Anwar a traitor?

By Hussein Hamid

If like Anwar I am call a traitor for denouncing UMNO as failing to defend the special rights of the Malays and the Monarchy then let me stand beside Anwar and be a traitor.

UMNO defending the rights of the Monarchy? Was it not your President Mahathir who stripped away the legal privileges of the Sultans – the hereditary and cultural symbols of the Malays? The Sultans to whom we all go for protection against political and administrative excesses? And then you all have the audacity to put yourself on the same level as we had once had placed the Sultans on – but this time giving the Malays no access to protection from the excesses you have indulged in and now continue to indulge at the expense of the Malays? I did not hear of any Sultan taking Ringgit $500 million for services rendered. I did not hear of Sultans using the Police to impose their will upon the Malays. I did not hear of Sultans blowing up foreign nationals. I did not hear of Sultans willing to allow the Malays to suffer economically as they do in Kelantan, just because the people in that state choose to have, as their government, a party that is not UMNO.

And you call us traitors to the Malay cause? Are the people in Kelantan not Malays?
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Each new day is the dawn of a new horror….

by Hussein Hamid

I know that in the last UMNO meeting chaired by Dato Onn before he left UMNO, he wanted to know who was going to take his place as leader. Nobody was prepared to answer Dato Onn’s question. He then turned to Tun Razak and asked: “Adakah awak yang hendak menjadi Ketua Umno?”. Tun Razak replied: “Belum sampai masa lagi untuk saya nak jadi Ketua UMNO – tapi saya ada satu orang yang saya fikir layak …ya itu Tunku Abdul Rahman” and so it came to pass that Tunku became UMNO’s President.

I obtained the above information from just five minutes of surfing the internet. Now what has this got to do with Najib son of Tun Razak? Very simply this – through the internet we know what you have done in the past, what you have done while you were with MINDEF and what you are doing now. We know about your personal life, your social life and your political life. If you had known then about the internet and that you would one day be Prime Minster of this country you might have done some things differently. With hindsight so would we and be better people.

and now to the present…. Continue reading “Each new day is the dawn of a new horror….”

A Government of the People?

By Hussein Hamid

As the Chinese say may you live in interesting time. And we do, we do – but what will Tunku, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein Onn think of what is now happening to their country, our country?

Are there ‘external forces’ disrupting peace in the country?

Are there anti social elements within the country trying to create fear in the mind of the Rakyat for their own selfish purposes?

Are racial factions with vested interest fighting over petty issues that will disrupt peace and calm and create panic amongst the population in the country?
Continue reading “A Government of the People?”

A sobering thought

by Hussein Hamid

At what stage in his tenure as Prime Minister did Mahathir decided that the end justifies the means? When he did that he threw away accountability and responsibility of his actions to the people. It is one thing for a businessman to take chances in making his business decisions because the consequences of his actions, good or bad, will be for him and him alone to bear – and another when the consequences of your actions affects the nation. There must have come a time when Mahathir had some self doubts as to the rightness of his decision making process – he was wrong with Musa, with Anwar, with Pak Lah. He was wrong with Eric Cheah, Abdullah Ang, Tajuddin Ramli. He was wrong about Privatization…or if you want to be tedious – the implementation of it was flawed. But what I would want to pin him to is that he was the one who brought the culture of materialism into the UMNO physce and in so doing, into the Malay consciousness – and by default, into the minds of the people. When you decide that the acquisition of material wealth is the path you want to take in your life, then whatever you do from then on, will reflect the importance of that choice in your life…and that my friend has been the undoing of UMNO and the many other things that is now wrong with our country. No longer will decency, family values, religion, honour, duty to country and all those values that hold together the fabric of society be considered important. Look at Khir Toyo – what need is there for him to acquire and flaunt such trappings of wealth with his new found wealth (while he was MB) with such haste. Did it ever occur to him that there would be questions asked or has the actions of other leaders that went before him precluded the need to hide his ill gotten gains? Greed is good? Yes Proton, KLCC, KLIA, the many many Highways that were built, and so many mega projects etc etc all these are Mahathir’s legacies… Continue reading “A sobering thought”

The next general election is for Pakatan Rakyat to lose

by Hussein Hamid

I could write about what Anwar (as in Ibrahim) and what he represents for the many Malaysians who yearns for a Malaysia that is free from corruption, nepotism and all the promises that a ‘Man who would be King’ can promise before his ascent to the throne..but I will not.

I can write about Mahathir and what he has done for our country in the years he has been in power – that he has made Malaysia into a conglomerate that made strange bedfellows of business and politics – where his brand of ‘take no prisioners’ reign tolerated no opposition to his rule – where UMNO and himself was the ruler par excellance…but I will not.

I can write about Pak Lah who came in with a bang and left without even a whimper…but I will not.

I can write about Najib, Rosmah, Altantuya, leaping frogs and things that go bump in the night – but I will not.

I am no card carrying member of the “I am a Melayu/Bumiputra” brigade but I am a Melayu that has benefited greatly from the largeness of UMNO in the years that it has effectively dominated the politics of our country.
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