‘Jho Low was a big client who brought 1MDB deals to BSI’

By Chan Chao Peh / The Edge Financial Daily | November 14, 2016

SINGAPORE: Low Taek Jho or Jho Low was an important client of BSI Bank (Singapore) Ltd because he brought a number of “very huge” deals to the bank, ex-BSI banker Yeo Jiawei told a Singapore court.

Yeo said Jho Low was a very important client of Yak Yew Chee, a senior relationship manager at BSI who was the person who gave instructions to him (Yeo) on what he (Jho Low) wanted done.

He described Jho Low as a “gatekeeper and adviser” to 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

Yeo is on trial for tampering with witnesses involved in Singapore’s investigations into the laundering of billions of dollars that belonged to 1MDB. He has also been charged with money laundering and the trial will start next April.

Last Friday Yak pleaded guilty and was jailed for 18 weeks and fined S$24,000 (RM72,850) for forging documents and failure to report suspicious transactions. He also forfeited a substantial part of the S$27 million he had earned for the billions of dollars in 1MDB related transactions. Continue reading “‘Jho Low was a big client who brought 1MDB deals to BSI’”

Rafizi’s conviction, jail sentence and disqualification as MP confront Malaysians with the stark choice in 14GE whether they want democracy or kleptocracy in Malaysia

November 14, 2016 is a black day for democracy in Malaysia. It is however a great day for kleptocracy in Malaysia.

Today, one of the most outspoken leaders in Malaysia against corruption and abuses of power, Rafizi Ramli, MP for Pandan and Secretary-General of PKR, was convicted on two charges under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) 1972 for trying to unravel the multi-billion dollar 1MDB kleptocracy scandal, sentenced to 18 months’ jail each and will be disqualified from standing for election as a Member of Parliament in the next 14th General Elections unless his appeal against conviction and sentence could succeed in the higher courts.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak called for the rejection of hypocrisy in public policy and politics.

Is the Malaysian government led by the Prime Minister guilty of hypocrisy in public policy and politics, especially with regard to the greatest question confronting Malaysians today – whether Malaysia should be a democracy or a kleptocracy?

Singapore over the weekend saw the first criminal conviction linked to the multi-billion dollar 1MDB kleptocratic scandal when former managing director of BSI in Singapore, Yak Yew Chew, 57, pleaded guilty to four charges relating to forgery and failure to disclose information.

Yak was sentenced to 18 weeks in jail and a S$24,000 fine after he agreed to disgorge S$7.5 million and to co-operate with Singapore investigations into the multi-billion dollar international 1MDB kleptocratic, embezzlement and money-laundering scandal.

In Malaysia, our first criminal conviction is not to uncover and penalize culprits and criminals responsible for the multi-billion dollar 1MDB kleptocratic scandal, which has caused the nation to suffer the international infamy and ignominy of being regarded worldwide as a “global kleptocracy”, but against a person who had patriotically and valiantly stood up for full accountability and transparency for the 1MDB kleptocratic scandal! Continue reading “Rafizi’s conviction, jail sentence and disqualification as MP confront Malaysians with the stark choice in 14GE whether they want democracy or kleptocracy in Malaysia”

14th General Election will be battle of democracy versus kleptocracy

The next General Elections will be a battle of democracy versus kleptocracy.

There is speculation that the next general elections would be held early next year. It could also be held in the second half of next year, especially after the 60th National Day celebrations centred on August 31, 2017.

Be that as it may, the voters of Malaysia should be asked to vote for democrats or kleptocrats, as to whether they want Malaysia to become a democracy or a kleptocracy.

What recently happened highlights the stark choice of the people between democracy and kleptocracy in the next general elections.

In the last two days, the international media have been screaming with headlines about the first criminal conviction linked to the 1MDB global financial scandal which took place in Singapore on Friday, viz:

“Former BSI boss gets jail, fine in 1MDB-linked case” (Straits Times, Singapore);

“Singapore Court Convicts Ex-BSI Banker in 1MDB Probe” (Wall Street Journal);

“Former banker convicted in Singapore over 1MDB scandal” (Financial Times, London);

“Singaporean banker jailed for role in 1MDB scandal” (Taipei Times);

“Ex-BSI Banker Yak Found Guilty in Singapore 1MDB-Linked Case” (Bloomberg);

“1MDB probe: Singapore banker Yak Yew Chee gets 18 weeks’ jail, S$24,000 fine” (Channel News Asia).

The common theme if these negative headlines is “1MDB”, a Malaysian state-owned investment fund supposed to attract foreign investment but instead spurred criminal and regulatory investigations around the world – and with Najib as the head of its advisory board exercising veto and final executive powers.

But the Malaysian government authorities and institutions pretend that these foreign criminal and regulatory investigations and actions linked to 1MDB’s international money-laundering forays do not exist. Continue reading “14th General Election will be battle of democracy versus kleptocracy”

Singapore Court Convicts Ex-BSI Banker in 1MDB Probe

Wall Street Journal
Nov. 11, 2016

Singapore is the first country to convict someone in the alleged fraud at the Malaysian state fund

SINGAPORE—A Singapore court Friday sentenced a key suspect in an ongoing probe into alleged misappropriation at Malaysian state fund 1MDB, in the first conviction of a person linked to the alleged multibillion-dollar fraud.

Yak Yew Chee, 57, the banker in charge of managing the relationship with 1MDB at the Singapore branch of Swiss bank BSI SA, on Friday pleaded guilty to two charges of forgery and two charges of failing to report suspicious transactions related to dealings with the fund. He was sentenced to 18 weeks imprisonment and a fine of 24,000 Singapore dollars (US$17,105), and agreed to surrender S$7.5 million in salary and bonuses previously frozen by investigators.

The conviction marks a milestone in the investigation of what happened at 1MDB, or 1Malaysia Development Bhd., a fund set up by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak in 2009 that raised as much as US$13 billion — with a public mandate to promote the country’s economic development. Continue reading “Singapore Court Convicts Ex-BSI Banker in 1MDB Probe”

1MDB probe: Singapore banker Yak Yew Chee gets 18 weeks’ jail, S$24,000 fine

By Vanessa Paige Chelvan
Channel News Asia
11 Nov 2016

SINGAPORE: Former private banker Yak Yew Chee, whose clients included Malaysian tycoon Jho Low and subsidiaries of Malaysia’s scandal-hit state fund 1MDB has been jailed 18 weeks and fined S$24,000.

Yak, 57, pleaded guilty on Friday (Nov 11) afternoon to four of seven charges: Two for forging reference letters vouching for the Low family and two for failing to report suspicious transactions involving tens of millions of dollars coursing through BSI bank in Singapore.

Mr Low was named on Thursday as a person of interest in Singapore’s ongoing probe into illicit transactions involving 1MDB, amid allegations he embezzled billions from the state fund. Continue reading “1MDB probe: Singapore banker Yak Yew Chee gets 18 weeks’ jail, S$24,000 fine”

Singaporean banker jailed for role in 1MDB scandal

Taipei Times
November 13, 2016


A Singaporean private banker was jailed on Friday on fraud charges relating to 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) financial scandal, becoming the first figure to be convicted in the international multibillion-dollar saga.

Allegations that huge sums were misappropriated from the Malaysian state fund through money laundering have triggered a massive corruption scandal that has embroiled Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Prosecutors said Yak Yew Chee (易有志), a former managing director at the Singapore branch of Swiss bank BSI SA, helped manage funds linked to 1MDB, which was set up by Najib with the help of a close family friend, Malaysian financier Low Taek Jho (劉特佐).

Yak, 57, who was also a private banker to Low, forged reference letters to Swiss banks and funds, and failed to report suspicious money transfers involving accounts belonging to his client, the prosecutors said.

He was sentenced to 18 weeks in jail after pleading guilty to four charges of forgery and failure to report suspicious transactions related to the investment fund.

He was also fined S$24,000 (US$17,000) by a Singaporean district court.

One of these transactions saw a 1MDB subsidiary transfer US$110 million, channeled through six banks and nine accounts, to the Swiss bank account of Selune Ltd, a company US investigators said is owned by Low.

The banker for the subsidiary, 1MDB Energy Ltd, was Falcon Private Bank Ltd, whose Singapore branch was shut down by regulators this year.

The complex web of transactions cut across international borders as the money passed through accounts controlled by Low and his father.

The transactions were flagged as suspicious by BSI compliance officers, but dismissed by the bank’s senior management who said that “intra-family transfers are not always going to be logical,” according to court documents.

Yak was paid a bonus of S$7.5 million for his dealings with Low that has now been forfeited to the state. Continue reading “Singaporean banker jailed for role in 1MDB scandal”

Former banker convicted in Singapore over 1MDB scandal

Jeevan Vasagar in Singapore
Financial Times
NOVEMBER 11, 2016

Yak Yew Chew ‘motivated by a desire to please’ Malaysian businessman Jho Low

A private banker in Singapore convicted on Friday of forging documents and failing to disclose suspicious transactions was “motivated by a desire to please” Jho Low, the Malaysian businessman linked by US prosecutors to the 1MDB scandal, a court has been told.

Yak Yew Chew, 57, a managing director of BSI, a Swiss private bank, was convicted of four charges relating to forgery and failure to disclose information.

The case, the first criminal conviction linked to the multibillion-dollar 1MDB affair, has highlighted the risks posed by the rapid growth of the private banking industry in Singapore, and the influence exerted by powerful clients on their wealth managers.

The court was told Mr Low had informed BSI he was helping 1MDB, the Malaysian state investment fund, to invest.

Mr Yak’s lawyer, Lee Teck Leng, said in a plea in mitigation: “Our client was motivated by a desire to please Low as Low was his most important customer at BSI. Low had brought in a lot of business, not just for our client but for BSI as a whole.” Continue reading “Former banker convicted in Singapore over 1MDB scandal”

The four weeks “horribilis” that reinforce world perceptions that Malaysia has become a global kleptocracy

Parliament reconvened on Oct. 17 for a 25-day budget meeting, and Malaysia has gone through probably the worst four weeks of the nation’s six decades of history which strengthened world perceptions that Malaysia has become a global kleptocracy.

There were no efforts whatsoever to rebut and refute Malaysia’s infamy and ignominy of being regarded world-wide as a “global kleptocracy”, or to zero in on the international multi-billion ringgit kleptocratic 1MDB embezzlement and money-laundering scandal which caused Malaysia to be regarded worldwide as a “global kleptocracy” with (as I said in Parliament) Malaysia ruled by PPP – Pencuri, Perompak dan Penyamun.

These four weeks horribilis started with the ruling by the Speaker of Parliament making the unprecedented ruling anywhere in the world applying the sub judice rule arising from lawsuits in foreign countries to censor and outlaw question, debate and discussion not only about the US Department of Justice (DOJ) largest kleptocratic action for the forfeiture of US$1 billion 1MDB-linked assets in the United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland, but anything concerning the 1MDB scandal.

Even three former Cabinet Ministers who spoke in Parliament on 1MDB in the 2017 Budget debate are being hauled up by the police for investigation (at the instigation of the Speaker) – contrary to Constitutional guarantees on parliamentary privileges and immunities except in clear-cut cases of violation of the four constitutionally-entrenched sensitive issues under the Sedition Act which do not apply in the present cases.

All over the world, the reverberations from Malaysia being regarded world-wide as a global kleptocracy as a result of the 1MDB global financial scandal continues unabated in the past four weeks, but in the Malaysian Parliament there is the great pretence that Malaysia’s infamy being regarded world-wide as a global kleptocracy as a result of the 1MDB global financial scandal does not exist and had become a “sensitive” subject which could not be raised in Parliament. Continue reading “The four weeks “horribilis” that reinforce world perceptions that Malaysia has become a global kleptocracy”

Ex-BSI Banker Yak Found Guilty in Singapore 1MDB-Linked Case

Andrea Tan and Livia Yap
November 11, 2016

Yak Yew Chee, a former BSI SA private banker, became the first person to be found guilty in a Singapore case linked to 1Malaysia Development Bhd. He also became the first banker to be convicted in the global corruption and money laundering probes surrounding the Malaysian investment fund.

Yak pleaded guilty in a Singapore court Friday and the judge convicted him of four charges, including forging documents and failing to disclose suspicious transactions allegedly related to Malaysian financier Low Taek Jho. The former senior banker at BSI had faced seven charges, and prosecutors said the other three charges would be taken into consideration for sentencing.

Low has been named as a key person of interest by Singapore authorities and characterized by U.S. prosecutors as the controller of an illicit payments scheme draining billions from the Malaysian investment fund. The high-living financier had previously described his role with 1MDB as informal consulting that didn’t break any laws. Continue reading “Ex-BSI Banker Yak Found Guilty in Singapore 1MDB-Linked Case”

Malaysia rebuffs Swiss inquiries into 1MDB

Ralph Atkins in Bern and Jeevan Vasagar in Singapore
Financial Times
10th Nov 2016

Refusal adds to concerns about Kuala Lumpur’s response to multiple investigations

Malaysia has rebuffed Swiss efforts to investigate multibillion-dollar corruption allegations surrounding the 1MDB state investment fund.

Officials in Kuala Lumpur refused an appeal from Swiss authorities for help in gathering evidence into claims that up to $4.8bn was diverted from companies linked to 1MDB, a fund set up by Najib Razak, Malaysia’s prime minister.

The refusal will add to questions about the adequacy of Malaysia’s apparent response to an affair that is the subject of multiple international inquiries.

Switzerland had twice asked Malaysia for mutual legal assistance, Michael Lauber, the Swiss attorney-general, said in an interview.

“Very recently we have had the response that the Malaysian authorities will not reply to our request,” he said. “They just said that under their legal framework, they can’t reply.” Continue reading “Malaysia rebuffs Swiss inquiries into 1MDB”


South China Morning Post
9 NOV 2016

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak is apparently US president-elect Donald Trump’s golfing buddy and “favourite Prime Minister”. Given the ties between the two men, some observers expect the relationship between…

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak is apparently US president-elect Donald Trump’s golfing buddy and “favourite Prime Minister”.

Given the ties between the two men, some observers expect the relationship between Muslim-majority Malaysia and the US to remain good despite Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric during his bitterly fought campaign.

“Next to the prime minister’s chair in his office is a photo of him and Trump. It is signed by Trump with the words “To my favourite Prime Minister”, a Malaysian government source told This Week in Asia. “They are golfing buddies,” he said, adding the picture was taken “not too long ago”.

The government-owned New Straits Times quoted Najib as saying he “personally knows Trump and the president-elect is no stranger to him.” Continue reading “HOW WILL NAJIB’S GOLFING BUDDY TRUMP TREAT MALAYSIA’S 1MDB PROBE?”

In one of the darkest Deepavali in modern Malaysian history, all Malaysians of good sense and goodwill regardless of race, religion or politics should come together to be the beacon of light to save Malaysia from the darkness of kleptocracy, injustice and politics of lies

Deepavali is the victory of light over darkness, good over evil and hope over despair.

This year, Malaysians observe one of the darkest Deepavali in modern Malaysian history and all Malaysians of good sense of good will, regardless of race, religion, region or politics, should be the beacon of light to save Malaysia from the darkness of kleptocracy, injustice and the politics of lies.

It is sad that in this year’s Deepavali, the week started with the tragic fire at the Hospital Sultanah Aminah (HSA) in Johor Baru, which claimed the lives of six Malaysians seeking a new lease of life at the ICU ward.

The tragic incident at HSA where six patients who sought a new lease of life at the ICU met death instead because of systemic, infrastructure and human failure and negligence should never have been allowed to happen, and it is even more shocking for Malaysians to learn that HSA does not have a fire safety certificate, that the hospital had not conducted a fire drill for its staff for at least two years since 2014, that some 10 days before Tuesday’s blaze that killed six and injured 11 others, that there was a small fire at the ICU and worst of all, that there had been more than seven fires at the hospital in the past four years. Continue reading “In one of the darkest Deepavali in modern Malaysian history, all Malaysians of good sense and goodwill regardless of race, religion or politics should come together to be the beacon of light to save Malaysia from the darkness of kleptocracy, injustice and politics of lies”

Parliament has become a national disgrace when after meeting for two weeks, it is not prepared to do anything to purge and cleanse the national infamy and ignominy of being regarded world-wide as a global kleptocracy

The Malaysian Parliament has become a national disgrace when after meeting for two weeks, it is not prepared to do anything to purge and cleanse the national infamy and ignominy of being regarded world-wide as a global kleptocracy.

Parliament experimented with parliamentary reforms like the Ministerial Question Time (MQT) intended to make Parliament more relevant by dealing with urgent topical issues, but my question to the Prime Minister asking what the government was doing to cleanse and purge the country of the infamy and ignominy of being regarded world-wide as a “global kleptocracy” could not see the light of day, although it was submitted three times at each of the first three MQTs in the past fortnight.

This raises the question whether MQT is capable of making Parliament more relevant by dealing with pertinent national issues like the question of the national infamy and ignominy for being regarded world-wide as a global kleptocracy.

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel to cleanse and purge Malaysia’s infamy and ignominy as a global kleptocracy as a result of the 1MDB global mega-financial scandal, the US Department of Justice (DOJ)’s largest single action against US$1 billion 1MDB-linked assets under the US Kleptocracy Assets Recovery Initiative and the investigations by regulatory authorities in Switzerland, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Australia, Luxembourg, Hong Kong and United Kingdom?

Or is there no way the issues of integrity, accountability and transparency in the 1MDB global mega- financial scandal could be pinned down and dissected in the Malaysian Parliament for answers and full accountability to be provided by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his Ministers and that such answers and reforms are only possible if there is a change of Federal Government in the next 14th General Election? Continue reading “Parliament has become a national disgrace when after meeting for two weeks, it is not prepared to do anything to purge and cleanse the national infamy and ignominy of being regarded world-wide as a global kleptocracy”

All UMNO/BN Ministers and MPs should declare the donations they received from Najib personal banking accounts for the 13GE, like Shahrir who got RM1 million, and whether this is the reason they are keeping dumb on 1MDB scandal

The Chairman of BN Back Benchers Club and former Cabinet Minister, Tan Sri Shahrir Samad is not doing his political credibility any service when he denounced former Cabinet Ministers, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah and Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal for asking questions about the 1MDB global financial scandal in the current debate in Parliament.

Shahrir should have praised Husni and Shafie for their conviction and principle for asking in Parliament when they could not get answers in the Cabinet about the 1MDB global financial scandal – which is particularly commendable in the case of Husni, who was appointed the Cabinet spokesman on 1MDB in the middle of last year.

When even the only Minister to be appointed Cabinet spokesman for 1MDB is in the dark about the many important transactions and decisions taken by 1MDB, is Shahrir seriously suggesting that it is a patriotic option for Husni to keep silent in Parliament about his worries, reservations and concerns about the 1MDB financial scandal?

In fact, the question Shahrir should answer as Chairman of BNBBC, former Cabinet Minister and one of the very few in UMNO/BN who claims to have principles and integrity is why he has not yet broken his silence on the 1MDB scandal? Continue reading “All UMNO/BN Ministers and MPs should declare the donations they received from Najib personal banking accounts for the 13GE, like Shahrir who got RM1 million, and whether this is the reason they are keeping dumb on 1MDB scandal”

Confirmed – Parliament a third-world Parliament with its charade pretending that Malaysia’s infamy as “global kleptocracy”, US DOJ billion-dollar forfeiture of 1MDB-linked assets and 1MDB scandal do not exist

It is now confirmed.

The Malaysian Parliament is a third-world Parliament incapable of becoming a first-world Parliament with its charade pretending that Malaysia’s infamy as a “global kleptocracy”, US Department of Justice (DOJ) billion-dollar forfeiture of 1MDB-linked assets and the 1MDB global financial scandal do not exist.

I have given Parliament three opportunities to prove that it is not a third-world Parliament where the majority of MPs are not in hock to the Prime Minister and the Executive, but I have failed and Parliament has failed.

It is now clear that the majority of MPs are in hock to the Prime Minister and the UMNO/BN government of the day as Parliament continues with the parliamentary charade to prop up the Prime Minister and the UMNO/BN government by ignoring the world-wide currents swirling with increasing intensity over Malaysia’s first international financial scandal which has netted for Malaysia the ignominous epithet of a “global kleptocracy”.

Even the Parliament Speaker has got into the act, with his arbitrary “sub judice” ruling to ban these issues from being questioned or debated in Parliament.

My question on the question of Malaysia as a global kleptocracy was submitted for the third time for the third Ministerial Question Times (MQT) today, but it has again been rejected by the Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia. Continue reading “Confirmed – Parliament a third-world Parliament with its charade pretending that Malaysia’s infamy as “global kleptocracy”, US DOJ billion-dollar forfeiture of 1MDB-linked assets and 1MDB scandal do not exist”

UMNO leaders from Najib, Hishamuddin to Khairy should realise that there is nothing more embarrassing, shameful, indecent and unprofessional than to lead Malaysia to a “global kleptocracy”

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said that Opposition MPs have embarrassed themselves by staging a walkout during his Trumpish 2017 budget speech in Parliament on Friday.

The Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said that the walkout of Opposition MPs from Najib’s 2017 Budget in Parliament was shameful and indecent because never in the history of the country had MPs walked out during the budget presentation.

The Minister for Youth and Sports, Khairy Jamaluddin said it was unprofessional for Opposition MPs to stage a walk-out of Parliament during Najib’s budget speech.

Let me tell UMNO leaders from Najib to Hishammuddin to Khairy that they should realise that there is nothing more embarrassing, shameful, indecent and unprofessional than to lead Malaysia to a “global kleptocracy”.

I am shocked that the Prime Minister and all the UMNO and Barisan Nasional Ministers are completely bereft of shame and outrage that Malaysia is regarded world-wide as a “global kleptocracy” and they could accept such infamy and ignominy to the nation with such equanimity, passivity and peace of mind!

I for one have never felt so ashamed and outraged as a Malaysian in my 75 years that the country I so loved and for which I am prepared to sacrifice my freedom and liberties have descended so low that it is regarded world-wide as a “global kleptocracy”, a country ruled by PPP – Penchuri, Perompak dan Penyamun! Continue reading “UMNO leaders from Najib, Hishamuddin to Khairy should realise that there is nothing more embarrassing, shameful, indecent and unprofessional than to lead Malaysia to a “global kleptocracy””

I will ask for a third time in the MQT on Tuesday the question what the government is doing to purge the country of the infamy of a “global kleptocracy” – a test of whether Malaysian Parliament is first or third world Parliament

I will ask for a third time in the third session of Minister’s Question Time (MQT) next Tuesday the question what the government is doing to purge the country of the infamy of a “global kleptocracy”, which will be a test of whether the Malaysian Parliament is capable of becoming a first-world Parliament or is destined to be relegated to a third-world Parliament status.

I had boycotted the two MQTs last Tuesday and Thursday in protest agains the parliamentary charade pretending that Malaysia’s infamy for being a “global kleptocracy” does not exist.

I had on both MQT occasions submitted a question to ask the Prime Minister what action the government was taking to cleanse and purge the national infamy of being regarded world-wide as a “global kleptocracy”, but on both occasions, the question was not picked by the Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, as one of the three questions for answer during the MQT.

During the first day of Parliament last Monday, the Speaker made a most shocking and extraordinary ruling, barring all questions on the US Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuit filed on July 20 seeking forfeiture of US$1billion 1MDB-linked assets in the United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland from over US$3 billion international embezzlement, misappropriation and money-laundering of 1MDB funds on the ground that it is “sub judice”.

Pandikar is making a Speaker’s ruling which sets a world precedent, for no other Parliament in the world applies the “sub judice” rule arising from lawsuits in foreign countries. Continue reading “I will ask for a third time in the MQT on Tuesday the question what the government is doing to purge the country of the infamy of a “global kleptocracy” – a test of whether Malaysian Parliament is first or third world Parliament”

Malaysia intent on becoming laughing stock of the world – from “hotdog” furore to Speaker of global kleptocracy trying to ensure integrity of justice system in United States when we cannot ensure integrity of Malaysian judiciary

Malaysia seems intent to be constantly in international headlines as the laughing stock of the world – the latest being the “hotdog” furore and the Speaker of a global kleptocracy trying to ensure integrity of justice system in the United States!

I fully agree with former Cabinet Minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz who lamented that Malaysia’s reputation as a moderate Muslim nation is being negated with unfavourable developments which paint the country as nation governed in some spheres by people with horses blinkers – like the furore involving Auntie Anne’s “pretzel dog”, with people in power who had gone “doggone loco” trying to change the name of popular Western snack.

Then we have the Speaker of Parliament of a country which is the latest entry of the obnoxious club of “global kleptocracies” trying to ensure the integrity of the justice system in the United States, when we cannot ensure the integrity of the Malaysian judiciary in the first place.

Yesterday, Dewan Rakyat speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia says it is sub judice to discuss the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) suit on 1MDB assets, because the Hansard could then be cited by the DOJ in the US hearing.

He said: “Even if no one from Malaysia is called to testify in the trial in America, they can quote what is being said in the Malaysian Parliament in order to influence the trial in the America.

“This is why I did not allow the debate, because every argument made here can be used in the American trial, even if it is in a foreign land.

“What the minister said here can be quoted in the American trial. In my opinion, this can influence the trial.” Continue reading “Malaysia intent on becoming laughing stock of the world – from “hotdog” furore to Speaker of global kleptocracy trying to ensure integrity of justice system in United States when we cannot ensure integrity of Malaysian judiciary”

Continued boycott of second Minister’s Question Time: Parliament must bear part responsibility if Malaysia TI CPI 2016 plunges because of Malaysia’s world-wide infamy as the newest global kleptocracy

Today is the second day of Minister’s Question Time (MQT) which I am continuing to boycott in protest against the parliamentary charade pretending that Malaysia’s infamy for being a “global kleptocracy” does not exist.

I had again submitted a question for the MQT today to ask the Prime Minister what action the government was taking to cleanse and purge the national infamy of being regarded world-wide as a “global kleptocracy”, a question which was not picked by the Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, as one of the three questions for answer during the MQT debut on Tuesday.

This question has again been rejected for the MQT today.

All over the world, the reverberations from Malaysia being regarded world-wide as a global kleptocracy as a result of the 1MDB global financial scandal continues unabated, but in Malaysia, Parliament is the latest recruit of the great national pretence that Malaysia’s infamy being regarded world-wide as a global kleptocracy as a result of the 1MDB global financial scandal does not exist. Continue reading “Continued boycott of second Minister’s Question Time: Parliament must bear part responsibility if Malaysia TI CPI 2016 plunges because of Malaysia’s world-wide infamy as the newest global kleptocracy”

Is UMNO leading MCA/Gerakan/MIC/BN or PAS down the garden path on Hadi’s hudud bill?

On May 26 in Parliament, the UMNO leadership led MCA, Gerakan, MIC and the Sabah/Sarawak Barisan Nasional parties down the garden path when without any Barisan Nasional “consensus”, the UMNO Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Azalina Othman Said unilaterally and arbitrarily, moved a motion in Parliament to give priority to PAS President, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill motion over all official business.

In the last two days in Parliament, the UMNO leadership led PAS President, PAS MPs and the PAS membership down the garden path when Hadi’s private member’s bill motion was pushed from Item No. 4 yesterday to Item No. 7 today.

Although PAS members throughout the country expected Hadi’s private member’s bill motion to be passed in Parliament either yesterday or today, it is now clear that Hadi’s private member’s bill motion is unlikely to be debated in this first week of Parliament, which means it could not be debated, if at all, only in the last two days of the present budget meeting on Nov. 23 and 24 as Parliament will begin debating the 2017 Budget on Monday.

The intriguing question is who UMNO is leading down the garden path – MCA/Gerakan/MIC/BN parties in Sabah and Sarawak or PAS? Continue reading “Is UMNO leading MCA/Gerakan/MIC/BN or PAS down the garden path on Hadi’s hudud bill?”