AG – why the alacrity to prosecute the PSM EO6 while total immobility to charge MACC officers for a pile of crimes and unlawful actions exposed by Royal Commission Inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock’s death?

The Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail should explain why the alacrity with which he wants to prosecute the PSM EO6 in contrast with his total immobility to charge Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers for a pile of crimes and unlawful actions as exposed by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Teoh Beng Hock’s (TBH) death?

Yesterday, The PSP EO6 including the Sungai Siput Member of Parliament Dr. Michael Jeyakumar who were released last Friday from detention-without-trial Emergency Ordinance were charged in the Butterworth Sessions Court under the Internal Security Act and the Societies Act with possessing subversive documents and assisting an illegal organization.

However, there are no signs whatsoever that the Attorney-General is taking any action or shown any interest in the report of the James Foong Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock’s death, in particular in the shocking RCI revelations of the pile of crimes and unlawful actions committed by MACC officers in the MACC massive operation resulting in Beng Hock’s death.
Continue reading “AG – why the alacrity to prosecute the PSM EO6 while total immobility to charge MACC officers for a pile of crimes and unlawful actions exposed by Royal Commission Inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock’s death?”

Drop the charges against the PSM6 – as if Police/Najib administration have not made enough spectacle of themselves in disastrous mishandling of the 709 Bersih 2.0 rally and EO6 detention

The Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) Six, including the MP for Sungai Siput Dr. Michael Jeyakumar, who were released on Friday after 27 days of detention under the obsolete 1969 Emergency Ordinance after a week’s remand under the Penal Code for “waging war against the Agong”, have been informed that they will be charged in Butterworth tomorrow with “possessing subversive material”.

The Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail should drop the charges against the PSM6.

They must release that the public reaction is whether the Police and the Najib administration have not made enough spectacles of themselves both nationally and internationally in their gross and disastrous mishandling of the 709 Bersih 2.0 rally and the EO6 detention. Continue reading “Drop the charges against the PSM6 – as if Police/Najib administration have not made enough spectacle of themselves in disastrous mishandling of the 709 Bersih 2.0 rally and EO6 detention”

Najib’s credibility still ‘in tatters’ despite PSM6 release, says Lim

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 30, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 30 — Lim Kit Siang today reminded Datuk Seri Najib Razak that his credibility as Prime Minister was “in tatters” due to his administration’s gross mishandling of several issues, and said that the release of the six Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members from their Emergency Ordinance (EO) detention yesterday did not change anything.

The Prime Minister has insisted that the release of the PSM members, including Sungai Siput MP Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj was done according to the due process of the law, and that it was made by the police based on “their observations.” “It was his greatest failure of leadership as Prime Minister leaving his credibility in tatters — which is why his claim yesterday that the release of the PSM6 under the Emergency Ordinance was in accordance with the rule of law was met with nation-wide derision.”

“Najib cannot be more wrong if he thinks that he had restored his credibility with the release of the PSM6 yesterday,” said Lim in a statement today. Continue reading “Najib’s credibility still ‘in tatters’ despite PSM6 release, says Lim”

DAP: Repealing EO might save Najib’s credibility

Jul 30, 11 3:54pm

In order to regain credibility after the “gross mishandling” of the PSM 6, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak must publicly repeal the EO and annul the obsolete emergency proclamations as well as other “oppressive legislature”, says Lim Kit Siang.

In a statement today, Lim said the release of the PSM 6 does not restore Najib’s credibility, as it was his government’s “high-handed” handling of the Bersih 2.0 rally that had landed the six in detention in the first place.

“It was (Najib’s) greatest failure of leadership as prime minister leaving his credibility in tatters – which is why his claim yesterday, that the release of the PSM6 under the Emergency Ordinance was in accordance with the rule of law, was met with nation-wide derision. Continue reading “DAP: Repealing EO might save Najib’s credibility”

Just what Malaysia needs: Another minister

Jacob Sinnathamby
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 30, 2011

JULY 30 – I hate to spoil the party but the last thing this country needs is another minister.

In fact, what we need is not quantity but quality. The last couple of months has shown up the inadequacies and incompetence of a number of ministers and exposed the paucity of talent in the Cabinet.

We have a Home Minister who did not know that EU citizens do not need a tourist visa (French lawyer Michael Bourdon had to educate him); a de facto Law Minister who misinterpreted a key fact in the Teoh Beng Hock Royal Commission of Inquiry and a Defence Minister who sounds shaky whenever he speaks.

And I have not even touched on the Agriculture Minister, Unity Minister, etc. Continue reading “Just what Malaysia needs: Another minister”

EO6: A bitter lesson for the govt

Jeswan Kaur | July 30, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

The Najib administration should now learn to respect the ‘rule of law’ instead of bending over backwards to fulfill its own hidden agendas


Abusing the Emergency Ordinance 1969, six breadwinners of their families’ were thrown behind bars and defamed with having waged a war against the King, holding subversive beliefs and instigating the rakyat to attend a rally which the police had deemed illegal.

Yesterday, 28 days later, all six were set free, unconditionally. The question that begs an answer from Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is: What happened in those 28 days’ that made him, his cousin the Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and the Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar realise that the six are innocent and should rightfully be released?

Or was it a case of all three parties being well aware of the innocence of the six but proceeded to used them as scapegoats, hoping to teach Malaysians in general a lesson for taking to the streets on July 9, 2011 and challenging the ‘powers that be’? Continue reading “EO6: A bitter lesson for the govt”

Kit Siang: Reveal who ‘concocted’ PSM 6 charges

Jul 29, 11 3:42pm

DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang has demanded that the government reveal who was behind the charges that the PSM 6 were allegedly trying to wage war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and reviving communism.

“Malaysians are entitled to ask who are the officers or politicians who had been so ‘creative’ as to concoct the heinous charge under Section 122 of the Penal Code against the PSM activists in the first instance,” Lim said in a media statement today.

“I will ask in the next Parliament session who are the officers who concocted such charges and who are their police superiors who gave the approval, and whether the advice of the attorney-general or his officers had been sought,” he said. Continue reading “Kit Siang: Reveal who ‘concocted’ PSM 6 charges”

PSM6: The end of the farce

The Malaysian Insider
Jul 30, 2011

JULY 30 — Just this once, please apologise.

Own up to this despicable mistake of arresting six innocent Malaysians and, maybe, the rest of their fellow citizens will move on and cut the police as well as the Najib administration some slack.

Just this once, drop the political posturing and say sorry to Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar and his party colleagues, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) deputy chairman M. Sarasvathy, central committee members Choo Chon Kai and M. Sugumaran, Sungai Siput branch secretary A. Letchumanan, and Youth chief R. Saratbabu.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had an opportunity to right a wrong yesterday but he chose to indulge in official talk, saying that the release of the six was according to due process. Continue reading “PSM6: The end of the farce”

Jeyakumar: Too ‘politically costly’ for BN to continue holding us

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 29, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 — Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar asserted tonight that the order to release all Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) detainees had been a political decision and not because the “police had come to their senses”.

“They (Barisan Nasional) were losing so much popularity and support from the people that it just became too politically costly for them to keep holding us,” he told reporters after addressing a crowd of supporters at the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH).

The first-term lawmaker also disagreed with Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s claim earlier this evening that the release order had been in accordance with the rule of law and that the decision had been made by the police based on their “observations”. Continue reading “Jeyakumar: Too ‘politically costly’ for BN to continue holding us”

Najib: Release of PSM 6 according to rule of law

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 29, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak has insisted that the release of six Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members from their Emergency Ordinance (EO) detention was done according to the due process of the law.

The prime minister told reporters today that the decision to release Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Devaraj Jeyakumar and five others at 5.30pm was made by the police based on “their observations.”

“We welcome it. It is up to the Attorney General to decide on further action. As a country, we hold to the rule of law,” the Umno president said after chairing an Umno supreme council meeting. Continue reading “Najib: Release of PSM 6 according to rule of law”

MMA: Don’t force-feed Jeyakumar

K Pragalath | July 29, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

The authorities must respect Jeyakumar’s right to go on hunger strike as a non-violent form of protest, says Malaysian Medical Association.

PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) today urged the police not to force-feed Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael D Jeyakumar who is being detained under the Emergency Ordinance.

“While we are concerned about the possible detrimental effects of this hunger strike on Jeyakumar’s health – more so as he has been brought to the hospital for heart problems twice since his initial arrest almost a month ago – we must also respect Jeyakumar’s right to this non-violent form of protest.

“In this regard, the MMA calls upon the authorities to respect international human rights law and not to resort to force-feeding as a means of ending Jeyakumar’s protest,” MMA president Mary Suma Cardosa said. Continue reading “MMA: Don’t force-feed Jeyakumar”

Najib – release PSM6 immediately and unconditionally or face the wrath of the people in next general elections

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should release the PSM6 led by Sungei Siput MP Dr. Michael Jeyakumar who have been detained under the Emergency Ordinance (EO) on the most spurious and ridiculous grounds or face the wrath of the people in the next general elections.

Jeyakumar started a hunger strike yesterday in sheer frustration over his prolonged detention under EO.

It is most deplorable that high-handed and arbitrary police and government actions still persist some three weeks after the 709 peaceful Bersih 2.0 rally – worst examples being the unjust, unjustified and unwarranted detention of the PSM6. Continue reading “Najib – release PSM6 immediately and unconditionally or face the wrath of the people in next general elections”

Unjustified detention prompts Kumar to launch hunger strike

By Aliran executive committee
28 July 2011

Aliran is gravely concerned to hear that MP Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, one of the Parti Sosialis Malaysia 6 who have been unjustly and unjustifiably held in detention under the Emergency Ordinance, has decided to go on hunger strike.

PSM Central Committee member and Kumar’s wife Rani Rasiah, together with party colleagues, announcing today that the detained MP has started a hunger strike

We know Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, a long-standing and outstanding Aliran member, well enough to know that he does NOT engage in such acts for theatrical effect. Rather, given his steadfast and tenacious character in facing threats and intimidation from the police before, there is every reason to expect that Jeyakumar Devaraj conduct his hunger strike with complete seriousness.

At the same time, knowing he has a poor heart condition that has required treatment and hospitalisation during the period of his detention, we can only be alarmed at the potential damage to his health that this action may bring about. Continue reading “Unjustified detention prompts Kumar to launch hunger strike”

Jeyakumar to go on hunger strike

By Lisa J. Ariffin
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 28, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 — Emergency Ordinance (EO) detainee and Sungai Siput MP Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj will begin a hunger strike today until he and five others detained under the EO are released or charged in court.

“Dr Jeyakumar told me that he would begin a hunger strike on July 28 to get justice. When I met my husband on July 27, he was feeling very frustrated and disappointed with the police and government’s stand on the six PSM activists detained under the EO since July 2,” Dr Jeyakumar’s wife Mohanarani Rasiah said today.

“I advised him against it because of his health but he resolved to do so until the PSM6 are released or charged in court.”

Mohanarani said Dr Jeyakumar had lost faith in the police. Continue reading “Jeyakumar to go on hunger strike”

PSM6 – police practicing “Arrest first, find the charges later” tactics

Let more and more Malaysians wear yellow on Saturdays to send a loud, clear and unmistakable message to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the Barisan Nasional Cabinet and government of ever-rising crescendo of swelling public support not only for Bersih 2.0’s eight demands for free and fair elections, but also for a Clean Malaysia where there is an end to the rampant corruption, abuses of power, injustices and gross human rights violations present today.

The blemishes today why we do not have a Clean Malaysia include the gross abuses of power evident in the high-handed police actions against the peaceful Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9 for free and fair elections; the unwarranted, unjustifiable and unprovoked firing of tear gas and chemically-laced water cannons against the peaceful public; arbitrary arrest of some 2,000 people; spewing of racist threats; attempt to create ethnic and religious tensions including the raising the May 13 spectre and the unjustifiable lock-down of Kuala Lumpur creating infernal traffic jams before and on the day of the rally.
Continue reading “PSM6 – police practicing “Arrest first, find the charges later” tactics”

Jaundiced justice

By Martin Jalleh
July 23, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

JULY 23 — In the midst of a packed courtroom of members and supporters of the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) many of whom wore red T-shirts, the Kuala Lumpur High Court of Justice Su Geok Yiam turned “yellow” yesterday.

Justice was compromised, as a cowed Court caved in and allowed the application by the government, police and home minister to adjourn hearing the habeas corpus applications of six PSM leaders who have been held under the Emergency Ordinance since July 2. Continue reading “Jaundiced justice”

Habeas corpus made meaningless!

P Ramakrishnan
22 July 2011

Aliran is deeply disillusioned with the judiciary. Instead of depending on technicalities and loopholes in the law, it should focus on fairness and justice.

It should be prominently and predominantly concerned with freedom and human rights of the citizens. When the freedom of individuals is deprived by dubious means, the judiciary should be uncompromising in defending that freedom.

Dr Jeyakumar and his five companions have been incarcerated since 2 July 2011. Nobody believes the accusations levelled against them. The whole exercise has turned into farcical nonsense. Continue reading “Habeas corpus made meaningless!”

Bersih 2.0 rally – a basketful of faux pas by BN Government, before during after and still ongoing!

If someone had been assigned beforehand to a special task to script the worst-possible scenarios for the Najib administration in relation to the July 9 Bersih 2.0 peaceful rally for fair and free elections, nobody could be so creative as to pre-plan the basketful of faux pas committed by the Barisan Nasional government before, during and after “709” and still ongoing.


The basketful of faux pax before 709 included:

1. Arbitrary declaration of Bersih 2.0 as unlawful.

2. Ban on Bersih T-shirts and paraphernalia, to include even yellow T-shirts, coupled with indiscriminate arrests.

3. Police and government disrespect to the Yang di Pertuan Agong who had met with Bersih 2.0 leaders and suggested a compromise of a stadium rally instead of a march – accepted by Bersih 2.0 but reneged by the authorities. Continue reading “Bersih 2.0 rally – a basketful of faux pas by BN Government, before during after and still ongoing!”

Press statement for the immediate release of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj

The Malaysian Insider
Jul 17, 2011

17 JULY — We, the undersigned doctors, including members of the Malaysian Medical Association (Perak Branch), and/or the Perak Medical Practitioners Society

1. are very concerned and troubled over the prolonged ‘illegal’ detention of our colleague Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj.

2. are concerned for Dr Jeyakumar’s health, which seems to be deteriorating under detention.

3. are deeply saddened, hurt and disillusioned by the action of the Judiciary (which is supposed to be to be independent) which on 13/07/2011 delayed the hearing date of habeas corpus application of Dr Jeyakumar and five others by a month.

We urge the immediate release of our colleague, who is also the Member of Parliament Sungai Siput, Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj. Continue reading “Press statement for the immediate release of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj”