Question of efficiency, independence and professionalism of AGC and Police haunting Malaysia’s international image in a bigger way than any time in the past

Two days after the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper on Monday, 21st March 2011, I had warned that police efficiency, independence and professionalism were again the major casualties of the latest criminal attempt to target and character-assassinate Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

My warning of March 23 has proven true. More than three months after my warning, the questions of the efficiency, independence and professionalism of the Attorney-General’s Chambers and the Police have bulked even larger to haunt Malaysia’s international image in a bigger way than at any time in the past in the nation’s history.

The farce this morning in the magistrate’s court where the “Datuk T” trio were charged for the Sri Carcosa sex tape screening has only served to further lower public confidence and esteem in the efficiency, independence and professionalism of the Attorney-General and the Police.
Continue reading “Question of efficiency, independence and professionalism of AGC and Police haunting Malaysia’s international image in a bigger way than any time in the past”

Evil stalks the brave and threatens the peace

by P Ramakrishnan
President Aliran
23 June 2011

Today, at around 1.00pm, I received an sms from +601119732179. The message conveyed to me was in Bahasa Malaysia and read:

Members of the Bersih steering committee at the launch of Bersih 2.0

Korg ni buta hati ke?? buat apa sokong ambiga keling paria haramjadah tu? dia ni kapir laknat. korang tau tak dia ni jadi alat anjing2 politik untuk musnahkan keutuhan melayu. dia kata je nak BERSIH kan SPR. bersih kepala bapak dia.

Puak2 PAS n PKR pun buta tuli n pekak badak.. kalau SPR tak bersih, boleh ke diorang menang kat Sgor, Kedah, Penang, Kelantan n perak dulu? DAP cina sial tu pulak lagi haram jahanam. dia tengok je melayu bertekak. hujung2 dia perintah negara ni dan kristiankan kita semua. aku nak kasi amaran kat korang semua.

Kalau perhimpunan ni jadi, aku dan org2 aku akan bunuh ambiga dan korang2 keliling dia satu persatu, termasuklah orang2 politik bangang yg bersekongkol ngan kafir laknat tu.. ini amaran aku. Korang tengokla nanti. Continue reading “Evil stalks the brave and threatens the peace”

Apply the law equally

Terence Fernandez
The Sun
23 June 2011

BAD things happen because good people do nothing. How often have we heard this phrase and how many of us have been motivated enough to get off our butts to do something when others are trying to cause chaos and confusion?

At the rate things are going, it seems we are content to let things slide or sweep them under the carpet – a child’s logic: close your eyes and it will go away.

History has taught us that the worst atrocities were actually committed by the minority. But they were emboldened and abetted by a silent majority who at first laughed them off as a bunch of raving lunatics but to their horror, later discovered that this same group of madmen had taken control of the country’s social and political structures. Continue reading “Apply the law equally”

Don’t expect nude squat probe to be transparent

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jun 17, 11

‘The gov’t expects the public to believe that they would carry out a fair and transparent probe? Since when have they been known to do that?’

Special board to probe ‘nude squat’ claims

L Joy: The Immigration Department is to set up a special board to investigate the nude squat? They and the government expect the public and Singapore to believe that they would carry out a fair and transparent probe?

Since when have they been known to do that? Could they state just one case in the history of the Immigration Department? Name any ministry or department, for that matter, that has made a finding against its own self?

Just using the word ‘special’ does not make the investigation transparent and fair.
Continue reading “Don’t expect nude squat probe to be transparent”

Putrajaya’s double standards

The Malaysian Insider
Jun 13, 2011

JUNE 13 — Here’s a riddle. Why is the Home Ministry warning Bersih 2.0 from organising its July 9 rally but not taking action against Datuk Ibrahim Ali for threatening a “jihad” against Christians if they usurp Islam with a Christian state?

Right, because nothing violent happened after the Perkasa chief made his threat.

But will anything violent happen next month when the election watchdog marches for electoral reforms? Continue reading “Putrajaya’s double standards”

Nazri opens floodgates to religious hatred

May 18, 11

‘Does it mean we can all now make seditious and insensitive remarks without any repercussions? This has gone out of line.’

Nazri: No action against Ibrahim Ali

Roberts: De facto law minister Mohamad Nazri Abdul Aziz misses the point. Yes, it is true that hundreds of irresponsible bloggers of all colour and creed have made sensitive comments to hurt and inflame other communities. But they are individuals.

Perkasa is a registered organisation and Malay daily Utusan Malaysia is a licensed newspaper. Can they act in the same wanton abandon as irresponsible bloggers and tweeters?

Rape is rampant in Malaysia – do we want to condone it by saying that it is the norm? Corruption is rampant – shall we then legalise it? Drug addiction is widespread, shall we let it be and say it is the norm? Crime is widespread these days – shall we do nothing about it?

There will always be irresponsible individuals, but when institutions like Perkasa and a national daily act recklessly, then our society will really go down the drain, for these institutions represent our collective conscience and morality. Continue reading “Nazri opens floodgates to religious hatred”

Be ready for Operation Lallang II

May 17, 11

‘Ibrahim Ali is dispensable to the powers-that-be. They are using him to provoke conflict between Christians and Muslims.’

Perkasa ready to crusade against ungrateful Christians

Ablastine: If what Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali said are not seditious, then what is. Provoking the people with some unfounded and ridiculous accusations and fanning religious extremism or fervour so that the people may fight each other is just outrageously seditious.

The only reason I can think why the Umno government is not taking action is because they are also, or at least some elements in the ruling party, are in it themselves. It is not difficult to see that the intention is to push the opposition into making a strong response, giving Umno the excuse to conduct Operation Lalang II.

Of course, just like the first time, most opposition leaders who have nothing to do with inciting hatred will be hauled up and banished to Kamunting, effectively shutting their mouth and disrupting their political parties.

However, it would be prudent for the Umno government to think twice before embarking on this because the backlash from the people will be very severe. You cannot go against the will of so many people in a country. Continue reading “Be ready for Operation Lallang II”

Bar Council condemns police threats against lawyer

May 13, 11

The Malaysian Bar Council expressed its outrage today over the strong-arm tactics of police personnel who had threatened a lawyer, impeding her from performing her duties.

“Such blatant police harassment of lawyers is intolerable, and amounts to a reprehensible and inexcusable menace against the physical safety of the lawyer,” Bar president Lim Chee Wee said in a statement today.

He called on the Inspector-General of Police to put an immediate halt to repeated cases of lawyers being harassed and menaced by his personnel and to take stern action against officers guilty of such behaviour.

“Bullying tactics must not go unchecked,” Lim said. Continue reading “Bar Council condemns police threats against lawyer”

Putrajaya permitting Utusan provocation, says Bar Council

By Debra Chong
The Malaysian Insider
May 09, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, May 9 — Malaysian Bar president Lim Chee Wee accused Putrajaya today of giving free rein to Utusan Malaysia to publish and promote what he called lies dressed up as news reports and continuing to stir up religious fear and unrest.

The lawyer joined a growing choir in urging the authorities to get their priorities in order and immediately investigate reporters and editors in the Umno-owned daily for repeatedly pushing provocative religious rhetoric rather than hauling up Christian leaders over unproven claims.

The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), which represents over 90 per cent of churches nationwide, have also demanded Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak act immediately against Utusan for false reporting and spreading dangerous lies.

“Instead of questioning Utusan Malaysia’s journalistic conduct and ethics, the immediate responses from the ministers in charge of home affairs and communications were to order investigations into the alleged incidents themselves,” Lim said in a statement.

“In this way, the authorities are gullibly assisting those who seek to play up lies and falsehoods in order to artificially create religious conflict,” he added. Continue reading “Putrajaya permitting Utusan provocation, says Bar Council”

Rahim not prosecuted for RM40 million corruption in the nineties in return for relinquishing all government, statutory and party positions?

In Parliament yesterday, I had asked for the government response to Monday’s Open Letter to the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar by former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ismail who had expressed lack of confidence that Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik would be prosecuted over the Carcosa sex video scandal because of the ultimate involvement of Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail as Attorney-General.

Mat Zain was the police officer who headed the initial investigation into the 1998 case of Anwar Ibrahim’s “black eye” assault while in police custody in Bukit Aman but whose recommendation that the then Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Rahim Noor be prosecuted for criminal assault against Anwar had been ignored until the subsequent establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry.

As KL CID chief in 1999, he handled the four police reports lodged by Anwar Ibrahim in Sungai Buloh prison, one of which was on the abuses of power by the then Prime Minister Tun Mahathir, the late Mohtar Abdullah who was Attorney-General and Gani Patail who was head of prosecution AG’s Chambers, although the Anti-Corruption Agency had compiled enough evidence to prove a “prima facie” case against Rahim for corruption involving money and shares worth RM40 million.

The questions which Mat Zain posed, and which I asked for answer in Parliament yesterday, were: Continue reading “Rahim not prosecuted for RM40 million corruption in the nineties in return for relinquishing all government, statutory and party positions?”

Open Letter by Mat Zain to IGP – on Anwar, Gani Patail and Rahim

Open Letter by Mat Zain to IGP:

Mat Zain bin Ibrahim,
SAC II G/5776(Retired),


YDH Tan Sri Haji Ismail bin Haji Omar,IGP,
Ketua Polis Negara,
Polis Di-Raja Malaysia,
Bukit Aman,
50560 Kuala Lumpur.
Email:[email protected]

28hb.March 2010

YDH Tan Sri,


Semoga Tan Sri tenang dan tabah menangani cabaran mendatang.

2. Saya percaya Tan Sri sedar video lucah mana yang saya maksudkan.Saya yakin sepenuhnya bahawa PDRM mampu menjalankan tanggung jawabnya menjalankan siasatan tersebut secara professional dan berkecuali dan tidak terpengaruh dengan tekanan mana-mana pihak sekalipun, lebih-lebih lagi dibawah pimpinan Tan Sri ketika ini.

2.1. Namun begitu kertas siasatan ini kelak akan diteliti dan diputuskan olih Gani Patail,Peguam Negara.Diperingkat inilah dijangka akan berlaku,putar belit,manipulasi,penipuan dan pemalsuan apabila sedar akan caramana Gani Patail dan Musa Hassan menangani penyiasatan kes-kes jenayah apabila melibatkan Anwar Ibrahim(Anwar) dan Rahim Thambi Chik (Rahim) dimasa lampau. Continue reading “Open Letter by Mat Zain to IGP – on Anwar, Gani Patail and Rahim”

Ex-cop says Rahim likely to escape blame for sex video

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
March 28, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, March 28 — A former senior police investigating officer said today that he did not expect Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik to be prosecuted over the sex video scandal because of the ultimate involvement of Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail as Attorney-General.

Former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim also accused Abdul Gani of hijacking an investigation against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in 1999 in order to conceal his role in “indemnifying” the former Malacca chief minister from being prosecuted for corruption.

The investigation, he explained, had been wrested from him and given instead to former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan, who was then an investigating officer. Continue reading “Ex-cop says Rahim likely to escape blame for sex video”

People’s Call for Regime Change – Part 2

By NH Chan
18 February, 2011

(The People’s Judge continues his call to the young to use the tools of modern communication to effect change in Malaysia, pointing out how we are stuck with a government using 19th century British colonial laws to further repress us. Read Part 1 of this article here.-

The Sedition Act as applied in this country

The sedition legislation is the most oppressive law ever devised by a colonial power to subjugate the natives by the colonialists who took over the land they had colonized. In this country the Sedition Act 1948 is typical of such colonialism – this word means ‘the practice of acquiring and controlling another country and occupying it’. If you read on you will know that this is the true picture of how our Sedition Act 1948 migrated from 1870 British India to Peninsular Malaya in 1948 when the country was a British protectorate except for Malacca and Penang which were colonies.

There is an excellent article in the Star, Wednesday, 9 February 2011, titled Sedition law’s overreach by Professor Shad Saleem Faruqi. It says: Continue reading “People’s Call for Regime Change – Part 2”

Plea bargaining and the hidden dangers

By K.Siladass
of Lincoln’s Barrister-at-Law of Malaya, Advocate and Solicitor.

On Monday 13 December 2010, the Chief Justice of Malaysia, Tun Zaki Azmi announced that, “accused persons in criminal cases will get 50 per cent reduction from the maximum punishment under the plea bargain system which will be implemented soon”. There was no explanation under which statutory provision this plea bargaining, and the reduction of punishment prescribed by various laws will apply or the types of cases to which the new system may be applicable. However, one thing that was so apparent was the emphasis that this reduction of punishment would help to clear backlog of cases. That gave the impression clearing of backlog of cases was far more important than seeing justice being done. It is in the light of what had been disclosed for the consumption of the pubic that prompted the public to question whether the negative consequences that could arise from such implementation had been considered.

As on 14 December 2010 the public were not informed that the Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Code 2010 (Act A1378) had been passed by Parliament and Royal assent had been obtained on 2 June 2010. The Act A1378 was gazetted on 10 June 2010. And plea bargaining had been given statutory effect; but, has not been implement as yet.
Continue reading “Plea bargaining and the hidden dangers”

Anwar’s “black-eye” assault – Open Appeal to Solicitor-General by Mat Zain

by Mat Zain bin Ibrahim
5 hb.Januari 2011

Yang Berbahgia Datuk Idrus Harun,
Peguam Cara Negara Malaysia,
(Solicitor General of Malaysia)
Jabatan Peguam Negara,
Block C3,Kompleks C,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62152 Putrajaya.


Maklumat mengenai penipuan dan pemalsuan-pemalsuan yang dilakukan berkenaan ujian Deoxyribonucleic Acid (“DNA”) dalam kes berprofil tinggi 1998.

Assalamualaikum YBhg. Datuk, semoga dalam sihat walfiat.

2. Sehubungan dengan perkara tajuk, sukacita saya menjemput YBhg. Datuk menyemak semula surat saya bertarikh 27hb.Disember 2010, berkaitan isu diatas yang dialamatkan kepada YDH Tan Sri Ketua Polis Negara, dengan salinannya kepada YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan YBhg. Datuk sendiri yang diakui telah diterima oleh masing-masing pada tarikh berkenaan juga.
Continue reading “Anwar’s “black-eye” assault – Open Appeal to Solicitor-General by Mat Zain”

Hishammuddin’s reply to me on Mat Zain’s allegation on fabrication of evidence on Anwar Ibrahim “black-eye” case

Penjelasan dan Jawapan secara bertulis oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri kepada soalan-soalan yang tidak sempat dijawab semasa sesi penggulungan perbahasan bajet 2011:


Merujuk kepada surat terbuka bekas pegawai polis kanan, bekas Ketua CID Kuala Lumpur, Dato’ Mat Zain Ismail yang bertarikh 8 Oktober 2010 yang merupakan bukti kuat bahawa sistem keadilan negara kita terus merosot setelah pembentangan laporan Suruhanjaya Polis Diraja Dzaidin.

Meminta supaya mengkaji semula siasatan kes atas bukti-bukti palsu yang dikemukakan terhadap Dato’ Seri Anwar dalam kes serangan mata lebamnya dalam tahun 1998 demi melindungi kredibiliti kebebasan dan imej PDRM yang telah terjejas serius sejak 2006. Mat Zain telah membuat dakwaan yang serius bahawa bekas Ketua Polls Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan dan Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Ghani Patail telah mencipta bukti yang palsu dalam serangan mata lebam Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan mestilah bertanggungjawab terhadap sistem keadilan jenayah yang kucar-kacir ini.
Continue reading “Hishammuddin’s reply to me on Mat Zain’s allegation on fabrication of evidence on Anwar Ibrahim “black-eye” case”

8 motions to dock ministers’ salaries next week

S Pathmawathy
Nov 27, 10

Several opposition parliamentarians have vented their displeasure at certain targeted ministers and two high ranking civil servant by filing motions to slash their salaries by RM10. One was RM100, the set limit.

The current parliament sitting saw eight pay-cut motions being tabled, several being high-profile ministries.

So far two such motions filed by Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) had named attorney-general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Abu Kassim, both shot down by the Dewan Rakyat.

Lim’s motion against Abdul Gani claimed that the AG stood accused of fabricating evidence in Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s “black eye” case in 1998.

Meanwhile, he wanted the House to punish Abu Kassim (below) because for the last 16 years Malaysia’s score had been the worst in Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index for the Asia-Pacific region.

“It’s my impression that the these are the highest number of salary deduction motions in one sitting,” said Lim, a veteran legislator.

The sitting is now debating the next Budget or Supply Bill 2011 is in its committee stage, so the remaining six motions filed under Standing Orders 66(9) will be dealt with from next week.

According to accepted practice these motions ultimately mean a vote of no confidence in the ability of the respective ministers. Continue reading “8 motions to dock ministers’ salaries next week”

Cabinet to query A-G over ‘black-eye’ case

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The Malaysian Insider
November 24, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 24 — The Najib administration has instructed two Cabinet ministers to question Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail over his alleged involvement in the infamous 1998 “black-eye incident” involving Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the Cabinet’s decision came after former police officer Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim claimed to have new information on the 12-year-old case that implicated Abdul Gani, the current Attorney-General.

“I’ve now been instructed (as a result of the Cabinet meeting), Datuk Rais (Minister of Information, Communications and Culture) and myself, to meet and speak to the Attorney-General and we are now waiting for him to come back from Mekah,” Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz told The Malaysian Insider today.

Mat Zain, the former Kuala Lumpur CID chief, had, in an open letter on Monday to Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar, called for a full closure of the alleged police assault on Anwar, volunteering information that could “restore” police image and credibility.

Nazri said Cabinet wanted to hear what Abdul Gani had to say before taking action. Continue reading “Cabinet to query A-G over ‘black-eye’ case”

Why AG is so eager to close the books over the two conflicting statutory declarations by Private Investigator P. Balasubramaniam on the heinous C4 murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shariibuu?

But there are many issues pertaining to public confidence in the independence, impartiality and professionalism of the Attorney-General that can be raised, but because of time constraints, I will just mention in passing the following:

Why AG is so eager to close the books over the two conflicting statutory declarations by Private Investigator P. Balasubramaniam on the heinous C4 murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shariibuu?

All Malaysians are asking why the Attorney-General is so eager to close the books over the two conflicting statutory declarations by Private Investigator P. Balasubramiam on the heinous C4 murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shariibuu in 2006.

In an extraordinary twist to the sordid saga of the C4 murder of Altantuya, Balasubramaniam has hit back at the government for closing the case on his double statutory declarations.

In an open letter to attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail the day after the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz told Parliament that the Attorney-General had closed the case, Balasubramaniam said that he was “surprised” that despite having conceded to signing a false statutory declaration, the police could not find evidence of any wrongdoing.
Continue reading “Why AG is so eager to close the books over the two conflicting statutory declarations by Private Investigator P. Balasubramaniam on the heinous C4 murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shariibuu?”

Gani Patail stand accused of fabricating evidence in the Anwar Ibrahim “black eye” investigation in 1998, which stands unrebutted although made by the police officer responsible for the investigation 12 years ago

On April 14, 2010, in response to my statement “Call for RCI to conduct full inquiry on whether Israeli agents had infiltrated Bukit Aman” posted on my blog on April 10, 2010, I received following email from one Datuk Mat Zain bin Ibrahim, which said among other things:

“First and foremost let me declare that I was the Investigation Officer of the infamous “black-eye” incident,which need no further elaboration.

“My response are confined to certain remarks only which YB made in the above article,that are reproduced below;

“A good case in point was the 1998 “black-eyes” attack on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim by the then Inspector-General of Police in the very inner sanctum of Bukit Aman, just some fortnight after losing his high positions as Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister.
Continue reading “Gani Patail stand accused of fabricating evidence in the Anwar Ibrahim “black eye” investigation in 1998, which stands unrebutted although made by the police officer responsible for the investigation 12 years ago”