races in Malaysia. These are hallmarks of practical people.

I don’t think being practical means, they accept corruption, wheeling and dealing with the powers that be, accepting hegemony from others. If they are like that- that’s not being practical but being sly and acting like hustlers. The ‘thing’ that made the Chinese practical is economic independence. So being practical as in economically independent, the Chinese can exercise wider choices. They will chose to side with PRakyat. That’s practical and acknowledging reality. Continue reading “One Small stride by Kit Siang, One Giant Step nearer to Putrajaya”

What Kit Siang hasn’t done

by Jimmy Chia
The Malaysian Insider
March 19, 2013

MARCH 19 – Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek today rattled off what Lim Kit Siang has not done – which is not serving his constituents as the DAP leader keeps switching parliamentary seats.

Soi Lek has a point there.

I’d like to help the MCA president by listing off what else Kit Siang has not done in his long career as a politician. After all, MCA needs all the help it can get these days when even Datuk Lee Hwa Beng is wondering how well this towkay party can do in GE13.

So, what else hasn’t Kit Siang done? Continue reading “What Kit Siang hasn’t done”

A beast out of time

By Stan CH Lee | 13 March 2013
The Drawing Is On The Wall

If there is any doubt that the time is up for BN, it will be swiftly removed by watching the actions of its minions trying to show their strength and power at the most primitive, gutteral level possible. In scenes that belongs more to a WWE ring than on the streets of Malaysia, the BN hoodlums and hired thugs try to intimidate sensible Malaysians by acting in the most violent, disgusting ways. They have been raining stones and bottles on PR Ceramahs. They have gatecrashed talks and thrown chairs around. They have attacked PR buses. They have tried to kick down the glass doors at LGE’s office. They have even thrown fists at Nurul.
They have also set up their very loud ceramahs in the immediate vicinity of planned PR talks with the intent of drowning out the opposition with their superior sound systems. Everything about them is big, loud, brash. All these were done with the Police simply watching. Tacitly approved by the silence of the BN leadership.
Continue reading “A beast out of time”

Can Chua tell fact from fantasy?

Stanley Koh | February 27, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

His hatred of the Pandan MP must have been so intense that it has affected his judgment.


MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek raised more than a few eyebrows recently when he announced that the party had chosen Gary Lim as the party’s election candidate for the Pandan parliamentary constituency in place of incumbent Ong Tee Keat, who has proven his winnability through five consecutive elections.

Within days, he was exposed as having told a lie. MCA’s Pandan division denied that it had chosen a candidate.

In making his ill-considered announcement, Chua offered possible reasons for the division’s rejection of Ong, which now sound like he had spun them out of his imagination.

In the two days between his announcement and the Pandan division’s “clarification” of it, one could almost hear glasses clinking and yells of “yam seng” as the opposition camp celebrated its certain victory in the constituency against an unknown candidate. Continue reading “Can Chua tell fact from fantasy?”

Pakatan victorious: How frightening!

RK Anand | February 26, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

BN propagandists strike fear in the hearts of the Chinese about PAS and in the hearts of the Malays about DAP. But still a substantial of number of Malaysians dream of change.


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Scene I

The Honda Cub coughed up a trail of black smoke as it chugged along the labyrinth of dimly-lit alleys until it came to a screeching halt outside a dilapidated budget hotel. Chua missed the comforts of his Mercedes Benz but these were difficult times. The government’s decision to stop trade with evil nations like the United States had been a fiscal nightmare. Much had changed since that fateful general election.

With his helmet still on, he tiptoed up the creaking stairs and into the room where she was waiting for him. He then scanned the walls for hidden cameras. Satisfied, he slipped out of his clothes, climbed into the bug-infested bed and snuggled under the sheets next to his mistress. He recognised the fragrance of the Chanel perfume which seduced his nostrils. He had given it to her as a gift for Chinese New Year. It had to be smuggled from Singapore as such immoral items were banned. He leaned closer and his pulse raced with excitement and trepidation. He craved for a glass of Cognac to calm his nerves but alcohol, like Viagra, had been banned as well. These clandestine meetings placed them at severe risk with the ever vigilant moral police keeping watch for adulterous couples.

Chua’s greatest fear was that those bearded men in robes would burst through the door, drag him in chains to the public execution square Dataran Nik Aziz, once known as Dataran Merdeka, and stone him to death. Continue reading “Pakatan victorious: How frightening!”

54-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib should announce three ang pows at Dong Zong CNY Open House tomorrow: full recognition of UEC, approval for four Chinese Independent Secondary Schools and review of National Education Blueprint

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should announce three ang pows at the Dong Zong Chinese New Year Open House tomorrow, namely:

* Full government recognition of Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) as one of the academic qualifications for entry into national higher learning institutions, public services and teaching academies;

* Government approval for four Chinese independent secondary schools in Petaling Jaya, Puchong, Segamat and Johore Baru;

* Review of the National Education Blueprint to give full recognition of mother-tongue education in the mainstream of the national education system, including:

1. Increase in the number of Chinese and Tamil primary schools dependent on the needs of parents to send their children to Chinese and Tamil primary schools in order to ensure the right of students to receive mother-tongue education; and

2. Fair and just capital allocations for development expenditures of Chinese and Tamil primary schools and the provision of adequate trained teachers; and

3. Assist Malaysian independent Chinese secondary schools in financing, teacher-training, curricula design, amenities, etc and to allow them to relocate, set up branches and put up new premises.

DAP and Pakatan Rakyat are committed to the full recognition of UEC and if Najib fails to make such an announcement tomorrow, then it will be one of the priority policy announcements of a new Pakatan Rakyat government in Putrajaya after the 13GE. Continue reading “54-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib should announce three ang pows at Dong Zong CNY Open House tomorrow: full recognition of UEC, approval for four Chinese Independent Secondary Schools and review of National Education Blueprint”

MCA’s empty threats

— An SME businessman
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 08, 2013

FEB 8 — Many argue that the most important reason why Pakatan Rakyat must be elected the new federal government in the forthcoming general election is to bring an end to 55 years of Barisan Nasional government. While Umno’s frequent threats that May 13-style riots will occur if the elections produce a new government have lost their effect, the MCA has now joined this “threat game”.

Seeking to claim its traditional role of the party of big business, its president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek was reported in the mainstream media over the weekend as saying that Bursa Malaysia will drop 500 points if Pakatan wins, which would “have a direct impact on the national economy”.

Chua went on to say “PAS has also mentioned that it will close Genting and the Bursa. All these will frighten investors, be they local of foreign”. Clearly these are empty threats.

For Pakatan to be elected the new federal government it must have a simple majority in the 222-member Dewan Rakyat, say, about 125 seats.

Because of the gerrymandering of constituencies by numerous Barisan administrations, Pakatan must receive a popular vote exceeding 55 per cent in order to win that number of seats required to form a working government with a comfortable majority that can also withstand any party-hopping that may occur thereafter.

In this scenario, surely the 55 per cent of Malaysians who voted for Pakatan will not wish to have their newly elected government destabilised at any level, including our economy. Continue reading “MCA’s empty threats”

It’s over for MCA

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz | February 7, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

If the voting trends go along the same lines as it did in 2008, it is then the end for both Umno and MCA.


If only 30% of the Malay electorate in each of the parliamentary seat where MCA is the incumbent vote for PKR, then MCA is wiped out.

But Umno wants to save its Islam-bashing partner at all costs even if it means speaking like an infidel.

MCA, on its part, must do everything to keep the Chinese intact but it’s facing an uphill battle.

MCA has lost its credibility and relevance. It goes to town, saying if Pakatan Rakyat wins, then PAS will “Talibanise” everything.

It claims if Pakatan wins you can’t play mahjong, eat pork, bah kut teh, wash hair, yam seng and all that.

But we all know that MCA must say that PAS will restrict everything.

Umno and MCA are playing two sides of the same coin, but the subterfuge is not fooling everyone.

So, how do we kill off MCA for good? There is a simple formula.

If only 30% of the Malays vote for Pakatan and 80% of non-Malays vote the same way, MCA is finished. This is all we need.

MCA can lose all its 15 parliamentary seats in the next general election. Continue reading “It’s over for MCA”

Last chance for MCA to change history for the better

— Koon Yew Yin
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 07, 2013

FEB 7 — As the curtain comes down on the MCA and its demise as a force in Malaysian politics, Malaysians are being treated to demonstrations of desperate behaviour by the MCA top brass to show that they are still relevant.

The latest is the attempt by MCA deputy president Liow Tiong Lai to reach out to Chinese voters by offering health tips for the Chinese New Year season.

No doubt the book launch speech by the health minister has been widely reported in the mainstream media. His backroom boys will probably be flattering the minister about how clever he is in referring to the lucky number of 8888 and its association with wealth and health in reaching out to the Chinese electorate.

But will it work on the Chinese electorate? Continue reading “Last chance for MCA to change history for the better”

Pengiraan Detik 68 Hari ke PRU13 – Penyimpangan dan histeria Chua Soi Lek yang kian menjadi-jadi ketika semakin hampir dengan PRU13 amat menyedihkan

Amat menyedihkan untuk melihat menjadi-jadinya penyimpangan dan histeria Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek ke tahap beliau perlu merayu ahli MCA untuk memberikan tepukan kepada ucapannya dan pemimpin MCA lain dalam acara terbuka MCA seperti “makan malam mega” MCA yang diadakan di seluruh negara.

Chua membuat rayuan ini ketika majlis makan tengah hari sambutan ulangtahun MCA ke-64 Wilayah Persekutuan di Kepong semalam akan tetapi apa yang beliau dapat daripada ahli MCA yang hadir hanyalah sambutan yang dingin dan tidak sepenuh hati meskipun berkali-kali merayu tepukan untuk ucapannya.

Malah Chua cuba untuk mengelirukan ahli MCA untuk mengukuhkan rayuannya – meminta ahli MCA untuk mencontohi DAP dengan mendakwa bahawa apabila pemimpin DAP bercakap atas pentas, ahli DAP di bawah akan menyambut tanpa henti dengan tepukan untuk memberikan gambaran apa yang dikatakan adalah betul. Begitu juga, beliau meminta ahli MCA untuk melakukan perkara yang sama dengan memberikan tepukan gemuruh kepada pemimpin MCA ketika mereka bercakap atas pentas untuk mewujudkan keyakinan buat MCA.

Pertama sekali, izinkan saya nyatakan sepanjang 47 tahun di dalam politik, saya tidak pernah merayu supaya ucapan saya diberikan tepukan dan sorakkan – dan begitu juga dengan semua pemimpin DAP yang lain.

Kedua, jawapan mudah kepada Chua adalah bukan sahaja orang biasa, tetapi juga ahli MCA yang berasa marah dan terasing dengan lakonan yang dimainkan oleh kepimpinan MCA sebagai penyebar pembohongan dan ahli nujum malapetaka bagi membantu UMNO untuk menakut-nakutkan pengundi Cina bagi menyokong Barisan Nasional dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 68 Hari ke PRU13 – Penyimpangan dan histeria Chua Soi Lek yang kian menjadi-jadi ketika semakin hampir dengan PRU13 amat menyedihkan”

68-Day Countdown to 13GE – Chua Soi Lek’s increasing irrelevance and hysteria with the approach of 13GE is really pathetic

It is really pathetic to witness the increasing irrelevance and hysteria of the MCA President, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek, to the extent that he has to publicly plead for MCA members to give “claps and applauses” to his speeches and those of other MCA leaders at MCA public functions like the recent MCA “mega dinners” held all over the country.

Chua made this plea at the Federal Territory 64th MCA anniversary celebrations luncheon in Kepong yesterday but to little effect, as all he got from MCA members attending the luncheon was a very tepid and half-hearted response despite his repeated pleas for applauses to his speech.

Chua even tried to mislead MCA members to fortify his plea –asking MCA members to emulate DAP by claiming that when DAP leaders speak on stage, DAP members on the floor would respond with ceaseless applauses to give the impression that what the speakers said were right. Similarly, he asked MCA members to do the same by giving warm applauses to MCA leaders when speaking on stage so as to create confidence in MCA.

Firstly, let me state that in my 47 years of political work, I had never pleaded for claps and applauses for my speeches – and that goes for all other DAP leaders as well.

Secondly, the simple answer to Chua is that it is not only the ordinary public, but also MCA members who are antagonized and alienated by the present role played by the MCA leadership as purveyors of falsehood and prophets of doom to help UMNO to frighten and stampede the Chinese voters to support the Barisan Nasional in the 13th general elections. Continue reading “68-Day Countdown to 13GE – Chua Soi Lek’s increasing irrelevance and hysteria with the approach of 13GE is really pathetic”