Soi Lek’s impossible dream

by Thomas Lee Seng Hock

MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has appealed to the Chinese to review their perception of the party and reevaluate its past and present contributions, especially on matters affecting the community.

In an apparent desperate endeavour to try to redeem whatever remains of the party’s credibility, integrity and authenticity among the Chinese, Chua claims indirectly that the community has never rejected the party, but just went uncontrollably overboard in voting for a strong opposition in the last general election.

In an interview with Malaysiakini on Wednesday 8 June 2011, Chua claims that the Chinese want some representatives in the government to articulate their frustrations, and also want a strong opposition to keep a check on the government, but “sometimes, when they do this balancing act, they go haywire.” Continue reading “Soi Lek’s impossible dream”

Orang Melayu tak sejahil sangkaan UMNO

– oleh Muhammad Zir
10 June 2011

10 JUN – UMNO menganggap orang Melayu kurang cerdik dan mudah dicucuk hidung. Matlamat UMNO menyerang DAP adalah untuk menimbulkan kebencian orang Melayu terhadap DAP, dan seterus supaya menolak Pakatan. Ini adalah pakej UMNO mengajak Melayu membenci DAP, dan ia diulas untuk membuktikan UMNO sendiri tahu yang para pemimpinnya banyak omong kosong dan terlalu bergantung kepada fitnah.

Mengapa orang Melayu tidak ramai menyertai DAP?

Kerana UMNO berjaya menfitnah sejak zaman-berzaman, mereka memberi persepsi buruk terhadap DAP dengan mengaitkan hal perkauman, agama dan ideologi komunis. Hakikatnya, semua dakwaan itu palsu dan UMNO sendiri pun tahu yang ia palsu. Semua fitnah ini telah dibuktikan tidak relevan dan salah sama sekali. Komunis tidak mengiktiraf Perlembagaan Persekutuan tetapi DAP menjunjung Perlembagaan dan segala isinya. Ideologi DAP adalah demokrasi social yang ditolak dan ditentang oleh komunis. Dalam UMNO, pernah ada pemimpin ditahan di bawah ISA kerana dituduh komunis. Bagaimana UMNO boleh menyamakan kuda dengan basikal?

Apakah benar DAP parti berbilang bangsa dan Melayu boleh menjadi pemimpin dalam DAP?

UMNO menerusi ejen-ejen seperti Utusan dan Perkasa melukis gambaran pada fikiran orang Melayu bahawa mereka hanya akan menjadi kuda tunggangan orang-orang Cina dalam DAP. Hakikatnya, untuk menjadi pemimpin yang baik dalam mana-mana organisasi, setiap individu perlu mempunyai kualiti dalam semua segi. Kualiti hanya akan wujud sekiranya organisasi itu mempunyai jumlah kuantiti yang mencukupi. Tanpa kuantiti, sukar untuk memilih kualiti yang terbaik di kalangannya. Sifir ini dengan mudah menjelaskan, mengapa orang Melayu belum ada yang menjadi pemimpin besar dalam DAP, kerana jumlahnya masih sedikit. Senario ini juga adalah kesan dari kempen UMNO BN menakut-nakutkan orang Melayu kepada DAP, hingga jumlah ahli Melayu dalam DAP belum ramai. Kini, masa depan kita pasti akan berubah.

Pada masa yang sama, perlu ditanya: MCA itu kuda tunggangan UMNO atau UMNO kuda tunggangan MCA? Continue reading “Orang Melayu tak sejahil sangkaan UMNO”

MCA out of sync with Chinese aspirations

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jun 10, 11 9:26am

‘What does MCA stand for? Do you subscribe to the doctrine of good governance? Or are you paying lip-service to it?’

Soi Lek: Chinese balancing act has gone awry

Cala: MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek, despite being well-educated, erred in the assumptions he made. He appeared to assume that it was MCA’s ‘birth right’ to have access to the support of the Chinese Malaysian community.

He was thinking illogically because he assumed that only MCA was capable of co- coordinating the Chinese for representation in the government. This kind of reasoning was obtuse.
Continue reading “MCA out of sync with Chinese aspirations”

Soi Lek, Umno has ‘castrated’ MCA leaders

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jun 10, 11 9:11am

‘MCA leaders are now accomplice to the deepening of the country’s major problem by perpetuating the cycle of racial and religious politics.’

Soi Lek: Chinese balancing act has gone awry

David Dass: MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek’s logic is flawed. He wants the Chinese Malaysians to split their vote between the BN and the opposition so that the Chinese have representation in government and there is a strong opposition.

In effect, he wants the Chinese in opposition to do the work of the MCA. The fact is that the Chinese want Chinese representation in government to be effective and the feeling is that it is not. I think that it is too easy to blame Umno.
Continue reading “Soi Lek, Umno has ‘castrated’ MCA leaders”

Guan Eng rounds on Soi Lek for Penang deficit ‘lies’

By Yow Hong Chieh
June 10, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 — Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has slammed MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek for “lies” in claiming that the state government was running on a budget deficit that will deepen next year.

Lim said that since Pakatan Rakyat (PR) took over the state from Barisan Nasional (BN), Penang has recorded the highest budget surpluses in the nation’s history with RM88 million in 2008, RM77 million in 2009 and RM33 million in 2010, as confirmed by the Auditor-General’s Report.

He added that the current Penang administration was the only government in Malaysia, whether state or federal, to be praised by Transparency International for its fight against corruption.
Continue reading “Guan Eng rounds on Soi Lek for Penang deficit ‘lies’”

Now, Kit Siang calls MCA biggest block to 1 Malaysia

By Debra Chong | June 02, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 2 — The DAP’s Lim Kit Siang added today the MCA to a growing list of what he termed the “greatest obstacles” in the way of Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1 Malaysia dream as he questioned the Chinese party’s relevance to the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.

The opposition leader continued to fire shots at its political foe over the controversial award of Public Service Department (PSD) scholarships to deserving students, blaming the MCA for frustrating the aspirations of the nation’s best and brightest and leading to the drop in public confidence in the Najib administration’s national reforms.
Continue reading “Now, Kit Siang calls MCA biggest block to 1 Malaysia”

MCA among the greatest obstacles to realization of 1Malaysia

The headline “Time to stop thinking along racial lines, says Soi Lek” in the MCA owned newspaper, the Star, today must have caused a general shaking-of-heads by its readers, not because of disagreement but at his naivety or downright dishonesty.

There must have been more intensive shaking-of-heads when the MCA President, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek expressed his belief that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s “1 Malaysia concept could be realised by 2020 when affirmative action policies shift towards being merit- and needs-based instead of the current race-centric arrangement”. (The Malaysian Insider)

In actual fact, Malaysians have never been more polarised along racial and religious divisions under Najib’s 1Malaysia concept and MCA is undoubtedly among the greatest obstacles to the realisation of Najib’s 1Malaysia.
Continue reading “MCA among the greatest obstacles to realization of 1Malaysia”

MCA’s failure in scholarship row may hasten brain drain, says DAP

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | June 02, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 2 — The MCA’s failure to obtain overseas scholarships for 86 SPM top scorers may further hasten the brain drain of young talents, the DAP has charged.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said that the party was “disappointed” with the Cabinet’s decision that the top scorers would only receive scholarships to study in local private colleges and universities despite MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lok’s recent statements that it would push for overseas scholarships to be awarded to these students.
Continue reading “MCA’s failure in scholarship row may hasten brain drain, says DAP”

Umno anti-1 Malaysia, Kit Siang tells Soi Lek

By Clara Chooi | June 01, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 — DAP’s Lim Kit Siang told Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek today to observe Umno’s refusal to discard racial politics before defining 1 Malaysia as the government’s “Malaysian first, race second” vision.

Lim pointed out to the MCA president that Umno’s repeated attempts to lure PAS into forming a unity government with Barisan Nasional (BN) was in itself against the concept of 1 Malaysia.
Continue reading “Umno anti-1 Malaysia, Kit Siang tells Soi Lek”

MCA, don’t stop believing, says Adnan

By Shazwan Mustafa KamalThe Malaysian Insider
May 29, 2011

The Pahang BN chairman says that MCA leaders must start “believing” in their strengths if they want to win more seats at the next general elections. — file picGENTING HIGHLANDS, May 29 — MCA leaders need to buck up and improve if the Barisan Nasional (BN) component party wants to win more seats at the next general elections, Datuk Seri Adnan Mansor said last night.

Adnan, who is Pahang BN chairman and Pahang Umno Liaison Committee chairman, said that the only way for MCA to accomplish this was for its leaders to start “believing” in their strengths.

“We must know our strengths before going into the GE … we need to know our position.

“MCA needs conviction … if you waver in your stand, confirm kita kalah (we will lose),” Adnan said during an MCA retreat last evening. Continue reading “MCA, don’t stop believing, says Adnan”

MCA – Heartless, Soulless, Hopeless

Tweets exchange:-

limkitsiang – 8.04am
I hope that one day I can return – John Malachi (TMI)

limkitsiang – 8.08am
Cry of a Msian – “as I write this in tears 2nite, I hope that 1 day I can return ..2do what I was doing b4 I left”

giamsk – 8.10am
Voice of a refugee? So sensational RT @limkitsiang: Cry of a Msian – “as I write this in tears 2nite, I hope that 1 day I can return…
Continue reading “MCA – Heartless, Soulless, Hopeless”

10 days in May (7) (Updated)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

MCA President become Utusan surrogate defender when even UMNO Ministers dare not openly endorse it.How contemptible!

@giamsk Unbelievable! Now MCA come 4ward 2defend Utusan may not b wrong/its “ChristianMsia” bogey justified! Can MCA produce evidence?

@giamsk Utusan “reprimand” 4ChristianMsia bogey.Ridiculous penalty but MCA insists defend Utusan as it may be right. CSL official MCA stand?

@giamsk Did Hishammuddin direct CSL 2b Utusan surrogate defender? UMNO VP ordering MCA President what 2say on Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey?
Continue reading “10 days in May (7) (Updated)”

MCA: Presumptuous to assume Utusan’s guilt

Malaysiakini | May 13, 11

MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek said that it would be presumptuous to assume that Utusan Malaysia’s ‘Christian conspiracy’ report was wrong while investigations were still ongoing.

While stating that the party was of the opinion that the home ministry’s reprimand letter on Utusan Malaysia was insufficient, the proper way to address the issue was through a thorough police investigation.

Speaking during a press conference at the MCA headquarters today, Chua said that if the police probe concludes that the report was unfounded, then those who are responsible for the Utusan report should be suspended as a warning.

“I think police should investigate whether the report is true. If it is not true,whoever responsible for the article and the editor should be suspended.
Continue reading “MCA: Presumptuous to assume Utusan’s guilt”

10 days in May (6)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

What abject subservience MCA! Still hope its true? MCA wants Utusan editor suspended if Christian claims false (TMI)

Utusan law unto itself! Enjoy absolute immunity/impunity despite seditious/treasonous crimes. Y? Becos Utusan editor >powerful than PM?

Principle: Collective ministerial responsibility. Entire BNgovt responsible 4farce of HomeMinistry handling Utusan “Christian Msia” outrage

Top agenda BN Supreme Council meet 2today shld be: Save 1Msia n demonstrate Najib govt fair 2all Msians n uphold rule of law re: Utusan case

Will honest fair patriotic BN leaders at BN Supreme Council resolve: Ask AG 2prosecute Utusan 4sedition inciting religious tension conflict?

CSL – most shameful! “how r u so sure what carried (Utusan) not true? If true ..should b investigated/exposed” Mkini

DAP creating two-race system, says Soi Lek

By Shannon Teoh | May 12, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 12 — Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has accused DAP of dividing the country and causing the Chinese community to be isolated in the opposition.
“DAP’s suggestion of a two-party political system will soon turn into a two-race political system. The Chinese will be the opposition while the others will be in government,” the MCA president said in a video posted by his party on video-sharing site YouTube yesterday.

The former health minister’s statement mirrors that of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who accused DAP of running a racist campaign in the April 16 Sarawak election in which the party doubled its presence in the state assembly from six to 12.

“Malaysia faces a grave danger of being divided by two parties — one Malay-dominated by default and the other Chinese by choice. This will not be good for Malaysia.
Continue reading “DAP creating two-race system, says Soi Lek”

Climbing a tree to catch a fish

By Neil Khor | Malaysiakini

The Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) has made it clear that if it did not get support from the Chinese electorate, the party will withdraw from active participation in government.

Its ministers and key allies in the mainstream media have said that this is not a threat but a statement of fact.

It cannot claim to represent the Chinese when it does not have support from the majority of Chinese voters.

The reality is that the MCA has not enjoyed support from the majority of the Chinese Malaysian electorate for a very long time. In fact, since 1969, when Gerakan edged it out of Penang, the MCA never recovered its position of parity with Umno in the Alliance government.
Continue reading “Climbing a tree to catch a fish”

Chinese voters must decide

Sunday Star
Sunday May 8, 2011

The question is whether the Chinese community wishes to be in the government or the opposition in the next general election.

IT’S a month now since the Sarawak state polls and Tan Sri Taib Mahmud, who was the target of the emotional election campaign, remains the Chief Minister.

He delivered 35 out of the 35 seats contested by Parti Pesaka Bumiputra Bersatu and convincingly won in his Asajaya stronghold, with his opponents losing their deposits.

The calls for Taib, the longest serving Chief Minister, to step down have since stopped.

Despite the cry for change, nothing has changed. Taib is still the man in charge and he still holds the key to the state’s 29 Barisan Nasional MPs in the safe deposit box.

Painful as it may sound, the reality is that the only change that has occurred is the Chinese voters have committed their representation to the opposition. Continue reading “Chinese voters must decide”

RM30 million donation rejected and scholarship for the poor

By Koon Yew Yin

1. I am not a politician. But I know politics is very important because it affects you and your children. I want to help you win the coming election. I have already donated RM100,000 during your last dinner to celebrate Lim Kit Siang’s 70th Birthday, a few months ago. (Admin note: RM100,000 donated to DAP Perak)

I put my money where my mouth is. Many people would grumble and complain about BN government’s corruptions, abuse of power and Chinese cannot get university places and also employment in the civil services, etc but they dare not come forward to support Pakatan Rakyat to change the Government.

I hope my coming forward openly will encourage many people to show support. Your party needs money and I hope you all will donate as much as you can afford.

2. You must bear in mind that the population of the non Malays is relatively small, even all non Malays vote for the PR and without Malays winning some seats, Pakatan Ryakyat cannot control the Perak State Government or Putrajaya. After tonight’s dinner, I would like each of you to make a serious effort to make friend with at least one Malay and convince him to vote for PR.
Continue reading “RM30 million donation rejected and scholarship for the poor”

No Difference With or Without

By Kee Thuan Chye

PRIME Minister Najib Razak has changed his tack in relating to the Chinese electorate. He seems to have discarded his role of the charmer who spun 1Malaysia hogwash to win Chinese hearts and minds. He is now threatening them instead.

He’s telling them that if they don’t support Barisan Nasional (BN) at the next general election, they will not have representation in the Government. This is because Chua Soi Lek, the MCA president, has declared that his party will not accept government positions if they don’t get Chinese support.

Najib’s switch to a threatening mode shows that he’s desperate. He clearly must be after what has happened in the recent Sarawak state elections, when the Chinese dumped the Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) in favour of the Opposition. Despite Najib’s 10-day campaign in the state, the Chinese there did not show him any face. They are simply fed-up with the corrupt BN Government and they want reform. But for BN, the loss of Chinese support, especially in Sarawak, with the possible spread to Sabah, could be crucial at the next general election.
Continue reading “No Difference With or Without”

Chua SoiLek should not have too inflated an ego about himself or MCA

It should be the front-page headline news of the MCA newspaper The Star today, but it was tucked away in page 4, regarded as less newsworthy than Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding (entire front page with pic and headline‘You look beautiful’), “PM – Innovate to compete: Relying on foreign labour a threat to economy, SMEs told” (p 2), “A sea tunnel, after two bridges – Penang’s proposed third link in the pipeline” and “Hostile witnesses an obstacle, says MACC panel” (p 3).

It finally appears in p 4 of Star “Party will give up posts – MCA presidential council backs Chua’s stand” beneath another Chua SoiLek story “Stop fanning racial flame, SoiLek warns opposition”.

This is what even journalists in MCA’s own newspaper, the Star, think of the newsworthiness and importance of Chua’s “shock announcement”.

Many Malaysians thought that MCA leaders are finally taking a political stand because they are moved by the latest World Bank report entitled “Malaysia Economic Monitor: Brain Drain” and adverse news headlines like “Malaysia’s brain drain getting worse, says World Bank” and “NEP, brain drain holding back Malaysia, says World Bank” which said among other things: Continue reading “Chua SoiLek should not have too inflated an ego about himself or MCA”