From Copenhagen to Sabah: 1Earth, 1Climate Change; 1Najib?

By Saves DK

From Copenhagen to Sabah – Does the threat of Climate Change ‘change’ according to Time Zones?

Dear Prime Minister Najib Razak,

Once again, we welcome your serious and determined efforts to reduce carbon emission to help halt global warming in the interests of our future generations.

Surely, the first important step to CUTTING (rather than increasing) carbon emission is to cancel the proposed coal power plant to be built in Felda Sahabat, Lahad Datu, which is very close to the various pristine, precious natural paradise of Darvel Bay, Coral Triangle Initiative, Tabin Wildlife Conservation area and so on, which make the East Coast of Sabah one of the remaining natural treasures of the world.

You have asked for our views “on what more we can do to ensure a greener Malaysia, so that we can learn from each other.” Great! Here are some. We do not dream that you would actually ‘learn’ from humble Sabahans like us, but we would be very grateful already if you could at least be consistent in your position on climate change and coal.
Continue reading “From Copenhagen to Sabah: 1Earth, 1Climate Change; 1Najib?”

Utusan Malaysia: Messenger of hate and spite on religion and race

by Dr Lim Teck Ghee

Sitting today in a small group international meeting on the subject of the linkages between religion and development being held in Phnom Penh, I am engaged in deep discussion on how to build inter-faith synergies that can effectively address the many pressing challenges of the region.

The group of 15 participants from different faiths and religions (I am possibly the sole atheist participant) includes three Muslim activist colleagues. They are the country director of Muslim Aid from Bangladesh; a Muhammadiyah senior lecturer from the State Institute for Islamic Studies in Walinsongo Semarang, Indonesia; and the executive director of a Muslim-based organization Ummah Fi Salam based in Mindanao that has been working on an interfaith programme called ‘Building Darusalam’ or ‘peace communities’.

Present also is a Muslim senior lecturer from the National University of Singapore who is actively involved with giving voice to professional Muslim women in Singapore.
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Malaysia current ills and future solution?

By Michael Yeo

There are reports of mass migration of Malaysian to overseas, and the Malaysian per capita income is decreasing. The country economy lacks foreign investments due to incorrect policies taken in 1989. The Asian Tigers – Thailand, China, Taiwan, S Korea, Japan, and Vietnam is all vying for foreign investments and aggressively pursuing value-added export market. With the potential oil production in Cambodia from 2011 (estimated), Malaysia will be relegated to the bottom in the ladder. Globalisation does not discriminate against any nation, but they will shy away from countries where her Governments have acted against the flow of capital. The oil asset is fast dwindling in Malaysia.

Malaysia is going backward; this is not a surprised as bad policies in educations, corruptions, cronyism, political systems that give rise to self imposed racism are all present in this dysfunctional state. Let me elaborate:

Present political divides
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Miri the Oil City

by Sara

We’re really proud with Miri as The Oil City.

After the government made a decision to switch more to RON95, it’s funny for me to say that it’s very difficult to get RON97 at Petronas Station around Miri City.

Only 2-3 Petronas station sell RON97. If you go to this station, always stated that “MINYAK RON97 SUDAH HABIS”.

This is Oil City, but difficult to get RON97 comparing to KL.

Oil City…. haaaa.

Form Six class unfair treatment

Letter by citizen leong

A new system has recently been implemented in all schools with Form Six classes throughout the country. All Lower Six classes from 2009 will have to stay back until 4pm. This new system started in my school in early July.

I found out from the teachers that this batch (2009/2010) was used to try out the suitability of the semester-based system to be implemented in schools in the future. Unfortunately for us, our exams are still not semester-based. Staying back till 4pm means we, Lower Six students will not have a chance to participate in the extra-curricular activities as all the club and uniformed body meetings are held after 1pm. What about our co-curriculum marks? We were told that 10% of the overall criteria to enter local universities is from our involvement in co-curricular activities. Before this new system was implemented, we all could go for our co-curricular activities. With the new system in place, we are forced to stay back and could not involve ourself in such activities as the timing will clash with us as most activities are held after school. While co-curricular activities make up 10% of our total STPM grades, I strongly believe there must be other alternatives. I don’t think a person who has four distinctions, but without any co-curricular achievements will be selected to enter a local university. So, why should we stay until 4 o’clock when the things we are doing now will not contribute any marks to our STPM?
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Beng Hock’s bank account: It’s you, MACC, that’s broke

By Helen Ang | Oct 16, 09 5:21pm | Malaysiakini

I refer to the Malaysiakini report Ean Yong furious Teoh’s bank account revealed.

I’ve always wondered who it is that frequent five-star shopping malls like the Pavilion or browse in those posh bungalow boutiques. Now I know it’s not Teoh Beng Hock. He was a lot like me, an ordinary wage earner.

We learn from the MACC that Beng Hock had slim savings amounting to RM3,611.36. Counsel for MACC at the inquest, Abdul Razak Musa inferred this to support his contention that Beng Hock was in dire need of money to get married at short notice…to what purpose this insinuation by the authorities, I do not know.

But here is a case of Razak being unfamiliar with Chinese urban lifestyle. Of all the Chinese weddings I know of, every single one has made a profit from the reception dinner. The ‘ang pow’ collection, more often than not, generously exceeds the cost of the banquet. After paying the restaurant bill, the bride and groom hosts usually have change left over.
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Malaysia, a land of growth no more

By Panglima Garang | Oct 1, 09 12:20pm | Malaysiakini

When I was at the KLIA airport recently bidding farewell to my family, the lingering thought in my mind was “Am I making a mistake leaving this country?”

The answer was just another question, “What good is there left in this country?”

I am not leaving Malaysia because I found something better. I am a bit tired of the social and economic mismanagement of Malaysia and racially anchored policies. I am already successful in Malaysia by any measure.

At the last count, I was in the top 1percent income bracket. I graduated from USM and joined the civil service just like any other Malaysian Indian did in the 1980s. I studied law at my own expense and time with numerous challenges just like many other Malaysian Indians did.

I awaited the first promotion you can get in civil service i.e. Senior Time scale A12.
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Freeze on teacher-intake?

by TN

I would like to firstly thank you for your blog posts.

I do not know where to go with this but my sibling who is in a government university (UPSI) told me she will be not be getting any posting for the next 2 years after she graduates.

She said that the reason given by the university is that the economy is doing badly and no new teachers will be taken in.

I hope this issue would be investigated and higlighted to the mass media.

Stop Calling 103 on Maxis

by Bernard Tan

If you are using Maxis network and please be alert that now the new charges for making 103 (TM Directory) was increased from 30 cents to RM2.00 per call.(extra of RM1.70 almost 700% jump).

I just found out from my maxis statement dated 21/6/08 today and i rang up the Maxis 123 and been told the new rate was started lately only and since I’m not aware of this new adjustment and they willing to waive it for this month but next month will be charging me based on the new rate (RM2.00 per call to 103).

Shocking right? The best part is everyone knew how ‘good’ service our TM directory can provide?? Most the time i need to call at least 2-3 times to get the number i looking for mean that one number i need to pay RM4.00 to RM6.00…OMG. …equal to one meal already…

So please pass this news to your maxis friends to alert them the new charges.

Malaysian Election and Army votes

Malaysian Election and Army votes I
by drrafick

1. With the Bagan Pinang by-election just around the corner there have been concerns voiced by Pakatan Rakyat and the Rakyat as to whether there will be manipulations by Barisan with regards to the Army Postal votes . Nearly 5000 postal votes from the Army will make a difference to the results of the by-elections and being a former serviceman, I know that their concern is not without merit. Allow me to share my experience of going through 3 elections while I was serving in the Army.

2. Soldier’s votes are very important to Barisan as we all know that their numbers are significant when they are located in high concentration areas. I am not sure how many remembered that Najib won narrowly in Pekan during the General Election that took place after Anwar was sacked from UMNO. In that year, Najib the number of postal votes that came from the Army and Air Force base in Batu 9 and Batu 10 Kuantan made all the difference to him winning.

3. During the same GE, Anuar Musa lost the Ketereh seat because the airman at the Gong Kedak, which is located at the border of Kelantan and Terengganu, chose to abstain from voting. The camp is unique as it is located right at the border of Kelantan and Terengganu. They live in Terengganu and they go to work by crossing the road which brings them into Kelantan. They votes goes into Anuar Musa area in Kelantan. I remember when his wife complained to me that the soldiers were ungrateful for not voting BN.
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Were Umno’s Slippers Soleless, Mukhriz?

By G. Krishnan

Are you keeping track of the slippers being flung so far in the slipper spat that has ensued? I have to admit, a few more of these slippers and I might just lose track of who is partaking in it – not to mention the ‘quality’ of the slipper being flung, by whom, and in which direction!

Mahathir’s most recent confession that the hits he took to his image from the slippers hurled at him from several within Umno itself must surely be one of the unequivocal highlights of this slipper fight. I can only imagine the sheer embarrassment – not to mention utter shock – this must come to those Umno cronies after they apparently flexed their muscles and primed themselves to fling Sukumaran and the MIC with their own political slippers.

Of course this retort by Mahathir about Umno having done more to insult him than Sukumaran’s now famous ‘slipper garland’ comment triggered so many me images and phrases in my mind: Umno hypocrisy, the pot calling the kettle black, blowback, getting burnt, self-inflicted wound, and a stunt that backfired are but just some of the things that came to mind.
Continue reading “Were Umno’s Slippers Soleless, Mukhriz?”

Would Ong Tee Keat’s Deeds Reveal The Collective Behavior of The Barisan Government

By Bosco Anthony

It is pointless for the Malaysian Chinese Association members to openly display their full support for their embattled leader Ong Tee Keat. It is further a fealty display by the Star Publication to make such news hit the front page of its publication on 17.08.2009.

Why is it so? It is clearly apparent with the announcement made by Mohd Shukri Abdull of the MACC that all political investigations will be suspended, with immediate effect, that is as of 15.08.2009.

The civil society is capable of reading in between the lines, of what that statement means. Do not doubt or insult our intelligence.

On 16.07.2009 a life was stamped out over an investigation of a paltry sum of some 2000 or so Ringgit. Now we have before us unexplained expenditure which runs into the hundreds of millions as stated by Azmi Khalid the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee.

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Pneumococcal vaccination limits H1N1 death

Dear all,

Not all who gets H1N1 gets pneumonia BUT all who died of H1N1 gets pneumonia.

So, we should focus on how we can prevent pneumonia if we get H1N1…..
not how to prevent H1N1.

For those high risk group, getting pneumococcal vaccination is one of the defense mechanism we could use against dying from H1N1. You might still get H1N1 but at least you have a 30% lower risk of dying from H1N1.

Studies have shown here that 30% of H1N1 pneumonia related deaths are due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Getting yourself vaccinated means you have eliminated 30% of the possible risk of dying from H1N1 pneumonia.
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DAP does not insult Islam

By Aaron Ngui

I am an ardent reader of your blog. Your insights into the Malaysian political landscape are nothing short of biting and accurate. May you continue to write, and serve as MP, for a long time to come.

I’m writing this letter to you in response to your posting entitled “DAP does not insult Islam or any religion and does not condone any DAP leader or member in insulting Islam or any religion”. Your points in the posting are good and well noted. The post is in rebuttal to the recent brouhaha over Nik Aziz’s supposed comments. In addition, I have never seen any leader from DAP or Pakatan Rakyat insulting Islam.

Might I be so bold to point out that there might be errors in the news reports over Nik Aziz’s comments. I think the point to note is that Nik Aziz NEVER condoned DAP, or any other political party, to insult Malaysia’s official religion. From the report(s), he only opinied on why DAP leaders allegedly insulted the religion – a shallow understanding. Again, the PAS spiritual leader DID NOT give the green light for anyone to insult the religion; all he did was presumed that people who (supposedly and stupidly) insulted Islam were doing so out of ignorance. This is entirely different from what the report(s) presume.
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SESB’s madness in Sandakan

By Saves DK

SESB’s irregular blackouts in Sandakan is appalling and causing a lot of disruptions to our daily lives.

If SESB really ‘CARE’ about Sandakan folks and are considerate, they would have tried to minimize the disruptions by at least:

  1. publish accurate advanced notice of blackout times and areas in the local newspapers, as they used to do before they were pushing for the proposed coal power plant;

  2. STICK TO their advanced notice (if published);

  3. have NO blackout in business areas during day time/business hours, and NO blackout in residential areas during evening and night;

  4. have a fair blackout schedule for the WHOLE of Sabah, not let it happen to only Sandakan/Tawau/East Coast.

Many have observed that for the first 2 weeks of August, there was NO blackout in many areas in Kota Kinabalu/West Coast at all, but by contrast, there were DAILY blackouts almost everywhere in the East Coast. WHY is that so?! (If the malfunctioning power plant is located in the West Coast, this would be even more puzzling.)
Continue reading “SESB’s madness in Sandakan”

Teoh Beng Hock must not die in vain

Don’t let Teoh’s death be in vain
By Oon Yeoh

Much has been said and written about the tragic death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock. There is anger, sadness and confusion over what has happened.

The calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry are growing louder. Perhaps in due time we will be able to find out the truth of what actually happened, and, if some heads have to roll, let them roll.

But that alone will not stop situations like this from reoccurring, just as the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s black eye has not stopped police brutality from persisting. Similarly, the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam video has done nothing to bolster people’s confidence in the judiciary.

That’s because the underlying causes of these various problems have not been addressed, only the specific incidences of wrongdoing.
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Eve Open Letter to PM & Cabinet – Form three Royal Commissions of Inquiry, on Teoh Beng Hock’s death, the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal and to propose a blueprint to roll back the crime wave of the past five years to create a safe Malaysia

YAB Prime Minister,
YAB Deputy Prime Minister,
YB-YB Ministers.

Form three Royal Commissions of Inquiry, on Teoh Beng Hock’s death, the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal and to propose a blueprint to roll back the crime wave of the past five years to create a safe Malaysia

YABs and YBs,

It is seven hours since the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak returned from his overseas trip this morning, closeted with top police officers for half an hour immediately on his touchdown at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 11.15 am.

However in the past seven hours, there has been no announcement by Najib of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock, 30, the political secretary to Selangor DAP State Exco and State Assemblyman for Seri Kembangan, Ean Yong Han Hwa who went to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Shah Alam to co-operate in its investigations but end up as a corpse at the MACC Hqrs last Thursday 16th July 2009.

Malaysians regardless of race or religion are deeply disappointed because the Prime Minister is not prepared to be as decisive as the former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who had announced an independent public inquiry into the police nude ear-squat scandal on his touchdown at the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) base in Subang on Monday, 28th November 2005 on his return from the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Malta, well ahead of any Cabinet meeting!

Could it be that the Prime Minister, who is using all the latest Internet gadgets to take the pulse of the people on a 24/7 basis, being the first Malaysian Cabinet Minister and Prime Minister to use the twitter, had not been properly informed of the nation-wide shock, grief, anger and outrage at the unnecessary sacrifice of Teoh in MACC?

Hadn’t the Prime Minister been informed by all the MCA, Gerakan, MIC and even UMNO Ministers – as well as his new political secretary Dr. Oh Ei Sun – that it is not only the MACC and the Police which are on public trial, the very credibility, integrity of legitimacy of his premiership is also on trial?
Continue reading “Eve Open Letter to PM & Cabinet – Form three Royal Commissions of Inquiry, on Teoh Beng Hock’s death, the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal and to propose a blueprint to roll back the crime wave of the past five years to create a safe Malaysia”

LKS wants to meet Najib at the first available opportunity after his overseas trip

Note: This fax was sent at 9.38am

18hb Julai 2009

Perdana Menteri Malaysia
Pejabat Perdana Menteri,
Blok Utama, Bangunan Perdana Putra,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,

Menerusi Fax (603-8888 3444) & Emel ([email protected])

YAB Dato’ Seri,

Per: Meminta satu perjumpaan dengan YAB segera

Saya menulis untuk meminta supaya satu perjumpaan dengan YAB boleh diaturkan secepat mungkin selepas kepulangan YAB dari lawatan ke luar negara.
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An Open Letter to a Muslim Journalist “Spy”


I just read that recently you and a friend visited one of the churches that I belong to. I was surprised that you had to do it in disguise. You should have told the Catholic community there that you were coming and we would have given you a grand welcome.

Such was the experience of the MP for Shah Alam, Khalid Abdul Samad from Pas, who was even given a standing ovation when he visited and had a dialogue with the parishioners of the Church of the Divine Mercy in Shah Alam last year.

Some time back I was attending a Mass (Catholic worship) in a Catholic church in Petaling Jaya and was very moved by the presence of a group of Muslim students together with their Muslim professor who had taken them there as part of their “exposure programme”. None of them were converted.

You see we are not an underground church nor do we function in a clandestine manner. Our hearts are on the holy and not on the hideous. We even pray for Najib the PM, though I feel we do not pray enough for the Opposition. We also pray for people like you who do more harm than good to the name of your religion of peace, tolerance and compassion.

Continue reading “An Open Letter to a Muslim Journalist “Spy””

Police Escort for Wedding Car?

by Ganesh

It would be good for you to investigate an incident I saw. I was in Suabng Jaya, next to Taylor’s college roundabout this weekend, when I saw a wedding car pass by. What was ironic is that it had police escorts. They stopped traffic to let the wedding car pass by. In another car, there was a cameraman who was filming the wedding car.

I am quite shocked at this. The police got time to escort and give VIP treatment to a wedding car?

I do not know whose wedding it was but I am very sure it was not a Royal wedding, which is the only wedding that deserves a Police escort.

Here I am worried about my personal safety and my house getting robbed and suddenly I see several police outriders escorting a wedding car instead of patrolling my neighbourhood. Continue reading “Police Escort for Wedding Car?”