The Ipoh Timur 2008 Election Campaign Account Summary

Walk-in Donation –
      Ipoh Timur Centre 30,073.20
Canning Centre 16,469.10
Tebing Tinggi Centre 759.00
Pasir Pinji Centre 3,538.80
Online Donation 4,105.00
Ceramah Collections 142,647.90
Total: 197,593.00
Rental — Hall & Centres 4,900.00
Operation Centres set-up & maintenance 23,050.14
Ceramah set-up 19,876.21
Logistic 8,182.00
Postering — materials & labour 31,255.95
Voting day — food & stationary 2,571.27
Thanksgiving — dinner & gifts 13,761.50
Service Centres — set-up/renovations* 26,000.00
Total: 129,597.07
**Balance 67,995.93

* Pasir Pinji RM8,000, Canning RM8,000, Tebing Tinggi RM10,000
** The balance fund will be kept for future activities/next election in Ipoh Timur.

Time to move on into the uncharted political waters

This morning I visited Taman Cempaka market and the Pasir Puteh market together with the three elected DAP Assemblymen in Ipoh Timur parliamentary constituency – Su Keong Siong (Pasir Pinji), Wong Kah Woh (Canning) and Ong Boon Piow (Tebing Tinggi) – to thank the Ipoh Timor voters for their great support in the March 8 general election returning me as MP with a humbling majority of 21,942 votes as well as securing a DAP victory in all the three constituent assembly seats of Pasir Pinji, Canning and Tebing Tinggi with impressive majorities of 6,339, 5,666 and 2,515 respectively.

Earlier, three days ago, I had visited the Kampong Simee and Pasir Pinji markets in my thank-the-voters rounds.

In my rounds today, I received mixed reactions to the proposed DAP-PKR-PAS Perak State coalition government headed by a PAS Mentri Besar, details of which were finalized two nights ago with regard to the 6-3-2 allocation of Exco seats respectively for DAP, PKR and PAS and awaiting the holding of the swearing-in ceremony.

The mixed reactions could be divided into the following categories:

• Support;
• Conditional support with concerns about Islamisation undermining the constitutional rights of Malaysians;
• Outright opposition, regarding the DAP-PKR-PAS coalition government with a PAS MB as a betrayal of the DAP’s general election mandate. Continue reading “Time to move on into the uncharted political waters”

Four ceramahs in Perak tonight and at least three in Penang tomorrow

My ceramah schedule tonight will begin at

(1) Ipoh Garden South (near RHB) – (contact 012-5011822) (from 8 – 8.30 pm);

(2) Jalong, Sungei Siput (245 Sg Buloh, Sg Siput, contact 019-9188838));

(3) Kg Tawas (market), Ipoh Barat, (contact 016-5621986); and

(4) Pasir Pinji (DAP service centre – 05 – 3233056).

DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng has three ceramahs in Bruas parliamentary constituency and will end up in Ipoh Garden South ceramah after 11 pm.

Tomorrow I will have at least three ceramahs in Penang, viz: Prai, Bagan and Paya Terubong (Bukit Glugor).

Ceramahs tonight and tomorrow

Sorry many missed the DAP Kinta Valley Nomination Night ceramah at Chin Woo Hall, Ipoh last night as they were not informed.

The election preparatory system could not withstand the pressures of a general election in full swing and this is why we have sent out a SOS appeal for public support, financial, manpower, materials, IT expertise and all forms of assistance for the remaining 12-day campaign period. Continue reading “Ceramahs tonight and tomorrow”

Nomination papers submitted

Flash – Nominations for Ipoh Timor parliamentary and three state assembly constituencies of Pasir Pinji, Canning and Tebing Tinggi accepted without objections – a one-to-one fight.

Nominations papers for Ipoh Timor submitted to Returning Officer at Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh Nomination Centre at 9.07 am. Also submitted are nomination papers for Thomas Su Keong Siong (Pasir Pinji), Wong Kah Woh (Canning) and Ong Boon Piow (Tebing Tinggi).

This was followed by the submission of the nomination forms for the Barisan Nasional candidates.

Awaiting for conclusion of nomination process, with nomination closed in 10 minutes’ time, followed by one hour for objections.

The curtain rises for the Electoral Battle of the Century – which is just not about the next five years but a vote about the first 50 years of Malaysian nationhood and the next 50 years.

Another brutal crime in Ipoh

Another brutal crime in Ipoh — 22-year-old hairstylist whose semi-naked body was found sprawled at her salon in Taman Perpaduan, Tambun, Ipoh on Friday.

Sunday Star yesterday reported:

The body of Ooi Choo Lee was discovered by her father Ooi Ah Hee, 57, when he went to check on her after she repeatedly failed to answer his phone calls.

Choo Lee was found sprawled in the toilet of the shop at about 4am yesterday.

She had apparently been strangled and was believed to have been raped.

Ah Hee said he had rushed from Sungkai, about 120km away, where he worked, to check on Choo Lee.

“I thought she was at the supermarket when she didn’t answer the first time at 8pm (Thursday).

“But when there was still no answer much later, I decided to go to Ipoh.

“She had always been told to keep her phone turned on,” he told reporters at the Ipoh Hospital mortuary here.

Choo Lee was from Sungai Petani who moved to Ipoh two years ago.

Only last week, a teenager was kidnapped, robbed and raped in Ipoh by two parang-wielding men when she went to a 24-hour clinic at 2 am for treatment. Continue reading “Another brutal crime in Ipoh”

Crime wave in Ipoh

The crime wave and the fear of crime in Ipoh as elsewhere in the country – escalating and not tapering off, as illustrated by the following report:

NST Online

Teenager at clinic robbed and raped
By : P. Chandra Sagaran

IPOH: She was sick and went to a clinic at 2am. There, she was kidnapped by two parang-wielding men who took her on a terror ride and then raped her.

The teenager was later abandoned in Tanjung Malim, about 140km away.

City police chief ACP Jalaludin Ibrahim said the girl had gone to the clinic in Ipoh Garden on Saturday with a friend.

While waiting to be treated, two men entered the clinic and held up the two friends and a nurse, robbing the clinic of RM1,900 and the women of two handphones.

“The men then grabbed the victim and pushed her into a BMW 3 series car parked outside the clinic.

“The girl was taken on a terror ride before being raped. She was abandoned at 6.30am in Tanjung Malim,” said Jala- ludin.

She later sought help from passers-by and lodged a report. She was sent to the Tanjung Malim Hospital for a medical examination. Continue reading “Crime wave in Ipoh”

Withdrawal of Maybank 50% bumi rule – first Ijok effect but tactical retreat or strategic decision?

I am not surprised by the Cabinet decision yesterday directing Maybank to withdraw its discriminatory ruling that law firms must have a bumiputra partner with at least 50% stake before they could qualify to be on its legal panel as this is the outcome of the first “Ijok effect”.

Although the Barisan Nasional (BN) had won the recent Ijok by-election in Selangor with BN trumpeting it as a great victory, BN leaders know that it is a pyrrhic victory won at too great a cost in money, manpower and machinery and which is not sustainable in a general election.

This is why the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had asked MCA and Gerakan to explain the reason for the swing of Chinese voters to the Opposition in Ijok, although he and other top Umno leaders have equal reason to worry about Umno failure to make a significant dent in the Malay ground despite humongous expenditures of money, manpower and machinery which made a total mockery of laws to prevent money politics in elections and Abdullah’s pledge to uphold integrity and fight corruption.

However, many questions await answer, including: Continue reading “Withdrawal of Maybank 50% bumi rule – first Ijok effect but tactical retreat or strategic decision?”