Jeyakumar to go on hunger strike

By Lisa J. Ariffin
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 28, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 — Emergency Ordinance (EO) detainee and Sungai Siput MP Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj will begin a hunger strike today until he and five others detained under the EO are released or charged in court.

“Dr Jeyakumar told me that he would begin a hunger strike on July 28 to get justice. When I met my husband on July 27, he was feeling very frustrated and disappointed with the police and government’s stand on the six PSM activists detained under the EO since July 2,” Dr Jeyakumar’s wife Mohanarani Rasiah said today.

“I advised him against it because of his health but he resolved to do so until the PSM6 are released or charged in court.”

Mohanarani said Dr Jeyakumar had lost faith in the police. Continue reading “Jeyakumar to go on hunger strike”

After Bersih, doubts over Malaysia’s UNHRC spot

By Debra Chong
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 27, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 27 — LawAsia, a global organisation of lawyers, judges and legal experts has reminded Putrajaya it could lose its seat in the United Nations’ Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for its strong-arm tactics over the Bersih 2.0 affair.

The 45-year-old society based in Brisbane, with membership from over 50 countries in Asia and the Pacific region, issued a strong-worded statement earlier this week rebuking the Malaysian government for breaching the fundamental rights to freedom of opinion, expression and peaceful assembly set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights when it attempted to prevent the Bersih 2.0 rally for electoral reform on July 9.

It said the Najib administration’s actions of July 9 also appear to seriously breach another global agreement, the United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, which it said Malaysia adopted in 1990. Continue reading “After Bersih, doubts over Malaysia’s UNHRC spot”

Government settles with ‘nude squat’ woman

The Malaysian Insider | July 27, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 27 — The government has agreed to compensate the woman who was videotaped performing nude squats in a Petaling Jaya police station six years ago.

A settlement was reached between the government and Hemy Hamisa Abu Hasan Saari, 28, at the Kuala Lumpur high Court today.

However, the amount agreed upon by the government, the constable who recorded the video and the mother of three who had initially sought RM10 million in damages when she filed her civil suit, was not disclosed.

The widely-circulated 2005 video had embarrassed the police and resulted in a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) which called for the practice of stripping detainees and forcing them to perform squats a violation of human rights and Islamic principles.
Continue reading “Government settles with ‘nude squat’ woman”

Habeas corpus made meaningless!

P Ramakrishnan
22 July 2011

Aliran is deeply disillusioned with the judiciary. Instead of depending on technicalities and loopholes in the law, it should focus on fairness and justice.

It should be prominently and predominantly concerned with freedom and human rights of the citizens. When the freedom of individuals is deprived by dubious means, the judiciary should be uncompromising in defending that freedom.

Dr Jeyakumar and his five companions have been incarcerated since 2 July 2011. Nobody believes the accusations levelled against them. The whole exercise has turned into farcical nonsense. Continue reading “Habeas corpus made meaningless!”

5,000 private doctors call for Jeyakumar’s release

Malaysiakini | Jul 19, 11

The Federation of Private Medical Practitioners’ Associations, which represents some 5,000 private doctors nationwide, has joined hands with others in the medical profession in calling for the release of Sungai Siput MP Dr D Jeyakumar.

“We are extremely concerned at the continued detention of our colleague, Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, whom we all recognise and acknowledge as a law-abiding, competent, kind and diligent doctor.

“His public service record is exemplary and, to the very best of our knowledge, he is certainly not a threat to our society,” the federation said in a media statement today.
Continue reading “5,000 private doctors call for Jeyakumar’s release”

A decent gov’t will not fear Jeyakumar

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jul 18, 11

‘If we Malaysians stand up against those cowards in power, we can, once again, call ourselves a decent society.’

How did my friend become a violent subversive?

Ferdtan: We all know the arrests of Dr D Jeyakumar and five other PSM members are collateral damage of the Bersih rally.

It is obvious that they are completely innocent of all the allegations made by the police. We, the rakyat, are not fooled. They were arrested on the onset, before the actual Bersih on July 9, hoping to check mate the Bersih committee and spook them into calling off the march.

For now, we can’t see the PSM 6 being released too easily. The police just cannot lose ‘face’ as their ‘credibility’ would be affected (as if they have one in the first place).
Continue reading “A decent gov’t will not fear Jeyakumar”

Another case of police probing themselves

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jul 17, 11

‘Expecting the police to investigate the police assault on Tung Shin Hospital is like asking a robber to testify to the honesty and kindness of another robber.’

Two special police teams to probe Tung Shin claims

Sarajun Hoda: How stupid does the police think Malaysians are? The people do not trust the police anymore, so why would they trust their investigations?

It is like asking Ali Baba to investigate his 40 thieves. People do not trust Najib’s government. People do not trust the police. People do not trust the judiciary. The Agong perhaps is their last hope, and who should call for a royal commission of inquiry.

Saengch: I hope the police team sent to interrogate the doctors is not there to intimidate them into changing their words.
Continue reading “Another case of police probing themselves”

Liow, it’s all your own doing

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jul 17, 11

‘You lied with a straight face. Put simply, you shot yourself in the foot. Your lie has blown right back in your own face.’

Liow: Someone out there trying to get me

DannyLoHH: In his first public statement, the health minister used words like irresponsible, serious allegation with the aim to tarnish the name of Malaysia, if it didn’t happen means it didn’t happen, and it’s the truth to describe the non-occurring of police shooting water canon and tear-gas canister into Tung Shin Hospital compound.

The video is widely circulated online, which clearly shows that the attitude of Liow Tiong Lai is defensive of the police and dismissive of enquiries regarding mounting video and photographic evidence. In short, he has shot his own foot on TV.
Continue reading “Liow, it’s all your own doing”

Planking or ‘pok kai’ in Hong Kong

By Anita Anandarajah
July 17, 2011

JULY 17 — So it seems planking has caught on in Hong Kong. Making like a plank of wood, practitioners like to shock their audiences by remaining utterly stiff and horizontal in the most inappropriate places.

The Planking Hong Kong Facebook page has chalked up 156 likes, a long way off from Planking Australia which has received 175,271 likes where the craze has taken its strongest hold. Continue reading “Planking or ‘pok kai’ in Hong Kong”

Kit Siang says EO detainee Jeyakumar is all right

By Joseph Sipalan
Jul 15, 11 | MalaysiaKini

Sungai Siput MP Dr D Jeyakumar is holding up well despite having been detained for nearly three weeks now, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said today after meeting up with the Parti Sosialis Malaysia activist.

Lim, who with PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub and PKR’s Subang Jaya MP R Sivarasa met with Jeyakumar for 20 minutes at the Bukit Aman federal police headquarters earlier today, said he PSM was doing “okay” so far.

“By and large he is okay, despite the wear and tear. Continue reading “Kit Siang says EO detainee Jeyakumar is all right”

Detention of PSM MP mockery of the law

By K Pragalath
July 15, 201 | Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Whoever framed the charges under the Emergency Ordinance to detain six Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) activists must be exposed, said DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang.

“Whoever is responsible for concocting the charges must be exposed and the government must also provide a full explanation for the detention,” he said.

“The detention is a mockery of the law,” said Lim after meeting with Sungai Siput MP, Dr D Michael Jeyakumar in Bukit Aman today. Continue reading “Detention of PSM MP mockery of the law”

Free EO detainees as Bersih rally over, says Pakatan

By Boo Su-Lyn
July 15, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 15 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) demanded today for the immediate release of the six Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members held under the Emergency Ordinance 1969 as the Bersih rally was over.

“709 is over. There is no case or justification to hold (Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael) Jeyakumar (Devaraj) or the PSM six,” DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang told reporters today, referring to the July 9 Bersih rally that drew tens of thousands.

Lim’s joint press conference with PAS’s Kubang Kerian MP Salahuddin Ayub and PKR’s Subang MP R. Sivarasa was held after they visited Dr Jeyakumar at the Bukit Aman police headquarters here. Continue reading “Free EO detainees as Bersih rally over, says Pakatan”

Suhakam public inquiry into police brutality most laudable

The decision of Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) to hold a public inquiry into police excessive use of force, violence and brutality during last Saturday’s Bersih 2.0 rally is most timely and laudable.

In fact, if the Malaysian police subscribes to the principles of democratic policing to protect the rights and interests of the citizens and not the outmoded colonial mentality of regime policing, not a single tear gas canister or water cannon needed to be fired during the peaceful 709 Bersih 2.0 rally.

The tens of thousands of Malaysians from all races, religions, regions, age and gender who braved police threats, arrests, teargas and water cannons to gather in Kuala Lumpur on 709 to support Bersih 2.0’s legitimate calls for free and fair elections distinguished themselves by being peaceful, orderly and disciplined – going out of their way to avoid or respond to police provocations and to protect private and public property as there was no vandalism of any kind. Continue reading “Suhakam public inquiry into police brutality most laudable”

Suhakam to probe ‘police brutality’ during rally

By MalaysiaKini
Jul 14, 11

The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) is to hold a public inquiry into allegations of police brutality during last Saturday’s Bersih 2.0 rally in the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

However, Suhakam still studying the terms and reference for such an inquiry, which would be made public later, the organisation announced today.

Commissioner Dr Khaw Lake Tee made the announcement at the Suhakam office in Kuala Lumpur after receiving a memorandum from a group of rally participants led by Bersih 2.0 steering committee member Maria Chin Abdullah.
Continue reading “Suhakam to probe ‘police brutality’ during rally”

Police allow three MPs to visit EO detainee Jeyakumar

By MalaysiaKini
Jul 14, 11

After drawn-out negotiations, police today gave permission for three lawmakers to visit Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar, now held under the Emergency Ordinance in Kuala Lumpur.

According to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, the inspector-general of police allowed only three parliamentarians to visit Jeyakumar at 11am, tomorrow.

They are Lim Kit Siang (Ipoh Timor), Salahuddin Ayub (Kubang Kerian) and R Sivarasa (Subang), said Guan Eng in a statement.

According to Guan Eng, the IGP had also written to him, saying that Jeyakumar had been discharged from the Institut Jantung Negara at 2.30pm yesterday. b Continue reading “Police allow three MPs to visit EO detainee Jeyakumar”

Jeyakumar, the activist doctor

By Khoo Boo Teik
Jul 14, 11 | MalaysiaKini

COMMENT Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, or Kumar as I call him, is a public figure of enormous stature. Very much respected for his achievements and contributions to medicine and public health in Malaysia, he was the recipient of the Malaysian Medical Association’s 1999 Award for Community Service.

As a government physician, Kumar served many years in hospitals in Penang, Sarawak and Perak, and chose optional retirement when he ran in the 1999 general elections. In addition, Kumar is a tireless social advocate and activist. Continue reading “Jeyakumar, the activist doctor”

Release Dr Jeyakumar immediatel​y

by P Ramakrishnan
President Aliran
12 July 2011

Aliran is very concerned and troubled over Dr Jeyakumar’s health, which seems to be deteriorating under detention. We learn that he is now in IJN undergoing observation. This is the second time he had to be taken to hospital while under detention. This has happened within a span of two weeks which is really worrying.

The PSM 6 detained under the Emergency Ordinance have been placed in a cruel and unjust situation: they have been falsely accused (first of waging war against the King and now of being a threat to national security), subjected to interrogation and solitary confinement, and denied proper visitation rights with their lawyers. This is totally unacceptable in a civil society.

Kumar is neither a communist nor a violent man to be a serious threat to the country. Continue reading “Release Dr Jeyakumar immediatel​y”

When the ordinary became extraordinary

Scuba gal
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 12, 2011

JULY 12 — I’m as ordinary as it gets. I live in a decent-sized condo, in a fairly popular middle-upper class neighbourhood. I married my husband in my early 30s. I’ve got a decent job in a well-regarded private corporation, where I’m middle management.

No children just yet but we’re trying for the average number of two. On the weekends, we do what most Malaysians in our circumstances might do — head to the cinema, have a meal at one of KL’s many malls, catch up with family and friends.

Recently, I had to answer a little profile write-up for work. When asked “what’s your biggest achievement?”, I could think of nothing I’d done so far that qualified. Yes, I’m that ordinary. Continue reading “When the ordinary became extraordinary”

Was it worth it?

by Abdul Haleem
Jul 11, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

JULY 11 — It has been 12 days since I have seen my wife, my son (who has just turned three) and my one-month-old daughter, sweet little Lana girl. If I don’t go down to see them this weekend, I will not see them for at least another week.

Three days ago my wife and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary, whilst we were apart. I had a choice to go back to Penang and be with them for the weekend, but instead, I chose to go down to Kuala Lumpur to support Bersih 2.0.

I arrived in KLIA at about 10.30am. The airport looked eerily deserted. As I travelled light, I literally ran to get an ERL ticket and jumped onto the train. As my excitement grew, I looked around to see KL as a ghost town. Even on Hari Raya holidays, you’ll see more cars on the Sungei Besi Highway compared to this particular Saturday.

Walking out from KL Sentral, I was shocked to see a huge presence of FRU units and police. I assumed this was to “manage possible demonstrators who might alight in KL Sentral and walk towards Masjid Negara.” I proceed to my hotel, which was just across from KL Sentral. Continue reading “Was it worth it?”

Running Scared in Malaysia

By John R. Malott
Wall Street Journal
July 8, 2011

Opinion The Malaysian government has pulled out all the stops to prevent an rally this weekend. This week, army units conducted crowd control exercises with banners that said, “Disperse or we will shoot!” The police set up roadblocks and arrested Malaysians simply for wearing yellow T-shirts, the signature color of Bersih, a coalition of 62 nongovernmental organizations that demands changes in Malaysia’s electoral system. To date, the police have arrested over 250 supporters of Bersih, claiming that they are “waging war against the king.”

Then something unprecedented happened. Malaysia’s King Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, allegedly the target of Bersih’s campaign, intervened. He called on both Prime Minister Najib Razak and Bersih to resolve their differences in a spirit of harmony and cooperation, for the good of the nation. Continue reading “Running Scared in Malaysia”